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Awilddoghowled. e tide had gone out gently and slowly started to return, but there was something eerie about the calm.

jackets. Pete ran in circles, excited to jump aboard. In a blink, their boat was cruising toward the edge of the bay and beyond. Breaths held at the pulling of each line. e cold revealed the condensation of each sharp exhale. Another hu of disappointment, then on to the next. ere was no red sky warning, nothing Emily had the bands ready and made but clear skies on the NOAA Doppler. Yet quick work of the two mature lobsters Emily could feel an approaching battle deep before re lling the bait. Will gently inside her bones. Or maybe the assailant was tossed a juvenile free and returned the already here. trap with a

From a silent prayer cracked window, before she watched the moving on. naked shoreline Emily rubbed as the strong cof- her hands fee percolated. together to fend e early morn- o numbness ing darkness hid for as long as the sharpest de- she could stand tails of the jag- before reaching ged cli s, but for the thermos she knew them of co ee she’d each by heart. stowed. She wasn't really She and looking anyway; her mind was already a turbulent Quietest Will savored its brief warmth before sea of thoughts. e morning brought Catch continuing in synchrony. After two dedeep shivers de- cades together, spite the sun. She BY CHARLOTTE NYSTROM words were unpulled on rub- necessary. ber boots and Six hours grabbed the heaviest hoodie and a wool hat later, they heave the heavy rope and tie up. from the rack beside the door. It wasn't a Emily watches the scale. A small catch. fashionable selection, but it would fend o Will shakes his head, and she squeezes his the rugged bite of December air. hand. It's not enough to see them through

Outside the weathered cottage, a young the quiet season. Not enough to cover the German shepherd named Pete led the way new lines, doubled bait and fuel costs, recent to the battered truck. A year ago Pete had repairs...or the holidays. adopted them, largely against Emily’s will, Pete whimpers, ready to return to his having followed her home from a walk. food bowl and warm bed. With no luck nding the stray's family, and Emily sighs heavily at the so waves, no local takers, he'd become theirs—or they ghting back tears. She's tired of battling became his. He had a stubborn propensity winds and weather, storms and tides, bufor leading. reaucratic policy, the damaged economy,

She opened the passenger door and fol- and sinking prices. Battle weary but unable lowed the pup into the warm cab, where to quit, with mouths to feed and bloodlines Will smiled faintly. ey didn't speak dur- to keep. ing the drive to the dock—didn't need to. Tomorrow they’ll wake again and head e truck shuddered into motion along the back out to sea. It’s all she knows. All her vildesolate road following the Cutler coast- lage knows. ey’re all in over their heads, line, beautiful but harsh. Soon they were with no choice but to keep the generations parked, donning rubber bibs and thick swimming, one quiet catch at a time. n

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