MAX DiAL DELIVERS: We’re celebrating our lOth year of professional sales and AAA-approved service to discriminating Southern California Porsche owners. See us for all your automotive needs!
POR.....~CHE I AU !)1 817 ~. [_,a Brca, ln~lcwood~ CA 90.302 Telephone (213) 678-3061
President Vice-President Secretary
PCA-LA at a GLANCE PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine, PORSCHE PANORAMA, and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilarating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy.
(213) 450-2312 (818) 840-8890 (213) 386-0400
(213) 476-4755 (213) 472-3446 (213) 457-5726 (213) 474-4356 (213) 474-4356
Sandra Linton
Tech Membership
Tom Linton
(213) 275-6211
Jeff Bear
(213) 858-4989 (818) 990-9980
Goodie Store
Denise Bear Jon Schiewe
(213) 655-9414
(213) 457-5726
31560 Victoria Pt. Rd.
Malibu, CA 90265
PCA HOTLINE: (818) 981-3156
POLICY PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published bi-monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche
1, 1984)
Per Issue Cost*
Full Page
7 1/2 x 10 1/4..(Vertical)
1/2 Page
7 1/2 x 6 ..... (Horiz.) 3 5/8 x 10 .... (Vertical)
7 1/2 x 3 1/4 . .(Horiz.) x 6 5/8 . .(Vertical)
1/4 Page
3 5/8 x 5 ..... (Vertical)
1/6 Page
3 5/8 x 3 1/4 . .(Horiz.)
Business Card
3 5/8 x 2 ..... (Horiz.)
1/3 Page
Glenda Pizzofenam
AD RATES (Published Bi-Monthly. Effective January
John D. Fels Jon Winthrop
Club of America.
Annual Co~*
Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCALA, its Board of Directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHE RAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.
3 5/8
*TERMS OF PAYMENT: Per Issue: Payable in advance of Publication. Send check with
The Editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication.
copy. Annual Cost: One-half
in advance of publication of
first issue. Balance payable in advance of publication of fourth issue. Agency Commission: Sorry, due to the non-profit nature of the
PORSCHERAMA, the L.A. Region cannot recognize ad agency discounts.
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Porscherama is available to non-members of PCA-LA at a rate of $18 per year. Send requests to Editor Jon Schiewe, 31560 Victoria Point Road, Malibu, CA 90265, along with your check payable to PCA-LA.
Make checks payable and send advertising materials to:
MARX ADVERTISING, INC. 112 West 9th Street / Suite 200 Los Angeles, California 90015-9990 (213) 626-3153
ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us care of Jeff Bear, 9460 Wilsh ire B Ivd., Su ite 520, Beverly H i l Is, CA 90212. (213)858-4989 (days).
Cover Date
Mail Date
Deadline for Receipt of Materials
Issue Reports on Activities This Month or Earlier
Issue Calendars Activities for ThisMonth
Feb, 1
Jan. 1
Apr.-May Uun.-Jul. Aug.-Sept.
Apr. 1 Jun. 1 Aug. 1
Mar. 1 May1 Jul. 1
Feb. Apr. Jun.
May July Sept.
Oct. 1
Sept. 1
Dec. 1
Nov. 1
ABOUT THE COVER "’A rose is a rose is a rose.., "" wrote Gertrude Stein, for reasons no one has yet determined. Had Gertrude been a bit more hip (if not more lucid), she might have said a Porsche is a Porsche is a Porsche. But is it? Jon Schiewe’s descriptions and comments on a new super-modified version of our favorite car might confound you. Old Gertrude would have approved. SEE PAGES 10-12, 18. --3~
HEAD course outlined by pylons, by all means please let us know. Rallyes need people to create and run them, and that is why we, up until November, have not had a Club rally. Hopefully, this problem is on its way to being solved as one of our members, Dr. Paul Friedman, has stepped forward to volunteer to put on a rally for us. By the time you read this, his first rally will have been completed and we have every reason to believe it will be a successs. Paul has promised us more rallies for the coming year so that this area of Club activity should show some real improvement.
After a year being President of PCA/LA, it’s a pleasure to look over the past year and exciting to think about the year ahead. This past year has been a good one for our Club with some new and innovative activities brought on by your Board of Directors. Probably the most important advancement for the year has been our own Porscherama, our major link to the membership. Jon Schiewe, our Newsletter Editor, has really done a terrific job in conjunction with Tom Marx, our Publisher. I’m sure you’ll agree that the paper looks fresh and is full of good information. We believe we have solved the problem of getting the newsletter to the membership on time and the next year should show even greater improvements as Jon is continuing as editor. Our newsletter should be an open forum for all Club members and your comments and articles are always welcome, The Board this past year has acted responsively to the needs of the members. We have had several very good Tech Sessions, put on by Tom Litton; our annual Concours set new standards of excellence due to the help of both Jerry and Sara Pennington; our Peter Gregg Memorial Challenge Cup Time Trial in conjunction with P.O.C. held at Riverside Raceway in July, was a great success, as was our Annual Dusty’s BBQ. The areas that need some improving and will provide a challenge to your Board next year are Slaloms, Rallies and General Membership meetings. Slaloms present a problem because of the difficulty of providing a proper location. Everything about a slalom is fun. It’s a one-day, low key event that requires no special equipment or experience and makes for a great learning opportunity. We have lots of people who will both compete and work such an event, but as yet we have not been able to locate a local area. If you have access to a large parking -lot or similar area that can be
General Membership meetings are another subject. The Board, especially our Vice-President Jon Winthrop, has really worked hard to make these meetings meaningful to the entire membership. Yet we have such poor attendance that it hardly makes it worthwhile. This is something the Board for 1985 is going to have to take a real hard look at to see what we can do to improve this situation. Of course, if you would like to have input, please let us know. You are always welcme to phone us, write us a letter, or better yet, as our Board meetings are always "open," you are welcome to attend. Next year’s Board has a number of exciting and challenging events to work on. 1985 is the year the Porsche Parade will be in Southern California and it is also the 25th Anniversary for PCA/LA. Both events, along with our other activities should keep us busy. As always, we would appreciate any member stepping forth to help out in any area of Club activity. December 16th will be our Annual Club Christmas party and you will be getting more information on this. If this party, as in years past, is as good as I think it will be, you will surely want to be there. Please let me wish all our members and their families a very Merry Christmas and a most healthy and Happy New Year. Remember, drive your Porsche safely. John Fels, President
(213) 826-B PICO BLVD. CA 90405
UPCOMING EVENTS December 1984 1-2
Zone 8 Time TriaI--Laguna Seca
PCA- LA Christmas
Lobster House, Marina del Rey 11:00 a.m. Brunch-Great food! Entertainment! Door prizes galore! Beautiful location! Awards! Election results! Pre-registration required-call Sandra Linton at (213) 474-4356. January 1985 11-12
Zone 8 Awards Banquet Apple Valley Inn
don’t pay twice for a blown engine! Clean your oil coolers and lines the right way--ultrasonically. When your engine lets go, not all of those little pieces stay with the engine. A lot of them end up in your oil cooler and lines. Then, when you’re back together, these contaminants go right back into your new engine and ZAP! Engine #2 goes away. Don’t risk blowing a second engine. Only our aircraft/defenseapproved ultrasonic cleaning method lets you knowforsure t’nat your oil system is really scoured clean.
comparedWe providetoOneasecondday serviCerebuild.and the price is right-- especiall~
REQ LINE ~E~VI~E, INC. 20730 South Main Street ¯ Carson, California 90745 (213) 770-0310 ¯ (213) 327-8930
~2() Color,do Avenue S,~m~ ~on i( a, Californ ia ’~)4(~
If you don’t advertise, it’s like selling in the dark.
knows you’re her , Members Present:
We can put your business in the best light, Give us a call ¯ Graphic Design and production ¯ Copywriting ¯ Photography ¯ Art
__ ~_ ~
_ ~
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Logo design Typesetting Printing
Members Absent:
Jon Winthrop, Vice President
Denise Bear, Goodie
Tom Linton moved to accept the minutes as corrected and to dispense with the reading. Jeff Bear seconded. Passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Sandra Linton report.ed a balance of $1697.70. We still have not received the $200 from P0C for the Slalom in April. John Fels will call about this. $500 was deposited in the Porscherama account for July. We have $200 more from the Goodie Store.
[==’1 3] E~=:~E~-3’I 5:3
Tech: Tom Linton reported that he has been unable to get anyone to talk about buying used 91 l"s. He suggested that a trip be set up to .go to the Briggs Cunningham Museum in Costa Mesa. He will inquire about a date available in November. Also will plan a picnic after. There was discussion regarding the Competition Corn m ittee.
(~ ~ ~o-°~°° ~rts ~o~" ~/°~Y’s~¢,~:n (~Tbl~O~l~ ~r~an~ po~scbe ~"
~o~ ~w,~,~s
John Fels, President, called the meeting to order at 7:43 p.m. at the West End Garden Restaurant.
~O~1{~£~u i)1~1~1~I,~11~ ~ ~,~-
John Fels, Gtenda Pizzoferrato, Secretary Sandra Linton, Treasurer Linton, Jeff Bear, Membership Schiewe,
~o. ~.....mr .~
Membership: Jeff Bear reported that there are 60 new members since January 1984. They will be listed in the next issue of Porscherama. We should list our activities in the LA Times "Pit Stops" to spread word of our events in order to increase our membership. John Fels will call the Times. Editor’s Report: Jon Schiewe reported that the newsletter for August/September was mailed on Friday, August 10. He sent two articles to Panorama, one on the Concours and one on Dusty’s BBQ. They will be in the next issue. He has the articles ready for the next issue of .Porsch.erama-October/November. They wilt
gl 1 WEBER
be sent to the publisher the last week of August. Tom Linton will write an article on the Riverside event. The Pro Tem will be out for September.
Secretary’s Report: GJenda Pizzoferrato reported the procedure to be followed to modify the By-Laws. Sandra Linton moved and Jeff Bear seconded to change the By-Laws to give the right to vote to the Editor and that the President would not vote except in ties. Passed unanimously. The proposed changes and a ballot will be mailed to all active members. The President appointed Glenda as Nominating Committee Chairperson. The slate of nominees will be presented at the next general membership meeting.
Goodie Store: Denise Bear reported that we made $75 at the Riverside event. We need new items for the store. She will check into National items. We need a good sign and a table to setup at events.
911 SC (3.0) to 46 IDA 3C WEBERS: $930-$S75
¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber Linkage ¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ 46mm manifolds with CIS flanges
Old Business: There was a discussion on the Financial Report from the Riverside event. It was successful.
911 (1973-77 ClS) TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS: $870-$895
¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber Linkage ¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ 40mm manifolds with CIS flanges
Activities: Our rallye has been cancelled due to no rallye master. Zone 8 Rallye Chairman has approved. Jon Schiewe suggested that there be a rallye on the way to Briggs Cunningham Museum. Jon will look into it.
¯ Carburetors ¯ K&N air cleaners
Tom Linton is Eventmaster for Willow Springs, 9/15.
911 WITH SOLEXES (1965-66) TO40 IDA
¯ Weber Linkage ¯ Pressure Unit
¯ Correct manifolds ¯ Injector plugs 3C WEBERS: $825
The Harbor Cruise has been cancelled. There will be a general membership meeting on 10/18 at the California Yacht Club in Marina del Hey.
¯ Carburetors
¯ Weber Linkage
¯ K&N air cleaners
¯ C0rrectmanif01ds
91t T (1970-71) WITH ZENITHS TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS: $525 ¯ Carburetors
¯ Insulators
¯ Jetting
We need entertainment for the Christmas Party on 12/9. Denise Bear and Sandra Linton will look into it.
The above kits include correct rnanifolds, heat insulators and longer studs, gaskets, fuel line, jett.~g and venturies
The next Board Meeting will be held at the Lintons’
for your application.
home o n 9/12.
PM0 Mechanical injection Kits are street legal for 1969-1973 vehicles in California (Carb E.0. No.
Jeff Bear moved, Tom Linton seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. The motion carried unanimously.
144). The CIS kits are legal in California 0nly for racing, n0n-highwayvehicles.
PMO 135-17th STREET SANTA MONICA, CA 90402 Ph. (213) 393-5423
--Glenda Pizzoferrato
Practice limited to Personal Injury Law
No fee for initial consultation.
3550 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1500 Los Angeles, California 90010 Phone (213) 655-9414
Contact: Jon A. Schiewe (Porscherama Editor)
Membership Application
Jeffrey L. Bear 9460 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 520 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
September 12, 1984
Your application must be processed by the PCA National office before your name can be added to the mail list for Panorama, Porscherama or other mailings.
Members Present:
John Fels, President Glenda Pizzoferrato, Secretary Sandra Linton, Treasurer Jon Winthrop, Vice President Tom Linton, Tech Jeff Bear, Membership Jon Schiewe, Editor
Members Absent:
Denise Bear, Goodie Paul Friedman, M.D.
PCA-LA Region
GOODY STORE SPECIAL Nobody’s Perfect T-Shirts with Le Mans results $8 EACH, or TWO FOR $15.
John Fels, President, called the meeting to order at 8:18 p.m. at the home of Sandra and Tom Linton.
Still not dated as Porsche swept again in ’84
Jon Winthrop moved and Sandra /inton seconded that the minutes be accepted as submitted. Passed unanimously.
M - L - XL available only. Send check made out to PCA-LA Region Mail to: Jeff Bear 9460 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 520 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Treasurer’s Report: Sandra Linton reported a balance of $937.01. A check in the amount of $262 was mailed today from POC for the Slalom in April. Our share from Riverside Event was 37V~% of funds which amounted to $440. We should be getting a check for
add $1 per T-Shirt to cover postage and handling
$1100 from National. Marx Advertising has picked up a new advertiser for Porscherama-BF Goodrich. There was a discussion of bills. Technical Report: Tom Linton reported that there will be a tour of the Briggs Cunningham Automotive Museum on November 3rd. It will start at 2:00 p.m. The tour takes two hours. Jon Schiewe suggested that we have a fun, non-tech rally after the tour. Paul Friedman volunteered to plan the rally. It was decided that Paul, Jon S. and Glenda will plan and promote the rallye. The rallye will take place on the way to the tour.
Quality Service & Maintenance at fair rates ¯ Suspension-Chassis *unirlg
¯ Engine-transmission rebuilding
Membership: Jeff Bear reported that his secretary quit and that he’s been unable to process new members since 9/1. He needs new member applications. He is having difficulty in getting 20 Year Certificates from National. He has been requesting them since 1/84.
¯ Time Trial -- Race Specialists
the,u ,u ¯
(2|3) 39|-7277 24-HOUR PHONE
Editor’s Report: Jon Schiewe reported on his Taillights column in Porscherama’s last issue requesting feedback from the membership on activities of interest.
13332W. WASHINGTON BLVD. / LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90066 (In Marina de/Hey. 2 Blocks east of Lincoln, adjacent to Burger King)
He has received one reply in writing and one phone call. The membership must not be interested in activities. The feedback on Porscherama is good. The last issue had problems with the cover. It is planned to put the calendar inside and save the back cover for an ad. Jon S. will discuss the bill with Marx Advertising. Articles for the Dec./Jan. issue are due at the next board meeting on 10/17.
in Porsche Restoration
(213) 705-2410
Secretary: Ballots for election of new board members will be mailed 15 days after October Membership meeting.
(805) 245-3182
Upholsteryo Glass ¯ Chrome ¯ Rubber
Goodie Store: Denise Bear will place an ad in Porscherama and order items from National. (213) 678-1104
"Vice President: Jon Winthrop reported that there will be a general membership meeting on 10/25 at the California Yacht Club in Marina del Rey. Trophies from Riverside will be distributed. Nominations from the floor will be accepted for President, Secretary, Membership and Activities Chairmen. There was a discussion of the dinner entre. Jon S. will do the flyer.
(213) 677-811
Christmas Party: Denise and Sandra visited the Lobster House in order to pick the room for our party. Dates available are on Thursday evening or Sunday brunch. It was decided to have a Sunday Brunch on 12/16. It will be a buffet. Door prizes will be numbered and given out by the draw instead of each person picking one from the group. They will check into getting a magician for entertainment. There will not be a photo contest. Everyone will be asked to bring a can of food for charity. Denise and Sandra did a very good job in planning. The entire board needs to solicit for door prizes.
Silkscreened "
ck & zed on white ~-shirt S±zes : S-M-L-XL $9.95 + $1.50 shipping (Calif. residents add 6 1/2% sales tax) SEND ]%MERICAN AtTI-OBAF!~ ASSOC
Sandra Linton moved, Jon Winthrop seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m. Passed unanimously.
6371 E1 Cajon BI., #53 -Glenda Pizzoferrato
San Diego, CA
Allow 3-4 weeks for deliverV.
i ~
:~ ~~/~ ~ oo~
°~ ~= ~.~
P~O. BOX 23567 OAKLAND PARK, FL. 33507
by Jon Schievve There were about 6 people around the car when I first saw it. Even normally jaded Los Angelinos were fascinated by this car. These are people who wouldn’t notice a Ferrari in passing. But they have never seen a car like this before. From the pearlized paint to the white dials with red numerals, this car is different. According to the builder, Frank Rinderknecht, president and founder of Rinspeed Design, it is one of 12 that have been built and the first imported into the U.S. It is a Rinspeed 939 Porsche. A 939 Porsche is a combination of 911 and 928 models (11+28=39) with a few additional modifications. What may not be visible in the accompanying photos is the luminous red paint (just one of more than 5,000 available colors), or the 3.3 litre turbo engine that boasts 300 hp. Rinspeed, located in Zurich, Switzerland, has Porsche approval of their modifications and 939 name and can, therefore, be registered in Europe. The reconstruction starts with a basic 911, either Cabriolet, Targa, Coupe Carrera, or Coupe Turbo. 928
features are added front and rear as well as spoilers and skirts with air ducts. Ducts are also optionally installed in rear fenders. The car has turbo 930 suspension with pressurized shocks and a turbo 930 braking system with ventilated discs front and rear, torsion bars and power brakes. Gotti or BBS wheels, 8x15 front and 12x15 rear with P7’s connect the car to the road. If the 3.3 turbo engine is too much, the 3.2 litre carrera (231 hp) can be substituted. The interior is leather with powered Konig sports seats, leather wheel, and wool carpet. Also standard is a 160 watt Alpine sound system with 8 speakers, as well as remote control electric door locks and antitheft alarm system. Options include air conditioning, color coded instruments, bar, TV video system, and super woofer bass system. According to Company specs, the car equipped with the turbo engine will do 162 mph and 0-60 in 5 sec., clearly adequate to make that quick lane change or to CONTINUED
Frank started Rinspeed seven years ago building custom Rabbits. In the last 3 to 4 years he has specialized in Porsch and Mercedes customs. He has also done custom 944’s and 928’s. Currently on the drawing board is a combination 911/956 group B which he will call a 959 and will be street legal. That might also catch a little attention. Virtually all mechanical and most body parts are standard Porsche parts, to facilitate service. Frank has made it a practice to make parts available when different from factory. Prices of the cars vary according to whims of your custom order, but if you need to ask, you probably can’t afford it. Rinspeed has created a car not for the Porsche purist, but for the individual who wants and can afford a truly unique vehicle-a designer’s original. Left to right: Frank M. Rinderknecht, founder and president of Rinspeed; Martin Husi, and Francoise Vincent who are aiding Frank in U.S. Marketing
EXPERIENCE COUNTS when buying or leasing a Porsche or Audi. Our experts can tailor a program designed to tit you in the car of your choice at a competitive price. EXPERIENCE COUNTS when maintaining your Porsche or Audi. Our comprehensive service department features the latest factory diagnostic equipment and tools.., run by experts to satisfy our demanding customers. EXPERIENCE this excellence from one of Southern California’s premier dealerships... Janaco Porsche+Audi. 10850 Firestone BIvd
Norwalk, CA 90650
(213) 868-3233, 581-6291, (714) 636-6775 -12-
Au mnal Weather, and Wh lin through the Desert Dust
(~tPBTweeksLtd .... your one-stop Porsche resource for: ¯ I~arcl-to-findin,er, or. ex,~-bod¥,cl~assis &trim parts, rior & hard parts ¯ accesFor all Porsche models & sories, apparel & lots of afyears ... including 356, 9~’I, ,ermarketgoodiese 930.914,924.931 quality Porsche & 928’s.
Have you ever tried to drive a 911SC from turn 5 through turn 9 without braking...flat out? At Willow Springs Raceway? On a windy afternoon with the sun in your eyes? On street radial tires? Have you seen your therapist lately? For some crazy reason, I thought it could be done. So I Planted my foot to the floor in turn 5 and held it there (and held my breath also) through the turn 8 sweeper and into turn 9. My normal manuever is to brake lightly and downshift to 4th gear at the entrance to turn 9. This time I spontaneously decided to quickly downshift to 4th gear without braking. I~b t~~k~ Itd ...f0r serious pleasure drivers.
Immediately the rear end spun around, following the front end in two 360’s on the pavement and another
3301 Hill Street / Signal Hill, CA 90806 (800) 782-923t (California only) / (213) 494-4777
one in the dirt as I flew off the side of the track at 130 MPH+. It was an experience not to forget. That lap was a 1"58. The next one, which was driven mostly on the racing surface, was a 1:44. No harm, no foul. The car was fine but had a bad case of the dirty’s from being run in the Willow dust.
This time trial was one of those rare beautiful Willow weekends. The temperatures were moderate, the winds were moderate (mostly) and there were no serious incidents. Almost 80 entrants enjoyed extensive track time. Complete results will be published in the next issue of Porscherama. I look forward to seeing all of you at Laguna Seca for the final time trial of the year on December 1-2. --Tom Marx
Want to drive a Por~che 91 1 race car in SCCA or time trials? Rental programs are available, tailored to meet your needs. Included may be car rental, p ....... I, tracksd .... hanic, towing and driver instruction. PORSCHOPfeat ....
lays -’- Not
¯ Total Porsche maintenance
¯ Parts and accessories for street or track ¯ RaceStar safety equipment ¯ Porsche race car preparation
Participation Points If you have participated in a Zone 8 event outside the LA Region, there is a very good chance that we have never been advised of the results and likewise not recorded the respective participation points. If you want credit, send a copy of the results tO the secretary at the bulletin address.
C,..ieandBobFer. 3906 GRANDVIEW BLVD.
(213) 398-2217
also remember that feeling of having a stomach full of butterflies to contend with, because this was to be my first time on a track and in a car that I had driven only once before. Those two things alone were enough to make the nerves flutter, but the car also happened to belong to Mac McKee, and those of you who know Mac and the way he cares for his cars can understand my butterflies and paranoia, and I had them both. I think the only people in the area in which we were pitted who had more reason for concern than I, was Mac, his wife Susan, or possibly my own wife, Kathy.
Your editor and the Board of Directors know the anguish felt by so many friends of Dr. Sam Wang both within and without the club at his sudden unexpected death. No doubt, hundreds could express their grief in tributes to Sam and we believe the bulletin has already spoken for us all in this regard. We have received, and chosen to publish, one more tribute. The following article by Leonard Scott would not have been published, were it solely a tribute to Sam, for having paid our respects, it is time to move on, each savoring his own favorite memories of this remarkable man. From what I have heard, I’m sure Sam would have wished this. Leonard’s article, ho~ever, is as much a tribute to time trialing as to Sam, who was so deeply involved in the sporL I felt Leonard accurately captured the excitement and emotions involved and knew many of you would enjoy sharing them with him as well as sharing his fond remember-
ance of Dr. Sam.
A TRIBUTE Over the last several years, many people have asked me why I find driving cars at the limit so attractive. Many think it’s a crazy thing for a seemingly intelligent 42-year-old to get involved with. They think it’s strange that anyone would take the risk, not just once but on a regular basis. Why do we? There are many of us that grew up loving the sound of an engine, many of us that love the engineering mechanics involved with making a car perform, and some who just flat have oil in their veins. Then there are some who have become totally immersed in the sensation of sound, speed and the personal challenge of testing oneself and the machines we drive. I liken it to a form of meditation that demands total concentration on only .one thing for periods of time lasting 20 to 30 minutes. It can be an incredible experience not equalled by many things in life. It’s truly an activity
There were a lot of people there who were great at giving much needed encouragement, many of- whom Kathy and I were meeting for the first time; Pete and Karen Zimmermann, Jose Ochoa and Lark Nakazaki, Judd Boykin, and Sam Wang, who was introduced as Dr. Sam. Sam drove a white 914-6, was of Chinese descent, and an ophthalmologist, which explains the Dr., in the introduction. I was too concerned with my nerves during that first meeting to really pay much attention to the genuine handshake and the great little smile that accompanied that first introduction. Later that day I had the chance to take a ride with the good doctor. It was quite a thrill to have the opportunity to tour Willow in a 914/6. I didn’t realize at the time that this would be one of many times over the next several years that I would have the good fortune to ride with Sam Wang. For a novice I made a respectable showing in my first time trial and it was nice to hear comments of a congratulatory nature from so many people that I had only just met. It was a great weekend, and before it came to an end I would come to realize that the peo-
Time Triali
A tribute to the
pie there shared a love for driving Porsches that would soon become a passion of mine as well. Whether you choose to call it passion or "’Porsche paranoia," I deftnitely caught the bug and began to seek out a way to experience the thrill in a Porsche of my own. With lots of expert advice steering me towards a car that was affordable and fun, I initiated the search for a 1973 914 2.0 which Mac McKee and I would share. Two months later, with a lot of help from the Monkeyface Racers, we were well into preparing our new find for the time trial circuit, which for us would begin with the San Diego Region event in Holtville.
It was just over five years ago that I attended my first time trial at Willow Springs. I remember well the feeling of being in a strange environment with a lot of people I hadn’t yet had the opportunity to meet. I
The event following Holtville would take us back to Willow where it had all begun six months before. The "Grape" as Mac and I called the 914, performed well but had a scrape with a berm on the outside of
that is much more enjoyable when its trials and triblations can be shared with others who share the same crazy love of the sport. As with many things in our life, it sometimes takes a painful reminder for us to fully appreciate the value of the friendships that come from the adventure we share with each other. Thoughts of the pleasure I have had from the association with all of you and the loss of someone near and dear to all of us has caused me to reflect on how I initially came to share this sport with you.
turn 2 during timed runs that would ,end its career as a racer. Doctor Sam was not only immediately there to see that all was well, but was ever there to console .our loss. He must have had a good insight into how much that first car meant to the both of us, for, from that day forward, he was always offering the opportunity for us to stay close t.o the driving experience by giving us the opportunity .of crewing, riding, and driving his six while we recovered from our loss. It was something ~ believe he really enjoyed doing. He commented on
my first experience in a 2.2 liter 914-6. He spoiled me real well, and I knew it would never be qutie the same in small displacement fou=r bangers again. That day was the beginning .of a great friendship that would carry us through many =events both on and off the track. Sam, Yoka, Kathy, and I made the trek to Las Vegas soon after that for a .great weekend of time trialing and fu,n in the sun, except that as I remember it was one of those Nevada weekends where only the real die-~hards would brave the wind and dust st.orm that swept across the track that weekend. Even Carl Young, driving on his home track, was slowed by the dust that at times made it next to impossible to see the car in front of you. Sam and Yoka had driven over in Sam’s garage queen, his 1977 911S, which once again was offered if I was interested in giving it a test drive. Although it did make me a bit nervous, when you’ve got the bug it’s hard to turn down an opportunity to put a new 911S through its paces. Especially when you’ve never driven one. It was a weekend to
many occasions that his greatest joy was to share what he had learned, the thrills, the experience, and the car that made it all come to life. I happened to be one of those lucky peo=pte who would share that great ex.periencewith Sam a number of times, The next event after Willow was held at the track that will soon be a shopping center. Those of you t;hat were there will surely remember the Ontario Motor Speedway, where they ran the front straight backward, roaring along next to the wall before braking and dropping down quickly into the infield road course that must have had at least 18 turns, enough for a novice to get lost, or at least temporarily lose track of which turn you were in. I really enjoyed Ontario, it was surely the most manicured course ’1 had experienced. Ne dust and dirt blowing around, infield lakes, and green grass, What more could one ask for?
r6member. As I remember, Sam had a small encounted with the Highway Patrol on his return trip, but it didn’t spoil his day, which is not surprising, for I can’t remember ever seeing Sam when he was angry or in any way not in control of his temperament. A rare individual, very giving of himself and his time. Over the years it gave me great pleasure to see that incredibly war:m smile that was so much a part of Sam, and Sam’s personality. I’m sure that there are many of you that were able to experience Sam and share what :he gave most, which was a bit of himself and a lot of love for those around him. Those that he had touched who have since had to say "Fa=rewelt, Sam" know that he touched many, and they will not so.on forget the
Sam had just had his engine f,reshened up by Pete Zimmermann at Red Line so he was flying high, and the car was performing beautifully. ~ had ridden with Sam several times that Saturday. He was continua]ly talking with me about how to drive this unusual course, I think he was very aware of how much I was wishing the "Grape" was still functioning so that I could try
an and his sport. the course as a driver rather than a spectator o:r instructor. Toward the end of the day he asked if .1 would like to drive the six. What do you think my response was? You’re right, I said I’d love to. I remember the conversation well as it gave me a good insight into the person Sam was. He indicated he really want.ed to give me that opportunity but felt that it would best be done with a degree of secrecy as his chief mechanic had mentioned to him on numerous occasions that he was taking a big chance letting others drive his pride and joy. So Sam suggested he drive the car through the pit area and up to pre-grid where we could pull a driver switch without Sam having to go through any explanations of why he was willing to take that chance. 1 think of myself as a fairly competent driver, but the risk is always there,. and Sam was willing to take that chance to let me have
memories of sharing his love. One of my favorites will be remembering Riverside’s long course backstraight at somewhere near 12,0 mph in Sam’s six. it was the fifth lap I had taken. I looked over at Sam to express my joy. It was too noisy and too fast to say what I felt in any other way but to extend my left hand, palm up, while Sam gave me five, and we exchanged smiles and a loud verbal acknowedgment of "This is really great.’" None will be remembered for their love of sharing the thrills of driving more than Sam. We’ll miss you Sam, God speed!
Leonard Scott
The 1985 Porsche Paradewill have some firsts and some spectaculars and will be a tough act to follow. But to bring all of this to realization we will need your help. There are jobs for everyone, no matter what your area of expertise may be. The members of Zone 8 PCA will have the first opportunity to choose the time and place they prefer to work. The tentative schedule and a tear-off Worker Job sheet appears below. This year we will have a worker pool, utilizing people on a stand-by basis to fill in where needed in case extra workers are requested. This worker pool will be in addition to the usual working periods listed below. One period of stand-by will count as one half-day shift toward worker party benefits. Please fill in the appropriate time slots with the name of the activity which you are willing to work and return it to us by December 31, 1984. If there are any questions please feel free to call any time. Joe & Carolyn Stonskas 2685 Belcastro Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 (702) 873-9124
WORKERS’ SCHEDULE: Monday, Julyl-all day. Non-judging. Counts for 2 shifts. Driving Event: Tuesday thru Thursday, July 2 thru July 4. 6:30-lunch break or lunch break-5:00. " Rallye: Friday, July 5-all day. Countsfor 2 shifts. Goodie Store: Sunday thru Friday, June 30thru July 5. 10:00-1:30 or 1:30-5:00. Saturday, July 6-9:00-12:00. Registration: Friday, June 28-1:00-6:00 Saturday & Sunday, June 29 & 30-9:00-1:30 or 1:15-5:30. Monday, July 1-9:00-1:00. Tech Inspection: Saturday, June 29-10:00-2:00 or 2:00-6:00. Sunday, June 30-10:00-2:00 or 2:00-5:00. Monday, July 1-2:00-5:00. Hospitality: Friday, June 28--12:30-5:30 or 5:30-11:00. Saturday, June 29-8:30-1:30 or 1:30-6:00 or 6:00-11 "00. Sunday, June 30--8:30-1:00 or Concours:
1" 00-6: 00.
Region Arrival
City, State, Zip
Co-Entrant’s Name T-Shirt Size (S, M, L, XL) Men
Tech Quiz: Security:
Worker Pool:
Monday, July 1-8:30-12:00 or 12 : 00-4: 00. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, July 2, 3, 4, 58:30-1" 00 or 1 : 00-6:00. Saturday, July 6-8:30-12:00 or 12: 00-3: 00. Saturday, July 6-8:00-12:00. Hours and days to be determined later. Friday, June 28-Check-in at 1:00. Saturday, June 29--Check in at 9:00 or
Sunday, June 30-Check in at 9:00 or 1:30. Monday, July 1-Check in at 8:00 or 1:00. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, July 2, 3, 4-Check in at
Friday, July 5-Check-in
7:00 or 1:00.
PLEASE RETURN TO JOE & CAROL YN STONSKAS 2685 Belcastro Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89117
Saturday, Ju ly 6-Check-in at 9: 00. -16-
CLASSIFIED ADS PCA/LA REGION MEMBERS: One ad per issue at no charge, maximum 7 lines. Additional ads, $10 per issue per ad. Photographs: $25.00 per issue. Include check with copy. NON-MEMBER OR COMMERCIAL: $10 per issue per ad, maximum 7 lines. Photograph: $30 per issue. (Includes ad fee.) Include check with copy. MAIL CLASSIFIED ADS with check or money order to: Jon Schiewe, 31560 Victoria Pt. Rd., Malibu, CA 90265.
1973½ 911T Coupe. Silver/Black with 70,000 miles, ClS, "S" options, "S" steel spoiler. Street concours. 7’" factory alloys, P-7, Sunroof, Blaupunkt AM/FM cassette with clover speaker enclosure. 5-speed, H-4"s and European tail light. Bra and car cover. Call Kirk Shimazu, (213) 306-9444 weekdays or messages.
Restoration .%pcc’iafist~ ol
Fine |:uropcap Au
~. ¯ Metal
])a~e Di~aria Brian Winger
¯ Concours Preparation & Assistance (213) 320-3495
1974 Carrera Coupe #/~1104400245. 2.7 collector/investment quality. Beautiful desert beige/black. 7 & 8 inch turbo wheels w/Pirelli P-6 (205 & 235) 5 spd. Front and rear spoilers, fogs, lowered/aligned Blaupunkt 2010 67,000 miles-rebuilt at 40,000. $19,000 Bob Hammette 4033 Bridgewood Lane, Westlake Village, CA 91326. (805) 496-4003 (eve).
l.acqucr Paint Refinishing
Color Matching ¯ Collision Repairs Wcl~’omc
(213) 320-3495
FOR SALE 911 Coupe door for right side on early cars .......... $395. Pair 911/912 Targa doors, near complete w/glass, crank, upholstery and NO RUST ........................ $495 ca. Two new 911/912 front deck lids, one each for 1965-73 & 1974-84 ................................ $300 ca. 5 - 924, 7x 14 Lillygard mag wheels .............. $50 ca. 2 - 5½ x 14 Porsche factory mags w/space-saver tires... $150 ca. 4 - 7 x 16 Porsche factory mags, polished & painted . . . $350 ca. 2 - 911 rear deck lids, 1969-73, good condition ...... $150 ca. 2 - 911 rear bumper ends, 1969-73 .......... both for $150. 2 - sets bezel European headlight rings ............ $60 set. 2 - 356 hoods for A, B, or C models in good condition. $400 ca. Call Ralph Boothe (818)336-1396. FOR SALE 1974 914 2.0 A/C polished Fuch mags, new tires, battery, clutch master cyl., stainless steel brake lines, exhaust, bra & cover. Solid body, no rust. +6750. Cal Marks, P.O. Box 7325, Burbank, 91510. (818) 763-1166.
1976 930 silver/black all factory equipped. Polished mags with new P7’s, lowered bra & cover. Parade and Zone 8 Concour trophy winner. 21M miles. One owner. $34,500. Cal Marks, P.O. Box 7325, Burbank 91510. (818) 763-1166. FOR SALE
1979 Porsche 930. Anth/Black, Pulsafe alarm, hi-amp Alpine w/Eq. One owner. 11,500 m. $42,900. (213) 476-3342.
is nowbeingdistributedby
r,n" ""’=n-y MOTORING ACCESSORIES 11431 SANTA MONICA BLVD. PCA, W. LA, CA90025 REBUCEB PRICES! (213) 473-2941. VISA, M/C, A/E. Porsche fiberglass updates, wings, conversions, and kits for 911,912, 914 and 924 models. MITCOM, the designer and manufacturer of the Chalon! Dealer Inquiries Invited / CATALOG $5.00, Refundable.
I have been wrestling with recently is whether these cars, having been so drastically modified can still be called or treated as Porsches. ~
To the Porsche Purist, anything not from Stuttgart installed on a Porsche renders the vehicle impure and of questionable parentage. To those people, there_ is nothing to consider, but to those of us who modify our Porsches for racing, comfort, or simply style, this is a serious question.
Unfortunately, I haven’t come up with a definitive answer, but something that sounds dangerously like legal advice I have given on occasion. IT DEPENDS!
"’If It Quacks Like A Duck Is It Necessarily A Duck?" The cover story in this issue involves a custom designed car that carries a Porsche 939 name and some rather drastic modifications. Since seeing this car, I have heard of other companies that do similar modifications, I recently saw a 928 convertible on the way to work. There is obviously a market for the custom designed car. The question that has been posed to me and which
I feel it is imperative that the modification must maintain the feel or look of Porsche. For example, mounting a Mercedes 450 roof on a Porsche would destroy the Porsche lines. I have heard of a custom builder in the states who plans to do a modification similar to the "939" but plans to use a rectangular flip-up headlight rather than the round Porsche lights because of a water accumulation problem. Somehow that seems to threaten the Porsche style. But you see, the test is subjective. It is rather like US Supreme Court Justice Stewart who said in a famous opinion that he couldn’t say exactly what constituted obscenity, but he could recognize it when he saw it. For me, when I saw the Rinspeed 939 Porsche, it never crossed my mind that I wasn’t looking at a Porsche. To me the car shouts"Porsche!" To you, it might look like a bastard child. It depends on the eye of the beholder.
Craftsmanlike Repairs Complete service for your Audi at a fair price. 12969 Washington Blvd. (Cor. Alia & Washington ) Marina del Rey ¯ (213) 306-8544 Behind Marina Suzuki Motorcycle
CE’s Long Block
Exchange Competition Engineering is well-known for being your neighborhood VW and Porsche machine shop. World-wide. That’s our business. And though we sell our popular T-shirts all over the globe, that’s not our business. Yet all of you may be unaware that CE is also a highly-respected builder of 4-cylinder Porsche engines (unless you’re a regular reader of VW& Porsche and some other publications in which we’ve been featured). That, too, is our business, h, nd we’ve recently celebrated our 20th year in this business ! At CE we keep several 4-cylinder Porsche Long Blocks in stock for immediate delivery. They can be purchased outright or exchange. If you desire, you can purchase your rebuilt engine, pay the core charge, then return your engine core up to 3 months later for refund. (Of course refunds are subject to CE’s inspection and acceptance of your rebuildable core.) If we ship your engine, we require $100 deposit on the special wooden packing crate. And that’s also refundable. All CE exchange engines are built to new standard specifications ! I f you desire your own engine rebuilt or a modified or special engine, please allow 2-4 weeks for processing. Every CE exchange rebuilt engine includes the following NEW parts: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
German Crankshaft ¯ All Valves and Springs German Rods (912 type) ¯ All Valve Guides German 105 Camshaft ¯ All Gaskets & Seals German Mahle Pistons & Cylinders ¯ All Bearings Iskenderian Tappets ¯ All Pushrod Tubes
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
F&S Clutch Disc F&S Pressure Plate OEM Oil Pressure Pistons OEM Oil Sump Screen CE Super Gland Nut, Washer
. .. and these parts rebuilt to exacting specifications by CE: ¯ Crankcase (CE Line Bore if necessary) ¯ Flywheel (Reconditioned) ¯ Oil Pump Drive Gears (Drive Tab Welded and Reshaped) ¯ Cylinder Heads (Completely Rebuilt by CE) ¯ Rocker Arms (Reground by CE) Plus: ¯ ALL ENGINES ARE DYNAMICALLY BALANCED !
These Long Block Assemblies are kept in stock at CE for immediate shipment: ¯ 912 Ray Litz"
$ 2000 700
¯ 356SC
EN(~INEER~NG¯ 356 Super Closed
exchange core charge exchange
700 core charge 1800 500
exchange core charge
¯ Call or Write for CE’s latest Price Book and your free copy of CE News 2095 N. Lake Avenue / Altadena, California 91001 Telephone 213 ! 794-8402 or 213 ! 681-5991
Porsche Club Of America BULK RA TE MAIL
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Malibu, California 90265
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