Porscherama 1973 May

Page 1



BOARD C HAl I~MAN Duane Alan PRESIDENT John Kepler 12425 Texas Ave. W. LOS Angeles, Ca. 90025 VICE PRESIDENT Ron Ramage SECRETARY Edith Savage TREASURER Corky Kirk ACTIVITIES Ralph Campbell PUBLICITY Paul Edwards TECHNICAL John Larson MEMBERSHIP Tore Johnson 4225 Virginia Vista Long Beach, Ca. 90807

283-7423 820-2097

374-6888 454-4041 447-5109 826-0253 378-4790 821-3591 426-8063

PCA.LA AT A GLANCE PCA-LA is 350 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory cl~b in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine ("Porsche Panorama") and generally provides s forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilireting (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understandings maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy:




~= DI’I’O I=1




presidential rhetoric

4451 Pacific Coast Highway #303 Torrance, California 90505 372-1171 (day) 378-4790 (night) STAFF Arda Jackson Del Jackson Lynda Webber POLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. Porscherama is owned by the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region (a California Corporation) and is published monthly in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by Porscherama no later than the 20th of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in Porscherama are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, its Board of Directors, the Porscherama editor or its staff. All contributions become the property of Porscherama unless accompanied by a sel~ addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of Porscherama reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication, AOVERTIZING

Full page H~if page Quarter page Eighth page


$40/mo $30/mo $20/rmD $15/mo

It makes me.very s~ to observe what seems to be the end of fun c~rs. This may well result from the insane haste taken in implementing some highly questionable federal regulations. Let’s take a look at one of them - Smog Regulat’ions. I found the results of a study made by Dr. Robert F. Sawyer (as quoted in "Road and Track") of interest. A professor at UC Berkeley, Dr. Sawyer admits that some West Coast cities (particularly LA) have unique problems because of inversion and, that taking the U.S. as a whole, automobiles put out the majority of total pollutants. However, when you study toxic pollutants (those that harm life and those that we should be most concerned about), 88% of these come from stationary sources: He included the following chart: Source

~ of Pollution by total by air mass quality

Motor Vehicles Industry Power Plants Space Heating Refuse Disposal

61 16 14 6 3

12 37 36 I0 5

Continued on Page 2 COVER The cover this month was photographed by Ralph and Geri Boothe during their vacation to Yosmite Nation~l Park in June of 1972. Beautiful i~n’t it? |

$160/6 $120/6 $ 80/6 $ 60/6

mo mo so mo

$240/yr $180/yr $120/yr $ 90/yr






Subscription rate for non-members of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, is $4.00 per year.


(Continued from Page i) So here we are spending tons of money (yours and mine) to attack what may be the wrong problem. Pitiful, isn’t it. As for places like Los Angeles - perhaps we should have a rapid transit system, leave our "pride and joy" in the garage until the weekend and then enjoy it.

W~at’s the solution? Well, I have faith in technology. It will find a solution, if given time. But you can’t legislate creative breakthroughs. (I sometimes wonder if any of our legislators drive cars or are chauffered around all the time - and perhaps don’t know what’s happening.) One can scream and yell, beat your chest and roar, but it still takes time to do some things. Pass all the laws you want, and women still require about 9 months to produce a baby (quite frankly, John, we thought maybe you and your wife had figured a longer way).

Speaking of cost, Mercedes-Benz (whose engineers certainly command respect) has made some projections: comparing a 1965 to a 1976 car, you will use 3~ more fuel and have 30% less peak power, Furthermore, the cost of maintance will be 160% greater. Stated another way, cost per horsepower in 1976 will be 25~ of what it was in 1965 and 215% more than it was in 1971. Note: the 1971 levels specified pollutants 90% controlled; now look at the cost of going from 9~ to 98%.

Perhaps we can look at some of the safety regulations later - they are equally distressing. Sometimes I wonder as I sit on the side of the bed, with one sock in my hand, should PCA try to be a voice, a lobby on matters like this .... or should we not get involved in politics? It sure is a helpless feeling ....

Another point, on the one hand the government talks to us about an energy crisis and on the other hand says burn 3~ more fuel for 30% less power. Can anyone see any logic there? (There is doubtless a lot of political logic there, and probably considerable advantage to both the domestic auto industry who is better able to meet new types of controls and the oil industry who is looking, not only for depletion allowances, but for oil exploration credits and ways to overcome objections to projects such as the Alaska Pipeline. In brief, it is as much a political game as a rational process - Ed.)

all pnrsche anything...


r llN 10% OFF TO PCA













Anything tT324 Santa Mo~ica Boulevard




Los Angetes, California 90025





Telephone: (213) 473-2941





june tune


Sunday/lO:O0 a.mo ~ ..............





3 Q

4 11

~ .......... 14














5 12



~’~i~.i:~’~ ......

mBy dgze IO~h MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday/8:00 p.m. The General Merabership Meeting for May will be held at the Santa Monica Boulevard Elementary School (not the Original Bar-B-Q, look for a dinner meeting next month), 1022 Van Ness Avenue, Hollywood (between Melrose and Santa Monica Boulevard). The evening will feature an excellent film on skiing entitled "Yahoo". Boyd Kruger (PCA) will be there to answer questions about the sport. This is not a promotional film just a "for fun" film. Wear your name tags and come, guests welcome.

The first competitive speed event for ’73 and a warm up for Willow Springs later this summer will be held at the large TRW parking lot at the corner of

Aviation Boulevard and Marine Avenue in Manhattan Beach. (East of Aviation Boulevard and where it crosses the San Diego Freeway, Marine Avenue is Compton Boulevard; also, TRW has its high rise offices and a large parking lot diagonally across from the site Bob is describing. We’ll have to clear this up in the flyer. Don’t fret: - Ed.) Registration and tech inspection start at i0:00 a.m. and practice begins at noon. As our first competitive slalom in several years you won’t want to miss it. The course and classes will be designed to provide an equal chance for all Porsches. Trophies and competition points will be awarded for all those that place. All Porsches are welcome, however Street exhaust systems are mandatory: The cost of competing in the slalom will be nominal and will be contained in the event flyer. For further information, or to volunteer to help with putting on the event, call Bob Van Cleave, event chairman, at 847-7022 or 368-4059.

23rdANTI-THEFT MEETING Wednesday/8 TECH : 00 p.m. Boggs and McBirney for the third month in a row. Whew: (We’ll have to make the place a shrine.) Anyway, since only you can protect your Porsche from being ripped off, come hear about the best systems to date, from Anes Alarms to brake lock-up systems to wire scramblers, One of those discussed should be right for you, hear John Larson, famous tech chairman, state his preference: The shop is located at 11650 Santa Monica Boulevard in West Los Angeles. ~min, ladies are welcome (they get ripped off

Thursday/8:00 p.m. Your Board will get it together at the home of Duane Alan, 1049 Bradshawe Ave. Monterey Park. (Try a map before you leave home.) If you are new to the club, have something you would like to get off your chest, or would like to attend just to see what is going on or co~ing off, just call and let them reserve you a seat and a cup of coffee. Their phone is 283-7423.

last events BRIGGS CUNNINGHAM TOUR The morning may have been overcast but the sparkle on the cars at the Briggs Cunningham Automotive Museum in Costa Mesa would have lit up any day. Talk about impressive - and with a touch of nostalgia too! If I’m sounding ~ little profound its only becuase big words are the only way to describe the three hour tour given by Mr. John Burgess, the museum’s director and manager. He made what would have been a good tour, a great tour! with his background and knowledge of automotive history and engineering, a c~r like the 1919 Ballot Indianapolis Car was like an old friend (I might add that the Ballot and most of the other cars are in perfect running order, and that many of their varied and fine engines were turned on for our benefit. It was enough to make you cry when you stop to think that most of the cars are betwen 40 and 60 years old). I was really impressed with the 1927 Delage. When Mr. Burgess turned over its eight cylinder, in-line, 1½ litre, d.o.h.c, and all ball or roller bearing engine, the sound was like the purr of an affectionate lion. ~


great experience. To name a few of the cars we saw - a 1928 Bugatti Grand Prix Race Car, 1912 Sispano-Suiza, 1935 Dusenberg SSJ (ex-Gary Cooper Car), 1931 Rolls Royce Phantom II, and the ugliest car you can imagine - the 1950 Cunningham Sports Racing Car "Le Monstre". It’s really worth while spending a morning or afternoon at Briggs! For those that went on to the picnic - that was good too!!! BOGGS AND MCBIRNEY TECH SESSION MIT NGK Meanwhile, the technically inclined assembled in Santa Monica on the 25th of April to hear Bob McClung of Ernie McAffee’s NGKWerks expound on spark plug theory and extol those plugs from the land of the rising sun. The slide presentation was good, with comparative shots of spark plug design and construction, plug condition and diagnosing the engines they came out of. Bob gave us each a i0 lb. packet of brochures and material to take home and probably stayed longer than expected to field our many questions. Thanks to him, the people at McAfee, and last but not least, Reno Weathers and the people at Boggs and McBirney who have been great in letting us use their conference room. Well Lorac, keep on truckin . . . we’ll make it, if we want to ....



looking for a partner .

Valley 1927 DELAGE

Grand Prix Race Car

Many of the cars had been restored to their original status - in other words I would have given my right arm just to say I’d sat in one. I especially liked a cute little 1929 "Stutz" with orange and yellow cream paint. I can’t say enough about the car and time that has been put into maintaining and restoring these cars. Some are one of a kind and in better shape than some Porsches I’ve seen. If you

. a ladder?

Plaza - ¯¯¯



Courts located a~ ;~aural Canyon and Victory (behind Sears Store) FOR INFORMATION CALL Suzanne Sproul 764-1337

april minutes John Kepler called the Board to order at about 8:15 p.m. on April 5, 1973 at Edith’s "Clubhouse". Members and guests included Ralph Campbell, Duane Alan, Pau! Edwards, Dale Anderson, Tore Johnson and Ron Rammage, in order of their appearance. John Larson called to report car trouble and say that he couldn’t make it (kinda destroys one’s faith - Ed.). Our president emphasised that we should try to be on time for these 7:30 meetings . . . at least by 8:00 p.m.! JK requested Ralph to obtain a financial accounting from event chairman so we can ascertain whether or not their event was a monetary boom or bust. John also requested that brief write-ups of coming events should reach Paul at least 2 weeks before the event to assure a timely flyer, All agreed that Porscherama was good in retrospect, but that it needed more advance news. Discussion centered on how to get the paper out on time, and it became apparent that it was not possible to put out the paper until there is the material to work from. Anyone ready to write an article? Who can do graphic and art work? (We have a beautiful publication - let’s keep it that way - Sec.) (Blush - Ed.) Application has been made for the same "schoolhouse" for our membership meetings during the remainder of this year. In case we were turned down becuase of our cooky crumbs or dues collection, our next meeting will be (would have been!) at the Original Bar-B-Q. It was agreed to drop the Lone Pine Timetrials because the local chamber of Commerce wanted to charge admission and set up refreshment stands serving beer. This was too much for our insurance to handle! Tore reported paid membership down to 241 - which is not unusual and which should improve as procrastinators renew . . ¯ although those who didn’t leave forwarding addresses may be gone forever. Corky reported by pony express that we have a current bank balance of $1,184, which includes the collection of four old and outstanding checks one from Connecticut. Yeah, Corky! Corky is also reconciling our books for recent years and has contacted the IRS regarding our non-profit/tax-exempt status. (How could he do all this before 4-15???)

al)out it. The Monterey Parade registration was discussed at length (see membership minutes). The next Board meeting will be held May 3rd at John Larson’s home. The meeting closed with a happy roar of engines echoing down Pacific Coast Highway . . . and the purr of one Volvo. Sixty-nine Porsche-pushers met at the schoolhouse on April 12, 1973. Duane Alan conducted the meeting in the expected absence of John Kepler - only to have John arrive directly from the Airport at 8:00 on the dot . . . such devotion! The regular business was quickly disposed of see coming events and Board minutes. Discussion was heated on the means and method used in handling the Monterey Parade reservations. Result: John will draft a letter to PCA National President, Louis Marable, asking for a clarification of registration priorities and offering suggestions for the future, including allocating reservations on the basis of region size. Duane announced an impromptu "Wild Flower Tour" (he who doesn’t attend meetings is lost!!!) for April 15th. Corky’s treasury report was preceded by two tales of the freeway: "When and How to Use the Bus Lane on the San Bernardino Freeway (to avoid flying cars)" and "One Good Use for Emergency Phones". He indicated that the same $1,184 was still in the till. John Larson reminded everyone to check their car’s drain holes for stoppage and their car for rust. Refreshments (Ye Gods, we’re getting fancy) were provided by the Lerg Family, Loreen and Ernie Ozvath, Nicki and Duane Alan, and Geri Boothe. Thanks gang .... Afterward, a truly stiring CanAm film. Photography, sounds, even classical music. Too bad if you missed the inside story and close-ups of Donohue and Follmer driving, accepting awards and spraying champagne. Thanks for the. film, Ron. See you all on May 10th. Come see if George Gedeon has his cast of b~ then . . . by the way, ~George, how did you get that on? ~Respectfully submitted, Edith Savage Secretary

~ JK reminded us that it wasn’t too early to gather names for potential new Board



Nobody’s listening. I’m screaming. Loosen up and enjoy your life. Forget the money, the deadlines and the same old bull we’ve been worrying about since we left high school. Those things take care of themselves. We pat ourselves to think they don’t. If you want to generate something, if you want to make it happen, you have to act. Take this club. Why don’t some of you talented people get your stuff together and contact Ralph Campbell about putting on a happening, an "event", an activity, bash or bust: It doesn’t have to be pure "car". It doesn’t have to be car at all. A picnic, a party, a photography session, a tour south or north, up or down, a ball game or roller derby, a parade through Huntington Gardens, a protest at VW Pacific. Good lord, we are going to rot away and nothing is going to have changed. Not us. Women. What’s the story? We can see you’re different. Can’t you get yourselves together? All I see are cookies and beg-offs. There must be a real live human being hiding behind that make-up and the man. Do something for yourselves and the MC pigs. Men. We’re going to start ordering canes, instead of badges. Bloated egos, slick responses and sullen heads. Standing around like adolescents that went to a party they weren’t invited to. Later::: This is a great bunch of people, we are: You know it; I know it. Yet we’re wallowing in our own machinations. Unique car? How about you? Let’s shake a hand, turn a smile, get it on.

Despite old pompous Gandalf, we love youl We’re even using bulk mailing rates in order to save you money. However, bulk mailimg is not forwardab]~: Therefore it is of utmost importance that if you want to receive Porscherama, you notify me before you move. If you don’t, I eventually get your corrected address (note the "address correction requested" on the cover) but it takes time and costs the club for postage due. This way you won’t miss out and we can keep our records straight and up to date. Also you must include your zip code and should include your phone number for use in the club roster. Speaking of rosters, we need to update ours something terrible. - particularly phone numbers. (Phone numbers are not included if the post office has given us your change of address.) If you have any reason to think your name, address and/or phone number is in error in our records (I would guess its about a 50% chance), write or call our membership Chairman, Tore Johnson, 4225 Virginia Vista, Long Beach, Calif. 90807. Phone 213-426-8063.




Gandalf the white

. . . Brigitte Bardot has recently purchased a blue 911S . . Dr. and Mrs. PORSCHE hope to attend the Parade in Monterey. Final plans will be made during May . . . President Nixon’s appointee to be Secretary of Transportation, Claude S.

FRAUDIE LOOKS AT THE BOARD Stop::: Hold the Show::: My old bod is getting tired of all you people sayin what a good job the new Board is doing .this year. I have the real hot stuff about them ole rascals. I’m gonna tell you about them as soon as I fik a little snack. Let’s see, a bit more beer on my corn flakes with a prune juice chaser (that’ll set ole Fraudie movin:). Back to business. -The BoardPresident, John Kepler: Our illustrious pres was sitting home reading the Third Reich and wanted power. And John was made pres. If you had a panzer aiming at your Porsche, you’d vote for him too. Vice-President, Ron Rammage: Ronnie is the most experienced Board member of all. He was on the Board before there was a club. Why don’t you chair an event Ronnie? Secretary, Edith Savage: The club must do something about Eddie. Have you noticed how she just keeps on rappin at the general meetings? We must keep her quiet (come to my place, Eddie). Treasurer, Corky Kirk: Corky is PCA-LA’s own Howard Cosell, with a smile (when he shows up). Activities, Ralph Campbell: Ralphie doesn’t know it yet, but he really is Activities Chairman. If everyone is real quiet, we might know what we’re going to do last month. Tech, John Larson: Did you know that pistons are the same in a 911S as in an Audi? Go sit down, John . Publicity, Paul Edwards: Paul is a nice guy. Now, if we could just keep him off

Duane has a picture of himself on the wall at home, and every day he puts fresh flowers and a votive candle in front of it? He had a bad dream the other night, and woke up screaming "A 914 i~s a Porsche:~:" This Board was specially blended. By mistake: Fraudie

tours 4’2 I haven’t heard if anyone has taken my advice yet but I have another tour for you that combines a great view of the ocean with picnicking and, if you like, a day of photography. This month’s tour takes you to the southern end of the Palos Verdes Peninsula to a lovely spot, Point Fermin. This is the place that’s slowly been falling into the ocean for the past few years. We found it to be a photographer’s paradise with the coming of spring flowers, the ocean and the remains of what was once a residential area now turned into a strange combination ef broken asphalt and wild flowers. The Park itself has picnic tables, or a well-kept lawn if you truly want to get back to mother earth. There are trails that lead you to the ocean’s edge where you can roll up your pant legs and hunt for sea creatures. All this and whatever else you can find are easily got to by taking the Harbor Freeway to its end then straight out Gaffey to 25th Street, right on 25th, to Western, left on Western, veer to the left onto Paseo del Mar (you can’t miss it, if you do I hope your Porsche floats). Have a goodtime, don’t forget your camera and a lunch.

the corner of Van Ness and Santa Boulevards shouting "Paper, Paper,Monica Get your Porscherama" . . .(It always happens to nice guys.) Membership, Tore Johnson: A loaf of bread at the door. What a personality (Oh hi l What’s your name? See spot jump:) Go on a diet and shut up, Tore.

Lynda Webber

~ .I


i::~iii! porsche .... ing consultants for:~::~: ~~~"~1"~~ ~


Personalized Porsche Service , ~ 4477 Sepu;veda B0u~evard

~~Cu~erC~ty. Ca,~orn~ago230




and blueprinting

engine rebuilding


precision t ransmis~ion setup


fabrication of special tooling imported metric fasteners special engine.transmission

by appointment: ~~" ~~



tech Trouble Shooting "Bosch" C.D. System If your 1969 through 1973 911, equipped with Bosch Capacity Discharge System, quits or won’t start and the ignition system is suspected, the following procedure should be followed to check operation of ignition system: Examine ignition breaker points and all electrical connections. Turn on ignition. A hum should be heard in the switch gear (or 4" x 7" finned aluminum box) located on the left side of the engine compartment. If no hum is heard, the current consumption should be checked by connecting an ampermeter between "15" (red wire from ignition switch) and terminal "B" (middle connection on switch gear). The best method is to make a temporary wire with a push-on connector and connect to coupling. Then hook the ampermeter between the temporary wire and the cable leading to terminal "B" on the switch gear. Courtesy PCA Northwest Region



quality metric tools


functional accessories

~ ~

instrument repair mechanical detailing


precision machine work

racing "Habit" Peter Greg drove a Carrera RS to victory in the opening Trans Am race of the year. Greg qualified seventh over~ll and, after 12 laps, was pushing first. Second place went to A1 Hobbert in the ex-Rodger Penske Carrera. Third Place went to a Corvette driven by the Boogs team. Greg stated that the Carrera isn’t going to run away with the series. It should win at the tight tracks, but things won’t be easy at the larger and faster ones. Greg also stated that the r~ce took alot out of him physically. It’s not the same as enduro racing where you change drivers. He drove for four hours straight and flat out: Congragulations Peter, on another fine performance for the marque.

Tore Johnson




Porscherama is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this

Specializing in close-tolerance machining for air-cooled engines. PORSCHE&HI-

CO lumn.

1971 911S Coupe. Metallic Silver. 2.2 litre with Bosch Competition Injection (42mm), factory sport exhaust, 5-speed with competition pattern/linkage, complete Ginther suspension, 6" Porsche Mags with 5 new Dunlop VR’s. AM/FM, Tinted glass, driving lights, etc. $8,500. Call Tore Johnson at 432-3216

PERFORMANCE VW’s-- Our bag: Send for FREE Catalog covering

components, servicing tips, and prices you can live with. MASTER CHARGE/BANK AMERICARD

or 426-8063.

1970 911S Tarqa. Silver with Black interior. Flawless : AM/FM/Tapedeck, New clutch, 6" Porsche Mags with 5,000 mi on new tires, only 38,000 miles on car. Just tuned and serviced by Porschop. $7,100. Call John Mendell at 553-0775, evenings between 6 and i0 p.m.

ACCEPTED. 2095N. LakeAve. Altadena, Ca. 91001 [213) 794-8402 (213) 681-5991 RAY LITZ’s COMPETITION ENGINEERING

Chrome Luqqaqe Rack. For 356 single grill. Reasonable: Call Denny Shutes at 765-2571.


for sale This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. Porscherama will also print listings of non-PCA members on a space available basis if accompanied by a check in the amount of $3.00 payable to Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. All listings must conform to i. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise. (Display advertizing at nominal rates are available for businesses);


2. Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers;


3. Each listing must be limited to fifty words, plus name, address, zip code and telephone number. All listings are subject to editing and condensing; and 4. All listings must be received by or before the 20th of each month for inclusion in the next month’s issue.





’ oo ooo >

happening elsewhere

HELP WANTED: Mike Warner is preparing a ’62 Carrera for the concours at the Monterey Parade. The amount of time he is putting into the care is tremendous, but needs help particularly with completely disassenabling the undercarriage. He lives in South Bay. Call him at 373-5949 (home) or 648-3542 (work). This is a proven winning car and would be a real feather for PCA-LA at the Parade: 1970 911S Targa. Maroon. 106,000 miles but only 5,000 miles since complete rebuild. AM/FM/Tapedeck, lowered, racing tires, repainted same color. %5,300. Call Arch Kirkwood at 923-2946 in the Downey area.

May 13

.Orange Coast Region. Swap Meet.at Briggs Cunningham Museum. For info call John Bond Jr. at 714-494-6996.

May 19-20

POC. Pomona Time Trials, Slalom, Concours (ye gods, that’s a lot) For info call Tom King at 537-4423.

May 20__Le’ Circle Concours d’Elegance at the Ambassador Hotel, 3400 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, i0:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Adults $2.00; Children $I~00. Benefits Charity.

1959 Carrera Convertible. Hand-rubbed silver with 912 engine. This is a unique and immaculate car (Paul says $60 away from perfect:). 34,000 total miles and probably 90% of the time in the garage. Radials, racing belts, roll bar. $4,500. Call Paul Ahern at 278-8510 (day) or


MAY 25TH~UNE 3R~ 1973

W E ST WO O D Sales ~Ct~ Leasing




































call joe deSantis~

PORSCH.E - AUOI 10959 Santa Monica Boulevard, Westwood, California 90025

Phone: 478-,~095

ies nogv6aHx 1.

David Carpenter 5301 Harter Lane La Canada, Calif. 790-5062

David is an actuary, he and his wife, Karen are interested in driving school, rallys and social. They own a 1971 914.


Marilyn Roland 4016 Sawtell Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. 391-8618

Marilyn is in sales and owns a 1968 912. Her interests are in rallys, tech and social.


John Ollivier 13856 Bora Bora Way Marina Del Rey, Calif. 823-8878

John is a leasing rep with interests in tech, social and autocross. He drives a 1970 914-6.


Dave Swehla 905 Gaviota #i0 Long Beach Calif. 591-0972

Dave is a Navy man who drives a 1973 914 1.7. Dave has an interest in social rallys and autocross.

membership Dear Friends. Your mild-mannered membership chairman is foaming at the mouth. The Porsche Parade is the topic, Believe me, I’m not trying to be radical about the problem, I’d just like to see things done a little more fairly, Here’s the situation: The Parade in Monterey was booked up as of the last of February. The deadline for accepting reservations was scheduled for July ist: I sent in my registration in late January or early February, only to be informed (one month later) that my number was 627 and that I would be placed on a waiting list since they could accomodate only 500 entrants, This bothered me no end. I was very mad at myself for not entering sooner (One might say he was even tore up - Ed.).

turned out to be the largest region with 399 members - and that is after the cutoff for non-renewals. So friends, hypothetically, the Golden Gate Region could, by themselves, take up 80% of the Parade - and they knew about the Parade way in advance of the rest of us. Someone then mentions how they could know ahead of time, that the reaction would be so great. Remember that in 1962, the 7th Parade was held in Monterey and, at that time they were booked very early. By the way, back in ’62 the limit was also 500 entrants. I guess the Porsche Marque hasn’t expanded the last ii years. Only about 400%. So, what do we do about it? Your Board is putting together a letter to be mailed to everyone connected with the Parade. Even if we can’t do anything about it this year, we can hope that it won’t happen again. If anyone in our LA Region is planning~on going to the Parade and, at the last minute finds it impossible, please contact me so that I can give them to other people in our region who want to attend. Do not send them to Monterey:

Now the reason for my 12,000 rpm madness: As membership chairman I’m normally in touch with National PCA (Jane Nesterlode) two or three times a month. So, the last time, I requested a report denoting the ten largest-regions of PCA. I must admit that I thought we would be the largest. But alas, to my surprise, Golden Gate (our Parade "puter-oners") ~~~O~R~ MONT ~4~ ~I~’~ ~ ~’" DOWN



EREY 1973

" -’,’, 12

Tore (foaming at the mouth)




notice to

pca-la aclvertizers

The Los Angeles Re~ion of Porsche Club of America is looking for advertizing that will support its monthly publication "PORSCHERAMA". At least 500 copies of Porscherama are printed each month. Between 320 and 400 of these are mailed directly to the club’s membership. The remainder are distributed to advertizers, Porsche-Audi dealerships, major private garages and parts suppliers, to the eight other ~CA regions in Southern California and Arizona and to the PCA Nstional Officers. Our costs are reasonable! March, 1974: full page

The following rates will apply through half page

quarter page

eighth page

one month ... $ 40 ....... $ 30 ....... $ 20 ....... $ 15 six months .. $160 ....... $120 ....... $ 80 ....... $ 60 one year .... $240 ....... $180 ....... $120 ....... $ 90 formating charges: a. iforiginal is done by ~CA .......................... $ i0 b. if we have ad on hand or it is supplied to us "photo ready" ................................. no charge c. changes in format or size reduction/expansion ....... $ 5 Take advantage of the one year or six month rates! Not only does this dramatically reduce your "per month" cost, but repeated exposure has proven more effective. We can arrange six month advertizing so that it runs alternate months or hits "key’" months during the year. One note. ~CAer’s are always looking for good service and are willing ~to pay for it. We probably spend more per capita on our cars than any other group of owners. We’ll get behind a good advertizer if a good advertizer gets behind us. f PHOTO P~EADY ADVERTIZE~NTS Prospective advertizers should submit their advertizements with a letter specifying the number of issues that they want it to appear in and any special procedures that should be followed plus a check to cover the first insertion. Additional months will be billed by PCA-LA. NON-FOP/MATED ADVERTIZEMENTS Prospective advertizers should submit the general information they want included in the advertizement and any special screened pho~ographs or logos that the ad should be designed around. PCA-LAwill prepare the advertizement and submit it for your approval prior to printing. If such s~bmission is not necessary, you should include in your letter the number of issues that they want it to appear in and any special procedures that should be followed plus a check to cover the first insertion. Additional months will be billed by ~A-LA. PAYMENT Checks or money orders covering the cost of advertizements should be made payable to "Porsche Club of America - Los Angeles Region" and should be mailed to the Porscherama Editor.
















¯ CA


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