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Children Services
Parent Participation
Move to music, tumble, jump, balance, socialize, and play. This fun introduction to our gymnastics program incorporates parachute games, dance and rhythm activities to help develop movement. Age: 2–3
PCCC Playroom 3 (Active Play)
80098 W,F 9–9:45am Jul 5–7
80106 M,W,F 9–9:45am Aug 14–18
FEE: $15.00 & $22.50 (3 DAYS)
This program is designed to introduce your little one to our early years programming. Children will enjoy time for free play, crafts, games, songs and social interactions all with the comfort of having a parent with them and under the guidance of our experienced staff leaders. Infant brothers and sisters are welcome too. Age: 1–4
PCCC Playroom 2 (Preschool)
80125 M,W,F 9–9:45am Jul 24–28
80127 M,W,F 9–9:45am Aug 21–25
FEE: $22.50
Three zones to explore with your child, there is something for everyone. Zone 1 for gross motor play, zone 2 for sensory and zone 3 with craft supplies. Plus many other toys! Age: 1 ½–5
Soccer Stars And Parents
Connect with your children by running, playing, kicking and having fun with a soccer ball. A sports leader will introduce games and activities to play with your child! Don’t forget your water bottle! Age: 2–3
PCCC Arena 1 (Blue) Jon Baillie
M,W 1–1:45pm Jul 17–19
PCCC Mabbett Hall ½ N
FEE: $15.00
Childminding Information
Click here or Scan QR Code for information about childminding.
Transition Programs
This program is ideal for children who are already comfortable being left in a program independently. Focus will be on classroom routines and moving from one activity to another. Activities include circle time, stories, crafts, physical play and a snack. Please send a snack with your child. Age: 2½–4
PCCC Playroom 2 (Preschool)
80159 T 1:30–3pm Aug 29
FEE: $12.00
80154 T,F 1:30–3pm Jul 4–7
80155 T,F 1:30–3pm Jul 18–21
80156 T,F 1:30–3pm Aug 1–4
80158 T,F 1:30–3pm Aug 15–18
FEE: $24.00
This gradual entry program is designed for children just getting used to being in a program on their own. Parents stay with their child until they are comfortable and ready to say good bye at each class. Children are gently introduced to classroom routines with time for free play and a structured circle time. Parents are expected to remain in the building.
Age: 2½–5
PCCC Playroom 2 (Preschool)
80122 M,W 9–9:45am Aug 28–30
80120 M,W,F 9–9:45am Jul 17–21
80123 M,W,F 9–9:45am Jul 31–Aug 4
FEE: $15.00 & $22.50 (3 DAYS)
Early Learning
FEE: $15.00 & $22.50 (3 DAYS)
This program is designed for those already comfortable being independent in programs and to foster an interest in numbers and letters. We will include circle time, stories, crafts and discussions about numbers and letters. Age: 3½–4
PCCC Playroom 3 (Active Play)
80119 W,F
Jul 10–14
FEE: $15.00 & 22.50 (3 DAYS)
Children will enjoy outdoor experiences and play based learning opportunities as they explore Hyde Creek’s beautiful natural forest and trails. Opportunities for imaginative play, and physical activity, with name and letter recognition, weather, counting and patterning all being incorporated into the fun in the forest. Playschool will be OUTSIDE every day except in extreme weather. An indoor classroom is reserved each day. Come learn with us! Age: 3–5
Early Learning Specialty Programs
An intro to dance & movement using props and familiar songs kids love while developing their motor skills and imagination in creative ways. Program progresses from Tiny Tot Dance through Levels 1, 2 and then Let’s Dance Club. For information please call Annette at 604.612.9044 Age: 2–3
PCCC Playroom 3 (Active Play)
80458 Sa 9–9:30am Jul 8–29
80459 Sa 9:45–10:15am Jul 8–29
80469 Sa 9–9:30am Aug 5–26
80470 Sa 9:45–10:15am Aug 5–26
FEE: $32.00
Learning and exploring dance with the fundamentals of ballet, jazz and tap. Using our imagination while learning dance steps across the floor and finishing with gymnastics on the mat. For information please call Annette at 604.612.9044 Age: 3–4
PCCC Playroom 3 (Active Play)
80460 Sa 10:30–11:30am Jul 8–29
80466 Sa 10:30–11:30am Aug 5–26
FEE: $48.00
A continuation of Level 1 with the fundamentals of ballet, jazz and tap. Skips, gallops, turns will be covered focus on a short choreography, dances from around the world then finishing with gymnastics on the mat. For information please call Annette at 604.612.9044 Age: 4–6
PCCC Playroom 3 (Active Play)
80461 Sa 11:45–12:45pm Jul 8–29
80467 Sa 11:45–12:45pm Aug 5–26
FEE: $48.00
Dino Dig
Calling all adventure seekers who want to explore the world of dinosaurs, we create a dino craft, and learn about all different dinosaurs. Age: 3–5
PCCC Playroom 2 (Preschool)
FEE: $36.00
Fairytale Drama Play
Imaginations will soar! Fairytale stories will be highlighted and a chance for your preschooler to act out the story and create crafts to help with the play! Age: 3–5
FEE: $36.00
Little Scientist
What happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar...a fun time! Explore and learn the world of science. Age: 3–5
PCCC Playroom 2 (Preschool)
FEE: $36.00
Slime Time
Lets explore the sensory world of slime! What type of slime will we make together today! Age: 3–5
PCCC Playroom 2 (Preschool)
80170 W 2:30–4pm Aug 9
FEE: $18.00
Get messy and have fun creating unique art projects! Cloud paint, salt paint and anything else that’s messy! Don’t worry we will take care of the clean up!
Age: 3–5
PCCC Playroom 2 (Preschool) 80166 W 2:30–4pm Jul 5
FEE: $18.00 & $36.00 (2DAY)