Vol. 1 DEEP ’~SIXED" by Pete zimmermann I always liked 914/6’s. My mistake, for a long time, was thinking they were a six cylinder Speedster. That’s why it took me so long to obtain one. Three years ago I bought my 6. The car was to see time trial, slalom and street duty. Development of the chassis began immediately. The four way adjustable front anti-sway bar was acceptable, but the shocks had to go. In went Konis at all four corners. After a very long haul to Las Vegas for the first event, I found the car handled only fair, and didn’t stop at all. I decided more braking was necessary. To use "S" brakes, I needed new front strut/shock assemblies. It hurt to remove the new front Konis, but in went 1970 911S Bilstein struts, new ball joints and alloy brake calipers. All of a sudden the car not only stopped well, it seemed to handle better, The back end felt a bit loose during the next event, so in went a pair of 160 poled springs to replace the stock ones. The car and I were on our way to the 1978 Zone 8 Championship in Class GP. I still wasn’t satisfied. The car still had huge potential, but with a 4isplacement increase would be forced into Class X. Class X is the home of modified, pro4uction based vehicles using engines where every trick in the book can be used. The cars can be made ultra light, and any fender contour and wheel width may be used. Class X, here I come. The new engime, requiring about eighty hours to assemble, develops approximately 230 hp. Two transmissions (one for short courses, one for long) put the power to the asphalt. Little things have been done to obtain better balance in the car, but the biggest single item that has improved the car is the addition of a fuil width whale tail at the rear. This unit, a compliment to the front spoiler, improved lap times at Willow Springs more than two seconds! The addition of a front oil cooler helps to preserve engine life, and Goodyear racing tires mounte~ ~n 7" Centerline wheels do their best to keep the car on the racing surface. Now the biggest dilemma of all has presented itself. Do I add fender flares to accomodate wider tires, or do I leave the body, which is excellent in original condition? 0nly time will tell!
No. 3
April 1981
2 Poficy
Board Of Directors PRESIDENT Judd Boykin ........... days 550-3805 eves 788-4182 VICE PRESIDENT Jerry Pennington ...... eves 822-5475 SECRETARY Carmela Tellez ........ eves 362-3801 TREASURER Dustin Janes .......... days 476-4732 ACTIVITIES Sam Wang ........... eves 714-892-3431 Ken Ito (Concours) .... eves 937-8081 Bill LeFlang (Rally).. eves 794-5277 Jan winthrop (Speed).. eves 325-3431 TECH John Fels ............. MEMBERSHIP Bob Housman ........... EDITORS Connie Fern ........... Lark Nakazaki ......... Ann Wang .............. CHAIRM~N OF BOARD John Williamson .......
eves 476-4755 eves 990~2869 days 398-2217 eves 398-i963 days 393-04~I days 391-7118
PCA-LA At A Glance PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" -of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world, On a national level, PeA publishes an excellent monthly magazine PORSCHE PANORAMA and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating)experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy.
Subscriptions PORSCHERAMA is available to nonmembers of PCA-LA at the rate of $].2per year. Send requests to 1911Newell Road, Malibu 90265, along with your check, payable to PCA-LA.
PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by the editorial board no later than the Ist of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA, its board of directors, the PORSCHRAMA editorial board, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication.
Wovlng ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us, care of Ann Wang, 12222 Montana,
Ad Rates ADVERTISING RATES (Effective Feb. I, 1981) Monthly Yearly size of Ad $800.00 $I00.00 Back Cover (½) 65.00 750.00 Full Page 400.00 1/2 Page 50.00 45 " 00 325.00 1/3 Page 40.00 275.00 1/4 Page 35.00 250.00 1/6 Page 180.00 25.00 Business Card
3 Here it is April already. The old saying about time flying when ~ou’re having fun has really been appropriate for PCA-LA this year. The first quarter of the year has brought forth some excellent events w~ile the final three hold promises of more of the same. No matter where your interests lie there will be something to catch your eye this year, Just be sure to watch the calendar section for the future events. Come out and enjoy a fun day with fellow PCA people or help to put on one of the events. Your help in both the planning and participating stages is vital for the events to be successful, This year should be one of member involvement so come and join us. Most of all--HAVE FUN!
. . ~-~ ..... ~-
~i~’!~ ~-. ~ ~:::~.~::~:::~:~:~:~:~<ii:b~o
Sotunds like everyone had a wonderful time at the recent Willow Springs event. But how come Bob Fern renamed it "Spins in the Willows" (just for Connie?)? The following LA people participated: Lee Burton, Pete Z., Len Scott, Sam Wang, John Wmson, Judd Boykin, Connie, Ken Ballard, Rick Jackson, Charlle & Patty Akly, and new members Martin Frith, Steve Bal!ard, and Len Cusb_man. Unofficially, Lee, Pete, John, Coralee (who had a super time) and Rick took firsts in their classes. By the way, sorry we don’t have San Diego results for this paper. Don’t forget about our swap meet on April 12. Sellers 8=30, buyers 9:00.
Harry, lstilldo~’tthi~t~t’sw~tthe"Owners’sB~k" meant by, "Whe. two Porsches meet it is customary to Flesh"!!!
By the time you get this month’s newsletter, we hope you will have received the March issue too: It was our first month using bulk mailing and as with all new efforts, it had a few problems. Some people got their paper the day after we mai].ed it; others waited almost two weeks for delivery. Our apologies. We think we’ve got it straightened out now. Besides, our newsletter is so much fun, it’s worth waiting for, right? Once again, we want to thank Ken Ballard for his invaluable help. Ken doesn’t just give us ideas; he burns the midnight oil with us to make sure everything comes out right. Ann is back to typing after a couple of months off. But she’s already complalning about the ball and chain. We want to thank those regions and event chairmen who have been sending us flyers far enough in advance so we can advertise their events. Too often we have to go to press with no information Other than a date--not even a phone number to help you out. We hope in the future more regions will get organized.
We haven’ t had one in eons ~ so this should be a great event. See the flyer inside. ConnieLark’nAnn
Joe’s Porsche Service Independent Porsche Senticing
All makes of foreign cars
repair and maintenance of Porsche automobiles
720 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, California 90401
4215LincolnBIvd., MarlnadelRey,821-7567,823-4683
o er,
4 NEW MEMBER MEETING The first New Member Meeting of 1981 was held Feb. 12, 1981 at the SCC Yacht Club in Marina del Rey, Bob Housman, Membership Chairman, opened the meeting at 8:15 pm with a hearty welcome to all. Bob gave a qu~.ck welcome speech and then went on to introduce the club officers that were present, He then turned the meeting over to Connie Fern who had a sure fire way of breaking the ice and in 5 minutes we were all no longer strangers, Sam Wang was next up and he described his duties as Zone 8 Time Trial Chairman and Activities Chairman of the Los Angeles Region, Ken Ito was introduced as the Manhattan Trophy winner and resident expert on concoursing. Our other resident experts were also introduced, Jan Winthrop on speed events, Sam did rallying and safety equipment, all gave a short talk on their respective topics. Jose Ochoa discussed Tech in the absence of John Fels (congratulations to Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wife, Sherri, on receiving her PhD~ ), He also did a sales pitch for the Goodie Store as he is the new manager. Judd Boykin discussed dues, monthly and board meetings and their locations, The meeting ended at 9150 pm. On behalf of the Los Angeles Region of PCA, I would like to welcome you as members of our region, P.S. Thanks to the great selling technique of Cindy Crystal, the Goodie Store made some bucks~ Thanks CindyI!
Dieter Schoepflin owner of
LOMITA PORSCHE SERVICE, INC. formerly co-owner of "DIRO K. G., Inc." Continues 25 years of Quality Workn]anship on PORSCHES & MERCEDES (including diesels) from the same 11 year location. He hopes his past and new Porsche & Mercedes friends will continue to be satisfied here with Dieter, as always.
GENERAL MEETING Feb. General Meeting held at the SCC Yacht Club came to order at 8120 pm. with a welcome from Pres. Judd Boykin. officers reports followed. Vice Pres~ Jerry Pennington announced the guest speaker and topic for the evening. Tres. DuStin Janes repor~ad $2600 balance in account. Activities Chairman Sam Wang reviewed upcoming events. Tech Chairman John Fels thanked everyone for the great turnout at Jan. Tech Session. Updated future techs, Nembership Chairman Bob Housman introduced new members present. Editor Connie Fern encouraged members to contribute material for the newsletter, Deadline for articles now the ist of the month. Guest speaker Bob Baumgardner of Wells Fargo Leasing presented an interesting and informative talk on the Pros and Cons of Leasing a Car. A lively question and answer period followed. Special thanks extended to Bob by Judd and meeting adjourned at I0 pm. TECH MEETING The Feb 25th John meeting was held at everyone the SCC Yacht Club, Fels welcomed who braved the rain to attend and proceeded to introduce the guest speaker/ instructor, Nolan Dane, representin~ Personal Protection Services. Nolan is also a member of the Torrance Police Dept. Nolan began the class with a lecture on when, where and how to use "mace". Throughout he answered all questions and gave real life accounts. We then saw a very convinc~na film of two officers who vol~eered to be sprayed with "mace". A written test was given and upon passing we were issued our permits. The meeting ended at I0130 pm with everyone given the opportunity to purchase some "mace" and going home feeling a little safer. Thank you John for a great Tech Session!
5 Here we go again - another busy month in the membership corner. Of course, we can’t be too busy since the whole future of the club is dependent on the contin%al infusion of new members with their enthusiasm, new ideas and suggestions, So let’s all become "membership chairmen" and spread the word about PCA/LA and receive participation points in the process. Our new members start off with John Castillo. John is in the film industry and along with his wife Kathleen, enjoy their 1968 Tan 912. He would also like to find someone who takes pride in their work to rebuild his 912. Don Crane joined this month after some urging by Jose. Don is a lawyer and drives a 1967 Skipper Blue 912. He is interested in TSD and Gimmick ralleys, Tom Daniels drives his 1976 Black 911S daily while working as an accountant, Tom is interested in club social activities, concours and racing. His 911 is his second Porsche after previously owning a 912E.
Our Treasurer Dustin Janes takes credit for introducing Ron Munro to PCA/LA. Ron is an Electronics Engineer. He and his wife Sally drive their 1976 White 911 daily and should be interested in our combination tech and social sessions, like our March meeting. Richard Hankin should meet Ron Munro since they have common interests in tech and social~ and Ron also drives his 1978 911 daily. Ron meet Richard, Richard meet Ron. Tomas Lopez Rocha lives in Mexico but is VP of Calzado Canada~ which operates a business in L.A. Tomas is interested in technical information and is the only new member this month with a 356. He saves his 196q Grey 356C for special occasions, which seems only fair. These are the new members this month except for the newest and youngest memher, who is sponsored by Jan & Cindy Winthrop. CONGRATS to the new parents of Kimberly. TILL NEXT MONTH.
Barry Johnson and his wife Virginia, after owning a number of 356’s, now drive a 1969 Yellow 912 (and I think they also have a ’57 Speedster). They
are interested in social, tech and racing. Barry is the second lawyer to
Another Computer expert me) joins the club with
(?) (besides a 1966 Beige
911. George McMurtry drives his Porsche daily and since he and his wife Ann are interested in social activities and ralleys, we should be
seeing them at the club activities. Ronald Meek must have been at our Gimmick Halley in Feb. since he and his wife Jan enjoy taking their 1970 Green 911 on Gimmick Ralleys & social events.
faotor 393-5423 "Special 2.7
in box.
e~e Honth"
piston & cylinder
¯ new
$ 800.
2,? 9~1 European Carrera piston & cylinder sets, modi£ie~ to app~ox, 9.4 tO ~ CR; new, $1150 set.
Quality Service & Maintenance at fair rates ¯ Engine-transmission rebuilding ¯ Suspension-Chassis tuning ¯ Time Trial - Race Specialists
(213) 391-7277
APRIL - PCA/LA 1 BOARD MEETING - 8 pm. Call Joh Fels for directions 476-4755 5 ZONE 8 CONCOURS Temescal Canyon Park, Pacific Palisades. 12 SWAP MEET - 8 am School Parking Lot adjacent to Porschop - 3906 GrandView Blvd. Btw. Washington Place and Venice, 1 blk East of Centinela. 398-2217, 16 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING - 8pm, Film: THE ONE FOR THE ROAD, SCC Yacht Club, 13445 Mindanao Way, Marina del Rey. Marina Fwy West to Mindanao - turn left, Right Ist opp, after Admiralty. 22 TECH MEETING - 8 pm - Topic: HOME MAINTENANCE. Redline Service, 720 Colorado Ave,, Santa Monica. S.M. Fwy exit Lincoln Blvd - turn North - West on Colorado.
APRIL - OTHERS II ZONE 8 RALLYE - Orange Coast Call Tom Gould Jr, (213)747-3613 or Alan Sandoval (714) 645-9429 II CCC/SCC SOLO I School & Championship Riverside. 25/26 ZONE 8 TIME TRIAL - Arizona Phoenix Intl. Raceway 26 IMSA - Riverside
7 MAY !-3
8 Concours - So.
6 PCA/LA Board Meeting 1 3 PCA/LA NEW MEMBER MEETING 16-17 ZONE 8 Time Trial - Las Vegas 21 PCA/LA BBQ 23-24 POC/PCA-Golden Gate Time Trial Laguna Seca
Entry Fees
PCA Member Female Affiliate
$40.00 $30.00
Tech at Track for
Event Date
For More Information Schedule at Track
PCA/LA Board Meeting
6 7
Zone 8 Rallye - Golden Empire PCA/LA Fun-khana
Saturday - Registration 7:30-9:00 Drivers Meeting 8:30, Practice and instruction 9:00-4:30, Free
Practice 8:30-12:00, timed runs
12:30. Out of state cars w~] run first.
Coast Pre-Registration BUCKEYE RD.
ChuckMcKinneyDay (602) 258-3718
~LTHâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;THOMASRD" II~
JULY1 PCA/LA Board Meeting 16 PCA/LA Membership Meeting
~i0 ~ ~i SASELINERD. e.,.R. TOTUCS0~ ~
8 Rallye - LA
26 PORSCHE PARADE - Ashviile, N.C. AUGUST 5 PCA/LA Board Meeting 13 PCA/LA New Member Meeting 15 Zone 8 Rallye - Santa Barbara 20 PCA/LA Membership Me~ting 22-23 Vintage Car Races - LaCuna Seca
PCA/LA Board Meeting
~2-13 Zone 8 Time Trial - LA/POC Riverside Intl. Raceway
12-13 Zone 8 Concours - Arizona 13
PCA/LA Membership Meeting
Zone 8 Concours - Santa Barbara
- Laguna Seca
7 PCA/LA Board Meeting Zone 8 Concours- San Diego II 17 Zone 8 Rallye - Riverside ~7-~8 Las Vegas Grand Prix 2~ PCA/LA One Day Willow
PCA/LA Photo Rallye
V AYO [l
Zone -- Doll-e
RALLYE SCHOOL: Sat. April 4, 9:30 AM ZONE 8 RALLYE: Sat. April ii, 9:30 AM (First car out i0:01) START LOCATION (of both) Gould Music Company 12339 Seal Beach Blvd. Seal Beach, Ca. Directions to Start: Exit San Diego Fwy. (405) at Seal Beach Blvd. Turn right onto Seal Beach Blvd. (Towards Los Ala/nitos) Turn left first opportunity. (Cloud Drive) qh/rn right into parking lot after "PCA ". Follow "PCA" signs to start. COST:
School: $7.00 per car Rallye: $ii.00 per car (If you preregister, the price will be $15.00 for both) Make checks payable to "PCA - OCR" and send to: Tom Gould Jr., 4601 Camden Drive, Corona Del Mar, Ca. 92625
No ~T
Day (602) 258 3718
P.I.R. ll5th Avenue & Baseline
beer whentrackcloses. Sunday-
Zone 8 Concours - Riverside PCA/LA Membership Meeting PCA/LA Tech Meeting - Briggs C unn ingham Museum
27-28 Zone 8 Time Trial - Orange wi llow Springs
Phoenix drivers
April 25-26, 1981
PCAiLA Rallye School
14 18 21
Don Jackson Enterprises, Phoenix
Alan Sandoval (714)645-9429 Tom Gould, Jr. (213)747-3613
TUCSON. AZ 85715
8 1981 is moving right along and PCA’s calendar is going full blast, April First will see the Board Meeting convene at John Fel’s home. Call John if you plan on coming - we’ll be doing some heavy thinking on LA Region’s 1984 Parade proposal.’ April 5 is PCA-LA’s contribution to the Zone 8 Concours series. This elegant affair will be held in the beautiful Pacific Palisades area - come out to see some sensational cars. Bring a picnic, a camera or two or even better, shine up your own Porsche and show it! April 11 will be PCA-Orange Coast’s Zone 8 rallye - these are traditionally very good, well-written routes that are challenging but straight-forward, On April 12 we’ll revive an old-fashioned practice - the Porsche Swap Meet. It’ll be held at a school adjacent to Porschop (3906 GrandView Blvd., L.A.,90066, phone 213-398-2217). Come out and visit with us and unload all of your spare stuff from the garage (and swap it for someone else’s excess baggage!) for fun and profit, April ]6, Thursday, will see the monthly general membership meeting. We’ll be at the Yacht Club for a 1973 Factory f~im, THE ONE FOR THE ROAD, that covers the development of the 1973 911. April 22 will have another in our fine series of tech sessions. Hosted by Pete Zimmerman at h~s shop Redl]ne Service (720 Colorado Ave., Santa Monica, 90401, phone 213-450-7414)0 We’ll be covering home maintenance procedures on 356, 914, 911, 924 types. This will be a really fun event - lots to learn even if you don’t intend to do your own work.
"Home Maintenance, .... Porsche Puttering," or what ever you want to call it, will be the topic of our April 22nd Tech Meeting. Many of us want to know more about the taking care of our cars ourselves, what we can do on our own to help maintain our wonderful machines, and, in the process, maybe save some money. Preventative maintenance, knowing what to look after, can often save big bucks, and we’re all interested in that. Whereas last month’s meeting dealt with the cosmetics, this month will be the mechanicals. Again, this will be a ,hands-on" workshop type meeting. We’ll have on hand examples of each model Porsche (356, ~911, 914, 924) and experts on each to show us what we can do and to answer our questions. This type of meeting has been a great success in the past and we know we’ll have a fine turnout. Pete Zimmermann, racer and owner of Red Line Service~ Inc. has graciously extended to us the use of his fine shop and facilities and will be among those professionals on hand to share with us his knowledge of maintaining the breed. Also~ there will be coffee, beer and wine on hand so that nobody should go thirsty on us. Again the place will be Red Line Service~ Inc., 720 Colorado Avenue (just West of Lincoln) in Santa Monica. Call 450-7414 if you need directions. The time will be 8 pm, April 22nd. Upcoming Tech Meetings: No meeting for May but put aside June 21 for a trip and other happenings to the world famous Briggs Cunningham Museum.
As this column is being written, Time Trialing is on my mind, We’ve just finished the Willow sjrings event put on jointly by PCA Riverside and Porsche Owners Club.. It was a simply great even~ There were well over I00 cars and LA R@gion fielded almost 20 drivers. The weather was chamber-of-commerce perfect and we all enjoyed each others company. We’re looking forward to the next event in Phoenix on April 25,26. They’ve resurfaced much of that track and Arizona Region is planning several activities to make the long trek even more worthwhile. Call Judd Boykin for more details,
3906 Grandview Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90066 (213) 398-2217
1963 356 Super 90. Yellow, completely restored, original upholstery; rebuilt engine and trans. $8500. Call Jack Pfirrman, 283-5236. 1963 356C. Black/black; original, AM-FM. Moving, must sell. $9000, obo. Call Wade, 391-4194. 1967 912 Coupe. Orange/blk and tan; 5-speed, alloys, Konis, stainless steel brake lines, rebuilt engine and clutch, new tires; good condition. $6000 or trade for VW camper. Call Martin Frith, 379-4555 eves. 1967 912. Silver/black. 82,000 mi., excellent condition, AM-FM radio. Call Larry Choate, 434-0436. 1971 911T. Pastel blue/blk; mags, Hl’s, new Dunlops, Blaupunkt 2001, all papers since new. $9000 or best offer. Call Jerry Pennington, 822-5471 eves. 4 Riviera Maqs. Very good condition, w/ steel belted radials (25,000 mi.), mounted. $300. Call Mac McKee, 2777405 days, 559-9948 eves. Also 924 bra, new never opened, $40. WANTED: 4-cam Carrera eng. comp. and strong running to finish my restoration (’56 GS Speedster). For trade: 1500 4-cam eng., 55 Speedster unrestored ex-race car, runs good, and/or $$. Please write Jack Styles, Box 2115, Peabody, Mass, 01960, (617) 535-3337. WANTED~ Perfect front hood for 1961 Roadster. Call 456-3973.
FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT (Ann received the following letter and pictures from longtime PCA-LA member, Peter Muller, who now lives in Hamburg. We think his car is terrific, and we send a big HELLO from everyone in LA). Dear Ann, Thank you for putting "Happy New Year" on the envelope of the January issue of PORSCHERAMA. I only got it now, having been away on business and spending some time in the snow riding little toboggans on the Cresta run at St. Moritz. I certainly wish all of you over there a happy and joyful 1981, being certain that sunny California will cater for you all, despite of all daily problems. I read, with great interest, about what is happening in PCA-LA and constantly wish I could partake. But there are two problems~ one, the distance! the other, my car. The police would (I suppose) shoot at first sight, since she is too fast and there’s emission control--whatever that is: I do hope that one of these days I will have a chance to be present at one of the bigger all-member meetings, thereby having the pleasure of meeting many of my fellow (and female--bringing it to its precise meaning) members. That could be the time when I would ask you to preselect for me a good 356B Roadster. I would love to pick it up and take it back to its homeland--a sort of reverse Treffen! If there is anything I can do or arrange for you over here, please let me know. Kindest regards from the ’lone’ member in--this time of year--gray Hamburg. Yours,
LEGISLATIVE LIAISON BULLETIN NO. 81-I The purpose of the Legislative Liaison Bulletins is to inform all members of the Porsche Club of any pending automobilerelated legislation or regulation which may not be in the best interests of the Club or its members. The bulletins, which will be issued throughout the year as required, will report on legislation occuring both in Washington D.C. and in the various state governments. Region Presidents are requested to address the reported issues at the regular meeting of their Region, and newsletter Editors are requested to publish the information in their next Newsletter. Normally, we will be requesting the membership to write letters to their Congressmen expressing sn opinion on the issue in order to influence their vote, and we will provide instructions on how to write your Congressman .... We have some good news to report initially, President~agan is against excess regulation~ and has begun to take appropriate action to stem the regulation tide in the U,S, One of his first official acts was to issue an Executive Order prohibiting any new regulation from taking effect for a period of 60 days, giving his Administration time to review regulations to determine which might not be really needed~ President Reagan has nominated Raymond Peck to be the head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), replacing antl-automobile Joan Claybrook, Mr. Peck, who is expected to be confirmed, would undoubtedly support President Reagan’s efforts to lessen government control of the automobile industry. The most important piece of legislation introduced thus far is a bill which would repeal the National 55 mph maximum limit from the U.S. code. All PCA members are urged to write their Congressmen IN SUPPORT OF H,R. 992. Here’s how to write your Congressman: ADDRESS: The Honorable John Doe House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515
One additional item of interest which does not require any member action just yet, is that the Pacific Lega! Foundation Fecently introduced a pet~tinn to the NHTSA which would repeal the present Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208. This is the standard that is requiring Air Bags (essent~ally) to be installed in all vehicles by ]q84, starting in 1982 with luxury cars, This is one issue that PCA has been opposed to all along, and we will keep you posted of the status of this petition. Another item of [nt.erest ]s the fact that in January the NHTSA denied a petition submitted by the Ins~vance Institute for H~ghway Safety that would have required a~l "cruise con[rol" devices to have a maximum setting of 55 mph, This intelligent action by NHTSA is ind{cative of their responsiveness to President.Reagan’s antiregulation policy, and we app~,aude NHTSA for their action Robert C, Rassa Chairman, National Legislative Lia~so~ Comm~tte~’
The body of the letter should be short and brief, All you have to say is that you favor the resolution and you want your Congressman to vote for it. Handwritten letters are perfectly acceptable, and in fact, are somewhat preferred. ¯l~:MPE~rr
I PC3~OC:~E ~ a
~6.00 15~75 21 ~ 00 21.61 19~00 Iq,68 21,35 20,25 20.00 21,34 ]8,00 ~6,40 J.Jenkins/S,Jenkins C.MarksiC,Freeman 29,00 30.60 9 C .Tellez/C, Dominguez ] 9,00 ] 7,25 I0 J~Corwin~.Corwin 25,00 23.01 II M,Holder/C,Caufin~rq 22,00 ]9.39 24.50 2] ,67 ]2 ~,Housman/G~Housman 13 L,Burton/T,Purton 17,00 20,]7 14 J,Pennington/S.Penr’ington !5,00 18,48 ]5 P,Leffe/M.Watman 18,50 14,88 16 V,Unger/S,Unger 17,00 12,63 17 P~Zimmermann/K,zi~ermann 27,20 22,62 18 R.Rankin/V,Gentle 20.00 ]5~33 ]9 W,Johnson/B,Jo~son 23,00 18,19 20 ~,Vogel/],~.~lcKee 23,00 29,08 21 E,Levir~son/R,Trott 20,00 19,30 22 J,Clark/J,Clark ]7,00 8~67 23 A,Drunker/M,Lyon 20,00 10,gg 24 C,Crystal/J,0choa 25,00 ]2~04 25 M.Fgith Special Points Fastest Car: Ist: Lee & Toni Burton Time 2nd: Pete & Karen Zi~ermann ~:57 Biggest Screw-up: Cindy Crystal/Jose Ochoa
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
L. Scott/K. Scott R,. Meek/J. Meek
R. ~us~o~!J. Jacobson F.Hess/R,Hess N.Hauft/D,Saba K,Yaker/M.Franchina KenIto/C.Luttkus
]6.00 17,00
Porsche Engine Parts Crankshafts: 2.7 911 Std, $600; 2.2-S .010"-.010.., $300; 2.0 911 Std, $400; NEW 912, $700; 912 Std, $550; 356B Std, $450; 356B .010"- " 010", $350; I ¯ 7 91~Std, $75. Crankcases: 2.0 911 line~red and ~nserts, $400; 2.0 aluminum case-mod for 2.7 pistons, $500; many 356 and 912 cases~ $125-$500. Con Rod Sets; 912~ $240; 2.0 911, $200; 2.2 911, $240; 2.7 911, $300. Heads~ all rebuilt by C.E.: 2.7 911 1976, $900; 2.7 1974, $800; 2.4 1972, $800; 2.2 1971, $800; 2.0 1966, $600; many 356 and 912 sets. Enqine-C.E. rebuilt Short Blocks: 1969 912~ $1800 exch; 1962 S90, $1500, exchange; 1965 C, $1600, exchange; 1972 914 1.7, $900 exchange. Transmissions: 1968 912 5 -speed, $500; 1971 911 5-speed~ $500. Much more: Call Competition Engineering~ (213) 794-8402 or 681-5991. Just ask for Ray~
THE GOODIE IS BACKt Limited Quantity and Sizes of Men’s and Women’s Los Angeles Region T-Shirts Los Angeles Region Car BadgesUP-FIXIN Vol #3 UP-FIXIN Vol #4 Also available Books -Posters other Porsche Paraphernalia
$ 5~ 00 $I0.00 $ 4.00 $ 7.00 and
Porsche Club ~f,~merica Los Angeles Re~c. 1911 Newell Road Malibu, Calif. 90265
U.S. Postage PAID Permit No,
Ha li.bu, California