Porscherama 1981 February

Page 1

Vol. 1 THE ULTI~LATE DESIGN PROJECT Cars & Stripes Forever by Ken Ballard It was a relatively slow day at my design office in West IA, 1~ntil I :~eceived a call from Connie Fern at Porschop. Suddenly things got interesting, Connie had just bought a racecar--. an updated ’69 Targa with a 934 body--and she wanted me to create a graphic design theme for the car. I’m a graphic designer, and I’m called on to do all sorts of projects--my latest was packaging for a cookie--but I’d never done a car, It’s one thing to design on a flat piece of paper, but how do you transfer the design to a threedimensional car? Well here’s how. Establish the design overlaying a photo of the car~ then make a slide of that picture, Use a slide projector to beam the image onto the side of the car. Draw lines by hand onto the car, following the shadow image from the projector. Do the rear and front of the car free hand. Then mask the lines and paint. Remove the tape and voila,~ The owners Judd Boykin and Connie Fern both agree the car is faster with the new striping. . or at least the car looks faste~, and it ~ttracts a lot of attention on the ~rack,

...... ....

No. 1

February 1981


PRESIDENT Judd Boykin ........... VICE PRESIDENT Jerry Pennington ...... SECRETARY Carmela Tellez ........

eves 362-3801

PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published monthly in accordance the club bylaws byandtheconditions of with the charter granted Porsche Club of America.

TREASURER Dustin Janes .......... days 476-4732 ACTIVITIES Sam Wang ........... eves 714-892-3431 Ken Ito (Concours) .... eves 937-8081 Bill LeFlang (Rally).. eves 794-5277

Dated material be received the of editorial board must no later than theby Ist each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements in PORSCHERAMA are those of theappearing author and do not constitute

Jan Winthrop (Speed).. eves 325-3431

an opinion of PCA-LA, its board of directors, the PORSCHRAMA editorial board, or staff. of All contributions the its property PORSCHERAMA unlessbecome accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.

days 550-3805 eves 788-4182 eves 822-5475

TECH John Fels ............. eves 476-4755 MEMBERSHIP Bob Housman ........... eves 990-2869 EDITORS Connie Fern ........... days 398-2217 Lark Nakazaki ......... eves 398-1963 Ann Wang .............. days 393-0411

The editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reseryes the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication.


PORSCHERAMA is available to nonmembers of PCA-LA at the rate of $5 per year. Send requests to 1911Newell Road, Malibu along with your check, payable 90265, to PCA-LA.

PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine PORSCHE PANORAMA and generally provides a forum ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed for learning. But the club part is your phone number? Be sure to notify local. And what PCA-LA offers is an us, care of Ann Wang, 12222 Montana, opportunity to share the exhilirating LA 90049. (and sometimes frustrating)experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of~ all time. Enjoy. , ÂŻ


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brief background of himself and 1981 looks like it is going to be a then answered all our questions. return to more simplistic ways for His drive at Riverside the followPCA in Zone 8. The President’s ing weekend was very good. He meeting held at Apple Valley on Jan. qualified in the third position and 17 brought forth a suggestion for the Zone 8 Rally Series which was worked himself to the lead before unanimously accepted. That idea is his engine blew up. Ricky showed all that he will definitely be a to make our rallies more simple and straightfor~ard. This concept is incontender on the NASCAR circuit tended to keep the driver!navigator this year. teams in a harmonious balance at the completion of the event. Previously Finally, if you are still searching adopted for the Contours Series was for a potent gasoline, try your local Union 76 station. They still a return to the 1974-1978 era judghave a leaded type ethyl. ing system with each judge being responsible for a pre-determined area of the car. This will bring the Zone 8 system in line with that usTHE POINTS SCHEDULE is listed ed at the Porsche Parades. Some below. Minimum competition pts. changes were recommended for the (i0) are given for just driving Time Trial Series but they will not the event. Zero pts. are given be determined until Jan. 27th. The for DNR one pt. DNF. suggestions made in this area we~.e designed to bring the Zone 8 rePARTICIPATION POINTS gulations in line with those of POC, our friendly ri~val. In these days of i. Chair event ........ ....50 perday escalating costs and declining at" 2. Co-chair event ......... 30 tendance at time trials both organ" i0 3. Work event ............. izations are going to have to work " 5 together to insure successful events. 4. Enter event ............ 5. Attend meetings-Already there are three joint PCA/ General, board, teh.... 2 POC events in the planning stages 6. Special work duties-for 1981. The proposed rule changes Porscherama,by-laws,etc.5 " would make it easier for both part7. Article or picture for icipants and eventmasters alike. Porscherama ............ i0 per Let’s hope they are adopted. article or picture Be sure to check the calender section for date changes. The L.A. Zone COMPETITION POINTS 8 Rally has been moved from Feb. 22 to July 18 but Sam and I will be First in class ............ i00 having a fun type L.A " Region rally " ............ 90 Second to take its place. Check the an" ............ 80 Third nouncement for further details. Also " ............ 70 Fourth our March Teeh meeting on concours " ............... 60 Fifth preparation has been cancelled but " ............ 50 Sixth the topic is slated of our March Seventh " ............ 40 membership meeting at the Yacht Club. Eight " ............ 30 Let’s see all you Wash and Shine ,, ............ 20 Ninth experts in attendance. Mac says that ,, ............ i0 Tenth tickets for the Long Beach Grand Prix are going rapidly so get your * Remember--you must sign up order in early, at all events: Our January membership meeting with NASCAR driver Ricky Rudd as our guests speaker proved to be an enjoyable evening. Ricky gave us a

4 Editors Notes

Board fvfeeting Summary

How do you like our new format? We think it looks terrific, and we hope you’ll find it easier and more fun to read. Our new logo and all the graphic designs are by Ken Ballard. We’re also grateful to Ken for his helpful suggestions on layout. Please note our cover photo. It goes along with our feature article for this month, and this will be our policy this year. We’re asking members to submit photos and related stories for feature of the month. It can be about your own car, an event, or anything related to you and Porsches. This month’s story is by Ken Ballard (we kept him busy~) and the photo is of Connie Fern’s and Judd Boykin’s race car for which Ken designed the graphics. Besides Ken, we also want to thank our staff, including Jana Esher, Cindy Crystal, and ’George Housman. Next month we are going to a bulk mailing system. This means that we have to get the paper together much earlier so you’ll still be able to get it the first week of each month. Our new deadline for material--articles, for sale, etc. --will be the Ist of each month, That means you’ll have to hustle to get things in for the March newsletter. Our upcoming events are all discussed in the paper, except for ones on March 29 we’re having an event at the Northridge Malibu Grand Prix. All of you who won tickets at the Xmas party now have a chance to use them. More in next month’s paper. ConnieLark’nAnn

January 14, 1981 Meeting called to order 8:00PM. All present except Dustin. Financial report by Judd of a positive balance in PCA account. Final audit will be ready at Feb. Board meeting. Approval given to publish club points in newsletter on a quarterly basis. Input needed by newsletter staff on delivery time of Porscherama to members when we go to bulk mailing in March. Combination of POC, PCA/LA for Riverside time trials in Sept., due to increased rental fees, with POC so we can run more joint events due to increase cost of track rentals. TECH: Feb. tech at Yacht Club~ Police to teach mace class. March tech cancelled, to be combined with March membership meeting. Topic~ "How to Clean Your Porsche" MEMBERSHIP= Six new members an~ nounced by Bob’. New members meeting next month. Formal presentation format for new membership meetings discussed. Motion approved for points to be given to members who introduce new members. One point for a guest, five points for a new member. ACTIVITIES~ Feb. membership meeting Bob Baumgardner announced as speaker. Topic~ PROS AND CONS OF LEASING A PORSCHE. Feb. 22 Zone 8 rally cancelled. Will have Economy Run instead. March 13,14,15 LBGP. Zone 8 time trials at Willow March 7 and 8. March 22 Zone 8 concouzs,.March 29 Malibu Grand Prix at Northridge with brunch to follow. April 5 tentative date for concours, problem finding a site. * Rumor: Bob Housman to chair 1984 Parade? Exploring possibilities... PCA Enthusiast of the Year Zone 8; John Williamson. Meeting adjourned at 10:20PM.

5 TF.C Our tech meeting February 25 will be of interest to all of us. Most of us have done something to protect our Porsches with alarms, cutoff switches, etc., but how many of us have done anything about protect ing ourselves? We wil! have at this meeting two officers from LAPD who will give us the required 1½ hour instruction, examination and lice~s ing necessary to arm ourselves with the chemical CM or CS, commonly referred to as MACE. This is a selfdefense mechanism that has become extremely popular and effective in today’s troubled tense.The gas cannisters are small and can be carried on your person. They can be purchased only if you are licensed and have taken the required course, There is a cost to this. The State and County collect $16.50 for the license and registration and the ’ , instructor s are charging us only $5.00 per person, so, that i~ you come to the meeting bring along $21.50 The officers will also have cannisters available at the meeting for purchase, or you are welcome to go to your local gun shop to pur= chase the gas. A number of us are already "armed" and we can’t urge you strongly enough of the importance of attending this meeting. It is unpleasant to have to think in these terms, but we all know of at least one incident that has happened to a person we know who has been effected by the recent wave of crime and assaults. Protect yourself as well as your Porsche! Time for the class will be 8 pm at the South Coast Corinthian Yacht Club, 13445 Mindanao Way, Marina del Rey.

Joe’s Porsche Service Independent Porsche Servicing

owner~ G, Joe.. Pacheco

Feb. 12 we will be having the quarterly New Member meeting and we welcome all new members who have joined in the last 6 months, and any "older" members who would like information on club activities (concours, time trials, ralleys). NEW MEMBERS...WELCOME: Wallace Job~son Gary Mathewson Mark Minsky Gary Friedman David McKee Will Bredberg

73 77 64 79 77 78

911E 911 356c 924 924 911SC

Green Silver Black Brown Silver Brocade

Dieter Schoepflin owner of LOMITA PORSCHE SERVICE, INC. formerly co-owner of "DIRO I<, G., Inc." PORSCHES & MERCEDES (including diesels) from the same 11 year location.


42!5 Lincoln Blvd. ¯ Marlna del Ray ¯ 82!-7567 ¯ 823-4683


I would like to welcome the new membars this month and thank the old members for referrals. I also want to enqourage members to refer people for membership since this year we are going to be giving participation points; one point for each guest brought to meetings or events and five points for referral of members who join.

Continues 25 years of Quality Workmanship on

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This is my first attempt as new ~embership Chairman, at a monthly message about membership. I’m looking foz~ard to a year of divine (or chemical) inspiration to make it possible for me to come up with something creative and informative. Since ConnieLark’nAnn have threatened to leave a large obvious blank space in the newsletter if any .of the board members don’t come across with a column each month.

He hopes his past and new Porsche & Mercedes friends will continue to be satisfied here with Dieter, as always.


(213) 534-3631












FEBRUARY - PCA-LA Board Meeting - 8PM. Call 4 John Fels for directions 12


Quarterly New Member Meeting 8PM - SCC Yacht Club. 13445 Mindanao Way, Marina Fwy West to Mindanao - turn left. Right Ist opp. after Admiralty. Membership Meeting - 3PM Guest Speaker, Bob Baumgardner will speak on the pros & cons of leasing or b~ying a car. SCC Yacht Club, 13445 Mindanao Way.


Gimmick Rally - 9z30AM startl REDLINE, 720 Colorado Avenue, Santa Monica. For info. call Sam eves (714) 892-3431. 25 Tech Meeting - 8PM - Subjectz A Self-Protectlon Class SCC Yacht Club - see Tech Talk for more info. FEBRUARY - OTHERS 7-8 P0C T.T. Riverside. Call Jeff Erikson (213) 423-8097 7 National Bd. of Directors Meeting - San Antionio, Tx. ~4-15 Zone 8 Time Trial - San Diego. See pg 7 for mozeinfo.


MARCH 4 PCA-LA Board Meeting 7-8 Wind in the Willow Zone 8 Time Trial - Riverside Region 13-14-15 Long Beach Grand Prix 19 PCA-LA Membership/Tech Meeting 22 Zone 8 Rally - Orange Coast 29 PCA-I~ Malibu Grand Prix APRIL 1 PCA-LA Board Meeting 5 Zone 8 Concours - LA !i Zone 8 Rally - Orange County 16 PCA-LA Membership Meeting 22 PCA-LA Tech Meeting 25-26 Zone 8 Time Trial-Arizona 25-26 IMSA - Riverside Raceway MAY I-3 Zone 8 Concours - So. Arizona 6 PCA-LA Board Meeting 16-17 Zone 8 Time Trial-Las Vegas 21 PCA-LA BBQ Membership Meeting 23-24 POC/Golden Gate Time Trial Laguna Seca JUNE 3 PCA-LA Board Meeting 6 Zone 8 Rally - Golden Empire 14 Zone 8 Concours -’Riverside 18 PCA-LA MemberShip Meeting 27-28 Zone 8 Time Trial-Willow Springs - Orange County

LONG BEACH GRAND PRIX TICKETS Long Beach Grand Prix March 13-14-15 3 Days Tickets - $50.00 Top I0 rows - Grandstand 29 Make check payable to PCA/LA and send with stamped self-addressed envelope to: Mac McKee 7303 Summertime Lane Culver City,CA 90230

JULY 1 PCA-LA Board Meeting 16 PCA-LA Membership Meeting 18 Zone 8 Rally - LA 26 PORSCHE PARADE, Ashville, N.C. AUGUST 15 Zone 8 Rally - Santa Barbara 22-23 Vintage Car Races-Montrey -






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SAN DIEGO STADIUM TIME TRIALS February 14-15, 1981 Tech: Saturday at 8 AM Entry: $35 PCA driver $I0 second driver, associate.or family member Registrations Pete Mathewson 4653 Diane Ave. San Diego CA 92117 (714) 569-1886 days (714) 277-7172 eves PCA Zone 8 competition rules apply and San Diego city ordinances require closed exhaust systems. Entries w~ll be limited to 150 cars~ pre-registration is recommended.

8 About ~e Calendar

Whee! Here we go with the first edition of the New Format Porscherama! I haven’t actually seen it yet, but I understand the layout is aimed at consistency from month to month so you can find information more easily If that’s so, then I’ve really got my work cut out for me. Oh well, here goes ..... January was a quiet month for PCA/LA. Our dinner at the Lobster House with NASCAR driver Ricky Rudd brought out about 50 members. Thanks to Judd for arranging it. Jan~ 17 was the date of the zone 8 Presidents and Editors meeting in Apple Valley, more on this elsewhere. And John Fels tech meeting at Coachcraft on the 24th should be great! The first and perhaps most important event of Feb. will be our quarterly New Member’s meeting. The inaugural meeting got such an enthusiastic response, PCA/LA’s board has decided to make this a regular event in 1981. Held at the Yacht Club this quarter’s meeting-Thurs. Feb. 12thwill introduce members (old,new and transfers) to PCA/LA,and the three major types of events we hold-time trials, rallies and concours. The meeting will especially emphasize speed events, in preparation for the first Zone 8 time trial this year, at San Diego. Actually this time trial will be a good place for a Porsche owner to learn the rudiments of high speed driving because it will be held in the parking lot at San Diego stadium. I’m told the course will be nearly two miles long and that there will be good safety margins -- so you won’t hurt your pride and joy if you go off course a bit. It promises to be a typically well-run PCA-SD show, with a banquet planned for Saturday eve. Don’t forget, this is a three day holiday for most of us.

February 19 will be our regular PCA-LA membership meeting. We’re planning to have a speaker, Bob Baumgardener, who will enlighten us on the pros and cons of leasing and buying new and used Porsches. (That’s one discussion I really want to hear). On February 22, we’re planning a nice little social event. This will sort of "balance the books" for those who think we spend too much time on speed events. This will be an easy 2-3 hour gimmick ra~1y around Los Angeles. It start~ at 9~30 at Pete Zimmermann’s shop, Redline Porsche Service, 720 E. Colorado in Santa Monica. We’ll provide a simple set of fail-safe instructions and end up the tour at a park for a picnic (bring your own eats). I’m not being coy about our final destination -- we just haven’t written the route yet! February 25 tech chairman John Fels has arranged for a session of instruction from the LAPD on the basics of self-defense using MACE. See John’s comments in this paper for full info on this meeting. Finally, don’t forget the first weekend in March -- Riverside Region is holding its Zone 8 time trial at Willow Springs. This is probably our favorite track among PCA-LAers. Come out for a great weekend of instruction in high speed driving. So there it is. We’ve planned a fun year of events for everyone. Hope to see a lot of you out there participating and enjoying.


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AL]’ADENA, CALIFOffNIA 91001 (213/ 794-8~.02


9 ’63 CONVERTIBLE. White/Black Recaro seats with speakers. Other goodies. Moderate damage. Sell as is. Baby needs a caring owner. Call VAN PERKINS, day (213)725-04261 eve( 714 )599-0063 371 911E TARGA. Brown/brown, A/C, Stereo, tape, new Michelins, front stabilizer. Best offer over $8000. Call Edith Savage 454-4041 " ’69 912 COUPE. Burgundy/Black. Engine rebuilt, original owner. $9250 call Kirk, 380-1708 or 670-7295. ’74 CARRERA. Desert. Beige/Tan leather sport seats, A/C, Blaupunkt Bamberg, 7’s & 8’s, CN-36s, ’75 Factory Shale Tail & Front Spoiler, 55,000 miles, Meticulously maintained, all service records, Georgeous. $20,000 call Jim Nielsen, days (213)515-2080, eve & wkends PARTS.. From 911E: Hood $1001 RF Fender & LF Fender $150 each, Front spoiler w/oil cooler hole $751 Rear deck lid $1001 Rear bumper, one piece glass for 9" flares $1001 Rear flares, 9" pair $751 Front flares, 8" pair new $75 1 Front struts w/Koni, set for biq brakes, pair $250~ Rear tra.iling arms & spring plates, pair $200 From 1976 91IS : Rear Suspension Assembly, sway bar, shocks, trailing arm, hubs, brakes & rotors $500, or make offer. Call Steve Michaelson: days(213)993-1544 eves (213)705-7877.

WIND IN THE WILLOWS Willow Springs Internat’l Raceway March 7-8, 1981 HQ: The Essex House, Lancaster (call for PCA rates) Tech: Saturday, at the track Entry: $39 pre-reg/$15 2nd driver $49 at track/S20 2nd Registration: Sue Relph 25932 East 17th San Bernardino 92404 Info: Jon Hill 1351 Monterey Redlands CA 92373 (714) 875-3000 X274 days (714) 793-7930 eves

EmC0 has moved to Los Angeles for the convenience of many of my customers. We still provide the best in custom body fabrication, fender flares, repair and replacement of rusted panels and colli-

sion work.

~l work is guaranteed and second to none. Our work has been displayed at this year’s PORSCKE PARADE in Portland. In fact, the Best of Show Manhattan Concours Trophy winning 1965 Black 356 SC Coupe with its flawless body and paint was performed by EMIC0. This prestigious award is given only after some of the toughest concours judges you have ever seen decided that this is the BEST Porsche. Stop by the shop and see the best in body and paint work - the judges have already agreed :











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CALL FOR APPOINTM£N] ~2131 290 2307

PERSONAL SAFETY AT TIME TRIALS At a recent general meeting, a discussion came up about the requirement for competition-type seat belts at time trials. There were some general complaints voiced about the cost, installation problems and convenience of using these types of belts. While none of us enjoy wasting money, especially in today’s economic environment, the cost/ benefit of competition belts is clearly in the belts’ favor. For approximately $65 per seat, ~75 including anti-submarine strap, not only is safety greatly enhanced, but so is driver performance. High speed driving requires precise driver control and this is greatly enhanced by the driver being securely strapped in position. Ordinary street belts cannot provide this type of support, The result is safer, and f.aster, driving. For less than the cost of one time trial, As for safety, street belts cannot match properly installed eompetition belts. The width of the lap belts and the additional shoulder belts provide a much greater area ~ over which loads, driving or emergency, can be distributed. While street seat belts have adequate strength, in a crash their narrow width can cut into your body or cause internal injuries, These benefits can only be fully attained if the belts are properly installed. Problem two mentioned at the meeting. For most cars, especially the newer 924’s, 911SCs etc., the lap belt represents little potential problem as the bolt hole for the existing street belts can usually be used for the eye-bolts for the competition belts. So no holes are required to be drilled. Just remove the street belt mounts and bolt in the competition hardware.

A word of caution here, though. Make sure that when the competition belt is installed in your normal driving position, the line drawn by the belt should intersect the angle formed by your body. Or, put another way, that line if extended should be equal distant from your thighs and chest. If you need to drill mounting holes, make sure they are drilled with this positioning in mind. And also make sure the holes are drilled so that the S" washers can be used behind the floor plan to provide the minimum strength needed for the mounting points. As to the shoulder harnesses, the use of a "Y" type harness reduces the mounting to a single point. This harness should be mounted so that the belt line from the shoulders to the mounting point is no greater than 45° from the horizontal and the junction of the "Y" is at least 6" from the driver’s neck. On many cars, such as 911’s, the shoulder harness can be mounted in the existing holes for the rear seat lap belts. These holes are usually hidden by plastic plugs. This again avoids the necessity of drilling holes. Finally, for full protection and positioning, an anti-submarine strap is very useful. While not required, this. strap holds the lap belt down (so it cannot slide up and you slide down and out) and aids in positioning the driver. Positioning this strap is extremely important, especially for males. It is properly used by running from the quick-release lap belt latch, down between your legs and then under your thigh and around the seat back to the lap belt eye-bolt. Done this way, no new holes and no strap against your crotch. Comfort, safety and positioning.

11 ~or ~ree ~tirn~te C~II

last the above does little good if the

(213) 879-5837


belt/harness system is not properly threaded in its mounting hardware~ and securely mounted. Be sure to




read the threading instruotions


supplied with the belts and use the backing washers. And if holes are drilled, buy a can o£ spray undercoating from your local auto parts dealership to protect your


car’ s body,




reprinted from Porsche Owner’ s Club Inc., NEWSLETTER, November/December i 980.


CUSTOM Wash & Polish


It’s a job nobody really wants to tackle (sort of like doing the newsletter, huh? ), but every year around the time we elect board mem~ bern, we groan and moan over the inconsistencies in our by-laws. So, being a glutton for punishment, I’ve agreed to chair a committee (that means I want help) to straighten them out.

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It will prob-

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ably take about six months to do it right~ so we have plenty of time. If anyone out there is interested in helping or if you have an axe to grind, call me.

Suspe~s~on Chassis tuning

the, ,,, ~ .... ~o~o~o~o.~c,~ (~3) 3~]-7277

Ann Wang

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3240 Whiffletree Lane


CA 90505 (213) 325-3433. (213) 398-1963



.l.V’] IVEIE)NO0 V’I-VOcl Porsche Club Of America Los Angeles Region Inc. 1911 Newefl Road Malibu, Calif. 90265


...... .. .... .

CA~IFo ~ 9027~

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