PORTALES | Volume 6.2 (spring 2024)

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The Undergraduate Journal of the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures at Columbia University

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Como el buen uso de la retórica puede combatir la crisis migratoria en México


The Current Venezuelan ‘Diaspora’ from a political and humanitarian perspective in Venezuela and Peru



“No redactada desde cero”: las influencias de la Sección Femenina y las Mujeres Libres en la redacción de la Ley de igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres (acto 17/2015)


Gender Diverse Identity in Brazil: Resilience in an Epidemic of Violence

Tierras corporales: El Útero y el imperio en Puerto Rico

54 69

Como el

buen uso de

la retórica puede combatir la crisis migratoria en México




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The Current Venezuelan ‘Diaspora’ from a political and humanitarian perspective in Venezuela and Peru



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“No redactada desde cero”: las influencias de la Sección Femenina y las Mujeres Libres en la redacción de la Ley de igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres (acto 17/2015)


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Gender Diverse Identity in Brazil: Resilience in an Epidemic of Violence



Although the Brazilian LGBTQ+ community has had significant influence in the nation’s art and entertainment industry, more transgender people are murdered each year in Brazil than in any other country in the world. Current views about the community reside in conversations of death and violence, which neglects other facets of trans and travesti life. This paper aims to reframe the idea thatbeing trans equates death and emphasize the resilience, solidarity, and success of the Brazilian trans and travesti communities. However, it must first be acknowledged that anti-queer violence occurs at alarming rates in Brazil, and Black transfeminine people are especially targeted due to the confluence of racism and transphobia Additionally, the recent anti-queer rhetoric and policy from the federal government has only perpetuated this violence. Despite these seemingly insurmountable barriers, though, the travesti community, some of whom work in prostitution, has managed to build networks of solidarity to promote mutual support, access to healthcare, and respectful recognition. Furthermore, many trans and travesti Brazilians have achieved national and international fame and have used their platforms to bring awareness to issues affecting their communities. Trans people have broken barriers in telenovelas watched by millions, graced magazine covers, and positively disrupted (trans)gender norms. In order to effectively fight for an end to the violence against the queer community, it is imperative to highlight the incredible achievements of the Brazilian trans and travesti communities to foster resilience and inspire hope in future generations of queer people.

Keywords: LGBTQ+, transgender,travesti, Brazil, violence, resilience


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Tierras corporales: El Útero y el imperio en Puerto Rico



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