Porscherama 1986 August-September

Page 1

date and Burton K. Chace park in Marinawith over 35 " ’ s annual concours Region party. June 14 was the and and perfect " weather, it was a . . . a subject a~t~f~°ndh location for Los Angeles ,n are ~ po~a,-,,’ nts and hundreds of S~*o;1~ ectators, g,[~e otOS i_n~d~l~s°’ this issue ~"’OWI’~ ~. .... entra ...... ,~t Complete_ u~, .... resU~ _~- r~ ""

fantasuc ~vo,, ¯ .. -,-,~ HIGH CO~/’-’" Iqas been devoted to ~nu dear to everyone’s heart.

MAX DIALDELIVERS . sional sales and AAA-approved service to discriminating Southern California Porsche owners. See us for all your automotive needs!


MAX IDIAI, 817 N. La Brea, lnglc~ood, CA 90302 ,

GENERAL INFORMATION PCA-LA AT A GLANCE PCA-LA is 5;.50 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and





John D. Fels

(213) 476-4755

(213) 450-2312

fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest single marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level. PCA publishes an

Vice President

Connie Fern

(213) 456-1208

(213) 398-2217



(818) 990-5619

(818) 990-5619


Glenda Pizzoferrato

(213) 278-1808

(213) 386-0400

Newsletter Editor

Jon Schiewe ~7 Hammond St

(213) 278-1808

(213) 385-9021

Membership Chairman Tom Marx ~2W.~hS~ No 20O Lo.~ Angeles CA

(818) 990-5619

(213) 626-3153

Technical Chairman

Kirk Shimazu

(213) 670-8310

Activities Chairman

Jeff Bear

(213) 585-4989

Goodie Store

Denise Bear

(818) 990-9980

excellent monthly magazine. PORSCHE PANORAMA. and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local, And what The Los Angeles Region offers is an opportunity to share the exhilarating (and sometimes frustrating) understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique experience of automobiles of all time Enjoy.

wes~ Hollywood CA90069


(2131 306-9444

Be sure to write the hot line number m a convenient place Inaddition to membership info. President John has included details on upcoming events and a place to leave your message Thisshould beawelcomeserviceto members who need last minute information or who need to contact the club officers. We hope you find it helpful.


PORSCHERA MA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. a California corporation PORSCHERAMA is published hi-monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA. its board of Directors. the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, the Publisher, or its staff All contributions become the property of PORSCHERA MA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The Editorial staff of PORSCHERA MA reserves the right to edit. as necessary, all material submitted for publication. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION PORSCHERA MA is available to non-members of PCA-LA at a rate of $18 per year. Send requests to Publisher Tom Marx, 112 W. 9th St., Suite 200, Los Angeles. CA 90015 along with your check payable to PCA-LA MOVING? ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us in writing care of Tom Marx, 112 W 9th St. No. 200, Los Angeles. CA 90015. PLEASE MAIL CHANGE OF ADDRESS--DO NOT CALL. AD RATES IPubhshed B~-Monthlv Effechve Janu~v !

1985 i




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*TERMS OF PAYMENT: Pe~ Issue Payable advance of publication Send check wdh copy Annual Cost One-halfpayablemadvance of publication of first ~ssue Balance payable in advance of publicahon of fourth ~ssue AgencvComm~ss~on So y duetothe non-ploht nature of the Po~sche~ama the L A Region cannot meogmze ad agency d~scounts

Make checks payable to PCA/LA Region. Send advertising materials to: Marx Advertising. Inc., 112 West 9th Street, Suite 200 Los Angeles. CA 90015-9990 / (213) 626-3153 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE Cover Date

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Issue Reports on Activities

Issue Calendars Activities

this Month or Earlier

For This Month

December February April June

March May July September

August October

November January

HEAD LIGHTS event with no untoward happenings. By the time you read this. the 31st Porsche Parade will be history and those of us who did not attend will have to wait for Panorama for all the details. Your Board of Directors is busy at work planning a Fall schedule of activities starting with a General Membership meeting on August 21st. These meetings are good opportunities for new and old members to get acquainted, learn what is going on and share Porsche information Please note that there is a Swap Meet coming up in September This is a wonderful chance to clean out the garage, or if it’s already clean, to buy some stuff to mess it up Also. it’s not too early to start thinking about the elections for the Los Angeles Region Board of Directors this Fall We are going to need several able minds and The Summer doldrums are upon [Js Out Zone 8 Concours, so ably chaired by Joyce and Kirk Shimazu

bodies to fill the positions of the departing Board members .(including the president’s spot) We invite you to attend a

was an enormous success with 35 cars participating, a

t39ard meeting (generally held the second Wednesday of

large crowd viewing, and a barbeque party with delicious eats

each month) and see first-hand how the Board makes things happen in the Region.

The "’Fou r Club" evenl at Riverside turned out to have a lot more Clubs than four 187 cars participated and Connie Fern the Eventmaster reported atrulysuccessful

Hope yoLIr Summer has been a good one and you’re driving your Porsche safely. ¯ John Fels. President

Realize the styling and performance of Porsche’s flagship... the 928. Three conversion styles

all GermQn engineered end wind funnel rested for superior aerodynamics and outstanding

appearance. Engine performance options up to 400hp! All with quality construction and . ~ installation.

(just North of PCH) Torrance, CA 90505

(213) 544-8465




MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS-PAST & FUTURE On May 15 a large group of PCA/LA members and guests (approximately 75) enjoyed the hospitality of Vasek Polak and his gracious staff at the Porsche facility on Pacific Coast Highway in Hermosa Beach, and at Mr. Polak’s new race car museum in Torrance. The occasion was the second quarterly meeting of 1986 A light lunch was served at the dealership. The tire presentation by B.F. TireG°°driChcenter,WaSlnc.n°t inavailable; however, Steve Boyd. from Pasadena. displayed several new wheel and tire products. A brief explanation of overseas delivery was presented by the sales staff and Mr. Polak was introduced and spoke briefly to the group. The highlight of the evening was the tour of the new facility in Torrance where Mr. Polak’s vast car collection is housed. Carl Thompson was an informative guide and entertained us with interesting stories about the cars in the collection. The oft-repeated question, "Which one wouldyou want?. "was certainly a hard one to answer, but the 1971 LeMans winner (Porsche 917LH-Martini team entry) was probably the leader and certainly my favorite. The third quarterly membership meeting of 1986 is scheduled for August 21, This dinner meeting will be held at Max’s Restaurant at 3575 Wilshire Blvd.. in Los Angeles (between Western and Normandie). We will have a Filipino-style fried chicken dinner for $6.00 per person (including tax and tip). Reservations are a must, so please call Connie Fern at (213) 398-2217 to make your reservation by Friday, August 15. The program for the evening is a presentation by the BAD-CATS, the Los Angeles Police Department’s specialty team involved in auto theft. They have an interesting program with lots of information on how to protect your car as well as what to do if it is stolen.


There will be a no-host cocktail hour startin9 at 6:30 pro, with dinner at 7:00 pm. We expect the entertainment portion of the meeting to end at about 9:30 pm.

3550 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 830 Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 385-9021


¯ Connie Fern

General practice with emphasis on civil trial, personal injury, domestic relations and negotiations.


INDEPENDENT PORSCHE SERVICE AND REPAIR ¯ Quality Service & Maintenance at fair rates ¯ Engine-transmission rebuilding ¯ Time Trial -- Race Specialists


(213) 391-7277



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Greg Edenholm Racing


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$575-$1075 MANIFOLDS: $175/pr. 13 VARIETIES

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Whether you restore, race, or pamper your Porsche. or simply have fun driving =t. P B Tweeks has what you want!


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Traffic Tickets? Drunk Driving?

Insurance Rates


Editor’s Note: A lthea is roporting on hot experionces et the dune 28-29 Time Trial at Riverside, which was run as a

DO !

Traffic violation and dr~nk drtving defense.

Zone 8 ovot~t in con]unctiot7 with tho Porscho Owt~ors

* Save time and mon~:

Club (POC).

* Keep insurance rates down.

I’ve spent many a weekend at Riverside International Raceway as a spectator for NASCAR, IMSA and other professional races, but the real thrill is seeing the back end of your car as it goes flying through the Esses. Two months of mental preparation for the Peter Gregg Memorial Cup at Riverside still left us scurrying

* Virtually all court appearances made for you * Keep your driving record clean. * Weekend & evening appointments available. * Reasonable rates.

about at the last minute and working on the car until the

Free tnitialconsu~a, tto~

late hours. Lists were written and checked. Lo and behold, nothing was forgotten. The knowledge of this did not dispel the rapid heartbeat and butterflies when we pulled

(213) 653-4297 Attom~ at law

our 914 into the pit ~re~ at G:45 Saturday morning. I was thankful for our early morning ~rrival when at 9:00 am. I noticed the registration line was at least 30 persons deep and the pit area was filled to capacity,

we suggest you save this ad. Someday you just may need it.

AlthOugh it was our first POC event, we felt right at home with all of the familiar faces, as 40 PCA members were present. Cars numbered well over 160. Porsches, Ferraris, Renaults, BMWs and Chevrolets were divided into five run groups by some h~rd-working individuals. When the announcer called each group to pre-grid, any amount of procrastination caused a missed opportunity. Considering that each group averaged about 40 cars, there was plenty of time on the track for all. The 3.3 mile long course h~d no problem accommodating all of these cars at once. However, any driver might have felt a little crowded when a lurbo or Renault was riding on his bumper into turn eight. Thankful that Saturday ended without major incident (some spins and a lost wheel), everyone left the track tired but h~ppy. By the ti me we joi ned everyone at poolside for the big "after party," I was feeling refreshed and calm. The party was a big success, as food trays and beer kegs had to be refilled several times. Of course, the main topic off CURVet-

A~,ertise, sc~ma~er~ise! XX/hy sink your hard-earned business dollars into a few square inches of newsprint when your office needs a new typewriter and your baby needs new shoes?

sation was turn eight, turn nine and what the stop watches

Wh:y adt,ertise?

read at the end of each lap.

Vc’e[1, look at the ads in this publication, for

The Sundays of race weekend are quite different from Saturdays, as everyone meets in the Coffee Shops to talk away some of the mounting excitement. Only two

example, placed here by your friends, colleagues . . . and competitors. Like you, they are smart artd industrious business owners who appreciate the

practice runs before the ones that count. In our case,

benefits of a good investment.

these were spent repairing the car. The linkage on our 914 was continually popping off and we were hoping it would hold.

"They advertise. ~(/hy don’t you.~ Call the experts for a free consultation.

After the drivers meeting, one group at a time pulled up to pre-grid. The line stretched from end to end of pit wall. Blue group was finally called and we rolled our car in line behind a 911 Turbo to wait our turn. Six minutes per car, with the number of cars that were still left, was going to be a lengthy process. Please Turn I’o Page 8

ADVERTISING 1 ! 2 w. 9th St. ¯ Suite 200 . Los Angeles, CA 90015-9990



atfinallydrivingononeoTtnetastesttracksinthecountry. 1"~_~



IT ,L~!

I was saddened when I remembered this might bethe last year for Riverside.

Continued from Page 7

Lastly, the job of packing everything back up so it would fit the way it did when we left on Saturday. We tried to do this quickly, so as not to prolong the trip back to San

After sitting forty minutes, stop watch clutched in hand in turn nine, I caught a faint glimpse of our bright yellow 914 comi ng out of turn six. Out of turn eight now, and moving towards the Bosch Bridge (where the clocks ,~ere set up) I could hear and see him clearly. Since we

Diego. Yet we were reluctant to end the weekend. It was five o’clock and cars were still in line at pre-grid when we waved our good-byes and pulled off the track. I looked back at the track disappearing from sight

had lost the exhaust pipe earlier that day, the car was unusually loud. I noted the time from the watch (not the best time we had had) and saw that he was coming into the pits after only one of the two timed laps.

and smiled. I knew we would discuss the people we had met and remember the things we had learned. But mostly I knew we would discuss and remember the thrill of it all.

We were able to repair the linkage again, and the

¯ Alethea Pesquera, San Diego Region

starter let us complete our second lap. This turned out to be the fastest lap of the entire weekend.

See you in September.

Looking at the board, you always think you could

P.S. The next PCA-POC combined time trial i~ scheduled for September 20-21 at Riverside Interna-

have done better with just one more lap.., maybe. I was

tional Raceway. Driving instruction will be available

just thankful we had gotten in both timed runs and excited

Watch your mail for an application form.--Editor


Class AS

Car Number 2440 244 105 113 152 !52




Doug Anderson Vots Borken-Hagen Dan Teske Joe Stonskas Ron Hughes Mike Springer


’68 912 ’68 912 ’71 914 ’62 356 356 356

1600 1600 1.7 CP 1582

TIME 2:32.02 2:33.11 2:36.62 2:43.15 DNR DNR



Sarah Sang


’63 356



Bill Bohn


’74 914 2.0




Christine Harvel


’73 914 2.0



44 769

Terry Sullivan W.C. Fox


’83 944 2500 ’72 911T 2.4

2:23.66 2:33.07


158 320

Don Kravig Bill McNair


’67 911S ’78 911SC 3.0

2:12.73 2:17.03


24 706 502

Keith Kelley AI Bates Jefrey Bear


’70 911S 2.0 ’83 911SC 3.0 ’83 911SC 3.0

2:25.12 2:33.38 2:46.64



Russ Dickerson


’81 911SC 3.0



35 67

Judd Boykin Joe Weber


’69 911 2.0 ’67 911 2.0

2:19.63 2:28.37




Bill Bartee


’70 914 1.7




Mark Hansen


’73 911 2.7



141 7 777

Mark Kaiser Barry Fisher Tracy Nakazaki Bob Devore


’70 ’70 ’70 ’78

2:14.65 2:21.1 8 2:28.15 DNR



Sandra Bartley


’74 911 3.0



69 75 715 22 51 151

Galen Bieker Tom Linton Jose Pesquera Jeannie Kuchenmeister Jon Winthrop Connie Fern


’74 ’74 ’72 ’72 ’71 ’71

2:01.70 2:05.57 2:22.60 2:37.79 DNR DNR



Sandy Bike


’70 914-6


Ron Mistak


9!4-6 2.8


Warrent Sattunyue Rick Borlase


’76 930 ’77 934 2.8

2:55.93 DNR


600 58





914-6 2.2 914-6 2.2 914-6 2.0 928 4.7

914 2.7 911SC 2.7 914 2.4 914 2.1 911 2.7 911 2.7




PRIX Bare backs basking in the warm spring sun, Tannin,~ bodies stretched out while race cars scream past. Cold beer and wine coolers for parched, dry throats, It’s a day at the races, April 27, for the IMSA-L.A. Times Grand Prix of Endurance at Riverside Raceway.

The race itself? It’s always fascinating to watch the strategy of the teams during a 6-hour race. The strategy? Run as hard and as fast as you can. forsix hours is merely a sprint race. The attrition was high this year, highlighted by an awesome three car collision at Turn 1 that destroyed over one million dollars worth of race cars. but luckily caused only bruises to the three drivers. As attrition evened out the competition, the midstages of the race became somewhat boring and many spectators left early. But what do they know? Have a bit more beer, another hot dog, maybe some popcorn. And best of all, enjoy a little bench-racing with your friends. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? ¯ Tom Marx

The starting grid finally lines up behind the pace car. snaking fromturn6toturn7, stretchingoutonthewayup to turn 8, making the button-hook and moving down Riv-


erside’s looooong back straight toward the dog leg and turn 9. As the pace car pulls off the racing surface into the pits. John Paul Jr. in the Buick Hawk roars into first place,


closely followed by the Nissan 300ZX. the Ford Mustang Probes and the Corvette GTP. Where are the Porsches? A few places back. a little technology behind, a little horsepower down. The long Porsche dynasty has ended in I MSA. as far as qualifying and raw speed are concerned. The new generation of GTPcarsfrom Ford. Chevy. and Nissan are



Dear PCA Members, After a year and a half of diligent research, we have finally reached several sources of unquestionable merit regarding this 1948 Porsche Cabrio. We have located the coachbuilder. Mr. H S. Waibel of Zurich. who is 72 years of age. He tells us in his recent letter how he had built two bodies for Porsche in 1947.

out-gunning the now venerable 962s. Who would have thought that the unbeatable pace-setter of 1984-85 is now relegated to second-seeded qualifiers? But Porsche’s penchant for reliability comes through again. As all the rabbits sprint off, the contingent of 962s is closely behind. As the hare falters, the 962 (not exactly a tortoise!) catches up. Finally, after six long hours of racing, the Robb Dyson/Price Cobb 962 emerges victorious. closely followed by two other 962s. For those of you who have been observing IMSA GT racing since it started on the West Coast at Riverside in 1978. there has been a massive change. Originally, IMSA competitors were "gentlemen racers," weekend drivers who primarily financed their own racing operations from their business earnings.., kind of"earn it on Wednesday and spend it Friday through Sunday." Now. the factories are heavily involved. Ford is represented with its GTP Mustang Probe and GTO Mustangs: Chevy with the Corvette GTP: Nissan with the ZX

These cars were used for the first Industry Exhibition in Vienna. He also said that Prof, Porsche had wanted to build a factory for his cars in Switzerland at that time. The car in question was built on an early bare chassis that Mr. R. Von Senger had ordered and bought from Porsche, This running chassis was then custom-built into a sport

GTP: BMW with the BMW/March GTP: Pontiac with the Fiero/Entec Camel Light and GTU: Toyota with the Cetica

cabrio for him. (Mr. Von Senger was responsible for financing the production of the first fifty Gmund Porsches.)

GT; Jaguar with its X JR-7 GTP. Meanwhile. Porsche still dominates the finishes, but mostly with privately entered

In addition. Mr. Waibel has sent us some original photos taken right out of his scrap book. The peculiar cooling system was designed by Porsche

(though massively supported) 962s. As the entry level of competition goes up. many of your local race teams cannot compete. Just three or four years ago it was com mon to see many of your time trialers run the local IMSA races in RSRs. 935s, 934s. Now it has become increasingly difficult simply to qualify to start the race. Ah... progress! IMSAalways puts on a good showat Riverside. Qualifying occurs on Friday. The big IMSA-Ford party occurs Friday evening at the San Bernardino Hilton, More quailfying on Saturday. The race on Sunday. The GTP teams and their entourages put on a great show. Half-million-

mechanics and was marginally successful in city traffic. We recently made contact with Hans Klauser who is now retired from Porsche. He seems to think the chassis was built by Ruetter Coachworks for Porsche as a prototype. This seems likely since the chassis is very similar in construction to the Berlin/Rome racer which was also built by Ruetter, During our intensive research, we have uncovered many interesting facts about early Porsche history that have never been published. We wilt keep the membership informed of future developments.

dollar big rigs speckle the pits. Quarter-million-dollar race cars are everywhere, Fifty-thousand-dollar engines line


up like so many lawnmower motors. Rites of spring: the Ioverly women promenade, the hunks loiter, expectations

Michael Rizzuto, President Mastermind Creations, Inc. 13446 Beach Ave.. Marina del Hey. CA 90292

and the sun are high and hot. It’s all in good fun.



Scenic, picturesque Burton Chace Park in Marina del Rey was the setting as the Los Angeles Region hosted the fourth of the Zone 8 Concours Series. Saturday, June 14th. Perfect weather conditions brought out about 35 competitive Porsches and more than 300 guests. Every type of Porsche participated, from a possible 1948 Cabriolet (owned by Mike Rizzuto) to the latest 924S brought in by PCNA in Reno, Nevada. From 8:00 a.m to 11:00 a.m., spectators and guests saw Porsches being placed within the park, which is situated in a marina surrounded by water and boats on three sides. One of our guests, Bob Tucker from ~..~ ..... "~


Porsche Design, actually navigated his yacht right up to the site. This was also a time when all the competitors

...... ~ :~’-~ ~’"

meticulously rubbed, polished, picked, checked, "Qtipped" and tooth-brushed to death their pride and joy . . . a job that’s never finished! 11:00 a.m .... "light dusting" only is announced and two sets of judges start to make their rounds and all competitors nervously await their moment of truth. Judges included Dr. Tom Chang, Chuck Cooper, Ken Ito, Bob Raucher, Ron Hughes, Ted Kennedy, Marge Misevic, Gerri Booth, Michael Grady, Ernie Paschoal, John Tolen and Dave Kelton. The judges looked and so carefully inspected for that one small area that was missed. After all the Porsches were judged, we were finally able to relax and enjoy the sun and talk with new and old friends.

All Photographs: SANDRA BARTLEY 10

rs d’Elegance At 4:00 p.m., the Awards Presentation began with

Chuck Cooper presenting the awards. The top awards were presented to Ernie Paschoal for Overall Street Division, Tom and Jane Chang for Judges Choice, Bill Follmer for Peoples Choice and Kirk and Joyce Shimazu for Qverall Concours Class. The trophies were donated this year by Performance Products, The Factory, Max Dial Porsche-Audi, Chuck and Barbara Cooper, and Kirk and Joyce Shimazu. All participants received wonderful miniature chocolate Porsches and the judges received plaques made out of chocolate. Our thanks to Nelda’s Chocolates for her creations, and to all the participants and judges for their day’s efforts. We all enjoyed Kirk’s homemade chili and Joyce’s special Teriyaki Barbeque Chicken along with the macaroni and potato salad, corn on the cob and fudge brownies. We also thank our supporters for the door prize donations. A $300.00 gift certificate from Highland Plating for wheel polishing, a custom stained glass Porsche art design worth $400.00 and a $200.00 Porsche Design fountain pen were among the door prizes raffled. The Concours was staged by Kirk and Joyce Shimazu and an extra special thanks and appreciation go to the following people and companies for their contribution in making this such a successful Concours d’Elegance.

Following are those who made donations for the Concours. To them we say emphatically "Thank you!" John Mitsuuchi and Food City Bob Tucker. National Sales Manager of American Porsche Design Chuck and Barbara Cooper Tom and Jane Chang Max-Dial Porsche A udi Marc Rothman of The Factory Performance Products Yosh and Marian Shimazu Highland Plating Company Porsche-Audi of Downtown Los Angeles Westwood Porsche-A udi Chapin’s Art Glass Unlimited Beverly Hills Motoring Accessories TFA Car Company Circle Porsche-A udi 911 Heaven PMO Art Concepts Olympic Powder Painting Mike and Georgia Springer American Porsche Design Company Orange County Powder Painting ¯ Kirk Shimazu


CONCOUR RESULTS PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA, Los Angeles Region Zone 8 Concour d’Elegance. June 14, 1986. Burton K. Chace Park, Marina del Rey, California. Overall Results thru 4 Events.

Overall. Concour Division (Best of Show): Kirk and Joyce Shimazu, Los Angeles Region. 1975 Carrera Coupe: Overall, Street Division:

316.10 Points

Ernie Paschoal. San Diego Region 1977 924 Coupe:

246.80 Points


............................................................. San Diego Region, San Diego, CA September 28. 1986 ....................................................... Santa Barbara Region, Santa Barbara October 25, 1986 ................................................................. Arizona Region. Phoenix. AZ Don’t forget the Santa Barbara Concours d’Elegance (Crane School) to be held on Saturday. September 27, 1986 on the fields of the Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club in Santa Barbara. This year the Santa Barbara Show is saluting Porsche and has four classes for judged cars (356.911/912. Front Engine. Special Interest & Race Cars) and a special Display Class for any and all Porsche Owners that are interested in joining in the fun. For more information contact the organizers at (805) 969-7732 or (805) 969-2667. Hope to see you there. ¯ Tom Murphy, Zone 8 Concours Co-Chairman ¯ Mike Springer. Zone 8 Concours Co-Chairman


have come to the realization in concouring a Porsche, there is always something more to do and so much more to,earn. The Tech Session was certainly an education for me and I’m sure all those that attended would agree.

Much thanks go to Kirk, Chuck and Tom for an impressive presentation. ,~ U~iml~r~~~~i~~# We also give our appreciation to Max Dial for his Saturday, June 7th. PCA/LA had an informative Tech hospitality. Session at Max Dial Porsche÷Audi in Inglewood. ¯ Joyce A. Shimazu A good turnout came to learn about Concouring and Porsche care.


Kirk Shimazu, our Tech Chairman, conducted the session along with Chuck Cooper and Dr. Tom Chang.

. , ~ ,. ~ ~ ~ ~~~

Many questions were answered by these three "experts." They are active members in Concours d’Elegance events of the Porsche Club.


Both Chuck and Tom are qualified judges in Concours and pointed out to us what the judges look for in a

Specializing in Porsche Resl:oration

competition. Two other very knowledgeable members. Bob Raucher and Ken Ito also joined us and shared their experiences as judges. I have participated in many concours with Kirk and

7349 DARBY PLACE RESEDA. CA 91335 \LINDA STR0~,~ 818 - 705 - 24]0 "--~,.. LEO STROM

, ~


, ,

THE HIGH COSTS OF TIME TRIALING, SLALOMS & RACING Thinking about doing a little high performance driv-

As the competitive urge grows, so do the costs. Still

ing with your Porsche? Then consider the costs. They run the gamut from VERY LITTLE to VERYMUCH.~

using your street car for time trials, you’ll start looking at heavier sway bars ($200-$350 per end), torsion bars

You’d be surprised how inexpensive it can betoruna

($250-300 per end), street tires shaved to racing depth

street PorscheintheZone8slalom ortimetrialseries. For the slalom series, all that is required is a crash helmet ($100-$300). Stock shoulder harnesses are okay, though they don’t provide much support while cornering. Street tires are fine, too. And race preparation really requires no

with their own wheels ($1000-$2500 for four), and more

morethan keeping yourcarfinelytuned,theoil freshand topped-off, and the basic mechanicals in good condition,

shorten the gears, buy fire resistant race apparel, buy a

money spent on tweaking the suspension and engine. Want to go racing? The sky is the limit! You can still run a street car, but add a roll bar or cage, racing tires, and an open exhaust with


modify your engine.

trailer and a truck, van or motorhome to tow the whole lot to the race track.

For the time trial series, the costs escalate a bit. In addition to the obligatory crash helmet, competition lap

That’s not enough? Then buy or build a dedicated

belts and shoulder harnesses are required for both the driver’s and passenger’s seats ($250-$350). You’ll also need afire extinguisher ($20-$65). Again,streettireswork fine. A little more attention to the car is required, espe-

race car, strictly for on-track use. It’s a lot of fun, but the

cially in terms of engine and brake maintenance. The owner must take care that the Porsche doesn’t overheat, that the brakes have sufficient pad depth for the weekend. and that all suspension components are properly ad-

costs start to mount radically. Putting this all in perspective, the most fun for the buck is at the lower end. Drive your Porsche to-and-from the race track or slalom course, keep the car properly maintained, and have lots of fun for a little bit of money. Best of all, you can experience the joy of driving your Porsche the way it is meant to be driven ... without

justed, installed and working,

speed limits, without the CHP in your mirrors, and without

Entryfees for slaloms generally run $20-$35, and time trials are $75-$100 for the weekend. You’ll need to consider your meals and lodging for the time trial, which can

the spouse nagging you to slow down.

add $75-$150 to the weekend. Non-synthetic apparel is all

If you haven’t tried it, I urge you to do so. High performance driving is a terrific experience. And besides, it’s a great reason to spend time with you r Porsche friends.

that is required, so additional clothing expense is not a problem.

¯ Tom Marx

THE AUTO INDUSTRY BACKLASH TO HIGH COSTS Friday, May 23, I took my 928 to Max Dial P & A to check out a sick air conditioner and to interview the new owner of the dealership. The bad news was that my air conditioner ailment appears to be terminal. The good news was that the prospective sale of the Max Dial dealership did not materialize and Max was still there. More good news was that Max gave Glenda and me his perThe LiteSfar Model 700

sonal invitation to the champagne reception for dealers and VIPS at the LA Auto Show that night, which we were glad to attend. Most of us have attended auto shows at one time or another and they have lots of similarities. Ford and Chevy

plane (the steering wheel, dash and compartment are also reminiscent of a cockpit). This vehicle is capable of 140+

both had sleek, modernistic prototypes and all the manufacturers had a wide variety of their new models on display. But two things were especially interesting. First was

mph, gets 75 miles to a gallon, holds two people who enter through the slide-back canopy top and sells for $8,995. There is an obvious move underway in the low end of the

the high prices being charged these days. Honda’s new Acura line is in the $20,000 range, Toyota’s Supra in the same range, BMW’s at nearly $45,000 and many other models have very high prices,

market, and I am sure there is a market for these cars.

The most interesting aspect was the apparent backlash to these new high prices, The Chevy Sprint (made by Suzuki) sells for under $6,000 and gets 50 mpg. The Hyundai from Korea is in the

Other cars of special interest included the Panther-reminiscent of the old MG, with wire mesh grill, wire wheels, a good power plant and a $23,750 price tag. At the top end was the Vector W2 twin turbo, styled as a competitor to the Lamborguini, with 600+ hp, a 200+ top speed and a $150,000 price. The Porsche exhibit was not noteworthy and wasn’t

same price range. The lowest of all is the Yugo at $3,990 (you could buy 10for the cost of a new 911 Carrera) and it is well equipped. Perhaps even more interesting was the

fully set up yet The 924S was notably absent.

new LiteStar model 700 (see photos) which is a combination of motorcycle and automobile that looks like a jet

The champagne was excellent, though, and we did have a good time.

The sound system dealers were all located in the same corner and the result was an irritating cacophony.

¯ Jon Schiewe, Editor --13--

PARTS ° TOOLS ° ACCESSORIES FIBERGLASS ° FOR PORSCHE Since 1964 we have always stocked a wide variety of hard parts manufactured by many companies that supply the Porsche factory. Whether it’s a clutch job, an engine overhaul, or regular service,

the parts are available at low prices and shipped the same day you make a toll-free call.


PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS CALL TOLL-FREE TO ORDER. U.S. 1-800-423-3173 Ca. 1-800-272-3906 213/818 areas: call 1-818-787-7500

8:30 to 5:30 P.S.T. Monday-Friday-Orders and Showroom 10:00 to 5:00 P.$.T. Saturday- Showroom

MasterCard, Visa and C.0.D:s accepted



CLASSIFIED ADS POLICY PCA/LA REGION MEMBERS: One ad I:)e~ is~u~ at no charge. Maximum 7 lines. Additional ads. $10 per issue per ad. Photographs: $25.00 per issue. Include check with copy. NON-ME~BER OR COMMERCIAL: $10 per issue per ad. Maximum 7 lines. Photograph: $30 per issue (Includes ad fee.) Include check with copy. MAIL CLASSIFIED ABS with check or money order to: Jon Schiewe, 967 Hammond St. #5, West Hollywood. CA Make checks payable to PCA-LA

Factory Trained!

FOR SALE 911 & 914 Adj. fro~t swaybar kit: heat treated tubular alloy steel, 20-22mm stiffness, tubular lever arms, electroless nickel plating, hollow alum drop links anodized blk. alum. delrin bushing holders, easily adj. alum sliders. Formula 1

Heinemann Sportscars... with the

experience and knowledge to keep your

quality--the hot setup for ultimate handling-S295 914

Porsche running at peak performance. Five years of factory training and five years as factory race team mechanic.

axles complete $130/ea 930 axles complete $150/ea 914 clutch kit 150. Deluxe kit w/flywheel $280. 914 Euro taillight lens $27/ea. Hi temp (Viton) pushrod tube seals $15/set. 914 German oil filters $3. German oil strainer kit $1. Shipping extra. Rosemary Welch, 13104 Glen Ct.. #11. Chino Hills, CA 91709. (714) 628-3033.


FREE hand car wash with all

SPECIAL work performed!

FOR SALE 914-6, stock, plus four polished 6xl 5 alloys. California car in good condition with fair original paint. Make offer. Call John Leflang, (818) 354-5579 days, (818) 790-5099 eves

H1~i~1~1~1~1 24714 South Crenshaw Blvd. (Just North of PCH Torrance, California 90505

FOR SALE 1979 924 Dolomite grey/tan leather. 8.400 original miles. always garaged, stored winters, no smoke, maintenance records available, all factory options, concours condition.


$14,000 OBO Rick Thomson. 9438 Ballentine. Overland Park, KS 66214. (913) 888-0893 PARTS FOR SALE ’84 for 930. LTD. Slip Trans. P/P. XLNT. $1,200. Call John,


(213) 394-9871.9-4 p.m.: (213) 454-0560 after 5 p.m.

’76-’77 930 Trans. ’77 930 C.D. & Board. Late Model Whale Tale. Call John (213) 394-9871, 9-4 p.m: (213) 454-0560 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE 911 Wheels (2) American Racing alloy 7 x 15 with 2 Goodyear 23 x 8.5 race tires, $250.4 Porsche steel 7 x 15 with 2 Goodyear 23 x 8.5 race tires, $250.2 Richie Ginther megaphones $20. Wanted: 924 wheels 6 x 15 4-bolt Porsche factory alloy or others. Phil Harvey (818) 760-2784.


FOR SALE ’~ 912 coupe, 4 s~e~, 2nd ow~e~, ~11 receipts, reb~Ht, new clutch, new paint. $77K Michelin emaculate $7,500. Marshall Freedman, 8635 West 3rd, #1185W. Los Angeles, CA 90048 (213) 652-6262.


¯ M~,~d |-im,.him~

I)a~ I)i~laria Brian Winger

¯ ¯ (’,,h,r M.,.hin~ ¯ t.~,lh,i~,n R~,pai,. W~l~,,m~.






We have to admit that we were pleasantly shocked

Yes ................................ 11 -- 9% No ................................. 80 -- 69% G. Tour to PCNA, Reno, Nevada (April

that was sent to all Los Angeles Region members back in March. We received over 115 questionnaires back out of 515 mailed. Perhaps it was the offer of a free lapel pin. Perhaps it was the necessity of responding promptly to qualify for the the free offer. Perhaps our members are a whole heck of a lot more interested in this Region’s activi-

17-20) Yes ................................ 15 -- 13% No ................................. 75 -- 65% 2. Will you attend the following Los Angeles Region Events during 1986?

ties than the Board ever dreamt. Whatever the reason, the response was quite gratifying, and the results of the questionnaire are invaluable in providing direction for the Board regarding activites. The

A. Time Trials (Riverside and Willow Springs) Yes ................................ No ................................. B. Slaloms Yes ................................ No ................................. C. Rallyes

bottom line seems to be that our members are most interested in social activites that revolve around Porsches and time spent with friends and family. You be the judge. The following is a tabulation of the information gleaned from the questionnaire. If any member has addithem. Our thanksto Connie Fern for putting all this information into her computer.., which helped make the anatysis much easier. ¯ Tom Marx

1. How many of the following Zone Wide Events do you plan to attend in 1986? Percent Actual of Responses Total ........ 37 -- 32%

B. Number of Time Trials: 1 ............. 2 ............. 3 ............. 4 .............


7 -- 6% 14--12% 5% 7%

............. ............. ............. .............

6 -8 -O-2-0 -5--

C. Number of Slaloms: 1 2

............... ...............

6 -10--


3 4

............... ...............

5 D. Number of Rallyes: 1

............... ................

92-2- 2% 17-- 15%

2 3 4

................ ................ ................

5 6 7 8

0% 2% 0% 4% 9% 8% 2%

5 ................ E. Number of Concours: 1 ..............

6 -- 5% 2 -- 2% 2-- 2% 2 -- 2% 19-- 16%

2 ..............

18- 16%

3 .............. 4 ..............

7 -6--

6% 5%

5 6 7 8

2-0-2 -4-

2% 0% 2% 3%

.............. .............. .............. ..............

39 -- 34% 42 -- 36%

Yes ................................ 55 -- 47% No ................................. 27 -- 23% E. Weekend Tours (overnight) Yes ................................ 36 -- 31% No ................................. 39 -- 34% F. Concours

NOTE: The first figure is the actual number of responses to a question; the second figure is the percentage of the total questionnaire responses represented by the first figure.

2 --

51 -- 44% 36 -- 31%

Yes ................................ 48 -- 39% No ................................. 45 -- 39% D. Tours on a Saturday or Sunday

tional comments, we would be most interested in hearing

2 ........


F. PCA National Parade, Portland Maine (Aug. 2-9).

and overwhelmed by the response to the questionnaire

A. Number of Driver’s Schools: 1

P rc n!o,


Yes ................................ 63 -- 54% No ................................. 23 -- 28% G. Tech session at a point of interest Yes ................................ 78 -- 67% NO ................................. 19- 16% H. Social events (Dusty’s BBQ, Baseball games, Christmas party, etc.) Yes ................................ 66-- 57% No ................................. 20 -- 17% 3. We’ve initiated week-night membership meetings again. How often do you think these meetings should be scheduled? A. Monthly ............................ 27 -- 23% B. Bi-monthly ......................... 35 -- 30% C. Quarterly 38 -- 33% ........................... D. Semi-Annually ...................... 6-- 5% 4. How frequently do you think the Los Angeles Region publications (Porscherama and ProTein) should be published. PORSCHERAMA A. Monthly ............................ 62 -B. Bi-monthly ......................... 37 -C. Quarterly ........................... 13-D. Annually ........................... 1E. Do you read Porscherama? Yes ....... 86 -No



53% 32% 11% 1% 74% 2%

PRO-TEM A. Monthly ............................ 51 -- 44% B. Bi-monthly ......................... 24-- 21% C. Quarterly ........................... 4-- 3% D. Annually ........................... 0-- 0% E. Do you read the ProTem? Yes ........ 75 -- 65% No ......... 2- 2%

[] A one stop restoration and general maintenance supplier, who can scrtisty most all of your Po~che needs.We cam/ a large inventow of obsolete and hard to find parts. Knowledgeable, personalized service and prompt shipping is our specialty.


EXPERIENCE COUNTS when buying or leasing a Porsche or Audi. Our experts can tailor a program designed to fit you in the car of your choice at a competitive price.

EXPERIENCE COUNTS when maintaining your Porsche or Audi, Our comprehensive service department features the latest factory diagnostic equipment and tools.., run by experts to satisfy our demanding customers. EXPERIENCE this excellence from one of Southern California’s premier dealerships.., Janaco Porsche+Audi, 10850 Firestone Blvd


Norwalk, CA 90650


(213) 868-3233, 581-6291, (714) 636-6775


sion. sunroof, stereo, metallic silver paint, and a couple of others. 0-60 mph takes only 8.3 seconds and gas mileage is 21 mpg city and 27 mpg highway. It boasts 147 h.p and top track speed of 134 mph. The drivers were split into teams. Purely by chance, Glenda was paired with Paul Kust. bulletin editor and old friend from our old region in Portland, Oregon. After an orientation program and film conducted by Porsche’s marketing director John Baker, Press Kits were handed out and the teams left on a six hour tour of the surrounding hills and back roads near San Diego. Glenda and Paul put their 924S through its paces, pushing as much as they could on street roads, off track. and both reported excellent performance in turns, acceleration, braking and handling. Both agreed that while it’s no 911 or 928. it’s much better than the old 924 and comparable to the 944. and should do well indeed against the Japanese models and all American cars (possibly excepting the Corvette). May 10th. 11th and 12th Porsche North America flew PCA region bulletin editors to San Diego to test drive the new 924S, Porsche’s answer to the low cost Japanese sports cars. I turned my test drive over to my wife Glenda who really is the more competitive driver of the two of us. but paid my own way to tag along and preview this new model It is a new model While the body is nearly identical to the old 924. the similarity ends there. The power plant is straight from the 944. as is the drive train, brakes, running gear and electrical system. The interior is less plush than the 944. but very nice The seats are upholstered in Porsche lettered fabric Almost every desired conven-

Most significant of all is the $19.900 price tag which puts it in the same cost category as its competition It’s been a long time sinceyou could buy a Porsche for under $20.000 If comparisons with the old 924 of 10 years ago can be overcome, this car should have a great stateside reception comparableto its European popularity, where it has enjoyed great success I suspect you’ll be seeing many on the road. I hope you enjoyed this edition featuring the high costs of driving. It certainly is something we must all deal with. Understanding the problems is the first step toward solving them. ¯ JonSchiewe. Editor


An ultra high performance street radial engineered to provide superior competition performance on the race track and autocross course. Provides higher cornering power, quicker steering response and better turn-in for significantly lower lap times, while maintaining a long competition fife. SPECIAL PRICE*


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AlSO available So~Te t3 and 14 s~zes "Special Potsche Club pHce~ fol tires shaved to racing depth for non-street use. Vie also offer special prices for non-shaved street rims. Stale and local sales tax not Included.

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Cash Contingency Prizes for Porsche Club Competitors.

TIRE CENTERS, INC. 496 Arroyo Parkway ¯ Pasadena, California 91105

(213) 681-1552 ¯ (818) 796-2651

¯ . . AND SPECIALIZED ENGINE PARTS EMPORIUM. ¯ Complete Case Repair and Line Boring Head Repair, Mods and Welding - Our Specialty ! Crankshaft Grinding and Repair Re-doweling and Engine Balancing ¯ Rod Rebuilding or Exchange ¯ Exchange Rocker Arms - 911 & 912 ¯ ¯ Cams Serviced or Exchanged ¯ Flywheel Rebuilding and Mods ¯ Four Cylinder Engine Rebuilding 356 and 912 Engine Exchange e Ray Litz All the above for VW, too ! ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯


Always a Large Inventory of NEW & USED Engine Parts for 911s, 356s and 912s Call or send for our Price Catalog, the latest edition of the CE NEWS, our latest list of Used Parts, and current ON SALE schedule Remember, Porsche~° crankshafts and Mahle piston sets are always On Sale at CE. Try us -- you’ll be pleased you did I CELEBRATING OVER 20 YEARS SERVICE

COMPETITION ENGINEERING 2095 N. Lake Avenue //~adena, CA 91001 -- 213/681-5991, 818/794-8402


1986 CALENDAR OF EVENTS LOS ANGELES REGION Los Angeles Region Events appear in BOLD FACE TYPE. For details call the PCA/LA HOTLINE AT 450-7911

August 21

................................................... Los Angeles Region General Membership Meeting .................................................................. Concours, San Diego Region, CA September 6-7 ................................................... Time Trial. Sears Point Raceway. Sonoma, CA August 31

Combined Zone 7 and Zone 8 Event (optional for points) September 14 ........................................................... Swap Meet, Porschop, Marina del Rey September 20-21 ................................................... Time Trial, Riverside International Raceway September 28 ............................................................ Concours. Santa Barbara Region, CA October 18 ................. Dusty’s BBQ and Baseball Game Crestwood Hills Recreational Center, Brentwood, CA October 25-26 ..............................................

Concours (Saturday), Slalom (Sunday), Phoenix, AZ November 1 ................................................................... Rallye, Los Angeles Region, CA November 8-9 ..................................... Time Trial. Orange Coast Region. Willow Springs Raceway, CA November 20 ................................................. Los Angeles Region General Membership Meeting November 22 ......................................

President’s Meeting, South Coast Plaza Hotel, Costa Mesa. Ca December 6 .................................................. Christmas Party and Auction, Los Angeles Region December 6-7 ........................... Time Trial. Firebird International Raceway, Riverside Region, Phoenix, AZ January 10-11, 1987


Zone 8 Awards Banquet. Apple Valley. CA

ZONE 8 CONTACTS: Zone 8 Representative


Zone 8 Competition Director

Joe Stonskas. (702) 873-9124

...................................................... Judd Boykin, (818) 788-4182

Zone 8 Slalom Chairman ............................................................ Zone 8 Rallye Chairman ............................................................ Zone 8 Concours Chairman


Bill Bartee. (714) 894-8434 Tom Gould, (213) 376-5329

Mike Springer, (714) 738-7388, 847-7598


Porsche Club Of America

U.S. Postage

Los Angeles Region Inc.


967 Hammond St.. #5

Permit No. 400

West Hollywood, CA 90069

Los Angeles. CA

John M. Clyman 5912 Mossbank Drive Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274


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