Porsche Club of America
Los Angeles Region
2012 Porsche Concours at Greystone Mansion Expanded Photgraphic Coverage
Concours Special 2012
Inside: Zone 8 Concours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
were heard throughout the mansion grounds all day and at the awards presentation. Beverly Hills Porsche Photo.
Many photos were committed to the digital realm by Dan & Charlene Sharp of 6speedstudios.com. All of Dan & Charlene’s photos can be viewed at: http://www. flickr.com/photos/81159096@N06/sets/72157630273906652/
Jay Huffschmidt of Beverly Hills Porsche also made available a lot of great shots that he took during the day. All the Beverly Hills Porsche photos can be viewed at: http://www. flickr.com/photos/beverlyhillsporsches/sets/72157630273329112/ Beverly Hills Porsche Photo.
Beverly Hills Porsche Photo.
Sunday June 24, 2012. Beverly Hills.
There are always more good photos than there is room in our printed newsletter, so here are some that didn’t get printed but help tell the story.
The overwhelming consensus from entrants, spectators and staff is that our fourth annual Zone 8 Porsche Concours at Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills was the best yet! The weather was in the glorious category—the kind that makes people move here from all manner of other places. Everyone was quick to exclaim their praise of our event and how well we planned and efficiently implemented the event. New this year was the Peoples’ Choice award which was quite popular and won by Russ Dickerson entered in the Wash & Shine Division with his black 2011 911 GT3 RS 4.0 Coupe.
Art Yuter and Kirk Gerbracht also contributed photos of the day. Their shots are viewable at our web site in a separate “Concours Special” file.
Join us next year at the mansion. You’ll be glad you did.
Peoples’ Choice Winner. Beverly Hills Porsche Photo.
We were pleased and honored that Michael Dolphin accepted our invitation to serve as head judge this year. His leadership contributed greatly to the success of our concours. Thanks, Michael. Also new for this year was Scott Mann who appeared as the Master of Ceremonies for our awards presentation. Scott came all the way from Las Vegas to help us out and we were all the better for his professional addition to our concours. And speaking of new for this year, we had very pleasant auditory experiences via the sound work of David Fallica. David ensured that good things
Beverly Hills Porsche Photo.
Beverly Hills Porsche Photo.
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