Porsche Club of America
Los Angeles Region
July / August / September 2011
What Is XWV?
Additional Porsche Concours At Greystone Photos
By Bruce Pollock XWV is an abreviation for Expanded Web Vers i o n. The reasons for its creation make for a long sto ry. Well maybe not too long and if yo u’re re a ding this fa r, it’s possible that the story might be of interest to you. So here we go. The costs of printing and mailing the club’s news l etter is a s o u rce of continual drain on our bank account. Potential answers are under continual c o n s i d e ration. The first test solution is this expanded we b ve r s rion which will be posted on the club web site and be available for everyone to dow nlaod and print, or simply view on scre e n . This XWV version is intended at this time to be additional to the print version that gets mailed to all the members and is also available on the web site, roughly two weeks prior to any anticipated arri va l in members’ mailboxes. So it will augment the space for content, which is at quite premium in the printed version of the n ewsletter. This is but one way to incre a s e the room for news and photos without increasing the pri n t i n g and mailing expenses straining the bank account. It also may be issued at any interval or at any time. This is quite good since certain times of the year are much busier than others with lots of space re qu i red. These times can be accommodated by this XWV news l etter version. Keep looking for it on the we b site. It’s the version ending with “XWV.pdf.”
As can be see from just the two photos here on this first page, the space available in this format is nearly luxurious. I would never dream to present
photos of the size seen here in the print version. Space is just too precious. Not unlike an apartment in Manhatten, or Manhatten Beach for that
matter. After all this is the Los Angeles Region. And photos like these deserve to be presented as large as they possibly can be.
David Altemus photo.
David Altemus photo.