Porscherama 1985 February-March

Page 1

Briags.Cunningham i u’ eum 1’our

. autO museums in the world. Curator of the most outstand~gntroduced over 20 Los Angeles Region A unique experience at one the 1930"s) the 1964 904 GTS as raced John Burgess (a former race driver of participants to the wonders of the Museum. Shown here are (top) cunningham by Briggs Cunningham; (bottom, left) one of cunningham’S Le Mans roadsters. touring machine. was the first to race an all.American car at Le Mans; (bottom, right) The 1928 Hispano 1

MAX DIAL DELIVERS: We’re celebrating our lOth year of professional sales and AAA-approved service to discriminating Southern California Porsche owners. See us for all your automotive

MAX DIAl, 817 N. La Brca, Inglcwood, CA 90302 Telephone (213) 678-3061

..... ~sT~, XX HOSpitals [ #

CALENDAR JUNE 2-Concours and Los Angeles Region 25th Anniver-

MARCH 9-Tech Session & Swap Meet Tech Session starts at 10:00 a.m. Discussion on suspension setting and handling bv Jim Langebaek of RACE-

Cary Party At Wil! Rogerc State Park. JUNE 30 - JULY 6-30th P0rsche Parade, Costa Mesa AUGUST 17-Softball game and BBQ at Rancho Park.

SHOP Swap meet starts at 12:00 noon. Location: Porschop/Raceshop, 3906, Grandview Ave., Marina del Rey. Eventmaster: Connie Fern, (213) 398-2217.


MARCH 23-24--Time Trial at Riverside Raceway. See information in this issue.

APRIL 2g-Annual BUG, hosted hy Dustry. 1:00 p.m.--Volleyball game and beach festivities. 4:00 p.m.--Dusty’s great BBQ meal. Eventmaster: Jon Schiewe & Glenda Pizzoferrato, 31560 Victoria Point Road, Malibu, (213) 457-5726.



Riverside Las Vegas San Diego Stadium

March 23-24 April 20,21 May 25-26 June 30-July 6 July 8-9 August 10-11 September 21, 22

POC Las Vegas San Diego Zone 8 San Diego Orange County POC

September 28, 29


Parade Riverside Willow "June Bug" Riverside *Willow (tentative) Holtville

MAY 11-Conc0urs and Tech Session At Max Dial Porsche+Audi, lnglewood.





550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque nonfactory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine, PORSCHE PANORAMA, and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilarating (and sometimes frustraring) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy.

President Vice President Secretary



John D. Fels Jon Winthrop

213/476-4755 213/472-3446 Glenda Pizzoferrato 213/457-5726 213/474-4356 Sandra Linton 213/457-5726 Jon Schiewe 31560 Victoria Pt. Rd., Malibu 90265

Treasurer Newsletter Editor

213/450-2312 818/840-8890 213/386-0400 213/385-9021

Membership Chairman

Tom Marx 818/990-5619 213/626-3153 112W.~thSt.,No. 200, Los Angeles~0015

Safety Chairman

Judd Boykin

Technical Chairman Activities Chairman GoodieStore

Tom Linton Jeff Bear Denise Bear

818/788-4182 213/474-4356

213/275-6211 213/858-4989 818/990-9880

AD RATES (Published Bi-Monthly. Effective January I, 1985.) Per Issue Cost* Dimensions Format


Full Page 3/4 Page 1/2 Page 1/3 Page 1/4 Page 1/8 Page

Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal

6 x 8 3/4" 6 x 6 1/2" 2 7/8"x 8 3/4" 6" x 4 1/4" 2 7/8" x 6 1/2" 2 7/8" x 4 1/4" 6" x 2 1/4" 2 7/8" x 2 1/4"

Make checks payable and send advertising materials to:


Annual Cost* $700.00 575.00 450.00 450.00 380.00 310.00 310.00 215.00

$145.00 120.00 95.00 95.00 80.00 65.00 65.00 45.00

*TERMS OF PAYMENT: Per /ssue: Payable in advance of publication. Send check with copy. Annual Cost: One-half payable in advance of publication of first issue. Balance payable in advance of publication of fourth issue. Agency Commission: Sorry, due to the non-profit nature of the Porscherama, the L.A. Region cannot recognize ad agency discounts.

Marx Advertising, Inc., 112 West 9th Street, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90015-9990 / (213) 626-3153

Cover Date

Mail Date

Deadline for Receipt of Materials

Issue Reports on Activites This Month or Earlier

Issue Calendars Activities For This Month

February-March April-May June-July August-September October-November December-January

February 1 April 1 June 1 August 1 October 1 December 1

January 1 March 1 May 1 July 1 September 1 November 1

December February April June August October

March May July September November January

POLICY PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published bi-monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA, its board of Directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The Editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Porscherama is available to non-members of PCA-LA at a rate of $18 per year. Send requests to Editor Jon Schiewe, 31560 Victoria Point Road, Malibu, CA 90265, along with your check payable to PCA-LA.

MOVING? ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us care of Tom Marx No. 200, Los Angeles, CA 90015. PLEASE MAIL CHANGE OF ADDRESS-DO NOT CALL.


112 W. 9th St.,




CE’s Long

Block Exchange Competition Engineering is well-known for being your neighborhood VW and Porsche machine shop. World-wide. That’s our business. And though we sell our popular T-shirts all over the globe, that’s not our business. Yet all of you may be unaware that CE is also a highly-respected builder of 4-cylinder Porsche engines (unless you’re a regular reader of VW& Porsche and some other publications in which we’ve been featured). That, too, is our business. And we’ve recently celebrated our 20th year in this business ! At CE we keep several 4-cylinder Porsche Long Blocks in stock for immediate delivery. They can be purchased outright or exchange. If you desire, you can purchase your rebuilt engine, pay the core charge, then return your engine core up to 3 months later for refund. (Of course refunds are subject to CE’s inspection and acceptance of your rebuildable core.) If we ship your engine, we require $100 deposit on the special wooden packing crate. And that’s also refundable. All CE exchange engines are built to new standard specifications ! If you desire your own engine rebuilt or a modified or special engine, please allow 2-4 weeks for processing. Every CE exchange rebuilt engine includes the following NEW parts: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

¯ All Valves and Springs German Crankshaft ¯ All Valve Guides German Rods (912 type) ¯ All Gaskets & Seals German 105 Camshaft German Mahle Pistons & Cylinders ¯ All Bearings ¯ All Pushrod Tubes Iskenderian Tappets

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

F&S Clutch Disc F&S Pressure Plate OEM Oil Pressure Pistons OEM Oil Sump Screen CE Super Gland Nut, Washer

¯ . . and these parts rebuilt to exacting specifications by CE: ¯ Crankcase (CE Line Bore if necessary) ¯ Flywheel (Reconditioned) ¯ Oil Pump Drive Gears (Drive Tab Welded and Reshaped) ¯ Cylinder Heads (Completely Rebuilt by CE) ¯ Rocker Arms (Reground by CE) Plus: ¯ ALL ENGINES ARE DYNAMICALLY BALANCED !

These Long Block Assemblies are kept in stock at CE for immediate shipment: ¯ 912 Ray



$ 2000 700

exchange core charge

2000 700

exchange core charge

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¯ 356 SC

ENGINEERING¯ 356 Super Closed Monday~ ¯ Call or Write for CE’s latest Price Book and your free copy of CE News

2095 N. Lake Avenue / Altadena, California 91001 Telephone 213 / 794-8402 or 213 ! 681-5991

HEAD was at a high level, the food excellent, and I believe everyone was happy and in the true Christmas spirit of "it is better to receive than to give." Our special than ks to Sandra Linton and Denise Bear, for working so hard to make the party a success; to Denise Bear and Paul Friedman, who won trophies for their participation in Club events throughout the year; and to Jim Navas and Rosemary Welch who won their respective classes in our year-end competition points race. On the first weekend of December, quite a few of us made the 325 mile journey to Monterey to compete in a Time Trial at Laguna Seca Raceway. I wentalongand my story is a tribute to the Porsche automobile and how I would define a "sports car." After an uneventful journey north, averaging about 20 miles to the gallon, I arrived at the track early Saturday morning to meet Jon Winthrop who was going to co-drive the car with me over the weekend. We unpacked the car, raised the tire pressure in our Goodyear NCT’s, torqued the wheels, put down the antenna, donned our racing garb, and proceeded to drive my owned-from-birth (March, 1970) 914/6, maintained

The Los Angeles Region of PCA/LA is starting the New Year in a very healthy fashion. Finances, always a problem, seem to be under control, and our new Board

by Jose Ochoa, like stink for the whole weekend. Except for adding a quart of oil and filling the tank Saturday

of Directors gives promise of being hard working and consciencious about the task at hand. The two big events

evening, having used a full tank in practice on Saturday, and some "chunking" from the NCT’s, the car ran flawlessly. We acquitted ourselves well during timed runs (I

of the coming year are the 30th Porsche Parade in Costa Mesa and our own celebration of our 25th Anniversary. Panorama will keep you in touch about the Parade, and

felt quite pleased with a clocking of 1:32 from a 14-yearold car driven by a 54-year-old man), then proceeded to pack up the car, drive it home, unload, and then drive it

those of you who have volunteered or are participating will be receiving lots of mail! As to our Anniversary, Porscherama will be featuring information as the time grows near.

to work the next day. The point of all of this is we drive a terrific car, one which in most cases will exceed our persona[ limitations with ease and still "keep on ticking." Drive your Porsche safely!

Our Annual Christmas Party was a great success and lots of fun. Everyone walked away with a present so graciously donated by our local suppliers. The fellowship


EXPERIENCE COUNTS when buying or leasing a Porsche or Aud|. Our experts can tailor a program designed to fit you in the car of your choice at a competitive price. EXPERIENCE COUNTS when maintaining your Porsche or Audi. Our comprehensive service department features the latest factory diagnostic equipment and tools,..run by experts to satisfy our demanding customers. EXPERIENCE this excellence from one of Southern Califomia’s premier dealerships... Janaco Porsche+Audi. 10850 Firestone Blvd


Norwalk, CA 90650


(213) 868-3233, 581-6291, (714) 636-6775


If you don’t advertise, it’s like selling in


~~thedark.. NobOdYknows you’re there.

/--- ~. --..

Members Present: John Fels, President John Winthrop, Vice President Glenda Pizzoferrato, Secretary


can put your

business in the best Give us a call.

Sandra Linton, Treasurer Jeff Bear, Membership Tom Linton, Tech Jon Schiewe, Editor Members Absent: None GueSs: Denise Bear, Goodie

and producllon Copywdllng Photography All

Paul Friedman, M.D. Tom Marx

¯ Logo design = l~pesetling ¯ Pdnllng ¯ Catalogs ¯ Brochures

John Fels, President, called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. at the California Yacht Club. Jeff Bear moved and Jon Winthrop seconded that


the minutes beaccepted as submitted. Passed unanimously. There was a discussion regarding Laguna Seca. No new news on the Christmas Party. Reminder that the date is December 16. Jon and Denise will do the flyer.


There was a discussion regarding nominations for officers. It was decided to table a discussion re: the structure of the board.

(~:=1 3) ~=:)6-3~ 5.‘-4

There was a discussion regarding the Newsletter. Articles were due tonight. If not here now, they must to directly to Tom Marx. The treasury reports a balance of $847.49. The next board meeting will be held Escobar in Santa Monica at 7:00 p.m. on 11/14.



Tom Linton moved and Sandra seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Passed unanimously. -Glenda Pizzoferrato

JON A. SCHIEWE Attorney at Law INDEPENDENT PORSCHE SERVICE AND REPAIR ¯ Quality Service & Maintenance at fair rates ¯ Engine-tranmli~ion rebuilding ¯ Su~n$ion-Chas$is tuning ¯ Time Trial - Ra~e SPecialists

3550 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 15000

the foctotg

Los Angeles, California 90010


Telephone (213) 385-9021



(213) 39]-7277 2,~HOUR PHONE 1333;~ W. WASHINGTON BLVD. ] LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90066 (In Marina del Rey. 2 Blocks east of Lincoln, adjacent to Bur~er King)

There w~ ~ discussion regarding the Chri~tm~ Pgrtv grid fiver. The price per person it $17.60. The entertainment will be music end g magician. The Boerd needs to obtain donations for door prizes. Jon Schiewe reported on the rally. The competit,on and service points need to be BOARD

totaled for year end trophies. The Secretary will take


care of the totals. The President will get the trophies. Sandra Linton reported a balance in the treasury of


Tom Linton moved and Sandra seconded to invite Yoke Luetsdorf as the Club’s guest to the Christmas Party. Passed unanimously.

November 14, 1984

The Hot Line will be moved to John Fels office. The cost will be approximately $200. Judd Boykin will represent the LA Region at the Presidents’ Meeting. On Saturday, January 12, there will be the Zone 8 Awards Banquet, Presidents Meeting and Editors Seminar. This will be in Apple Valley. The Editor should attend.

Members Present: John Fels, President Glenda Pizzoferrato, Secretary

It was discussed as to whether or not LA Region should have a Hospitality Room at the Parade. It will be

Sandra Linton, Treasurer Tom Linton, Tech Jon Schiewe, Editor Members Absent: JonWinthrop, Vice President Jeff Bear, Membership Judd Boykin Guests: Gemma Boykin John Fels, President, called the meeting to order at 7:50

decided later. Sandra Linton moved and Tom seconded to not have a December Board Meeting and haven planning meeting on a Saturday or Sunday in January 1985, instead. Passed unanimously. The door prize donations were discussed again. Glenda

p.m. at Case Escobar Restaurant in Santa Venice.






seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. Passed unanimously.

Tom Linton moved and Sandra seconded that the minutes be accepted as submitted. Passed unanimously.

--Glenda Pizzoferrato

What are adequate contemporaneous records?

TOX Chonge$


A diary or log together with supporting documents. toN°re consideredbe athat supporting a cancelled document. check alone is NOT




D"e- -onJ


Records are contemporaneous if they are maintained at or about the time that the expense is incurred.


The records must show: a. Amount of the expense. b. Date and place of the expense.

EFFECTIVE FOR 1984 AUTOMOBILE Dramatic changes were made in connection with the tax deductions available for autos used wholly or in part for




Business purpose of the expense.


Business relationship of the taxpayer to the person

being entertained or gifted or etc. For auto business use the minimum


that should be maintained is: a. Odometer readings at the beginning and the end of the year.

MEDICAL The deduction for drugs and medicines is now limited to prescription drugs and insulin. NOTHING else counts, 5.

CAPITAL GAINS Assets acquired after 6/22/84 now have a holding period

b. The mileage and purpose for business use. The business usage of other items such as a home computer is determined by time usage. Your diary should keep a record of both business and non-business usage

of six months in order to be "Long Term." The first date for sale is 12/24/84.

of the equipment. --contributed by a Certified Public Accountant

IRAs Contributions MUST be made by April 15, 1985. EFFECTIVE FOR 1985 KEEP DAIL Y RECORDS OR LOSE YOUR BUSINESS DEDUCTIONS The new rules are the toughest ever. They apply to cars, home computers, travel, entertainment, gifts, etc. Taxpayers who cannot substantiate their business deductions with ADEQUATE CONTEMPORANEOUS records will lose the deductions and MAY be charged negligence penalties in addition.







As mentioned by President John in the "Headlight great turnout (we should get such a turnout at quarterly n the free champagne bubbly, and everyone there got a dc attendance, They were as follows: Competition-Jim Na~ Participatlon--Paul Fr A list of our generous door prize contributors folio The party was chaired by Denise Bear and Sandra for all who attended when I say "Thanks!"

Party column, the Christmas Party wa~ a ~mashing success. We had a ~,tings). The food was great, the atmosphere relaxed anc cheery, prize. 1984 Awards were announced and presented to those in and Rosemary Welch Iman and Denise Bear ;on page 10. To them we are very greatful. inton who really put together a wonderful time. I know I speak --Jon Schiewe

Sponsors The following people and ~ompani~ ~ontributed doo~. ,rize, for our ~nnual Chri,,ma, Par,v. Hfe ,hank heartily. Pb Twe@ks Porsche Design Reliablo Motorin9 Accessories Highland Plating Red Line Porsche Service TFA-Margie Smit,h-Haas E rickso n E nterpr ises Jose Ochoa Jon Schiewe Porschop RaceShop Competition Engineering Globe Tires, Santa Monica Air Group Racing Nationawide 1-Hr. Photo Publishers

I~ .:11 I~111

Janaco Porsche+Audi Ron Armour Southern California Dismantlers Max Dial Por~ehe÷Audi Jan Bieren Con Surf Shop Bever ly H ills Deta i l Vol. Control


(21,3) 70~-2410 (805) 245-3182

Upholstery ¯ Glass ¯ Chrome ¯ Rubber

Glenda Pizzoferrato Westwood Porsche+Audi Merlin Olson Porsche+Audi Cooper Group Ray Litz Club Carrera, Ralph Booth Beverly Hills Auto Accessories



Point= Awards 1984 winners were announced at the Christmas Party (and are listed in the report). As the 1985 season dawns, I

thought a review of the point system would be appropriate. 3.1.5

COMPETITION POINTS--AWARD BASIS Each e.ntrant will receive a minimum of 1 point for competing, but may be awarded a higher number of points based on their finishing position, not to exceed the following: 9 for 1st 2for 5th

is now being distributed by

4 for 3rd 3 for 4th 6 for 2nd l for all other competitors

The Rallyemaster receives the average of his competition points from all ra,lyes which he enters as a participant for the event he conducted as Rallyemaster. 3.1.6



TIES In case of ties, dual points and trophies will be



REDUCED PRICES! (213) 473-2941. VISA, M/C, AlE.


Porsche fiberglass updates, wings, conversions, and kits for 911, 912, 914 and 924 models. M ITCOM, the designer and

The ladies and mens service champions will be determined by total service points accumulated

manufacturer of the Chalon! Dealer Inquiries Invited


CATALOG $5.00, Refundable.

in all club events.







Practice limited to Personal Injury Law










No fee for initial consultation.

3550 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1500 Los Angeles, California 90010 Phone (213) 655-9414


Event 1


offering a 20% discount on all items. ¯ Pre-Tech ~, Fri., March 22 Rear parking lot of Howard Johnson Motor Lodge, Riverside, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

[] DATE: March 23-24, 1985 [] LOCATION Riverside International []

Raceway, "Short Course." This will be the same course used for the 1985 PCA Parade (without the chicanes). LICENSE: Competition License Required. Nonlicensed or first time drivers mus~ contact Zone 8 Competition Chairman Ron Mistak (714) 524-9911 (days) or (714) 637-7067 (eve~) in advance of the event. Instruction will be available for all students or other drivers. Call in advance.

[] EVENTMASTERS: =Judd Boykin .......... (818) ¯ Harry Watanabe ......... (714) ¯ Tom Marx ............ (818) Competition Director: ¯ Ron Mistak .......... (714) (714)


This is a restricted exhaust event, maximum 105 db. [] SAFETY EfIUIPMENT: Per the General Competition Rules. Competition belts, sub straps, harnesses, 10BC fire extinguishers required for all cars.

788-4182 (eves) 993-3980 (eves) 990-5619 (eves) 524-9911 (days) 637-7067 (eves)

[] FEES: ¯ PCA Member Driver .............. $65.00 ¯ PCA Member Co-Driver ............. 55.00 ¯ Non-Member Driver ............... 75.00 ¯ Non-Member Co-Driver ............. 85.00 ¯ PCA 185 Competition license fee ........ 5.00 ¯ Late Tech (within 50-mite radius) ....... 30.00 ¯ Late Registration (after March 13) ....... 30.00 ¯ Dual Entry (Both POC & PCA Points) ..... 15.00 Note: Maximum two drivers per car. Exceptions must be approved in advance.


Howard Johnson’s Motor Lodge, 1199 University Avenue, Riverside. (714) 6829011. Request Porsche Club discount rate of $40 per room.

[] PRE-TECH: A $30

penalty fee will be imposed on any non-trailered car not attending pre-tech if the entrant resides within a 50 mile radius of any pre-tech Iocation. First Time Drivers Must Attend Pre-Tech. ¯ Pre-Tech 1: Wed., March 13 Max- Dial Porsche+Audi, 817 N. La Brea Ave., Inglewood. (213)678-3061, 6:00-8:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. The Porsche Boutique will be open and

[] 6ARAdES: $10.00 per garage. Send Separate Check Marked "Garage Fee." First Come/First Served.

Make All I:hecks Payable to "PCA-0CR." Fill out registration form and mail to: Registrar Harry Watanabe, 902 E. Brooklyn Ave., Placentia, CA 92670.

OUR THANKS to the sponsors of this event, who are:

MAX D IA L PO RSCH E+AUD I ......... Trophies, pre-tech, discount on Porsche Boutique Aase Brothers Foreign Car Wrecking Air Group Racing

Marx Advertising Inc. Mistak & Company

Caldwell Tire Co. Competition Engineering The Factory Factory Landau

The Parts Shop P.M.O. Porsche Mail Order Porschaus, Las Vegas Porschop

~,== ,, ~ou~r

John Fels (insurance) Hamlain Ltd. Marina Porsche+Audi

Prestige Auto Service

~.~,, ~o,-U,~,, Non*Mid,el Co-Driver

Southern California Import Dismantlers Vintage Car Works

Red Line Service Inc.

ENTRY FORM: Please fill out and mail to HARRY WATANABE, 902 E. Brooktyn Ave., Placentia, CA 92670. EVENT



~=t. R,l~tration Fie o~0t ~,t,~














ZiP )


(__ ~

Oriver’~ License No. and Sta’t~

Driver’s License No. and State










License NO.









License No.

GuestJOther Club

Guest/Other Club







[] []







Co-Driver [] [] [] [] [] []

Murdering Paris-Dakar Rally

Porsche 959 testing on glowing desert sand. Three competition cars 959 have been built at


top speed of 215 kin/h, is the only component transferred from the successful car of 1984. There is no doubt about it, in 1985 competition will be even tougher than in the past. It was for the very first time in 1984 the Porsche 911, a road version sports car started in the Paris-Dakar rally--a race up to now

On January 1 (birthday of Le Mans winner and Endurance World Champion Jacky Ickx) the teams of

largely reserved for cross-country cars--and even managed to beat the experienced competitors at the first go.

Jacky Ickx/Pierre Brasseur, Rene Metge/Dominique Lemoyne and Jochen Mass/Ekkehard Kiefer will take off in Paris to tackle the 13,000 kms rally that will end on

During the next challenge for drivers and cars, however, the Porsche 959 will encounter fully-developed rally

Porsche in the wintry town Weissach. These cars are going to be launched and tested at the demanding desert rally from Paris to Dakar by the private Jacky Ickx-Rothmans

January 20 in the African town Dakar in Senegal. Ekke-

cars of Audi, Toyotaand Opel. The Weissach Race Department will do its utmost

hard Kiefer, the co-driver of Jochen Mass, is a chief mechanic at the Research and Development Center in Weissach

challenge of both man and machine. Since it is only per-

and experienced the 959 development from the very beginning,

mitted that the participating parties assist each other during this demanding rally, service vehicles run as official

Porsche and the Jacky Ickx team regard this missign of the three Porsche 959 as a test. Porsche’s Racing Chief Peter Falk will stay in touch with the three automobiles from the plane via radio: "With the trip to Africa Porsche intends to push ahead the development of the

competitors. A Mercedes 280 GE and two M.A.N. trucks (with 320 horsepower and eight wheel drive and 2B0 horsepower coupled to six wheel drive) will be provided manager of rally projects at Porsche, who already served

Group B version. This car’s components do completely comply with the future Group B car."

some time, will drive the Mercedes 280 GE. Hans Ober-

in supporting the Jacky Ickx team on this rally--the unique

by the Ickx-Rothmans-Porsche team. Roland Kussmaul, Jacky Ickx in 1984, leading in front positions for quite

Porsche does not reckon upon a victory of the unproven prototype in the struggle against desert, mount-

meyer, technician in Weissach, will drive the 320 bhp M.A.N. truck and Jean Avoyne will support the team by joining the race on the six-wheel-driven truck during the

ains, jungle, heat and cold. The 3.2 litre 911 induction engine reaching 225 hp with lower comprssion and a

Porsche 959 test drive in the desert. --The Porsche Factory




CLASSIFIED ADS POLICY PCA/LA REGION MEMBERS: One ad per issue at no charge, maximum 7 lines. Additional ads, $10 per issue per ad. Photographs: $25.00 per issue. Include check with


c.~ ~o.o~,o~


NON-MEMBER OR COMMERCIAL: $10 per issue per ad, fee.)ma×imum lines.MAiLinClude CLASSIFIED 7 checkPh°t°graph:with ADS copy.with ,30 check perorissUe.money(Includes order to: ad Jan Schiewe, 31560 Victoria Pt. Rd., Malibu, CA 90265.



~o ~

FOR RENT ~_~o~

MAMMOTH CONDOMINIUM FOR RENT--1 bedroom/ 1 bathroom townehome at Horizons 4, walking distance



to all shops, restaurants and bus to lifts. Completely furnished, full kitchen, spa, sauna, pool, rec room. $85 per night weekends, $75 weekdays, $320 5-day midweek. Less 10% to PCA members. Call Tom Marx days (213) 626-3153, eves (818) 990-5619.


FOR SALE 1973 Porsche 91 1 T-Targa. Air conditioning, 5 speed, AM/ FM stereo cassette. Two alarms. Leather interior. New starter. Excellent condition. Low miles. Gunmetal grey

I continue to enjoy your work in Porscherama and

metallic. Must see it! Moving to N.Y.C. Who needs a car

Pro Tom. Can’t remember what else I had plann@d to do this afternoon, but after reading the latest issue of Porscherarna, I had to break out the typewriter.

in Manhattan? $8800 O.B.O. (81B) .349-4544. FOR SALE CENTERLINE WHEELS-(5) Five 7"x15" 5-bolt wheels.

I particularly liked your intro to Leonard Scott’s

Offset will fit 914-6, 911’s, 912’s or 924/944 with 5-bolt pattern. $200 for the set. Mounted with well-worn Goodyear racing slicks. Call Tom Marx, days (213) 626-3153,

article and your decision to include it--a good choice. And, your "Taillihgts’--and again I agree! Although I might expand upon them, I think you hit the nail on the head in your thoughts. Having seen us

eves (818) 990-5619.

(PCA) go through about three revolutions of the "originality"/modifications hassle, especially our current fettish

FOR SALE 73½ PORSCHE 911T--orig, 5 spd, am-fro cass, compl eng reblt, new clutch & brks, all rcpts, xlnt thruout, CA smog cert, $12,500 obo, (213) 822-8210

with "originality" (nee authenticity); I have long contemplated an article for Pano on the subject. As an old hot rodder, I have never owned a car which I didn’modify in some ways (including nine Porsches). Afterall, Dr. Porsche has said more than once that "the Porsche car is meant to 00 driven."--Ergo, there are always some accomodations


to be made for the serious driver. I have also suffered through the "is the 911a ¯

Porsche? .... the 914 is not a real Porsche," "the 924 is an Audi," "real Porsches are air-cooled" stages. To hell with the "purists"!

at PB Tweeks Ltd....your one-stop Porsche resource for. ¯ hard-to-find interior, exterior & hard ports ¯ occessorles, apparel & lots of oftermorket goodies ¯ CluolltylPorsche

body,,chossis & trim ports. For oil Porsche models & years ... Including 35b, 911, 930, 914, 924,, 93t & 928’s.




called--was not the

Elva-Porsche a Porsche? And, have you evern seen a concours-winning Porsche in "as it came from the factory" conditionreplete with rough areas, tags and assembly paint splotches? Keep up the good work. See you at Apple Valley. Porschially, Bill Barnard

Ballot Results Officers for 198.~ through 1986 President ....................... John Fels Secretary ................. Glenda Pizzoferrato Activitie; Director ................. Jeff Bear Membership Director ............... Tom Marx T.0 Bylaws change was also approved. Your bulletin editor is now an elected director with full voting rights

tweeks Itd ...

serious pleasure drivers,

on the board. The first election for that position will be in 1985 for the years 1986 and 1987. You will receive a copy of the amended Bylaws in the near future.

330! Hill Street/Signal Hill, CA90806 (800) 782-9231 (California only) / (213) 494-4777



$575-$ 075


911 (1978-85) to 46 IDA 3C WEBERS: $1030-$1075

¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber Linkage ¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ 46ram manifolds with CIS flanges 911 (1973-77 CIS) TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS: $950-$985

¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber Linkage ¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ 40ram manifolds with CIS flanges 911 MECHANICAL INJECTION TO 40 IDA3CWEBERS: $885-$985 ¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber L~nkage ¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ Correct manifolds ¯ Injector plugs 911WtTH SOLEXES (1965-66) TO 401DA

Well, I’ve now finished one full year as your editor and I must admit that it was really fun and not as much work as you might think I’m proud of some accomplishmerits, but there are areas I want to work to improve. I want the bulletin to be more timely. Regularity is very important in communications. I want more technical

3C WEBERS: $910

¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber Linkage ¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Correct manifolds 911 T (1970-71) WITH ZENITHS TO 40

content, not just a report on past events. I hope to include more first-person items as I think those are of particular interest. I will change the calendar format as I think we have redundancy now.


¯ Carburetors ¯ Jetting

¯ Insulators

The above kits include correct man)-

You have already noticed the different size of the Porscherama. This due to increased costs and loss of some advertisers. I would like to increase the length of the

folds, heat insulators and longer studs. gaskets, fuel line. jetting and venturies for your application. PM0 Mechanical injection Kits are street legal for 1969-1973 vehicles in California (Carb E 0 NO 144) The CIS kits are legal in California only for racmg, n0n-highway vehicles

bulletin as I have often had to eliminate items because of shortage of space. If you want more meat to your bulletin --sell an ad to anyone who would like to reach our rather


select readership, or take out an ad yourself. They are tax deductible too, you know. Not that anyone has been hounding me to take over the job, but I’m certainly not

135-171h STREET

SANTA MONICA. CA 90402 Ph. (213)393-5423

tired of it yet and am very anxious to work at improvements. My regret, and it’s a big one, is the de~rtl~ of ’part;cipation in club activities. Those who don’t participate are missing so much, I really wish I knew the answer to that one. While you won’t read this until February, it was written as 1984 drew to a close and I want to wish you all a happy, healthy, safe and prosperous 1985. I hope to get to know more of you in the upcoming months. -Jon Schiewe, Editor


¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

(213) 4504010



Metal F’ini,,hin~ Da,,e DiMaria Brian Winger (.’on,,:,,’,ur~ Prcparahon & A~,i,,tancc (2131 32(|-3495 (213) 321)-3495 I.acqucr Painl Rclini,hing 1324 BORDER AVE. Color Mulching ’FOR RANCE, CA 90501 Colli~,ion Repair’, Welcome

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, STREET ROD ALLEY--Preferred Parking and Rod Display Area. |]

* ANTIQUE TOY ROW--For Details Call George Zaninovich (213) 832-2282.


¢r CADILLAC CITY AUTO EXHIBIT--For Details Call Charles Royal (619) 321-1814.

~ Sunday.March 3,1985

|1. ANTIQUE ENGINE EXHIBIT--Exhiblted by The Western Antique Power Assoclates. l| * CHEVY ROW--For Details Call Carlyle Knutson (602) 683.2553.

Swap Space S16.00 (20’ x 20’) General Admission S3.50, Kids Free. Hours: S A.M. to 3 P.M. * Rain or Shine

~ 1970 and Newer Vehicles Preferred Parking for Show or Sale S15.00. Except Corvettes, Porsches & Street Rods.

Information (714) 836-7892 (714) 547-5257

* Corvettes, Porsches, Street Rods,

For the Health & S~fety of others please leave

Antique Autos & Antique Motorcycles

your dogs at home.

Preferred Parking for Show or Sale

Future Meets: April 21, June 2, July 14, September 8, November 3.

GANESHA STREET OFF RAMP FROM INTERSTATE 10 W * NO bottles or cons ore allowed on the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds.

Porsche Club Of America Los Angeles Region Inc. 31560 Victoria Pt. Rd.

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BULK RATE MAIL u.s. Postage

Permit No. 24348 Los Angeles, CA

0666 John M. Clyman 5912 Mossbank Drive Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA



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