Porscherama 1982 March

Page 1

Vol. 2


No. 3

March 1982


Board Of Directors PRESI DENT Judd B0ykin ............... days 419-3875 eves 788-4182 VICE PRESIDENT John Fels ................. eves 476-4732 SECRETARY Carmel la Tellez ........... eves 362-3801 TREASURER Brent Morrow .............. days 451-7478 eves 823-1690 ACTI V ITI ES Sam Wang ............. eves (714) 831-3799 TECH D0ug Anderson ............. days 738-9518 eves 912-2356 MEMBERSHIP Bob H0usman ............... eves 990-2869 EDITORS Connie Fern ............... days 398-2217 Lark Nakazaki ............. eves 398-1963 Ann Wang .................. days 393-0411 PCA ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE Mike Springer ............ (714) 847-7598

Poficy PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a Californiacorporation. PORSCHERAMA is published monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by the editorial board no later than the ]st of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA, its board of directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication.

Movino ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us, care of Ann Wang, ]2222 Montana, LA 90049.

Ad Rates PCA-LA At A Glance PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine PORSCHE PANORAMA and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating [and sometimes frustrating] experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy.

Subscriptions PORSCHERAMA is available to nonmembers of PCA-LA at the rate of $~2 per year. Send requests to ~9~ ] Newell Road, Malibu 90265, along with your check, payable to PCA-LA.

ADVERTISING RATES (Effective Feb, ~, ~98’1] Size of Ad



Back Cover [I/2] Full Page ~/2 Page ’1/3 Page ’1/4 Page ]/6 Page Business Card

S~O0.00 65.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 25.00

$800.00 750.00 400,00 325.00 275.00 250.00 ’180.00

PCA HOTLINE 398-22’17


This month I would like to approach the question of our Region’s financial state. Like the rest of the nation, we are feeling the impact of the current economic situation. Increasing costs are affecting all areas of PCA. The costs of our events continue to rise as do the publication costs of this newsletter. The Board of Directors has been addressing this problem for several months now. The two most viable solutions appear to be either a subscription rate for the newsletter or regional dues. A committee has been investigating our choices and will make its recommendation to the Board this month. I strongly urge any of you with suggestions to contact any member of the Board. Many thanks are extended to Tom Gould and Bill Leflang for their fine presentation on the Zone 8 Rally Series at our January membership meeting. Tom is the Zone Rally Chairman for 1982 and Bill is our resident expert..Bill will be chairing the L.A. Region’s Zone 8 Rally on February 27th, so come out and try your hand at it.

This month’s cover features the first Zone 8 Time Trial photo credits to Doug Anderson. Next month we’ll have the list of entrants and a story on the event. The April feature will be on the Zone 8 Rally sponsored by Los Angeles. Anyone interested in submitting feature stories or pictures for future issues contact Connie at (213) 398-2217 during the day. Welcome aboard to several new advertisers: K & E Distributors and Detailer (Mobile Cleaners). Remember to support all the advertisers and let them know you appreciate their support of the Club. Without them we can not continue to produce the newsletter at its present standard. As a matter of fact we need even more advertisers to help off set the ever increasing costs. Advertising rate sheets are available from the Editors, so if you know of some person, or business who might be interested in advertising see one of us. Special thanks this month to Peggy Watkins for typing the bulk of copy for this issue. Len Cushman has offered the use of his. staff to staple and label the newsletter and we have taken advantage of this generous offer for the February and March issue. Thanks Len it helps more then you know, and please pass our thanks along to your staff - they’re doing a super job. The Rally/Tour mentioned in last month’s column is now tentatively set for the 12th and 13th of June. More details in next issue. Judy Wolfe has a real super weekend planned, a B B Que and Play for Saturday evening entertainment and overnight in Solvang - with an added extra attraction on Sunday for those interested. Till


Quality Service & Maintenance at fair rates ¯ Suspension-Chassis tuning


Engine-transmission rebuilding

¯ Time Trial

Race Specialists


(213) 391-7277 24-HOUR PHONE 13332 W. WASHINGTON BLVD. / LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90066 (In Marina de/ Rey, 2 Blocks east of tl zncoln, ad/acent to Burger King) Marc Rothman

Tom Marx

Division of International Racing Services, Inc.

next month. ConnieLarknAnn


TECH TIP 356 -Squeaking steering wheels may be caused by the horn brush. This is a stick of carbon which is located at the right hand side of the steering column just below the instrument panel. Remove the spring and brush and wipe off the end of the carbon stick, the squeak will usually be gone.

Early on in their careers, the finish record is spotty. They either broke while leading or crashed trying to win. Later on, if fortune has smiled upon them, they have secured the right money and right ride. Success has started to multiply and luck allows them to win more races. Usually coming through Formula 2, Formula 3, or Formula Atlantic, the new racers form a new breed at the pinnacle of their trade.

912 -A possible cure to hesitiation is the float level. Correctly set a bit lower may cure this problem,

Didier Pirroni, the Number 2 car driver of Ferrari, participated in a series of tests for a pair of French doctors. His

914 -Water leaks into the rear trunk may occur when driving any distance at speed in heavy rains if the rear latch is not set for the tightest latched position possible,

body was literally wired for forces on him, and his heartbeat. Pirroni’s heart, while in the pits, "Revs" at an average of 80. While sitting on the line waiting for the green light, the heart rate climbs to about 140. During

RUG TOUCH UP -- The fabric edge material on the upholstery rugs may be touch up by using a package of "RIT" dye. Mix package slightly stronger than recommended in warm water. Immediately take a narrow good quality paint brush and brush generous amount of dye on the edge of the material. Let the material soak up the dye until it is thoroughly colored and wipe lightly to remove any excess.

FORMULA I The drivers -- super humans. They come from the same cut as hanggliders, mountain climbers and test pilots. They have the "right stuff." So what is the "right stuff?" This stuff is keen eyesight, rapid decision making and the ability to work in extreme conditions of heat, noise, and gravitational forces.

the race he averages about 190 and peaked at 212 when he went off the track at Monaco. Grand Prix magazine said, "He obviously gave himself a huge fright." The outside air timperature can climb as high as 102o farenhei#. His body temperature may rise to I04v. The acceleration, deceleration and cornering forces are also impressive. In nearly all the corners, Didier suffered 2.9G’s--either braking, cornering, or accelerating. In short, each time he did the above, he would weigh nearly three times his normal weight. In no other sport does the athlete subject themselves for such long periods (up to two hours) of such stress. As quoted in Grand Prix" "Nevertheless~ it is clear that racing drivers are recognized, if only by their medical profession, as true supermen in the athletic world, even if they do all their work sitting down." continued pg 6

Above all, the "right stuff" is an incredible need to win. Their average is greater than 92% of the remainder of the general population.


Welcome to this month’s new members:

Here I am on the road again. I ’re been in hotel rooms, airplanes and rent-a-cars so much these last few months that I hardly remember what my Porsche looks like. Probably just as well tho-since I plan on refurbing the old 356 this su~ner and have a 930 scheduled to pass thru my garage next month, l’m afraid I m~ght get too accustomed to that 930 even though it would be a drastic change from the old faithful 356.

Barry & Karen Balin 1965 356C Coupe Red (Fully restored)

Once again the question must be asked "What does all this have to do with membership?" "Well" I answer firmly: i) that PCA/LA welcomes all Porsche owners, and 2) I haven ’ t spent as much time, so far this year, recruiting new members as I would have liked. However, many of our members have been helping

Stephen & Sandy Handin 1976 914 Black Bruce Kishaba 1978 911SC Coupe


Harold Reuben 1979 924 Dk. Blue/Green Dennis Talle 1976 914 1968 911

Black White

Welcome back to : Jacqui Stonskas 1972 914 Blue

and we alone. have at Keep leastup 4 the referrals this~/~: month good work and continue to spread the word about PCA/LA.


Chances are, because we’re right here in Southern California’s San Gabriel Valley, you tend to think of us as a "little neighborhood shop" specializing in machine work andspecial parts for Porschesand VW’s. Well, that’s

right -- we give that sort of "hometown" service you like to get as "one of the gang." ButCE’s fast and friendly way of doing business sort of spread out from here to other folks who also enjoyed the way they were treated as one of our local gang.

Ray Litz"

Maybe we should be open about

this -- our "local gang" hails from Honolulu, Houston, Muncie, Pompano Beach, Prescott, Richmond, Seattle, St. Paul - even Toronto, ~lllll Frankfurt, Melbourne, Oslo and South Africa (to name a few). But, ~1~ honestly, we’ll treat you just as well even if your hometown is down in L.A., or maybe even Pasadena !

Write or ask for your Free Copy of THE CE NEWS ! 2095N. Lake Avenue/Altadena California 91001 / 213/794-8402, 681-5991

6 TECH TALK continued


TWENTY SEVEN YEARS AGO Service bulletin to all dealers Subject: Windshield Wipers. Complaint about the inefficiency of windshield wiper blades are ever-increasing. In most cases difficulty does not rise from objectionable qualities in rubber material, but to film on the windshield itself. For the most part this film is deposited by the exhausted fumes from deisel engine, We wish to emphasize the facts given above. The complete removal is possible by employing silicon-free detergent. Dr.



"According to THE MOTOR, Hilter has discussed a low priced vehicle as Germany’s nationa-I car. This announcement lends special interest to a patent which has recently been taken out by that famous German engineer Dr. Porsche and his two associates. Various designes are covered including the one illustrated which has an air-cooled rear engine and the cylinder arranged in Y formation. All four wheels are independently sprung by torsion rods. The back bone type frame is made of two pieces of stamped steel and the floor is of plywood." _~

Porsche K.G.

TWENTY ONE YEARS AGO Huschke von Hanstein discusses in an article "My Life With Porsche" the new Formula One team. "Sterling Moss was so impressed with this car that for two years in a row he had his own Porsche (A Formula Two) painted in Walker colors and raced it with considerable success in England and in Europe. Joe Bonnier, Graham Hill, and last but not least, Dan Gurney came to race with us. Being the second American (after Phil Hill) to drive for the Porsche team. With Dan and Joachim Bonnier we have the making of a real Formula One Team for 1961."

I_INI=IEI3 ¯--...-- l==lV i/ r..INI:.


repair and maintenance of Porsche automobiles

720 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, California 90401

i~ /~O~F ~ ~~’~1~q~ ’/~

3. Assisted in chairing many Orange Coast Region events in 1981 and hosted the Zone 8 Concour Series rules meeting at his house. 4. Competed in every Zone 8 Coucour (7 in 1981) and won overall in Class C-6 with his 904. 5. Competed in every Zone 8 Time Trial in 1981 and also won his Class with the 904. 6. Competed in all but 2 of the Zone 8 Rallies and probably would have trophied had it not been for a few bad turns here and there. 7. Attended the Parade in Ashville, North Carolina. A few comments are due here. Ron arrived at the Parade on Thursday evening. Friday he worked in Registration all day and spent half the night helping put together the Parade Notebooks. On Saturday he once again spent the entire day working in Registration. Sunday found Ron working in the Goody Store all day. For all of his help, the Smoky Mountain Region presented him with a "Parade Guitar Pin" Sunday night at the opening party. If that wasn’t enough, he spent all day Monday working as a timer for the concour judges~ Tuesday found Ron on an airplane heading back to Los Angeles for a business appointment. Sometimes business seems to get in the way~ 8. Wrote many articles for the Orange Coast Region Newsletter, PORSCHE PANDEMONIUM. 1981 ZONE 8 ENTHUSIAST OF THE YEAR At the 1981 Zone 8 Awards Banquet held at Apple Valley, California on January 16, 1982, Ron Hughes of the Orange Coast Region was selected the 1981 Zone 8 Enthusiast of the Year. Ron was selected from entries received from all 12 Regions in Zone 8 which includes Arizona, Nevada and Southern California. Ron had a very busy year in’ 1981. Some of the activities that contributed to his selection are as follows: 1. Served as Past President and Chairman of the Board of the Orange Coast Region. 2. Attended all but one of the events of the Orange Coast Region in 1981.

Ron Hughes is Vice President, Merchandising and International Promotion for the California Avocado Commission. He lives in Irvine, California with his wife DeeDee and daughters Merhi and Wendy. The award was presented to Ron by outgoing Zone 8 Ret Burt Misevic and past winners Georgia Springer and John Williamson. Ron and DeeDee recently sold their 904 and 911SC and are now preparing a 1974 Carrera for Zone 8 competition and the up-coming Parade in Reno, Nevada. Ron was recently selected Director of Competition and Administration on the Zone 8 Staff for 1982-83. Mike Springer PCA Zone 8 Representative


The January General Membership meeting met with great success, as Tom Gould, the Zone 8 Rally Chairman, with the help of our own Bill Leflang, put on a great discussion of the art of how to rally. We had 45 good members in attendance, who not only had the opportunity to participate in the rally discussion, but vied for some rather wonderful door prizes, bought lots of good stuff from the "goodie store," and heard President Judd outline the coming year’s activities° Everyone there came away with a good feeling about the Club, its’ activities, and were stimulated about rallying. This year we are going to be having our General Membership meetings every other month, and as an experiment, try different locations in order to attract members who otherwise might not come. As shows in the Calendar, March meetino is scheduled to be in the San Fernando Valley area., May will be back at the Yacht Club for Dustin’s always popular, always wonderful, internationally famous, Parking Lot BBQ. The July meeting will be in the Palos Verdes, South Coast area, September at the Yacht Club again and then, in October, the Los Feliz area. With the variety of locations being offered, there should be no excuses for those who have told us, "the Marina is just too far away." Besides the new locations for our meetings, plans are in the works for some outstanding programs that are aimed to please everybody’s taste, Keep your eyes on the Newsletter for upcoming membership meeting information. ~


Photo by Ken Ballard





The qualiWofourworkmanship is guaranteed to make you satisfied. We are reliable, professional and happy to please our clients. ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

Collision Repairs and Paint Updates--~;I11to91~SCorTurbo| Concours Quality Restoration Mechanical Service and Rebuilding Complete Interior Refinishing Parts and Accessories Sales Alarm and Stereo Sales/Installation New & Used Cars Sales and Leasing

K~’E I:)ISTRIBUTORS, INC. 1945 Placentia Ave. Unit "H" Costa Mesa, California 92627 (714) 642-6971


I I--F:H


~ ~<

Quality Porsche Body Restoration, Collision Repair and Paint

Finest Quality Workmanship

¯ Metal Finishing ¯

Complete Paint Refinishing


Personalized Service


LOCATION: PORSCHOP 3906 Grand View Blvd., Mar Vista. San Diego Freeway - Exit Venice. West on Venice - South on Grand View. TOPIC: Everything you wanted to know about your Porsche, but were afraid to ask your Significant Other. SPECIAL NOTICE: This will be a hands on (the car that is) Tech and is not limited to females. All you fellows may learn some interesting and useful information.

~ ~~ FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Tech Chairman Doug Anderson (213) 912-2,356 (eves).

EMICO 4242 Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90008 (213) 290-2307 George

8:00 P.M.



Porsche Specialist

10 sunday







3 9 18




Board Meeting at 8:00 PM Call John Fels for directions 476-4755 Tech Meeting - 8:00 P.M. Porschop - 3906 Grand View Blvd Mar Vista - San Diego Fwy West on Venice Blvd. South on Grand View Blvd. PCA/LA Membership Meeting see flyer for directions




ZONE 8 Concours- Orange Coast

13 13

PCA/OCR Dkill/Gimmick Rally PCA/San Diego Sprints


ZONE 3 /POC Time Trial (Riverside Region) at Willow Springs

APRIL 2-4 7

AUGUST Long Beach Grand Prix


PCA/LA Board Meeting

PCA/LA Board Meeting


Zone 8 Rally - Santa Barbara

10-11P~C/PCA-GGR Time Trial Riverside Intl. Raceway 15

PCA/LA Get Acquainted/Orientation Meeting

17-18 Zone 8 Time Trial - Las Vegas


PCA/LA Get Acquainted/Orientation Meeting


Zone 8 Concours- San Diego Region

20-22 Vintage Car Races/Concours Montrey

24-25 Los Angeles Times Grand Prix of Endurance

28-29 Times/Cal 500 Riverside



1-2 Zone 8 Concours - Southern Arizona 5


PCA/LA Board Meeting

PCA/LA Board Meeting


Zone 8 Concours - Riverside Region


Zone 8 Concours - Los Angeles


PCA/LA Membership Meeting


PCA/LA Annual Parking Lot BBQ SSC Yacht Club, Marina del Rey


Zone 8


Crane School Concours - Santa Barbara


Zone 8 Concours - Santa Barbara Region

22-23 Zone 8 Time Trial - Golden Empire/ Orange Cuast at Bakersfield. 29-30 POC/PCA Golden Gate Region Time Trial - Sears Point. JUNE 1

PCA/LA Board Meeting


Zone 8 Rally - San Diego Region

12-13 PCA/LA Rally-Tour 12-13 Riverside 400 - NASCAR

Rally - Golden Empire Region

23-25 CAESARS PALACE Gran Prix - Las Vegas OCTOBER 2-3

Zone 8 Concours


POC/PCA Golden Gate Region Time Trial


Laguna Seca Can Am - Riverside



PCA/LA Board Meeting

20-26 PORSCHE PARADE - Reno, Nevada

9-10 Zone 8 Time Trial LA/POC Riverside International Raceway



PCA/LA Membership Meeting

10-11POC/PCA/FERRARI/PANTERA CLUBS Time Trial at Riverside


Zone 8 Rally - Orange Coast Region


NOVEMBER 3 PCA/LA Board Meeting

PCA/LA Membership Meeting


PCA/LA Get Acquainted/Orientation Meeting

20-21POCo!PCA Orange Coast Region Time Trial - Willow Springs DECEMBER 1

PCA/LA Board Meeting


PCA/LA Christmas Party/Award Dinner

Activities for March center around the Zone 8 schedule. The inaugural Concours for 1982 will be Orange Coast Region’s renowned White Glove. Held at South Coast Plaza Hotel, Costa Mesa on March 7, this event is always a super show. On the rolling lawn of the hotel the cars bask in attention and care while photographers take advantage of the many unusual angles and perspectives. Also you can plan on brunch at the hotel or doing some browsing at the South Coast Plaza Shopping Center - it’s really worthwhile~ Tuesday the 9th of March will be PCA-LA’s first Tech Meeting under the aegis of our newest Tech Chairman, Doug Anderson. Please see the calendar for further details. Doug’s promising some practical, useful subjects for this year so don’t miss this one. Our March membership meeting will be held in the San Fernando Valley. After so many years of meeting at the SCCYC in the Marina, we’re going to try this year a rotating-site format for some of our regular meetings. It’s an attempt to get more members involved, so let’s give it a try. See our Special Announcement for full particulars. Last but not least for March is our favorite Willow Springs Time Trial. This one, to be held on March 27 & 28, will be a Zone 8 event and will be sponsored and organized by PCA Riverside Region and POC. Willow has gotten a lot of improvements recently and promises a great time for novices and veterans alike. Come out and experience what high-speed Porsche driving is about. If you need more info or help, call Lee Burton (Zone 8 Chief Driving Instructor) at (213) 705-4989.


A SAN DIEGO REGION Event at the world famous SAN DIEGO STADIUM INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY March 13/14, 1982 Zone 8 Classes in effect Closed exhaust required Pre-Tech March 4, 1982 6"30 - 9 PM La Mesa Porsche-Audi/Ferrari followed by a movie "See How They Run". Beer, s.oft dirnks, refreshments provided. Cost:

$25.00 30.00 15.00

At Pre Tech At Track Second Driver

Registration Opens 8 A.M. Sat & Sun Tech Opens 8"30 A. M. Practice: 9:30 Sat; 9:00 Sum Timing: 1 P.M. Sunday Information"

Bruce Swanbom


(~14) 483-0222

1982 PCA ENDORSED TREFFEN To provide the best for PCA members~ bids were solicited for conducting the PCA endorsed Treffen for 1982 and an open competition for the 1982 Treffen was announced in the June 1981 issue of Panorama. The Executive Council at their November 1981 meeting, after extensive review, awarded the PCA endorsement for 1982 to Englewood Travel. This action was taken based on the judgment of the six members of the Executive Council who considered Englewood to have the best of four proposals.

2o Four bids were reviewed in depth by the PCA National Executive Council at their November 1981 meeting and the endorsement for the 1982 Treffen was awarded to Englewood Travel based on" A. Best itinerary (including SwitB.


D. E.


The special privileges reserved for PCA ioe., the Weissach track rides, factory dinner and cocktail parties with Porsche management and the Porsche family, will be extended only to the PCA endorsed Treffen.


It is important for all PCA members to know"

Porsche AG will make special provisions for the nationally endorsed PCA Treffen to visit the Research and Development

I. Treffens are an established activity of PCA National dating back to 1958. "Treffen" is a trademark belonging to PCA, Inc. PCA endorsed Treffens were reinstated in 1977 and, based on a review of solicited bids, the travel agency endorsed by the PCA Executive Council to conduct the 1977 PCA Treffen was Travel Whirl. Subsequent Treffens endorsed by PCA National were conducted by Travel Whirl and Gelco Travel Services from 1978 through 1981.


zerland) Program to leave the U.S. from several "gateway" cities and assemble in Frankfurt Lowest price (fixed rather than flexible due to possible currency fluctuation) High ratio of multi-lingual tour escorts ..... I I Wide range of~optional activities Extensiveexperience in providing both travel and special events coordination with European auto manufacturers=, including Porsche AG

PCA National has been assured that

Center at Weissach and that the 1982 PCA endorsed Treffen will, in fact, be the only U.S. tour to the Porsche factory to receive the special privileges that have been traditionally ffeserved for PCA: PCA Weissach Tour Get-together with Porsche AG Management Dinner with the Porsche Family


unbeatable Clifford alarm installed in your Porsche

or other fine car from as low as PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR PORSCHES

$750.00 plus tax. 1 year factory parts and labor guarantee. For more

3906 Grandview Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90066 (213) 398-2217

info please call:

DAVID BOUZAGLOU 213 989.0268





February 4, 1982


Dear Newsletter Editor,

On February 3, 1982 the San Diego Region



passed the following policy statement:

"The San Diego Region Porsche Club of America wi]] not endorse any commercial enterprise nor a] low its logo to be used for any such commercial enterprise." Due to the acceptance of this policy, we must inform all regional newsletters that the previous endorsement of Gelco Travel

Services Tour as we]] as the right to use

the San Diego Regional logo has been


It is our understanding that

an advertisement from Ge]co Travel which includes the San Diego Region logo is presently being submitted to some regional newsletters. We are hereby informing you that our San Diego Region logo or our name if not to be printed as an endorsement for or in any advertisement of Gelco



Sunday, March 7, 1982. Registration op .... t 8:30 A.M. Judging will begin promptly at 10:30 AoM.


On the G ...... f South Coast Plaza Hotel, Bristol Street at the San Diego Freeway, oost ......

FEE: A.A~s:


$15.00 p .... trant.

Participation plaq..... ine,


8PEci~ ..... h bar will be on hand throughout the day with coffee and tea in the morning, soft drinks and a full bar in the aft .......

=MFO~T=OM: A~ission by p ..... gistrati .... ly. For information: Mike Springer (714) 847-7598 or ~213~ ~-329~. Send checkpayable toPCA/OCR. Inclmd .... year and type. Mike Sprihger 636~ Freeborn Drive

Huntington Beach, CA

Travel Services Tour or any other commercial enterprise. Thank you.

Sincerely, Margie Smi th-Hass President, San Diego Region



Burton & Associates, Inc. 18411 Hatter~s St. #141

Ta,zana, Cdifomia ~135~ ~213} 705-4989 P.e,al ~.stat~ Appraisal Specialists


Street and Regulati ....Concours Classes, per Zone 8



















REQUIREMENTS: All cars and drivers must c~nform to the G.C.R.’s of their parent club. Any P.O.C. entrant who does not hold a 1982 P.O.C. Competition License must call the Competition Director, Jeff Erickson (213) 423-8097 before pretech, and must attend the pretech. Competition License and Membership Card must be presented at registration (P.O.C. only). NOTE:

(i) (2)

All P.O.C. or Dual Entry Cars must have racing type harnesses. A $20 penalty fee will be imposed on any non-trailered car not attending pretech if the entrant resides within a 40 mile radius of either pretech location.


Bert Hicks Bob Cutshaw Don Kravig

Eve (213) 790-4428 Eve (714) 794-2994 Eve (714) 689-7702

MANDATORY PRE-TECH (within 40 mile radius): Wednesday, March 17, 1982 6:30-9:00pm - The Factory, 13332 W. Washington Blvd., L.A. (213) 391-7277 Wednesday, March 17, 1982 6:30-9:00pm - Kravig’s Engineering, 12155 Magnolia, Unit 12A, Riverside, CA (714) 689-1594 Friday, March 26, 1982 at the Desert Inn, Lancaster 4:00-6:00pm Trailered cars exempt from pretech. ?~CE HEADQUARTERS: Desert lnn, Lancaster, CA

(805) 942-8401

SCHEDULE: Track opens Saturday 6:30am; Practice by classes 8:30am to 4:30pm Track opens Sunday 6:30am; Practice by classes 8:00am to 12 noon Timing starts Sunday 12:30pm until finished

IIITERIOR5 BY L ;TROm Specializimg in Porsche Restoration


(213) 705-241 0


(805) 245-3182

,o .s

~ -.^-~

Upholste~ ¯ Glass ¯ Chrome ¯ Rubber

(213) 821-f~)o~

,onscu _

AUDI ¯ BMW ¯ FERRARI ¯ FIAT MG ¯ MERCEDES ¯ PEUGEOT ¯ DATSUN ¯ ROLLS ROYCE ¯ VOLVO ¯ Also Repair American Cars and Also and Electrical Repa=r



4215 Lincoln Blvd. Marina Del Rey 9~o venice Blvd., Apt. 15 Marina del Rey

Sunroof - etc. Due in U.S. April 1982. $45,000.00 + Federalizing. Contact Bob (213) 990-2869¯

¯ ¯


1977½ 924, Copper Metallic, AM/FM Stereo, Touring Package I, stabilizers, tinted glass, air, sun/moon roof, accessory group A, 48,000 miles. Body near perfect, inside same except for dash cracks ($650.00 to replace). Retails near $9,500--Sell for $7,300. A good machine, a bargain price¯ Keith Whaley (213)306-0959 after 5:30.


1977 911S Coupe. Beige/Grey w/ Brown Full Leather. Recaro Sportseats. Headers since new - No oil leaks. No A/C. Fresh XWX on 7" Fact. Alloys. 42 KMI ¯ Asking $19,800. Sam Wang (714) 831-3799 eves.

Complete with battery tray and gas tank support. Fits911sand912s.

1972 914, original owner, all records, maintained by Redline. Silver/black, alloy wheels w/new steel belted radials, stereo, Konis, adjustable front sway bar, heavy springs, fire extinguisher, competition belts, roll bar. Excellent everyday car or time trial car. $6000 or best offer. Mac McKee - days 629-0011, evenings 559-9948. 1970 914/6. 2.4S motor. 5 speed; 7" Alloys. P-Ts. Stereo. Best Offer Harvey Weinrieb (213) 477-0582 days; (213) 476-4977 eves.


1969 911T Green/Black. 82,000 miles. Clean, straight, no rust. Call Judd (213) 419-3875 days; (213) 788-4182 eves.

The ultimate portable workshop for your car. All tools are made from vanadium steel. This German produced tool kit comes withahigh impact plastic, attache-sized case.

1963 Cabriolet Model 60. Rebuilt front end; new Stoddard carpets; Champagne yellow lacquer; Nice - needs small stuff, $12,500. Stasys (213) 377-8737 after 6 PM.


4 - Riveria Hags w/steel belted radials, mountedi Half tread left on tires, wheels are excellent - $250. Mac McKee : days 629-0011, eves 559-9948.




P.O. Box 733, Simi Valley, CA 93062 /.

Calif. Residents Add 6% Sales Tax SEND $3.00 FOR CATALOG

~ ¯

18 FROM THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT Membership growth and more regional participation in activities are my goals for 1982. With the economy as it is today, members are more conscious of how they choose to spend their finances. It will be a challenge to all you newly elected Regional Presidents to use your ingenuity and resourcefulness to create a calendar of events that will not overtax the pocketbooks of your members, but will give them some new and novel events that will make them want to participate. Personal touch, participation and membership growth go hand in hand in making a region sound and financially solvent,

kindle the Porsche fire with the President of VOA, Jim McLernon, and you drove the way of life home to Jim Fuller, VP-PAD. All three of these gentlemen are planning to make the 1982 Porsche Parade in Reno. What have you accomplished by this relationship? First, a new European delivery program that is the best and most attractive money saver ever put together; second, the reaffirmation of continued support to PCA and the PCA Treffen; and third, the beginnings of a new understanding between PCA and VOA. I can remember some 12 years ago, when a relationship between our organizations didn’t or couldn’t be conceived to exist. continued on pg 19

With the delivery of the new "What is PCA?" and combined membership application to the Factory, to be placed on all Porsches exported to the U.S., the membership committee has accomplished its main goal for 1981. I’ve already received a couple of inquiries from these efforts, so the indication is that the system is going to work. The PCA dictionary is now in the process of being compiled and is one of the goals for this year. With the help of the Zone Reps, the new regional boundary maps will also be completed. Thanks Jerry, et al. The unique relationship that continues to exist among PCA and PAD, Porsche AG, and VOA is growi ng stronger. The mutual trust, respect and open lines of communication that exist among our organzations is what makes us unique. In recent conversations wi th both PAD and Porsche AG, i t was the importance of our respective organizations that must natural ]y take precedence over any one individual. It is the advancement of the whole that counts, not the singular individual. This past year has been rewarding along these lines, for not only have you, the members, shown the new President of Porsche AG, Peter Schu tz, wha t PCA i s al ! abou t, but those of you at the Parade helped

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Competition, change’land not being guaranteed a position fo~’l.ife is what keeps PCA mentally active an~ successful. With fresh faces being elected to the Executive Council and new .leadership coming forth, changes are bound to occur. One of these is causing some unrest, that of the PCA Treffen. In the June 1981 Panorama, a notice was placed opening the planning of the 1982 PCA Treffen for bidding. We were pleased to receive four bids from travel agencies who wanted to serve our members. The final choice was made, coincidentally, between the same two agencies that we had to choose from six years ago, Gelco Travel Services, who have been endorsed for the past five years by PCA, and Englewood Travel. Although we have been pleased with the travel services of the past, we find that through the open bidding system we are able to offer those PCAers wishing to go this year with a different travel format at a savings. Keep in mind that the travel and accomodations are secured by the travel agency. The Treffen and Factory p6rtion is hosted by Porsche AG and the Porsche family. The relationships of both Gelco and Englewood with the Porsche Company are excellent; Gelco, from past trips, and Eng!ewood as the

agency that does all of Porsche Audi Division’s trips to Stuttgart. So you see, the dilemma of choosing between two such experienced agencies was not easy, but was very gratifying because whichever one we chose, we were guaranteed that.the PC~,ers going would get the best tour package available. Again, the Stuttgart, Factory and Weissach portion of the tour remains the same and is the core of every Treffen without regard to the travel agency chosen. We think we made the proper, choice, only the results of the trip will tell. Once again, the 1983 PCA Treffen will be open for bidding with the decision to be made at the Fall Meeting of the Council. Get those new members involved in 1982 and keep the old ones participating and we will be guaranteed a successful year. Remember, the Council is accessible and ready to help when possible. We can give the advice, but you’re the ones who have to implement the techniques and make them work. Believe me, it’s worth the effort. The personal touch, a wave and a blink of your lights, recognition and respect are what make Porsche a way of life. HANK MALTER National President

LA Region T-Shirts ........................... (men’s & women’s - S M L)

$ 5.00

LA Region Car Badges .........................


PCA Car Badges ...............................


PCA Emblem Patches (3" dia)


$ 1.50

PCA Emblem Patches (4" dia)


$ 3.00

UP-FIXIN Vol 3 ...............................

$ 4.00

UP-FIXIN Vol 5 ...............................


PORSCHE PAPER NOTE PADS ....................... $ 1 75 (tan, ivory & gray: 911, 930, 914, 924, 928, 356 & Speedster) ADDITIONAL PORSCHE PARAPHERNALIA AVAILABLE In 1982 the GOODIE STORE can be found at all PCA-LA events. If between events you find you can’t ~ive without something from the GOODIE STORE just give a call to "George", Carla or Nicki at (213) 990-2869.

Porsche Club Of America


Los Angeles Region Inc. 1911 Newell Road


Mafibu, Calif. 90265

Postage PA~TD

Pe.rmi’t No. 55

Malibu, California


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