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Consulta Brasil (Query Brazil
Sponsor: CONANDA – Conselho Nacional dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents)
The project consists on conducting participatory research with children and adolescents regarding the use of Information and Communication Technologies, as a strategy for training, mobilization and awareness on the subject. It provides for the creation of communication products and teaching materials with guidelines and methodologies to work on the safe and civic use of ICTs, aimed at operators of the Rights Guarantee System, and also at children and adolescents.
It aims to contribute so that millions of children and adolescents using the Internet are able to analyze and reflect on the content they are impacted by; adopt critical and safe behavior in virtual interactions; know human rights and their rights based on ECA – Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Statute of the Child and the Adolescent); strengthen themselves regarding the hate and intolerance speeches disseminated on the web and know how to make a more conscious and powerful use of technological communicational devices. The Consulta Brasil project is developed by Viração in partnership with Rede de Conhecimento Social (Social Knowledge Network).
The project was implemented in Brazil’s five regions, namely:
North Region:
Belém (PA) – 1 school in the urban center Macapá (AP) – 1 school in the rural area
Northeast Region:
Recife (PE) – 1 school in the urban center Seabra (BA) – 1 school in the countryside
Mid West region:
Brasília (DF) – 1 school in the urban center Caarapó (MS) – indigenous school
Southeast Region:
São Paulo (SP) – 1 school in the urban center Lavras (MG) – 1 school in the countryside
South Region:
Porto Alegre (RS) – 1 school in the urban center Itapejara (PR) – 1 school in the countryside.
In the first stage of the project, 3.000 children and adolescents participated in training meetings based on the PerguntAção (“QuestionAction”) methodology, developed by the Social Knowledge Network, which promotes the collective construction of participatory opinion surveys as a strategy to generate engagement and social mobilization. It is a collaborative process that unites people of different profiles to conceive and develop, in groups, an opinion poll on the context in which they are inserted. In practice, the group goes through a formative process composed by the different steps of research building. Research instruments were built collectively with children and adolescents and the field phase (application of the survey) was carried out by children and adolescents with their peers. The poll was also made available online through a link posted on social networks and emailed to partners and other media outlets.