Le bon dossier 2018

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Born 1971 in Kiev, Ukraine, Kristina Solomoukha studied between 1986 and 1989 at the School of Industrial Art of Kiev in its industrial aesthetic department. In 1995 she graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts of Paris in France. Her installations, drawings and video were largely exhibited in France and abroad. Paolo Codeluppi born 1974 in Singapore. In 1998 he graduates from l’Accademia delle Belle Arti di Brera in Milan Italy and in 2002 from Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts of Paris. From 2001 to 2003 he is one of the organizers as artist and curator of Paris Project Room an artist run gallery space. Paolo and Kristina have been collaborating since 2012. Their artwork in the various forms of installations, videos or curatorial projects is born from a shared dialogue and discussions, using the large field of research in history, anthropology and social construct. Recently their work has been shown at Vabaduse Galerii in Tallin, Estonia, in Tabakalera, San Sebastian, Spain and in Closer, Kiev, Ukraine. And in France at Les Laboratoires of Aubervilliers, at Nuit Blanche and Contexts gallery in Paris, at FID International Film Festival of Marseille, in 116 contemporary art centre of Montreuil, in FRAC Poitou-Charentes, Linazey.

Dear friend, We would like to invite your participation in the The Monument Contest, Special Event Estonia 2018. Behind this grandiose title lie the real questions about the notion of commemoration, about the procedures that conduce to the erection of monuments in our cities, and by extension the desire to divert this procedure by replaying it in a microscopic scale. 1. We have invited approximately 30 artists to imagine a project of a “as you like monument” for which no location or reason for its existence is given. The proposals should be in a PDF format – image (up to 6 drawings, collages, photographs, etc.) and a few lines of text describing the project (up to 1000 words). 2. The last date for handing over your project (usually called the «dead line») is December 20th, 2017 at midnight the PDF document should be sent by e-mail to: solomoukha@gmail.com On the morning of December 21th, the Great and Venerable jury will meet and choose 15 projects: - a winning project, which will be built in a reasonable scale model - and 14 selected projects, (second, third, fourth and so forth until the 14th one), which will be ranked and be built in even more reasonable scale models. 3. 15 selected artists will receive 250 € budget each to create a reasonable scale models. The models should be deposited at the Tallinn Art Hall offices between 20th and the 25th of January 2018. 4. The winning project and the 14 runner-ups will be presented in the Tallinn City Gallery in the The Monument Contest, Special Event Estonia 2018 exhibition from 16/02/2018 to 29/04/2018. 5. The candidate that wins the first prize is going to take away a very Fabulous First Prize! 6. On the evening of February 17th, during the The Monument Contest, Special Event Estonia 2018 inauguration ceremony: - the winning monument, built to a reasonable scale, and the 14 selected monuments, built in an even more reasonable scale, will be revealed to the public. - 15 artist’s proposals and projects will be presented in a small photocopied publication that will remain at the disposal for all interested visitors to read. - the development, procedure, and its spicy details will be poetically arranged and sung by Benjamin Seror, a charming minstrel. We are available for any questions and supplementary information. Cheers, Kristina Solomoukha & Paolo Codeluppi & Elfi Turpin

MONUMENTS silent videoprojection, 16’, loop, 2018 https://vimeo.com/252316817 password : things Photo : Karel Koplimets, Tallinn Art Hall

Dear artists, The Grand and Venerable Jury made its choice! 15 artists who are invited to create their projects in a reasonable dimension are: Kirke KANGRO Erki and Kadri KASEMETS Raul KELLER Laura KUUSK Camille LAURELLI Anna Mari LIIVRAND Karli LUIK Jyri OJAVER Hanna PIKSARV Kristin REIMA Paul RODGERS Johannes SARE Uku SEPSIVART Varvara & Mar Jevgeni ZOLOTKO The Great Winner of all, will be announced by Benjamin Seror during the inauguration of the exhibition on 17th February 2018. We warmly thank all the participants! All the best. K+P+E

Photo : Karel Koplimets, Tallinn Art Hall

YES AND NO PARADE April 15th 2017, Embrun, France We took into consideration the scale of this small town, and wanted this parade to be a festive event that brings people together. We called for different actors of the local comunity to participate : the retirement home, the local marching band, the schools. We used their presence to create the different sections of the parade. The title YES and NO Parade references not only the french presidential elections that where taking place at the time, but also to use the notion of dispute as the area for an intellectual endeavour and for the democratic debate. We took elements from the political street protests, from carnevals, the military parades, religious processions, the fact that being present, together, is to give word to your body. We also took the oppurtunity to invite other artists into the discussion by asking them to illustrate their various ideas on flags and banners. With the participation of RenĂŠ GarcĂ­a Atuq, Babi Badalov, Elisabetta Benassi, Alevtina Kakhidze, Julien Loustau, Sophie Nys. The parade ended at the arrival to Contemporary Art Centre Les Capucins, Embrun where the flags and banners used where then installed and presented in gallery space. https://vimeo.com/227065500

YES AND NO PARADE & CINEMA AS SPARE PARTS Parade, exhibition, videoprojection, 2017 Contemporary Art Centre Les Capucins, Embrun

THE AMBASSADOR’S BODY 32’, video, colour, sound, 2017 Large crowds declaring themselves to be «leaderless» are emerging today in numerous parts of the world and are a stark contrast to the idea that dominated in the twentieth century that «a crowd is a servile flock that is incapable of ever doing without a master « (Gustave Le Bon 1895). Why has our «need of a Leader» taken such an important place by the end of the 19th century? How have these forms of language of commandment have become an international standard? And finally what new forms of political models are taking shape? To these questions Yves Cohen (Historian, director of studies at EHESS) is interested to share with us in the interview. The extras in costumes are representing a scene taken from the Ambrogio Lorenzetti sequence of paintings The Allegory of Good and Bad Government. The constantly moving camera is in search of the good shot, often adjusting itself and composing the image. The filming of the tableau vivant and the historians interview weave together to become a body that takes shape with every link and reciprocities. In its watermark, the words and the images that question the relationship of notions of presence and the representation in art and in politics. https://vimeo.com/224650643 password: editing

BRIDGE Site-specific installation, performance, 2017 Le Jardin, Embrun

DE RE METALLICA 10 ex., one sise, 2015

BEAR COSTUME Nouvelle Collection Paris, 2017 Pallais des Beaux-Arts, ENSBA, Paris


THE AMBIGUOUS ORIGIN OF ARCHITECTURAL SPECIES Performance, 2013 Degré 48, Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, curated by Daniel Foucard

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