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Letter From The Editor
In 1822the fIrst Maine Register was published. A complete reference guide to the state and the people in it, the volume was an immediate success. When the fIrst Portland City Directory was published a few years later in 1828,it too was welcomed by the community as the defInitive guide to locating nearly everyone and everything in Portland.
While both the state and city have seen dramatic changes in 165 years, one tradition remains. The Tower Publishing company carries on the annual publication of both the Register and the Directory. The research methods have become more sophisticated, the information sources more accurate, and the printing world more refIned, but the basic intent remains the same.
To publish the most accurate, comprehensive, and useful volume possible is one of Tower's major goals. Our commitment to that goal has earned us the reputation of
Northern New England's leading reference publisher. _
A few other things have changed in 165years. Now Tower annually publishes 14volumes covering Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Manufacturing Directories (an invaluable tool for the business world), and a series of legal reference guides (which have made Tower Maine's leading law book publisher) are just some of the ways in which Tower has grown and adapted to a growing society.
In 1986, Tower published Enterprise '86, a guide to Portland's business community which quickly became the networking guide to Portland.
Advanced methods of research, sophisticated computerized information retrieval and a commitment to excellence have made \ . Tower the leader in its fIeld. Innovation and a,c.ommitment to growth will keep us there.
34 Diamond Street, Portland, ME 04112 774-9813 Call 1-800-43 I-BOOK for a free copy of our publications brochure.