Porscherama 1981 March

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Vol. 1 JOHN WILLIAMSON 1980 ZONE 8 ENTHUSIAST OF THE YEAR Even before John formally joined PCA in 1965 in the Bay Area (Golden Gate Region) he was an active participant for several years with his father. So it’s easy to understand why he’s a real Porsche whacko today! John has attended 12 National Parades~ he says he’ll never miss another one because of all the good times he’s had and all the friends he gets to see. He also gets to collect a lot of trophies. He was Overall Winner at Seattle in 1975 and again in 1977 at San Diego. Since 1972 he has always placed in the top ten. He’s hoping to take Overall again in 1982. John has participated in every facet of PCA--planning rallys, winning rallys and concours events--but he is best known to us for his racing and time trialing successes. It seems he’s raced just about every Porsche made. In the early years he drove an RSK, a Carrera Speedster, a 2 liter B Carrera Cabriolet (figure that one outl) and a 914 and a 914-6. John often took two cars to the track for SCCA weekends~ if something happened to one car, he always had a backup. He’s had some of-his best successes at Laguna Seca, where in one weekend he took 3rd place in A Sports Racing with a 914-6 and Ist Overall in Showroom S%ock. In 1966-67 he raced a 2 liter 911 in the TransAm West Coast races~ he went on to a Lola for the Can-Am Races in 1968-69 in Canada and on the West Coast. John probably had the first 914 race car~ he took delivery in 1969 and set it up for racing in 1970. Every year from 1973 through 1977, he was National Champion in Showroom Stock A with a 914. And we can’t forget that at the 1972 Parade in Lake Geneva, John drove the fastest time. John’s currently getting ready to campaign a Rabbit in the Pro-Rabbit Series. John came to LA in 1971 and he’s been active in PCA-LA ever since. He served as club president in 1980 and is now our Chairman of the Board. John is the owner of THAT PORSCHA PLACE in the Marina. After all the work that John has done for the club, all the time and energy he has devoted to events and to competing, we think Zone 8 made a terrific choice in selecting him as the Zone 8 Enthusiast of the Year. Congratulations to Jobm from us all~

No. 2

March 1981

2 Board Of Directors PRESIDENT Judd Boykin ........... days 550-3805 eves 788-4182 VICE PRESIDENT Jerry Pennington ...... eves 822-5475 SECRETARY Carmela Tellez ........ eves 362-3801 TREASURER Dustin Janes .......... days 476-4732 ACTIVITIES Sam Wang ........... eves 714-892-3431 Ken Ito (Concours) .... eves 937-8081 Bill LeFlang (Rally).. eves 794-5277 Jan Winthrop (Speed).. eves 325-3431 TECH John Fels .... ’ ......... eves 476-4755 MEMBERSHIP Bob Housman ........... eves 990-2869 EDITORS Connie Fern ........... days 398-2217 Lark Nakazaki ......... eves 398-1963 Ann Wang .............. days 393,o41 1 CHAIRMAN OF BOARD days 391-7118 John Williamson ...... "

PCA-LA At A Glance PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine PORSCHE PANORAMA and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating)experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy.

Subscriptions PORSCHERAMA is available to nonmembers of PCA-LA at the rate of $12per year. Send requests to 1911Newell Road, Malibu 90265, along with your check, payable to PCA-LA.

Poficy PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America, Dated material must be received by the editorial board no later than the Ist of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA, its board of directorn, the PORSCHRAMA editorial board, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication.

Moving ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us, care of Ann Wang, 12222 Montana,


Ad Rates ADVERTISING RATES (Effective Feb. I, 1981) Yearly Monthly Size of Ad $800.00 $I00.00 Back Cover (½) 750.00 65.00 Full Page 400.00 50.00 1/2 Page 45.00 325.00 I/3 Page 275.00 40.00 1/4 Page 250.00 35.00 1/6 Page 180.00 25.00 Business Card

3 This month I would like to borrow a page from our National President, Hank Malter. In his article in the January PANORAMA, Hank addresses the subject of membership growth and active participation. All regions of PCA need both for continuous growth and prosperity. Los Angeles in particular is so geographically widespread, with such a vast assortment of entertainment available that we don’t get to see all of you every month. We are trying to arrange a variety of events which will interest everyone, but we still are looking for new ideas. Come forth and be heard - your Board will listen. If our language seems strange to you ask for a definition. It’s not foreign - just Porsche. In the future we are looking for a dictionary of Porsche terms to come from National. This should help our communication, Some of the newer Porsches are not quite as fortunate as the older models. Their eyes won’t blink. So keep on blinking, but watch the driver also - you might get a wave in return, JUDD

PERSONALIZEDSERVICEFORPORSCHES 3906 Grandview Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90066 (213) 398-2217

We are attacking the typewriter with renewed vigor this month (hope IT has learned to spell). The feedback on the new format has been most encouraging. We were especially happy to receive a letter from Steve Wheeler (parts of it are reprinted elsewhere in this issue) offering to share bits of information he has learned and looking for a few answers. Sharing is what has made PCA the largest single Marque club in the world! We sincerely hope many more of you will take a few minutes to share with the rest of the blub. If you have any hang-ups about not being able to "write" give us a call (or send us an outline) with the info and we’ll put it together for you. Besides apologizing for all the "typos" last month, we would like to correct an error. The instructors of the Tech session on "Mace" were from the Torrance Police Department. Full details in the April issue. New advertising rates have been establish ed (see General Information) and we are looking for new advertisers. (New format costs more~). We’ve added a new section for business card size. If you are interested call Connie. A Special Th~nk You to Iven VanDyke for taking on the tasM of a~diting the club’s books. We can happily say we’re in good shape (we always thought so -now we’re sure of it!). Congratulations to the Grand Prix Region who received their charter at the Quarterly National Board Meeting held in Texas. Our personal thanks to the Board Members who rallied their resources to the challenge of submitting this month’s articles in time for the new deadline. We have a decided advantage - we can write the Editors Notes at the very last minute (which we frequently do) so we can report on the New Member Meeting. It was GREAT! Well attended (40+) and well received. Lots of interest in all aspects of the club. Above all it was FUN. Look forward to seeing all at future events. Hallelujah the "Goodie Store" is alive and well, thanks to Cindy and Jose. Look for them at the next event. Conn[eLark’ nAnn

4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR February 4, 1981 Dear ConnieLark’nAnn I have to confess that I am one of those dyed in the wool "Porschephiles". I practically run to the mailbox every day to look for some more correspondence about Porsches. since I am also a tinkerer, I find technical articles which help me in diagnosing and fixing minor problems in my Porsche very interesting. Since hardly a weekend goes by without my spending hours going over my four-wheeled wonder, I’ve managed t~ fix some things myself and I thought I’d pass them on to you in case you were looking for "filler" in the newsletter sometime, (eds note: in this part of the letter Steve talks about~ Poor Radio Reception; Loose Remote Control side Mirrors; Horn Malfunction; and Air Blowers. Look for these throughout the issue.) I hope these tips will be usefulo I personally am looking for a good tip on how to check and clear an apparently clogged jet on my headlamp washer system on my 911SC, hopefully without necessitating taking off the entire front bumper assembly, Sincerely, Stephen L.Wheeler, D.D.S. Thank’s again Steve. We know your tips will be helpful and hope you’ll get a solution from some one. eds.

Feb 4, 1981 Meeting called to order 8~30 pm, all present. Final audit presented by Ivan Van Dyke, will be filed Feb. 5, 1981. Discussion of newsletter format. Will need input to staff by membership on delivery time of newsletter when we go to bulk mailing in March. Activities~ March general meeting HOW TO CLEAN YOU PORSCHE. April meeting possible racing film. May, Bar-B-Que, also trip to Briggs Cunningham Museum in June. Verbal ok given by L.A. County for Temescal Canyon Park for Concours site - date April 5. Membership~ Bob reports eight new members. Dual membership rates set at $12.00 and passed by the Board. Discussion followed on proposal to be submitted for our bid on the 1984 Parade. Also discussed Rallye, Concours, Time Trial rules and need for copies to .be given out to all participants. Enforcement of safety rules for Time Trial events stressed. Old business reviewed. Minutes for January Board Meeting submitted to all board members - read, approved and filed. Jerry motioned to adjourn meeting, seconded by Bob. Meeting ended at I0~55 pm. Carmela T~llez Secretary

. GON~


3240 Whiffletree Lane Torrance, CA 90505 (213) 325-3433. (213) 398-1963


We’re off to a great start to what is going to be a super year for PCA/LA. For those of us (almost I00) who were at the tech meeting in January at Coachcraft, we can certainly say to those of you who missed it, too bad| Besides being most informative, it was fun. But not to worry - if you missed it, we’ve got lots more good things planned for the year. March’s tech meeting will be inconjunction with the general membership meeting. The meeting will address itself to maintainL~g your 9orsche, cosmetically, in its’ finest form. We wil! be working from a "hands-on workshop" formula. Everyone will be able to participate and learn at what ever your level of interest might be~ from just keeping your car clean (all the time) in the easiest, most efficient manner, to how to prepare for a Concours. Experts, including the famous Mr. Manhattan Trophy winner, Ken Ito, and others, will share with us their knowledge of Porsche upkeep and aesthetics. We will have on hand to demonstrate these techniques a 356, a 911, a 914 and a 924 so that you can learn first-hand about your model Porsche. Time for the meeting will be 8 pm at PORSCHOP, 3906 GrandView Boulevard, just a block south of Venice Boulevard. Dress warmly in case it’s a cold evening as we will be basically out-of-doors. Upcoming Tecb_ meetingsz April, a "home maintainance" course. June, a trip to Briggs Cunninghams’ museum, JDF ,NDEPENDENTI’OFISCHESERVICEANOREPAIH

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By the time you read this, we will have had a successful New Member Meeting~ I’m sure. it was interesting and informative for all of the new members and a few not so new members who stopped by to get acquainted. However, due to editorial deadlines, I’m writing this before the fact and relying on confidence for the positive remarks. Let’s welcome the new members and those transfering into PCA/LA this month. First, SAM BATES who is single and interested in social, concours and-tech joins with a 1955 Red Speedster. Next, LEN CUSHMAN joins after some confusion with San Diego region trying to snag his membership, and brings his 1973 Black 911S into PCA/LA. He expects to give you time trialers a run, since his only interest is in racing. Welcome to STEPHEN FRUEH, PhD. and his wife CAROLE who were sponsored for membership by DAVID BARR. The Frueh’s bring their 1962 356 Red S with them and should talk to KEN ITO since they are interested o.in c0ncours as well as social and tech activities of the club. Another 356 owner, CHARLES GEGENHEIMER joins this month with his 1963 Yellow Cabriolet. His interests run the gamut of the club activities, so I hope h~ made it to the new members meeting to find out how to get involved. Another hot shoe, MARIO SCADUTO joins with his 1974 Peru Red 911 Targa. His only interest is in racing (he should meet Len Cusb_man). The last 911 owner (alphabetically that iS) joining this month is DOUGLEY STEWART with his Silver S Targa of 1977 vintage. His interests are in rallies (talk to B~ ~i LeFlanq) and social. , Silver Blue 914 join,s the clu’b with it’s owner ROBERT VOGEL and since his interests are in racing, auto-crossing and social he should definitely get to know our Chairman of the Board, John Williamson.

So there they are the newest members of PCA!LA (final score 356=3~ 911=3, 914=1). Also let’s welcome NORBERT GURELL and family just transfering in from Pacific Northwest Region and GEORGE JOHNSON and his wife CAROL from Conn, Valley Region. WELCOME TO PCAi~! P.S. If you missed the New Members Meetin~ the next one is scheduled ih May. Watch your PORSCHERAMA for exact date and details. Till next month keep those cards and letters coming. BOB HOUSMAN




MARCH - PCA/LA 4 BOARD MEETING - 8 pm. Call John Fels for directions. 13-14-15 LONG BEACH GRAND PRIX 19 MEMBERSHIP/TECH MEETING - 8 pm Cosmetic Care of Your Car. Porschop - 3906 Grand View Blvd. Bet. Yen-ice Blvd. & Washington PI, 1 Blk East of Centinela. 29



WIND IN THE WILLOW Zone 8 Time Trial ZONE 8 CONCOURS - Orange Coast





WIND IN THE WILLOWS Willow Springs Internat’l Raceway March 7-8, 1981 HQs The Essex House~ Lancaster (call for PCA rates) Techs Saturday, at the track Entry, $39 pre-reg/$15 2nd driver $49 at track/S20 2nd Registrations Sue Relph 25932 East 17th San Bernardino 92404 Infos Jon Hill 1351 Monterey Redlands CA 92373 (714) 875-3000 X274 days (714) 793-7930 eves

7 APRIL 1 PCA-LA Board Meeting 5 Zone 8 Concours - LA Ii Zone 8 Rally - Orange County 12 PCA/LA Swap Meet 16 PCA-LA Membership Meeting 22 PCA-LA Tech Meeting 25-26 Zone 8 Time Trial-Arizona 25-26 IMSA - Riverside Raceway MAY 1-3 Zone 8 Concours - So. Arizona 6 PCA-LA Board Meeting 16-17 Zone 8 Time Trial-Las Vegas 21 PCA-LA BBQ Membership Meeting 23-24 POC/Golden Gate Time Trial LagLina Seca JUNE 3 PCA-LA Board Meeting 6 Zone 8 Rally - Golden Empire 14 Zone 8 Concours - RiVerside 18 PCA-LA Membership Meeting 27-28 Zone 8 Time Trial-Willow Springs - Orange County


MALIBU GRAND PRIX Sunday March 29 9-11 am

Let’s see who’s the fastest PCA driver in L.A. Come race with us where all the cars are set up equally. We’ll be racing at the Malibu Grand Prix in Northridge (19600 Nordhoff- Venture Fwy West North on Tampa - West on Nordhoff. Be sure to pack a lunch since we’ll be having a picnic brunch following the event at a nearby park - we’ll supply the Champagne. Trophies will be awarded following event. ~ I ,,!" ~

JULY 1 PCA-LA Board Meeting 16 PCA-LA Membership Meeting 18 Zone 8 Rally - LA 26 PORSCHE PARADE~ Ashville, N.C. AUGUST 15 Zone 8 Rally - Santa Barbara 22-23 Vintage Car Races-Montrey

Joe’s Porsche Service Independenl Porsche Servicing pO~ sche-Audi, BMW-Volksweg~n

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8 WOW! It’s really neat! The new PORSCHERAMA - kudos to ConnieLark’nAnn and especially Ken "Doodle King" Ballard - is so readable and sensible that fellow Porsche Pusher Otis C. must be envious... March is really going to be a HOT month for activities -read on carefull--y ’cause there’s lots to cover, The 7th & 8th will see the Zone 8 Time Trial at Willow Springs. This has always been a cardinal event for PCA/LA and this year’s gathering looks to be especially well organized by Riverside Reglon. There’s even a possibility that one of the local-interestLA-television shows will be covering us, so pack a picnic and come on out to learn about this aspect of "Driving in its Finest Form". The ~Long Beach Grand Prix will cover the weekend of March 13, 14, 15. This production has matured into the best Formula One Race in the US. This year they’re adding a sidecar-motorcycle race to the agenda. The three day super ticket is the hot tip - contact Mac-McKee if you’re having trouble getting your ducats. PCA~LA will again h~ve the best tickets in the house, The monthly general membership meeting will be held Thursday, March 19. The topic Will be a technical one - the cleaning and cosmetic care (concours preparation, if you will) of your Porsche. Ken "Mr. Manhattan" Ito and Jerry "Prof.

Q Tip" Pennington and their panel of experts will illustrate and demonstrate, They’ll cover materials, methods and special problem areas of our cars. This info will come in handy soon because L.A. Region will be putting on our Zone 8 Concours on April 5. Mark your calendars! Rallye comes into the limelight on sunday, March 22. This first event of the Zone 8 Rallye Series will be put on by Orange Coast Region. The Tom Goulds promise a challenging but straightforward route - a good way to get into this fascinating branch of motorsport. The last event on our March schedule is the Malibu Grand Prix and Picnic Brunch~ You’re already famil~a"-~-{~[th the M.G.P. concept - the mini-sized "formula" racers that have an amazingly realistic look and feel on the tortuous (and torturous) electionically-timed racecourse. We’ll be getting exclusive (PCA only) use of the track in Northridge from 9 to ii am. We’ll then travel to a local park for a picnicbrunch and more than a few laughs. There will be plenty of prizes and awards - all eminently potable! This should be really great! It’s looking like a tremendous month - try all or a few of these events. Come out and enjoy yourself - that’s what PCA’s all about! SAM

’64 SC Coupe.. Ruby Red. $20,000. Call Jose (213) 398-2217.

AIR BLOWER: The air blower on my ’78 911 gave up last

Tandem Axle Car Trailer - was used for hauling a 911. Will accommodate most any stock Porsche made. Hand winch, Tie Down Straps, Fenders, 4 wheel~ Electric brakes, Ramps. MUST SELL! $I000.00 Firm. Contact: Leland Hurry (714) 492-8360

summer. I had all the wiring under the dash checked by my local mechanic without success. One weekend I pulled the fan out of the area behind the dash and examined it. Finding no~hing wrong, I hooked it up to the battery and found it worked perfectly. Since all the hot leads had been checked, I assumed there was an inadequate ground. After re-examining the wiring under the dash, I repositioned the ground wire and the unit works perfectly. Save yourself some time if you have this problem, and check the ground leads as well as the hot ones.

I Set 40 IDA WEBERS w/ Manifolds, etc. Rebuilt Winter 1979. USED FOR 6 Time Trials Only. Make Cffer J. Winthrop (213) 325-3433 eves~ 841-6190 days

LOOSE REMOTE CONTROL SIDE MIRRORS: It is not in the manual, nor could the local dealership tell me how, but to tighten the remote control side rearview mirrors on late model Porsches you do the following: Remove the plastic cap over the allen screw.on top of the base. Loosen the allen screw and pull mirror unit away from car cody. Remove rubber from bottom of unit. You will now see a large (3/4") washer with a diagonal cut in it which holds the unit together. By using a screwdriver, you can tighten this washer so that the mirror is stabile. Don’t tighten it too tight or you will not be able to twist the unit into the car body when using a car cover, HORN MALFUNCTION: The late model 911s have two electric "air" horns under the right front fender, I noted recently that the high pitch one wasn’t working on my car. After jacking up the car, I was able to remove the horn. I took it apart but could find nothing wrong with it. I then hooked it up directly to the battery and started playing with the tone adjustment screw. Lo and behold, with the proper adjustment, the little sucker practically shattered my ear drums. Apparently, the horn can get so far out of adjustment, that it won’t function at all. I reinstalled the horn and it works fine. Be careful, however, not to put any unneccessary torque on the horn when belting it to the bracket or it will throw off the adjustment again.

POOR RADIO RECEPTION: I have a Blaupunkt Bamberg system in my Porsche and have always been happy with its performance until this past winter and occasionally through the summer. Especially during the winter, the reception became progressively worse. I checked the antenna (which was only two years old), replaced the antenna cable (wh~.ch took about three hours), and had the entire system bench tested, all to no avail. The unit bench tested fine, but functioned poorly in the car in the same geographic locations that it had previously worked beautifully. Finally, someone mentioned that the AM/ FM stero box, which is located under the passenger floorboard on the 911, is very susceptible to moisture. I noted that the recirculating hole for in my 9ir conditioner is right next to the stereo unit. Just inside this hole is a condenser and a drain for the moisture collected during condensation. This drain also communicates with the external environment, which if damp, may again cause moisture buildup in that area. On this hunch, I decided to cover the stereo unit with thick plastic (so as not to interfere with the air conditioner) to insulate it. (I allowed the unit to sit inside my house for a couple of days to make sure it ~as completely "dry" first.) The stereo has worked perfectly ever since! Stephen Wheeler ~

TECH MEETING AT COACHCRAFT If the turnout at our first meeting of the season is any indication of member enthusiasm, we’re going to have a great year. Nearly 90 members and friends gathered at Coachcraft about I0 AM (can you believe it!) Saturday January 24. Owner Bill Stoessel gave us more than two hours of his time, showing us several Porsche restorations (including several Speedsters and a rare ’64 Cabriolet with removable hard-top with sun-roof, as well as every accessory the factory made), as well as other Ferraris and Rolls Royces in various states of repair. He gave us answers to questions ranging from how to deal with an insurance company adjustor to what kind of waxes are best to use in Southern California. Bill obviously loves his work, and it was great to listen to his stories about his experiences in the business. But it was also good to have him remind us that "they’re only cars, just four wheels and some metal." After we had asked a!l the questions we could think of and had drooled one last time over all those beautiful Porsches, tech chairman John Fels presented Bill with a plaque from the club, in appreciation of all the time and energy he had spent getting his shop ready for our invasion. John also presented a g£ft to Bill’s father Rudy. Then we all trooped over to Plummer Park for a picnic in the sunshine. It was a terrific outing. Our thanks to Bill and Rudy Stoessel for their generosity0 Hope John Fels can live up to this in future tech meetings. And hope you all had a good time and learned something along the way. Ann

EMICO has moved to Los Angeles for the convenience of many of my customers. We still provide the best in custom body fabrication, fender flares, repair and replacement of rusted panels and collision work.

All work is guaranteed and second to none. Our work has been displayed at this year’s PORSCHE PARADE in Portland. In fact, the Best of Show Manhattan Concours Trophy winning 1965 Black 356 SC Coupe with its flawless body and paint was performed by EMICO. This prestigious award is given only after some of the toughest concours judges you have ever seen decided that this is the BEST Porsche. Stop by the shop and see the best in body and paint work - the judges have already agreed:










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