Westcoast German News - February 2013 Edition

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For Germanophiles in Western Canada Free

February 2013

s e n i t n e Val Day s!! d n e i r f r u o y h t Share wi s! w e n d n a s t n e v Send us your e German, Swiss and Austrian Events - Interviews - Canadian Celebrations Fasching - Carneval - Valentines Day - Family Day - Basel Fasnacht

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16

German Update & Events Europe Day May 9th, 2013 Eating Horse Meat? European Festival German Easter Bunny Recipe German-Speaking Jobs Laughter & Lighter News The Queen of Colours Visit-World Green News - Passive House Swiss Community European & Other Events Advertising Information Important Contact Information

DEADLINES - March 15th - March 31st, 2013 - April 15th - April 30th, 2013 - May 15th - May 31st, 2013 - June 15th - June 30th, 2013 - September 15th - September 30th, 2013 - October 15th - October 31st, 2013 - November 15th - November 30th, 2013 - December 15th - December 31st, 2013

Westcoast German News is a monthly publication for Austrian, German & Swiss expatriates living on the Westcoast of Canada and the US. Its reach is even as far away as Alberta and the US. You can order a print copy by visiting http://www. magcloud.com. Digital copies are free and can be read on line, while print copies cost $5 and can take as long as 2 weeks to arrive, depending on the shipping...



On Wednesday, February 13th, 2013, I attended the “Herringessen am Aschermittwoch” event that was organized by the German Canadian Business Association.

Editor Elke

February has had its share of events: The very first BC Family Day on the 11th ever! Then Valentine’s Day, Fasching (Karnival) and Leap Year on Thursday, February 28th. My life has been busy with teaching music and singing to children at the Westside German School, as well as working with a variety of PR & newsletter clients. I am sure we all look forward to March with Spring Break and the arrival of a new season to look forward to! Happy Easter to all, and remember that Daylight Savings begins Sunday, March 10th! If you attend any of the events listed in this magazine, please send me your pictures or write-ups, so I can share them with other readers. If you know of someone who would like to subscribe, contribute or advertise in Westcoast German News, please let me know! If you have a media pass, I can also attend events. Best regards, Elke

From the description on their website: “The Vancouver Alpenclub remains a busy gathering place for long-time members of European descent, guests from all over greater Vancouver and tourists alike. This is a perfect location to come and join in a casual dinner setting with platter service featuring a variety of prepared herring, Some members of the former German-Canadian Chamber of Industry & Commerce’s Vanfollowed by a dessert of apple strudel or couver Branch were also attended as a group! cheesecake.“


Schumann’s “Liederkreis” or Romantic German Art Songs For this Lieder recital, the young Canadian baritone Joshua Hopkins will be joined by Michael Jarvis on a magnificent, recently restored 19th-century grand piano, for a programme that also includes works by Beethoven, Schubert & Mendelssohn. Date: Friday, March 22nd, 2013 at 7:15 Location: Christ Church Cathedral at 690 Burrard at West Georgia Alternate: Attend the Sunday Matinee on March 24th, 2013 at 2:15 PM Location: 1700 Mathers Avenue in West Vancouver Bach Mass in B Minor Ultimate Baroque by Johann Sebastian Bach Their traditional Good Friday performance features the towering choral masterpiece of J.S. Bach, the “Mass in B minor”. One of the great monuments of all music, this Mass plumbs the depths of musical and spiritual experience for performers and audience alike. Conductor Jon Washburn will present this musical highlight. Date: Friday, March 29th, 2013 at 8 PM Location: The Orpheum at Seymour & Smithe in Downtown Vancouver The Vancouver Chamber Choir is pleased to offer all Westcoast German News readers a 20% discount off the price of adult tickets, not including dress circle, booked online through Ticketmaster for this concert. To purchase tickets, please click on the following link and enter offer code/password RAINBOW before you select your seats: Please see AD on page 8! http://www.ticketmaster.ca/event/110048EA868C8FA2?artistid=899635&majorcatid= 10002&minorcatid=203 The Elysee Treaty: 50 Yeras of French-German Parthership. What does it mean to Europe? Date: Tuesday, April 9th, 2013 between 2 PM and 6 PM Location: C.K. Choi Building, 1855 West Mall at UBC

EUROPE DAY MAY 9th, 2013 VIP & MEDIA BREAKFAST (TRIUMF) 7:45 am REGISTRATION/MEDIA PASSES 8:00 BREAKFAST (Buffet & Networking) Welcoming remarks Media opportunity, interviews 9:00 ADJOURN & RELOCATE PUBLIC TALKS (UBC Venue) 9:00 am REGISTRATION 9:30 EVENT BEGINS --Master of Ceremonies (TBD) 9:30 WELCOME --Nigel S. Lockyer, TRIUMF director --Codrutsa Rotaru, Eurofest BC Society President --Senior ranking dignitary/official (TBD) 9:40 EUROPE DAY TALK The History of Europe Day and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement -Andrea Nuesser, Institute of European Studies, UBC 10:00 PLENARY TALK A Global Accomplishment -- CERN, the LHC, and the Higgs --Rob McPherson, ATLAS-Canada spokesperson 10:45 PANEL DISCUSSION Why Should Europe & Canada Cooperate in Science & Technology? -Moderator (TBD) --Nigel Lockyer, Conrad King, Rob McPherson --Member of the Consular Corps based in Vancouver (TBC) --Eurofest BC Society member (TBD) 11:30 QUESTION & ANSWER SESSION with PANEL --Moderator (TBD) 12:00 n CLOSING REMARKS --Erich Vogt (TBC) --2nd Senior ranking dignitary/official (TBD) VISIT TO TRIUMF 12:15 PM TRANSPORT TO TRIUMF (Shuttles from UBC venue to TRIUMF front entrance) 12:30 LUNCHEON AT TRIUMF 1:30 TOURS OF TRIUMF 3:00 PM ADJOURN


The Large Hadron Collider, the Higgs Discovery and the Big Bang. Europe Day on May 9th is a cornerstone of European history and as the birthday of the European Union, a celebration of great importance. Nationally and locally, this day is commemorated in many different ways. In contrast to past years, the EuroFest BC Society is planning a scientific symposium in collaboration with TRIUMF on May 9, 2013, with the meaningful title “International Scientific Cooperation between Europe & Canada - The Large Hadron Collider, the Higgs Discovery and the Big Bang”. This event will feature discussions about the role of collaborative science and technology in connecting Canada and Europe. The keynote address will feature the spokesperson for the Canadian team at CERN and will highlight the tight partnerships that made the Higgs discovery possible as well as what this breakthrough means for science and society. A formal luncheon will follow accompanied by invitations to tour TRIUMF. Engagement of all European consulates is planned and the event will also feature a live video connection to the CERN Control Room. Last July’s announcement of the discovery at CERN of a Higgs-like boson has been heralded as the breakthrough of a generation if not the century. It wouldn’t have been possible without Canada, and it wouldn’t have happened without Europe. TRIUMF is Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics; founded more than 40 years ago, it is owned and operated by a consortium of 17 Canadian universities from Victoria to Halifax. For more information about TRIUMF please visit them at http://www.triumf.ca If you have any questions please see the agenda on the left or email them at europeday@europeanfestival.ca

EUROPEAN HEALTH & FITNESS NEWS About RAPID DG COMM works under the authority of the European Commission President and Vice President, Viviane Reding. It’s mission is to: 1. Inform the media and citizens of the activities of the Commission and to communicate the objectives and goals of its policies and actions; 2. Inform the Commission of the evolution of opinion in the Member States. In order to accomplish its mission, DG COMM runs a number of information dissemination services. One of these services, related with the collecting, processing and publishing of Press Releases, is RAPID service. The RAPID database contains all the Press Releases of the Commission since 1975, the great majority of them in at least two languages. It also contains Press Releases of some of the other working instiutions particularly the Council of the Union. Press leases are available in at least English and French, while many are available in all EC Languages!

Horse meat: Member States endorse the Commission's control plan to detect fraud in the marketing of foods Today, at an extraordinary Standing Committee of the Food Chain and Animal Health (SCoFCAH) organized by the European Commission, the Member States endorsed the coordinated plan announced by Health & Consumer Policy Commissioner Tonio Borg on Wednesday 13th February. Commissioner Borg said : "I welcome the swift approval by the Member States of the plan I tabled two days ago and I call on them to keep up the pressure in their efforts to identify a clear picture and a sequence of events. Consumers expect the EU, national authorities and all those involved in the food chain to give them all the reinsurance needed as regards what they have in their plates". This plan, co-financed by the European Commission, is to start immediately for one month and includes two actions: Establishment of the presence of unlabelled horse meat in foods: Over the last days, official controls in some Member States revealed fraud in the marketing of foods: certain foods contained horse meat not declared in the list of ingredients and their name referred solely to the presence of beef. The plan, foresees controls, mainly at retail level, of foods destined for the final consumer and marketed as containing beef to detect the presence of unlabelled horse meat (indicative total number of 2250 samples across the Union ranging from 10 to 150 per Member State). Under current EU rules, the name of foods which only suggest the presence of beef meat where, in fact, also other species of meat are present, is misleading and breaching the legislation. In the same way, labelling of foods containing horsemeat is not in line with the Union food labelling legislation, if the presence of horse meat is not mentioned in the list of ingredients. Detection of possible residues of phenylbutazone in horse meat: the plan foresees testing of 1 sample for every 50 tons of horse meat. A Member State will carry out a minimum of 5 tests. Phenylbutazone is a veterinary medicinal product whose use in food producing animals, including horses, is illegal. The plan provides for regular reporting of the results of the controls to the Commission, such as information on sampling, type of analysis and follow-up controls. For positive findings related to horse meat, the country where the animals concerned were certified for slaughter will also be reported. All these information will be included in the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) so that they can be immediately used by Member States' authorities.

More info: http://ec.europa.eu/food/ food/rapidalert/index_en.htm

16th ANNUAL EUROPEAN FESTIVAL 2013 Represent Germany or Switzerland! Germany Needs The Following Volunteers: Sat. 11 am to noon: 2 Noon to 2 PM: 2 2 PM to 4 PM: 2 4 PM to 6 PM: 2 6 PM to 7 PM: 2 Total: 10 Volunteers Sun 11 am to noon: 2 Noon to 2 PM: 2 2 PM to 4 PM: 2 4 PM to 6 PM: 2 Total: 8 Volunteers Parking: Saturday: 2 Sunday: 2 Total: 4 Volunteers Switzerland also needs the same amount of volunteers for their cultural booth & parking, as seen above but also: 10 Volunteers to sell sausages & drinks Switzerland will be the featured country at the Festival this year, to celebrate their 100 Years of Relations with Western Canada! Let’s give them a great big hand!

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP $50 for a group/society/business; Or $25 for an individual who represents him/herself (is not part of an organisation that is a member of EuroFest BC Society). Groups, societies, businesses and individuals can be members of the Society with the following benefits: One vote at the annual general meeting Opportunity to sit in the Board of Directors for the Society Opportunity to participate in the European Festival (last weekend in May), Represent your European country of origin Europe Day (May 9th) celebrations and other events produced by the Society, Opportunity to purchase advance discounted tickets to the Society events Guarantees a table in the cultural tent at the European Festival to represent your European country of origin; no political or religious propaganda allowed this is strictly a celebration of culture and heritage; only one table per country Opportunity to rent a table or booth to sell European-related goods and services at the European Festival Marketplace Tent, or present a business or organization in connection with a European culture, heritage or descent at the Trade Show. $450 EUROPEAN FESTIVAL STAGE PACKAGE Includes all membership benefits, plus 100 tickets for the European Festival (face value of $8 when purchased online or $10 at the gate, per ticket) Opportunity to showcase performances on the Entertainment Stage at the European Festival. $600 EUROPEAN FESTIVAL ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGE + $50 Refundable Cheque Includes all membership benefits, plus Opportunity to participate in the Food Tent at the European Festival (includes sink and electrical power, if needed) a refundable $50 cheque is needed – this fee will be returned, if group leaves Food Tent area properly cleaned upon usage; also note that being a part of the Food Tent, the organizer must follow Food Safe regulations and apply to Fraser Health. One food booth representing each country is guaranteed; additional packages, and up to 3 per country, may be sold after the deadline of January 10th; these packages do not include additional stage time. Please be aware that 10% of gross sales stay with the Society to support the operating costs of the Festival. The children from Germany will be performing a song called “Das Fliegerlied”. Anyone who wants to participate can show up; times & dates TBA!

GERMAN EASTER BUNNY RECIPES 2013 Ingredients: 3 c. flour 1/2 c. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 2 1/4 tsp. instant yeast 1/2 c. softened butter 1 /2 c. plus 2 T. lukewarm milk 1/2 c. quark/yogurt cheese 1 egg, separated Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds or nuts for decoration Preparation: Mix the flour, sugar, salt and instant yeast in a bowl. Use a dough hook on a mixer or a large spoon to mix in the milk, butter and quark. Knead 1-2 minutes, form into a ball, cover with plastic wrap and let rise for one hour. Shape: Take the dough ball and knead with very little or no flour for 1-2 minutes. Divide the dough into 6 pieces for 6 bunnies. Divide each piece again 2/3 to 1/3. From the larger piece, roll a rope about a foot long. Break off a bit for the tail and shape into a ball. Coil the rope into a bun and place on a baking sheet. Form an egg shape with the middle sized piece of dough. Snip the pointy end halfway down the middle to form ears. Affix the head and the tail with a little of the egg white to the body. Let rise in a warm place. Preheat oven to 350째F. Decorate: Mix the egg yolk with 2 teaspoons of water and brush it over the bunnies. Decorate with seeds for whiskers, nose/eyes and tail. Bake at 350째F for 25 - 30 minutes, or until bunnies are golden brown and firm to the touch. Serve with butter.

German, Swiss & Austrian Jobs! NEW WEBSITE TO FIND A GERMAN_SPEAKING JOB!! The German Speaking Jobs group at http://www.germanspeakingjobs.com, will provide a simple and direct manner for job applicants to find their dream jobs! The usage of the website for job seekers is completely free. For recruiters there is a small fee that recruiters must pay to start posting job ads (not a fee per job, it's a one-time fee (1,5 Euros) and it aims solely at avoiding spammers. This fee is payable through PayPal. If you're a real person looking to post jobs but don't have paypal or don't feel like you could spend 1,5 euros, just write me a message. If you are a recruiter seeking adequate profiles, soon the website will have built-in a service that will allow to seek and identify the right person for the job you’re advertising, as well as a CV review and career advice service.

Written by: Miguel Azevedo German Speaking Jobs Group on LinkedIn

Comments, suggesIf you succeed at finding the right applicant, or the right job, please consider donating using the tions and any bug tracking can be combutton on the front page. The website German Speaking Jobs does not run from, or is in any municated using the way direct to, Germany or Austria. It is, instead, open to usage from any place in the world and Contact form at the is supposed to be a simplified hub for job hunters and recruiters. It does not have “profits” or “staff”. It’s an effort to help, on these tough times, the thousands of people seeking employment. website.

Laughter & Lighter News Kommt Haeschen in den Brillenladen und fragt den Verkauefer: “Brauchst du Brille?” Sagt der Verkaufer: “Nein, ich verkaufe Brillen”. So geht das 14 Tage lang und am 15. Tag schreit der Verkauefer: “Hau endlich ab! Ich kann dich nicht mehr sehn!” Sagt Haeschen: “Siehst du, brauchst du doch Brille!”

Easter in Vancouver Easter takes place on April 5th to 9th, and depending on what school your children attend, may be included in Spring Break this year 2013. The two most popular Easter Egg Hunts are the Elizabethian Hedge Maze at VanDusen Botanical Garden and at the Stanley Park Miniature Train. You can also go to Grouse Mountain or hunt eggs at the Britannia Mine Museum, if you don’t mind the drive. German Church services are either at St. Mark’s Church or Zion Lutheran Church.

TURN BACK YOUR CLOCK! Remember that Daylight Savings is back Sunday, March 10th, 2013 in British Columbia! You will have to wake up one hour earlier from then on until November 3rd, 2013. In Germany, it is from Sunday, March 31st until October 27th, 2013. NASA quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work at zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that wrote at zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures from below freezing to 300C. The Russians used a pencil. Three engineers, a Brit, a Frenchman, and an Austrian, were found guilty of treason. The sentence was death by guillotine, but the engineers were given a choice of receiving the penalty face-up, or face-down. The Brit chose face-up and the blade miraculously stopped inches short of his throat. This was seen as a sign from God, and the Brit was set free. The French engineer also chose face-up, and once again, the blade stopped inches from the throat. Again, a miracle, and the Frenchman was set free. The Austrian, not to be outdone, chose face-up, but just before the blade was released was heard to proclaim, “Wait a minute, I see the problem.”

LOCAL ACTIVITY - Children’s Festival Vancouver International Children’s Festival German Performance Sunday, June 1st, 2013 at 12:30 PM Vancouver, BC: The 36th annual festival takes place May 27th to June 2nd, 2013 on Granville Island. A world-renowned festival of performing arts for young audiences, the Vancouver International Children’s Festival has been educating, entertaining and inspiring young audiences since 1978. Come for a show, but stay for the whole day! Your show ticket includes access to all 3 Activity Zones! The 2013 Festival highlights magical, marvelous performances from artists far and wide. From local favourites to rate and exotic finds, these captivating performers will put a smile on your child’s face and hopefully even make you hoot with laughter. The Goethe-Institute Toronto provided the funding in support of the presentation of “The Queen of Colours” at the International Children’s Festival. The show will be performed by puppeteers Eva Noell and Paul Olbrich who are founders of the Erfreuliches Theater Erfurt. Here is a link to the website describing the show: http://www.childrensfestival.ca/festival_events/performances/performances43.php

EXPLORE. YOUR WORLD IN 360 DEGREES! Company Headquarters The company is based in Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany. This is where the central business processes in Europe take place. Management of the company, marketing and developer teams to develop innovative concepts and ideas which will ensure that our valued customers will continue to obtain the best products on the market both in print and online. On the North American continent, our business is being coordinated from the heart of the Canadian metropolis Vancouver, BC. In this context, the Takeoff-Group is both our VISITWORLD business partner and reference for our customers and interested parties directly on site.

VISIT-WORLD offers companies and the tourist industry the most extensive pool of 360째 panorama subjects freely available anywhere in the world, from which you can choose and print large-format 360째 calendars. Their customer base is made up mainly of leading companies from tourism, insurance & finance, services and industry who want a really unique high-quality present, which is just that little bit different, which they can give to their customers on special occasions (e.g., Christmas), thereby emphasizing the premium status of their own customer. Please visit them at http://www.visit-world.com

GREEN NEWS - PASSIVE HOUSE Monte Paulsen is a Certified Energy Advisor and an expert on passive house. At last week’s Buildex 2013 Trade Show, he shared a presentation called “Selling Sustainability: How to Profit from Green Home Certification.” To the left is a PDF of a slide showing the Saskatchewan Conservation House on the left, and the Rainbow Passive House in Whistler on the right. Below is a quote from a piece Paulsen wrote for Canadian Geographic magazine. The full URL is here: http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/magazine/jun12/ sustainable_homes2.asp His website is here: www.reddoorenergyadvisors.ca. The Saskatchewan Conservation House was sold, the solar thermal collectors were scrapped, and a garage was added. Saskatchewan’s landmark high-performance home appeared headed for that uniquely Canadian dustbin where such promising inventions as the Avro Arrow and the TurboTrain are sent to die. The house may have been forgotten forever were it not for the interest of a quirky German physicist. Wolfgang Feist studied the Saskatchewan house along with other early superinsulated homes in Denmark, Sweden and the United States. Feist then wrote a mathematically precise and elegantly simple formula for designing high-performance buildings. His standard sets two hard limits: airtightness must meet or exceed 0.6 ACH@50Pa, and total energy use for heating and cooling must not exceed 15 kilowatt hours (kWh) per square metre of floor area. Feist and colleague Bo Adamson dubbed their formula the “Passivhaus” standard because these buildings were too well insulated to require an “active” furnace or boiler. Compared with conventional construction, most Passivhaus buildings reduce energy consumption by 80 to 90 percent. (The German word has since been anglicized to the less precise Passive House.) The first Passivhaus building, a row of four townhouses in Darmstadt, Germany, was erected in 1991. Feist’s formula quickly went viral. Today, there 900 buildings certified to the Passivhaus standard and roughly 32,000 Passivhaus-type buildings. The greatest numbers are in Germany and Austria, while the rate of growth is faster in Belgium and the United Kingdom. Canada’s first Passive House arrived in 2009. It was prefabricated in Austria and assembled in Whistler, B.C., for use by the Austrian Olympic Committee and Austrian Public Broadcasting during the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. Afterward, the Austrians donated the 250-squaremetre building to the municipality of Whistler for use as a cross-country ski lodge. The Lost Lake PassivHaus (formerly the Austria House) uses about one-tenth the energy of a similarly sized conventional building. That worked out to a heating cost of about $280 last year. “Passive House is the most economical way to build today if the operational costs over many years are taken into the equation,” says Guido Wimmers, a director of the non-profit Canadian Passive House Institute, which trains architects and builders. Across the valley from Whistler’s Lost Lake, stands the community’s second Passive House, a townhousestyle duplex that may be Canada’s most affordable high-performance home. The duplex is an international mash-up — a West Coast wood guy’s reinvention of an Austrian interpretation of a German formula based on the original Saskatchewan house.

SWISS NEWS Being a partner with Swiss Community includes Exclusive Partners, Advertising Partners, Promotional Partners and Strategic Partners. Something for everyone!

SwissCommunity – The platform for the Swiss Abroad The Organisation of the Swiss Abroad (OSA) devised and created SwissCommunity.org. Its aim is to strengthen the link between the Swiss abroad and Switzerland. The official launch of SwissCommunity took place on 21 August 2010 in St. Gallen as part of the 88th Congress of the Swiss Abroad. http://www.aso.ch SwissCommunity is a free, high-quality platform exclusively serving the Swiss who have been, are, or will be resident abroad. It is a “club” for international Switzerland, designed and tailored to meet the needs of Swiss people worldwide. Join SwissCommunity and build up your contacts and links with the Swiss diaspora all over the world, and with Switzerland itself. You will also enjoy an extensive catalogue of offers and services. SwissCommunity is just like you: unique! SwissCommunity is a global network which keeps Swiss people all over the world in touch. More about SwissCommunity.org and other videos related to the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad can be found on the SwissCommunity.org YouTube account.

German, Swiss & Austrian Events! 1. Austria Vancouver Club http://www.austriavancouverclub.ca/2013.pdf Join the Schuhplattler! 2. Vancouver Alpenclub http://vancouveralpenclub.ca/ 3. Swiss Society http://www.swiss-society.org/events/ AGM March 26th, 2012 at the Vancouver Alpenclub! The Alpenclub/Swiss Society are also on Facebook!

5. 50th Anniversary of the Elysee Treaty April 9th at UBC - all day http://ies.ubc.ca/ies-jointly-host-international-symposiumfranco-german-relations-symposium (French and German governments have resolved to hold a “German-French Year: 50 Years of the Élysée Treaty” from September of 2012 to July of 2013) 4. Europe Day May 9th, 2013 at Triumf at UBC 6. 16th Annual European Festival May 25th and 26th, 2013 in Swangard Stadium http://www.europeanfestival.ca

1. The Kitsilano German Language March Meetup 2013 Thursday, March 21st, around 6:30 PM at Simpatico’s 2222 W. 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC. 2. 50th Anniversary of the German Canadian Business Association http://germancanadianbusinessassociation.com/; Friday, May 31st, 2013 at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club 1. Hydrogen Fuel Cells 2013 - http://www.hfc2013.com/ June 16th, 2013 - All day at the Vancouver Convention Centre 2. Globe 2014 - http://www.globe-net.com/events/2014/3/globe-2014/ March 26th to 28th, 2014 - At the Vancouver Convention Centre

2013 Monthly Advertising Rates 1. Full page: $200 9.5 inches high X 7.1/4 inches wide

Ads for Westcoast German News should be in the .PDF format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

2. Vertical half-page: $150 9.5 inches high X 3.3/8 inches wide

If you would like to advertise, but cannot provide a PDF format, you can hire us to prepare your ad for $75 for up to 1/2 page and $150 for a full page.

3. Horizontal half page: $150 4.5/8 inches high X 7.2/4 inches wide 4. Quarter page: $80 4.5/8 inches high, 3.3/8 inches wide 5. 1/8 Page: $50 2.1/4 inches high, 3.3/8 inches wide Inside front cover: $300 Inside back cover: $250 If more than one advertiser requests the inside front or back cover, the first ad to pay wins the prize! If you book 5-months get 1-month free, if you book 10-months, get 2-months free advertising!

Benefits of Advertising As it has been 3 years since this newsletter was published, it will take a few months to get back to the same amount of subscribers that I used to have in 2010. All advertisers will also receive: 1. Mention in the LinkedIn Group “Westcoast German Advertisers”. 2. Mention on the Facebook Page: German Business Society 3. One blog post on http://www.porterprconsulting. com/blog Also, 1/2 price ads until June 2013! Thanks! Elke

Deadline for advertising is the 15th of each month. Editor & Ad Manager: Elke Porter 604 828 8788 elke@germanvoicesvancouver.com admin@porterprconsulting.com Westcoast German News is provided 10 times a year for the German, Swiss and Austrian Community of British Columbia, by Elke Porter. A digital version is distributed free of charge through: 1. www.germanvoicesvancouver.com 2. www.porterprconsulting.com 3. www.germanbc.ca 4. http://www.magcloud.com It is available in print for only $5 an issue

Westcoast German News, formerly known as “German Voices Vancouver” will be published 10 times a year and will be distributed to readers throughout the world via MagCloud. The first issue of “German Voices Vancouver” was printed 300 times and distributed to libraries, community centres, European Stores and Delis around Vancouver in November, 2007. The newsletter was changed into a blog in 2010. Now in 2013, it will be printed in PDF format and will soon be available to e-mail subscribers once again. We welcome feedback, letters to the editor, Swiss, German & Austrian events, press releases, interviews, corporate & business stories and news. JANUARY ISSUE URL: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/495352?__ r=317124 Viel Spass beim lesen and remember to pass it on to your friends and family!


German-Speaking Business Links

German Consulate Vancouver 604-684-8377 http://www.canada.diplo.de/Vertretung/kanada/en/Startseite.html

Austrian Business in Canada http://www.advantageaustria.org/ca/ Oesterreich-in-Canada.en.html

Consulate General of Switzerland 604-684-2231 http://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/ home/reps/nameri/vcan/canvan.html Austria Consulate, Canada 604-687-3338 http://www.austro.org

Schools in Metro Vancouver Vancouver Westside German School http://www.vwgs.org/ Deutsche Sprachschule Surrey http://www.surreygermanschool.com/ index.html

Swiss Canadian Chamber of Commerce http://www.swisscanadianchamber.com/ index.html German Canadian Business Association (Vancouver) http://germancanadianbusinessassociation.com/

Clubs & Charities German-Canadian Benevolent Society of BC (Deutsch-Kanadisches Hilfswerk von BC) http://www.gcch.ca/ Vancouver Alpenclub http://vancouveralpenclub.ca/wp/

LYRA - The German Singers of Vancouver http://www.mgv-lyra.com/ Concordia Choir Vancouver http://www.concordiachoir.ca/index.html

Online The Greater Vancouver German Language Meetup Group http://www.meetup.com/german-21/ German Business Society Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/GermanBusinessSociety Westcoast German News Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/westcoastgerman GermanBC Website in English/German http://en.germanbc.ca/

Annual Events & Celebrations

German Kids Richmond http://germankidsrichmond.com/

Austria Vancouver Club http://www.austriavancouverclub.ca/

Vancouver Christmas Market http://vancouverchristmasmarket.com/

German School North Shore http://www.germanschoolns.ca/

Victoria Edelweiss Club German Canadian Cultural Society http://www.victoriaedelweiss.ca/

European Festival http://www.europeanfestival.ca

Vancouver German School http://www.vgs.ca/index.php

Churches in Metro Vancouver St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in East Vancouver http://www.stmarkschurch.ca/ Zion Lutheran Church - German Ministries in Cloverdale http://www.zionlutheran.org/germanministries Kings Road Mennonite Brethren Church in Abbotsford http://kingroad.ca/ Clearbrook Mennoite Brethren Church in Abbotsford http://clearbrookmbchurch.org/services.htm (German Language)

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