Porscherama 1973 August

Page 1


~OA R!3 C HA [ RMAN Duane Alan PRESIDENT John Kepler 12425 Texas Ave. W. Los Angeles, Ca. 90025 VICE PRESIDENT Ron R~mage SECRETARY Edith Savage TREASURER Corky Kirk ACTIVITIES R~iph Campbell PUBLICITY Paul Edwards TECHNICAL John Larson MEMBERSHIP Tore Johnson 4225 Virginia Vista Long Beach, Ca. 90807

283-7423 820-2097

374-6888 454-4041 447-5109 826-0253 378-4790 821-3591 426-8063


~CA-LA is 350 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the l~rgest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, ~CA publishes an excellent monthly magazine ("Porsche Panorama") and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what ~CA-LA offers is an opportunity to sh~re the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy:







presidential rhetoric 4451 Pacific Coast Highway #303 Torrance, California 90505 372-1171 (day) 378-4790 (night)

In last month’s newsletter I reported to you on the meeting between the PorscheAudi Distributor and the Zone 8 PCA presidents. As a follow-up to that meeting, Ed Yates, the PCA Zone 8 co-ordinator, has given us the following recommended procedure for handling service complaints.

STAFF Arda Jackson Del Jackson Lynda Webber

How to Complain About Dealer Service

POLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. Porscherama is owned by the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region (a California Corporation) and is published monthly in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by Porscherama no later than the 20th of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on ~ space available basis. Statements appearing in Porscherama are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, its Board of Directors, the Porscherama editor or its staff. All contributions become the property of Porscherama unless accompanied by a sel~ addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of Porscherama reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication. AOVERTIZlNG

Full page Half page Quarter page Eighth page

$40/mo $30/mo $20/mo $15/mo

by Ed Yates, Zone 8 Rep Over the past years, I have learned about various procedures available to get a Porsche problem solved thru the Porsche organization. One of these ways was to request, from the local P/A dealer, to "get on the list" to see the field service man from the P/A distributor when he made his monthly visit to th~ dealer. In my recent conversations with P/A personnel, I have learned the "official procedure" to follow when a complaint arises about dealer service in our Zone 8. The steps are as follows: (i) Discuss the problem first with the dealer service manager, and then the owner/manager, if necessary. (Continued on Page 2) COVER This month’s cover photo was t~ken by Dale Anderson at the June TRW Sl~lom. Driving his speedster is Class A second place winner, Pete Zimmerman. I

$160/6 $120/6 $ 80/6 $ 60/6

mo mo so mo

$240/yr $180/yr $120/yr $ 90/yr

SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscription rate for non-m~mbers of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, is $4.00 per year.






I ~



213 398 2217

please call for appointment


vernon covert curt kuebler



from ~age l)

(2) If no satisfaction is received from this initial step, then register the complaint (preferably by mail) with the Customer Relations Department (Acting Manager is Mr. Sandy Howell), Volkswagen of America - Western Region, 11300 Playa Street, Culver City, California 90230 (phone 213-390-8011). (3) The complaint willthen be discussed with Mr. Hans Bendrat, P/A Field Operations Manager, who will investigate the matter with the local dealer, (4) It may then be necessary for the Field Service Representative (e.g., this is Wolfgang Bruecher for Santa Barbara) to meet you and examine your Porsche at the local dealer’s facility.


I saw a silver ’71 911 parked in front of the house in Westwood just after returning from the great July dinner meeting. It looked just a bit strange headlights missing and one interior light left on. Closer inspection revealed no seats, no radio, no spare tire or tools and four lug nuts holding up four cheap wheels. You guessed it! A stripped and ~d~ned Porsche. (Fortunately, the engine ~d transmission were intact.) Authorities were notified . . . but funny thing . . . my ’66 911 was stolen ~d stripped from the same spot several years ago. Roger Wagner

I’m sure that most of you have a favorite dealer by now and I imagine that he handles you quite well, but in those instances when you will need help, the above procedure is worth trying.


all pnrsche anything... STEERING WHEELS BRAS.,- BOLT-ON










11324 Santa Sonica Boulevard








Los Angeles, California 90025









Telephone: (213) 473-2941




Calendar AUGUST/AO~T








18 25



















Your Bo~d oE Dkrec~ors w~ii hoid i~8 &u~-


Pre~dene, Resedo.

~A-P~ C~L~NGE CUP S~LOM Sunday/10:00 a.m.

Don ~oIw~ii,


8~09 ~m~o$on,

planning of events, find out what’s going on or just plain listen, give Don a call at 881-4319 and he’ll reserve you a seat.

This Sunday is the day to reme~er~ Here’s our chance to prove that ~A is the slalom champion as well as the rally champion. It all begins at i0:00 a.m. at I~indale Raceway, 6345 I~indale Avenue in I~indale. Practice will last until 2:00 p.m. and then the timed runs will begin. Fees are $5.00 for meters/S7.00 couple, ~d $7.00 for non-meters/S9.00 couple. You should have received all the details in your flyer by n~, but if you have any additional question, call one of the event chairmen, Tore Johnson (426-8063) or Don Colwell, Jr. (881-4319). See youthere let’s sh~ P~ where it’s at~


ET NG Thursday/8:00 p.m.

The August General Membership Meeting will be held at the Santa Monica Boulevard Elementary School, 1022 Van Ness Avenue, Hollywood (between Melrose and Santa Monica). The guest speaker for the evening will be a Highway Patrol officer, and his topic will be "Drinking and Driving". Here’s your chance to ask any questions that might be bugging you about driving laws or the Highway Patrol, so come prepared to ask them. As always, guests are more than welcome,


ET NG Thursday/7:30 p.m.

For the September General Membership Meeting, we will return to Monty’s Steak House, ii00 Glendon Avenue, Westwood. Those of you who attended the July meeting will no doubt recall Monty’s 21st floor location and its fantastic food! "But again, bring some money (average dinner about $5.00). Our speaker will be Wallace Cole of San Diego, PCA National Vice-President, and he’ll be telling us about his tour of the Porsche factory. This should prove to be a most interesting meeting, so mark your calendar now for September 13.


a nice Targa. (So, kids, you k~ow how the "S" took that!)


Once upon a time there was this quaint little Porsche agency. In the agency worked a cute little 914, who was in charge of all the other Porsches. One day, in walks this big, bad 911S. He only came in for some plugs and valve cover gaskets, He went up to the little 914 to pay his bill, and she started a conversation: "You’re an ’S’, aren’t you?" "Yes, I am." "You must be a time-trial jock." "That’s a matter of opinion." "Do you like me?" "Don’t be silly, you’re a 914!! .... That just goes to show how slow you are." "What do you mean?" "I’ll bet you wouldn’t even ask me out for a cup of castrol." "You’re right! .... See what I mean? You’re stupid."

A day later they went to meet her father, and the 911S was impressed. He thought he was such a nice, easy-going type. He said, "If my daughter loves you and wants to marry you, then I’ll give you both the green flag." Two weeks later they were married, but the 911S’s parents wouldn’t even come to the wedding. The 911S and the 914 were very happy. Even though things were a little rough financially, their motors kept them going. In the summer when school was out for him, the "S" got a job training beginning Porsches for their time trials. The 914 still worked in the agency. The months (Continued on Page 12)

Well, kiddies, that was all it took. The 911S dipped down in his sump and really got it together with that 914. They were inseparablel He took her everywhere time trials, rallys, slaloms and tours. As time went by, they fell very much in love, and wanted to get married. So the 911S took his 914 to meet his parents. The 911S’s father was the most successful 917 in the world. He had won Le Mans, Spa, Monaco, Nurburgring and all the other top races; and, his mother was a very beautiful and elegant 904, who ran around in the fastest circles. The 914 couldn’t believe what an incredible place they lived in. They had special garages, dyno rooms, and even their own road course. She started to rattle her pipes and wanted to back out, but the 911S insisted that she stay. The "S" and his father didn’t get along very well - he was working his way through the ranks to become a real racer, but his father wanted to use his influence and cut corners so that his son could move faster. The 911S resented it, so things were naturally tense; but, today was special because he had brought his betrothed


T E N N I S ?

looking for a partner . . . a ladder? ~I ,, ,,vO,ie


T nnis

for the family’s approval. His father asked the 914 what her father did. She said, "He’s just a low-reving Karmen Ghia." (Oh’boy - that really went over.)



¯¯¯¯¯¯ Courts located at Laurel Canyon and victory (behind Sears Store)

Anyway, the next day the father and son met at Riverside for a workout. That’s when the "S" told his dad of his intentions. The 917 was so shocked that he promptly spun out at turn seven! He tried to tell his son that she wasn’t his type, and that she just wouldn’t fit in their class. He suggested that he just idle until he meets

FOR INFORMATION CALL Suzanne Sproul 764-1337


july minutes The second Thursday night of July found approximately sixty-five members and guests sky-high at Monty’s Steak House (21st floor, ii00 Glendon Avenue in Westwood). Some of us used the express elevators, while others gained height in their own unique way!! GR~AT FOOD, beautiful spot and delightful meeting. Officer reports were extremely short ... the Wine Tasting Party made money, according to Corky, and we have an exciting PCA-POC Challenge Cup Slalom to look forw~rd to August 5 per Tor and Don. John Larson is plannfng a super-tech meeting for September - an all-day production. Trophies were awarded to the happy winners of the TRW Slalom ... congratulations to all! The evening concluded with the enjoyable "1970 Manufacturer’s Trophy" film. Thanks to acting Vice-President, Don Colwell, for planning this fine meeting. buena and Nicki Alan were the delightful hosts for the ~uly Board Meeting. Roll call included John Kepler, John Larson, Don Colwell, Edith, Tore, and guests Don and Jo Ann Burkhard. Past and future events were discussed, and the Board felt that more events should be sponsored than those currently planned for the remainder of the year. A major tour in November, a short rally in August and another social event (perhaps with another club) were some of the ideas given. The Halloween Party will launch from Ports of Call on October 27 aboard a boat which will take us on a harbor cruise. Publicity was next on the agenda, and several things were considered ... the use of a "dated material" stamp to speed third class mail, getting new transfer-ins on the Porscherama mailing list immdeiately, more photographs in the newsletter, and publicity for the LA Region in Panorama. Acting VP Don proposed that membership meetings alternate every other month between the schoolhouse and Monty’s (we hope~). Be sure to listen well at the August 9 membership meeting (at the schoolhouse) ... CHP will tell all! !! Paul will be unable to host the August Board Meeting due to his vacation (lucky Paul~), so Don has volunteered to take his place ... thanks again, Don. Wish we could think of a really good reason to write the Legislature protesting the proposed 55 mph maximum speed law. Any thoughts on this? Membership stands or sits or drives at 289 per Tore. Watch for the Goodie Table at the August 5

to proceed with a compromise position on the problem of royalties for "Up-Fixin". Meeting adjourned with yummies served by our hostess, Nicki ... thanks, Nicki, for that extra inch on my middle. Se ya at the Slalom ... Repectfully submitted, Edith Savage Secretary ~C...~iC...~C...~C ~

racing --Well, are you ready for this? A Camaro driven by Warren Ager won the last Trans Am race. It was decided by the SCCA officials that no one should have to make more normal pit stops than anyone else - one only! The race was to be 80 laps; howe----vet, the Vettes and Camaros could only go for about 74-76 laps without having to make another pit stop. After finding this out, the SCCA officials changed the length of the race to 70 laps. Of course, that really set the Porsche people and other participants crazy. Anyway, Peter Gregg was second and Milt Minter was third, both in Carreras. Tore Johnson P.S. Do you know what has the IQ of 162? .. The entire SCCA Board of Directors.





CASH IN BANK ON JANUARY i, 1973 .......................................... $ RECEIPTS: Refund of Dues from PCA National .......................... $1,044.20 Received from Events: 50.00 ’72 Stove Pipe Wells - Deposit Return ...... $ 60.44 ’72 Monterey Tour ........................... 255.00 ’72 Christmas Party ........................ 195.00 PCA-POC Rally .............................. 262.00 TRW Slalom ................................. 140.00 Concours at Santa A~ita .................... 215.00 June Dinner Meeting at Stern’s ............. 1,238.44 51.00 Brookside Wine Tasting ..................... Collection - Bad Checks ...................................


Porscherama Advertizing ...................................


Return from LeMons Film #2 ................................


~ .~,~

2,714.24 $3,572.06

TOTAL TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR .....................

DISBURSEMENTS: Paid for Events: ’72 Willow Springs Time Trials ............. $ ’72 Concours ............................... ’72 Christmas Party ........................ LeMons Picture ............................. PCA-POC Rally .............................. TRW Slalom ................................. June Dinner Meeting at Stern’s ............. Briggs Cunningham Museum Tour .............. Brookside Wine Tasting ..................... Concours at Santa Anita .................... willow Springs Time Trials - Deposit ....... Christmas Dance - Deposit ..................

73.19 10.50 17.07 8.47 296.05 55.26 238.50 44.05 43.75 14.70 i00.00 i00.00

~ !

Corporation Taxes - Franchise Tax Board ...................

$1,001.54 55.00

Return of Deposit - Bad Check .............................


Honorary Membership .......................................






Porscherama Publication Phone and Postage Printing Stationary UpFixin Volume III








CASH ON HAND, JUNE 30, 1973 .............................................


TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR ........................


Corky Kirk Treasurer, PCA-LA


GUIDE TO DRIVERS’ CLUBS IN T~IE LOS ANGELES AREA By Jim Khana, Honorary Member, PCA-LA Not Over Sixty Club - An offshoot of the wartime "Not Over Fifty for Safety Club", this group has as its motto "They Shall Not Pass". Members of this club have their outings in the left lanes of the freeway system, and, according to rumor, do not equip their cars with rear view mirrors. LLDA - Left Lane Drivers of America. This club, related to the "Not Over Sixty Club", is found on surface streets in the area. Their motto is "Semper Paratus" (Always Ready), as they are constantly prepared to make a left turn, even if it may not be for another five miles ... or it may be a right turn. NRHA - Not to be confused with the National Hot Rod Association, the National Roof Holders’ Association is dedicated to the principles of structural rigidity in automobiles. Members can be recognized by their driving position - right hand loosely grasping the top of the steering wheel, left hand firmly supporting the roof just above the window. LRDC - Living Room Drivers’ Club. Dedicated to comfort while driving, members of this group, like the NRHA, can be recognized by their driving position - right hand draped comfortably on the back of the front seat, left hand gripping the steering wheel between the thumb and forefinger, elbow resting comfortably on the window sil!. wLDC - White Line Drivers’ Club. An increasingly large group, this club has as its motto "All For One and One For All", and is dedicated to the theory that the white lines on the street are there to put your wheels on. SDS - Stunt Drivers’ Society. Members of this group are rumored to be Joe Chitwood rejects, and can be found performing various tricks, such as right turns on red lights in front of oncoming traffic, left turns on green lights in front of oncoming traffic, left turns from through lanes, double and triple lane changes, offramp from the left lane, etc. ad infinitum. PHC - Porsche Haters’ Club. A relatively small, but very influential group, PHC members are found driving either motorcycles or conservative two-tone sedans. Obviously, this is only a partial list, but it’s a start. I’m sure you all know many other clubs to add to this list. But it is hoped this guide will add to your driving pleasure. Remember, watch for these club members ... because they won’t watch for you (with the exception of the last group).

points As your Points Chairman, I’d like to congratulate all the people listed for participation points in last month’s Porscherama. As you may or may not know, participation points are given for attending general membership or technical meetings, and chairing or working during an e~ent, These points are important in that they indicate the people who keep the club going, If you don’t like or understand a rally, volunteer to work at a checkpoint. If you don’t like to run your car at a slalom or time trial, volunteer to work on the course. If you don’t like the events that

we’re having, volunteer to chair one that you would like. If you disagree with the way the club is run, attend a board meeting and say so. If you feel like doing any of these things, but are-not sure how to go about it, talk to Ralph Campbell and he’ll help you. The club needs your support to function, so participate. Don Colwell, Jr.

~ "~ ~




____~%~~ ~ .~






A couple of weeks ago, driving down Sunset Blvd. in the company of a beautifully maintained brown 356C, I noticed its license plate. It was rather hard to miss it, as it read ZZZOOM. Since I had just been to the Motor Vehicle Department to apply for special plates for my pride-and-joy, I was moved to do a little research on the new environmental fund plates, which, as of May 29th had sold over 120,000 copies! I went to MVD with some great ideas .... so I thought. My first choice, DLA911, they refused - no combinations that look like standard issue. My next idea was to be clever and go for Roman numerals like IX XI (9-11) or CMXI (911). Some other clever people had been there before me. Now I was becoming stymied. I knew that all possible representations of the ~ame Porsche would have been taken. And they were. There are almost as many versions of the name as there are models of the car - PORCH, PORCHA, PORCHE, PORCIA, PORSC, PORSCA, PORSH, PORSCH, PORSHA, PORSHE, PORSSH, and, shades of Shakespeare, PORTIA. PORCIA belongs to San Diego’s Ernie Paschoal, and is also his daughter’s name. So much for names. And numbers. All the models, in both Arabic and Roman numerals, have been spoken for. 911S lives in Marina del Rey, and 911L belongs to that concours trophy collector from San Diego, Pat Scanlan. Next I considered PAUKEN, the German name for kettle-drums, Clever? Someone else thought so, too. Back to cars. Finally, I settled on, and got clearance for, DA911S. (No offense, JK, I really had considered that combinetion before I saw your plates.) Many California PCA’ers have availed them-

selves of these special plates. In our region, Curt Kuebler has PCA LA on his van; Vern’s pricless 904 bears COVERT; Ada’s 912 has ADA PCA; Ron Ramage has PCA RGR; the Pres has JK911T; Skee Ziesenhenne owns SKEE; CORKY K could only belong to Corky Kirk; and we also have COUNT B (Count Basie or Count Bracula?) and a cryptic French message, LIT OUI. Forgive me for any I’ve overlooked. Several regional abbreviations are represented: PCA SVR, SVR PCA, PCA OCR, PCA SD, PCA SB, PCA LPR, PCA MBR, PCAR, PCARR. Riverside region’s Don Kravig, a man of ample proportions, sports BIG DON. In recent weeks I have also observed a silver 911T bearing DYNAMO and a tangerine 912 cheering USC RAH. (Nick Friesen, are you listening?) well, I have my plates now, and they took several years off my baby’s age. I can recommend them as a novelty, ego-trip, or whatever. The line forms at your locsl Motor Vehicle office. But be extra clever --- remember, i00,000 clever people were there first. Dale Anderson

,, eau,’am-5 The Zollowing Department of California Highway Patrol "Management Memorandum #73-95" was sent to our region from PCA National President Louis Marable. He felt that it would be of interest to those members driving 1968 and earlier Porsches equipped with Bosch bulb type headlights, and he suggests that a copy of this memorandum be carried in all concerned vehicles. UNAPPROVED HEADLAMPS Passenger Vehicle Inspection teams and other personnel inspecting passenger vehicles report contacting a significant number of vehicles with unapproved headlamps. These are generally of foreign manufacture. The unapproved headlamps are usually the replaceable bulb type and do not meet the specifications for the required sealed beam types. In most instances the vehicles were originally purchased overseas by California residents. In other instances the owners purchased the cars while living out of California (Continued on Page Ii)

by appointment: 398 "2217 Vern Curt

Covert Kuebler

IN TH E NEWS Once there was a CPA in Saco, Maine who owned a 1967 Porsche. Each week Ernest H. Griswold had the same man wash and polish his car. Griswold died recently and willed the Porsche to the man who had washed it. He went a step further. He established a trust fund for perpetual maintenance of the car. There are others in Maine who love a Porsche, it seems. Alan Mooney Of New Jersey moved to the state a year ago. His first project: to start a Porsche club to replace in his heart the club he had left behind. The Maine association was born April 23 and on July 28 the Downeast Region of the Porsche Club of America will get its official charter at a banquet in Portland. Porsche clubs have 8,800 active members in the U.S. but few of them face the difficulties of the Down Easters. Mooney says there are only about 200 Porsche owners in Maine, and of these, 39 already

"THE PANIC BUTTON" 398-2217 pca activity info

are meters of the Do.east chapter, most of them "technically oriented" because there are only two Porsche dealerships in the state and ~wners are not too keen on letting just any mechanic take a wrench to their prizes. Mooney does all the work on his car. Perhaps he should consider a trust fund, too. Taken from Sports Illustrated July 16, 1973

~ __~

Has anyone recently seen, spoken to, or heard of Dave Swehla of Long Beach or Robert Holtzman of Redondo Beach? These two PCA-LA members have moved and left no forwarding address, and therefore must be dropped from our mailing list unless we hear from them soon. Contact your editor if you have any info.

Porscherama is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this "for sale" column.


mTrailer Hitch. Fits ’65 thru ’72 911 or 912 by bolting to chasis. Custom made and has 1,500 lb. capacity. $50.00 including all mounting hardware. Call Pete Loewenberg at 456-3072.

’~"~ Specializing in close-tn|eranee ~1~%~ machining for air-cooled engines. PORSCHE & HIPERFORMANCE VW’s--Ourbag! SendforFREE Catalog covering components, servicing tips,

¯ 1959 Porsche 356A Cabriolet. Has matching hardtop and 166,000 actual miles; 20,000 miles on rebuilt engine and clutch. Perfect for collection by someone interested in preserving an unusual car. This car has 3 owner history and all work records are available. Make inquiry to: Norman Frantzman, 217 w. ist St., rm. 105 Los Angeles, 90012. Telephone (213) 620-3444. Photo’s &/or personal inspection available to interested parties by appointment

and pfices you can live with. MASTER


ACCEPTED. 2095N. LakeAve. Altadena, Ca. 91001 [213) 794-8402

(213) 681-5991

¯ 1964 SC 356 Porsche. Excellent body, no rust, sepia/black. Engine/transmission rebuilt by Wilshire West. 12,5000 miles. Service records. AM, tinted windshield, adjustable konis, decar~0ered. Need cash, buying house - $3200/offer. Call Cathy Goodman, 455-1668 (Topanga).



¯ Wanted: 1957-1965 Porsche Convertible or cabriolet. 1957-1959 Speedster preferred. Must be concourse. Money no problem for right car. Photos desired, will return. Contact Richard Johnson, 1464 Ridgeway Rd., Arnold, Maryland 21012 (phone - 301-757-3304).


This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related listings of non-PCA members on a space available basis if accompanied by a check in the amount of $3.00 payable to Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region.the following: All listings must conform to i. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise. (Display advertizing at nominal rates are available for businesses);




Custom Afito

2. Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers;

9519 t AR;~SIA BLVD





I~6-~ 3. Each listing must be limited to fifty words, plus name, address, zip code and telephone number. All listings are subject to editing and condensing; and 4. All listings must be received by or before the 20th of each month for inclusion in the next month’s issue.



factory and subsequently moved into the State. Problems of unapproved headlamps can generally be traced directly to the manufacturer. Rarely is there any evidence of an intentiona! violation of the Vehicle Code on the individual’s part.

PORSC~E STATUS CHANGE The Porsche factory has changed its corporate status from a limited partnership PORSCHEFACTORY... (KG) to a stock corporation (AG). Effective immediately, the firm will ~e known as Dr.-Inq. h.c.F, Porsche Aktiengesellschaft. Please update your records accordingly,

The problem can and does, in most cases, impose an unfair economic hardship on the owners to make the change to approved lamps. Generally, this entails not only changing the optical units but also the headlamp housings. Such a conversion is almost always in excess of $200 and the value for the entire vehicle seldom exceeds $600. Field commands have requested guidance on enforcement approp@iate to this condition. Therefore, in instances where passenger cars are found to have unapproved headlamps, the following policy shall apply:

The family ownership of the firm is not affected by this change. Dr.-Ing. h.c. Ferdinand Porsche will be Chairman of the company’s board of directors, with Louise Pi~ch acting as deputy. The present managing directors, Dr. Ernst Fuhrmann and Dipl. Kfm. Heinz Branitzki, will continue their functions, Tom McDonald

1969 and later model passenger cars. Issue a written warning and notify Engineering Section the make and model of vehicle concerned and name and address of registered owner. 1968 and earlier model passenger cars. Advise the owner that the headlamps are unapproved and suggest that they be changed to the approved sealed beam types. No Other action is required.


WESTWOO[:) Sales
































call joe deSantis

PORSCHE - AUI:31 10959 Santa Monica Boulevard, Westwood, California 90025


Phone: 478-4095

r~ler~bl~shirl Guess what, all you great PCAers? Your ex-foaming-at-the-mouth membership chairman has gone bananas. Now wait a minute it’s not true that I’~ bananas all the time! The reason for this most recent situation is - are you ready? - I am going to MONTEREY!!!! I was informed that there were enough cancellations so my number (627) was called. I am now number 341. I probably shouldn’t, but I will tell you my secret of success. First of all, you should be my size - 6 feet 2 inches and 287 pounds. Second, you should be a Board member. Third, you should yell, scream, swear, etc. Fourth, write nasty letters, and make dirty phone calls to the people in charge. Or, you can do what I did. I called up, and in my most terrible voice said, "Pleeeeeeease may I go?"

into a nice, big uptown garage. Everything was beautiful for them. Their oil was clean, and they fell more in love with each passing day (sigh). They even decided to go to Germany to see all their relatives, which of course required a complete, but routine, diagnostic checkup. But diaster 8truck! A couple of days after the 914 had her bonnet lifted, her M.D. (Motor Doctor) called the "S" and asked to see him in private. The M.D. told the "S" that his wife suffered from an incurable cancer, RUST, and that it was only a matter of time! The "S" just couldn’t believe his antenna. His headlights fogged up and he broke down in tears of gasoline until he was exhausted. The Doc told him that she only had a few thousand miles left and then it would be all over, but that there were some additives that would make it less painful. The "S" told the Doc not to spare any cost and to do everything he could to help her.

Tore Johnson P.S.

Membership is now at 289.


(Continued from Page 4) went by - and work was hard - but finally the "S" graduated with trophies. Then, one afternoon shortly after graduation, while he was tooling around the garage, the "S" got a telegram from the Roger Penske racing team, asking him if he wanted to join up. Well, our "S" had really made it big now. He joined the Penske team, and did very well, winning several big races, and always finishing in the top five. He and the q14 moved out of their little garage

There was only one problem, kids - they spent a lot of money. And the "S" needed a loan. So, the next day he went to see his father, whom he hadn’t seen since before the wedding. When his dad asked what he needed the money for (and since he didn’t want his dad to know that it was for his 914), the "S" told him that he had gotten a Targa in trouble. His father said, "You wouldn’t believe me I told you so. " But he gave his son the money, anyway. The "S" and the 914 spent all their time together before she had to start treatment. He took a leave of absence from the racing team and they cancelled their trip to Germany. But alas, finally, the time came, and the brave little 914 had to enter the dealership. As the weeks went by, she got worse and worse. Then, one night, with her 911S parked by her side, the little 914 lost her RPMs (Rust Preventive Medicine) and died. The "S" was so sad and empty that he started his engine and raced out of the place, only to meet his 91~ father driving in. His father said, "Son, why didn’t you tell me about your VW?" Then the 911S quickly interrupted, saying, "Father, don’t call her a VW ... love means never having to say, ’you’re a Volkswagen!’" Fraudie

~ PORSCHE OWNERSI~, A new on.stop Parts and Accessories Store .... devoted exclusively to the Porsche Owner. Open weekdays: 9:00-6:00

Saturday: 9:00-4:00

PRODUCTS--WEST ~ 10946 Santa Monica Boulevard West Los Angeles, Calif. 90025 Phone: 477-0507




AUGUST 19-24




18TH POR$!:H! Pi:iRl:iD! monT Ri V 1

All parade entrants or others wishing to tour (driving rapidly) to Monterey on August 18, contact Ralph Campbell Activities 679-4511, ex. 4006 (days), 826-0253 (eves Let’ s make it an inter. esting drive up the coast.









u. $. POSTAGE PAl D CA 90277







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