Porscherama 1973 June

Page 1



Duane Alan PRESIDENT John Kepler 12425 Texas Ave. Wo Los Angeles, Ca. 90025 VICE PRESIDENT Ron Ramage SECRETARY Edith Savage TREASURER Corky Kirk ACTIVITIES Ralph Campbell PUBLICITY Paul Edwards TECHNICAL John Larson MEMBERSHIP Tore Johnson 4225 Virginia Vista Long Beach, Ca. 90807

283-7423 820-2097

374-6888 454-4041 447-5109 826-0253 378-4790 821-3591 426-8063

PCA.LA AT A GLANCE PCA-LA is 350 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a :’region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine t"Porsche Panorama") and generally pro,,ides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And. wh~t PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy:








presidential rhetoric

4451 Pacific Coast Highway #303 Torrance, California 90505 372-1171 (day) 378-4790 (night) STAFF

Arda Jackson Del Jackson Lynda Webber POLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. Porscherama is owned by the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region (a California Corporation) and is published monthly in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by Porscherama no later than the 20th of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appeering in Porscherama are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, its Board of Directors, the Porscherama editor or its staff. All contributions become the property of Porscherama unless accompanied by a sel~ addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of Porscherama reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication.

At the April membership meeting I was asked to prepare a letter questioning the manner in which Parade registrations were handled, and in particul~r, whether registrations for the sponsoring regions were allowed in advance of other regions. Because there was considerable disappointment on the part of people who applied as early as mid-February and were turned down, I sent the following letter to Louis Marable, PCA National President: "Dear Mr. Marable: Several of the members of the Los Angeles Region have expressed displeasure at the speed with which the reservations for the parade were filled this year. I am being asked questions such as: i. Were the sponsoring regions allowed to sign up in advance of the regular membership? 2. What proportion of the sign-ups are from the sponsoring regions? 3. Isn’t the reason for multiple region sponsorship in order to handle more cars? Continued on Page 2 COVER The cover this month was photographed by Walt Kaye and shows the fearless John Williamson in action in his "Showroom Stock" 914-4. Do it t~ ’em, John.


Full page Half page Quarter page Eighth page

$40/mo $30/mo $20/mo $15/mo

$160/6 $120/6 $ 80/6 $ 60/6

mo mo so mo

$240/yr $180/yr $120/yr $ 90/yr


Subscription rate for non-members of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, is $4.00 per year~



I f


(Continued from Page i) 4. Since such a large percentage of the Porsches sold, are sold on the West Coast, shouldn’t we plan for greater participation during West Coast Parades? Finally, it’s easy to criticize; but what positive suggestions do we offer

I am satisfied that the acceptance of registrations was handled on a fair and businesslike basis, although it is true that a somewhat disproportionate 60 percent of the total 500 registrations were from zones 7 and 8. I still feel that the proposal suggested by the LA membership (of an allotment by regions for the first couple of months of registrations) is a good one, and I hope that it will receive consideration in the future.

For the first 60 days of registration each region should be alloted a fixed number of slots for parade attendance (i~ or 15% or its paid membership). After 60 days it is first come, first

The question of maximum number of cars was raised. Clearly some fixed upper limit had to be set - just from the standpoint of logistics. Suppose, of the 500 cars, 400 want to run the rally. That means it would take over 6½ hours just to start them at one minute intervals.

served, I would appreciate an answer to each of these questions so I can respond to my membership, Very truly yours .... " The response that I received stated that in the past, registrations for the parades were sometimes accepted one or two years in advance (i.e., at the previous year’s Parade). For the Monterey Parade this was not done. They felt that the only fair way would be to publicize the Parade via the Panorama, and start accepting registration fees January i. This was done and by January 5 they had received I00 registrations, and so it went. The fact that the ad in Pano said that there would be a cut-off on registrations in June probably led people to think that they had plenty of time. But, unfortunately, this wasn’t the case.

Finally, we had thought that perhaps we could use a cancellation in the LA Region for informsanother me thatlocal theymember. will not National honor such reassignments and that all cancellations must be made through Parade Headquarters ~~ . ~~~

all pnrsche anything...















Any t h in g Lt d, 11324 Santa Monica Boulevard




Los Angeles. California 90025





Telephone: (213) 473-2941







JUNI 1973




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_ 6


~ 20






8 15

9 16

~ ............... 22


7 i4

Your Board of Directors will struggle to get it together again at the home of Cork~, Kirk, 141½ California Street in Arcadia. (California Street is immediately east of Santa Anita Race Track and three blocks south of the intersection of Santa Anita Avenue and Huntington Drive. ) Corky’ s place is between let and 2nd Avenues and is difficult to find because it’s on the



squeak by the "Airflow" trailer and look behind the garage. But make sure it’s Tuesday, June 19th, or you’ll be standing all alone behind the garage, Guests are always welcome - just call Corky and have him reserve you a seat. His number is 447-5109.

~:~:.~:.:...:~.~.:.-.:~::..2e.,.:~:.~:.::::::~;.:~.¢~.~:~:~:~:~.:.,.~.¢:.-~~:~:,.~:~:%~:~:,| SWAP MEET Sunday/10 : 00 a.m.

Don’t forget the Swap Meet this Sunday! It all happens at PORSCHOP, 4477 Sepulveda, Culver City. Those wishing to sell and/or trade should get there about 8:00 a.m. to get a space. The swap meet itself will begin at i0:00 a.m. (no cheating), and will run to approximately 3 o’clock in the afternoon. This event usually draws a crowd, so we suggest you be there early if you want to scarf up on the goodies!


BOA ME .T NG Tuesday/8:00 p.m.


WINE TASTING Wednesday/7:30 p.m.

PCA Wine Tasters will be treated to a twohour gourmet affair on Wednesday, June 27th at the Brookside Winery, Ii01 Air Way in Glendale. The doors will close at 7:30 SHARP, and only PCA members and their guests will be admitted - so bring your membership card. The maximum number of people will be 50, so reservations will have to be made in advance. (No advance reservations, no get in!) Make your check payable to PCA-LA and mail to Corky Kirk, P.O. Box 416, Arcadia, CA. 91006. For further information and a map, see page 7.


~~~ Wednesday/7:30 p.m. The General Membership Meeting for June will be a dinner meeting at Stern’s BarB-Qua on WEDNESDAY, June 13th at 7:30 p.m. (Those who want to tip a few will arrive at 6:45 P.M.) The address is 12658 Washington Boulevard (about one mile west of the San Diego Freeway). In addition to good food, Peter Graves, the Vice-President of the Soaring Society of America, will have films and slides about the sport and will talk on the transcontinental sail plane race from San Fernando to Boston. Guests Welcome.

AN[::) JULY 1~

RALLY/PICNIC Sunday/8:00 a.m.

If ya’ll enjoy picnic in the mountains and driving "Porsche Roads" t~ get there, plan on meeting us July let for the "Little Mountain Goat" Rally/Picnic. Seat of the Pants Only, with a fast, exciting route that no one will "off course" fills the morning. A scenic, above-the-noise-andsmog site with plenty of room to stret9h out, eat and socialize completes.the day. Sponsorship and starting place provided by Cutright Porsche Audi in Santa Monica. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. A friendly flyer will be winging its way to you in a week or so. Ya’ll come, ya heah?


last events

ON DER BIK ANTI-RIPHOFF Worried about the unauthorized use of


your Porsche? You should have joined the twenty hearty souls who ventured into the night risking their very lives and the security of their machinery to the wilds of the Safeway parking lot to hear all about burglar alarms and brake locks. We missed You! Included in the discussion were techniques of ripping off Porsches and how to prevent them from being put into use. You better not trust any of us - sort of the Boggs and McBirney "20". We know how . . . don’t you wish you did? See John Kepler about the group discounts offered by the two speakers on their devices. A third speaker, who was unable to join us, was asked to speak at a General Membership Meeting. His business is installing alarm systems in Porsches and other specialty cars and he promises to go into detail on any questions we may have. This could be the end of the "20", so watch your newsletter!

A funky kind of Sunday breakfast was had May 20th by the eighteen PCA people who could drag themselves out of bed and to the easterly outskirts of Griffith Park. (Funky is watching one another try to outdo ourselves with culinary exotica.) Tore Johnson and Don Colwell found a way to color eggs green without opening the shell and nearly got sick on the pancakes made with same. But the true test came between Ron Rammage, who more or less organized the happening, and Duane Alan, who spent an hour in the wrong place waiting for everybody to arrive (See Ron, Duane). After watching the meistros do a number on the frying pans and their stomachs, everyone headed in different directions. Most went to the Renaissance Pleasure Faire, some went to the Concours at the Ambassador (incidentally, the best event of this type in LA in years), and Ron Rammage and Mary Ann? Well, they went to the Zoo . . . Ron, are you trying to tell us something?







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Valley Tennis






I laza Club

Courts locate~ a~ Laural Canyon and Victory (~ehind Sears Store) FOR INFORMATION CALL Suzanne Sproul 764-1337 "First you try to tell me it’s a sedan, then you try to get me into the back seat!"


may minutes The Board met May 4 at John Larson’s abode, and opened with discussion of coming events and their priorities. Corky’s extensive treasury report revealed a current balance of over $1000. After hours of tracking down invoices, bank statements and check books, he found that i) eight dollars more was spent in 1972 than was taken in, and 2) $53 in bad checks could be reduced to a mere six dollars. (Good collecting, huh~) Our non-profit tax exemption form has been filed for 1971. Reconciliation and filing for 1972 is still pending.. Corky will negotiate for mercy regarding possible penalties. The Secretary of State also requires a yearly form stating current officers’ names, etc. ... forms ... forms ... and reforms. Hats off to our hard-working treasurer and his plan to submit a complete quarterly financial statement! ~he Board authorized payment of PCA dues for our one honorary member, Vasak Polak. Relative to using the schoolhouse for membership meetings, we were informed that everything is O.K. but the exchange of money ... bye-bye Tore’s goodie table, The merit of repeating subjects of tech meetings (eg., tune-ups, brakes, etc.) was discussed and found good. The business end of the upcoming swap meet was disposed of - we’re going to charge one dollar for a selling space, place an ad in the Times, and send out a flyer. Ron reported the June 14 (now June 13 - Ed.) membership meeting will be at Stearns Bar-B-Q, and our guest speaker will be a member of a "Soaring Society" ... WHEEEEE. (If you don’t see Ron for awhile, don’t panic ... he’s touring Europe for a couple of months. W~y do some people have all the luck?) BIG LOOOOONG discussion on a Wine Tasting Party ... no conclusions, The Board approved a motion to change the Board’s meeting date from the first Thursday to the third Thursday of each month. J.K. ran down the reply to his inquiry regarding Monterey Parade registrations. Seems numbers have a lot to do with it. No priorities were given, reservations were made as requested beginning January i, and the 500 car limit is just about tops for handling events. (Can you imagine being a starter for a rally with more than 500 participants ... RUGGEDRUGGEDRUGGED!) See ya on the road ...

place at the Schoolhouse with the entire Board present ... but Tore’s "gogdies-atthe-door" conspicuously absent. The minutes were approved and Corky gave his shortest report of the year - "There is $1400 in Ft. ~nox." Paul requested help from the talented members - write an article (even a short one), send in a cartoon (care£ul), and holy about some "paste-up" people ... you don’t have to be a graphic ~rtist, but some experience will help .... Ralph gave a rundown of coming events, including the June Slalom and Swap Meet. John Larson’s tech report was over my head! I’m only a female (Libbers unite! - Ed.) ’ and my notes are not copious. However, the question and answer period contained useful information on makes, heat ranges, and durability of plugs. Also John warned of the legal rights and penalties for modifying your engine. See what you missed if you weren’t present! Or didn’t miss? Are you thoroughly confused? I am!!! Tore reported our membership at 265 and introduced the new members. Egon Peterson, recently arrived from Hawaii, shared his region’s experiences, and told a~out a fellow PCAer who was flying his Porsche from Hawaii to Monterey for the Parade (hope he got his reservation in early~). Further work on UP FIXIN DER PORSCHE has been deferred until after the Parade. Ernie Ozsvath had an interesting cylinder temperature gauge which will be available in the near future for about thirty bucks. .... Ron reported the next meeting will be at Stearns Bar-B-Q ... yum yum. Also, Ron is sponsoring a "cook-out breakfast" May 20 at 9:00 A.M. on the north side of Griffith Park, after which the gang will reassemble at the Ambassador Hotel for the Concourse d’Elegance. See what else you missed by not being at the meeting! Delicious refreshment~ by our ever-faithful epicureans Geri,Duane and the Lergs. Last but not least, a beautiful factory film on building the 911 - 42 Porsche Strasse. Thanks, Ron. Continued on Page 8 TiC.~TiC..~IC...TtC




In our never ending effort to keep on top of the wild world of Porsche "fix-it-and-makeit-run-fast-while-looking-good- shops, PCA-LA is conducting a survey of dealerships and private garages which offer exceptionally high quality work to PCA members. Please list the places which you personally have found to be exceptional in the catagories listed below. We’ll compile the results for your use in finding the best place to take your car. However, if you don’t participate in the evaluation, you won’t get a copy of the results (we have to provide some incentive for your trouble!). Code Cost by l=below average; 2=average; 3=above average. Note whether the shop gives discounts to PCA members. TYPE OF WORK




Tune Up and General Maintenance Engine Repair and Overhaul !Transmission/Differential Repair and Overhaul Suspension Adjustment and Lowering Body Repair Painting Racing Type Engine Modification Racing Type Suspension Modification Other (Specify) NAME OF PCA MEMBER: YEAR AND TYPE OF PORSCHE WHICH ABOVE EXPERIENCE REFERS TO:


Assuming you’ve completed all or a portion of the above (no one could probably answer them all), detach this page from your Porscherama and mail it to your friendly neighborhood publisher: Paul V. Edwards Editor, Porscherama 4451 Pacific Coast Hwy., #303 Torrance, CA 90505 T}LANKS FOR PARTICIPATING IN THIS SURVEy - YOU’VE HELPED YOURSELF AND ALL OF US.


H O ~S E P OW E R At the present time there exist severa! methods for determining the horsepower rating of automobiles. The three most commonly used ratings are SAE gross horsepower, SAE net horsepower, and DIN horsepower, SAE Gross Horsepower is the most commonly used rating in the United States today. It is usually printed merely as SAE-hp or SAE-bhp. As defined in SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) standard JSI6A, gross horsepower is the output of a "bare" engine. A "bare" engine is defined as one equipped only with the built-in accessories essential to its operation such as flywheel, fuel pump and so forth. The gross horsepower is a measure of the maximum horsepower available at the flywheel, SAE Net Horsepower is the output of a

"fully equipped" engine. A "fully equipped" engine is one equipped with all the accessories necessary to perform its intended functions unaided, such as air cleaner, exhaust system, radiator, generator, starter, and related parts. This rating is indicative of the "as installed" output of an engine in a passenger car. However, as with the gross horsepower, it is also measured at the flywheel. DIN Horsepower is widely used throughout Europe and is comparable to SAE net horsepower. It is derived from the DIN (Deutsche Industrie Norm) specification number 70020, which requires testing with a "fully equipped" engine including the air cleaner, water pump, generator, intake manifold, and exhaust system. As with the two SAE horsepower definitions, DIN horsepower is also measured at the flywheel. Continued on Page 9

¯ " ’ W "n,e Taster L ttle ol june 27 The Wine Tasting Party will be a ’sit down" affair where a wine expert will describe the nnnn

characteristics of the different varietal wines we will be tasting. After each "course", Cheese and crackers will be served to cleanse the mouth before we taste the next wine. We all should leave this affair with a greater knowledge of the wheres and whens of serving wines and how different wines taste. Besides, sitting down with fifty wine-drinking PCA members is just bound to be fun . . . For detailed info - see page 3.

DEAR FRAUDIE Well, here I am again - back by popular demand! Some of you out there in Porsche Land have been gettin after old Fraudie. Sure am glad most of ya can’t find me, cause I heard some of ya want to tear me apart. This cave sure gets mighty cold and dark and scary at night. My bones just can’t take too much more of it. Every time I breathe (and even that’s comin slower lately) I hear my syncros grindin. Anyway, I got a few nice letters to answer. A lot of you been askin me fer advice, so here it comes . . Whoops! just missed second gear .... Dear Fraudie, I don’t know what the problem can be. We have lost the rally two years in a row. What can we do? POC Dear POC, Whatever you try, don’t cheat! Why try-something that hasn’t helped in the last two years, anyway, Dear Fraudie, What can I do to get the members who write articles for the paper to turn them in on time? They are always late and everyone gets mad at me for getting the paper out at the last minute. Pauluted Dear Pauluted, Why don’t you let Gandalf and me write all the articles. That’ll move em! Dear Fraudie, I have this personal problem. I’ve been dating a female PCAer and every time I get her home and make a pass, her damn coo-coo clock goes off and spoils everything. What can I do? Feathered Frustration Dear F.F. What’s the matter, does the coo-coo bother your too-too? (Spoilers are supposed to provide down force - Gandalf)

by then you’ll forget .... Bottoms up til next month, Fraudie p.s. Any letters you would like me to answer? Just give them to Gandalf! The May 17 Board Meeting at John Kepler’s commenced with every chair occupied - 15 plus people! The plus, named Christian, sat on my lap, during which time I had no idea of Porsche stuff. Such is the charm of a little boy of three months. In addition to the regulars (Ron attended via Bell Tel) event chairmen Ralph Dorchester and Bob Van Cleave gave progress reports on the July ist Picnic/Rally and the June 3rd Slalom. Don Colwell is now our "point" chairman and will pinch hit-for Ron while he’s gone. Tore suggested we contact Pano regarding advertizer’s misrepresentation in "Pano". "Porscherama" will conduct a survey o~ Porsche repair establishments so we will be able to share our knowledge and identify the best advice and workmanship available. Corky filed the final State and IRS tax forms . . . sigh .... John Larson’s next tech session will be on suspension. J.K. led a discussion on PCA goals (again?). Seven ideas: i) have activities to please the entire membership; 2) concentrate on having fun with the 50 to 75 active members; 3) increase attendance at meetings; 4) magnify the Porsche name; 5) increase the size of the membership; 6) become more social and 7) act as a political lobby. The consensus was that we should concentrate on #2 and fan out from there. Member comments on this would be appreciated! Joscelyn treated the gang to delicious homemade nut bread and coffee and Ralph showed the great promotional film for Le Mans. Next Board meetings: June 19 at Corky’s; July 19 at Duane’s and August 16 at Larson’s. Listen carefully at Stearn’s Bar-B-Q for Corky’s announcement. ~ forgot what it will be, but it’s in my notes, so I’m going to listen with you .... G’nite Christian.

Dear Fraudie, We would really like to thank you in~Respectfully submitted’, person for all those funny little remarks ~~ Edith Savage you made in last month’s "Porscherama".~ Secretary Could we get together real soon? PCA-LA Board Dear Board, I would really love to see ya as soon as possible, but do to my happiness in T~C...T~C...T~C...T~C this secret cave, you will have to wait

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Kuebler (Continued from Page 7) Chassis ~namoter Horsep~er is a measure of the actual p~er delivered at the driving wheels of a vehicle. Chassis dyna~ter horsep~er ratings are used mainly in automotive laboratories. Since S~ and DIN ratings are engine ratings, they will be the same for a given engine, irrespective of transmission/chassis/accessory co~inations. On the other hand, chassis dynamote ratings are only valid for a specific angine/transmission/accessory co~ination

GREYING 356 T~OTTLE BELL CR~ Early 356 model throttle bell cranks were not e~ipped with grease fittings. In order to solve the wear problems inherent in this type of unit, drill a 1/8" hole in the t~ing, braze or epoxy a nut over the hole, ~d screw a grease fitting into the nut. Leave the seals in the t~e and lube with a lithi~ base grease every time you lube the front end and emergency c~le fittings, John Larson

The foll~ing is an example of horsep~er rating for Porsche models using the various designations: ~asured At 914 911T 911E 911S

--~ ~’" ~

DIN HP S~ Gross HP S~ Net HP* Chassis Dyno HP












Fl~heel Driving ~eels





(Not available)

* calculated Reprinted from Porsche Audi Northwest me.ice ~tter

~.~ ~ ~



\ ee. ~.~


Porscher~ma is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this

Specializing in close-tolerance machining for

cO lumn.




Send for FREE Catalog covering components, servicing tips, and prices you

can live with. MASTER CHARGE/BANK AMERICARD ACCEPTED. 2095N. LakeAve. Altadena, Ca.91001 (213) 794-8402

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1970 914-6. Tangerine. POC Class H Champion for 1972-3, 17,000 miles, special gears, Konis, sway bars ’ lowered, venturis, with or without 7" wheels and racing tires. Serious offers only. Contact Wolfgang Maike, 2036 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara, Calif. 93109. Phone 805-966-4400 (days) or 966-2125 (nites). Racing Hardware, Drilled brake rotors (discs), drilled per 1973 Carrera RS Specs, $30 set. 906 light weight- two ring racing pistons and cyclinders, 10.5 compression, matched set of six, $400. 906 Titanium Superlite rods, $300. 911 exhaust megaphones,~ $40. Other 911 parts on request. Call Gilbert Rios at 213-545-5268.


for sale chase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. Porscherama will also print listings of non-PCA members on a space available basis if accompanied by a check in the amount of $3.00 payable to Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. All listings must conform to the following: i. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enter-

prise. (Display advertizing at nominal rates are available for businesses); 2. Descriptions m~st be complete and include appropriate serial numbers; 3. Each listing must be limited to fifty words, plus name, address, zip code and telephone number. All listings are subject to editing and condensing; and 4. All listings must be received by or before the 20th of each month for inclusion in the next month’s issue.




95~9 £. ART~$tA 8[VD. 8£LUFLOW£R, CALIFORNIA ~0706 ~qC~L[3EC) AI;~D~CTS [3ESI~-NE[3 I:IEPI.A~E



Miscellaneous. New 912/911 leather hood protector. New 356 floor mats (cocoa, red). One 5½" x 15" Porsche steel wheel with free tire. Make offer on all items. Contact Ed Yates, 350 Las Alturas Road, Santa Barbara, California 93103. Phone 805-964-7724 (days).

(Continued) STOLEN. Tan Hypon Car Cover for 914. There is Social Security Number 315-462779 on this cover and either the number 32 or 42 on the front. If you see this, contact Egon Peterson at 542-2734 (eves.) Late Model 356 Wanted. Member coming from Hawaii wants 64-65 356C or SC. Any body style may be acceptable, but must be free of rust and in good mechanical condition. Paint not critical. Preferably under 60,000 miles and $3,000. Contact should be made through Egon Peterson at 542-2734 (eves.)

happeRiHa June 24

1971 911T Tarqa. Burgundy. Fully equipped mags, appearance group, air, AM-FM stereo, quartz-iodine lights. This car is immaculate and custom detailed throughout. 12,000 miles and recently tuned. $7,400. Contact Tom Turre!l at UN 3-8711, xt. 302 (weekdays) or 337-3703 (nights and weekends).


Orange Coast Region June Bug Slalom at Orange County Raceway. All Porsches are welcome. Pre-tech to be held on Wed., June 20 from 7 to i0 P.M. at Don Burns P~rsche/Audi in Garden Grove. PCA members: $9/10 couple. Non-members: $12/14 couple. Registration and tech opens 8:00 A.M. For more info call PCA Hot Line 714-838-4294 or Keith Foster 714-639-9979.





































call joe deSantis

PORSCHE - AUDI 10959 Santa Monica Boulevard, Westwood, California 90025


Phone: 478-,~095

les nouveaux i.

Joe De Santis 13746 Leadwell Street Van Nuys, California 91406

Joe is an associate engineer, and he and his wife, Judy, are interested in tech, concours and racing. They own a 1958 Speedster.


Carla Winter 3350 Rowena Avenue Los Angeles, California 90027

Carla is an office manager and owns a 1970 911T Targa. She is interested in racing, social and tech.



Some of you people out there really wait till the last minute, don’t you? For the last two months we have been warning you about your dues. W~II, don’t worry now, because the ones that didn’t renew probably aren’t reading this anyway!!


That sweet little Carola Andersen and I went through all the files, and, I must admit, there are some well-established names that didn’t renew their dues. Please notify me as soon as possible, so I can reinstate you. Remember, if your dues are not paid, and you are planning to attend the Parade in Monterey, you will not be allowed to participate. You must be a member. Tore Johnson

A funny thing happened at the Lime Rock Trans Am. Peter Gregg didn’t win. On the very last lap of the race, that PCAer, Milt Minter, sprinted past~ the Gregg-Posey Carrera to take the flag. Sam Posey was finishing up for Peter Gregg when Minter won. The first four finishers were Carreras, and Porsche has now won the first two Trans Am events of the year, along with the 24 Hours of Daytona and the first two IMSA events. The Carrera is having quite a year. Thanks again, Milt! Tore Again ~,~,~

P.S. Why am I telling you this? If twenty-seven of you drop out, then I can go!!!

spe i gtha I



1450 West Pacific C~st Highway

Wilmington, California 90744

Phone 549-2000

for sponsorino our slalom at TRW

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Saturday: 9:00-4:00

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. guess the rear half didn’t arrive in time for the race, huh, George?" "Then where’s the engine, Martha?" "Engine, George? . . He’s just peddaling fast!"










CA 90277








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