02.2015 The Active Voice Newsletter

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upcoming EVENTS \\ SMALL BUSINESS X-CHANGE Wednesday, February 11, 2015 \\ 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Portage County Business Council | Foundation Room 5501 Vern Holmes Dr | Stevens Point, WI 54482


BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Monday, February 16, 2015 \\ 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Stevens Point Curling Club 1628 Country Club Drive | Stevens Point, WI 54481


LEADERSHIP PORTAGE COUNTY Thursday, February 19, 2015 \\ 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Various locations throughout the year.

» ABOUT LEADERSHIP PORTAGE COUNTY » APPLY FOR THE CLASS OF 2015 / 16 PIE REALITY SHOP Friday, February 20, 2015 \\ 8:20 AM - 11:30 AM St. Peter Middle School 708 1st St | Stevens Point, WI 54481

PCBC TO PUBLISH NEW COMMUNITY GUIDE ‘UNIQUELY PORTAGE COUNTY’ The Portage County Business Council is pleased to announce that sales for its upcoming community guide, Uniquely Portage County, will soon be underway. The guides are scheduled to print this summer, and will be distributed throughout Portage County and beyond to a target audience including current and prospective businesses, workforce, and reseidents. Different from years past, this customized publication is being produced “in-house” and will feature a refreshing writing style, coupled with intriguing photos that capture the distinct character of the community. A photo contest will be held with winning photos and captions featured within the guide. (See below) Six thousand copies of the guide will be printed and distributed throughout the two-year lifespan of the publication. Copies will be included in relocation packets, and peppered throughout the community in high traffic locations in Portage County such as

real estate offices, hotels, banks, hospitals, clinics and doctors’ offices, as well as during events. Advertisers will also receive copies of the guide to have on hand at their place of business. An electronic version is also featured on our website, www.portagecountybiz.com. Ads, including key cover positions, will be available in a variety of sizes and prices. Informational packets will include: • Sales sheet detailing ad sizes and costs • Advertising Contract • Ad Submission Form Watch for your packet to arrive in the mail later this month. With limited space available, you won’t want to miss being included in this high-exposure opportunity for your business.




“NO EXCUSE” KEYNOTE PRESENTATION Tuesday, March 3, 2015 \\ 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center 1001 Amber Avenue | Stevens Point, WI


AMERICAN AGRICULTURE APPRECIATION BANQUET Monday, March 9, 2015 \\ 6:00 PM - 8:45 PM Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center 1001 Amber Avenue | Stevens Point, WI



» SUBMIT PHOTOS The Portage County Business Council is pleased to announce a 2015 Portage County Photography Competition. Local professionals, amateurs, and students alike are asked to submit up to 3 photos per entry with descriptions relating to the theme “Uniquely Portage County – What Does It Mean to You?” The PCBC encourages meaningful descriptions that capture the essence of Portage County. Winners will receive a $50 Portage County Gift Certificate and

their photos with descriptions will be published in the 2015 Portage County Community Guide. Entries are due Sunday, March 1, 2015 submitted via email to admin@portagecountybiz.com Include the following in the subject line: PCBC Photo Contest. Photos will only be accepted with file extensions of JPG, PNG, or TIFF and must be at least 300 ppi. Photos may be original or edited. The Portage County Business Council reserves the right to use any photos and descriptions submitted in online or offline advertising campaigns.

PCBC HOSTS MAYORAL CANDIDATE FORUM » CLICK HERE TO REGISTER What: City of Stevens Point Mayoral Candidate Forum When: Friday, February 6, 2015 / 7:30am - 9:00am

Due to my hard work and dedication, I received the Community Hero Award in 2013. Jerry Moore With all my experience and dedication to this community, I feel I will be the mayor the people want and need. No bio submitted.

Alex Kochanowski

Alex Kochanowski, husband and father of four, has lived in the Stevens Point area twenty-four of his thirty-five years. Alex graduated from Mid-State Where: Portage County Business Council - Foundation Room, 5501 Vern Technical College’s Law Enforcement Academy in 2013, where he also received an Associate Degree in Holmes Drive, Stevens Point Community and Human Services. Prior to moving into public service, Alex, a US Navy Veteran and fourth Why: To hear candidates answer questions important to the upcoming generation railroader, received his Journeyman’s License and honed his leadership skills as a Yardmaster mayoral race throughout the state. Commitment to serve the wellbeing of others has drawn Alex to various No Cost to Attend volunteer works over the past several years. Prior Mark your calendars to attend the City of Stevens service as a Volunteer First Responder and member Point Mayoral Candidate Forum hosted by the Portage of the Stevens Point Auxiliary Police Unit lead Alex County Business Council. toward a natural transition of wanting to help people on a larger scale. On Tuesday, April 7, Stevens Point residents will go to the polls to cast their vote for mayor of their city. As a youth, Alex was taught to take people under his The Portage County Business Council is hosting a wing; in other words, care for others and protect them Candidate Forum to introduce our members to all the as your own. This is what he instills in his own children candidates vying for this position. All six individuals and why he is often seen defending the minority in appearing on the ballot have confirmed their educational issues as a member of the Stevens Point participation in this event including: Board of Education. For more information about Alex’s mayoral campaign visit: www.alexkochanowski.com 1. Ms. Barb Jacob 2. Mr. Alex Kochanowski 3. Mr. Bob Larson Bob Larson 4. Mr. Jerry Moore 5. Mr. Tony Patton You have probably read the various reasons candidates 6. Mr. Mike Wiza give for running for Mayor of Stevens Point. I agree with many of these reasons, but if elected Mayor of Pat Wesenberg, President / CEO, Central City Credit Stevens Point, I will cooperate with the City Council to Union and Legislative Committee member will serve solve two issues I believe are at the top of the list. as moderator for the event. Candidates will have Issues/Concerns the opportunity to make a brief introduction, then 1. Stevens Point debt. In 2007 the City of Stevens answer questions prepared by the committee. Time Point was $13 million in debt; at the end of 2014 the permitting, questions submitted in writing by the City of Stevens Point was $51 million in debt. It will audience may be addressed. take time but I would work on reducing this debt. As members of the Portage County Business Council, 2. The Federal Mandates regarding Business 51. In your attendance at this event is important. 2005 Mayor Wescott recommended to the City Council to take $6.1 million dollars from the State of Wisconsin, and accept jurisdictional transfer of Business 51 from the state. All 11 council members Bio copy printed exactly as submitted to PCBC by voted yes. The City of Stevens Point now has candidates. ownership of Business 51. To redo Business 51 following Federal Mandates would cost the tax Barb Jacob payers of Stevens Point $20-30 million dollars. The City has elected to work on the overpass by the I am a 56 year old businesswoman on the southside Stevens Point Country Club and kick this problem of Stevens Point, where I have resided for the past 13 down the road. This issue will come back to the years. I have a 37 year old son, two granddaughters council in 2024, and the dollars required to fix the and a grandson. road following Federal Mandates will increase. I estimate it could be $40-70 million dollars that I have been a resident of Wisconsin my whole life. the taxpayers of Stevens Point would have to I am a veteran of the United States Army, I have pay. I would work on solving this problem now. an associates degree in accounting with business I would start by talking to our elected officials in management, and over 25 years of business Washington to get the Federal Government to take management experience. Business 51 off the Federal highway system. For the past 13 years, I have owned and operated a We have elected officials in powerful positions: successful business on the southside along with a six • Paul Ryan 1st District- Chairmen of the most unity apartment complex. I am a member of the city’s powerful committee in Congress, House Ways and Deer Management Committee, Portage County Tavern Means League, and regularly attend and participate in city • Ron Kind 3rd District, our Representative council and committee meetings, for the past 8 years. • Senator Ron Johnson - on Senate committee I have experience working with the public on a daily regarding Transportation, Commerce and Science basis through my business and by initiating several • Senator Tammy Baldwin - appointed to Senate fundraisers to help raise the money to obtain new Appropriations Committee playground equipment for Veteran’s Memorial Park.




Tony Patton Lifetime resident of Stevens Point, resident of the 8th district for 26 years. Married for 28 years to wife, Carleen (Zakoski) Patton. Father of two children, Brianna and Bryce. 30 years Business Management 15 year Years Community service 11 years servicing as a Portage County Supervisor 3 years serving as 8th District Alderperson. Past lions Club President Lions International Melvin Jones Award recipient Occupation: General Manager Grazies Italian Grill Stevens Point Stevens Point Committees: -Finance (Chair) -Personal -Plan Commission -Police and Fire -Board of public Works Portage County Committees: -Human Resources -Economic Development -Health Care Center -Housing Authority -Library Board (Vice President) -Visitor and Convention Bureau -Health and Human Services

Mike Wiza Mike has been on City Council since April 2004 and County Board since 2006. He is well known for being vocal on issues. Mike is active in the community and has been quick to step up when help is needed. Mike attended SPASH, UWSP, and is employed at Skyward. Chris, his wife, is employed at Sentry Insurance. Their daughter, Madison attended Pacelli and UWSP. He believes in supporting local endeavors. They shop local whenever possible, support local community funded projects like the Arts Alliance, conservation clubs, Dog Park and Youth programs. They are proud of this community and promote it whenever they can. Mike has diverse and extensive experience in local government. He has served as the Chairman of the Portage County Land Conservation Committee, Chairman of the Portage County Solid Waste committee and the County Judicial and General Government committee, County Space and Properties and President of the County Parks commission. He also serves on the City Parks commission, Municipal Court committee, City Personnel, and Public Protection Committees and previously the Council Liaison for the Police and Fire Commission. He is also a board member of the Izaak Walton League and Prime Water Anglers.

PORTAGE COUNTY R&D FEATURED IN TRADE & INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT MAGAZINE Exciting research and development initiatives taking place in Portage County caught the attention of Trade & Industry Development magazine. R&D not only benefits individual companies, communities, and future workforce through education, but serves as an economic driver locally and statewide.

added to the marketplace for 2013 by R&D magazine. The kit is designed to help students learn about nanotechnology and simplifies the concepts for high school and undergraduate college students. This is a new way to make tiny electronics and other materials used in high-tech advanced manufacturing.*

The Wisconsin Institute of Sustainable Technology (WIST) at UWSP connects to business and industry to provide research, laboratory services and education. WIST is currently developing ways to transform the area’s struggling paper mills into an entirely new industry involving biofuels and other products. The project won $7 million in research grants from the U.S. Department of Defense and the UW System in Madison.

*On a local note, Marten Machining is sponsoring five NanoFab Lab kits that are going into Pacelli High School in Stevens Point where nanotechnology is studied, which fits the school’s Project Lead The Way engineering and biomedical curriculum. __________________________________________

Mike Zach, associate professor of chemistry at UWSP, has also focused on research and development through his work in nanotechnology. He created NanoFab Lab . . . in a Box TM in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois. It was selected as one of the top 100 technology products


Trade & Industry Development is published in Birmingham, Alabama. Each issue is mailed to specific related industry segments and corporate real estate executives and site selection consultants (25,000 total circulation per issue) as well as posted online at www.tradeandindustrydev.com.


» CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE » CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION Are you looking for a peer group of non-competitors to brainstorm ideas and solve business related issues? Join a PCBC roundtable group. Roundtable groups bring together professionals with a wide range of skills and expertise. Small, self-led groups of eight to ten business owners and executives meet monthly for 90 minutes to share concerns and insights. These dynamic groups plan their own meeting schedules and agendas, coordinated by a group facilitator. Discussions are confidential allowing for greater candor, sharing, and learning opportunities. As a roundtable member, you will: • Receive advice from other business owners and executives facing the same challenges as you; fellow leaders who have “been there, done that” will offer support and share the benefits about lessons they learned along the way • Share your insights and successful strategies with your peers • Engage with others in an exclusive and private environment • Test your ideas with your group and get instant feedback to avoid costly mistakes and build encouragement and confidence to move forward. Roundtable groups are open to Portage County Business Council members for an annual fee of $75.

The following Roundtable groups are being formed: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ROUNDTABLE Participants are responsible for overall business/client development efforts for their company. CEO ROUNDTABLE Owners of small, mid-size, and large companies placed with owners of similarly sized companies. COO / CFO ROUNDTABLE Top-level operations executives who are responsible for profit and loss, but do not have ownership of their organizations. HUMAN RESOURCES ROUNDTABLE Senior level managers who are responsible for overseeing all HR responsibilities for their companies. NON-PROFIT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROUNDTABLE Executive directors of not-for-profit (501 (c) (3)). SALES MANAGER ROUNDTABLE Manager of a sales team who directly assists the company’s executive management. SMALL BUSINESS OWNER ROUNDTABLE Owner of a small business; typically sole proprietors. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis. Individual groups will launch when ten participants are registered.

To learn more about how participation in a roundtable can benefit you and your business, contact Mary Jo Monday at 715-344-1940 or email mmonday@portagecountybiz.com.



BUSINESS COUNCIL HONORS AREA FIRMS & INDIVIDUALS Two Portage County businesses and two leaders in our county’s business community were singled out for honors on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at the Portage County Business Council’s Annual Dinner held in the new Atrium and Fieldhouse of SentryWorld. Ambassador of the Year The Portage County Business Council has named Terri Taylor as Ambassador of the Year. Terri has been active in the Ambassador Club since 2001. Her enthusiasm and dedication towards volunteering for the Portage County Business Council is outstanding! She was one of five Ambassadors that accumulated the most points during the year by attending business events such as ribbon cuttings, grand openings, ground breaking ceremonies, Business After Hours and many other events, visits to new and existing businesses, monthly meetings, and she has served as the Secretary/Treasurer. She has definitely exceeded the membership requirements of the Ambassador Club and was voted on by her Ambassador Friends as our Ambassador of the Year! Members of this enthusiastic group generally lend a hand whenever they see something that needs doing. Last year alone, the entire Club gave back over 1,500 hours of volunteer time just for the Portage County Business Council. Many of these hours were contributed by Terri. Terri came to Stevens Point after completing a fellowship at the National Endowment for the Arts in Washington, D.C. and field studies at the Wisconsin Historical Society in Madison. Terri is the Associated Director of Alumni Affairs in University Advancement at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point. She has worked at the University since 1987. We extend our appreciation to the University for supporting Terri in her outstanding achievements with the Ambassador’s Club. Besides her involvement with the Business Council, Terri gives back to the community in many ways. She has been involved with the Central Wisconsin Symphony Orchestras, is a graduate of Leadership Portage County, League of Women Voters, Toastmasters, and the Zonta Club of Stevens Point. If you are interested in joining the Ambassadors Club or just want to hear more about it, contact Karen Schanock at the Business Council or email at kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com. Congratulations Terri!


President’s Award Recipient - Andrew Halverson and Ambassador of the Year - Terri Taylor;s

President’s Award Each year the President of the Business Council is given the opportunity to select someone to receive the President’s Award. This award is presented to someone who through their outstanding commitment to volunteerism makes significant improvements and enhancements to the quality of life here in Portage County and demonstrates a spirit of cooperation and commitment to the Portage County Business Council, the Portage County Business Community and Economic Development of the area. This year’s award was presented to Andrew Halverson, former Mayor of the City of Stevens Point and now Vice President, Business Development of Ellis Stone Construction Company.

Andrew’s community involvement over the years has included dedication to the Portage County Business Council and the Business Council Foundation, serving on the Board of Directors, and Legislative Committee. He also served on the Saint Michael’s Hospital, Ministry Health Care, Foundation and Corporate Board of Directors, UWSP Alumni Association Board of Directors, League of Wisconsin Municipalities Board of Directors, Stevens Point Kiwanis Club and the Central Wisconsin Economic Development Fund Board of Directors.

He has received honors of University Leadership Award, Chancellor’s Leadership Award, James H. Albertson Medallion of Excellence, the Entrepreneur of the Year for his business Andrew’s Limited Distinctive Men’s Clothing, the State of Andrew has made his mark as one of our communities Wisconsin’s Young Entrepreneur of the Year and most respected and influential leaders, and has the Meritorious Service Medal for Wisconsin by provided this community with unparalleled leadership Adjutant General Donald Dunbar. and vision during his time as Mayor of the City of Stevens Point. Andrew is married to Shana Halverson and they have three children Alex 8, Mason 5, and Elise 2. He has been a vocal member of the Board of Directors of the Portage County Business Council and has Andrew Halverson has been a true partner in provided valuable insight as both an entrepreneur growing Portage County. We are pleased to have and public official. Andrew’s record with respect to him and his family choose Portage County as the promoting economic development in Portage County place to ‘make a difference’….because indeed, he speaks for itself. He has been a dynamic partner for the has!!! Portage County Business Council in this regard. Congratulations Andrew! As the full time Chief Elected Official and Chief Executive Officer of the City from April of 2007 to December 2014, Andrew was responsible for all operations of City government, and had to ensure that all elected officials and employees were fulfilling their responsibilities.


Small Business of the Year: Mitchell’s Hilltop Pub & Grill

Small Business of the Year Mitchell’s Hilltop Pub & Grill received the 2014 Small Business of the Year Award. The award is chosen based on: • Sales growth • Employment growth • Customer service • Community service • Leadership involvement • Innovative efforts adapting to marketplace changes Mitchell’s Hilltop Pub & Grill has experienced steady growth since 1983, which can be attributed to community support, an ongoing goal to provide exceptional levels of customer service, superior quality food and retention of the best staff!

room, roof addition and much more! As of 2015, Mike and Sara Mitchell are enjoying their 15th year of ownership, bringing the Mitchell total to 33 years of Hilltop stewardship! This past summer, the team implemented an entire gluten free line. This process included over $15,000 in equipment, management training and staff development hours, but they are proud to offer the community this option. Ongoing commitment to the community is evident through donations, involvement and support to many organizations including, but not limited to the Portage County Business Council, United Way of Portage County, Boys and Girls Club of Portage County, UWSP and many local community events and activities. In addition, they donate thousands of dollars to many local athletic and academic programs. Throughout the years, Mitchell’s Hilltop Pub and Grill has undergone many changes, however the local population will still rave about their chargrilled hamburgers and famous fish fry!

They has been a staple in our community going back to the 1940’s. The previous owners – John and Bernice Bemowski ran the bar for 37 years. Then in 1983, The Mitchell Family took over. Bill and Kathy Mitchell began with a very limited menu of simple Congratulations to Mitchell’s Hilltop Pub & Grill! sandwiches and appetizers. In 1987 they added an enclosed deck, doubling the seating capacity and in 1989 added a front patio to accommodate the Decree of Excellence Award growing business. Then in 1997, The Keg Room expansion took place which features an original beer The Decree of Excellence Award was presented to keg from the Stevens Point Brewery as a doorway. a business contributing to the economic vitality of Portage County – Mid-State Technical College! On January 1st of 2001, Bill and Kathy sold the Hilltop to their general manager and son, Mike and Award criteria includes: his wife Sara. The Hilltop yet again underwent a -Making capital improvements large renovation beginning on November 1, 2014 -Significant growth and development replacing flooring, dish room, bar, restroom, keg -Increasing employment base



-Planning and implementing special marketing campaigns -Making significant community service contributions Mid-State Technical College has served the residents and businesses of Portage County since its inception in 1913. The college was started to meet and comply with Wisconsin’s school continuation law passed in 1911 requiring all individuals to attend school or enter the armed services through the age of 19. They have grown with the greater Stevens Point community for the past 101 years. In 1961, the city built the campus on Michigan Avenue. Strong student growth lead the campus additions in 1992 and again in 2003. However, space was soon at a premium again with continued enrollment growth reaching capacity in 2009. So, in June 2010, the college approached the City of Stevens Point with a request to build an additional 10,000 square feet at the Michigan Avenue campus. This request was rejected but followed with an invitation to look at the CenterPoint Mall as a possible campus location. In December 2010, the college made a formal announcement of the intent to abandon its Michigan Avenue campus and build a new campus in the former J.C. Penney department store at the west end of the mall. All pieces fell into place with the real estate closing of the property in September 2012 and construction commenced in April 2013. Construction was completed in May 2014 and the move to their new centrally-located home took place soon after. The long-awaited Grand Opening was fittingly held in conjunction with their Centennial Celebration on June 4, 2014 and summer classes began on June 2, 2014.

Decree of Excellence Award Recipient: Mid-State Technical College Since the relocation, the college has added programming to include associate degrees in Gerontology, as well as Health and Wellness Promotion. The college relocated its Early Childhood Education program and expanded its services for the Medical Assistant, Phlebotomy and Nursing Assistant programs. Additionally, the campus offers the community space for its meetings and events, bringing more patrons into the downtown area.

Ongoing commitment to the community through faculty and staff is evident through donations, involvement and support to many organizations including, but not limited to the Portage County Business Council and Business Council Foundation, United Way of Portage County, American Red Cross, UWSP Community Mentor/ Mentee Program, YMCA, Stevens Point Downtown Association, Plover Area Business Association, Central Wisconsin Symphony Orchestra, Central

Wisconsin Children’s Museum and Special Olympics just to name a few. With this relocation, the college and City of Stevens Point have created a model for small-community downtown redevelopment. Serving nearly 3,000 students annually, Mid-State’s downtown campus will serve as the solid anchor for the downtown business district for years to come. Congratulations to Mid-State Technical College!

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS AND SILENT AUCTION CONTRIBUTORS The Business Council extends its appreciation to the many businesses, organizations and individuals for their generous support of the 2015 Annual Dinner. A special thank you to our Presenting Sponsor:

Much appreciation to our Award Sponsors:

And thank you to our Reception Sponsor:


And thank you to our Silent Auction contributors: Adventure 212 Fitness Altmann Construction Company, Inc. Anderson O’Brien Bev’s Floral & Gifts Big Apple Bagels Big Brothers Big Sisters of Portage County Blenker Companies, Inc. BMO Harris Bank Buffalo Wild Wings Central Wisconsin Symphony Orchestra CN Coldwell Banker, The Real Estate Group, Inc. Comfort Suites Community First Bank Community Insurance & Associates Contemporary Photography Country Inn & Suites Delta Dental of Wisconsin Durclean Specialists Fazoli’s Restaurant Flexible Fitness Solutions Flexible Nutrition Solutions Frank’s Hardware Company, Inc. General Beer Girls in Pearls Boutique Grazies Italian Grill Ho-Chunk Gaming Nekoosa Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center Lee Ayers Jewelers Ligman & Wille CPA LLC Notable Impressions Pientka Auction Service


Point Insurance Agency Portage County Gazette River Valley Bank Rockman’s Catering Sam’s Club Sentry Insurance Seventh Heaven Salon Ski’s Meat Market Slumberland Furniture of Stevens Point Stevens Point Area Catholic Schools Stevens Point Area YMCA Stevens Point Brewery Stevens Point Country Club Team Schierl Companies The Bottle Stop The Pineries Bank The Portage County Bank The Weninger Family UWSP – Athletic Department UWSP – College of Fine Arts & Communication UWSP – University Store & Text Rental, University Centers, A Division of Student Affairs Virtual Vision Computing LLC Wisconsin River Golf Club WoodTrust Bank Worzalla


» CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Small Business X-Change meets regularly throughout the year at the Portage County Business Council office. A roundtable series of meetings that allows business owners and their employees the opportunity to discuss pertinent topics, learn from local industry leaders and, most importantly, learn from each other.

TOPIC: “OUTLOOK 2015: IN TRANSIT” At this X-Change participants will learn: • Timely, relevant information to the economy and financial markets, applicable to our personal and business lives. • Schulfer & Associates view of what 2015 is likely to bring forth for the economy and investors, and why. • “Take Away’s” - suggested “to do” points Prepare for transitions and potential heightened volatility in the coming year with Outlook 2015: In Transit. With our shipping and transit themed presentation, we’ve boxed up timely advice and investment insights to help route you through the economic backdrop as we shift to the latter stages of the business cycle. Please join us for a comprehensive perspective on the markets and economy, and the many factors that will influence them in the year ahead.


ABOUT OUR SPEAKERS: Schulfer & Associates, LLC Financial Professionals is an independent firm, aligned with LPL Financial. With one of the largest and most experienced research groups among independent firms, we offer true, unbiased opinions, meaning we have no proprietary products to sell, no “parent company” ownership, no investment banking or insurance company relationships to promote, nor any other conflicts to get in the way of true, independent and unbiased information.

SPONSOR: Securities and Advisory Services offered through LPL Financial, a registered Investment Advisor, member FINRA and SIPC.

Gene Schulfer, AWMA® Accredited Wealth Management AdvisorSM LPL Investment Advisor Representative

LouAnn Schulfer, AWMA®, AIF® Accredited Wealth Management Advisor® Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Schulfer & Associates, LLC Financial Professionals

SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR NEW AWARD - QUALITY OF LIFE AWARD » CLICK HERE FOR THE QUALITY OF LIFE AWARD NOMINATION FORM INCLUDING THE AWARD CRITERIA. In an effort to honor one nonprofit or not-for-profit organization in Portage County whose work has enriched the lives of Portage County residents, the Portage County Business Council welcomes your nomination for the 2015 Quality of Life Award. This award recognizes the special nature of social service, cultural and other charitable efforts. The award recipient will be recognized at the Business Council’s Small Business Breakfast scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2015. Nominations are due by Monday, March 2, 2015. Self nominations are encouraged. For more information on these awards, please contact: Karen Schanock at 715-344-1940 or kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com.


SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR ENTREPRENEUR OF THE YEAR AWARD » CLICK HERE FOR THE ENTREPRENEUR OF THE YEAR NOMINATION FORM INCLUDING THE AWARD CRITERIA. The Portage County Business Council also invites you to nominate a business or businessperson for the Entrepreneur of the Year Award to be presented at our May 1 Small Business Breakfast event. Click here for the Entrepreneur of the Year nomination form including award criteria. Nominations are due by Monday, March 2, 2015. Self nominations are encouraged. For more information on these awards, please contact Karen Schanock at 715-344-1940 or kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com.




The American Agriculture Appreciation Banquet supports the successes of agri-business in Portage County. Presentations are made to students and their leaders in categories including: • 4-H Leadership in Agriculture Award • Outstanding FFA Seniors Awards • ​Agri-Business Scholarships Applications are due by February 20, 2015

2014 event held at the Best Western Plover Hotel & Conference Center

• Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture Award Nominations Due by February 9, 2015 Location of Event: Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center, 1001 Amber Ave, Stevens Point, WI Plated Dinner includes: Salad, plated entree, baked potato, vegetables, fresh baked rolls, coffee, water, milk, and a delicious dessert. An assorted, complimentary appetizer buffet will also be served with items by our local Agri-Businesses. (Vegetarian or Gluten Free Options available upon request)

Wysocki Family of Companies receives 2014 Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture Award

Want to become further involved in the banquet? Program sponsorships for the American Agriculture Banquet are available in a variety of categories including in-kind donations. Contact Karen Schanock at 715-344-1940 or kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com for additional information.

NOMINATIONS SOUGHT FOR OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO AGRICULTURE AWARD » CLICK FOR AN ONLINE NOMINATION FORM The Portage County Business Council is seeking nominations for the 2015 Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture Award to be presented at the American Agriculture Banquet on March 9, 2015. The award is presented to an individual or organization that excels in the agriculture field. Nominee Award Criteria: *May include farmers, marketers, processors, or individuals involved in related areas of education, government or allied industry segments of agriculture. *Individual has furthered agriculture’s interest or development in production or marketing. *Individual has made significant contributions in agriculture related organizations. *Individual/organization has not received the award in the past three years.



Past Winners Include: 2014: Wysocki Family of Companies 2013: Paul Clasen, Retired, Rural Insurance 2012: Ken Schroeder, Portage County UW-Extension 2011: Dale Bowe, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation 2010: Wayne Ganser, Retired, Jay-Mar, Inc.



02.16.14 \\ 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM NO COST TO ATTEND » CLICK HERE TO REGISTER » MAP Held at: Stevens Point Curling Club 1628 Country Club Drive Stevens Point, WI 54481 (turn into the driveway of Stevens Point Country Club)


Don’t Miss Our 2nd Annual Women in Business Fashion Show! » CLICK HERE TO REGISTER HOSTED BY \

You won’t want to miss this Women in Business Luncheon and Fashion Show! Treat yourself and see the unique selection of clothing, accessories and one-of-a-kind pieces by Girls in Pearls Boutique. We will see what’s chic on the streets and trends to look for this season.

Enjoy complimentary hors d’oeuvres, refreshments and door prize giveaways.

Watch for more information in our March newsletter edition. For questions contact Karen Schanock at 715/344-1940 or kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com.

RSVP by Friday, February 13, 2015

SAVE THE DATES of Future Women in Business Luncheons:

A social event designed for and hosted by Business Council members to give business professionals an opportunity to network, share ideas, and have their facility seen by other members. The member host furnishes refreshments and hors d’oeuvres for the evening.

• Thursday, June 25, 2015 Presented by SentryWorld • Thursday, September 24, 2015 Presented by Wisconsin Public Service • Thursday, December 10, 2015 Presented by Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection

A different Business Council member hosts Business After Hours every month. Members are welcome to co-host the event with another Business Council member. Members should call Karen Schanock at 715-344-1940 to book the month they are interested in hosting as early as possible.

2015 BUSINESS AFTER HOURS SCHEDULE The Business Council is pleased to announce the following 2015 Business After Hours hosts:

by sponsoring a Business After Hours. It’s not too early to book for 2016.

March 16 – S.C. Swiderski LLC April 20 – Boys & Girls Club of Portage County May 18 – Midwest Renewable Energy Association & International Bank of Amherst June 15 – Community Insurance & Associates July 20 – FirstMerit Bank – Stevens Point August 17 – Thrivent Financial September 21 – CIC (Community Industries Corporation) October 19 – Central Wisconsin Center for Non-Profits November 16 – Adventure 212 Fitness December 14 – CAP Services

Host businesses can promote their facility, staff, and/or new products or services to over 80 area business people. Small businesses may wish to host this event at a member restaurant, larger facility, or co-sponsor the event with another Business Council member.

If Business After Hours is not in your planner yet, now is the time to pencil it in! Would you like to promote your business, share ideas and make important business contacts? You can do this and more,



A host business provides the location, refreshments, and hors d’oeuvres during the Business After Hours. In addition, the host business may choose to sponsor a door prize for the evening. The Business Council will assist in the invitation, marketing, registration, and door prize drawing. For more information on hosting a Business After Hours call Karen Schanock at the Business Council Office, 715-344-1940 or email to kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com.

business BRIEFS \\

The Business Briefs column is an avenue to spotlight noteworthy business and professional accomplishments, recognition and awards among our Business Council members. Submit items of interest, in 100 words or less, to: admin@portagecountybiz.com by the 24th of the month prior to the next newsletter issue.

CAP Services’ Head Start Program scores high marks in national evaluation. They were found to be in full compliance with all Head Start regulations during a federal review conducted last October. Scores for the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS), one part of the review process, were recently released. CAP’s program exceeded the national average in most of the areas assessed by the tool. // Central Wisconsin Symphony Orchestra The Central Wisconsin Symphony Orchestra moved its administrative offices to 800 Main Street, Stevens Point, effective January 14, 2015. In partnership with the City of Stevens Point, the orchestra will also manage the historic Smith Scarabocchio Art Museum, established by UW-Stevens Point Professor Emeritus Dr. David L. Smith. The museum will continue to display the distinctive work of Dr. Smith’s expansive permanent collection, as well as hosting rotating exhibits of various artists. Hours of operation for the symphony and the museum are 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, or by appointment. The CWSO may be reached by e-mail: cwso@ cwso.org or by telephone: 715-345-7726. // County Bancorp, Inc. (ICBK) (the “Company”), the holding company of Investors Community Bank, announced the closing of its previously announced initial public offering of 1,357,000 shares of its common stock at a price of $15.75 per share for gross proceeds of approximately $21.4 million. Of the 1,357,000 shares sold, 1,210,750 shares were sold by the Company (including 177,000 shares subject to the underwriters’ over-allotment option, which was exercised in full on January 16, 2015) and 146,250 shares were sold by certain selling shareholders. The Company did not receive any proceeds from the sale of shares by the selling shareholders. // Comfort Suites works with CAP Services to help person experiencing homelessness. Doug Myers, General Manager of Comfort Suites in Stevens Point, recently made a big difference in the life of a young man experiencing homelessness. Myers donated a stay in a hotel room for several nights to the man after being approached for help by Melissa Randall, who runs the Rapid Rehousing Program for CAP Services.

Altmann Construction, Inc. of Wisconsin Rapids, WI is proud to welcome Brad Knoll, Project Management and Brent Alfredson, Estimating. Brad Knoll brings over 7 years of project management and estimating experience to Altmann Construction. Brad’s expertise lies in general construction and design build in the commercial, light industrial industry. Brad is LEED certified and a graduate of Northern Michigan University with a degree in Construction Management. Brad, resides in Wisconsin Rapids with his wife. Brent Alfredson, joined Altmann Construction with over 10 years’ experience in the construction industry, specializing in commercial, and industrial construction. Brent, is a graduate of Western Michigan University with a degree in Construction Engineering. He resides in Wisconsin Rapids. // North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board (NCWWDB) Executive Director Rene Daniels announced the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development’s (DWD) intent to award NCWWDB with an $189,642 Wisconsin Fast Forward (WFF) workforce training grant. NCWWDB applied for the grant on behalf of three local companies (Skyward Inc., Sentry Insurance, and Delta Dental of Wisconsin, Inc.) and in collaboration with UW-Stevens Point and Mid-State Technical College. //

AGRI-BUSINESS SCHOLARSHIPS TO AWARD $1,000 » CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION The Agri-Business Committee of the Portage County Business Council will award up to $1,000 in scholarships at the American Agriculture Appreciation Banquet on Monday, March 9, 2015. Application forms and a list of scholarship criteria are available at the Business Council office and on our web site by clicking here. Forms are also available at any Portage County High School Guidance office. 2014 Agri-Business Scholarship Recipients were: Wyatt Adams – Plover, son of Larry and Lisa Adams Mike Sankey – Amherst, son of Lonnie and Tammy Sankey Applications are due by Friday, February 20, 2015. Contact Karen Schanock at 715-3441940 or kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com for additional scholarship information.

BUSINESS DAY IN MADISON MARCH 4 » PROGRAM DETAIL » PROGRAM FLYER Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) has announced Business Day in Madison 2015 will take place at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center on Wednesday, March 4. Featured speakers include: • John Stossel, host of his own show on Fox Business Network and formerly of ABC’s 20/20 • KT McFarland, Fox News National Security Analyst and host of FoxNews.com’s “DefCon 3” • Ed Goeas, Political Pollster and President of The Tarrance Group • Governor Scott Walker In addition, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson has been invited to speak. The PCBC encourages business leaders to attend.

John Stossel, KT McFarland, Ed Goeas, and Governor Scott Walker



welcome to OUR NEWEST MEMBERS \\

member of the MONTH \\



JULIA LINK 2833 Stanley Street Stevens Point, WI 54481 (715) 341-2712 http://www.gtmobilitypoint.com Join Date \\ 01/05/2015 GT Mobility & Services, LLC – Stevens Point has been serving customers in greater north central Wisconsin since 2008. We are a full service dealership for Vantage Mobility International (VMI), MV-1, and Mobility SVM providing new and used conversion vehicles for drivers with special requirements. We install hand controls to high tech driving systems, as well as wheelchair/scooter lifts. GT Mobility Point also offers a rental van through Wheelchair Giveaways®. GT Mobility & Services, LLC is a member of National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association and is Quality Assurance Program certified in all categories. GT Mobility & Services Point offers Freedom with Options.

LAKELAND OVERHEAD DOOR CORPORATION TROY TORGERSON 4925 Coye Drive, Suite C Stevens Point, WI 54481 (715)341-7222 http://www.lakelanddoor.com Join Date \\ 11/01/2014 Since 1981 Lakeland Overhead Door Corporation has been providing Homeowners, Residential and Commercial Contractors, and Industrial Clients with quality products and dependable service. Our team of professional sales staff and experienced technicians are dedicated to ensure who receive the best customer service, quality workmanship, and the safest and most innovative products available. Troy Torgerson, LEED AP Vice President Lakeland Overhead Door A Veteran Owned Small Business troy@lakelanddoor.com 715-498-9830 cell Visit our Facebook page at Lakeland Overhead Door, Corp.

Each month the Active Voice features a PCBC “Member of the Month” selected from a list of members that begins with the same letter of the alphabet.

Stevens Point, WI (715) 570-9418 http://www.lamar.com

Lamar Outdoor will be celebrating their 113th birthday this year. Our Company has experienced many changes over the years. Headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where it originated, Lamar has grown to 153 offices across the United States and is now the largest sole billboard provider in the country. Our industry, as many others, has seen its share of changes over the years. The sales cycle in the past, involved having a painter on hand to develop the actual message or story line and physically paint it on to a structure. Today we simply send a file with the billboard design to our plant and they upload the information to one of our huge printers to print the vinyl and install on the structure. In addition, our digital displays are capable of uploading an advertiser’s message and literally have it on a structure in less than an hour from the actual request. The Central Wisconsin office for Lamar covers 28 counties and has around 850 structures in our inventory. We do have additional billboards throughout the state that we offer to our clients as well through one of our other 6 offices. Consumer patterns today are much different than they were even 8 to 10 years ago. People are on the move more than ever and as a result, out of home advertising is as effective as ever. This is especially the case in smaller cities with a limited number of highly traveled routes. Reach and frequency are the two main ingredients to any strong marketing approach. In most cases, outdoor will provide the best reach and frequency for the money. In my opinion, the following is the best business advice I’ve ever received, “Commit yourself and be responsive to people’s needs, every day’s a new day”.

SERVICE COLD STORAGE LES DOBBE - PARTNER / MARKETING 5700 EM Copps Drive Stevens Point, WI 54482 (715) 544-4565 http://www.servicecoldstoragellc.com Join Date \\ 01/13/2015 Service Cold Storage opened in June, 2014. This 156,000 square foot, state of the art refrigerated warehouse facility provides the highest quality cold storage services in all of Wisconsin. Service Cold Storage can easily handle your cold storage needs with 23,940 pallet positions and 19,000 square feet of loading dock space. At Service Cold Storage, service is more than just a name – it’s our commitment to the customer.


Eric Peterson, Account Executive,


Lamar Central Wisconsin

Mary Jo Monday 715-344-1940 \\ mmonday@portagecountybiz.com \\




COMING TO STEVENS POINT – Join the Portage County Business Council and TEC (The Executive Committee) as we present internationally renowned corporate speaker, trainer and consultant – Mr. Jay Rifenbary.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015 8:00AM - 11:30AM

Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center $20/person for PCBC Members ($150 for a table of 8) $25/person for Prospective Members Cost Includes Plated Breakfast

» CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Reservations Online at www.PortageCountyBiz.com or call the PCBC at 715-344-1940 Reservations due Thursday, February 26, 2015 For questions contact Karen Schanock at kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com or 715-344-1940

“NO EXCUSE! Incorporating Core Values, Accountability and Balance into Your Life and Career” If you want to improve the effectiveness of your leaders, performance of your employees, and overall atmosphere of your organization this is a program you can’t afford to miss. Built on a solid foundation of core values, self-responsibility, organizational accountability, integrity and purposes, this exciting “No Excuse!” program teaches, validates and supports the importance of key principles and skills, such as selfcontrol, personal respect, forgiveness, passion and positive attitude, as they pertain to one’s personal and professional success. Gaining a greater understanding of the importance of consistency in behavior, decisiveness and personal honesty, your employee’s productivity and efficiency in the work place can soar. Ultimately, this contributes to the morale and productivity of your entire organization.

About our Speaker: Jay Rifenbary is a professional speaker, trainer and consultant, and for over 20 years has provided his expertise in the areas of personal and professional development, leadership, and communication training to organizations, associations and schools across North America, Europe and Asia. Jay received his Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Military Academy at West Point, with a concentration in Nuclear Physics. From being a former qualified Airborne/Ranger, Military Commander, Sales Professional, Corporate Manager and Entrepreneur, Jay brings a unique background of interpersonal skills and business experience to each of his training and speaking engagements. Don’t Miss This Program – Register Today! Proceeds to benefit Junior Achievement of WI Inc - Portage & Wood Counties 12 THE ACTIVE VOICE \\ PORTAGE COUNTY BUSINESS COUNCIL NEWSLETTER

PARTNERS IN EDUCATION SEEKING VOLUNTEERS TO MEET PROGRAM NEEDS VOLUNTEER FORMS & PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS ON PAGE 17 OF THIS ACTIVE VOICE Workforce/talent development is a hot topic and Partners In Education is helping bridge the development gap through their programs and events. In an effort to meet increased requests from educators, Partners In Education needs help from the Portage County community. If you want to help students explore career options and develop employability skills sign up to be a PIE Volunteer. The more people we have willing to help, the better prepared students will be to transition after graduation. Information about PIE core programs, events and special programs as well as a volunteer registration form are available in this issue of the Active Voice or by contacting Judy Rannow at fdn@portagecountybiz.com. We look forward to having you help us out. We also encourage you to pass PIE program, event and volunteer information on to others in your organization and in the community.


Mariann Ferrin, Associated Bank, N.A.

Shelley Brillowski, ABR Employment Services & Nathan Sandwick, Portage County UW Extension

Shari Brunes, MILC

Janice Schneider, Sam’s Club


FIRST CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION SHOWCASE AT SPASH A SUCCESS On January 9, 2015 the first annual Career & Technical Education Showcase was held at Stevens Point Area Senior High (SPASH). Over 100 9th graders and their parents learned about local careers and SPASH elective opportunities. A great big thank you to the following businesses for their participation at the event: Altmann Construction, Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection, Boys & Girls Club, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, Ellis Stone Construction Co., Edward Jones, Delta Dental of Wisconsin, Marten Machining Inc., Renaissance Learning Inc., The Boldt Company, Skyward, Wysocki Family of Companies, Blenker Building Systems, Gamber-Johnson, LLC, Lee Ayers Jewelers & Mid-State Technical College.

Steve Chizzo from Ellis Stone Construction Company talking to SPASH students about career in construction.

SPASH students checking out CTE electives

SPASH students checking out CTE electives


For more information regarding Leadership Portage County, Partners In Education or Workforce Development contact Judy Rannow, Director of Workforce Development, at 715-344-1940 or fdn@portagecountybiz.com.



LPC LEARNS ABOUT EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT In January, Leadership Portage County participants learned about many different areas of education and workforce development. The day began at Bliss Center where session leaders Carie Winn and Rebecca Gaboda facilitated an interim assignment discussion. After the discussion, participants learned about different aspects of K-12 and post-secondary education. The afternoon was held at MSTC, Stevens Point; participants learned about different school-to-work programs including apprenticeships and internships. The final panel centered around workforce/talent development in Portage County. The day ended with sessions on public speaking and The Courage to Lead. Thank you to the following individuals for helping us out: Ray Ackerlund, Brigitta Altmann, Rene Daniels, Jeff Ebel, Dave Eckmann, Rebecca Gaboda, Todd Kuckkahn, Mary Jo Monday, Tom Owens, Bernie Patterson, Jenny Resch, Sue Shulfer, Steve Smith, Lorry Walters, Attila Weninger, Carie Winn, and Jen Zach.

SUPPORTING PORTAGE COUNTY BUSINESS COUNCIL FOUNDATION PROGRAMS » PIE INVESTMENT FORM Did you know that if you support the Portage County Business Council Foundation by sponsoring Partners In Education or our new workforce development efforts you can earn two-hours of training or consultation for every $500 donated on top of the other sponsor benefits? Not only that, but your donation is tax deductible. Organizations will be provided 2-hours of PCBCF staff or volunteer time for every $500 invested. Time can be used in the following areas after consulting with PCBCF staff to ensure appropriate fit: • Professional Development Consulting & Plan Development – Providing guidance/support for creating and implementing workforce development plans • Professional Development Coaching – Providing one-on-one or team coaching • Organizational Development Consulting & Plan Development – Providing guidance/support for creating and implementing organizational development plans

For more information regarding Leadership Portage County, Partners In Education or Workforce Development contact Judy Rannow, Director of Workforce Development, at 715-344-1940 or fdn@portagecountybiz.com.



2015 pcbc / foundation board of DIRECTORS \\

meetings & other DATES \\

Executive Board


Keith Pilger - President, Anderson O’Brien Ken Erler - Vice President, Sentry Insurance Sue Wille - Treasurer, Ligman & Wille CPA LLC Scott Glinski - Member at Large, Skyward Erik Carlson - Member at Large, Ellis Stone Construction Company Lisa Sobczak - Member at Large, ABR Employment Services Doug Ballweg - Member at Large, Delta Dental of Wisconsin Lori Dehlinger Van Alstine - Executive Director, Portage County Business Council, Inc.

6 Mayoral Candidate Forum, 7:30 am, PCBC 9 Membership / Marketing Committee, 7:30 am, PCBC 11 Small Business X-Change, 7:30 am, PCBC 12 Ambassadors Club Meeting, 8:00 am, PCBC 16 Business After Hours, 5:00 pm, Stevens Point Curling Club 18 Executive Committee, 7:30 am, Anderson O’Brien 19 SalesNet Meeting, 11:45 am – 1:00 pm, PCBC

Board of Directors Tom Altmann - Altmann Construction Company Lorraine Avery - Associated Bank Dan Beighley - Wisconsin Public Service Corporation Patty Dreier - Portage County Executive David Eckmann - University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Jim Firminhac - WoodTrust Bank James Gifford - Portage County Board O. Phillip Idsvoog - Portage County Board Todd Kuckkahn - Stevens Point Area Catholic Schools Deb Marten - Marten Machining Cherrie Marti - Ministry Saint Michael’s Hospital Richard O’Sullivan - Mid-State Technical College Jeremie Pavelski - Heartland Farms Inc. Susan Placzek - SentryWorld Sports Center Dan Schlutter - Village of Plover Dawn Thrun - International Bank of Amherst Attila Weninger - Stevens Point Area Public Schools Gary Wescott - City of Stevens Point Ward Wolff - First Weber Group Realtors Robert Worth - The Worth Company (Director Emeritus)

Board Advisors Sara Brish - Stevens Point Area Convention & Visitors Bureau Dan Mahoney - Village of Plover Michael Ostrowski - City of Stevens Point Steve Smith - Mid-State Technical College

CONNECT WITH US ON... www.PortageCountyBiz.com

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advertise with US \\ » CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO For questions, please contact Amelia at 715-344-1940 or admin@portagecountybiz.com.

PORTAGE COUNTY GIFT CERTIFICATES Purchasing Portage County gift certificates continues to be a successful way to “Buy Local”. Portage County gift certificates make great gifts. Gift certificates can be purchased at area banks, credit unions, the Convention and Visitors Bureau or at our office. They can be used at any business with a Portage County address and are available in denominations of $5, $10, $20, $25, $50 & $100. The PCBC would like to thank everyone who participates for helping make the program successful. We would also like to thank BMO Harris Bank for their financial support of the gift certificate program.

the TEAM \\ they make things happen! PCBC / Foundation Staff

Email Addresses

The Active Voice

Lori Dehlinger Van Alstine - Executive Director Mary Jo Monday - Director of Member Relations Karen Schanock - Director of Programs & Events Judy Rannow - Director of Workfoce Development Kari Thompson - Business & Office Operations Director Amelia Ruzek - Administrative / Marketing Assistant


Questions / Comments:


Amelia Ruzek \\ admin@portagecountybiz.com

kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com fdn@portagecountybiz.com acctg@portagecountybiz.com admin@portagecountybiz.com

Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter - @PoCoBiz Follow us on LinkedIn




Partners In Education Proactively preparing the future Portage County workforce Partners In Education creates, implements and promotes effective workforce development educational programs focusing on employability skills and career exploration to prepare Portage County graduates for successful employment through business/education partnerships.

To volunteer please return completed form to Partners In Education Name: __________________________________

Company: _________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________

State: ________

Phone: _______________________________

Zip: ____________________________

Fax: _____________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Volunteer Names: _______________________________________________________________________ Career Clusters (check the primary clusters your organization fits under): ☐ Agriculture & Natural Resources

☐ Arts & Communication

☐ Business & Marketing

☐ Construction, Technology, Engineering & Manufacturing ☐ Government, Human & Public Services

☐ Health & Medical

Please check all PIE events you are interested in helping with: Date


☐ February 2015 (3 speakers needed per day dates determined by volunteer availability)


Here’s What I Do (focus on


Ben Franklin Jr. High


Ben Franklin Jr. High


Reality Shop Etiquette Smetiquette Soft Skills for Success

St. Peter MS Rosholt HS Rosholt HS

20 2

4:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Exploring Career Clusters

Boys and Girls Club

☐ April 7, 2015

7:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Reality Shop


☐ April 14, 2015 ☐ Spring 2015 (1 speaker

7:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Reality Shop

Rosholt HS

50 50

Ben Franklin Jr. High


☐ February 2015 (dates determined by volunteer availability)

☐ February 20, 2015 ☐ February 24, 2015 ☐ March 5, 2015 ☐ March 9, 11, 23 or 25, 2015 (2-3 speakers needed per day - dates determined by volunteer availability)

needed per week for 5-7 weeks – dates determined by volunteer availability)

7:45 AM – 2:55 PM


9:20 AM – 10:21 AM 8:20 AM – 11:20 AM 8:10 AM – 8:53 AM 8:10 AM – 8:53 AM

9:28 AM – 10:14 AM

guilds & apprenticeships – carpenters, master electricians, journeymen…)

Here’s What I Do (focus on fashion design, production, merchandising, marketing and careers)

Here’s What I Do (focus on needed for employment using Microsoft applications)


Partners In Education A program of the Portage County Business Council Foundation 5501 Vern Holmes Drive, Stevens Point, WI 54482 Phone: 715-344-1940 Fax: 715-344-4473 Web Site: www.portagecountz.com Email: fdn@portagecountybiz.com

2 6-12

Please check all core PIE programs you are interested in helping with: ☐ BUSINESS-EDUCATION FORUMS (Educators & Community Members): Forums bring business and education together to learn more about workforce development issues facing Portage County. ☐ BUSINESS TOURS (Elementary, Middle, Jr. High & High School): Showcases businesses to future workforce while educating them on the types of training, skills and education needed to be employed there. ☐ CAREER CONVERSATIONS (High School & College): How does one go about starting in a particular field or career? Being able to talk to individuals who have successful careers in areas of interest can help students make informed career choices. ☐ CEO BOOTCAMP (High School & College): This program prepares students to take on leadership roles at school and in the community. ☐ COMMUNITY CAREERS (Community & Parents/Guardians): There are a lot of great business and career opportunities in Portage County. This program showcases local organizations through videos, social media and print materials. ☐ ETIQUETTE SMETIQUETTE (Middle, Jr. High, High School & College): This program gives students the basics of business etiquette to better prepare them to enter the workforce. ☐ EXPLORING CAREER CLUSTERS (Middle School & Jr. High): Business representatives come into the schools to give students an overview of the different jobs in their industry/career cluster – focusing on Portage County opportunities. ☐ FAMILY CAREER EXPLORATION & CAREER EXPO (Middle, Jr. High, & High School Students and Parents/Guardians): Business representatives come into the schools to give parents/guardians and students an overview of industries and jobs within Portage County. ☐ GOLDEN APPLE EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION (Educators, Community Members & Students): This program provides a venue for recognizing those in education for the great work they do. ☐ HERE’S WHAT I DO (Elementary, Middle & Jr. High): Business and community representatives help educate students on the “real world” by visiting classrooms and informing them of the skills, education and training needed to work for companies in the area through presentations, interactive activities and question/answer sessions. ☐ HR HELP (High School & College): Human Resource Professionals show students how to search for jobs, complete applications, prepare for interviews, be social media savvy and how to be successful on the job. ☐ JOB SHADOWING (High School & College): Students spend time at a local business to learn first-hand what it would be like to work there. Volunteers determine how long the experience will be and what students have access to while at the organization. Current Job Shadow Student Requests: ☐IT Specialist ☐K-9 Unit ☐IT Hardware ☐Welding ☐Security System Manager ☐Marketing Specialist ☐Elementary Teacher ☐Psychiatrist ☐Military ☐Psychologist ☐Law Enforcement ☐Life Coach ☐Criminal Justice ☐Civil Litigator

☐Forensic Psychologist ☐Vet ☐Vet Tech ☐Dog Trainer ☐Dog Groomer ☐Sled Dog Racer ☐Firefighter

☐EMT ☐Plumber ☐Electrician ☐Carpenter

☐ KIDS INVESTIGATING CAREERS - CAREER EXPLORATION GAMES (Elementary): PIE has a lending library of career games that schools can borrow or have to incorporate into their curriculum. ☐ PIE SCHOOL-TO-WORK CO-OP (High School & College): This program provides a structured yet flexible school to work option. It takes employment and internships one step further by utilizing the Employability Skills Certificate, a DPI program designed to help students learn crucial “soft skills” through school and work. ☐ PIE SOCIAL (Educators & Community Members): Annually welcomes new educators and academic staff to the Portage County community while providing business-education networking opportunities. ☐ REALITY SHOP (Middle, Jr. High, High School & College): Students put their learned knowledge into action during this interactive financial literacy program with the help of business volunteers. ☐ SOFT SKILLS FOR SUCCESS (Middle, Jr. High, High School & College): Success in the workplace and in the community takes more than just technical skills, it also takes interpersonal skills. This program will get students started on the soft skills they need to succeed. ☐ SPREAD THE WORD (Educators & Community Members): Help spread the word about Partners In Education (PIE) by making PIE online links and informational brochures available to all staff. Invite the Portage County Business Council Foundation Director of Workforce Development to present on PIE programs and events. ☐ SUMMER TEACHER INTERNSHIPS (Educators): This program provides educators the opportunity to intern at local businesses in the summer to learn more about the skills students need to work in Portage County. ☐ TALENT SHOWCASE (College Seniors): This 4-day all-expense-paid program helps local employers recruit talent for high-demand positions. College seniors showcase their talents to local businesses seeking qualified employees while local organizations showcase our region, companies and communities. ☐ TOURS FOR TEACHERS (T4T) (Educators): This program provides educators the opportunity to tour local business and industry locations to get a behind the scenes look at what they do. ☐ YOUTH APPRENTICESHIP (Juniors and Seniors): Wisconsin's Youth Apprenticeship program is a part of a statewide School-to-Work initiative. It is designed for high school students who want hands on learning in an occupational area at a worksite along with classroom instruction. This one or two year elective program combines academic and technical instruction with mentored on-the-job learning. Opportunities in the following areas: Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources; Architecture & Construction; Art, A/V Technology & Communications; Finance; Health Science; Hospitality & Tourism; Information Technology; Manufacturing; Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM); Transportation, Distribution & Logistics.

Special PIE Programs Careers in technology and engineering are increasing and Portage County has a shortage of qualified workers. In an effort to help meet future needs, Partners In Education is currently working on programs to help address the worker shortage in these fields. We need to find out if there are individuals interested in volunteering in order to move forward with these programs. When we know there is enough interest to move forward, we will look for funding to support the new programs. Our goal is for Partners In Education to lead collaborative efforts to prepare Portage County students to succeed after graduation in all career areas. PIE Technology and Engineering Outcomes:  Increase the number of Portage County students exposed to technology and engineering careers.  Increase technology and engineering skill development opportunities for students in Portage County.  Increase the number of Portage County female students interested in pursuing technology and engineering careers.

Please check all special PIE programs you are interested in helping with: (*please make sure to complete the information on the first page and send that in as well) ☐ Girls in Technology & Engineering: We are looking for females in technology and engineering fields to help with programs for girls. Our goal is to increase the number of females going into technology and engineering careers. ☐ Lego League: We are looking for individuals in the field or with interest in robotics/engineering/programming to help start Lego League Clubs. Our goal is to have age appropriate clubs available for partner elementary, middle school/Jr. high, and high schools as well as local youth organizations. ☐ Technology Programs: We are looking for individuals with programming experience to partner with educators to teach students about programming and careers utilizing programming skills. Our goal is to have age appropriate curriculum and programs available for partner elementary, middle school/Jr. high, and high schools as well as local youth organizations. ☐ Engineering Programs: We are looking for individuals with engineering experience to partner with educators to teach students about engineering and careers in engineering. Our goal is to have age appropriate curriculum and programs available for partner elementary, middle school/Jr. high, and high schools as well as local youth organizations. If you are interested in checking out the programs and materials we are looking to use for our technology and engineering programs click on the links below. Technology:  Scratch: http://scratch.mit.edu/  Girls Who Code: http://girlswhocode.com/about-us/  RPG Maker: http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/ Engineering  Goldieblox: http://www.goldieblox.com/pages/about  MoretoMath: https://education.lego.com/en-us/lesi/elementary/lego-education-moretomath  Lego Engineering: http://www.legoengineering.com/get-started/  NanoFab Lab…In a Box!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wbore_Sj-g

Partners In Education A program of the Portage County Business Council Foundation 5501 Vern Holmes Drive, Stevens Point, WI 54482 Phone: 715-344-1940 Fax: 715-344-4473 Web Site: www.portagecountz.com Email: fdn@portagecountybiz.com

Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2015 Nomination Form To celebrate the true entrepreneurial spirit and recognize an individual, the Portage County Business Council invites your nomination for the Entrepreneur of the Year Award. The award winner will be honored during the Small Business Breakfast on May 1, 2015. The nomination process is simple. Anyone may nominate a businessperson for this award. Selfnominations are welcome. Please complete the form and mail or fax it to the Portage County Business Council Office.

Nominations are due by Monday, March 2, 2015 Portage County Business Name____________________________________________________ Why I nominated this businessperson for Entrepreneur of the Year _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Nominated by____________________________Company______________________________ Phone____________________________ Email Address________________________________ After You Nominate A Business, Organization or Individual • All Business Council members nominated receive a questionnaire to complete • Selection for the award is made from companies completing the questionnaire • All questionnaires are confidentially reviewed by Selection Committee Criteria Used to Determine the Award Winner • Has launched a new and successful business venture in Portage County within the last five years • Business is not a previous recipient of the Entrepreneur of the Year Award • Based on 2014 calendar year business results Previous Recipients 2014 – Girls in Pearls Boutique 2013 – The Bottle Stop 2012 – Ski’s Meat Market 2011 – Café 27 2010 – Little Scholars Beginnings Child Care & Preschool Return all nomination forms to the Portage County Business Council • 5501 Vern Holmes Drive • Stevens Point, WI 54482

Fax: 715-344-4473 • Phone: 715-344-1940 • Website: www.portagecountybiz.com

Quality of Life Award (For Nonprofit / Not-For Profit Organizations)

2015 Nomination Form In an effort to honor one nonprofit or not-for-profit organization in Portage County whose work has enriched the lives of Portage County residents, we welcome your nomination for the 2015 Quality of Life Award. This will be presented at the Business Council’s Small Business Breakfast on May 1, 2015. This award recognizes the special nature of social service, cultural and other charitable efforts. The nomination process has been simplified to encourage increased participation. Please indicate your choice for this award on the form below and mail, fax or email the information to the Business Council. Anyone may nominate an organization for this yearly honor. Self-nominations are welcome.

Nominations due by Monday, March 2, 2015 Portage County Organization Name __________________________________________________________ I am nominating this organization for the Quality of Life Award because _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Nominated By ____________________________ Company_______________________________________ Phone_______________________________ Email Address_______________________________________ After you Nominate an Organization: o All PCBC member organizations nominated receive a questionnaire to complete. o Selection for the award is made from organizations completing the questionnaire. o All completed questionnaires are confidentially reviewed. Criteria Used in the Selection Process: o Must be a Nonprofit or Not-For-Profit Organization. o Be a member of the Portage County Business Council in good standing with current year’s dues. o Organization has provided services in Portage County for at least 5 years. o Organization has not been a recipient of this award in the past 5 years. Return nomination form to the Portage County Business Council • 5501 Vern Holmes Drive • Stevens Point, WI 54482 Fax: 715-344-4473 • Phone: 715-344-1940 • Email: kschanoc@portagecountybiz.com

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