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for adolescents
ECA – Escola de cidadania
para adolescentes (Citizenship school for adolescents)
Sponsor: Província Autônoma de Trento
ECA – Escola de Cidadania Ativa para Adolescentes is a project that had its initial phase in 2018, through an international cooperation between Viração Educommunication, Viração & Jangada and the Autonomous Province of Trento, in Italy. In Brazil, it had the technical partnership of Unipop – Instituto Universidade Popular (Popular University Institute) and Auçuba Comunicação e Educação (Auçuba Communication and Education), for implementation in the cities of Belém and Recife.
The project aims to contribute to the strengthening of participatory democracy and the promotion of human rights by encouraging and supporting the engagement of adolescents and youth in identifying challenges and creating interventions, considering local complexities and pluralities. It consists in a journey of mobilization and training of 30 adolescents in the cities of São Paulo, Belém and Recife, with a focus on themes related to democracy and citizenship. The proposed trajectory includes face-toface and distance training, composed by the following thematic axes: participatory democracy; human rights; youth condition; youth activism; educommunication; environment and climate change. Social markers of difference such as class, race, gender and sexuality are treated transversally in all axes of the project.
In 2019, the implementation stage in the city of Belém was concluded by the partner Unipop, with the mobilization and training of 30 adolescents and young people, in addition to community intervention activities.