Vol. 1
No. 8:September1981
55 HOTUB Concours restoration of a vintage speedster or other piece of ancient Porsche exotica can be gratifying. However, for the neophite, [this was my first restoration] the project should be realistically and not emotionally assessed as a consuming experience. Although this tends to be a labor of love, there is the considerable monitory expense, the blood, sweat, a few tears and mountains of patience that are in order for such an undertaking. The end results, however, will directly reflect the time and special care that was invested,
How can one be certain that the meticulous process of concours restoration and the resultant pride of ownership in the finished product are worth all that effort and invested resources? That’s a tough one..:and the answer really depends on your own attitude. A prerequisite to going the restoration route for the novice should be your desire to actively participate in the quality control process at every turn. You must be able and willing to provide supplementary effort to each subcontractor [body stripping, engine, interior, etc.]. The owner must truly "orchestrate" the whole process. (cont’d. on p. 6 )
Board Of Directors
PRESIDENT Judd Boykin ..................................... days 550-3805 eves 788-4182
PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America.
VICE PRESIDENT Jerry Pennington ............................. :.eves 822-5475 SECRETARY Carmela Tellez ................................. eves 362-3801 TREASURER Dustin Janes ..................................... days 476-4732 ACTIVITIES Sam Wang ................................ eves [714183 ’1-3799 Ken Ito [Concours] ............................ eves 937-808’1 Bill LeFlang [Rally] ............................. eves 794-5277 Jan Winthrop [Speed] ....................... eves 325-3433 TECH John Fels ........................................... eves 476-4755 MEMBERSHIP Bob Housman ................................... eves 990-2869 EDITORS Connie Fern ...................................... days 398-22’17 Lark Nakazaki ................................... eves 398-1963 Ann Wang ..... days 393-041 ’1 ................................... CHAIRMAN OF BOARD John Williamson ............................... days 39’1-7’1’18
PCA-LA At A Glance PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine PORSCHE PANORAMA and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club p~rt is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating] experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy.
Subscriptions PORSCHERAMA is available to nonmembers of PCA-LA at the rate of $12 per year. Send requests to t9’1 ’1 Newell Road, Malibu 90265, along with your check, payable to PCA-LA.
Dated material must be received by the editorial board no later than the Ist of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Stdfements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA, its board of directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication.
Moving ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us, care of Ann Wang, ’12222 Montana, LA 90049.
Ad Rates ADVERTISING RATES [Effective Feb. ’1, ’198’1) Size of Ad
Back Cover (I/2] Full Page I/2 Page ’1/3 Page I/4 Page I/6 Page Business Card
S’100.00 65.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 25.00
SS00.00 750.00 400.00 325.00 275,00 250.00 180.00
PCA HOTLINE 398-22’17
Here is a late note on our June membership meeting, Many thanks go to our guest speaker Larry Brown, Larry wears two hats in his dealings with Porsches. He is the Public Relations Manager at Volkswagen of America and the Publicity Chairman for the Santa Barbara Region of PCA. Larry had just returned from a trip. to the Factory [not Rothman’s) and provided us with some interesting stories and information - a future 911 convertible and 4 wheel drive vehicle. Thanks for spending the time with us Larry. By now you have all received copies of the proposed changes to our Bylaws and the ballots for them. Ann Wang put in a great deal of effort revising these into what we feel will be a very workable set of regulations for the Club. sobe sure to cast your vote. Note the return postage is paid for so just mark your choice and send it back,
~ ~~.~..~
Don’t forget about the September 12-13 Time Trial at Riverside with the Panteras and Ferraris. Even if you are not competing it should make for interesting spectating. Now some notes from the Parade in Ashville: Total membership in PCA is 5.900. Of the Zone 8’s total is 2.~74 or ~3.7% with L.A. Region having 507 or 23.3% of the Zone and 3.2% of National. Following are statistics by car type: Car Type
New Members Renewals
9~ ~ 924 356 930 914 928
4~. ~ % 16.6% ..... 1.7% ..... .....
New Cars Used Cars
12.0% 88.0%
4~ .4% 6.8% 19.9% 2.6% ~6.8% 2.4%
A new model to be introduced : the 944 [See Autoweek 8/I ~1/81]. This will look like the 924 Carrera with a 2.5 liter 4 cylinder engine. A turbocharged version will probably follow later. Look for front end sheet metal changes in the 911 [headlights like the 928?]. Porsche is building a Group C car for endurance races. Porsche will be the feature car at the Monterey Vintage Car Races and Pebble Beach Concours in 1982. VOA/Porsche participation will be big. The 1983 Parade will be at Lake of the Ozarks July 31 through August 7 with room for 900 entries. [cont’d. ]
Legislative Liaison: Requirements for passive restraints will probably be eliminated. Reagan is not pushing for raising the 55 MPH limit. Bumper requirements will probably be dropped and the clean air act will hold or be rolled back possible to eliminate catalytic convertors. PCR Rules Changes: Overall Awards at Parades - voted down, Our Zone 8 Rep Burt Misevic will be the focal point for a year long study on an alternative form of overall awards. If you have any suggestions contact Buff or myself. Rally Calculators Change - defeated. Snell 75 Helmet - defeated. 60 Series Tires 3 Point Penalty - passed. Any Brakes. Any Car - defeated. Modifications Between Head and Muffler 2 Points -defeated Use of Chassis Stiffening Devices ~ Point - passed, Classification Chaff. Move Abarth - passed.
In last month’s article, I wrote about a friend who had his Targa stolen. Since then, I’ve had a lot of conversations with Club members, read a lot, and have come to some conclusions. You may not like what you’re going to read so stop here if you wish. From all that I can determine, one conclusion can be drawn, and that is, the professional thief is going to steal your Porsche if he/she wants to enough. As the Los Angeles Times points out, it’s no longer a question of the condition in which you keep your car, it’s whether you get to keep it at all! In California, a car theft occurs every three minutes. That’s about 500 cars daily. Two-thirds of these vehicles are stolen in the Southland, one-half of them in Los Angeles County. Statistics further show that locked cars represent about half the total thefts, If your car is stolen, the following statistics might be interesting to know. Barely more that two-thirds of the vehicles are returned sufficiently intact to the point of being operable. Of all recovered cars, about 2% are without either engine or transmission, or else have been burned [often to hide fingerprints]; about 3% have suffered other damage of one kind or another; about ~5% have been stripped of parts and accessories. To add injury to insult, roughly 7% of all stolen cars have been damaged in accidents prior to recovery. If all of the above depresses you, wait. To apply the numbers above, maybe it will come into per_spective when we find that about five [~ % of the cars stolen everyday] are Porsches. In the July, ~98~ issue of "Panorama", there is an excellent article entitled "It’s ~ ~ p.m. Do you know where your Porsche is?" This is a most comprehensive discourse on anti-theft devices,
car alarms and vehicle protection systems and recommend it to all to read. However there is still a good possibility, that even with the most sophisticated "state of the art" system, your car can and will be stolen. How many times have you heard a car alarm system go off and not paid attention or seen others ignoring it. This seems to be quite common as systems proliferate. Further, the professional thief who can get into your car in a matter of seconds only has to lay a foam blanket over your car to deaden the sound from the alarm/horn. Ignition kill switches and the like are wonderful protection against the amateur who just wants your car for a "joyride." But the C.H.P. estimates that about ~0% of the thefts are by professionals and the ignition kill switch is of little value when the thief hooks up to your car and tows it away. Again, I ask, if anyone has a solution, please step forward and let us know.
On July 25th, 35 of us met at the shop of Rick Norris and Neal Rayburn for a truly interesting Tech Session. Rick and Neal are very busy modifying Porsches in the B+B fashion and doing all kinds of hot-rod stuff to our favorite car. They will Turbo charge anything - witness the Porsche eater V/W Rabbit that they did [full Recaro interior, BBS wheels and many more goodies]. After introductory remarks by both Rick and Neal, showing what they are doing, the meeting was opened to questions led off by that great questionnaire Jack DeResario. Coffee and doughnuts were aplenty, an~the three hours we were there went by very quickly and I think we all came away more knowledgeable. The Club thanked Rick and Neal with a copy of "Porsche, Excellence Was Expected."
INC. repair and maintenance of Porsche automobiles
720 Colorado Avenue
Santa Monica, California 90401
Thanks to all those members who responded to last month’s questionnaires. Even at this early date, the response far exceeds that of any similar flyer, The information and suggestions are helpful in setting a direction for the club for the next year. This mailing was so successful that we will probably be including an abbreviated one with next year’s ballot,
For those of you who didn’t get around to sending yours in yet, do it soon. Better late than never! The rest of this year, and continuing through next year, we will be working hard recruiting new members into PCA/LA. One of the really nice things about new members is their high level of involvement and enthusiasm, which is contagious, as anyone can attest to who has joined us at our quarterly New Member Meetings. Our other project through 1982 will be to complete plans for our bid for the 1984 Parade. Next year’s Parade is in Reno and I expect a lot of L.A. members will be there to hear that L.A. is the Place for the 1984 Parade. Thanks to all of you who have offered help with the Parade plans. I’ll be taking you up on your offers in the next year. We have had a typical summer slowdown in the number of new members this month but that just allows us to give a bigger welcome to the new members this month: Marta Banks Richard Beck Juergen Doll
1965 356SC 1979 91 ISC Targa 1980 924 Turbo
Dark Green Brown Ind. Red
More and more berospace technology is finding its way int~) Formula 1 applications and in the near future possibly production cars, Carbon brake discs and pads, made by HITCO, a subsidiary of Armco, are currently being used on high performance military jets and certain Formula I teams - Parmalat Brabham to name one. Testing on high speed tracks has proved th~’-t carbon/carbon brake discs and pads outlast standard racing brakes. They are made from carbon material in which high strength carbon fibers are used as reinforcement. The material is tough, absorbs tremendous amounts of heat without glazing, changing shape or losing braking strength, yet weighs only 1/4 of steel components the same size. An added ’benie’ is that the resultant reduction in unsprung weight improves car handling. Jack DiRosario
~80~ Phoenix, Arizona 85018
~ .... ~0~-9~-~0~-~o~o ~0z-881-845~-0~c~
~... so~o.b~ ~l, 12, ~~, ~81
Saturday, Sept. 12, all day.
And tronsferrina in:
~on~l~ H~r~r~w
’Til next month,
From kon~horn ~o~on
EGIST~%TION FEE: Advance resistration by ~il
s~0.00 p .......... i .... gi~o,-s~s 00 rese~a~ions & special roo~ rate, phone
-Zon= 8 Contour rule~ apply. -Standard Zone 8 classes. -Overnight security for parking/prep, areas.
Assuming a willingness to take 9n this role the uninitiated [virgin] restorer migl~t begin his task as follows: Identify an experienced owner/restorer intimately familiar with the model you plan to use [concours judges make excellent and willing consultants]. Set your goals, i.e. full concurs, street concours or just a good looking fun car to drive. Once you have set your objective do not compromise. Select the vehicle.,.Look at 5 or ~0 cars. Pick the one with the least rust, original engine and fewest owners before you. Plan the job...don’t schedule...deadlines are the enemy of quahty workmanship. Select your craftsmen carefully. Get at least two firm bids for each major task [undercarriage, paint, engine and interior]. Talk to people who have used your craftsmen. Look at samples of their work. Make sure each supplier is fully aware of your objectives. Accept no substitutes. Visit his shop often...not to push...but rather to monitor quality. Remember...getting there is half the fun. So don’t rush things. Keep good records for insurance [and tax purposes in case you later decide to sell]. But even more important, you are going to meet some really great people along the way so take the time to get to know them.,.I found Porsche types are a most consistently supportive and friendly lot... Nell E. Hauft August ~0, ~98~
Joe’s Porsche Service Independent Porsche Servicing pot sche- Audi. BMW =Volkswagen AH makes of foreign cars
4215 Lincoln Blvd. * Marina del Rey ¯ 821.7567 ¯ 823-4683
’81 PARADE DIARY - John Williamson SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1981: Up at 4:30 a.m., met Ivan VanDyke at 5:30; LAX at 6:00. Met Doug Dana in terminal - destination Chicago to Ashville, N.C. With five hours of sleep between us, it was really the Red Eye Special. Three and a half hours later after vulcanized scrambled eggs and 89 octane coffee, Chicago. Three hour layover [I’m gonna’ kill my travel agent] on to Puddle Jumper Airlines in a W.W.II relic out of some museum, Stopped at Greensborough, N.C.?? Me?? Give me a break!!! Then, Ashville, with a one airline terminal. Checked in, nice rooms. Walked around, saw eight 930 Turbos, twelve 931 Turbos, three Elvas, one 908, thirty-five 914’s, eighty-seven 911’s and a whole bunch of shitboxes [356]. Heard this fat lady try to sing in the bar - out quick. Met Zone 9 Rep Frank Barret in the hall and talked to him for a while, then on home to watch a 1977 Saturday Night Live! SUNDAY: Registration at 8:00 a.m. - 3000 miles to the place and I can’t drive in the speed event [yek]. Breakfast with Norm Martin, Gene Gilpin, Mike Robbins. Roamed around, shot the breeze with old friends and a few new acquaintances. About 4:30 p.m. back to the room for detailing for the Get Acquainted Party at the Grove Park Inn. After long lines, finally, food! Great food, drinks and especially the Bluegrass Band. We clogged all night. Even Georgia and Mike Springer were "a cloggin". Home a little tired and tattered. MONDAY: Up at Zero-dark-thirty for Judges Meeting at the Biltmore House at 8 a.m. I judged the Division III, 911’s 72-77 plus 912E’s. Not a one close to our Zone 8 standards. Started to rain just before Manhattan Judging. Rush all cars inside stable area. Extra t/2 hour for rain prepdamage. I helped Glen Herrman finalize his ’61 Roadster. Got back to the banquet late. Sat with Joanne Saltzman and Doug Dana. Good food. Manhattan Trophy goes to Glen Herrman [guess I had it all handicapped right]. Didn’t get Enthusiast of the Year for the 10th straight time. Guess i don’t have my nose in the right place. TUESDAY: Golf in the rain. First day at speed event. Cars went to airport - new manager - "no way!!" Porsches on my runways, no way!!" Alternate site: parking lot at a shoppng mall. Gestapo get-together in the p.m. trying to find out where to stick my nose. WEDNESDAY: Golf in the rain. Hit the Goodie Store. Books and Porsche umbrella for Coralee, t-shirt for Jose, same for me. Free night - checked in to see some Zones.
THURSDAY: Golf in the rain. Rumors say Duncan Powers in the 908 had F.T.D [Fast Time of Day]. Awards banquet for the Speed Event at the Biltmore Deer Park Corral. Good food, good band and clogging lessons. FRIDAY: 9:05 out navigating for Vern Covert. Vern and Ada were the only other L.A. people there besides Joanne, Doug, Ivan and myself. Vern has a 9t I powered 904 with Turbo. Needless to say we were never late to a checkpoint. Lost a rear brake line coming into Check Point 3 - exciting - almost took out a 928 and 911SC. Beautiful country but the 90+ humidity and temperatures were wearing me down. Almost bought a bridge abuttment [thank God for runaway roads]. More awards at the banquet. Didn’t get one. Good food, good night. ZZZZZZZZZZZ’s. SATURDAY: Tech Quiz. Tough. Lunch, golf in the rain. Banquet, Good food, way too winded speakers. Doug and I got transferred to another table because of roughness; better because all the wine was still there. Thirty-nine glasses of wine later, 2nd in Tech Quiz 924/928. Mick Williams closed with Old Norse Pose. 1982 Reno next. SUNDAY: Flight back.
8 ZONE 8 RALLY CHALLENGE CUP Pasadena but turned off at Aliso Canyon, then back to Acton and onto the freeway again. Off at Crown Valley Road, the instructions directed you into a checkpoint. After that, back onto the freeway and then off again to follow signs toward Escondido Canyon. Then you went straight to go back onto the freeway. However, after several speed change instructions, there was another sign toward Escondido Canyon. Since you had not executed a R, L, FLR or another follow instruction, you had to exit the freeway to follow that sign. After a pause at a stop sign, you went back onto the freeway and then off to enter the last checkpoint. If any rally cars did the toward Escondido Canyon trap correctly on the last leg, I’d like to know about it.
Thirty-two cars showed up to run the combined Zone 8 and POC/PCA-LA Challenge Cup Rally held on July 18. The Orange Coast cars almost outnumbered the LA Region. Plus, we had cars from Bakersfield, San Bernardino and, of course, from Santa Barbara. The POC contingent numbered four. First, the results. Cars from other PCA regions took first place in all three classes. What’s the matter with LA Region? Tom Gould and Alan Sandoval from Orange Coast with their Audi and computer took Class A. Paul Bewley and Joe Boucher from Santa Barbara used a fast slide rule and pencil to claim Class B, while Ed and Doug March also from Santa Barbara won Class C with the best time of all cars. Coralee Ellison and John Williamson captured the Challenge Cup and will be able to keep the trophy until it is won by someone else.
One instruction used on the rally was: 74. 35 at "SIGN INDICATING WINDING ROAD" itis Quiz: What is wrong with this instruction? Answer is below.
Next, a brief description of the rally route. The first leg went by Magic Mountain and straight into a checkpoint on The Old Road. For some reason, 6 cars did not make it to this checkpoint. Next, the route went past Castaic Lake and then over the Old Ridge Route, the original road between LA and Bakersfield. Then a forced turn trap put you back toward Los Angeles on Interstate 5. The route went through Valencia with an onto trap and a DYS checkpoint. At the next turn there was a sign on a mailbox that could not be used and was worth a minute error. After a short break, the route headed toward Palmdale on 14. We went off the freeway and past Vasquez Rocks County Park, then on Red Rover Mine Road and into Acton where there was another DYS. After that, the route started over the Angeles Forest Highway toward
Finally, a special thanks goes to Jean and Jim Paden who helped with route checkout and managed the checkpoints. Jean has checkpoint equipment that automatically captures the entry time of each car. Also, thanks go to Susan and Dustin, Jr. of the Janes family, Fred Hess and Jack DiRosario for help at checkpoints. Answer to quiz: Quotation marks are used in the route instructions to indicate the exact wording, numbers and/or illustrations of the sign to be used. A typical sign has a wiggly arrow but I have never seen one with the indicated words on it. Therefore, the instruction could not be used. This kind of trap is likely to appear again.
t .83
PCA Golden Emp.
Alan Sandoval Tom Gould Coralee Ellison John Williamson Duane Alan Dale Boyd
CLASS B tT 2 3
Paul Bewley Joe Boucher Cal Marks Cyndee Freeman Greg Fullmer Bob Jones
CLASS C IT 2T 3T 4T 5T 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Ed Marsh Doug Marsh Georgia Springer Mike Springer John Emerson Laurie Emerson Stephen Weilert Ann Wang Mark Scott John Flotho Ron Hughes Dee Dee Hughes John Clyman John Clyman IV Holly Payne Bev Frohm Ron Ramage Glenda Trechter Art Zapf John Rand Nell Hauft Dorothy Hauft Ed Inal Steve Bollweg Bob Housman "George" Housman Don Coitner Laura Coitner Amedee LaCroix Glen Hori Leslie Fenn-Sandoval Janell Fenn Hugh Brown Wesley Moody Dave Givens Bob Warrington Craig McCarthy Joann Rydzewski Carl Forbes Kyle Forbes Carmella Tellez Linda Weber Howard Silversmith Stacey Smith Robert Blake Sheri Roese R Rankin V Gentle Marsha Siple Claire Shaw Jim Lathrop Steve Walton
PCA Riverside PCA-LA
I. 14
MCP= Missed Check Point T--Trophy ° Winner of PCA-LA POC Challenge Cup
Bill Leflang
10 monday
2 PCA/LA Board Meeting 12-13 PETER GREGG MEMORIAL CHALLENGE CUP Riverside International Raceway Race Headquarters: Holiday Inn 20 Rally to Don Ricardo’s (Combination Membership Meeting) Start at That Porscha Place: 4083 Redwood Avenue, L.A. 90066 Registration opens: 10:00 a.m. First car off: 11:01 a.m.
12-13 ZONE 8 Concours-Arizona 13 IMSA - Laguna Seca 27 ZONE 8 Concours - Santa Barbara
~ 11~
(21)1 4~-11~, 677-8112 ~7 YEAR5 SERVICING YOU~
I,~CHELIn ’X~1 ~:Mi~:itrr
iI ~OO
7 PCA/LA Board Meeting 7 PORSCHERAMA deadline--Nov. 10-11 Zone 8 Time TriaI--LA Riverside International Raceway 11 Zone 8 Concours--San Diego 15 PCA/LA Membership Meeting 17 Zone 8 Rally--Riverside 17-18 Las Vegas Grand Prix 31 PCA/LA Swap Meet
2 5 6 13
PCA/LA Board Meeting POC One Day Willow POC Mini Enduro-Willow PCA/LA Christmas Party
PCA/LA Board Meeting PCA/LA Membership Meeting
APRIL, 1982
4 PCA/LA Board Meeting 4 PORSCHERAMA deadline--Dec. 7-8 POC Time Trial Riverside International Raceway 11 PCA/LA New Member Meeting 19 PCA/LA Membership Meeting 27-29 PCA/LATour Harrahs Museum/Reno/Tahoe
Long Beach Gran Prix
12 September already! Where has the year gone? We’ve just had the annual Porsche Parade in Ashville, N.C. John Williamson, our perennial PCA/LA representative was there and his r.eport can be found elsewhere in this paper...its time for PCA/LA to look forward to our own 1984 Parade effort. Cross your fingers and toes ’til we get an answer from PCA National on our proposal,
The second concours will be organized by Santa Barbara region on September 27. SBR has made this event into a favorite by using Manning Park, located in the hi-rent suburb of Montecito, is picturesque, secluded and safe for our cars. This Sunday event makes an ideal day trip for us PCA/LA types - good roads, good food available, great cars.
September 12 and !3 will be a really special event for PCA/LA. We’re trying something new - a Four-Club Time Trial and Driver’s Ed. event at Riverside Raceway. We’ll be co-sponsoring the event with POC and Rick Jackson will chair. The Ferrari and Pantera Clubs have been invited, While many of us Porsche-pushers may have lusted after an Italian exoticar, we’ve probably also been smug over the fact that our Porsche Clubs have been vastly superior in driver education and training programs. Many of us Porsche owners have learned more about our cars’ handling and high-speed behavior at Time Trials/Drivers Education events. Indeed many PCA members have discovered considerable talent within themselves by extending their Porsches at our events. Now it’s time to show the other clubs how we do it - our organization, training and fun. We’ll be sharing track time with the Ferraris and Panteras - it should be quite a thrill. [We did do something similar, several years ago when a 240Z Club was invited by PCA/LA to Willow Springs. Those Datsun drivers were utterly inexperienced with the techniques and nuances of race track driving. We were somewhat chagrined at the straightaway speed of the Z-cars but we sure burned them in the coroners! I remember one guy who Jose Ochoa stunned with a show of highspeed braking and chiCane-busting. Boy, was that fun!]
The Sunday between-September 20-will be another super event just for PCA/LA. We will be combining our monthly membership meeting [no Yacht Club/3rd Thursday this month] with a tour to Don Ricardo’s home and Mercedes Benz collection. Don has hosted us several times before - the last time was two years ago when John Williamson wrote a tidy rallye-tour route up to the Ricardo home in Pasadena and Jack DeRosario, Dave Stevens and I cooked for about 120 PCA/LAers. We inspected many of Dan’s Mercs - I was especially envious of his fabulous garage space and facilities! We’ll be getting some car prep hints from Don, we’ll enjoy his beautiful garden and patio and we’ll barbeque and talk Porsche. [See the announcement elsewhere this issue.] I can’t wait!
We’ll probably have a difficult time in constructing a fair and meaningful system for classifying the diverse cars for competition. If you have any bright ideas you should contact Judd Boykin or myself. We’ll probably just run the event by the seat-of-the-pants plan and make revisions for next year! Anyway, it promises to be a colorful and really fun weekend. Come on out to run, compete or just ogle! There’s lots more for September! There will be two Zone 8 Concours this month. The first will be organized by Arizona Region on September 12 & 13 [unfortunate conflict with the 4-Club event]. This event has gained a reputation for being a fun and full weekend - Arizona Region has put on a picnic, a banquet, a mini-rallye and even local TV coverage in order to entice PCA-ers to make the trek to Phoenix.
Ouality Service & Maintenance at fair rates
¯ Suspension-Chassis tuning,
Engine-transmissi .... building
1" Time Trial- Race Specialists
¯ THERMAL REACTOR and CATALYTIC REPLACEMENT HEADERS ¯ ALL PORSCHE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES (213) 391-7’277 24-HOUR PHONE 13332 W. WASHINGTON BLVD. / LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90066 (In Marina del Rev, 2 Blocks east of Lincoln, adjacent to Burger King]
Marc Rothman
Tom Marx
Division of International Racing Services, Inc.
13 Hello Porsche Pushers!
This month’s scribbles will be short. I have goffen some Time Trial Results in and will keep adding all points to overall club points as they come in. The L.A. Zone 8 Rallye and Challenge Cup with POC was really great - 32 cars came out and 29 made it to the final resting place - Shakey’s Pizza in Canyon Country. I’d like to thank Bill Leflang, Rallymaster, for providing us with a nice rallye and fun day. Congrats to Challenge Cup winners John Williamson and Coralee Ellison, PCA/LA, and also thanks to all those who helped at the Check Points. Special thanks to Linda Weber, Navigator for Car 13, who did a great first time job. If you wanted to go speeding through the mountains all you had to do was ask - 1/2 hour off course is not necessary - honest! Well that’s all - hear the tech at Norris/Rayburn was great - John just keeps topping himself every month,
Several years ago the Club had a poker rallye that ended at Don Ricardo’s home located in Pasadena. About forty cars made the junket [no one can possibly get lost on a poker rallye] and after a short membership meeting we all viewed the cars under the expert tutelage of one of the foremost experts in antique cars, Mr. Don Ricardo. Don’s collection of Mercedes include: two 1928 SSR Roadsters; one 1935 500K 4 seat tourer; 1955 300 SL Gullwing that has taken several Best of Show; two aluminum gullwings [one setting the land speed record at Bonneville that stood for nine years]; two 300 SL Roadsters, a 1960 300D, and a 1969 600 Grand Sedan. The other cars to be viewed are a 1915 Ford Depot Hack, 1956 T-Bird, 1960 BMW 600 Limo, 1961 BMW 700 Coupe, Fiat 600, 1964 Studebaker Avanti, 1967 GTB/4 275 Ferrari and finally a 1970 Grannini Monza Tigre that was made for the Turin & Paris Autoshow, and was the only one produced.
Till next time. P.S. Rick Rankin & Vic Gentle said they got a DNF due to their Control Card mysteriously "flying out" the window-better keep those windows up next time guys! ’
We then sat down to a great BBQ with beer and wine included in the rallye entry fee. If this little piece has whetted your appetite, we’re going to do it again - September 20, 1981 is the date and we’ll start from That Porscha Place near Marina del Rey. Details appear elsewhere in this issue. Jerry Pennington
LEE W. BURTON Pre$iden|
PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR PORSCHES 3906 Grandview Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90066 (213) 398-2217
Burton & Associates, Inc. 18411 Hatteras St. # 141 Tarzana, California 91356 {2131 705-4989 Real Estate Appraisal Specialisl#
TOYOTA GlaND PRIX OF LONG BEACH April 2-3-4, 1982... be there! The 1982 Long Beach Grand Prix has gotten a new look. Gone are the "Queen’s Hairpin" and the Pine Avenue "esses". Now open in the defunct Pi~e section is a whole new course. PCA has grabbed as our new section - Grandstand 2. At this point we’ll be able to view the cars exiting turn 2 (the Queen’s Chicane) into 3 and into 4, all extremely difficult and exciting turns. These are choice seats so they’re going to go fast. Please make your reservations early. 3-Day passes -- $50. Make checM payable to PCA-LA. Send to l Mac McKee 7303 Summertime Lane Culver City 90230 eves (213) 559-9948
IT’S FINALLY HERE!!! 7" replica alloys, black or polished spokes
8" replica alloys, black or polished spokes
PC, Ltd. announces a new wheel for 356 owners. This wheel fits all 356’s with wide bolt pattern. Available in 15x51/2 only with high polished finish.
4-spoke turbo, leather or mahogany, silver or black center
pc Ltd 5
3-spoke, leather or mahogany, .
P.O. Box 733, Simi Valley, Calif. 93062
silver or black center
(805) 526-6567 Calif. residents add 6% Sales Tax. All steering wheels come complete with adapter and horn kit.
Foreign Faire Where Buyer & Seller Meet
Benefitting Children’s Hospital Ferrari - Lamborghini - Porsche - Mercedes - Rolls Royce - Datsun - Austin Healy - Fiat- Maserati - Lotus
SUN. SEPT. 27’81 8 a.m. -3p.m. T-Bird ’55+57 - Corvette - VW - Shelby. BMW - Volvo - Sunbeam - Aston Martin - Alfa-Romeo - Jaguar
Buyers/Sellers of classic, race car and late Model parts & accessories can make extra cash or find that needed part. Sell or buy sports Foreign or race cars. Display your car to thousands of potential buyers. Make your own dealSpace Fee.
The Association of Handcrafted Automobiles will host a d,splay of some of the finest hand built nonproduction cars you’ll ever see. Racing
enthusiasts are invited to test their driving skill against the clock - Hosted by SOLO I1.
Removable Hardtop for 4963 Cab. Headliner intact; Excellent condition. $4.,000. Call Harry Robertson 2’13-438-6452. 4957 356A Cabriolet. Champagne yellow/black. Very good shape. Transmission rebuilt. 3,000 on engine rebuild. $ 42,500. Ross Gubser [2’131244-742’1 leave message.
’1967 9’14S Factory prepared Hill Climb Car. Restored, no rust; present owner 43 years; electric sun(2’13)395_46roof; factorY42, tinted windows. Milan 944-6 4974 #9444430034, 5 speed, silver/black, super clean and original, 24,000 on complete rebuild of engine with 2.2 pistons and cylinders. Lowered, ’195/70-44’s on factory allows, near mint, could be concours with minimum effort. 3rd owner, all documents since delivery, pictures available, could deliver for return air fare. S9,500. Call George Tandoo in Seattle, WA (206)575-4370 days, 483-2455 eves. 4969 9’14T Burnt Orange/Black. Original paint, 4’1,000 miles, original engine. 2nd owner, Blauk radio, alloys, alarm, California car. $9,900. Kellie Citron [243]546-2387; [2 ’13]68 4 -2659 home.
pb tweeks moves west! Visit our new Long Beach store...a treasure chest of original and reproduction parts for 356 and 900 series Porsches. Featuring many hard to find restoration parts for bodies and interior...I ntroducing the pb tweeks line of accessories and apparel for the discriminating Porsche enthusiast.
...... ~1.,~ ~(~~~ Ao~I Specializing in original and reproduction parts for the 356 and 900 Porsche. 4001 E Anaheim / Long Beach, CA 90804 / (213) 438-9767
3240 Whiffletree Lane Torrance, CA 90505 (2~3~ 325-3433, (213) 398-~963
Recently, through an exclusive arrangement, we were fortunate enough to acquire authentic Perolite Felted Carpeting in charcoal grey, as used by the factory in many 66-73 911’s and 912’s. This material is extremely rare, and has been unavailable in the U.S. for several years, Like you, we’re Porsche people. We understand the importance of doing something right. For several years we’ve had
one of the few shops that can do an "original" Porsche interior - from carpet to headliner. With the same materials, techniques and procedures the factory used. For street use or concourse. If your Porsche needs new charcoal grey carpeting, now’s the time to have the job done right. Call us or drop by for an appointment. Ask us about our Cabriolet special, including complete headliner and top.
INTERIORS BY L b’TR0m "PORSCHES EXCLUSIVELY" 7’351 C;anby Avenue ¯ Reseda, C~alifornia 91335 Phone: (213) 705-2410
If You Love Clean Music As Much As Your Porsche And Others
PORSCHE SOUND BY ROGERSOUND LABS’ Rogersound Labs has been designing and manufacturing high quality speaker systems for over ,1,1 years. Designed and built to satisfy the most critical demands, RSL speaker systems have become a favorite choice of many professional in the recording and broadcasting industries, as well as hi-fi enthusiasts, The people who run Rogersound Labs and design the speakers also happen to be Porsche fans [and P,C.A, members]. We’ve spent years developing the ultimate sound systems for our favorite cars, As a result, we can now offer you the following:
...RSL Speaker Systems designed to maximize Porsches’ acoustics. Factory-direct savings on these speakers. ...The finest names in car audio components. ...Expert installation, We do clean work and take care of your Porsche while it’s here. .,.Friendly advice. We love talking about Porsches,
You’ll find our prices much less than others who claim to provide a similar service. For further info call Howard or Dennis at our Canoga Park installation facillity,
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THE GOODIE IS BACK. Limited Quantity and Sizes of Men’s and Women’s Los Angeles Region T=Shirts Los Angeles Region Car BadgesUP-FIXIN Vol #3 UP-FIXIN Vol #4 Also available Books - Posters other Porsche Paraphernalia
$ 5°00 $I0.00 $ 4.00 $ 7.00 and
Porsche Club Of America
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