Porscherama 1984 April-May

Page 1

V’OL. 4 NO. 2 ApRIL/MAY 1984


OFFICERS PCA-LA at a GLANCE PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, ° PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine, PORSCHE PANORAMA, and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilarating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy.

Bus oess



John D. Fels

(213) 450-2312

Vice-President Secretary

Jon Winthrop

(818) 840-8890

Peggy Watkins

(213) 646-5493

(213) 476-4755 (213) 472-3446 (213) 322-0811


Sandra Linton

Activities Tech

Jose Ochoa

GoodieMembershiPstore Editor

(213) 474-4356

Tom Linton

(213) 450-4010 (213) 275-6211

(213) 398-1963 (213) 474-4356

JeffDeniseBearbear Jon Schiewe

(81(213)8) 990-9980858-4989 (213) 655-9414

(213) 395-3714

31560 Victoria Pt. Rd. Malibu, CA 90265

PCAHOTLINE: (818)981-3156



PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published bi-monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America.

(Published Bi-Monthly, Effective January 1, 1984) Per issue Size


Full Page




Annual Cost*


1/2 Page

7 1/2 x 5 ..... (Horiz.) 3 5/8 x 10 .... (Vertical)



1/3 Page

7 1/2 x 3 1/4 . .(Horiz.) 3 5/8 x 6 5/8 . .(Vertical)



1/4 Page

3 5/8 x 5 ..... (Vertical)




35/8x31/4 ..(Horiz.)



Business Card

3 5/8 x 2 ..... (Horiz.)



Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCALA, its Board of Directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.

*TERMS OF PAYMENT: Per Issue: Payable in advance of Publication. Send check with copy.

The Editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for

Annual Cost: One-half payable in advance of publication of first issue. Balance payable in advance of publi-


cation of fourth issue. Agency Commission: Sorry, due to the non-profit nature of th~.~ PORSCHERAMA, the L.A. Region cannot recognize ad agenc’~, discounts. Make checkspayableand send advertisingmate/ialsto: MARX ADVERTISING, INC. 112 West N i nth Street, Suite 215 Los Angeles, California 90015-9990 (213) 626-3153

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Porscherama is available to non-members of PCA-LA at a rate of $18 per year. Send requests to Editor Jon Schiewe, 31560 Victoria Point Road, Malibu, CA 90265, a long with your check payable to PCA- LA.



ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us care of Jeff Bear, 9460 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 520, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.

Issue Reports Cover Date

Mail Date

Deadline for Receipt of Materials

on Activities This Month or Earlier

Issue Calendars Activities for ThislVIonth


Feb. 1

Jan. 1




Apr. 1

Mar. 1




Jun. 1

May 1




Aug. 1

Jul. 1




Oct. 1

Sept. 1




Dec. 1

Nov. 1



(213) 858-4989 (days).

ABOUT THE COVER Former PCA-LA Region member Sam Wang recently died in a car accident. Please see page 15. 2

our cars and then each other, probably in that order. I know that a number of Club members join just to receive Panorama, and that’s O.K. But just once, if those Panorama people would come to one of our events and share some of our experiences, they would get hooked. So, what I’m saying is, look over the activities calendar, find something that looks interesting to you, and "come on out and play." I’ve also been thinking about what a great resource reference our Club membership is. You either have got the best mechanic in the city or are looking for one. What I thought was that we should .build a resource list of your favorite service person, by activity and location. Take a moment and jot down someone you think is just great from one of the following categories, list his/her name and addressand send it to Jon Schiewe, our Porscherama editor, whose address is on the inside front page of this issue, and every issue. If we get a sufficient response from a broad enough area, we’ll publish such a list (don’t want to offend our advertisers though). If you can think of another category, by all means, please add it. (1) Mechanic. (2) Body/paint. (3) Upholstery. (4) Parts. (5) Radio. (6) Accessories. (7)Suspension/alignment. (8) New cars. (9) Used cars. (10) Tires/wheels. (11) Alarms. (12)Insurance. (13)Instruments. Obviously, there are sub-classifications and specialists. Do what you want with this, no rules, and we’ll see what we can put together. I’m sure it can benefit all of us.

I’ve often thought about what causes over 500 of us locally and 20,000 nationally to become members of the Porsche Club. It’s not that it is elite (maybe elitist), or exclusive. What we have in common, and maybe the only thing we have in common, is our interest in the Porsche automobile. Granted this interest has different levels, from the "lease-a-car" person who uses their car for (a slightly better) transportation form, to the out-right concours/rally/time trial freak who uses the Porsche as a part of his life. How many other things do you own that would cause you to join a Club just to celebrate its ownership? Not many I guess. How many members does the Rolex Watch Club have? Yet, the Porsche car has often been compared to this fine watch. But, we can get together to enjoy

Elsewhere in this edition, Pete Zimmerman has written about Sam Wang. Sam was my friend, and a friend to many in the Club. His loss has affected all of us, each in our own way. We’re going to miss him. A fund in honor of Sam has been established by his parents who will match or exceed each contribution made. By a Board resolution, the Club has made a contribution to this Fund. If you would like to make an individual contribution in rememberance of Sam, please see page 15 for details of the Samuel M.S. Wang Memorial Fund for medical Scholarship. John Fels, President

repair and maintenance of Porsche autom~biles




720 Co[or~do Avenue Santa Monica, California 90401

I 135 E. FLORENCE AVE. ,N~LEWOO°, CA’,P. 00aO~




at PB Tweeks Ltcl .... your one-stop Porsche resource for: ¯ hard-to-find interior, exterior & hard parts ¯ accessories, apparel & lots of aftermarket goodies ¯ quality Porsche

body,, chassis & trim parts. For all Porsche models & years ... including 356, 9~, 930, 9~4, 924, 93~ & 928’s.

P.C.A. Members, This letter is to introduce myself, Ken Hamilton, as Entry Chairman for the 11th annual Newporter Invitational Concourse d’Elegance which will again be held at the Newporter Resort in Newport Beach, California on Sunday, May 20th, 1984. We (POCA) have elected not to sublet the promotion of this year’s event, as we have in 1982 and 1983. In other words, POCA is back to put on the Newporter Invitational as well, if not better than, the first eight years of its existence to benefit all concerned (i.e., charity,






D~I~I- l~J~¢¢k~ lid

=...for serious pleasure drivers.

4001 I:.Anaheim / Long Beach, CA90804 / (213) 494-4777

and etc.).


Besides explaining various reasons for POCA regaining control of the Newporter Invitational, the main reason is tO accomplish the annual task of finding qualified entrants for this year’s concourse. As a member of the world of automotive enthusiasts, you may be of great help to our cause by having interested owners of fine quality GT/sports road or competition automobiles to contact me for application for consideration of entry to this year’s concourse.

As you have previously read, the 11th annual course


will be held on May 20th, therefore, necessita-

EHT.Y N0. --

ENT,Y PORM C~ub of America invite you to submit y .....

tor car for entry in the Eleventh Annual NewporterInvitational Concours d’Elegance which will be

Sunday. May 20. 1984 at The Newport .............



Phone No:.( )

Owner’s Name

Phone No:

Add .....



_Body Style:

_Zip: Year:

Pl ...... bruit photograph of y ..... try for prog ..... d publication. Class Entering:

(P1 ....... d Entry Information Sheet bef ..... king selection.

The Concours Committee reserves the right to make the final dete=inati .... to th ..... pt ...... d the class in which each car shall be entered and judged).

meantime, any interested applicants would need to

Ken Hamilton, 1324 Bobolink Drive, Vista, CA 92083 Phone: Most weekdays before 3:30, work (714) 5455581 Ext. 305. Other times, home: (619) 726-2050.


held on 1107 Jamboree, Newport Beach, California.

0ud~i.g sheets will

I~ [] I-l J-l

contact me in order for me to get an application to

So if you would, pl ease make known to any interested qualified car owner of OUr show coming up, and have them contact me.

F1 ECuAj~CEr

It is with pleasure that we, the Pantera Owners

ting the final entry acceptance date of May Ist. In the

them, and I must receive it back from them for committee acceptance prior to the cutoff date of May 1 st.


~/~,~ ~

not b .... ilable.

Grand Concours Pantera (Stock) Grand Touring Pantera (Modified) Mangusta/Va I ] elunga American

[] F1 [] []

German Italian Competition Exhibition

[] British

List previ ....... ds: ~o"

consideration of participation by the undersigned in the Concours d’Elegance

be held on the grounds of The Newport .... May 20th 1984, the undersigned agrees to indeminify and hold harmless the Pantera Owners Club of America, the

Children’s Hospital of Orange County, The Newport ..... d thei .... b ..... ffi ..... agents, servants, employees and assigns, against and from all claims, demands, loss~,, costs, damages, suits, judgements, penalties, expens .... liability of

any kind or nature whatsoever arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with my participation in the event, and I further release and discharge each of the p ........ d entiti .... ferred to herein of and f ..... y and all known claims, demands, losses and/or liability of any kind or nature resulting f .....y acts of anyp ...... hat .......

Signat .... Car Owner or Agent for car owner


The fee for entry is $25.00 which includes two admission/participant ribbon.

Ken Hamilton POCA’s Entry Chairman 1984 Newporter Invitational Concourse D’Elegance --5--

~Irlio~ntri ..... be submitted f ...... ideration selecti ..... ittee to May 1, t 1984, Please make checks payableby tothe"0.0.C.A. Concours" and mail to Ken Hamilton, 1324 Bob01ink Drive, Vista, California 92083. For further information telephone Ken Hamilton, days ti]] 3:30 p.m. (714) 545-5581, Ext. 305,

.... ings/weekends




Vice President’s Report: Jon Winthrop stated that the General Membership meeting will be held on March 8th at the Sportsman’s Lodge in the San Fernando Valley. It was suggested that the movie that was shown at Apple Valley be obtained to show at the meeting. Jon also stated that he had talked to Dusty regarding the BBQ, and requested that a flyer be completed for mailing. He noted that Bill Watkins and Tom Linton are scheduled to be Eventmasters for the upcoming Slalom in March. An Eventmaster is needed for the L.A. Concour on June 3rd. Tech Chairman’s Report: A tentative date for a tour of the Merle Norman Collection was set-April 7, 1984. Tom Linton stated that the club would have a "behind the scenes" tour of the Collection. Members Present:

Jon Winthrop, Vice President Peggy Watkins, Secretary Sandra Linton, Treasurer Jeff Bear, Membership Tom Linton, Tech

Members Absent:

John Fels, President Jose Ochoa, Activities Jon Schiewe, Editor


Denise Bear Judd Boykin Hemma Lopez Glenda Pizzoferrato Cindy Winthrop

Editor’s Report: In the absence of Jon Schiewe, Glenda Pizzoferrato stated that the Porscherama had been mailed, and that articles for the March/April Porscherama were due by February 8th.

Goodie Store: Jeff Bear moved to authorize $100.00 for the Goodie Store to purchase new items. Jon Winthrop seconded and after discussion, the motion carried unanimously. Membership Chairman’s Report: Jeff Bear reported that $1,053 had been received from National from new member’s dues. He stated that we had 101 renewals. Treasurer’s Report: Sandra I~inton reported a balance of $1,348.69 in our account.

In the absence of John Fels due to illness, Jon Winthrop, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at La Barbera’s Restaurant.

Tom Linton moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. and Sandra Linton seconded. The motion carried unanimously.

Jeff Bear moved to approve the December 1983 and January 1984 Minutes as typed. Tom Linton seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted, Peggy J. Watkins.

Craftsmanlike Repairs Complete service for your Audi at a fair price. 12969 Washington Blvd. (Cor. Alia & Washington ) Marina del Rey ¯ (213) 306-8544 Behind Marina Suzuki Motorcycle


Participate! The following comments by Rich Rumble, president of Santa Barbara Region, appeared in his column "Der Auspuff’" February 1984. He wrote about the level of competition at PCA events. O.K., you say, there is a lot going on out there, and I’ve thought of participating, but (a) it’s too expensive, (b) it takes too much time, and (c) it’s too competitive, i.e. I don’t know what to do. To which I reply, if you can afford to drive your Porsche to work, you can afford to run any of the driving events, and concours preparation is a natural extension of the way we all do, or should, maintain our Porsche investments. As for time, people end up doing what they want to be doing. So which is it to be, pushing your lawnmower or your Porsche? The competitive level is in your head, so pick the level you want and do the the best you can. Along the way, you will have met people from all over Zone 8 who share your interests, you will have accomplished something with your car about which you may be proud and you will have had some fun. Don’t stagnate, participate!

Merle Norman Collection Tour April 7th at 4:30 p.m., the LA region will have their first tech session at the Merle Normal Collection. The tour will include the restoration area which should be of special interest to Consour participants. Nearly 100 priceless automobiles are located on the premises, all fully functional. This promises to be a very special event, but there is a definite limit on the group size. There are not many spaces left, so call early. There is a dress code. Please note! No jeans, shorts, halter tops or thongs. You are visiting a tower of beauty so dress appropriately or be denied admission. You must be there 15 minutes early at a minimum. We guarantee it will be worth the ext=’a effort,

Christmas Party Door Prize Contributors The following list (I hope complete-if not, call and you will get mentioned) is the fine group of contributers whose door prize donations made our annual Christmas party so successful. We especially want to thank Ted Jewell, the caricature artist who provided memories and laughs to nearly everyone. Contributors were: Anything Ltd.

America Buys Porsche!

Auto-Tec Hal & AI Tires, Inc. Ted Jewel, Caricature Artist David Lawrence Editions Marina Porsche+Audi Max Dial Porsche+Audi Inc. Parts & Polish Porsche Mailorder Porschop Target Products The Air Management Group Westwood Porsche+Audi

reprinted from Christophorus The most important export market for Porsche remains the United States. During the 1983 model year 20,186 Porsches crossed the Atlantic, compared to barely 12,000 the previous model year. Other lands in order: Great Britain at 3334 (2643 in the 1982 model year), France 2106 (1534 in 1982) and Italy 1432 (1420 in 1982). Switzerland increased its model year turnover from 1175 in 1982 to 1403 cars. Austria also posted a steep increase: Porsche sales there rose from 394 to 532 vehicles. 197 Porsches found new Swedish owners in the 1983 model year (105 in 1982). Single units-some for the first time ever-went to Algeria, Libya, Gabon, Columbia, Korea, St. Martin, Zambia and Zimbabwe,

We want to extend a deep and warm thank you to all contributors. Your donations, both large and small, were the highlight of the party. We wish you each prosperity and encourage all club members to keep you in mind for future needs.


The Tell and The Teller.

Bob Muzzy with his star pupil, Glenda pizzoferrati.

How to miss an apex. They all arrived.



classroOming chiefSessi°n’(andSessiOnracer)WasRicktaughtjackson,bY Zoneand the8 driverteam

DAYS face,°fRickbaCkPaUl"fr°mc°nductedwhichHaaSc°mpetingessential yandtheMargitheeisessi nvolv°nsiedSmi n th-HaaSDayt°nacalledcommunication’’Car-DriverEndurancewh° werelRace’nter-jUstbetween the car and driver, that is how they each talk to the other. This involves posture while driving, handling the wheel, shifting, foot position and how to understand the signals the car sends to the driver. "Chassis Control," Paul’s first section, involved how to use chassis movement and steering while driving on the track. Paul also instructed in Driving strategy. This involved turn-in point, the three apexes and corresponding turns, acceleration vs. braking, analyzing a road course, and learning and using the course. Margie concluded by covering the section called "The Driver." This involved attitude, practice strategy and driving skills.

TheDrivereVeningEdSchoolOf FridaY,convenedFebruarYatSan10, DiegotheSanstatium.Diego Present, from the LA region were Judd Boykin, Connie Fern and Tom Linton as instructors, Jeff Bear and Glenda Pizzoferrato as students. Along for the ride were Sandra Linton, Denise Bear and Hema Lopez. The ride down took a long 3½ hours due to the usual traffic jam on 405. But most of the LA contingent made it on time to have their cars teched prior to the -8-


Instructors Bob MUZzy. San Diego

911 SC (3.0) to 46 IDA 3C WEBERS:

Tom Linton and Judd "B



¯ Carburetors

" ~ndstudent jeff Bear a~/~Ykm. LA Region


¯ Weber Linkage

¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ 46ram manifolds with CIS flanges

o LA.

911 (1973-77 ClS) TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS: $870-$895

¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber Linkage ¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ 40mm manifolds with CIS flanges 911


IDA 3C WEBERS: $800-$895

¯ Carburetors ¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Correct manifolds

¯ Weber Linkage ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ Injector plugs --

911 WITH SOLEXES (1965-66) TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS: $825

¯ Carburetors ¯ K&N air cleaners

¯ Weber Linkage ¯ Correct manifolds

911 T (1970-71) WITH ZENITHS TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS: $525

¯ Carburetors ¯ Jetting

¯ Insulators

The above kits include correct manifolds, heat insulators and longer studs, gaskets, fuel line, jetting and venturies for your application.

Guess which

PM0 Mechanical injection Kits are street legal for 1969-1973 vehicles in California (Carb E0, No D 144). The CIS kits are legal in California only for racing, non-highway vehicles.

ones are the studentS!



135-17th STREET

Saturday was hands-on instruction on a set up in the Stadium parking lot. Students were divided into three groups: beginners, those with some track experience, and experienced drivers. The morning session had all three groups alternatively going through three courses. "Skidpad" involved driving around a 100 foot radius circular track at increasing speed until drift occurred and then holding that speed. Different techniques were practiced. "Chicanes" involved negotiating "S" turns and learning the car’s limits of braking capability. Braking and accelerating techniques were practiced. "Handling Loops" involved apexes and corresponding turn procedures.

SANTA MONICA. CA 90402 Ph. (213)393-5423

Catering To

The Porsche Owner ~

The afternoon session consisted of the three-way traffic simulator to train in handling emergency situations and two different practice courses. Following "graduation" beer and pop were shared by all.

Upholstery- Convertible & Targa Tops Total Restorations

Mike Tipre

The School certainly fulfilled expectations and they are all ready to get out on the track to try out what they’ve learned. We hope you enjoy the photos.



51 44 Van Nuys Blvd.

Sherman Oaks, California

Nobody’s PerfectAgain! (Cu/led from various news reports and Sports Illustrated, 2/13/84--which proves I read the artic/es in the swimsuit issue.) by" Jon Schiewe

On Saturday-Sunday, February 4 and 5, Porsche did it again, winning 4 out of the first 6 places (including 1st and 2nd) at the Daytona Sunbank 24 (the new name for the 24 hours of Daytona). The pole position was claimed by the Andretti team with Mario and his oldest son Michael driving an untried factory Porsche 962 prototype. In the first row to the right of Andretti was the South African team of Sarel Van der Merwe, Tony Martin and Graham Duxbury in the "Kreepy Krawly," a March-Porsche 83G powered by a single turbine Porsche engine of the same displacement as the legendarily successful dual-turbo Porsche 935. Next in line was a Jaguar driven by Bob Tullius, Doc Bundy and David Hobbs. To their right was a Porsche 935 owned by Preston Henn with England’s Derek Bell, five time Porsche Challenge Cup winner Bob Wollek of France, and anchored by none other than A. J. Foyt who had piloted the same Porsche 935 into the victory lane in 1983. Mario Andretti pulled away to a 45 second lead in the first hour, but at the first pit stop the prototype 962 began to exhibit major problems. The rear wheels wouldn’t turn freely when the car was jacked up. Back out on the track Michael, who had taken over from his father, found he had no fifth gear. He pitted immediately and Porsche factory mechanics frantically tried to repair the gear linkage. But only a few laps further into the race, Michael was in again. It seems that heat from the engine’s turboheader was

which concedes 60 to 80 horsepower to the older Porsches, is so aerodynamically blessed that it claimed the pole position by nearly two seconds in qualifying. Nor were they the only teams with problems. The two Jaguars XJR-5’s kept throwing their altenator belts and one lost its nose cowling at speed. The defending champion Porsche’s intake manifold came unstuck and, according to Foyt, was "clamped together with vise grips and a two-by-four," but with substantial loss of turbo boost. Another favorite, a 935 driven by AI Holbert, Bruce Leven and Hurley Haywood had troubles ranging from brake difficulties to a broken intake manifold.


probably pressed too close to the gearbox by downforces on the 31 degree banking, essentially welding 4th and 5th gears together. Two hours of effort and replacing the entire gearbox was of little help and the 962 retired at 11:18 p.m. with a broken camshaft, hopelessly behind. Porsche should not be too depressed however. The prototype,


The Kreepy Krawly (named after the little robot machine which propels itself around swimming pools while cleaning them) took the lead at 1:30 a.m. Sunday at lap 254 and was undaunted for the final 386 laps. At the checkered flag, they had logged 2,476.8 miles at an average speed of 103.119 mph and were more than 9 laps ahead of the Foyt 935 with the Tullins’ Jag in third. Two of the next three were also 935’s. Porsche has once again proven its dominance of endurance racing. * * * Own your own Nobody’s Perfect T-shirt. Our own Goodie Store has a full stock of "’Nobody’s Perfect’" T-shirts (see this page) in all sizes. You can let the world know that no car approaches perfection like the Porsche for only $10. Call Denise Bear (818) 990-9980.





The Board decided at the February meeting that we would like to have a page in the Porscherama devoted to our members and their occupations. I’m sure there are many occupations within our Club that members can take advantage of. We have in excess of 500 members in the Los Angeles region which could be reached through advertising in the Porscherama. We will print your business card for a very reasonable yearly per issue fee.

4. HOW OR WHY BUSINESS STARTED. What particular need does business fulfill to the Porsche owner?:



If you are interested, please fill out the following form and provide any additional information, photographs or illustrations and mail them to: MARX ADVERTISING, INC.

112 West Ninth Street, Suite 215 Los Angeles, CA 90015-9990 NAME:


6. INVOLVEMENT WITH THE PORSCHE CLUB. , .Racing? Concours? Rallying? Social?:










Specializing in Porsche Restoration


(213) 450-4010 826-B PICO BLVD. SANTA MON ICA CA 90405

(213) 705-2410 (805) 245-3182

Upholstery ¯ Glass ¯ Chrome ¯ Rubber


if you don’t adve~ise, it’s like selling in the dark. Nobody knows you’re there. --

We can put your business in the best Ilyl It. Give us a call.


- -~: ___


-- - -

¯ Graphic Design and production ¯ Copywriting ¯ Photography

¯ = ¯ ¯

~o~ s~ ’76 911S. 85,000 miles. Yellow, sunroof, air factory alloys, stereo, excellent condition. $14,500. Jon Schiewe. Home: (213) (213)

395-3714. Business:


FOR SALE ’84 Olympics personalized plates. Official DMV. Have available: 91 ISC, 944, 930. (805) 252-1828.

Art Logo design Typesetting Printing

FOR SALE 1953 Cabrolet, great condition, no rust. Engine rebuilt at G & IV] Motors. New upholstery and top. $11,500.00. Dr. Stan Golden. (213) 553-3428. FOR SALE 1964 356SC. 95% restored, mechanically strong. $10,500 invested. Will accept $8,500. 4th owner transferred East. Contact: Bob Zehner, (714) 991-0955 or Matt Zehner, (714) 992-2173.





(21 3) 626-3153


INDEPENDENT PORSCHE SERVICE AND REPAIR ¯ Quality Service & Maintenance at fair rates ¯ Suspension-Chassis tuning

¯ Engine-transmission rebuilding

¯ Time Trial -- Race Specialists

the factory



(213) 391-7277


l-ifie European A uromobilc~,

~._ ¯

Metal Finishing


Dave DiMaria Brian Winger

¯ Co-ncours Prt~paration & Assistance (213) 320-3495


13332 W. WASHINGTON BLVD. / LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90066 (In Marina del Roy. 2 Blocks east of Lincoln, adjacent to Burger King)


Lacquer Paint Refir~ishing


Color Matching

¯ Collision Repairs Welcome

- 12-

(213) 320-3495

"I~ORRAN~E, C~ 90~t

session. Most events have parties connected and most are (or can be) family affairs. Probably the most difficult part about joining in is the feeling of being an outsider when you first attend. I can’t argue with that one. It does exist. People are naturally drawn to people they already know-and they tend to ignore people they don’t know. We can appeal forever to the "regulars" to go out of their way to meet newcomers, but they probably will forget as soon as they see an old friend and want to find out what he or she has been doing or is going to do. But its not hopeless.

Continuing in the vein of the Headlights column, you may already have missed the first membership meeting of the year. It really was a fun evening.

While it sounds difficult, it is easier than you think and gets easier each time. Simply walk up to someone you don’t know and introduce yourself as a newcomer. It is really amazing how easy it is, particularly after the first couple of times.

For myself and other board members, it started early with the board meeting at six. The dinner was excellent, as was the entertainment, which was provided by Ron Armour, who demonstrated his video casettes on various car marques and racing footage. The turnout was only 35 out of about 7%. County elections get that. We don’t expect everyone, ing interests of members and handle even a 50% turnout, but event participation.

Nearly everyone is really friendly and will be glad to meet with you and we all have something in common, a love affair with the world’s finest sports car. If you happen to run into the rare grump, just shrug it off and go on to someone else. The odds are heavily in your favor.

a 500 member club or a better turnout than as we know the varywe frankly couldn’t our goal is to increase

I can speak from experience. Having been a member for just a little over 6 months myself, I already have many new friends.

The amount of enjoyment derived at events is directly proportional to the attendance. Not only will you have more fun, so will we. So our motive is somewhat selfish. That does not detract from the good times we can guarantee to participants,

To quote the well-known ad, "Reach out and touch someone." Don’t sit in a corner gathering dust expecting everyone to come meet. you. It won’t happen despite good intentions. You have to make the first move. Just don’t be afraid.

Even if you are not particularly competitive, there is little that is more enjoyable than a scenic drive through little traveled areas as experienced by even the last place finishers in a rally or the awe and wonder experienced by the specta.tors at a concours (let someone else do the polishing, etc.) or at the upcoming tech

The rewards and enjoyment awaiting you are well worth the effort. Please be our friends. JonA. Schiewe, editor








Practice limited to Personal Injury Law









No fee for initial consultation.

3550 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1500 Los Angeles, California 90010 Phone (213) 655-9414

Contact: Jon A. Schiewe (Porscherama Editor)


Samuel M. S Wang May 2, 194 7- February 25, 1984

Tragically, on February 25, 1984, long-time PCA member Sam Wang died in a single-car crash near his home in the Laguna Hills.

A memorial fund has been established in Sam’s name. Contributions to this medical education fund are requested and should be sent to:

A memorial service was conducted the following Wednesday in Laguna Nigue/ with a gathering afterward at Sam’s and Yoka’s house to celebrate his life. Many PCA-ers attended to talk about Sam’s life, his happy smile and the tragedy of his death,

DR. SAMUEL WANG MEMORIAL FUND U.S.-China Institute for Science and Technology 1235 Jeff Davis Highway, Suite 407 Arlington, Virginia 22202 For information on the fund, contact the above address or call Donna Watson, (703) 979-2414. Contributions are tax deductible.

In Loving Memory by Peter Zimmerman It’s been said that time stands still for no one. I’m not sure that expression is totally true, because for a few moments early Sunday morning, February 26th, everything stopped for me. Shock hit first with a deep sadness to come later. All the emotions, anger, frustration, helplessness, sympathy and love, flooded into my heart and mind that morning, and many hours later the memories began. All of them were good, some were special, some made me feel like the luckiest person anywhere. The very special handshake, a trait I judge a man by, when he would shake my hand in the traditional manner, and then his left hand would sneak up and squeeze my forearm. The twinkle of intelligence was always present in his eyes, accompanied by both warmth and kindness. His greeting to me, usually one of two, either "Hi, doc," or "Hi, big guy," never failed to cause me to smile,

The idle chatter about our common love, the Porsche automobile, was extremely rewarding, simply because he knew the cars so well. And when he didn’t know he would ask. And when I answered, he remembered. He once told me that, compared to fixing Porsches, opthamology was simple. He said he only had to do five basic, routine, surgical procedures, compared to the myriad of problems I faced. Ha! He was talented beyond belief, with the finest bedside manner of anyone I’ve ever met. Always the smile, not just his mouth, mind you, but his whole face. That smile alone was enough to make things better on the worst of days, and that smile is now indelibly etched in my memory. That smile reached out and touched many, many people, all of whom should consider themselves richer from the experience, because he was truly one of a kind. My heart goes out to the family and friends of Doc Sam, for whom a certain sadness will linger forever.


We would like to add our thanks to all of Sam’s Porsche Club friends for the warmth and sympathy you have expressed. It is a special comfort to us to know that Sam had such good friends,

My heartfelt thanks to all of you for the kindness and support you’ve shown following Sam’s tragic death. It means a lot to me to know that so many people cared about him.

Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Wang

Ann Wang


Porsche Club Of America


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