Portland F R E E VOLUME 2, ISSUE 1 March - April 2012
www.portlandbookreview.com F N• E
TUR A Cooking,
Food & Wine
2 HIGHLIGHTS Salvaging the Truth: Eight Titanic Myths Debunked
Page 5
Dishing Up Oregon Page 7
16 85 Reviews INSIDE!
By William Landay Delacorte Press, $26.00, 421 pages Imagine you’re a member of a well-replex plot development takes the pedestrispected family living in a tight-knit coman mystery genre to the next level and will munity. You have a good job as an assiskeep readers on the edges of their seats tant district attorney, wondering what will a beautiful and smart happen next. There This is an aspect of crime stories I nevwife and a handsome are enough twists and er fully appreciated until I became one: son. Then, envision turns to keep even it is so ruinously expensive to mount finding out that your the most demanding a defense that, innocent or guilty, the only son, who is just 14, reader satisfied — accusation is itself a devastating punjust when you’ve got might have murdered ishment. Every defendant pays a price. it all figured out, it one of his classmates throws you another — or not. That is the curve. The farcical picture painted of our premise of Defending Jacob, the new myscriminal justice system will make you tery by William Landay. It’s a page-turning wary, and because Landay is a former D.A., roller coaster ride through the criminal he knows what he’s talking about. After justice system, as well as an up-close picreading this highly entertaining mystery, ture into the disintegration of a family. you won’t even want to get caught jaywalkLanday’s writing is being compared to ing. Grisham and Turow and it is justified. His Diane Prokop three-dimensional characters and com-
Breakfast in Bridgetown Page 7
Made in America Page 9
Good Eats 2: The Middle Years Page 10
Wild in the City Page 13
Word Savvy Page 13