Vol. II No. 7 AUGUST 1982
Board Of Directors PRESIDENT Judd B0yki n ............... days 419-3875 eves 788-4182 VICE PRESIDENT John Fels ................. eves 476-4755 SECRETARY Carmella Tellez ........... eves 362-3801 TREASURER Brent Morrow .............. days 451-7478 eves 823-1690 ACT I V I T I E S Sam Wang ............. eves (714) 831-3799 TECH Doug Anderson ............. days 738-9518 eves 912-2356 MEMBERSHIP Bob H0usman ............... eves 990-2869 EDITORS Connie Fern ............... days 398-2217 Lark Nakazaki ............. eves 398-1963 Ken Bal 1 ard ............... days 824-5503 PCA ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE Mike Springer ............ (714) 847-7598
Policy PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by the editorial board no later than the ‘1st of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA, its board of directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication.
M vino ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us, care of Ann Wang, ‘ 12222 Montana, LA 90049.
Ad Rates
PCA-LA At A Glance PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine PORSCHE PANORAMA and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating land sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time, Enjoy.
Subscriptions PORSCHERAMA is available to nonmembers of PCA-LA at the rate of $18 per year. Send requests to ‘19‘1 ‘1 Newell Road, Malibu 90265, along with your check, payable to PCA-LA.
ADVERTISING DJkTES (Effective Feb. ~, ~98‘11 Size of Ad
Back Cover I!/=1 Full Page ‘1/2 Page ‘1/3 Page ‘1/4 Page ’1/6 Page Business Card
S‘ 100.00 65.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 25.00
$800.00 750.00 400.00 325.00 275.00 250.00 ‘ 180,00
PCA HOTLINE 398-22‘ 17
3 Well, the Parade in Reno is history
now and so is the proposed L.A. Parade for ]984. Going up to Reno to present our bid, all involved thought we had a very good, competitive pack-
age. We still feel it would have been an exciting week, but if you are planning for 1984, get ready
for Chicago--actually Wisconsin. The Chicago Region will be hosting
Congratulations to the following Los
An.~eles Re~on members for their outstanding accomplishments at the REliC PARADE:
nov~er WinS - Class & Division Winner/Concours Tom & Jsune Chang - Class Winner/ Concours
the Parade in Wisconsin.
Vern & Ada Covert - 3rd in Class/
All I can say is "sorry"--maybe ’85. If you were attending the Reno Parade for a vacation instead of submitting a Parade bid, you would have had an enjoyable week. All things considered we had a good time so if you haven’t attended one yet, consider it for the future.
Ken Ito - 3rd in Class/Contours Dou.~ Anderson - ist in Class/Autocrosse; 7th in class/Tech Ouiz John Williamson - 2nd in Class!Tech Quiz Other Zone 8 members takin~ home tromhies were: Mike and Georgia Springer (OCR) Class & Division winners/Concours; Ron & Susan Armour Class & Division Winners/Contours; Tom Gougd Jr. & St. (OCR) Overall Rally winners and Lars and Beverly Frhom (OCR) ist in SOP class Rally. As Ken Ito predicted in his article the major competition in the Concours was mrovided by the Zone 8 cars
I want to thank you all for your support of the new regional dues. If this was not a necessity, we would
not have considered it.
One impor-
tant thing to keep in mind is that we are a non-profit organization and
if there is an abundance in the treasury, we definitely will be looking for ways to return the money to you through reduced entry fees or the like Your support is important though, for without it we won’t continue to exist. Think about
running for a position on the Board of Directors next year The slots available for nominations should be
President, Vice President, Secretary, Membership and Activities Directors. Come out and participate. See you in Monterey. ~-~
Three of the five eligible for the
Manhattan Trophy were from the Zone 8
Special thanks this month to Doug Dana and Carmella Tellez for their articles. This is a first for Doug and we hope he will become a frequent contributor. PHOTO CREDITS go to Doug Anderson, Judd Boykin, John Willia]]]son and Lark Nakazaki. Production Staff: Peggy and Bil! Watkins and Coralee Ellison.
CALEiTDAR CHANGES: GET AC©UAINTED. MEETING scheduled for the 12th of TECH SESSION on How to Buy a Used
911 will be h~id on September 8th at 7:S0 pm at Red Line Service, Santa ]~onica. Don’t miss this one - Pete Zimmermm~]n will be conductin,q the session. }<ee n the attic les, nictures, comments,
~eqion needs YOU[ ConnieLarknKen
~ R ~: ~.~.~
Thanks to Grady Clay
Use the following answers for these questi ons :
<2131 515- s433 (800) 262- 1325
A. B. C. D. E.
P.O. BOX 3339
a paper element rare earth a screen centrifugal separator nothing
(1)On production 356 models the engine oil, prior to being pressurized by the oil pump, is filtered by (2)On production 911 models the engine oil, immediately prior to being pressurized by the oil pressure pump, is filtered by (3)On Production 914 4-cylinder models the engine oil, prior to being pressurized by the oil pump, is filtered by
(4)On Production 924 models the engine oil, prior to being pressurized by the oil pump, is filtered by
pb tweeks is: f
A resource for many hard-to-find interior, exterior and hard parts for all Porsche models and years.
A complete selection of accessories, apparel and after-market goodies.
A l-stop shop for all parts for 356-911-930-914924-931-928.
A manufacturer of quality replica Porsche body, chassis and trim parts (we sell factory items also). Foremost, we promise you Fair Prices and Friendly Service!
Rc’,toratkm Spcciali~,ts ol l-inc European Automobile,, L
Metal Finishing Concours Preparation & Assistance
I j
Dave DiMaria (213) 320-3495
Lacquer Paint Refinishing Color Matching
Brian Winger
Collision Rcpair~ Welcome
(213) 320-3495
400~ E. Anaheim / Lonfl Beach, ~A 90804 / (213) 438-9767
MID-SUMMER MEMBERSHIP MADNESS Well, we didn’t make it’. The Parade for 1984 will be hosted by Chicago Region. That will make two midwest Parades in a row --with 1983 being hosted by Kansas City Region. Now the fact that the majority of the National Board hails from east of the Rockies probably doesn’t have as much to do with those choices as does the fact that I just didn’t sell our ideas well enough. I apologize to PCA/LA for not bringing the Parade to L.A. for 1984. But, our idea’s must have been sound since there is now talk of putting in a bid for the 1985 Parade as a Zone 8 collective effort using the basics that we proposed for 1984. Best of luck to whoever puts it
Ted Barba, Jr. 59 Canary Yellow 356A Chip Bissell 77
Peru Red
Karin Iiasters 78 Black 911
Robert Miles 83 14etallic Black 944 Bert Poncher 82 928 Peter Rech 64 Black 356C George I. Venieris 59 ~,,Yhite 356
Eugene J. Weiss
69 Sil~er 911T While we were all having a "good time" at the Reno Parade, we still have new members joing our ranks. Also, as of this writing, approximately 60% of our L.A. members have chosen to remain active by sending in their regional dues. The other 40% I’m sure are opening their checkbooks right now to help out the old region. Welcome to new members this month’.~
INDEPENDENT PORSCHE SERVICE AND REPAIR Quality Service & Maintenance at fair rates Suspension-Chassis tuning
Engine-transmission rebuilding Time Trial -- Race Specialists
(213) 391-7277 24-HOUR PHONE 13332 W. WASHINGTON BLVD.
(In Marina de/ Rey, 2 Blocks east of Z mcoln, adjacent to Burger King) Marc Rothman
Tom Marx
Division of International Racing Services, Inc.
Probably one of the most photographed carat the Parade - No. I. Grand Prix regions Ron Ramage had the "honor" of trailering it to Reno. To bad they took the battery and key.
Vern Covert talking over old times with Chuck Stoddard. Vern and Adaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 904/6 Turbo took 3rd in Class at the Concours. The Coverts (20 year members will be featured in a future issue.
Roger Wing putting the finishing touches on his award winning (Qlass and Division) soft-top Targa.
LA members relaxing and enjoying the cars and friends.
The Springers sleeping - dreaming of Manhattan Trophies. Their immaculate 924 was Class and Division winner, but no Manhattan this year.
A Zone 7
Tom Chang and his class winning Turbo.
Doug receiving the checkered flag on the winning run. He was the only LA region member to trophy in the Autocross. Ah... to have a 914!!!!!!
Mike Springer, Zone 8 Rep, holds the rap attention of Nicki Tonius, Judd Boykin, Georgette and Brent Morrow while Georgia Springer looks on
Bob Garretson (with glasses) congratulates Doug Anderson on receiving First Place in Autocross.
John Williamsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 914 being trailered back from the Parade - 6 inches of snow in June!?!?!
Terry McCormick in Doug’s car receiving last minute instructions from the grid personnel. This was her first speed event. Beware Doug, you may have opened Pandora’s box!!!
Carmela Tellez and Carla Dominguez in "Meekie" receiving out-time and instructions at Check-point 9. Working on the opposite side of the road at the In marker was our own Dusty Janes.
Judd Boykin/Connie Fern (the announcer couldn’t seem to get it straight - how could you expect the photographer to know). It’s Judd’s corner -14 pylons and he still didn’t get the top pylon award!).
BOARD ~,~EETING - 8 pm Info ~ directions contact John Fels (21S) 476-4755 (eve)
SWAP ~]EET - ~]ax Dial Porsche/Audi 817 ~ La~:Zrea, In~lewood .... Selle~s - ~:15 am, !Buyers - 8am ;:~i0.00 pe~P soace,
GET ACOUAI[Y~ED ~,[I:]~’]TII.~G - 8nm [~O~TfY’S STSA]< HOUSE (h<estw0od) ii00 Glendon Ave. (To~o l~’loor)
San Diego Corvette Challen,qe
Zone $ Concours - San Diego Heritage Park in Old Town Ooen at 8:00 - Juds~in,<{ starts at ii:00 a.m. For info:,and reservations contact Dave ~ ~alker (714) 697-8144 eves or (714) 276-0521 days.
2,~onterey £Iistoric Car ~laces and Concours.
International ~’~ine ~{ Food Fes~ - "Progressive Style" 3:30 - Contact ~olly Payne (218) ~93-1588 or Beverly Frohm (714) ~->9Z-3341.
15 June 1982 Dear Friends, About 18 months ago at the Presidenhs and Editorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Meeting in Apple Valley, I suggested that we bo[row a good idea from the 356 Registry and make up our own Zone 8 Crisis Directory, (a Zone 8 directory of assistance available from other PCA members) to include the addresse~ and services (including coffee and chat, to overnight lodging, directions to the best local Porsche garage, tools, parking -- whatever you feel you wish to offer) around our Zone. For various reasons, the Directory never got beyond the initial stages (questionnaire and permission to copy the idea from the Registry) until now. This is an opportunity to provide assistance to fellow PCA members with a problem as well as make new friends. Enclosed please find a copy of the Questionnaire. We are requesting that each Region in the Zone print it in their newsletter or otherwise diseminate it to the membership in their Region so that the members can fill it Out (if they so desire), and return it to me at the below address to be compiled into our Zone 8 Crisis Directory and s~nt out to those who wish a copy. This will be put on a computer so that it can be completely updated and reprinted from time to time, every few years or so, possibly with an update to be sent to Editors to be published in the newsletters for pen and pencil changes once or twice a year. The completed Questionnaires should be sent to: Lis Stanton 4087 Montoya Ave. Las Vegas, Nevada
Although the price has as yet been Undetermined, I think it will be in the neighborhood of $5.00 - $7.50 to defray the printing and mailing costs. It ie hoped that we will be able to provide the initial contributors with a "free" copy for their contribution, but our cost Ray have to be charged. I hope you will give this project your fullest support and with any luck we will be able to get our OWn Zone 8 Crisis Directory out to the membership within a few months. Very truly yours~
Sourtcsy of the 356 REGISTRY
Jerry Fevser
Thls quest~onnaire’s purpose Js to compile a reference listzng of Zone R PCA members who wJlllng (and able) to offer fellow members the followino: ])
Mechanical assistance if they suffer a Porsche breakdown whi]e tourin~
2) Touring, services or activities information for their own "home" area 3) Coffee and Conversation -- a friendly rest break with congenial people Participants will be identified ONLY by telephone number and location by city. state and z~p code. No names or addresses ~Ii be listed. (Name & address info requested on the questi~n-nalre for filing and mailing only.) A coded entry will accompany each listing specifying the forms of assistance a participatinq PCA member is offering, as well as his or her Porsche inter~t.s. In..t~e interest of fairness, copies of this reference will only be made available ~o persons who have contributed thief own listing to it. A couple of notes of caution and/or requests for cooperation -- First. this assistance reference can only work if it is NOT ABUSED!! Calling other contributors to bum cheap or free parts freeloading a night’s lodging in a non-emergency situation, or calling a contributor to request assistance which that person is not ON RECORD as offering will likely "turn off" the imposedupon person to future participation, and may easily ruin a positive program for everyone. Second prior to checking boxes on the questionnaire itself,THINK!! Depending, of course, on the assistance you offer, you may get a phone call a 4 a.m. Sunday during a freak June rainstorm from someone whose electrical system has died 20 miles out of town, and you may be the only listing within I0 miles. If for example you’ve listed repair space and overnight shelter, you will probably have a dead Porsche and a wet tired person or two at your door within the next hour or so. IF YOU REALLY AREN’T PREPARED FOR THE POSSIBILITY, DON’T OFFER THE ASSISTANCE! SOMEONE, SOMETIME IS GOING TO ASK! NOTE: Please offer only assistance you are realistically prepared to offer over an extended ~yeriod time. /19n /__/91~ /__191h_I192h I_/~8 /__/~30/__/Other PE c~:of /__I:~5~ (specify) CODE TYPE OF ASSISTANCE -- REPAIRS ~__/ A ~_/ P ~_/ OL ~_/ CR // UR // SS ~_/ LT ~_/ HT ~ TA i0 ~_/ TA 25 // TA 50 ~/ TVO ~_/ TVB // TVT // RPI
Assistance with repairs Some parts on hand (don’t expect gifts) Overnight lodging (ONE night) Covered or inside repair space Unsheltered repair space Secure storage (72 hours maximum) Light hand and power tools (wrenches drill, etc.) Heavy tools (Floor jack, compressor, press etc.) Travel to assist up to 10 miles Travel to assist.up to 25 miles Travel to assist 50 miles or more Towing vehicle only Towing vehicle with suitable tow bar Towing vehicle with trailer or truck Up-to-date repair sho~ and/or parts availability info TYPE OF ASSISTANCE -- SERVICES AND INTERESTS
Z_/ ~_/ ~/ // ~_/
~_/ ~__/ // ~/ ~_/ ~_/ ~_/
Coffee and conversation Services info -- medical, dental etc. Touring info -- loding, restaurants, points of interest, routes Activities info -- local PCA events, etc. Bilingual/multilingual (please list native language first, ie i, 2, 3) ~_/ E-English ~_/ G-German // J-Japanese // F-French ~_/ I-Italian ~_/ S-Spanish ~_/ O-Other (please state) Concours preparation/participation Restoration Social Touring Competitive racing Vintage racing Autocross/timetrial/hillclimb NAME ADDRESS (Street & No.) CITY STATE & ZIP CODE TELEPHONE NO.
Sample listing:
Sacramento, CA 95823, 916-392-7318 356, 915 A, P, OL, UR, LT, HT, TA 25 RPI/CC, TI, AI, S. T, VR
PCA/LA Board Meeting
PCA/LA Gimmick Rally
Zone 8 Concours - Riverside Region
PCA/LA Membership Meeting
Zone 8 Rally - Golden Empire Region
Crane School Concours - Santa Barbara
23-25 CAESARS PALACE Grand Prix - kas Vegas 26
P0C Slalom - 0.C.I.R.
’t911" RALLY Date :
s ~ ~.tar~:
RED LINE SERVICE 720 Co!orado Ave.
Santa Monica, Ca. Time:
open 8:30 mm
ist car off 9:30 am Cost:
her car
Sam Wan~ & Judd Boykim
OCTOBER 2-3 Zone 8 Concours - Arizona 2-3 POC/PCA Golden Gate Region Time Trial--Laguna Seca 2-3 Can Am - Riverside 6
PCA/LA Board Meeting
9-10 Zone 8 Time Trial LA/POC Riverside Int’l. Raceway 2]
PCA/LA Membership Meeting
Zone 8 Rally - Orange Coast Region
3906 Grandview Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90066 (213) 398-2217
NOV EMB E R 3 18
PCA/LA Board Meeting PCA/LA Get Acquainted/Orientation Meeting
20-21 POC/PCA Orange Coast Region Time Tri al - Wi l l ow Springs
Technical/Graphic Artist
276 Hayes Avenue
PCA/LA Board Meeting
Ventura, California 93003 Telephone (home) 805-647-2338
PCA/LA Christmas Party/Award Brunch
Joe’s Porsche Service Independent Porsche Serwcing
~ (~
Chiropractic Orthopaedics Supportive Nutrition
PoI SCheo Audi* ~MW Volkswagen ~. makes of foretgm cars
Acupuncture (E.A.V.) TARZANA, CALIFORNIA 91356
TELEPHONE: 345-5882
4215 Lincoln Btvd
Marina ael Rey
823 4~3
In more ways than one, August will be a HOT month for PCA/LA~ August 1 was the date of the Annual Porsche-Corvette Challenge Slalom in San Diego. The ’vette people did us in the first two years. I hope I’II have a nicer report for next month’s column, Saturday, the 7th, will see our own Swap Meet. Held at Max Dial Porsche Audi, 817 No. LaBrea, Inglewood. This will be one of those ever-convenient opportunities to find that elusive passenger-assist handle or original A-Model hood handle while getting rid of your 3rd set of steel-magnesium 904 race wheels. Sellers at 7:15 a.m. and buyers at 8:00 a.m.
~Ub ~tC~ ORSCHE’AUD~ p
San Diego Region comes up August 15th with their version of the Zone 8 Concours. Though it could hardly compare with L.A. Regions effort, San Diego’s event always has been spectular. I guess there are a lot of beautifully clean cars around San Diego that we don’t get to see unless we catch their show~ Really, tho, it’s a neat show. See elsewhere for full details of site and time. The next weekend, actually covering Friday-Sunday, August 20-22, is perhaps the biggest Porsche affair of the year. The Historic Auto Races at Laguna Seca will be honoring Porsche as the Marque of the Year. This should bring PCAers and their cars out by droves (yes, most will drive, some will be driven). Anyway, reservations in Carmel and Salinas will be filled up, but I’m sure there’s always a way to find a room. Call me (714) 831-3799 evenings if you need to make such a connection. Don’t forget the PCA/LA Board of Directors’ meeting, set for Wed., August 4th. Also, the membership meeting for August will be a New Member meeting and will be moved up a week, to Thursday, August 12th so as to avoid conflict with the Monterey weekend (above).
This is to inform all Porsche owners that STEVE TAUB PORSCHE-AUDI parts and accessories department is now open for your convenience on Saturday between the hours of 9am. and 4pm. see us soon. Steve Taub Porsche-Audi 1020 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica, Ca. (213) 393-9922
Stop by and
Lastly, plan on Saturday, September llth for the famous (infamous?) 911 Rally (check the date again). It’ll be a simple, non-Zone 8 instructional rally and picnic that will begin in Santa Monica and (probably) end up somewhere hot. Stay tuned--see you everywhere~
Reno would be my second Porsche Parade, and I had been patiently waiting for that one week in June since Portland ’80. Well the time was drawing near and Meekie 2 needed a tune-up badly. Meekie 2 is my 1973½ 911T Targo Coupe --Meekie l was my 1978 black 924 Well, Meekie was running and sounding terrible and was going through gas and oil like they were water. So in the last week of April I took the 911 to my good friend, Jose Ochoa. Jose had just started his own business with a friend of his, David Mann. I met Jose back in ’78 when I joined PCA. He was my first instructor in Time Trials, and we both survived nicely. If he could trust his life with me behind the wheel, I sure could trust him to fix Meekie. We won’t mention that Jose happens to be a fine mechanic° Well, back to the story. I left the car with Jose and Dave knowing all would be well in a couple of days. When Jose called back a few days later I was totally unprepared for his statements. "A tune-up isn’t going to help--it’s time to rebuild the engine~" I knew the car was sick, but that sick?~ This was a big operation, intensive care stuff, BIG BUCKShOt! Goodbye Reno! I told Jose I would call him back in lO minutes--I needed the time to cry. What to do? Fix the car (was it worth it?), sell it, or perhaps trade it in (heavens, what am I saying?). When I called Jose back he told me his olan and said not to worry--we could work something out. He had such a way of making me feel that everything would turn out OoK. So he began taking out the engine the first of May. During this time I had a nice talk with the MOM and POP Loan Agency, and got
prompt courteous service. They knew I would be unhappy without the 911 and were more than willing to help out in any way. My sister offered the use of her truck while Meekie was in the hospital, my nephew came to call Jose and Dave doctors, and my friends offered much needed moral support, although their response was "SELL ITS" They have grown used to my "crazy" behavior about my car. Jose called back after the engine was out and said he thought we could get by with the pistons and, thus, all was done except for that. However, the rings failed to seal and the engine was taken out a second time and the rings replaced. Again, the rings did not seal, and Jose called to tell me that the pistons would have to be replaced after alI--HEADACHE$~ "Go ahead." So the engine was taken out for the third time. I was getting nervous-the engine was out on June 14th and I had planned to leave for Reno June 19th. Jose and Dave kept reassuring me that I would make my departure date and the car would be running fine. On Thursday, June 17th, the engine was in the car--thanks to Jose and Dave who put in extra long hours to get it done. I picked up the car on Friday afternoon with a terrible cold and left Saturday for Reno--right on time. Tracy Nakazaki, in his beautiful 914-6 was my travelling partner and we began our slow trip north. The trip was great--except for the parking lot accident to the 914 and a little overheating outside of Sacramento, the car ran beautifully. We rolled into Reno at 6:00 p.m. that evening. Jose was flying in the next day and I couldn’t wait to tell him how great the car ran, felt, and sounded. (con’t on pg.15)
Of course. In the middle of a dark New England night I once set a rally course so devious that every Sunbeam Alpine produced by the factory in 1960 was lost for a week°
Perfect. I too am a seasoned vet of "Rally Wars." ! once ran a Tom Gould OCR rally by myself in John Williamson’s Rabbit race car and became so mired in Newport Beach that I headed directly (Do Not Pass Go) to Shakey’s Pizza (the rally end).
~t,~. DOUr. D~h’~ Most rallies don’t begin over a banquet dinner, but for the "Instant Rallyist" (hereafter referred to as IR), this one did. IR found himself seated at another (usually) interminably boring banquet dinner. The dinner company soon revealed itself to be anything but boring. Judd Boykin and Nicki Tonius conducted the group wine-tasting, Aside from the usual bouquet, color and palate criteria were such new techniques as sampling the vintage from the tablecloth rather than a glass. Tom Marx revealed an encyclopedic knowledge of femme fatale film stars over the vigorous nomination of our able President’s favorite (ed. censored). Dustin Janes proved hardy enough to withstand the author!s feeble conversational efforts. Chris and Jim Nielsen provided the balance of class and restraint required by the rest of our activities. Brent and Georgette Morrow were terrific dining companions except that they ordered the only carafe of white amongst a veritable sea of red, thereby totally bamboozling the hapless waitress and ruining the service for the rest of the evening, Enter our innocent heroine, Connie Fern. Heard amidst her otherwise impeccable conversation was the following exchange" IR: CF: IR:
Say Connie, I hear you are needing a rally ride tomorrow? Why yes I am. Settled. I hereby bestow upon you the dubious honor of accompanying the IR on said Parade Rally. Have you any navigational experience??
Oh. (Pause and gulp.) out-time?? 7:48 a.m.
CF: Ugh. (end of conversation) lessons began.
What’s our
And so rally
7:45 a.m., next morning--Overhead was the following: "We should have at least read the "Generals." 7:46 a.mo--"What’s WWV?" 7:47 a.m.--"What’s a note?" 7:48 a.m.--"Faster, IR. We’re late~ At 7:48½, our team found out the next interesting fact. Old, thrashed 356 speedometers aren’t very accurate. Let’s see. I/lO of a mile error over II.27 mi = a cosine tangential of the distance from the Truckee River to Sparks, squared. O.K., next!! This rally had 9 legs and a duration of 8 or 9 hours. The dynamic duo found themsleves with respectable beginner’s error on the Ist two legs (gross ignorance is bliss~), despite our first empty~ubdivision (finished streets, no homes) and a local sheriff eyeing us suspicously. Honest, officer we don’t usually drive in circles. (con’t on pg.15)
($250.00 Tune-up con’t)
(Reno Rally con’t)
Reno was just as exciting, if not more, than Portland. We enjoyed the Parade of Porsches (imagine being in a 3.8 mile long line of Porsches going through the streets of Reno), the banquets and Harrahs, the rallys, even if Carla and I came in 34 out of 40 in navigational, the view of Lake Tahoe and the Truckee River were fantastic, and all the other events and new friends we made while we were there,
Now settling in for the duration, we enjoyed scenic mountain vistas, an all-too-brief visit to Virginia City (period-piece buildings and Comstock Lode history) and the panicky feeling of seeiqg Tom Gould, Sr. and Jr. and their healthy 356 looming in the rearview mirror. Knowing the Gould’s considerable rally skills and also knowing they left after we did made the driver put his foot down and set the navigator off in search of something calming. What we found calming were little yellow parade signs with "G’s" on them. "G"--GOOF~’ (By the way, the Gould’s placed Ist overall.)
The trip home was just as smooth. We stopped off in Lake Tahoe to see the Ponderosa Ranch and !et my 4 year old nephew, Jay, p!ay cowboys and Indians. I have 1400 miles on the new engine and its running great, and it doesn’t leak, and l’m so happy. I don’t think I’II ever be able to express how grateful I am to Jose and Dave for all their patience with me and for doing a "hell of a good job" on Meekie--THANKS DOCTORS JOSE AND DAVE!’’ Carmela Tellez
rel),Urar~(]ma,nt~,nan<e<~ Porscheauh,,n,,h,i,,,
i::~EB LINE BEI:~.VICE, INC. s~ [ )~, l:~,),] ~(
~’ ,
(]()[ ~ ~ ()’’~ ~ ’~
(){)~< ~
Oh no, here comes the sticker lady. Off and on-course controls dispensed little stickums of various colors. More migraine. Ahh, finally. Eureka. Sierra Conval-. ascent Center (an unused note) looms on the horizon. No one answered IR’s plea for help by checking him into the Center, so we responded by attempting a head-on collision with Vern Covert and Jose Ochoa in Vern’s funny little foreign car (a 906) in another subdivision (with houses this time). By the way, Vern and Jose were on-course. We were off-course. Also spent a pleasant lunch with V & J at North Tahoe Regional Park. Fed the wildlife and took a quick rally-terms lesson with V & J. If you have never seen Lake Tahoe, quit your job and go immediatel~. Pristine. The more we knew, the worse we got. And the longer the rally wore on, the more fun we had. IR heartily recommends Connie as rally campanion. IR also recommends rallying to those who haven’t tried it as a way to add some grey hairs, use some grey matter, see some new and gorgeous scenery and i ndulge in one of my favorite pas ti mes-- Por sche- Pushi ng.
16 mma~
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PCA/LA BOARD MEETING JUNE 2, 1982 Meeting called to order at 7:50 p.m. by Judd Boykin. Persons in attendance: Bob Housman, Sam Wang, Doug Anderson, Connie Fern, Brent Morrow, Judd Boykin. Bob Housman, Membership & Parade Committee--Bob presented the 1984 Porsche Parade bid to the Board. All agreed that if proposal accepted Bob will survive; if not he will be shot. No membership discussion, Sam Wang, Activities--Gimmack Rally being planned by Sam and Judd for 9/11/82. Swap Meet planned for 8/14/82 at Max Dial Porsche-Audi. Judd to speak to Chauncy about chairing event. Bob Housman to coordinate parade to the Reno Parade. 4-Club Time Trial discussed--event proceeding smoothly--sponsorship of dash plaques by Vasek Polak and possibility of trophies by National Performance Center.
July Membership Meeting--Sam Wang to arrange for Vasek Polak P/A as location. Bob Housman and Brent Morrow to coordinate dinner of beer and bratwurst. Judd Boykin, President--Christmas Party-Board to chair event, assignments to be split up among members. Judd Boykin to coordinate and arrange for room. Possible location is Lobster House, Marina del Rey for brunch on 12/12/82. Nominations for next year’s Board and replaceemtn for Lark Nakasaki on newsletter discussed. Respectfully submitted,
Judd Boykin President
Doug Anderson, Technical--Doug to plan tech meeting between July 19 and 30 at Redline. Connie Fern, Newsletter--Articles are due now. The new printer is going to be cheaper. We need feature articl es. Brent Morrow, Treasurer--No problems at present. Money due from POC any t i me.
D I S T R I B U T © R S,
I N C.
The quality of our workmanship is guaranteed to make you satisfied. We are reliable, professional and happy to please our clients. Collision Repairs and Paint Updates--(911 to 911 SC or Turbo) Concours Quality Restoration Mechanical Service and Rebuilding Complete Interior Refinishing
The unbeatable Clifford alarm system installed in your Porsche or other fine car from as low as $750.00 plus tax. 1 year factory parts and labor guarantee. For more info please call: DAVID
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Parts and Accessories Sales Alarm and Stereo Sales/Installation New & Used Cars Sales and Leasing
K&E OISTRIBUTORS, INC. 1945 Placentia Ave. Unit "H" Costa Mesa, California 92627
(714) 642-6971
17 1966 911, Blue, Alloys, Webers, clean. Must seli--$6,500. Lou Fols (213) 366-5984 (evenings) DRESS UP YOUR 356, 912 or WHATEVER! FOR SALE -- 4½ x 15 FACTORY MAGS, 4 with 165 x 15 XAS’s (free) $I00 per wheel, i with Dunlop "DogBone" Both Mint condition - $125. The XAS’s are about shot (very little tread, and one is completely gone) but the Dunlop has almost all its tread. For further information, call Dale Anderson, 459-1219. 1973 911T Targa; Saphire Blue; a/c; 5 speed; mask, car cover; alloys; many extras; good condition, all records; original owner. Priced to sell. Contact Jim Brown, 385-9111 days. MUST SELL: 1964 356 SC Coupe #215175, P801103, Red (6402)/Black, original paint, NO rust anywhere, Sacramento, California car, original California platesASV 301 - complete - for restoration, runs pretty good, chrome wheels, body straight, needs paint, rubber, deco’s, engine rebuild, seat upholstery, carpeting, $5995/best offer, Michael Peters, 5424 Wildflower Circle, Carmichael, Ca. 95608 (916) 972-1011 (days), (916) 485-2588 (eves). Winneago Motorhome, 25’, Sportsman’s Den, loaded, 11,500 miles. Sleeps 4, generator, AC, AM/FM 8 track, cruise control, TV antenna, CB, trailer hitch, many extras. Good mileage (350 Chevrolet engine), uses regular gas. Like new. $15,500 or best offer. CALL: Karen Zarinsku (201) 574-5942
RECARO LW LEATHER SEATS: Black, with headrests. Like new, perfect condition. $1500 or best offer. Alan Kupchick, 3435 Wilshire Blvd. #600, L.A. 90010. (213) 380-0530 (days) (213) 990-6679 (eves).
1969 912, 5 speed, 1750cc, NPR Pistons, Norris 3150 cam, new crank , Solex 40 PII carbs, K & N Filters, front mounted oil cooler, -022 "Hot" Distributor, 23mm front torsion bars, 26mm rear torsion bars, 19mm H&H front sway bar, 22mm rear sway bar-adjustable, Filler Safety Harnesses, Corbeau Hi-Back Seats, Racemark Steering Wheel, 7x15 BBS one piece wheels, Teflow Bushings, braided brake lines Race prepared and " ready. $I0,000 including trailer. Contact Dave Anderson (213)293-7289 (days)--(213)546-2910 (eves). 9178 911SC Coupe #9118200043. Beige/ tan int, 31,500 mi, leather front seats & steering wheel, P7’s, air, fog, sunroof, power windows, bilsteins, oil cooler, lowered, short shift, Concord AM/FM stereo cassette, center console, new clutch & tensioners w/safety locks, cams to European specs, CR900 pipe, performance better than new, all maintenance records and original literature including Porsche 1978 pictorial brochure and Road & Track and Car & Driver reviews of 1978 SC’s, No accidents, No smoking in vehicle, No kids or pets, $22,995. Tom Valentine, ll04 Pebble Lane, Modesto, CA 95355. Phone(209)577-I178 (eve) "
1979 930 TURBO MUST be Guards Red/Cork
Interior MUST have under I0,000 miles
MUST have no damage history, and be flawless in every way. MUST be 100% factory original. WILL PAY UP TO $40,000.00 ALLEN DRUCKER 10938 W. Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064 (213) 475-0463 Days
Boykin Jackson Becker Cushman Rager Dana Wakeman Gager Linton Zimmerman Friesen Harbaugh Watkins Williamson Winthrop Givens
Ellison Fern Friesen Dominguez Tellez Watkins Tonnius
POINTS 341 281 201 191 190 171 171 I01 I01 I01 I00 I00 I00 I00 I00 90
POINTS 301 221 lO0 90 90 90 70
MEN’S PARTICIPATION K. D. B. J. L. D. D. R. R. D. L, K. P. J. M.
Ito Janis Leflang Williamson Burton Allan Dana Jackson Wakeman Faulkner Cushman Becker Zimmerman Dominguez Rager
62 60 60 45 42 40 39 39 35 31 25 25 25 20 20
Tonnius Dominguez Ellison Garwood-Wolff Watkins
98 89 69 60 34
Sports/Faire screen to protect the oil pump and engine from large debris. This was a VW screen in the early 356 models, then a rectangular screen through the ’69 912. The Super 90 s ump al so fi ts i ns i de thi s screen. The oi 1 fi 1 ter only recei ves a small portion of the pressurized oil and after filtering it, simply returns i t to the crankcase o (2) Prior to its being pressurized, nothing filters the oil. The engine is drawing from the oi 1 tank. The full flow filter is located in the dry sump return system. 0nly the raci ng si x-cyl i nder engi nes have had a screen type filter and that is located after the pressure pump. This shows the importance of not getting any contamination in the oi I tank.,
SEPT 12 ’82 8 ~.m, = 3p ,m, Buyers/Sellers of classic, race carand late Model parts & accessories can make extra cash or find
that needed
Sell or buy sports Foreign or race cars. Display your car to thousands of potential buyers. Make your own deal. The Orange Co. Porsche Club of America will
host a display of some of the finest Porsches in the world. Street & Competition classes.
between pylons all
Sports/Foreign race
enthusiasts are invited to test their driving skill
against theclock-Hosted by PorscheOwners Club.
Los Alamitos Race Track Katella Ave. (2 Miles E. 605 Fwy.) Admission
(3) The 914 shares with the Type IV VW a screen to protect the oil pump and engine from large debris. The oil filter is located after the
Spaces $15.00
Slalom $15.00
Info. (213)923-3310
oil pressure pump.
(4) A screen is located in the oil pickup pipe prior to the pressure pump. After the oil is pressurized, it flows through a paper element full flow oil filter.
356 & 912 owners:
mmoo k,N(=OLN BLVO,
Change your oil at
2,000 to 3,000 miles and you’ll have a happier engine.
INTERIORS BY L 5TROm Specializing in Porsche Restoration
(213) 705-2410 (805) 245-3182
Chances are, because we’re right here in Southern California’s San Gabriel Valley, you tend to think of us as a "little neighborhood shop" specializing in machine work and special parts for Porschesand VW’s. Well, that’s right - we give that sort of "hometown" service you like to get as "one of the gang." But CE’sfast and friendly way of doing business sort of spread out from here to other folks who also enjoyed
the way they were treated as one of our local gang. Maybe we should be open about this -- our "local gang" hails from Honolulu, Houston, Muncie, PomLitz" pano Beach, Prescott, Richmond, Seattle, St. Paul - even Toronto,
|M~IE’~’|’~t|O~l~Frankfurt Melbourne Osloand South Africa (to namea few). But, iNO|~%~E~R|NO honestly, we’ll treat you just as well even if your hometown is down in L.A., or maybe even Pasadena !
Write or ask for your Free Copy of THE CE NEWS ! 2095 N. Lake Avenue / Altadena California 91001 / 213/794-8402, 681-5991
Porsche Club Of America Los Angeles Region Inc. 1911 Newel/Road
Permit No. Mal
Malibu, Calif. 90265
ibu, Cal ifornia