ith The Old Board!
Out ~
In With The New B
No, this is not an outtake lrom The Big Chill. l’his motley and venerable ~ot is your Sanclra Bartley, Jeffcirca Bear, Activities; and Tom MarX, outgoing Board Secretary; o{ DirectOrS, 1986, shown,John here Fels, at thepresident; recent pCA-LA Chairman, missing from this ClaSs ol ’86 Christn~as wingding in Marina del ReY. From left to isright are Jon Schiewe, Newsletter Editor; connie i:ern, ~/ioe president; Glenda pizzolerrato, Treasurer; Membership- (Kirk shimazU, , ard and turn a report on the an"i’echnical ing of th.e._g_u ,,t,~.~ to page 10. well-attended photo.} f:or more on the, cl~ _~ ~,,,t auction, v .... e
MAX DIAL. DELIVERS . We’re celebrating our lOth year of professional sales and AAA-approved service to
discriminating Southern California Porsche owners. See us for all your automotive
MAX I)IAI, 817 N. La Brca, Inglcwood, CA 90302 Telephone (213) 678-3061
GENERAL INFORMATION PCA-LA AT A GLANCE PCA-LA i~ 550 diver£e Por£che owners. We ~re young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast.
OFFICERS President
Tom M~rx
Americ& the I~rge£t £ingle marque nonfactory club in the world. On a national leveI, PCApublishesanexcellentmonthly magazine, PORSCH~PANORAMA, and generally provides a forum for learning, But the club part is local. And what The Los angeles Region offers is an opportunity tO share the exhilarating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time... Porsche. Enjoy the experience with friends.
(818) 990-5619
(213) 625-3153
~ 1~ w ~th st, No. ~00
LO~ ~ngele& OA 90015-9990
PCA-LA i£ a "region" of Porcho Club of Vice President
Connie Fern
(213) 456-1208
(213) 398-221
Sandra Bartley
(818) 990-5619
(818) 990-5619
Glenda Pizzoferrato
(213) 278-1808
(218) 286-0400
Newsletter Editor
Jon Schiewe
(213) 278-1808
(213) 385-9021
Membership Chairman Dena Brown-Menard 3550 W~lshire BIvd. Suite 830 Los Angeles. CA 90010
(213) 935-4950
(213) 385-9021
Technical Chairman
Kirk Shimazu
(213) 670-8310
(213) 306-9444
Activities Chairman
Jeff Bear
967 Hammond St ~5.
w~,t Hollywood.
PCA-LA HOTLINE (213) 450-7911
(213) 858-4989
Be sure to write the hot line number in a convenient place. In addition to membership info, we have included details on upcoming events and a place to leave your message. thisshould be a welcome service to members who need last minute information or who need to contact the club officers. We hope you find it helpful.
PORSCHERAMA EDITORIAL POLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. a California corporation. Porscherama is published bi-monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Statements appearing in Porscherama are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA, its Board of Directors, the Porscherama editorial board, the Publisher, or its staff. All contributions become the property of Porscherama unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The Editorial staff of Porscherama reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all materials submitted for publication.
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Porscherama is available to non-members of PCA-LA at th~ rate of $18 per year. Send requests to Pu blisher Tom Marx, 112 W. 9th St., Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90015 along with your check payable to PCA--LA. MOVING? ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us in writing care of Deena Brown Menard, 3550 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 830, Los Angeles, CA 90010. PLEASE MAIL CHANCE OF ADDRESS~DO NOT CALL. AD RATES (Published B~-Monthljz Effective January 1. 1985.) Size
Full Page
6" × 83/,’’
3/4 Page 1/2 Page
6" × 6~Z,,’’
Vertical Horizontal
2~,’.’’ × 8’~/,’’ 6" × 4W’
copy. Annual Cost. One-half payable in advance of publication of first issue Balance
95.00 95.00
450.00 450.00
payable in advance of publication of fourth issue. Agency Commission: Sorry. due to the
1/3 Page 1/4 Page
Vertical Vertical Horizontal
2~,’’ × 6’~," 2~/,’’x 4~/,’’ 6" × 2’/,"
80.00 65.00 65.00
non-profit nature of the Porscherama. the
1/8 Page
2~,’’ × 2’//’
380.00 310.00 310.00 215.00
Per Issue Cost* Annual Cost*
*TERMS OF PAYMENT: Per Issue: Payable in advance of publication
Send check with
L.A Region cannot recognize ad agency discounts.
Make checks payable to PCA/LA Region. Send advertising materials to: Marx Advertising, Inc., 112 West 9th Street, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90015-9990 / (213) 626-3153 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE
Deadline for
Issue Reports on Activities
Issue Calendars Activities
Cover Date
Mail Date
Receipt of Materials
this Month or Earlier
For This Month
February-March April-May June-July August-September
February 1 April 1 June 1
January 1 March 1 May 1
December February April
August 1 October 1 December 1
July 1 September 1 November 1
June August October
March May July September
October-November December-January
November January
HEAD LIGHTS I f~l ~ood about leavin~ the Clob at this point. In the past three years, your Board has turned the Club around financially f~om a position of operating at ~urrent healthy bank account with all bills ~c¢ounted for and a ~y~tem in place to see that we stay that way. Membership has had a steady growth and w~ have even seen the birth of a now R~gion in an aroa wo proviously served. Activity has taken the biggest change in the last three years. From a strong emphasis on racing we have directed our activity towards more passive events, including partying more, and that seems to be in next year’s plan as well. Time Trials, Slaloms, Concours and Rallye’s used to be handled on a Regional basis but are now being directed through the Zone. The cause for this centralization is to offer these activites to a broad membership at a much lower cost than could have been handled formerly.
I have been writing th~s article, Headlights, tor what seems to be a long time. For the last three years as President, prior to that as Vice President and then before that as Tech Chair. Now. this is my last article as President and
To all of you who have participated in Club activities, I can assure you that your interest is appreciated. To those who have come forward to offer help, again my thanks. Being President of PCA/LA has been a memorable experience, with the best part of all being the people involved. May the New Year be good to you all, and if I see you on
you will have the pleasure of looking forward to your new Club President’s message in lieu of mine. The Club has
the road between here and Santa Fe, New Mexico, be sure to flash your lights at that tired old 914/6 pictured above.
chosen well in making Tom Marx its President. I know he and the new Board of Directors will serve you well, and
Above all, drive your Porsche safely... ¯ John Fels, President
COMP T/A R An ultra high performance street radial engineered to provide superior competition performance on the race track and autocross course. Provides higher cornering power, quicker steering response and better turn-in for significantly lower lap times, while maintaining a long competition life.
"k~r No Price ~or ~9~e ~’k
195/50 VR 15 205/50 VR 15 225/50 VR 15 225/50 VR 15 205/55 VR 16 225/50 VR 16 P245/50 VR 15 P265/50 VR 15
$85.00 $85.00 $85.00 $85.00 $95,00 $95.00 $95.00 $95.00
Carl for information:
Cash Con tingency Prizes for Porsche Club Competitors.
496 Arroyo P~arkway ¯ P~aden~, C~liforni~ 9110,5 (21 ;~) 081-1 88Z * (81 8) T91~-2051
Recently moved from Montana. a new LA Region member received a big LA-Welcome recently when his restored 912E was stolen from his front driveway during the middle of the night. Mike Hammiek ig offering a $1,000 cash reward (no ID required--no questions aCked) for the return of his prized Porsche. A brief description of the car follows: 1976 912E, metallic red, 6" Porsche Fuchs mags with Pirelli P6 185 SR 14" tires. Montana license plate H BAR Z, VlN#9126001403.
.. :
Advertise, schmadvcrtiad Why ~ink your hard-earned business dollars into a few square incht~ of newsprint when your office needs a new typewriter and your baby needs new shoes~
Why adv~ise?
Mike Hammick’s phone number
Well, look at the a& in this publication, for example, placed here by your friends, colleagues . . . and competitors. Like you, they arc ~mnrt and industrious busines~ owners who ~pprcciate the benefits of a good investment. They advertise. Why don’t yon?
(818) 763-9020
Call the experts for a free consultation.
ADVEF1TI$1NG CA 90015-9990
112 W. 9th St. ¯ Suite 200 . Los
(2t 3) 626-3153
Complete Case Repair and Line Boring ¯ Always a Large Inventory of NEW & USED Head Repair, Muds and Welding - Our Spec/o/ty / Engine Parts for 91 ls, 356s and 912s Crankshaft Grinding and Repair Ca// or send for our Price Catalog, thelatest Re-doweling and Engine Balancing edition of the CE NEWS, our latest list of Rod Rebuilding or Exchange Used Parts, and current ON gALE schedule, Exchange Rocker Arms- 911 & 912 ¯ Remember, Porsche~ crankshafts and Mahle ¯ Cams Serviced or Exchanged piston sets are always On Sale at CE. Try us ¯ Flywheel Rebuilding and Muds - you’ll be pleased you did ! ¯ Four Cylinder Engine Rebuilding 356 and 912 Engine Exchange e CELEBRATING OVER 20 YEARS SERVICE All the above for VW. too !
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
COMPETITION ENGINEERING Closed on Sundays and Monda,
2095 N. Lake Avenue //~tadena, CA 91001 - 213/681-5991, 818/794-8402
NOW That You Own It,
Learn How To Drive It
ZONE 12 has compiled a cookbook entitled Fancy Florida Feasts. The cookbook contains 409 excellent
Connie’s Team One-Day, High
: ~. :: .. ~
Performance Oriving School
recipes for all occa~ion~ with contributions from the
will teach you driving ~kill~ to match the power and handling
regions in Florida, friends, national PCA officers and wive~. Al~o inoluded are ~ome favori[e specialties from
of your own car.
Germany and original Porsche art done by Gary Greer of Suncoast Region. Profits from the sale will be shared by the Zone 12 regions. Included in the book are unusual,
COIll~ie’$ Tealrl
large quantity and fun recipes that will enhance every PCAer’s kitchen library or make an ideal gift for a birthday,
Call or write for our brochure:
anniversary or a housewarming.
The fabulous Florida cookbook is now available for the sale price of $7.95. Send check to PCA Zone 13, 1416 Easton Drive, Lakeland, FL 33803 ¯ Bill Riley, Zone 12 Representative
INTERIORS by STROM Specializing in Porsche Restoration ’
"-.z~,~,, 818 - 705 - 2410
potential of Porsche’s flagship...
the 928. Three conversion styles available, all German engineered and wind tunnel tested for superior
aerodynamics and outstanding eppearence. Engine performonce options up to 400hp! All with quality construction and installation.
(just North of PCH) Torrance, CA 90505
(213) 544-8465
PORSCHE FIRST TO TRUCK ITS CARS IN ENCLOSED CARRIERS Porsche Cars North America, Inc. is the first automobile manufacturer to haul its cars in fully enclosed, custom-built road carriers to its dealers nationwide. The change from conventional open-air carriers was
one car riding on the roof of the t~uck of the Motor Convoy carrier. The company will use 15 carriers at its Reno distribution center and 40 carriers at its Charleston facility.
taken to protect cars from road damage during transport and to deliver them in factory condition to dealers and then customers. "These specially constructed carriers will eliminate the inconvenience of dust, rain, snow, mud, rocks and road salt. The cars will arrive at our dealerships ready for customer delivery," explained John A. Cook president and chief executive officer of PCNA "Porsche owners treat their cars very carefully. These new carriers reflect our customers’ feelings about their Porsches." The custom-designed and built units are being made for Porsche by two car haulers--Commercial Carriers, Inc. of Southfield, Michigan and Motor Convoy of Decatur, Georgia. The carriers make extensive use of hydraulic lifts to raise and lower nine cars into position for travel with
EXPERIENCE COUNTS when buying or leasing a Porsche or Audi. Our experts can tailor a program designed to fit you in the car of your choice at a competitive price, EXPERIENCE COUNTS when maintaining your Porsche or Audi. Our comprehensive service department features the latest factory diagnostic equipment and tools,., run by experts to satisfy our demanding customers. EXPERIENCE this excellence from one of Southern California’s premier dealerships,., Janaco Porsche+Audi. 10850 Firestone Blvd
Norwalk, CA 90650
(213) 868-3233, 581-6291, (714) 636-6775
Oue Zone consists of 13 regions which host events open to al! PCA members. As these events take place throughout the year, series points are accumulated for year end awards. There are four categories of events, consisting of concours, rallyes, slaloms and time trials.
Now available in 200 coIorsm plus hi-gloss, semi-gloss, flat textured and clear, Comparable to paint prices. Sandblasting and chemical stripping available. Call for price list and color samples, We ship anywhere in the U.S.
These events provide opportunities to meet members from other regions, share ideas and see new country. Each month, the REPORTER will give information on coming events, who to contact, location as well as items of general interest. The new year opens with the annual Zone 8 Awards Banquet on Saturday evening, January 10. The President’s Meeting and Editor’s Seminar will be held Saturday morning with the banquet starting at 7:00 p.m. Contact Joe Stonskas at (702) 873-9124 for more details.
1820 First Street ¯ San Fernando, California 91340
(818) 898-1443
The first rallye of the new year will be the Heartbreak Rallye hosted by Grand Prix Region on Saturday, February 14. Eventmaster, Ron Ramage, promises to provide an interesting route through the Los Angeles area. The starting point will be Circle Porsche+Audi, located at 4400 E. Los Coyotes Diagonal (Pacific Coast Highway traffic circle) in Long Beach, with the first car out at 9:31 a.m. Trophies will be sponsored by Circle Porsche+Audi and
dash plaques will be given to all entrants. The entry fee will be $15. Give Ron a call at (213) 245-8815 (D) or (714) 536-3734 (E) for further information. Arizona Region will hold the first slalom of the season
~ ,.. Scheduled Maintenance ,.. Pedormance Tumng ~. Brakes. Clutches
~.. Valve Jobs
VE~U,A eWy. z.d’o’f’%
Contact Ken at (602) 273-7695 (D) or (602) 893-3918 (E) with any questions. Send entries to Ken at 4244 E. Sandia St., Phoenix, AZ 85044. Your Zone 8 staff wishes all of you a very Happy New Year!
~.. Engine Rebuilding
V,CT0,Y il r~ 0ream Car
driving skills. Registration opens at 7:00 a.m., driver’s meeting at 8:30 a.m. and practice will begin at 9:00 a.m. The entry fee is $15 or $12.50 if sent in by February 10.
,/ Custom Engine Work
1~ N
on Sunday, February 15, in Scottsdale, Arizona at Scottsdale Community College. Eventmaster, Ken Shahoian, will be setting up a miniature road course to test our
Joe Stonskas, Zone 8 Representative .. (702) 873-9124 Tom Murphy, Concours Co-chairman... (602) 299-1037 Ernie Paschoal,
MULTICARE AUTO CENTER ?052 Reseda Blvd. Unit E-1 Reseda, CA
1(818) 609-1731
Concours Co-chairman ........... (619) 420-9540 Tom Gould, Rallye Chairman ......... (213) 376-5329 Jeannie Kuchenmeister, Slalom Chairman ............... Judd Boykin, Time Trial Chairman .... Ron Ramage,
(619) 748-5130 (213) 228-4860
Special Event Chairman ......... (213) 245-8815 Connie Fern, Chief Driving Instructor ... (213) 398-2217
Since 1964 we have always stocked a wide variety of hard parts manufactured by many companies that supply the Porsche factory. Whether it’s a clutch job, an engine overhaul, or regular service, the parts are available at low prices and shipped the same day you make a toll-free call.
~_~.~______~ ~
16129 Leedwell Street--Box B-9, Van Nuys, CA 91406-3466
8:30 to 5:30 P.S.T. Monday-Friday-Orders and Showroom 10:00 to 5:00 P.S.T. Saturday-Showroom
MastorCard, Visa and C.O.D.’s accepted
Auctioneer and Newsletter Editor Jon Schiewe looks for the highest bidder for the fine book, Porsche, Portrait of a Legend, donated by Victory
For the second year, LA Region conducted its hellday party the first weekend of December with an auction. This year’s auction was even more of an opportunity to take care of early holiday shopping and featured some incredible bargains, thanks to our generous sponsors. Some notable items included:
¯ Two ~et~ of wheel polishing gift (;ertificate~ from Highland Plating Company (a $300 value that ws auctioned for $100.00. ¯ A Porsche Design black leather document ca~e (a $500 value that was auctioned for $225). ¯ A one-day driver’s school from Connie’s Team (a $400 value that was auctioned for $125).
Brunch & Bargain Second Annual Christmas Party and Auction Dece
Jon Schiewe and an unidentified member with one of the unique items auctioned, a Porsche nut warmer, donated by Presignation.
Paul Friedman and fiancee Melodie and Melodie’s son, partially smiling for the camera at the California Yacht Club.
The food was ex
A list of our sponsors is attact~ed .. please make note of these generous contributions and say "thank you" to these companies and people. A generous donation was made from the proceeds of the auction to the Braille
Institute for the Junior Blind.
Products. Ken’s wife, Oena, liked him in the suit so much that she became the high bidder and he wore it the rest of the
Aside from the auction, it was a glorious Marina del Roy day. The brunch was excellent, the room was attractively decorated and many outstanding door prizes were given away. Outgoing president John Fels said "thank you" to the 1986 Board and introduced the 1987 board, which remains the same as the 1986 Board, except Tom Marx has been elected president and Deena Brown
Ken Menard modeling a white cotton driver’s suit donated by
Menard has been elected membership chairperson. It’s not too early to mark your calendar for next year’s Christmas party and auction, which has been scheduled for December 5, 1987.
A Day By The Sea ,ber 6, 1986, California Yacht Club, Marina del Rey
- ~ to-right: Jeff Bear, Jon Schiewe, Connie Fern, Dena Brown. Menard, Glenda Pizzoferrato, Sandra BaRley and Tom Marx. (Kirk Shimazu not in photo.)
Q z
~t. Chow-down time!
Attendance for this year’s event was over 75 members and guests. Thank you to all that attended.
Auctioneer and Newsletter Editor Jon Schiewe looks for the highest bidder for the fine book, Porsche, Portrait of a Legend,
For the second year, LA Region conducted its holiday party the first weekend of December with an auction. This year’s auction was even more of an opportunity to take care of early holiday shopping and featured some incredible bargains, thanks to our generous sponsors. Some notable items included:
donated by Victory Por~ehe + AudL
¯ Two sets of wheel polishing gift certificates from Highland Plating Company (a $300 value that ws auctioned for $100.00. ¯ A Porsche Design b}ack leather document case (a $500 value that was auctioned for $225). ¯ A one-day driver’s school from Connie’s Team (a $400 value that was auctioned for $125).
Brunch & Bargain, Second Annual Christmas Party and Auction Dece
Jon Schiewe and an unidentified member with one of the unique items auctioned, a Porsche nut warmer, donated by Presignation.
Paul Friedman and fiancee Melodie and Melodie’s son, parfially smiling for the camera at the California Yacht Club.
The food was ex
A list of our sponsors is attached . . . please make
Ken Menard modeling
note of these generous contributions and say "thank you" to these companies and people. A generous donation was made from the proceeds of the auction to the Braille institute for the Junior Blind.
a while cotton driver’s suit donated by
Aside from the auction, it was a glorious Marina del
Performance Products. Ken’s wile, Den& liked him in the
Rey day. The brunch was excellent, the room was attrac-
suit so much thal she
tively decorated and many outstanding door prizes were given away. Outgoing president John Fels said "thank you" to the 1986 Board and introduced the 1987 board, which remains the same as the 1986 Board, except Tom
became the high bidder and he wore it the rest of the afternoon.
Marx has been elected president and Deena Brown Menard has been elected membership chairperson. Irs not too early to mark your calendar for next year’s Christmas party and auction, which has been scheduled for December 5. 1987.
A Day By The Sea
ber 6, 1986, California Yacht Club, Marina del Rey
The 1987 incoming Board, leftto-right: Jeff Bear, Jon Schiewe, Connie Fern, Dena Brown. Menard, Glenda Pizzoferrato, Sandra Bartley and Tom Marx. (Kirk Shimazu not in photo.)
Attendance for this year’s event was over 75 members and guests. Thank you to all that attended.
{ors, ~hat meant 74 people turned out fe~ the PCA/LA RA LLYE
Rallye’ A~LA if ithaze wereout °rdered’ a ~light £anta wind the usual to sea and clear blueAnn skies and blew very pleasant temperatures added to what would be a great
Perhaps more noteworthy was the fact that and half of the in
38 entrants signed up for the beginners course ran class D which is the novice class. For the first time in memory, LA ran a 2 course rallye. One course was
Saturday, November 1st, I rolled into the parking tot in Encino 20 minutes before the r[.ilye sign-up was scheduled and was surprised to find !5 or so cars already there
designed especially for beginners to get them to learn about rallying without having to compete on the much tougher advanced course. This was obviously the right way to attract new rallyists.
to register. A very hectic 2 hours later, the 38th and last entrant signed in. Previously, the largest Zone 8 ratlye of
Both courses ran out the Ventura Freeway and
wound through Zopanga Canyon to the ocean. Then the courses went up Sunset to Palisades Drive and up the hills to take advantage of a view of the entire South Bay from Catalina and Palos Verdes to Malibu. Then it was back down to the ocean and out PCH through Malibu, around Pepperdine and to Latigo Canyon. Many panoramic vistas were visited en route. Then the courses wound through Latigo Canyon on some wonderful twisting and turning
Porsche Cars North America, Inc. announced that it will raise the price of its 1987 model cars on January 1,1987.
roads reaching the Valley again in beautiful downtown Agoura. The rallye ended at the Round Table Pizza in Agoura where sponsor Max Dial presented the winners
The increase will average 5 percent across the complete range of four, six and eight cylinder sports cars as well as
with beautiful 8 x 10 inch onyx paperweight plaques as trophies. A large Prosche stein and Porsche glasses were popular door prizes.
all optiofls, "Since our decision was made to establish 1987 pri-
Not everything was perfect. There were a couple of glitches in the rallye and a street sign critical to one leg
ces, the value of the U.S. dollars has deteriorated and has necessitated this increase," explained John A. Cook, pros-
had been recently torn down meaning that 2 of the 9 legs
ident of Porsche Cars North America, Inc. "1 want to announce our intentions now so our dealers and their customers can make their purchase plans for early next year. Exact prices will
on the advanced course had to be scrapped. But few complaints were heard from advanced rallyists, who are prone to complain. It seems that great weather, beautiful scenery and the beginners course made for a very enjoyable day. ¯ Jon Schiewe
be released to dealers in mid-
Again, we thank the following sponsors for contributing door prizes:
¯ $25 00 gift certificate
DOWNTOWN PORSCHE+AUDI ¯ Clock ¯ Folder ¯ Olympic badges ¯ Four fire extinguishers ¯ Porsche wheel skins
PORSCHE MAIL ORDER ¯ Halon fire extinguisher 911 HEAVEN ¯ Four 911 anti-backfire valves
MAX DIAL ¯ Porsche design sunglasses ¯ 2 jackets AUTO MOTION ¯ Three T-shirts JON SCHIEWE ¯ Two travel bags DENA BROWN-MENARD ¯ 11 X 14 portrait gift certificate
CIRCLE PORSCHE+AUDI ¯ Porsche design glasses ¯ Bass set of hcense plate frame, keychain, money clip
¯ Driving gloves ¯ Mobil spot ¯ Five hankerchiefs
MOTORSPORT INC. ¯ Oil chainge and safety check
TFA CAR COMPANY ¯ Targa pillow
AMERICAN PORSCH£ DESIGN ¯ One brief case ¯ One titanium sunglasses
JON SCHIEWE ¯ Two PCA/LA rallye entries
Pb TWEEKS ¯ A Legend book ¯ Poster ¯ Porsche patch ¯ Key chum enamel ¯ 930 turbo model ¯ I’d Rather Be Racing book SPORT GAS ¯ Two 5-gallon gift certificates of racing gas CONNIE’S TEAM ¯ One-day driver’s school ¯ Three Screwpulls table model ¯ Three Screwpulls pocket model THE PARTS SHOP ¯ Porsche For The Road Book WRIGHTWOOD RACING ¯ Eight Rennsport racing calendars PORSCHOP ¯ Sweater ¯ Newman 956 kit ¯ Womens gloves ¯ Mens gloves
BEVERLY HILLS DETAIL ¯ One detailing certificate PRESTIGE AUTO SERVICE ¯ 928 Auto Phone ¯ Porsche nut warmer ¯ Poster INTERNATIONAL PARTS WAREHOUSE ¯ Two t-shirts CORVETTE CONNECTION ¯ Five gallons racing fuel
BEVERLY HILLS MOTORING ACCESSORIES ¯ Car cover KIRK & JOYCE SHIMAZU ¯ Pair of car stereo speakers REDLINE ¯ Car cover with dual mirrors HIGHLAND PLATING CO. ¯ Weekend for two, bed. breakfast at La Jolla ¯ Weekend for two, Grand Hotel in Santa Barbara ¯ 2 wheel polishing certificates ARGUS PUBLISHING
¯ Six subscriptions to VW & Porsche Magazine
JOHN FELS ¯ Two nights, 3 days in Las Vegas, Hawaii, Taos or Vail
¯ Two free services
R & R PORSCH£ AIRE ¯ Two bulkhead A/C vents for 911SC ECONOMY FOREIGN CAR PARTS ¯ 911 manual VICTORY PORSCHE+AUDI ¯ Two Porsche Portrait of a Legend
¯ Halon fire extinguisher
¯ Two license plates MARINA PORSCHE+AUDI ¯ Two calendars LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL BERGER ¯ Gift certificate
MALIBU VIEW PGA/LA Zone 8 Rally, 11" 1"86
ee~NNee ~OUe~e DR,V~R/ CLASS D 1
Judith Gainer
8 J~m DOHIh~Z
Photos by JON SCHIEWE --13--
20 Year Maribelle Leflang and to Keith and Norma La Fond. Both couples were reoently awarded certifieate9 marking twenty continuous years as members of the Porsche Club of America. PCA National provided the beautiful oertifioates (reproduced below) for the Leflang and La Fond showcase. We are proud to have these fine folks as members of the Los Angeles Region! Now let’s go for another twenty!
We repair cars as we did in Germany...
"The Right Way."
PCA SPECIAL TUNE-UP JOB $250 $ 530 911SC $170 $1100 928
Heinemann Sportscars 24714 South Crenshaw Blvd. (Just North of PCH) Torrance. California 90505
(21 3) 530-5464
JON A. SCHIEWE [] A one stop restoration and general rr~intenance supplier, who can scflisfy most all of your Porsche needs ,We cam/
ATTORNEY AT LAW 3550 Wilshire Blvd.. Suite 830 Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 385-g021
a large invento~ of obsolete and hard fo find porfs. Knowledgeoble, personalized service and prompt shipping is our ,5~E)cia~l~/.
General practice with emphasis on civil trial, personal injury, domestic relations and negotiations.
A BIG SUCCESS On October 11-12, Zone 8 and Los Angeles Region conducted a two-day driver’s school and modified time trial at Willow Springs Raceway. The event was planned and executed capably by our own Connie Fern and Zone 8 competition chairman Judd Boykin. Over 75 students attended the school, which included classroom instruction and several different handling exer-
While other students watch, one driver puts his black
cises, including skid pad training, accident avoidance, slalom training and high speed car handling on the full 2.5 mile Willow Springs road course,
944 through its paces on the skid pad, a 100’ diameter circle that allows a driver to sense handling dynamics at a safe speed.
A party was conducted Saturday evening and apparently a great time was had by all. The event concluded with a modified time trial Sunday afternoon. The next driver’s school event is scheduled for April 25-26, 1987, at Las Vegas International Raceway.
A kidney-shaped driving course was set up on the Willow Springs skid pad, providing students with a slow-speed handling exercise.
Party time at the Palmdale Holiday Inn. Gaylin, Bruce and Rick having a good time with brew and food.
g| | WEBER
delicious marinated strip-steak prepared by Dusty Janes, specialist.
MANIFOLDS: 8175/pr.
our resident BBQ
911 (1978-85) to 46 IDA 3C WEBERS: $10~O-$1135 ¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber Linkage ¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ 46mm manifolds with ClS flanges 911 (1973-77 ClS) TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS:
$~OlO-$~o4s ¯ Carburetors ,,
K&N air cleaners
Chow down time at Dusty’s annual BBQ. Everyone
¯ Weber Linkage ¯
enjoyed the meal and all its trimmings, plus second
Pressure Unit
helpings, third helpings, fourth helpings...
¯ 40ram manifolds with ClS flanges 911 MECHANICAL INJECTION TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS: ¯ Weber Linkage ¯ Carburetors
¯ K&N air cleaners
¯ Pressure Unit
¯ Correct manifolds
¯ injector plugs
911 WITH SOLEXES (19&~-88) TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS: ¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber Linkage ¯ K&N air cleaners
¯ Correct manifolds
911 T (1970-71) WITH ZENITHS TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS: ¯ Carburetors ¯ Insulators ¯ Jetting The above kits include correct manitold~, hoot in~ulator~ and longer studs, ~a~kets, fuel line, jettin9 and venturies for your application PM0 Mechamcal injection Kits are s~reet ~e0al lot 1959-1973 vehicles in Califorma (Carb E 0 No D 144) The CIS kits are legal in California only for
PMO 135-17th STREET SANTA MONICA, CA 90402 Ph. (213) 393-5423
Jeff Rear and Tom Marx clown around getting ready for the baseball game.., which unfortunately became batting practice only due to a lack of opponents! (San Gabriel Valley Region was too scared to come back after last year’s massacre!)
The man of the hour. Dusty Janes, serves up his homemade marinated flank steak to the waiting crowd.
1961 Por~;che Cabriolet 1600. 2~ yaar~ af lavin9 care by one owner. Restored 1982-83. Ivory with dark chocolate brown top, saddle tan interior. Excellent stereo and tire&
Garaged virtually unu=ed 9inee late 1984. Superb condition. Asking $21,000. Call Don Bay
FOR SALE 1970 911T red w/black interior. 5 ~peed, Elec. ~unroof,
factory alloys, new clutch, brake8 and Pirellis. 22K miles on rebuilt engine. Calif. car--no rust. Exceptional condi-
charge. Maximum 7 lines. Additional ads, $10 per issue per ad. Photographs: $25.00 per issue. Include check with copy.
tion in & out. Bra and cover included. $8,500. (213) 4127692 eves/weekends. Ask for Peter or Conj.
NON-MEMBER OR COMMERCIAL: $10 per issue per ad. Maximum 7 lines. Photograph: $30 per issue. (Includes ad fee.) Include check with copy. MAIL CLASSIFIED ADS with check or money order to: Jon Schiewe, 967 Hammond St. #5, West Hollywood, CA. Make checks payable to PCA-LA.
(218) 454-147;3.
FOR SALE 911 wheels. 2 American Racing alum 7 x 15 with 2 Coodyear race tires 23 x 8.5. $150.4 Porsche steel 7 x 15 with Goodyear race tires 23 x 8.5. $150. Phil Harvey, (818) 760-2784. WANTED 924 alloy wheels 6 x 15 Porsche factory ATS 4 and 5 bolt or others. 924 race parts manuals and sales lit. Phil Harvey,
FOR SALE 1969 912 Hard window Targa #129010156, New fact. Orig. Polo Red, Ground up restoration, 15K mi. on Porschop rebuild, Chassis 90K mi., in storage for 6 yrs., Must see, MUST SELL. REASONABLE! AI Cardenas, 9040 Suva St., Downey, CA 90240, (213) 869-4218.
(818) 760-2784. FOR SALE 1974 Carrera Coupe #9114400312, Aubergine, brown full leather interior w/sport seats from ’79 Turbo, 16 x 7 & 8 alloys, euro. headlights, front spoiler & rear whale tail, bilstein sport shocks, factory fogs, ss brake lines, 66,000 mi. on car, recent engine overhaul incl. forged pistons,
new tensioners, F.I., clutch, muffler, no rust, dash is like new, undo alarm. Car is in excellent condition. $18,000/ OBO. Matt Ballentine, (415) 851-4282. FOR SALE 1968 Targa 912, excellent condition, alloys, AM-FM cassette, $7,500 OBO. (818) 887-2250. RACE CAR PARTS & CHASSIS FOR SALE Partial tube frame 911 race chassis, complete and ready to mount suspension and body, painted bright red, $5,500. Also, many used and new chassis and engine parts for racing applications. Call or write for list, Tom Marx, 112 W. 9th Street #200, Los Angeles, CA 90015, (213) 626-3153 1969 912 for sale by owner. Low mileage: 110,000 miles on car, 30,000 on engine, 1,000 on body and interior restoration. New factory burgundy paint by Brace’s Autobody, Marina del Rey. Black interior, both seats re-upholstered New rubber trim throughout, new windshield, new dash pad, new roof liner. Engine, gearbox, clutch, rebuilt. New factory camshaft, bearings, pistons, cylinders. New generator, master cylinder, starter motor, distributor. New muffler. Brakes flushed, new fluid. New CD ignition, new Weber carbs. Ignition cutout switch, car wired for alarm.
days. MAMMOTH CONDO FOR RENT Ski season is here! This is a beautifully furnished 1bedroom condo at Horizons 4 in Mammoth Lakes Village. Perfect for 2-4 people. Discounts to LA Region members. Tom Marx, (213) 626-3153.
Original Blaupunkt FM radio, new ~peaker. New engine-
eompartment insulation/soundproofing. Soundproofed doors thunk New window regulators, new door pockets-no rattles. 15x6 inch factory alloy wheels. Factory 16mm anti-sway bar~, front and rear. New Koni shock~, Short throw gearshift gate, five speed. Also available, still in original Porsche cartons: factory crankshaft, bearings, gaskets. (Present crankshaft is fine...) S. Calif. car,
£torod in garage. Maintenance and restoration records/ ~.4LL Looks and runs like a new oar, The burgundy color looks classically elegant. $12,000. Alastair: (213) 874-1717.
TAILLIGHTS class,c acces- s,.-~sor,es such as ~ ~e~sonal accessor,es
(213) 494-4777
TAILLIGHTS As noted in the article about the PCA/LA Rallye, we had a great turnout. One half of the entrants were beginners, A questionnaire at the end indicated over 20 LA members interested in joining an LA region rallye team. (We will report more of this in the future.) This indicates that there is a great interest among members who haven’t been active to participate in events without having to compete with the more experienced members. When you think about it, that seems reasonable. It is probably very intimidating to someone who has never rallied, time trialed, slalomed or concoursed before, to compete against those of us with years of experience under our belts. Also, there are likely many members who want to participate who are not highly competitive but want to join the fun on an eas~er scale. Whatever the reason, it looks like eventmasters are going to have to keep this in mind when planning events. As we close out the year and look forward to an active and fun 1987, we want to givea special thanks to Max Dial Porsche-Audi who has been a frequent sponsor of LA region events throughout the year. While we have had help from other sponsors throughout the year, Max has been there on almost every event. He even appeared at the rallye to present the trophies. We are truly grateful for this support. It allows us to make the events extra special and keep the costs down. We also want to thank our advertisers without whom the Porscherama would not be possible in its present form.
Gre~ Edenholm Racin~
We ask you to remember them too. When shopping
for the products or services provided by our benefactors.
give them a chance at your business. While we are unable to recommend or guarantee their products or services. remember that a business that cares enough to assist us very likely gives the same care to its customers. That kind of customer concern is a rare commodity these days, so give our advertisers and sponsors a chance at your business and be sure to tell them that you appreciate their support. See you next year.
Jon A. Schiewe, Editor
Join Our Winner’s Circle Sales. Service. Parts Burbank, California 91502 (818) 841-0911 (Burbank) (213) 849-1274 (Los Angeles) (800) 992=6644 (Toll Free)
Automobiles and Parts.
Germany and SAVE lO~! And Victory will pay your airfare. Call for details.
1987 L.A. REGION & ZONE 8 CALENDAR Lo~ Ang~le~ R~g~on Evont~ appear in BOLD FACE TYPE, D~te~ m~y be subject to change ~nd ,~dditions may be made. ¯ For detail~ ~all the PCA/LA HOTLINE AT (213) 450~7911
January 10 & 11 ............. Zone 8 Awards Banquet.
Marclq 29 ..... Golden Empire R~gion. B~kor~fiold. CA May 9 .......... Southern Ari2on9 Region, Tue¢on, AZ June 7 ....... LO~ Angele~ Regian, M~rin~ d~l Roy, CA July 25 .......... Grand Prix Region, Long Be~eh, CA August 16 .......... San Diego Region, San Diego, CA September 27 ................. Santa Barbara Region,
Presidenrs Meeling and Newsleller Edilor’s Workshop, Apple Valley, CA February 19 ..................... Los Angeles Region Membership Meeting and Tecl~ Sesion, TCl Tire Centers, Pasadena, CA May 21 ..... Los Angeles Region Membership Meeting, dinner and movie "Never Give Up" (1986 Indianopolis 500 Race), Bel Age Hotel, West Hollywood, CA May 30 ............ Los Angeles Region Tech Session on contours preparation. Max Dial Porsche, Inglewood, CA June 7 ........ President’s Meeting, Marina del Roy, CA July 4-11 ............ 32nd Porsche Parade. Dallas, TX July 16 ............ Los Angeles Region Tech Session "Know Your Car," Porschop, Marina del Rey, CA August 21-23 ................ Monterey Historic Races, Laguna Seca, CA September 17 ...... Los Angeles Region, Dusty’s BBQ, Location to be announced. November 21 ..................... President’s Meeting December 5 ..................... Los Angeles Region Christmas Holiday Brunch and Third Annual Charity Auction, California Yacht Club, Marina del Roy, CA 1988 January 9 & 10 .............. Zone 8 Awards Banquet & President’s Meeting, San Diego. CA
Santa Barbara, CA October 24 .............. Arizona Region, Phoenix, AZ
RALLYE SERIES February 14 ...... Grand Prix Region, Long Beach, CA April 18 ............ San Diego Region. San Diego, CA June I3 ..... Santa Barbara Region, Santa Barbara, CA October 3 ................. San Gabriel Valley Region, Los Angeles. CA October 31 ...... Los Angeles Region, Los Angeles, CA
SLALOM SERIES February 15 ............. Arizona Region, Phoenix, AZ April 11 ............ San Diego Region. San Diego. CA June 20 ....... Golden Empire Region. Bakersfield. CA October 25 .............. Arizona Region, Phoenix, AZ
TIME TRIAL/DRIVER ED SERIES April 25 & 26 (possibly May 2 & 3) ... Las Vegas Region, Las Vegas, NV August 8 8, 9 .................... Los Angeles Region, Willow Springs, CA September 12 & 13 ....... Arizona Region. Firebird, AZ November 14 & 15 ................. San Diego Region (non-points event), Holtville, CA November 21 & 22 ............... Region to be named, Willow Springs
IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Zone 8 Representative ......................................................... Joe Stonskas, Chief Driving Instructor ......................................................... Connie Fern, Time Trial Chairman ............................................................ Judd Boykin, Rallye Chairman ............................................................. Tom Gould, Jr.. Slalom Chairperson .................................................. Jeannie Kuchenmeister.
(702) 873-9124 (213) 398-2217 (w) (213) 228-4860 (w) (213) 376-5329 (619) 748-5130
Concours Chairmen .......................................................... Ernie Paschoal. (619) 420-9540 Tom Murphy, (602) 299-1037 Special Event Chairman ........................................................ Ron Ramage. (213) 245-8815
Porsche Club Of America Los Angeles Region Inc. 967 Hammond St.. #5 West Hollywood, CA 90069