ith The Old Board!
Out ~
In With The New B
No, this is not an outtake lrom The Big Chill. l’his motley and venerable ~ot is your Sanclra Bartley, Jeffcirca Bear, Activities; and Tom MarX, outgoing Board Secretary; o{ DirectOrS, 1986, shown,John here Fels, at thepresident; recent pCA-LA Chairman, missing from this ClaSs ol ’86 Christn~as wingding in Marina del ReY. From left to isright are Jon Schiewe, Newsletter Editor; connie i:ern, ~/ioe president; Glenda pizzolerrato, Treasurer; Membership- (Kirk shimazU, , ard and turn a report on the an"i’echnical ing of th.e._g_u ,,t,~.~ to page 10. well-attended photo.} f:or more on the, cl~ _~ ~,,,t auction, v .... e