Porsche Club of America
After eating many expressed their utmost satisfaction and enjoyment with the event and how they looked forward to future runs.
Paradise Cove Run and Breakfast
The 18th of February, 2012 dawned sunny and promising. The Taft High School parking lot stood ready to accept the forty three Porsches with their pilots and passengers. After formalities and group orientation, the stage was set for our 2012 run to Paradise Cove and breakfast at Bob Morris’ Beach Cafe. Keeping 43 cars together from Woodland Hills to Northern Malibu through the Santa Monica Mountains is a challenge no matter who’s directions or book of rules you’re trying to follow. There were some missed turns and various offthe-route excursions ( that’s route, not road), but everyone who started finally and safely arrived at Paradise Cove and eased into the exclusive parking area in front of the small pier next to the restaurant. Everyone was hungry and anxious to sample the excellent fare of the Beach Cafe.
Jeff Peck Photo
Los Angeles Region
Jason Zammit made some videos of the run from his car: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XitKg4FgNcw There are three altogether. Check them out.
Inside: Malibu Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Zone 8 Rep Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 LA & Z8 Events Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Art Yuter Photo
Jeff Peck Photo
Jeff Peck Photo
Art Yuter Photo
Art Yuter Photo
April 2012
Watch for emails with this banner at the top. They are notification of up-coming events. Response, contact info and other pertinent event data is included. These notices are the most reliable and immediate way to know what’s coming up. Be sure your email & contact info is up-to-date. Make email upda tes a t: www.pca.org
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April 2012
Zone 8 Calendar
LA Region Calendar
PRESIDENT ......................................................David Altemus 310-478-7728, fax 310-479-5181 1537 Pontius Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 VICE PRESIDENT .......................................................Art Yuter a.yuter@verizon.net SECRETARY .........................................................Roger Ignon rignon@edgesystem.net TREASURER ...................................................................Open MEMBERSHIP ...............................................Joe Shubitowski joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR..............................................Jeff Peck jbpeck@pacbell.net ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Roger Ignon .........rignon@edgesystem.net Arthur Yuter..........a.yuter@verizon.net Robert Vincent, Colleen Stein WEB MASTER ...............................................Joe Shubitowski joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com NEWSLETTER EDITOR & ADVERTISING MGR......Bruce Pollock imset@pacbell.net
PCA-ZONE 8 ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE ...........................................Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org FORMER ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE ...................Michael Dolphin carrera3@msn.com Secretary..............................................................Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com ZONE 8 WEBMASTER..............................................Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org CONCOURS CHAIR .................................................Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com RALLY CHAIR.....................................................Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com CHIEF DRIVING INSTRUCTOR ................................Scott Mann scott@renegadehybrids.com TIME TRIAL CHAIR/DE CHAIR .............................Dave Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com AUTOCROSS CHAIR ........................................David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com CLUB RACE COORDINATOR ...........................................Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com
Watch Your Email. March 3 4 9 10 11 19 April 7 13-15 20-22 28 May 5 5 5/6 12 19 19/20 20 27 June 2 9 16 24 30 30
Lit & Memorabilia Show All Porsche Swap Meet DE - San Diego Reg. Concours School - San Diego Reg. Autocross Santa Barbara Reg. Autocross & DE - Grand Prix Reg. Concours Prep School - S. Ariz. Reg. Long Beach Grand Prix California Festival of Speed - Zone 8 Autocross - Santa Barbara Reg. Concours - SGV Reg. Cinco DeMayo Concours & Banq. - SAR Perf. Driving School - San Diego Reg. Cinco de Mayo Autocross - S. Ariz. Reg. Autocross - Golden Empire Reg. Time Trial & DE- San Diego Reg. Concours - Grand Prix Reg. Drivers’ Ed - Cal Central Coast Reg. Rally - Cal Inland Reg. Autocross - San Diego Reg. Concours - Orange County Reg. Concours @ Greystone - LA Reg Concours Prep School - San Diego Reg. El Camino Real - Santa Barbara Rag.
March 6 (Tue.)...........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7728 to verify 17 (Sat.) ................Riverside International Museum 24 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
April 3 (Tue.)...........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7728 to verify 28 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
May 1 (Tue.)...........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7728 to verify 26 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
June 5 (Tue.)...........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7728 to verify 23(Sat.) ...................................................Breakfast Club 24 (Sun) .......................................LA Zone 8 Concours Greystone Mansion, Beverly Hills E v e n t I n f o : Jeff Peck
RULES COORDINATOR.......................................................Vacant — TREASURER ..............................................Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com RULES COORDINATOR .................................................Vacant — CHANGE OF ADDRESS .....................................Notify at once:
Fourth Annual
Porsche Concours
pca.org - Member Services & Contacts SUBSCRIPTIONS PCA members of other regions may become “Dual” members of PCA-LA and receive the Porscherama for 12 months by sending $24.00 to Joe Shubitowski, Membership Chairman, joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com Non-member subscription $36.00/ year. EDITORIAL POLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. (PCA/LA), a California Non Profit Corporation. It is published in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Statements contained herein are those of the author(s) and do not constitute an opinion of the PCA/LA, its board of directors or staff. All contributions become property of Porscherama. Porscherama reserves the right to edit all contributions. ADVERTISING POLICY Classified Advertising: Porscherama accepts classified ads for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche related items. Ads can run for three consecutive months. No charge to PCA/LA members. Non-member cost is $10.00 per month payable in advance, after which time they must be resubmitted. Porscherama is not responsible for the accuracy of information contained in any ad and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale, nor the accuracy of any claims or representation made by the advertiser. Type or print clearly, include your PCA number and email ad copy to: imset@pacbell.net with “Porsche Classified” in the subject line.
Greystone Mansion Beverly Hills
June 24, 2012 Event Calendar Note Events shown in the LA Region Calendar of events are always subject to change. The published schedule of activities is best thought of as “intended” activities. After and when all aspects of the event are confirmed and solidified, email notification, including details, begins. When email “blasts” go out, the event is firm and final. Email is now our primary method of event notification. Keep your email info current at:
April 2012
Zone 8 Happenings
Speaking of events, there are several Zone events happening in March and early April; March 9 San Diego Region Drivers’ Ed at the Auto Club Speedway in Fontana March 10 Zone 8 Concours Prep & Judging School in Vista March 11 Santa Barbara Region Autocross at Earl Warren Fairgrounds March 19 Grand Prix Region Drivers’ Ed & Autocross at the Streets of Willow April 7 Southern Arizona Region Concours Prep & Judging School
Zone 8 Rep Tom Brown
By Tom Brown Zone 8 Rep. In our ongoing effort to improve communication with the membership, PCA Zone 8 (consisting of the 13 regions in Southern California & Nevada as well as Arizona) now has a Facebook page, Google+ page, a YouTube channel and a Twitter account. With these tools we hope to keep you better informed about upcoming events throughout the Zone as well as report back to you on all the fun and excitement enjoyed by those that were there. Like our page, join our circle, follow our tweets! And if you have something to contribute, don’t be shy - post a comment! Or if you have video or pictures to share, please do. All you need to do is contact your Zone Rep. - that’s me, at
zonerep@zone8.org and I can get it posted. To sign up, please use the links on zone8.pca.org. Email may be old fashioned, but it is still very important. Club news is sent out regularly by email from National, the Zone and your region. National and the Zone (as well as many regions) rely on the email address in your PCA account on PCA.ORG. If you are not receiving you emails from the club, you should log into your account on pca.org, and make sure your email address is there and up to date. Even if your region uses a different system you should make sure it is correct on pca.org so that you don’t miss anything important from National or the Zone. If you have any trouble,the staff at the national office is eager to please. Drop them an email or give them a call. Keep current and you won’t miss out on the next car raffle or important news about Zone and Regional events.
Art Yuter Photo
These aren’t all that is happening, as our regions have full calendars of local events going on all the time. For more information, see zone8.pca.org for the Zone Calendar and for links to each region. Get out and about! There are a lot of fun activities happening all the time and you are welcome to join in almost any region event. Travel and see what your club neighbors are up to! While we are talking about our Web calendars, I’d like to mention that the Zone web site will continue to grow and evolve. One goal of mine is to steal an idea from our friends in Zone 9. The Zone 9 web site lists the favorite driving roads for each region in that zone. That seems like something we should do as well, as many of us find ourselves driving outside of our regions from time to time for one reason or another. Might as well have a little fun while we are doing it! If you have a favorite Porsche road, please send it to me at zonerep@zone8.org Please include a description, such as the road name or number and the stretch that you find to be an absolute blast in your Porsche ( so that others may find it ). Also include your name and region and I’ll make sure it is posted on the ZONE8 website for all to share and enjoy. As I am now the Zone 8 Representative, I need to hand off my previous Zone staff position of Rules Chair to a volunteer. Which means that I need to recruit that new volunteer, of course! If you think you might be interested in working on the Zone staff and volunteering to be our Rules Chair, I am now accepting applications. Please send me a note at zonerep@zone8.org, and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have and take you into consideration for the position. Tom Brown Zone 8 Representative
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April 2012
ours Conc r ne 8 o Z A n o so p PCAL S 2011 m
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Absolute Registration Deadline: May 21, 2012. Space is limited, Register NOW! All Judged Class entries: $85. • All Park & Display entries: $55. All entries include one (1) lunch ticket. Add’l. lunch tickets available at $20. each. Raffle Tickets: $5/ea. or $20/5 All paid entries eligible for Peoples’ Choice Award voting.
Full Concours Division C-1 All Closed 356 C-2 All Open 356 C-3 911-912: ‘65-’73 C-4 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E (‘74-’83) C-5 911-Carrera & Turbo (‘84-’89) C-6 911-Carrera & Turbo (964, 993: ’89-’98) C-7 911-Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997: ’99 — 2012) C-8 914-4, 914-6 C-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968
Street Division S-1 All Closed 356 S-2 All Open 356 S-3 911-912: ‘65-’73 S-4 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E (‘74-’83) S-5 911-Carrera & Turbo (‘84-’89) S-6 911-Carrera & Turbo (964, 993: ‘89-’98) S-7 911-Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997: ‘99 — 2012) S-8 914-4, 914-6 S-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968
Unrestored Stock Division UR-1 All Closed 356 UR-2 All Open 356 UR-3 911-912: ‘65-’73 UR-4 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E (‘74-’83) UR-5 911-Carrera & Turbo (‘84 -’89) UR-6 911-Carrera & Turbo (964, 993:’89 -’98) UR-7 911-Carrera & Turbo (996, ‘99-Y-10) UR-8 914, 914-6 UR-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968
Übergang Division UG -1 All Boxster
UG -3
911 Carrera, 991 (2012 on)
UG -5
UG -4
All Cayenne
Special Interest
UG -2
All Cayman
Special Categories Division >
All Panamera
Current Competition
Wash + Shine Division W&S-1
All 356
911-912: ‘65-’73 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E: ‘74-’83 914-4, 914-6
911-Carrera & Turbo (‘84-’89) 911-Carrera & Turbo, (964, 993:’89-’98)
911-Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997: ‘99 on)
All Boxster, Cayman
All 924, 928, 944, 968
Cayenne, Panamera
Limited Production
Entered Porsche Info Class Entered ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Year ________
Model ________________________________________________
Color ___________________________________________________________
Body _____________________________________
License Plate
Entrant Contact Info Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email
@ ______________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________ PCA Region ________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________ State ____________ Zip __________________________________ BEST Contact Phone
( ________________________ )
— ________________________________________________________
Entry Fee Enclosed ______ + ___ Add’l. Lunch Tickets @ $20. _____ + ___ Raffle Tickets @ $5 ______ = Total Enc l. $ ___________ Entry Fee Enclosed ______ + ___ Add’l. Lunch Tickets @ $20. _ Or ___ pack/s of 5 @ $20 ______= Total Enc l. $ ___________ Make checks payable to PCA/LA and mail with completed registration form to:
Joe Shubitowski, 1537 Pontius Ave., Los Angeles, CA joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com
Photo by Art Yuter
April 2012
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April 2012
ne A Zo L A 1 PC
urs nco o C 8
ns o p S
April 2012
Classifieds Ads can run for three consecutive months, after which they must be resubmitted. If your ad is included here with three dots following it, you must resubmit. Submit by email to imset@pacbell.net and include your current membership number and contact information.
page 7
Porsche Cars
2007 911 Carrera 4 Coupe 35,500 miles, Basalt Metallic Ext., Black/Sand two tone full leather Int., 6-spd, Porsche Sport Exhaust System, Bi-xenon headlamps, Gen 1 Turbo alloys, Bose hi-end Sound System, Instrument Dials Sand Beige, Porsche Billet Gear Shift Lever, Heated Seats, Telephone module, Porsche Mats, Porsche CPO Factory Extended Warranty to 8/13, Tire and Wheel Road Hazard Warranty to 1/15, Lojack, no dings, dents or accidents, tires replaced at 24,000 miles. $55,000, contact David Weinstein at dweinstein@taxlawbiz.com<mailto:dweinstein@taxlawbiz.com or 310-849-2727••• 2000 Porsche Carrera Cabriolet Beautiful Special Order Slate Gray Metallic w/Black Int., 53K miles, Leather, Aluminum Trim Pkg, Tiptronic S, Sound Pkg, CD Changer, 3 Spoke Leather Steering Wheel, On Board Computer, Climate Control, PSM, Keyless Entry w/Alarm, Xenon Headlights, 18" Turbo Chrome Twist Wheels w/Chrome Crested Centers, Chrome Exhaust Tips, Windscreen, Sheepskins, Cover, Well Maintained and Dealer Serviced. A Super Clean Car Inside and Out! A Must See! $28,500. Mike (323) 204-7744, mike@scallan.com - Serious Inquiries Please•• Porsche
Spitfire Grill 3300 Airport Ave. Santa Monica Interstate 10 to Bundy Drive. South to Airport Ave. Right to 3300 (on the left).
9:00 am March 24, 2012
April 28, 2012
May 26, 2012
imset@pacbell.net with “Porsche Classified” in the subject line. Art Yuter Photo
WE DO IT. Full Service, High Quality Printing
(818) 623-3100 g2@g2online.com
Ask for
John Beard
PORSCHERAMA Porsche Club of America
Los Angeles Region
1537 Pontius Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025
2012 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; MARCH-APRIL
Return Service Requested Time Sensitive Material
Dates are subject to change. Watch Your Email.
March 6 (Tue.)...........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7728 to verify 17 (Sat.) ................Riverside International Museum 24 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
April 3 (Tue.)...........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7728 to verify 28 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
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