Pat&MAT – artist duo “And it's done!” born 1976 in Prague
WE use multitude of artistic forms of expression: paintings, objects, sculptures made out of different materials, kinetic works, performance, and mixed media installations. With spontaneous excitement and fast decision-making processes WE demonstrate the possibility of seeing newly developed relationships between site-specific sculptures and everyday contexts. One of the main aspects of OUR work is an endeavor to overcome the so-called gap between art and life by dealing directly with reality – the world of consumption. IT has nothing to do with opinion or belief, it is a purely natural approach – empirical and non-intellectual. The RESULT is achieved through deconstruction, transformation, and recycling processes. Failure, miscalculation, and imperfection are very often central elements to OUR work. The WORK creates a dialogue with the surroundings and a constant fight with logic and physics, for example by suggesting problematic perceptions of distance, orientation, and coordination in space. WE LIKE to mix vertical and horizontal directions. The scale and size of works are determined by the site, whether it is in an urban or rural landscape. A high number of works are produced and installed in OUR apartments and almost never displayed for the public. To PRESERVE the artefacts WE use the form of video documentation. WE never invite an audience to OUR performances or site-specific installations.
IT is as an opposition to over-intellectualized art. WE are against standardization, order and perfectionism in civilization, and the concept of economy and behavior.
Performance Lacquering the Floor, 2003
Installation Big Laundry, 1983
Painting action Painting Job, 1982
Site-specific sculpture Garden, 1982
Documentation from performance The Safe, 1994
Sculpture Moving Day, 1982
Performance Black Box, 2003
Kinetic sculptures Wheels, 2003
Size variable installation Picture, 1979
Performance Breakfast in Grass, 1983
Experimental sound piece Gramophone, 1981
Stencils and drawings Painting Job, 1982
Performance Skates, 1984
Sculpture Carpet, 1979
Installation Crosswords,1982
Painting Parquet, 1992…………………
Kinetic sculpture Grill, 1981
…………Painting Parquet, 1992……
Site specific sculpture Rain, 1983
Readymade Trip, 1984
Sculpture Grill, 1981
Installation Garden, 1982
Performance&Action painting Tapestry, 1979
Object Fitters, 1976
Object Picture, 1979
Land art Garage, 1979
Living sculpture Workshop, 1979
Living sculpture Workshop, 1979
Living sculpture Workshop, 1979
Manifesto: 1.The position is composed – that is, it has not been taken from an actual site, but has been invented for the specific purpose of providing a problem.
2.There is a specific requirement, that is, a goal to be achieved.
3.There is a theme (or combination of themes) that the problem has been composed to illustrate.
4.The problem exhibits economy in its construction: no greater force is employed than that required to render the problem sound (that is, to guarantee that the problem's intended solution is indeed a solution and that it is the problem's only solution).
5.The problem has aesthetic value. Problems are experienced not only as puzzles but as objects of beauty. This is closely related to the fact that problems are organized to exhibit clear ideas in as economical a manner as possible.