Porscherama 1986 June-July

Page 1


¯ e controversial car ..... ,~a,~ June 14th..is t__.h~.~,, nuarters, owne.r oncours, ~a..~"~’ ~.’ debated in r/,,=,,,~ done a grea[ _ ¯ ..... to ’~,, at trle pCA-,L~;C~,nusual car ,s ..be!rl.g~,~ first porscrle, n~.~ On speci.a! ~..~Y The origin o, ~[,°_~;~blish_that ,1 ,s u,o he would like the world¯ I’m sure ¯ on tn~s.pa~., o,~H is trying to to experts u~,,~ p~ctu red .... around t urton W. Chase park i.n written to believes ..... m and maP ~s . ne 14 a B deal investigation and has oncours, Mike of Hizzu ¯ ffernoon of Ju,,=rt eservatlon for tors to the O.. ent flyer, =~="-~ r merits w~th v~s_~_. ¯ scheduled the a ¯ _ discUSS the. .,.^, the concuurs !s --^ *o folloW). An ev Note 1"_~" "~’,^hicken barbecu¢" Mar,ha del R~Yn;i~l’~ thiS issue.

MAX DIALDELIVERS. We’re celebrating our 10th year of professional sales and AAA-approved se,,rvice to discriminating Southern California Porsche owners. See us for all your automotive needs!


817 N. l.a Brea lnglcwood, CA 90302 "lblephonc (213) 678-3061


GENERAL INFORMATION PCA-LA AT A GLANCE POA-LA diverse Pors~ho ownor~. Wo are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest single marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level. PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine, PORSCHE PANORAMA. and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And whatThe LosAngeles Region offers is an opportunity to share the exhilarating (and sometimes frustrating) understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique experience of automobiles of all time. Enjoy,


John D. F~I~

(213) 476-4755

(213) 450-2312

Vice President

Connie Fern

(213) 456-1208

(213) 398-2217



(818) 990-5619

(818) 990-5619


Glenda Pizzoferrato

(213) 278-1808

(213) 386-0400

Newsletter Editor

Jon Schiewe 967 Hammond St wes~ Hollywood CA 90069

(213) 278-1808

(213) 385-9021

Membership ChairmanTom Marx 112WgthSt No 200 Los Angeles CA 90015-9990

(818) 990-5619

(213) 626-3153

Technical Chairman

Kirk Shimazu

(213) 670-8310

Activities Chairman

Jeff Bear

(213) 585-4989

Goodie Store

Denise Bear

(818) 990-9980

PCA LA HOT LINE 450- 7911 ~

(213) 306-9444

Be sure to write the hot line number in a convenient place Inadditiontomembershipinfo, PresidentJohn has included details on upcoming events and a place to leave your message, thisshould beawelcomeserviceto members who need last minute information or who need to contact the club officers. We hope you find it helpful

PORSCHERAMA EDITORIAL POLICY PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America~ Los Angeles Region. a California corporation PORSCHERAMA is published bi-monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA, its board of Directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, the Publisher, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The Editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION PORSCHERA MA is available to non-members of PCA-LA at a rate of $18 per year. Send requests to Publisher Tom Marx, 112 W. 9th St.. Suite 200, Los Angeles. CA 90015 along with your check payable to PCA-LA. MOVING? ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us in writing care of Tom Marx, 112 W. 9th St., No. 200, Los Angeles. CA 90015. PLEASE MAIL CHANGE OF .&.[:)DR ESS--DO NOT CALL. AD RATES (Pubhshed B~-Monthly Effective January 1. 1985 Size



Full Page 3/4 Page 1/2 Page


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9500 9500

copy Annual Cost One-half payable in advance of publication of first issue Balance

45000 45000

payable in advance of publication of fourth issue Agency Commission Sorry. duetothe

1/3 Page 1/4 Page

Vertical Vertical Horizontal

1/8 Page


2~" ~ 6’ " 2"~ 4:" 6" ~ 2’ =" 2,,." ~ 2’ ,"

8000 6500 65.00 45.00

380 00 31000 31000 21500

Per Issue Cost* Annual Cost* $145 00

*TERMS OF PAYMENT: Per Issue Payable in advance of publication

$700 00

Send check with

non-profit nature of the Porscherama. the LA Region cannot recognize ad agency discounts

Make checks payable to PCA/LA Region. Send advertising materials to: Marx Advertising Inc., 112 West 9th Street, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90015-9990 / (213) 626-3153 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE Cover Date

Mail Date

February-March April-May

February 1 April 1

June-July August-September

June 1

October-November December-January

August 1 October 1 December 1

Deadline for Receipt of Materials

Issue Reports on Activities

Issue Calendars Activities

this Month or Earlier

For This Month

January 1 March 1 May 1 July 1 September 1

December February April

March May July September

November 1


June August

November January

Who’s ition up for election this year). Sandra takes terrific notes at our monthly Board meetings, mails and tabulates the ballots and coordinates special mailings. Her life outside of Porsche is hectic. She keeps busy with acting assignments. TV commercials and related motion picture activities~ She also has a new silk floral business called "Sandella." Sandra drives a 911SC and has successfully competed in club rallies, slaloms and time trials since 1976. She won the time trial

The purpose of this column is to tell you who your Board of Directors are. what they do for the PorscheClub.

championship in her class five out of the past six years, and proudly says that she’s driven on every California

and what they do in real life I’m doing this for two reasons:

race track, including Ontario Motor Speedway. Sandra also drove on a professional driving team called "The Hollywood Precision Drivers" along with Tony Adamowiscz. When she’s not driving, Sandra can be seen pit

for you to meet everybody, and for you to think about filling the coming vacancies, since half of the Board is elected each year With the exception of the President (I have six months left, after serving aterm of 2X’years), I do

crewing for IMSA driver Tom Marx on the East or West

not know who will seek re-election However, while you


are reading this. keep in mind which Club office you would like--or if there is someone you would like to

Glenda Pizzoferrato,

Treasurer (in office for another year and a


half). Glenda has brought a real sense of professionalism to her job, having volunteered to fill the vacancy left by Sandra Linton. The job is not only

Connie Fern,

Vice-President (in first year ofa2-year term). The job

one of depositing or writing checks, but also one of creating budgets to keep us financially secure. Glenda

oftheV.P is to assist the President in Administrative functions and to plan

has good experience with this type of

general membership meetings. Connie does this most capably. In addilion. she has given the Club compu-

organization (being an independent Data Processing Consultant) and is presently developing computer programs for the Club. Glenda is an avid Rallyist and has been known to go great distances, at a

tercapability.(GlendaPizzoferratois currently programming it, analyzing our successful questionnaire data,

moment’s notice, to compete. We are blessed to have Glenda and her husband, JonSchiewe. on our board.

and devising a financial system enabling a closer watch on the budget.) While Connie has

JOlt Schiewe,

Newsletter Editor (just re-elected for a 2-year term). Though under enormous pressure. Jon always manages to get our Por-

also served most ably as Newsletter Editor in the past, it’s her "real" life that is incredibly full She and her husband Bob own one of the most successful independent Porsche repair facilities in Southern California, called Porschop

scherama and Pro-Tern out each month. This is a hectic job, as he faces a monthly deadline, gleaning material from many sources. His Co-

They have even added drains to their shop for water burning Porsches! Porschop has always been one of the most enthusiastic supporters of PCA. while Connie and Bob have been very active in campaigning their car

lumn. Taillights. is always a thought-

(fondly known as the "shop car"] in time trialing and SCCA racing. Connie runs her own driver training school at Willow Springs Raceway CConnie’s Team"). running

ful. entertaining addition to our publication. Jon established his own legal practice last year and can be reached in his office at least

the gamut from a one-day course in "advanced highway

18 hours a day, A hard worker, he does find time to rallye. which is his chief interest in Club activities. An expert rallyeist, Jon last year was the Railyemaster for our

driving" to a full four-day competition driving course, Connie is a licensed driver in lMSA and SCCA, anddrives her own car as well as others in a full program of year-

Region’s Zone 8 Rallye. oneofthe highlightsofouryear’s activities.

round competition,


Jeff Bear, Activities Director (his term expires this year). The job of


Activities Directoristocoordinateall PCA/LA Calendar activities and to oversee (manage or delegate)the


responsibilities of events. Jeff is a lawyer, a"hot-shoe" on the race track--


and is looking for a time trial car that will fit his 6 foot 4 inch frame (not an easy task). His wife Denise has managed our "Goodie Store" most ably in the past and presently runs a business that plans group travel and entertainment,

Be efit

tl e Ca er

A 1986 Porsche 911 Carrera Targa is the prize in a $50-a-ticket raffle organized by the Southern Fairfield County Unit of the American Cancer Society, Connecticut Division.

TOI33 I!~lal’x. Membership Chair-

The drawing, limited to 3,000 tickets, will take place on June 20th at Traynor Porsche-Audi, 2269 Post Road,

person (position up for election this year). Having been the publisher of our Porscherama for a number of

Fairfield, CT. Payment may be made by check, payable to American Cancer Society. or Visa/MasterCard. Please give credit card number, expiration date, name as it

years, Tom came to us two years ago

appears on card, full address and telephone number.

saying he would like to serve on the Board. For the past two years Tom has really done a first rate job. The

Send to Porsche Raffle, American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 2087. Norwalk, CT 06852. Your ticket with a copy of the stub will be mailed to you.

membership person is one of the most important jobs in the Club: when people decide to join, they want it taken care of right away, and Tom has done his

third Porsche raffle. Proceeds benefit the work of the American Cancer Society,

very best to make that happen. He has to get applications

(203) 853-0100.

This year marks the Southern Fairfield County Unit’s

For additional

information, contact Norma Yolk,

to new prospects, intake new applications, and then clear each one through the National office. He has to get all new applicants on our mailing list, review the computer listings he receives from National for new members, and delete the names of those who have dropped their membership.


Tom has done all of this in an exemplery fashion, designing systems to make the job simpler, and bringing order to


chaos. While doing all of this. Tom runs a successful

3550 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 830 Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 385-9021

advertising business. Marx Advertising, located in downtown L.A. Tom is and has been a successful race car driver. Either driving his own GTU car in SCCA/IMSA events, or showroom stock autos in Firehawk/Playboy series, Tom is a charger. Tom is also an avid skier, has skied some of the more exotic places and owns a place in

General practice with emphasis on civil trial, personal injury, domestic relationsand negotiations

Mammoth (often advertised for rent in our classified section). A tireless worker. Tom’s great to have around.

Kirk Shimazu

Tech Chairper-

son (1 more year in term). As Tech person. Kirk plans and arranges technical sessions of interest to Club members. These meetings may be of special or general interest on various topics relating to Porsche. An active Porsche enthusiast. Kirk will be the Chair of this year’s Concours. He and his wife Joyce are the principals in the Shimazu Partnership, an archi-~


(2~3~ 3~°°~’°°

tectural (Kirk) and design (Joyce) firm., Kirk and Joyce have statewide projects in both residential and commer-



,^, ~/ot~,swaojen

cial developments. Besides their obvious interest in Porsche, they show their Cocker Spaniel in leading national dog shows

Again, those positions up for re-election at the end of




N~:~ ~.~0~1-~:. ¢~" ell$~*


this year are Membership, Secretary, Actiwties and President. (The President is not going to run for re-election!) Thanks, and drive your Porsche safely. ¯ John D. Fels. President


HUMAN BEING Your overworked membership chairperson has finally tired of accumulating and processing the Region’s mailing list by the antiquated hand method. ,,

We would love to see an interested member come forth and offer to take this responsibility off our hands during the Fall of this year. Currently. the job requires 8-10 hours per month: however, with the proper micro computer and simple software package, we feel this would be reduced to 2-3 hours each month handling renewals, updates, change of address and making mailing labels as required. Anyone interested, please call Tom Marx (213) 6263153 (days). or the PCA Hotline at (213) 450-7911. ¯ Tom Marx. Membership Chairperson

U.S. Regulations 911 WEBER

Bump S 150,000


Porsche Imports


Reprintedfromlnvestor’sDaily DETROIT (UPI)--Porsche North America Inc. confirmed it has abandoned plans to import the $150.000 Porsche


959 model from West Germany in 1988 because it would be too costly to revise its body to comply with U.S. bumper regulations. Porsche North America said it canceled orders for 200 of the models because of the regulations, which require bumpersto be at least one foot above the ground. The 959 has an adjustable suspension that sets bumper height at between five and eight inches from the road Changing the 959 to conform with the regulations would double the car’s price. Porsche said, because more

911 (1978-85} io 46 IDA 3C WEeERS: $1030-$1075 ¯ Carburetors ¯ K&N a~r deaner~

¯ W~b~,~,,~a~ * Pressure Und

911 (1973-77ClS)TO401DA3CWEBERS: $9S0-$985 ¯ K&N all cleaners = Ressure Uml ¯ 40ram mamfolds w~’h CIS flan~les


than 30% of the body parts would have to be redesigned. Porsche also said the 16-valve. twin turbocharged engine, capable of moving the cars at speeds of 185 mph, may have problems meeting U.S. emission regulations. despite extensive research by Porsche AG engineers. A limited number of a racing version of the 959 will be available in the U.S.. Porsche added

.o .o

SUPPORT Please mention PCA-LA when

"MOM ..................................................

you do business with

..... ~ ..................... PMO

Porscherama advertisers.

Ph. 1213) 393-5~23




Burton W. Marina

Date and Time:


Chace Rey,

Park CA


Saturday June 14, Placement of Cars

8:00 am.

Judging begins promptly at 11:00 am. Awards presentation and Barbeque 4:00 pm. Awards:

Trophies and more.

Classes and Rules:


Division -Concour

Division, All Regulations.

Division - Wash

per 1986 PCA Zone 8 Concour Rules and Special "Display Only" Class.

Entry Fee/Barbeque: Admission by pre-regisfrafion only: Barbeque chicken, and more~ Information:

and Shine

corn on

$8.00 per

the cob,

$20.00 per car. chili




Many Hotels and Restaurants close by. For


Kirk or


Joyce Shimazu

Concours Tech:

A Concours Tech


Porsche Audi Saturday,June



Session will

306-9444 weekdays be held at

$986-9:30 am.


Max Dial to


Car Model

Car Year









& One

Additional Barbeque







$28.00 No.




$8.00 ea.





$8.00 ea.


.’Aake checks .end






K;r k

PCA/LA. and




Y. The

Shimazu, Shimazu

AIA Partnership


¯ ~10 Washington Street, Suite One ,V~arina del Ray, Ca!; {:ornia 90292


~ .





WARNING: Th~ Mach~e Subj~:~t To Breakdowns During Periods of ¯ (~ualit¥ Service & Maintenance at fair rates ¯ Engine-transmission rebu[Idi~9 ¯ Suspension.Ctnass~s tuning ¯ Time Trial Race Specialists

A special circuit in the machine called a "~ritiin terms of how desperate he or she is to use the machine. The "Critical Detector" then creates a malfunction proportional to the desperation of the operator. Threatening the machine with wolence


(213) 39]-7277 24-HOUR PHONE

only aggravates the situation. Likewise, attempts to use ano ther machine may cause it to malfunction,

13332 W, WASHINGTON BLVD, / LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90066 (In Mar na det Rev. 2 B ocks e_ast of L mcoln, adlaCent to Burger King)

too. They belong to the same union, Keep cool and say nice things to the machine. Nothing else seems to worm

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Tour of Porsche

Three groups left on their journey to Reno. One met in Lancaster at 6:30 a.m., another group left Riverside at

Since there were so many that attended this weekend, we were broken up into two separate groups to tour PCNA. We were in the first group which then broke up into three groups of 20. The first area was administration,

6:00 a.m., the third left from Las Vegas and the rest of us left various areas at our leisure. Since we were not driving our Porsche and really didn’t feel much like getting up at Our leisurely drive took us up 395 through Mojave, Bishop and then through a very scenic Inyo Mono and

technical and parts ordering. Parts and service departmerits of every Porsche Dealer are on computer and hooked up directly to PCNA. When a part is ordered at a Dealer, the order is placed through computers and filled

Sierra Nevada. Some highways had snowy hills and many

the same day and in most cases is at the dealer’s the

beautiful streams to look at.

following day. If the part is not available at PCNA, the

Thursday. we arrived at the Nugget (headquarters for the weekend) around 7:00 p.m. and checked into hospital-

order goes to Germany and the part is sent to the dealer via Federal Express within 4 days.

ity where we received event badges and agenda. Upon arrival at PCNA (Porsche Cars North America) Friday morning, we first saw rows and rows of 928’s, 944’s. Carreras and Turbos all behind a chained fence next to a large

The Parts Area is where we were shown the new 924S. We were given a few minutes to inspect the 924S and comment on it. They anticipate availability in late May

4:00 a.m, we chose to leave much later in the day.

or early June of this year. PCA/LA is working with PCNA to have one on display at our June 14th Concour. The

warehouse. We were asked to park our cars on a concrete paved area. which we later learned was "off-grounds" parking and out of the trade zone.

924S Iooks very much like the924except it houses al1944 components, engine, drive train and suspension.

John Baker, Vice President of PCNA, gave us a short introduction to the factory and explained why they were in Reno. Nevada does not have inventory tax, Customs allows them to hold all parts and cars without paying

As we walked through the rows and rows of parts, we saw one area which only contained 356 parts, none of which were even catalogued yet. I even sawaset of Pirelli CN36’s which I have been looking for for almost two

customs until they leave Reno. Nevada also does not have

years! I of course inquired about them and was told that

sales tax and Reno is a major trucking hub.

they have not made any decisions on a lot of the "older"


ars North America parts which have been recently acquired,

time/distance Rallye. It was "Poker Run"... at four differ-

Our final area was PDI (Pre-Delivery Inspection) where we saw cars being unloaded from the transport trailers. The Porsches were extremely dirty and covered

entcheckpoints, wewereaskedtodrawoneplayingcard. " At the Rallye end, we had four cards and the final card was drawn during dinner on Saturday.

with Cosmoline. Each car is numbered after being unloaded from the trailer, waiting to be washed and in-

Johnson of PCA/Grand Prix. The guest speakers were

The dinner was hosted by Ron Ramage and Tore

spected before entering PDI. The first stage in PDI is a car wash where each car is sprayed with a solvent to soften

John Baker and Ron Foster of PCNA. Ron Foster talked with us about the 959 and why it was not coming to the United States. To sum up what he said, the 959 had very

the Cosmoline and then washed with warm water and soap.., and we all thought that our Porsches were never

poor results in the "Crash tests." In order for Porsche to

in a car wash!

meet the U.S. requirements, so many changes would have to be made to the skin, that it would no longer even look the same. The price would also be an outrageous $300,000.00! So... instead of putting the time and invest-

The cars are dried and moved into an area really well lighted with fluorescent tubes. Each car is checked systematically for imperfections in paint and dents in body work. From here, the next station checks the battery,

ment in the 959, the Factory has elected to put their money into future developments of the 911.

lights, radio, all switches and instruments. The final check is on a dynamometer. If any body or paint work is required, they move to the body shop. There, they have a frame machine and paint facility identical to Porsche in Germany.

Yes, we can look forward to a 4-valve 944. Also, Porsche plans to build a production-line slope-nose, sideskirted and vented wheel-well 911 probably late this year.

Lunch was back at the Nugget and provided completely by Peter Smith of Bob Smith Porsche Audi in

Joyce and lreally enjoyed our weekend in Reno. Our thanksandappreciationtoRonandToreforcoordinating awell organized and fun event. I would recommend every-


one to tour PCNA if another opportunity arises.

Saturday was the "5 Card Stud Gold Rush Raltye." The rallye took approximately four hours and was not a

ÂŻ Kirk Y. Shimazu




MEETING MINUTES March 19, "/986

Called To Order:

7:40 p.m.


Kirk Shimazu’s office, Marina del Roy

Members Present:

John D. Fels, President

J. Fels & company. T. Marx, S. Bartley planning to attend Reno event April 17th. Tentative for J. Schiewe & G. Pizzoferrato to attend Reno event. General membership meeting on May 15, 1986 at Vasek Polak Porsche, Hermosa Beach. B.F. Goodrich will definitely be guest--will discuss new tire program including the 17" +1, +2, tire. They will bring all their materials to our meeting.

Connie Fern, Vice President Sandra E Bartley, Secretary Tom Marx, Membership Chairman Glenda Pizzoferrato, Treasurer

Tech session for concour will be June 7, at Max Dial Porsche in Inglewood. Kirk says Tom Charger & Chuck Cooper will help at tech.

Jon Schiewe, Editor Kirk Shimazu, Tech Chairman Members Absent:

Jeff Bear, Activities Chairman



June 14 concour will not include Dusty’s BBQ since he is not available on that day. Kirk will talk to Parks and Recreation and park vendor at Chase Park to see if we can

Meeting was called to order by John Fels. Connie Fern moved to close the minutes as am-

still have our own BBQ on that day.


The June 21 Riverside Time Trial was cancelled, but in fact never existed.

John Fels presented the board with information on renewed insurance for PCA events effective April 1, 1986 and supplied by K & K Insurance Agency, Fort Wayne,

Discussion of having a co-event with POC on June 28-29. Judd Boykin has been negotiating to share track with POC. Connie says POC will be completely responsi-

Ind., in the amount of $1,000,000.00. John Fels received $200.00 refund for PCA from the

ble for the event (per POC): PCA doesn’t have to do anything. For every PCA entrant. POC will rebate $3.50 (which goes to zone for trophies): and POC will provide $12.00 for every PCA trophy winner. J. Fels put a formal

Lobster House, Marina del Rey, and returned $100.00 to the restaurant since that is all they owed the club. Discussion on purchasing hats and the board decided not to at

motion before the board to accept the offer of POC to

this time.

share the track at Riverside and run "as a separate club" on June 28-29, 1986, because our June 21st RIR Time Trial has been cancelled Moved by J. Fels and seconded

J. Fels suggested we publish the "thank you letter" to Tony Adamowicz with a mention of his 10th place finish at the Daytona Grand Prix in March, in the upcoming

by Glenda. Six yes and one no. We can advertise as joint



Treasurer Report: Glenda reported that the new checking account balance is $1,023.52. PCA has closed any

July 12 One Day Event at Riverside cancelled because of conflict that weekend: POC has time trial at Willow Springs.

past due items with Marx Advertising and currently owes this firm $1,511.36.

Date for swap meet will be September 14, 1986 at Porschop in Los Angeles.

Membership Report: Tom Marx recommends to send out notices about "regional dues" on May 1st with the next

Sandra Bartley moved to adjourn and Tom Marx

Pro- Tem; also can include this announcement in Porsche-

seconded, Meeting adjourned 9:38 p.m.

rama. Current membership is 542. Renewal dates fluctuate according to Tom, and is not seasonal. Discussion about increasing membership and idea proposed by Tom

¯ Sandra E. Bartley, Secretary.

to make and display counter card displays for dealerships, repair shops, etc., (at least 100). J. Fels asked Tom to make a proposal and budget for such an item and present at next board meeting. Porscherama:J. Schiewe asked Tom to make correction on Newsletter of Kirk Shimazu’s phone number. Current Pro-Tern is in mailing house. April 1st is deadline to mail flyers on "concour" to regional newsletter editors and presidents. Program/Events/Activities/Calendar: Connie reports


1POOrg-20showingentered. at last week’s Holtville Time Trial. Only Lion Country event on March 29-30 discussed.

Spedolizin9 in Porsche Resl:orel:ion

Next board meeting will be Wednesday, April 9th at Kirk Shimazu’s office, 310 Washington Street, (near Numero Uno), Suite #1, Marina del Rey. 7:00 pm. (bring your own dinner).



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FOR SALE 15 x 7 eenterline wheels for 914. Can be run without flai Cobra radar detector, $85.00. 914 2.0 fuel injection, complete. Misc. 2.0 914 engine parts, cram, crank, rods, etc. 2.0 engine with Webers & fuel injection, Bursch muffler; recent top overhaul with new cylinders & pistons. Don

CLASSIFIED ADS POLICY PCA/LA REGION MEMBERS: One ad per issue at no charge. Maximum 7 lines, Additional ads, $10 per issue per ad. Photographs: $25.00 per issue. Include check with

Girard (916) 635-8159 (SVR83024080).


Race cars parts (parting out RSR). Includes many suspension (centerblock and 5-bolt). engine (3.0. 3.2 RSR


NON-MEMBERORCOMMERClAL:$10perissueperad Maximum71ines. Photograph:$30perissue.(Includesad fee.) Include check with copy.

and SC), transmission, and enduro parts/components. Also, 911 RSR tube chassis. For complete list and prices,

MAIL CLASSIFIED ADS with check or money order to:

call or send SASE to Tom Marx, 112 W. 9th Street #200,

Jon Schiewe, 967 Hammond St. #5, West Hollywood, CA.

Los Angeles, CA 90015, (213) 626-3153 (days).

Make checks payable to PCA-LA.

FOR SALE "Retiring" from competition and offering my pride-andjoy 1967 911S coupe, brought up to 1971 specs. 40.000 miles on engine rebuilt to 2.2 liters. 185-70 VR15 Pirelli CN36’s on 6x15 factory alloy wheels, New clutch and battery. Cibie clear fog lights. Roll bar. competition lap belts and shoulder harnesses, fire extinguisher. Suspension lowered 2". Great time trial car--all it needs is a better driver. DaleAnderson(213) 459_1219. Make me an offer l can’t refuse.

FOR SALE steel. 20-22mm stiffness, tubular lever arms. electroless nickel plating, hallow alum drop links anodized blk. alum Delrin bushing holders, easily adj alum sliders. Formula 1

Be sure to

quality--the hot set-up for ultimate handling--compl kit.

your regional

dues payment of

$295. Shipping extra. Rosemary Welch. 13104 Glen Ct. #11. Chino Hills, CA 91709. (714) 628-3033.

enve|ope i~ enc|osed for your



914 Parts: 914 European taillight lens, $27/each; oil filters (German), $3: oil strainer kit (German), $1: hi-temp pushrod tube seals (Viton), $15/set: new axles complete, $130:


914 clutch kit, $150; deluxe clutch kit with flywheel, $280. Also! 930 axles complete, $150, Shipping extra. Rosemary



Welch. 13104 Glen Ct. #11, Chino Hills, CA 91709. (714) 628-3033. FOR SALE 914 Parts: F&R Brake Rotors, 3,000 miles old, $25/each. Euro. Turn Signal Lenses. Front--S10, Rear--S35. Earl’s stainless brake lines--S25 Stainless rocker panels--S50. KONIG seats for 914 $600/pair. 1974 914 chrome bumpers w/all new rubber $175 each or $300 for both. KONI shocks for 914 3,000 miles old, $150 for all 4. 914-6 Half-


shafts, 3,000 miles old--$175. 70 series 185x15 BFG Comp T/A tires on repainted 914 sport wheels (spare never used)--$300. 1975 915 side shifter transmission w/complete shift linkage (including engine mount) freshly rebuilt--S700. SSl Stainless heat exchangers for 2.0-$175. Stoddard Sport Muffler for 914 2.0 $60. 1975 914-4 2.0 engine. Carane Cam. Euro. Pistons, std x std crank, all new powder painted sheet metal. 40IDA webers, PermaTune 20K miles on engine $650. Milch Tracy. 325 Prospect, Long Beach, CA 90814. (213) 434-7394.


..~(~)~.~S ~.~,,,.,,,,. ~p.,.~,.,. ,,t ~,,,~ ~ ,,,,,p,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,h,~. ~¯ M~.t.I I ,mqm,~: I)a,e I)i~taria Brian ~inl~er ¯ ( on~.ou~. Ihcp.t~mm~ & ,x..~.l.m~. ¯ I ~qu~., I’.,,. V.d,n,.h,nv 1324 BORDER AVE. ¯ (,,I,. ~.~,td.nv TORRANCE. CA 90.501 ¯ ( olli.~on k~.p;ut. \~,~.l~om~



MINUTES April 9. 1986

_-- -Per~¢he~ama: Connie ~eported on a newsletter program. $3995 will buy a computer software program ~or newsletter lormating and the program is guaranteed. J. Schiewesays next deadline for Pro-Tern is April 20.. and "we need some articles."

Called To Order:

7:45 p.m.


Kirk Shimazu’s office, Marina del Rey

Members Present: John D, Fels, President Connie Fern, Vice President

Conoour: The June 14 concour at Chase Park is still on schedule per Kirk. Discussion about Kirk’s flyer for this event. Program/Activities/Events/Calendar: 5/15/86--Next membership meeting at Vasek Polak

Sandra E Bartley. Secretary

Me~bers Absent:

Tom Marx. Membership Chairman

Porsche will be confirmed by April 20th.

Glenda Pizzoferrato, Treasurer Jon Schiewe, Editor Kirk Shimazu, Tech Chairman

5/7/86--Next Board meeting at Kirk Shimazu’s office, Marina del Rey.

Jeff Bear, Activities Chairman

Concour is on target, at Chase Park

Guests: None Corrections of minutes by John Felsfrom March 19 meet-

6,’786--Tech session of the upcoming June 14 6/28-29/86--Riverside Time Trial co-event with POC is still on. 7/12/86--Riverside"one day" event is definitely

ting Jon Schiewe moved to approve minutes, Connie seconded,


Treasurer Reporl: Discussion of Pro-Tern and Porscherama invoices. Discussion of current invoices from Marx Advertising. Discussion about tax exemption of newslet-

New/Old Business: None to report. Tom moved to adjourn and Connie seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m

ter Treasury report by Glenda Ending cash balanceas of

¯ Sandra E. Bartley. Secretary

March was $1098.53 The 1986 Budget was discussed and the following broad budget categories were established for continuing review during the year: INCOME: Membership. approx 540 ~ $9 00 each (National member share) ...............

$ 4,860.00

Regional dues, approx. 375 @ $15 00 each (due 6-1-86) .. Advertising revenue ..................... TOTAL:

$ 5,625.00 $ 5,01000 $15,495.00

EXPENDITURES: Porscherama ........................... Pro-Terns, postage, mailing .............. Misc. printing and Board expenses ........ TOTAL:

$ 9,000.00 $ 2,100.00 S 1,000.00 $12,100.00

Based on the above, and considering the approximately $2.70Q00 carry over loss from 1985, it is expected the the region will "break even" by the end of 1986, assuming the above figures remain accurate. "Event" income, expenses and profits were discounted from the above because most events break even and don’t create net income or expense for the region Membership Report: Tom Marx reported on the ’membership questionnaire" It was an outstanding success. More than 100 people responded to the mailer out of the

Greg Edenholm Racin~,

477-4297 477-4298

375 that were sent out Sandra will mail out PCA pinsto all the participating members. Tom and Sandra will report next month a detailed report on the questionnaire Glenda. Connie, Tom and Sandra will try to make this into a computer program Discussion about the meeting with J im Winner who is the owner of "The Club," an anti-theft device Product te~ting will take place in May 1986.


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interesting program. No business is discussed. We are making them informal and inexpensive. They are being planned for various locales throughout the region. The first in the Valley, the second in the South Bay area. The next will be in Pasadena (we think), and will include a barbecue. A softball game is coming up this summer. The Concours was designed to emphasize the social interests. The rallye in November has a lunch break and will finish at a pizza restaurant. Both are social components of a "competitive" event. Those who avoid rallyes The questionnaire we sent you had a terrific response, We are currently tabulating results and will give a full report next issue There were some real surprises,

for fear that they are too competitive are mistaken. While advanced classes are very competitive, the novice class is

We weren’t sure how you felt about our publications, but were gratified Io receive your strong support

November found that the course was not too hard (except where the county changed a sign on us) and no one got

Perhaps the greatest surprise was the apparent preference for social activities even over competitive events By the time you read this, the second membership meeting of the yearwill be past The membership meetingsare

lost. The point is that thi~ is a very social organization and getting more so in response to you,

largely social and great efforts are made to provide an

everyone will be happy.

largely for fun. Those of you who went on our rallye last

Now if you will get more social in response to us. ¯ Jon Schiewe. Editor

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CDMP T/A R An ultra high performance street radial engineered to provide superior competition performance on the race track and autocross course. Provides higher cornering power, quicker steering response and better turn-in for significantly lower lap times, while maintaining a long competition fife,

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AlSO ava~lat~le Some 13 and 14" s~zes *Special Pot~;che Club prices fol tires shaved to racing depth for non-street use. We also offer special prices lot non-shaved street tires, State and local sales tax not included.

Call for information: TEAM T/A


Cash Contingency Prizes for Porsche Club Competitors.

496 Arroyo Par~wa~ ¯ Pasa6ena. Calilornia 9~ ~05 12131 681-1552 ¯ 18181 796-2651



¯ Complete Case Repair and Line Boring ¯ Always a Large Inventory of NEW & USED ¯ Head Repair, Mods and Welding Our Specialty / Engine Parts for 91 ls, 356s and 912s ¯ Crankshaft Grinding and Reoair Call or send for our Price Catalog, the latest ¯ Re-doweling and Engine Balancing edition of the CE NEWS, our latest list of ¯ Rod Rebuilding or Exchange Used Parts, and current ON SALE schedule. ¯ Exchange Rocker Arms 911 & 912 ¯ Remember, Porsche"~ crankshafts and Mahle ¯ Cams Serviced or Exchanged piston sets are always On Sale at CE. Try us ¯ Flywheel Rebuilding and Mods you’ll be p/eased you did / ¯ Four Cylinder Engine Rebuilding 356 and 912 Engine Exchange e CELEBRATING OVER 20 YEARS SERVICE Ray Litz

All the above for VW, too .f


2095 N. Lake Avenue / ~tadena, CA 91001 - 213/681-5991, 818/794-8402


LOS ANGELES REGION Los Angeles Region Events appear in BOLD FACE TYPE. For details call the PCA/LA H©TLINE AT 450-7911 June 7 ........................................... June 14


Tech Session on Contours Wash ’n Shine, Los Angeles Region.

Zone 8 President’s Meeting. Burton Chase Park, Marina de1Rey, CA

June 14


June 28


Concours and BBQ Party, Los Angeles Region, Burton Chase Park, Marina del Rey, CA Rallye, Santa Barbara Region, CA

June 29 ........................................................................ Time Trial, Riverside Raceway July 13 ..................................................................... Concours. Grand Prix Region, CA July 26

...................................................... Rallye & Pool Party, San Gabriel Valley Region, CA

August 2-9 ........................................................... August 21 August 31

31st Annual PCA Parade, Portland, Maine


Los Angeles Region General Membership Meeting .................................................................. Concours, San Diego Region, CA

September 6-7

................................................... Time Trial, Sears Point Raceway, Sonoma, CA

Combined Zone 7 and Zone 8 Event (optional for points) ........................................................... Swap Meet, Porschop, Marina del Rey September 20-21 ................................................... Time Trial, Riverside International Raceway September 14

September 28 ............................................................ Concours, Santa Barbara Region, CA October 18

................. Dusty’s BBQ and Baseball Game Crestwood Hills Recreational Center, Brentwood, CA

October 25-26 ..............................................

Concours (Saturday), Slalom ISunday). Phoenix, AZ November 1 ................................................................... Rallye, Los Angeles Region, CA November 8-9 ..................................... Time Trial, Orange Coast Region, Willow Springs Raceway, CA November 20 ................................................. November 22 ......................................

Los Angeles Region General Membership Meeting

President’s Meeting, South Coast Plaza Hotel, Costa Mesa, Ca

Oecember 6 ..................................................

Christmas Party and Auction, Los Angeles Region

December 6-7 ........................... Time Trial. Firebird International Raceway, Riverside Region, Phoenix, AZ


our annual concours June 14. Event flyer, map and BBQ reservation

form are inside this issue.

ZONE 8 CONTACTS: Zone 8 Representalive


Zone 8 Competition Director

Joe Stonskass, (702) 873-9124

...................................................... Judd Boykin. (818) 788-4182

Zone 8 Slalom Chairman ............................................................ Zone 8 Rallye Chairman


Porsche Club Of America Los Angeles Region Inc.

Bill Bartee, (714) 894-8434 Tom Gould, (213) 376-5329


967 Hammond St.. #5

Permit No. 400

West Hollywood. CA 90069

LOS Angeles, CA

John M. Clyman 5912 Mossbank Drive Palos Verdes Peni~sula, CA 90274


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