Porscherama 1986 June-July

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¯ e controversial car ..... ,~a,~ June 14th..is t__.h~.~,, nuarters, owne.r oncours, ~a..~"~’ ~.’ debated in r/,,=,,,~ done a grea[ _ ¯ ..... to ’~,, at trle pCA-,L~;C~,nusual car ,s ..be!rl.g~,~ first porscrle, n~.~ On speci.a! ~..~Y The origin o, ~[,°_~;~blish_that ,1 ,s u,o he would like the world¯ I’m sure ¯ on tn~s.pa~., o,~H is trying to to experts u~,,~ p~ctu red .... around t urton W. Chase park i.n written to believes ..... m and maP ~s . ne 14 a B deal investigation and has oncours, Mike of Hizzu ¯ ffernoon of Ju,,=rt eservatlon for tors to the O.. ent flyer, =~="-~ r merits w~th v~s_~_. ¯ scheduled the a ¯ _ discUSS the. .,.^, the concuurs !s --^ *o folloW). An ev Note 1"_~" "~’,^hicken barbecu¢" Mar,ha del R~Yn;i~l’~ thiS issue.

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