Aquatics - Winter 2019

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Activities for


Columbia Indoor Pool east Portland Indoor Pool Matt Dishman Indoor Pool Mt. Scott Indoor Pool Southwest Indoor Pool

ReGIsTRaTIon beGIns noVeMbeR 19 Go to PoRTlanDPaRKs.oRG, click on the Register Now tab. Commissioner Nick Fish Interim Director kia Selley


Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS


Table of Contents Letter from Commissioner NIck Fish......................... 2 Inclusions Services..................................................... 3 Programs At A Glance................................................ 4 Swim Lesson Classes.................................................. 5 Aquatic Certification Classes.................................. 6-9 Water Fitness Classes ............................................. 10 Open Play Swim Schedule all Pools......................... 11 The Blue Makos....................................................... 12 Pool Rentals & Party Packages................................. 13 Columbia Pool.................................................... 14-15 East Portland CC Pool......................................... 16-17 Matt Dishman CC Pool........................................ 18-19 Open Play, Teen, Family, Adult/Preschool Swims ... 20 Extra Swim Times and Special Days......................... 21 Mt. Scott CC Pool................................................ 22-23 Southwest CC Pool............................................. 24-25 Work for PP&R as Lifeguard/Swim Instructor......... 26 Water Warriors........................................................ 27 Group & Daycare Guidelines, Lockers..................... 29 City-Wide Recreation Guide............................... 30-35 Facility Map & Information................................. 36-37 Registration Information......................................... 38 Registration Form.................................................... 39

INCLEMENT WEATHER If the City of Portland public school districts (Portland Public, Parkrose, David Douglas, Reynolds, and Centennial) are closed because of weather conditions, PP&R classes and youth basketball in those school districts may be cancelled. We recommend that you check in with your community centers for the latest information about individual registered programs and activities. Some recreation programs may run as conditions and instructor availability allow. Decisions to operate on a specific site basis are made when it is determined that all programs may operate safely. Call the specific PP&R facility for information and opening/closing times. If inclement weather is forecast on weekends or holidays, call the PP&R facility or program for operating hours and activity cancellations. Updates to schedules will also be made on our website ( and our Facebook pages.

Portland Parks and Recreation’s Aquatics Inclusion process aims to insure that all students are given access to our programs. Here are the steps for Inclusion for Aquatics: • Pick which pool you are interested in having inclusion at and sign up for the lesson level that you think best suits your child. • Contact that pool and ask for the Lead Instructor or Pool Manager. Notify them that you signed your child for (x) class and that you will need an accommodation. Columbia: 503-823-3669

Creston: 503-823-3672 (Summer Only) **

East Portland CC: 503-823-1990 Grant: 503-823-3674 (Summer Only)**

Matt Dishman CC: 503-823-4512

Montavilla: 503-823-3675 (Summer Only)**

Mt. Scott CC: 503-823-1683

Peninsula: 503-823-3677 (Summer Only)**

Pier: 503-823-3678 (Summer Only)**

Sellwood: 503-823-3679 (Summer Only)**

Southwest CC: 503-823-2851

Wilson: 503-823-3680 (Summer Only)** **AQUATICS Administration: 503-823-5130 • We have a 10-working-day notification policy. In the summer this policy is extremely important. More people utilize our services during this time of year. Staffing and availability of inclusion assistants can be limited. To provide the best services possible, we need the maximum amount of time to match up assistants and schedule them. If it’s less than 5 days, we will do our best in accommodating the participant. The level of service that can be provided may be limited.

Register On-Line at


sWIM PoRTlanD! Pool Program Information Line: 503-823-5130 Portland Parks & recreation aQUaTICS DEParTmENT is the proud recipient of the National “Excellence in aquatics” award!

Aquatics Program Supervisor Nancy Roth Telephone: 503-823-5130


All personnel who supervise the activities at our various swim facilities hold professional certifications qualifying them for their positions. The staff is responsible for the safe operation of each facility and wishes you to have a safe, enjoyable time.

Programs-At-A-glance: Check your local pool schedule for program availability & times. sWIM lessons Swim lessons for all ages and skill levels are available for preschoolers (3-5 yrs), youth (6 yrs & up), and adults. Children under the age of three can take lessons with their parent(s) in our parent/child (Angelfish & Starfish) classes. Everyone should learn to swim to become “Water Smart” and swimming is a skill that lasts a lifetime. SeMI-PRIVATe AnD PRIVaTe sWIM lessons Besides our regular group lessons, we offer semi-private (one instructor per three students) and private (one instructor to one student) swim lessons. This is a great option for students that need a smaller instructor/student ratio. Check with your local pool for more information. oPen PlaY sWIM Swimming and diving areas are open to all ages. Non-Swimmers and children under 48 inches in height must have a parent or guardian in the water within arms reach at all times. Check your local pool schedule for Open Play Swim times.

faMIlY PlaY sWIM Recreational swim for parents and children. Enjoy the shallow water, play mats, innertubes, water basketball and more. Children under 18 years old must be accompanied in water by parent or guardian. Non-swimmers & children under 48” in height must have a parent or guardian in the water within arms reach at all times. Single adults are welcome. Tots two years and younger are welcome too. Check your local pool schedule for Family Play Swim times. PaRenT / PResCHool sWIM Come on in! Enjoy the pool with a younger crowd. Children must be 5 years and under. Parent or guardian must accompany children in the water. Non-swimmers & children under 48” in height must have a parent or guardian in the water within arms reach at all times. Splash, kick and swim! Life jackets are available for non-swimmers.

laP sWIM For those of all skills and abilities who wish to swim laps to improve or maintain fitness and health. Great for cardiorespiratory fitness. Swim at your own pace or enjoy camaraderie of working-out with others. Check your local pool schedule for Lap Swim times. WaTeR fITness Classes Exercise in the water and experience the benefits. We offer a variety of water fitness classes, six days per week. Check your local pool schedule for class offerings and times. WaTeR slIDe fUn Experience 114 feet (in length) of Water Sliding Fun at East Portland Community Center, Mt. Scott Community Center and Southwest Community Center pools. Call pools for their slide hours.

open Kayak Times at Columbia Pool Practice your paddling skills in warm water. Bring your Kayak to Columbia Pool. Drop in times: 8:05 - 9:30pm Tuesday & Thursday FEE: $10 Per Person with boat $5 per extra person MuLTI-uSE PASSES: 10 visit $90 / 20 visit $174 Please make sure your Kayak is clean and free from any debris Hose available at back pool entrance. 4

Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

sWIM lesson Classes

NOte: Registrations will NOt be accepted aFTER the 3rd day of lessons. Classes designed to have one instructor: • per 4 to 5 students–goldfish through Pre-Penguin • per 4 to 6 students–Pre-otter through Polar Bear • per 4 to 8 students–Sea Lion and Above • per 3 students–all semi-private lessons

PaRenT/CHIlD lessons age: 6 mo up to 3 yr anGelfIsH

Age 6-18 months: Work with parent and child on water adjustment and appropriate water safety skills.


Age 18 months up to 3 years: Work with parent and child on water adjustment and appropriate water safety skills.

YoUTH/aDUlT lessons age: 6 and older PenGUIn

• For the non-swimmer. First time taking lessons. • This class works towards front glide with kicks (10 ft) and unassisted back floats.


• Must be comfortable in the water and be able to do a front glide with kick for 10 ft and unassisted back floats. • This class works towards back glides with kicks for 10 ft, front crawl with arms no side breathing for 15 ft, and five side breathing breaths with arm circles on the wall.


• Must be able to do back glides with kicking for 10 ft, front crawl with no side breathing for 15 ft, and do five side breathing breaths with arms on the wall. • This class works towards front crawl with arms and side breathing for 30 ft and back crawl with arms for 30 ft.

PolaR beaR

• Must be comfortable in deep water and be able to swim front crawl with arms and side breathing for 30 ft and back crawl with arms for 30 ft. • This class works towards front crawl with side breathing for 50 ft and back crawl with arms for 50 ft.

sea lIon

• Must be comfortable in the deep water and be able to swim front crawl with side breathing for 50 ft and back crawl for 50 ft. • This class works towards front crawl for 25 yds, back crawl for 25 yds, and elementary backstroke for 25 yds.

PResCHool lessons age: 3 year - 5 year GolDfIsH

• For the non-swimmer comfortable in the water without a parent. • This class works towards water adjustment, blowing bubbles, and putting the whole face (including ears and eyes) in the water.


• For the non-swimmer who can put their face in the water and blow bubbles. • This class works towards front glide with kicks (5ft) and unassisted back floats.


• Must be comfortable in the water and be able to do a front glide with kick for 5ft and unassisted back floats. • This class works towards back glides with kicks for 5ft, front crawl with arms no side breathing for 10 ft, and five side breathing breaths with arm circles on the wall.


• Must be able to do back glides with kicking for 5 ft, front crawl with no side breathing for 10 ft, and do five side breathing breaths with arms on the wall. • This class works towards front crawl with arms and side breathing for 30 ft and back crawl with arms for 30 ft.




• Must be comfortable in the deep water and be able to swim front crawl with side breathing for 25 yds, back crawl for 25 yds and elementary backstroke for 25 yds. • This class works towards diving into the pool then swimming front crawl 50 yds, back crawl for 50 yds, elementary backstroke for 50 yds and breaststroke for 50 yds.


• Must be comfortable in the deep water and be able to dive into the pool and swim front crawl for 50 yds, swim back crawl for 50 yds, and swim breaststroke for 50 yds. • This class works towards swimming front crawl, back crawl, and breaststroke all for 100 yds, swim side stroke for 50 yds, do a pike or tuck dive to 8 ft, underwater swim for 20 ft, surface and tread water for 5 minutes, long shallow dive and swim 100 yds individual medley, and compact jump and approach stroke 10 yds with rescue tube.

If your child has had more than a 3-month break from swimming lessons, they should repeat the previous level as a refresher course. Semi-Private Lessons (1 instructor per 3 students) Resident $118.00/Non-Res $165.25 10 (30-minute lessons) Res $118.00/Non Res $165.25 9 (30-minute lessons) Res $106.20/Non Res $148.73 5 (30-minute lessons) Res $59.00/Non Res $82.63 Private Lessons (one-on-one instruction) A great option for students who need a smaller instructor/student ratio. Space & availability is limited! Res $77.00 hr/Non-Res $108.00 hr (minimum 2.5 hrs) Adult Lessons Classes for the beginning swimmer as well as the intermediate swimmer are offered at selected pools throughout the year. For more information, call your local pool.

• Optional after Sea Lion. • Must be able to complete Sea Lion skills or equivalent. • This class works towards front and back racing starts, 50 yds front crawl with turn, and back crawl for 25 yds.

aDUlT lessons

Register On-Line at

For Beginner and Intermediate swimmers.


Work for Portland Parks & Recreation as a Lifeguard or Swim Instructor The Benefits are Great! • Over 700 Positions • 12 Indoor and Outdoor Pools • Flexible Hours • Excellent Training • Benefits for You and Your Community • Great Wages



Portland Parks & Recreation Aquatics requires that all lifeguards be StarGuard certified. Certification classes are offered throughout the fall, winter, and spring, and is required of all Portland Parks & Recreation lifeguards. Prerequisites: 1. Age 15 or older by the first day of class 2. Must be able to swim continuous non-stop: • 300 yards of breaststroke or freestyle 3. Must be able to: • Feet first surface dive to bottom of pool and retrieve 10 pound brick • Tread water 30 seconds with hands on head, then move while treading to where you can touch 4. Must demonstrate a mature attitude 5. This course is only for lifeguard candidates who will be applying to work at Portland Parks & Recreation

The swim lesson program offered through Portland Parks & Recreation was developed by Portland Parks & Recreation. Swim instructor certification classes are offered throughout the fall, winter, and spring, and is required of all Portland Parks & Recreation swim instructors. Prerequisites: 1. Age 15 or older by the first day of class 2. Must be a strong and skilled swimmer 3. Must be able to demonstrate good form and technique for 25 yards of each of the following: • Front crawl with side breathing • Backstroke • Elementary backstroke 4. Must demonstrate a mature attitude 5. This course is only for swim instructor candidates who will be applying to work at Portland Parks & Recreation

All training classes are challenging, and require that certification candidates be strong, skilled swimmers. All training courses require that candidates participate in vigorous physical training. You must be in good physical condition to participate. If you have any health related problems that might present a health or safety hazard while participating in training, please notify PP&R aquatics department prior to enrolling. You may be required to seek the opinion of your medical doctor before being permitted to enroll.

Upon certification, candidates can apply for a job with Portland Parks & Recreation. Successful completion of certification classes does not guarantee employment. 6

Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION For lifeguard candidates without a current StarGuard lifeguard certification. Students successfully completing the course receive first aid, CPR, and StarGuard certifications. This course is only for lifeguard candidates who will be applying to work at a Portland Parks & Recreation facility. Prerequisites: Age 15 or older by first day of class, swim continuous non-stop 300 yards breaststroke or freestyle, feet first surface dive to bottom of pool and retrieve 10 pound brick, tread water 30 seconds with hands on head then move while treading to where you can touch. Bring to Class: Swim suit, towel, paper, pen, notebook, food, water, warm clothes, verification of age, StarGuard textbook and proof of completion of online program. Cost: $65 (classes limited to 32 students) for lifeguards with current ARC, NASCO, E&A or YMCA lifeguard certification, and/or current PP&R employees with Swim Instructor/Water Fitness Instructor certifications $75 COMBO (Total price if register for Lifeguard Certification and Swim Instructor Training) Year 2018 1090687 Held at East Portland CC Pool Mon-Thur 1:00pm-9:00pm 12/17-20 Year 2019 1090688 Held at Columbia Pool Fri 5:00-9:00pm 1/25 Sat-Sun 8:00am-6:00pm 1/26-27 1090689 Held at Mt. Scott CC Pool Sat-Sun 8:00am-4:00pm 2/23-24 Sat-Sun 8:00am-4:00pm 3/2-3 1090690 Held at East Portland CC Pool Mon-Thur 1:00pm-9:00pm 3/25-28 1090691 Held at Columbia Pool Mon-Thur 8:00am-4:00pm 3/25-28 1090692 Held at Matt Dishman CC Pool Sat-Sun 8:00am-4:00pm 4/6-7 Sat-Sun 8:00am-4:00pm 4/13-14 1090693 Held at East Portland CC Pool Fri 5:00-9:00pm 4/26 Sat-Sun 8:00am-6:00pm 4/27-28 1090694 Held at Southwest CC Pool Fri 5:00-9:00pm 5/3 Sat-Sun 8:00am-6:00pm 5/4-5 1090734 Held at Matt Dishman Pool Fri 5:00-9:00pm 5/17 Sat-Sun 8:00am-6:00pm 5/18-19 1090739 Held at Pier Pool Mon-Thur 8:00am-4:00pm 7/8-11

LIFEGUARD REVIEW For lifeguards with current StarGuard lifeguard certification. First Aid, CPR, and lifeguard skills will be reviewed and audited with an update given on any policy revisions. Prerequisites: StarGuard certification valid through first day of class. Bring to Class: Swim suit, towel, paper, pencil, notebook and StarGuard textbook. Cost: $30 for Portland Parks & Recreation Lifeguards ONLY if you have worked for PP&R in the past year. All classes held 8:00am-6:00pm Year 2018 1090697 Held at Southwest CC Pool 1090698 Held at East Portland CC Pool 1090699 Held at Mt. Scott CC Pool 1090700 Held at Mt. Scott CC Pool

Sat 12/15 Sun 12/16 Sun 12/16 Thur 12/27

Year 2019 1090701 Held at East Portland Pool 1090702 Held at Columbia Pool 1090703 Held at East Portland CC Pool 1090704 Held at Southwest CC Pool 1090705 Held at East Portland CC Pool 1090706 Held at Mt. Scott CC Pool 1090707 Held at Mt. Scott CC Pool 1090708 Held at Mt. Scott CC Pool 1090709 Held at East Portland CC Pool

Sun 1/13 Sun 2/3 Sun 2/3 Sat 3/23 Sun 3/24 Sun 3/24 Sun 4/7 Sun 4/28 Sun 5/19

Work for Portland Parks and Recreation as a Lifeguard or Swim Instructor.

Lifeguards: $12.00 to $14.25/hr Swim Instructors: $12.50 to $14.75/hr Call 503-823-5130 for information Register On-Line at


SWIM INSTRUCTOR Swim Instructor Training

Required for PP&R Swim Instructors. Students successfully completing the training program receive Swim Instructor Certification. Prerequisites: Must be age 15 or older by the first day of class and able to swim 25 yards of each of the following: • Front crawl with side breathing • Backstroke • Elementary backstroke • Breaststroke Cost: $50 (classes limited to 24 students) $25 for non-PP&R swim instructors with current ARC or YMCA instructor certification, and/or current PP&R employees with Lifeguard or Water Fitness Instructor certifications. $75 COMBO (Total price if register for Lifeguard Certification and Swim Instructor Training) Year 2018 #1091143 #1091150

Held at East Portland CC Pool M-Th 8:00am-2:00pm 12/17-20 Held at Mt Scott CC Pool M-Th 2:00-8:00pm 12/17-20

Year 2019 #1091159 Held at East Portland CC Pool Fri 5:00pm-9:00pm 1/25, 2/1 Sat 8:00am-3:30pm 1/26, 2/2 #1091165 Held at East Portland CC Pool Fri 5:00pm-9:00pm 2/22, 3/1 Sat 8:00am-3:30pm 2/23, 3/2 #1091167 Held at East Portland CC Pool M-Th 8:00am-2:00pm 3/25-28 #1091173 Held at Mt. Scott CC Pool M-Th 2:00-8:00pm 3/25-28 #1091285 Held at Columbia Pool Fri 5:00pm-9:00pm 4/5, 4/12 Sat 8:00am-3:30pm 4/6, 4/13 #1091292 Held at Southwest Pool Fri 5:00pm-9:00pm 4/5, 4/12 Sat 8:00am-3:30pm 4/6, 4/13 #1091299 Held at East Portland CC Pool Fri 5:00pm-9:00pm 4/26, 5/3 Sat 8:00am-3:30pm 4/27, 5/4 #1091310 Held at Columbia Pool Fri 5:00pm-9:00pm 4/26, 5/3 Sat 8:00am-3:30pm 4/27, 5/4 #1091314 Held at Southwest CC Pool M-Th 8:00am-2:00pm 7/15-18


Swim Instructor Recertification

Required course for all currently certified Portland Parks and Recreation Swim Instructors. Program changes and updates will be discussed. Course is required every 2 years. Prerequisites: Must hold a current Portland Parks and Recreation Swim Instructor Card. Cost: FREE Year 2018 #1091319 Held at East Portland CC Pool Sat 9:00am-1:00pm 12/15 Year 2019 #1091323 Held at East Portland CC Pool Sat 9:00am-1:00pm 3/23 #1091326 Held at East Portland CC Pool Sat 9:00am-1:00pm 5/18 #1091330 Held at East Portland CC Pool Sat 9:00am-1:00pm 6/22

Upon certification, candidates can apply for a job with Portland Parks & Recreation. Successful completion of certification classes does not guarantee employment.

Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

WaTeR fITness InsTRUCToR


Required for PP&R water fitness Instructors Course offered normally Fall, and Winter/Spring

Love doing Water Workouts? Eager to get more out of your water fitness classes and learn how to really work the water? Join PPR to teach group water fitness classes – the basics of anatomy, physiology, movement in the water, and putting a class together!

Join our Water X team! 2019 wInTeR TRAInIng CLASS: #1096638 Saturday: April 20, 27 | 9am-4pm Sunday: April 21, 28 | 9am-4pm Held at Mt. Scott CC pool fee: $85

within one year of employment a national certification is required for Portland Parks water fitness Instructors. National Aquatic Exercise Association Certification will be offered sPRInG 2019 at Columbia Pool. Register at

For more information contact Larissa Doty

Register On-Line at


WATER FITNESS Classes AquaPower

Experience the difference in deep water. This class uses buoyant and resistant equipment to provide an excellent cardiovascular workout with zero impact! AquaPower is designed for all levels. Participants should be comfortable in deep water. Check individual pool schedules for available times.


By bringing Yoga to the water, there is no gravity and the water will take the pressure off your joints. It will help develop strength, static balance and will increase overall range of motion. This low-impact class will help develop strength and balance while relaxing in the water. Aqua Yoga is for all skill levels and abilities. This is a drop-in class at Columbia, East Portland CC and Southwest CC Pools only.


Build endurance while toning muscle and gaining strength in this program guaranteed to keep your heart rate pumping. The River Challenge employs low impact resistance training to work every part of your body. This is a drop-in class at EPCC pool only.


Energize yourself with this invigorating workout! This shallow water class focuses on cardiovascular fitness with special attention to strength and flexibility. All fitness and swimming levels are welcome! Check individual pool schedules for available times. 10

Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS


Walk or run against the Current Channel at EPCC or MSCC pool for an excellent cardiovascular workout. Improve circulation and strength with this low-impact activity. Check individual pool schedules for available times. No instructor present.


(Slow Movement Intensity Lowered Exercise) This shallow water class focuses on improving circulation, strength, range of motion and flexibility through low-impact exercise. Check individual pool schedules for available times. All participants welcome!


Energize your pregnancy! This shallow water class focuses on pregnancy fitness with special attention to improved circulation and flexibility. Check individual pool schedules for available times.


Achieve long-term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in our pool with exciting calorie-burning, body-energizing, movements meant to engage and captivate for life! The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and water resistance are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. This is a drop-in class at East Portland CC and Mt. Scott CC only.


open play swimming


Monday / Wednesday: 4:00 - 8:00pm (Shallow only) no Wed 1/2- 2/6 Friday: 4:00 - 7:00pm (Shallow only) (Free from 4:00-6:00pm) Saturday: 1:00 - 5:00pm Sunday: 12:00 - 6:00pm (Free TEEN SWIM 3:00-5:00pm)

east portland CC

Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 7:00 - 9:00pm (Leisure Pool only, Slide open) Saturday: 1:00 - 5:00pm (Both Pools, Slide open) Sunday: 1:00 - 3:30pm (Both Pools, Slide open) & 3:30 - 4:30pm (Leisure Pool only, Slide open)

matt dishman cc

Friday: 8:00 - 9:00pm TEEN ONLY (ends 11/10- 2/16) Saturday: 2:00 - 6:00pm Sunday: 1:30 - 2:55pm

mt. scott CC

Tuesday & Thursday: 7:30- 9:00pm (Leisure Pool and Slide open) Friday: 4:00 - 8:30pm (Leisure Pool and Slide open) Saturday: 1:00 - 6:00pm (Leisure Pool, Rope Swing and Slide open) Sunday: 1:00 - 5:00pm (Slide open 1:00- 5:00pm & Rope Swing open 1:00- 3:00pm)

southwest CC

Monday & Wednesday: 7:15 - 9:00pm (Leisure Pool and Slide open) Friday: 2:30- 4:00pm (Leisure Pool only) & 4:00 - 9:00pm (Leisure Pool and Slide open) Saturday: 1:00- 6:00pm (Slide and Rope Swim Open) Sunday: 12:30- 4:00pm (Slide and Rope Swim Open)

Register On-Line at


The Blue Makos A pre-competitive swim league participants ages 6-16 will enjoy: • 1 hour weekly swim practices at all pools • Expert tips from an experienced swim coach • A fun, supportive, learning environment • Instruction on each of the four competitive strokes including dives and turns • A mock swim meet on Sunday, March 17 8:00 - 10:30am at Matt Dishman Pool • Every swimmer will receive a Blue Makos swim cap!

Dive into action with the Blue Makos!

Are you into speed, competition, and perfecting our technique? Strut your stuff in this pre-competitive league, racing against other pools in Portland at quarterly mock-swim meets. Receive one hour per week of expert coaching in a fun, supportive environment. Participants will be given instruction on butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle, including competitive dives and turns. It is a great place to begin your journey to competitive swimming. Participants must be able to swim the length of the pool: Front Crawlstroke and Backstroke. (This correlates to passing Sea Lion level in the Portland Parks and Recreation swim lesson program.)

Cost 8 classes 7 classes

$56.00 resident / $78.40 non resident $49.00 resident / $68.60 non resident

BLUE MAKOS PRACTICE SCHEDULE Columbia Jan 12- Mar 16 EPCC Jan 13- Mar 10 MDCC Jan 13- Mar 10 MDCC Jan 13- Mar 10 MSCC Jan 12- Mar 16 MSCC Jan 13- Mar 10 MSCC Jan 13- Mar 10 MSCC Jan 13- Mar 10 SWCC Jan 12 - Mar 16

Saturday* 12:10 - 1:10pm 8 classes + meet 3/17 Sunday 5:25 - 6:25pm 7 classes* + meet 3/17 Sunday 5:00 - 6:00pm 7 classes* + meet 3/17 Sunday 6:00 - 7:00pm 7 classes* + meet 3/17 Saturday 12:00- 1:00pm 8 classes* + meet 3/17 Sunday 3:05- 4:05pm 8 classes* + meet 3/17 Sunday 4:15- 5:15pm 8 classes* + meet 3/17 Sunday* 5:40- 6:40pm 8 classes + meet 3/17 Saturday* 11:45 am- 12:45pm 8 classes + meet 3/17

* No class Saturday, January 19, February 16 and no class Sunday, January 20, February 17


Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

Summer Swim League 2019 Swim Season Begins Tuesday, June 18 Dual Meets: Saturdays June 29 & July 13, 27 Championship Meet: Sunday, August 11

Pool Rentals and Party Packages For that special time when friends and family want to get together, call us and we’ll help make your event FUN and memorable!

Book Winter Rentals starting NOW!

Portland Parks and Recreation offers many choices for planning your special event. Call your local pool for information and ask how we can help you. 503.823.5130 or Pool Party Package participants will have their parties held during Open Swim or Family Swim times.

ADULT to CHILD RATIOS • Children that are non-swimmers and/or under 48” must not be left unattended on the pool deck, and must be accompanied by an adult (18 years or older), at all times in the water with a 1:3 ratio. • During Family Swims, a 1:3 ratio is required regardless of height or ability. • Pool rental participants must have adults in the water supervising nonswimmers and all children under 48”.

48” 47” 46” 45” 44” 43” 42” 41” 40” 39” 38” 37” 36” 35”


(open year-round) Columbia Pool 503-823-3670 7701 N Chautauqua East Portland CC Pool 503-823-3450 740 SE 106th Matt Dishman CC Pool 503-823-3673 77 NE Knott Mt. Scott CC Pool 503-823-3183 5530 SE 72nd Southwest CC Pool 503-823-2840 6820 SW 45th Ave

Register On-Line at

SAFETY IS A TEAM EFFORT. Lifeguards and Parents share the responsibility! Remember non-swimmers and children under 48” must be within arms reach of a swimming adult or guardian 18 years or older.



7701 N Chautauqua Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97217 503-823-3669 District Aquatic Coordinator Evan Lilly Recreation Coordinator Teresa O’Loughlin Recreation Leader Aurora McCarthy, Amanda Sletmoe Bus Line #4 Fessenden, #35 Greeley, #44 Mocks Crest, #75 Chavez/Lombard Disabled Accessible Entrances, Parking, Restrooms, Pool with lift. Family changing rooms Hours Monday – Thursday 6:00am-1:00pm & 4:00-8:00pm Friday 6:00am-1:00pm & 4:00-7:00pm Saturday 9:45am-5:00pm Sunday 12:00-6:00pm Building Closures* Wednesdays from Jan 2-Feb 6 pool closes at 6:00 pm for Swim Meet

Features Include • • •

Indoor year round 25 yard swimming pool heated to 86 degrees, water depths 1.5 - 7 feet. Program offerings include swim lessons, lap swim, water fitness classes, and recreational play swims.

Monday/Wednesday 4:00 - 8:00pm Shallow only No Wed 1/2- 2/6 Friday 4:00 - 7:00pm Shallow only Free from 4:00- 6:00pm Saturday 1:00 - 5:00pm Sunday 12:00 - 6:00pm Half pool Shallow 3:00- 5:00pm Free TEEN SWIM 3:00- 5:00pm

FAMILY SWIM Youth under 18 years of age must be supervised by a parent or guardian in the water. Monday-Friday Saturday 10:00am- 1:00pm 12:10- 1:00pm

DROP-IN KAYAK Practice your paddling skills in warm water. Bring your kayak to Columbia Pool. Tuesday & Thursday 8:05- 9:30pm Fee: $10 per person with boat $5 per extra person MULTI-USE PASSES 10 visits $90 / 20 visits $174 Please make sure your kayak is clean and free from any debris. Hose available at back pool entrance.

Lap Swim TIMES We will make every attempt to have 1-2 lap lanes available, at all designated times, for adult lap swimmers. Up to 5 lanes will be available at designated times, call 503-823-3669 for a complete schedule of lap lanes available during operating hours. Monday-Friday 6:00am - 1:00pm 6:00- 8:00pm (ends 7:00pm on Friday) *See building closures. Saturday 9:45am- 5:00pm Sunday 12:00- 6:00pm FAST Masters Swim Team Tu/Thur 6:00 - 7:30am (2 lanes) PAC (Portland Aquatic Club) Monday-Friday 4:30 - 6:00pm (all deep lanes) PIL High School Team Jan 2- Feb 15 Mon/Wed/Fri 6:00 - 7:30am Mon-Thur 7:00- 8:00pm (2 lanes)

Aqua Yoga By bringing Yoga to the water, there is no gravity and the water will take the pressure off your joints. It will help develop strength, static balance and increase overall range of motion. Aqua Yoga is for all skill levels and abilities. Tues & Thurs 11:15am- 12:00pm 7:05 - 7:50pm

COLUMBIA Pool Fees Drop-In-Visit Season Pass*** Adults (18-59 yrs) $4.75 $114./$122 Seniors (60+ yrs) $4.50 $108/$115 Youth (3-17 yrs) $3.75 $90/$96 Toddlers (0-2 yrs) FREE FREE Family** N/A $186/$199 FEES: City of Portland Residents/Non Residents

10-Punch Card $43/$46 $41/$43 $34/$36 FREE N/A

20-Punch Card $81/$87 $77/$81 $64/$68 FREE N/A

*Note: Passes valid only at Columbia Pool. Admission includes use of the following drop-in amenities on a first-come, first-served basis during scheduled times. • Open Play Swim (children under 48” tall must be accompanied in the water by an adult) • Parent/ Preschool Swim • Family Swim (all youth 17 years and under must be accompanied in the water by an adult) • Lap Swim • Water Fitness **NOTE: Family membership denotes a couple (married or domestic or a single parent and their legal dependents living in the same residence).


Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

COLUMBIA Water Fitness schedule MON





9:00 - 9:55am AquaPower

9:00 - 9:55am AquaPower

9:00 - 9:55am AquaPower

9:00 - 9:55am AquaPower

9:00 - 9:55am AquaPower

10:00 10:55am Aquaerobics

10:00 10:55am Aquaerobics

10:00 10:55am Aquaerobics

10:00 10:55am Aquaerobics

10:00 10:55am Aquaerobics

11:00am 12:10pm SMILE

11:15am 12:10pm Aqua Yoga

11:15am12:10pm SMILE

11:15am 12:10pm Aqua Yoga

11:15am 12:10pm Pregnancy Fitness

12:10-1:00pm Wave Run/ Individual Water Fitness* 6:05 - 7:00pm Aquaerobics

7:05 - 8:00pm AquaPower

*Independent 12:10-1:00pm 12:10-1:00pm 12:10-1:00pm 12:10-1:00pm Water Fitness Wave Run/ Wave Run/ Wave Run/ Wave Run/ (no instructor) Individual Individual Individual Individual Water Water Water Water Fitness* Fitness* Fitness* Fitness* •• Jan 2- Jan 30 Aqua Power 6:05 - 7:00pm is cancelled on Wednesdays 6:05 - 7:00pm Aquaerobics** 6:05 - 7:00pm for PIL Swim Meets (cancelled Aquaerobics Aquaerobics 1/3-1/31) 7:05 - 7:50pm Aqua Yoga

7:05 - 8:00pm AquaPower** (cancelled 1/2-1/30)

7:05 - 7:50pm Aqua Yoga

COLUMBIA swimming lessons Monday & Wednesday • Jan 7 - Feb 6 (9 lessons) no 1/21 • Feb 11 - Mar 13 (9 lessons) no 2/18 Afternoon/Evening Classes 4:05- 4:35 6:00 - 6:30 (2/11-3/13 only) 4:40 - 5:10 6:35 - 7:05 (2/11-3/13 only) 5:15 - 5:45 Tuesday & Thursday • Jan 8 - Feb 7 (9 lessons) no 1/22 • Feb 12- Mar 14 (10 lessons) Afternoon/Evening Classes 6:00 - 6:30 4:05- 4:35 6:35 - 7:05 4:40 - 5:10 7:10 - 7:40 5:15 - 5:45

Saturday • Jan 12- Mar 16 (8 lessons) no 1/19, 2/16 Morning & Afternoon Classes 9:00 - 9:30am (private/semi) 9:35 - 10:05am 10:10 - 10:40am 12:10- 1:10pm 10:55- 11:25am 11:30am- 12:00pm Blue Makos Sunday • Jan 13- Mar 17 (8 lessons) no 1/20, 2/17 Afternoon Classes 3:20 - 3:50 (private/semi) 3:55- 4:25 (private/semi) 4:30- 5:00 (private/semi) 5:20- 5:50 (private/semi)

PARTY RENTALS at COLUMBIA POOL Columbia Pool offers private pool rentals as well as Party Packages.

SWIM LESSON FEES PRESCHOOL / Youth Lessons 10 lessons Res $57.00 Non-Res $80.00 9 lessons Res $51.30 Non-Res $72.00 8 lessons Res $45.60 Non-Res $64.00

Adult Lessons 10 lessons Res $67.00 Non-Res $94.00 9 lessons Res $60.30 Non-Res $84.60 8 lessons Res $53.60 Non Res $75.20

Columbia Pool and CJCC FITNESS Combo Pass Create multiple workouts with ONE great pass! Why stop with admission to Charles Jordan Community Center’s fitness room, scheduled open gym times and other group exercise classes when you can now include admission to Columbia Pool. Diversify your workout with lap swim, water fitness & open swim times at Columbia Pool.

FEES: City of Portland Residents/Non Residents 10 Visits 20 Visits 3-Month Adults (18-59 yrs) $47/50 $89/$95 $126/$134 Seniors (60 yrs & up) $38/$40 $72/$77 $102/$108 Teen (14-17 yrs) $38/$40 $72/$77 $102/$108 Register On-Line at

• • • • •

1 hour use of Party Space Decorations Setup & Cleanup (by our staff) Place Settings Pool Admissions

To book your party contact Teresa O’Loughlin@Teresa. 15



LAP SWIM - Lap Pool


740 SE 106th Ave Portland, Oregon 97216 503-823-3450 District Aquatic Coordinator Sue Cox Recreation Coordinators Kim Cunningham, Jamie Doscher Recreation Leaders Paige Pelker, Martin Hahn Bus Line #15 Belmont, #20 Burnside-Stark, #27 Market-Main Disabled Accessible Entrances, Parking, Restrooms, Pool and Spa with Pool Lift Hours Monday – Friday Saturday Sunday

6:00am- 9:00pm 7:00am- 5:00pm 11:00am- 5:00pm

Hours will be reviewed periodically to best meet participants’ needs.

Building Closures & Special Hours See page 21 for details Dec 24-25, Christmas Closed New Year’s Eve 11:00am- 5:00pm New Year’s Day 11:00am- 5:00pm

Features Include • Indoor year round • 4-lane 25-yard lap pool heated to

84 degrees, water depth 3.5-9 feet • Leisure pool with slide, current channel, vortex and a 3-lane 20-yard lap swim section heated to 88 degrees, water depth 0-5 feet • Whirlpool spa heated to 102 degrees • Programs offering swim lessons, lap swim, water fitness & recreation swims 16

Monday/Wednesday/Friday 7:00 - 9:00pm (Leisure Pool only, Slide open) Tuesday/Thursday Swim Lessons (no Open Play swims) Saturday 1:00 - 5:00pm (Both Pools, Slide open) Sunday 1:00 - 3:30pm (Both Pools, Slide open) 3:30 - 4:30pm (Leisure Pool only, Slide open)

Monday-Friday 6:00 - 8:25am (all lanes) Monday/Wednesday 9:30am - 5:45pm (lanes vary) 7:00 - 9:00pm (lanes vary) Tuesday/Thursday 9:30am - 6:45pm (lanes vary) Friday 9:30am - 9:00pm (lanes vary) Saturday 7:00- 8:55am (lanes vary) 11:00am - 5:00pm (lanes vary) Sunday 11:00am - 4:30pm (lanes vary)

LAP SWIM - Leisure Pool Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 1:00 - 2:00pm**

FAMILY SWIM Children under 18 years of age must be supervised by a parent or guardian in the water. Leisure Pool only. Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 11:30am - 1:00pm (Slide Friday only) Friday 5:30 - 7:00pm (Slide open) Saturday & Sunday 11:30am - 1:00pm (Slide open)

ADULT / PRESCHOOL SWIM Children must be 5 years and under. Parent or guardian must accompany children in the water. Friday 9:30am - 11:30am (Leisure Pool)

SENIOR / ADAPTIVE SWIM Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 1:00 - 2:00pm**

CURRENT CHANNEL WALK Monday-Thursday 9:00 - 11:30am Tuesday/Thursday/Friday 1:00 - 2:00pm** Monday/Wednesday 5:45- 6:45pm

PIL Swim Team Monday-Friday 11/13- 2/8 3:45- 5:00pm (2 lanes)

EAST PORTLAND CC and Pool GENERAL ADMISSION FEES* FEES: City of Portland Residents Adults (18-59 yrs) Seniors (60+ yrs) Teens (13-17 yrs) Children (3-12 yrs) Toddlers (0-2 yrs) Family

Drop-In-Visit $6.00 $4.75 $4.75 $4.25 FREE N/A

Active Pass** $39.00 $31.00 $31.00 $28.00 FREE $64.00

10-Punch Card $54.00 $43.00 $43.00 $38.00 FREE N/A

20-Punch Card $102.00 $81.00 $81.00 $72.00 FREE N/A

*Note: Passes valid only at EPCC and Pool. These fees will include use of the following amenities during their regularly scheduled times:• Lap Swim • Open Play Swim • Family Play Swim • Water Fitness Classes • Fitness Room • Adult Basketball and Volleyball (Open Gym) **NOTE: Active Passes will auto-renew each month. Simply pay your first monthly fee upon registering, and all future monthly payments are deducted from your debit or credit card. Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

EAST PORTLAND Water Fitness schedule MON


8:00 - 9:00am The River Challenge*




SAT 7:30 - 8:30am The River Challenge* 1/12-3/16 (no 1/19, 2/16)

8:00 - 9:00am The River Challenge*

8:30 - 9:25am Aquaerobics

8:30 - 9:25am AquaPower

8:30 - 9:25am Aquaerobics

8:30 - 9:25am AquaPower

8:30 - 9:25am Aquaerobics

9:00 - 9:55am AquaPower

9:30 10:25am S.M.I.L.E.*

9:30 10:25am S.M.I.L.E.*

9:30 10:25am S.M.I.L.E.*

9:30 10:25am S.M.I.L.E.*

9:30 10:25am S.M.I.L.E.*

10:0010:55am Aquaerobics

10:40 11:25am Aqua Yoga* 5:55 - 6:50pm Aquaerobics

Aqua Yoga By bringing Yoga to the water, there is no gravity and the water will take the pressure off your joints. It will help develop strength, static balance and will increase overall range of motion. Aqua Yoga is for all skill levels and abilities. Monday & Wednesday 10:40 - 11:25am

10:40 11:25am Aqua Yoga* 5:45 - 6:45pm The River Challenge*

5:55 - 6:50pm Aquaerobics

5:45 - 6:45pm The River Challenge*

7:00- 7:55pm Aqua SuperFit

7:00- 7:55pm Aqua SuperFit

8:00 - 8:55pm Aqua Zumba

8:00 - 8:55pm Aqua Zumba

* Class held in Leisure Pool

EAST PORTLAND swimming lessons Monday & Wednesday Saturday • Jan 7 - Feb 6 (9 lessons) no 1/21 • Jan 12- Mar 16 (8 lessons) • Feb 11 - Mar 13 (9 lessons) no 2/18 no 1/19, 2/16 Morning Classes Morning Classes 10:05- 10:35 9:00 - 9:30 7:30 - 8:00 10:40 - 11:10 9:35 - 10:05 8:05 - 8:35 11:15-11:45 10:10 - 10:40 8:40 - 9:10 10:45 - 11:15 9:15 - 9:45 Afternoon/Evening Classes Sunday 3:45- 4:15 • Jan 13- Mar 17 (8 lessons) 4:20 - 4:50 no 1/20, 2/17 4:55 - 5:25 Afternoon/Evening Classes 5:45 - 6:15 3:30 - 4:00 6:20 - 6:50 4:05 - 4:35 Tuesday & Thursday 4:50 - 5:20 • Jan 8 - Feb 7 (9 lessons) no 1/22 5:25 - 5:55 • Feb 12- Mar 14 (10 lessons) 6:00 - 6:30 5:25 - 6:25 Blue Makos Morning Classes 9:00 - 9:30 9:35 - 10:05 SWIM LESSON FEES 10:10 - 10:40 10:45 - 11:15 PRESCHOOL / Youth Lessons Afternoon/Evening Classes 10 lessons Res $57.00 Non-Res $80.00 3:45 - 4:15 9 lessons Res $51.30 Non-Res $72.00 4:20 - 4:50 8 lessons Res $45.60 Non-Res $64.00 4:55 - 5:25 5:45 - 6:15 Adult Lessons 6:20- 6:50 10 lessons Res $67.00 Non-Res $94.00 6:55 - 7:25 9 lessons Res $60.30 Non-Res $84.60 7:30- 8:00 8 lessons Res $53.60 Non Res $75.20

Register On-Line at

Occasionally, specific facilities within the Center (i.e. spa), may be closed or have limited operating hours due to repairs, maintenance, inclement weather, holidays, and/or special events. Such closings will not result in a deduction from pass holder costs. When possible, the times and dates of closings will be posted in advance to inform pass holders. EPCC will be hosting a variety of training classes throughout the year. Pool space may be limited during these times.



matt dishman INDOOR Pool


OPEN PLAY SWIM Friday- TEEN ONLY 8:00 - 9:00pm (starts 2/22) Saturday 2:00 - 6:00pm Sunday 1:30 - 2:55pm 77 NE Knott Street Portland, Oregon 97212 503-823-3673


District Aquatic Coordinator Evan Lilly Recreation Coordinators Steve Kavanagh, Sarah Wiggins Recreation Leader Sarah Faulkner, Megan Heisler Bus Line #6 MLK, #4 Fesseden, #40 Mocks Crest, #33 Fremont Disabled Accessible Entrances, Pool & Spa with Pool Lift up to 300 lbs), Parking, Restrooms

Children under 18 years of age must be supervised by a parent or guardian in the water.

Close at 2:30PM Closed Close at 2:30pm Closed Close at 5:30pm Close at 5:30pm Close at 5:00pm

Features Include • Indoor year round • L-shaped 6-lane 25-yard pool heated to 84 degrees, water depth 2-12 feet. One-meter diving board • Whirlpool spa heated to 102 degrees • Programs offering swim lessons, lap swim, water fitness & recreation swims 18

Tuesday/Thursday 8:05- 9:00pm (lanes vary) starts 2/18

PAC (Portland Aquatic Club) Monday- Friday 4:00- 6:00pm Saturday 7:00- 9:00am PIL Swim Team Monday- Friday 1/2- 2/15 7:30- 9:00pm

Hours will be reviewed periodically to best meet participants’ needs.

Dec 24, Christmas Eve Dec 25, Christmas Dec 31, New Year’s Eve Jan 1, New Year’s Jan 4, 11, 18 & 25 Feb 1 Feb 8, Feb 15


Lap Swim: We will make every attempt to have 1-2 lap lanes available at all times for adult lap swimmers. Up to 5 lanes will be available at designated times. Call 503.823.3673 for a complete schedule of lanes available during operating hours.

Monday- Thursday 12:00 - 4:20pm Friday 9:00am - 7:30pm (ends at 5:30pm 1/4-2/15) Saturday 12:45 - 2:00pm Sunday 10:30am - 1:30pm

Hours – Monday- Friday 5:30am- 9:00pm (Friday hot tub closes at 8pm) Saturday 9:00am- 6:00pm Sunday 10:30am- 6:00pm

Building Closures & Special Hours (See page 21 for more details)

Monday- Thursday 5:30am- 4:00pm (lanes vary) 6:05- 9:00pm (lanes vary) Ends at 7:25pm 1/2- 2/15 Friday 5:30am- 4:00pm (lanes vary) 6:05- 8:00pm (lanes vary) starts 2/23 Saturday 11:20am - 6:00pm (lanes vary*) Sunday 10:30am - 2:55pm (lanes vary*) * During Open Swims, Lap Swim will be limited to 2 lanes

MATT DISHMAN CC and Pool GENERAL ADMISSION FEES* FEES: City of Portland Residents Adults (18-59 yrs) Seniors (60+ yrs) Teens (13-17 yrs) Children (3-12 yrs) Toddlers (0-2 yrs) Family

Drop-In-Visit $5.75 $4.75 $4.75 $3.75 FREE N/A

Active Pass** $37.00 $31.00 $31.00 $24.00 FREE $61.00

10-Punch Card $52.00 $43.00 $43.00 $34.00 FREE N/A

20-Punch Card $98.00 $81.00 $81.00 $64.00 FREE N/A

*Note: Passes valid only at Matt Dishman CC & Pool. These fees will include use of the following amenities on a first-come, first-served basis during their regularly scheduled times: • Open Play Swim • Family Play Swim • Water Fitness Classes • Fitness Room (must be 14 years & over) • Basketball **NOTE: Active Passes will auto-renew each month. Simply pay your first monthly fee upon registering, and all future monthly payments are deducted from your debit or credit card. Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

MATT DISHMAN Water Fitness schedule MON





6:00 - 6:55am AquaPower

6:00 - 6:55am AquaPower

6:00 - 6:55am AquaPower

6:00 - 6:55am AquaPower

6:00 - 6:55am AquaPower

7:00 - 7:55am Aquaerobics

7:00 - 7:55am Aquaerobics

7:00 - 9:15am Independent Aquaerobics / AquaPower

7:00 - 9:15am Independent Aquaerobics / AquaPower

7:00 - 9:15am Independent Aquaerobics / AquaPower

7:00 - 9:15am Independent Aquaerobics / AquaPower

7:00 - 9:15am Independent Aquaerobics / AquaPower

9:15- 10:10am Aquaerobics and AquaPower

9:15- 10:10am Aquaerobics and AquaPower

9:15- 10:10am Aquaerobics and AquaPower

9:15- 10:10am Aquaerobics and AquaPower

9:15- 10:10am Aquaerobics and AquaPower






(no instructor)

S.M.I.L.E. / AquaPower

6:05 - 7:00pm AquaPower

7:05 - 8:00pm Aquaerobics

(no instructor)

S.M.I.L.E. / AquaPower

6:05 - 7:00pm Pregnancy Fitness


(no instructor)

S.M.I.L.E. / AquaPower.

6:05 - 7:00pm AquaPower

(no instructor)

S.M.I.L.E. / AquaPower

6:05 - 7:00pm Pregnancy Fitness

(no instructor)

S.M.I.L.E. / AquaPower

9:10- 10:05am AquaPower



6:05 - 7:00pm AquaPower *(cancelled 11/29-2/15) 7:05 - 8:00pm Aquaerobics *(cancelled 11/29-2/15)

7:05 - 8:00pm Aquaerobics

* 11/29- 2/15 AquaPower and Aquaerobics cancelled for PIL Swim Meets

Matt Dishman swimming lessons Monday & Wednesday • Jan 7 - Feb 6 (9 lessons) no 1/21 • Feb 11 - Mar 13 (9 lessons) no 2/18 Morning Classes 9:00 - 9:30 9:35 - 10:05 10:10 - 10:40 Afternoon/Evening Classes 4:30 - 5:00 5:05 - 5:35 5:40 - 6:10 6:30 - 7:00 7:05 - 7:35 Tuesday & Thursday • Jan 8 - Feb 7 (9 lessons) no 1/22 • Feb 12- Mar 14 (10 lessons) Morning Classes 9:00 - 9:30 9:35- 10:05 10:10 - 10:40 Afternoon/Evening Classes 4:30 - 5:00 5:05 - 5:35 5:40 - 6:10 6:30 - 7:00 7:05 - 7:35

Saturday • Jan 12 - Mar 16 (8 lessons) no 1/19, 2/16 Morning Classes 11:05- 11:35 9:05 - 9:35 11:40- 12:10 9:40- 10:10 10:15- 10:45 Sunday • Jan 13- Mar 17 (8 lessons) no 1/20, 2/17 Evening Classes Blue Makos 3:00 - 3:30 5:00 - 6:00 or 3:35 - 4:05 6:00- 7:00 4:10 - 4:40 5:00 - 5:30 5:35 - 6:05 6:10- 6:40 Private & Semi-Private Lessons only 6:15- 6:45pm

SWIM LESSON FEES PRESCHOOL / Youth Lessons 10 lessons Res $57.00 Non-Res $80.00 9 lessons Res $51.30 Non-Res $72.00 8 lessons Res $45.60 Non-Res $64.00 Adult Lessons 10 lessons Res $67.00 Non-Res $94.00 9 lessons Res $60.30 Non-Res $84.60 8 lessons Res $53.60 Non Res $75.20 Register On-Line at

Pool Rentals and Party Packages

Rentals available on Saturday and Sunday evenings. Party Packages available during Family & Open Swim. For more information please call 503-823-3673.


ccasionally, specific facilities within the Center (i.e. spa), may be closed or have limited operating hours due to repairs, maintenance, inclement weather, holidays, and/or special events. Such closings will not result in a deduction from pass holder costs. When possible, the times and dates of closings will be posted in advance to inform pass holders.


Open Play, TEEN, Family and adult/preschool Swim Times (O) = Open Play Swim Monday Columbia Pool East Portland CC Pool Matt Dishman CC Pool

10am-1pm (F)

(F) = Family Play Swim

(P) = Adult/Preschool Swim




4-8pm (O)

7-9pm (O)

12-4:20pm (F)




10am-1pm (F)

12:10-1pm (F)

4-7pm (O)

1-5pm (O)

12-5pm (O) Free Teen 3-5:00pm

11:30am-1pm (F)

11:30am-1pm (F)

1-5pm (O)

1-4:30pm (O)

12:45-2pm (F)

10:30-1:30pm (F)

2- 6pm (O)

1:30-2:55pm (O)

12-1pm (F)

12-1pm (F)

1-6:00pm (O)

1-5:00pm (O)

11am-2:30pm (F)

11:45-1:00pm (F)

10:00-12:30pm (F)

2:30-9pm (O)

1:00-6pm (O)

12:30-4pm (O)

10am-1pm (F) 10am-1pm (F)

11:30am-1pm (F)

12-4:20pm (F)

4-8pm (O) starts 2/13

7-9pm (O)

12-4:20pm (F)

10am-1pm (F)

11:30am-1pm (F)

12-4:20pm (F)

9:30-11:30am (P) 11:30am-1pm (F) 5:30-7pm (F) 7-9pm (O)

9am-7:30pm (F) Teen Only 8-9pm (O)

Mt Scott CC Pool

9:30-11:30am (P)

11:30am-1pm (F)

9:30-11:30am (P)

11:30am-1pm (F)

11:30am-1pm (F)

7:30-9:00pm (O)

11:30am-1pm (F)

7:30-9:00pm (O)

Southwest CC Pool

11:30-1:30pm (F) 7:15-9pm (O)

11:30-1:30pm (F)


Swimming and diving areas are open to all ages. Non-swimmers and children under 48 inches tall must be supervised in the water by an adult swimmer.

11:30-1:30pm (F) 7:15-9pm (O)

11:30-1:30pm (F)

9:30-11:30am (P) 11:30am-1pm (F)

4-9:00pm (O)


Lifeguards and parents share the responsibility. Lifejackets are available at the pool.


Enjoy shallow water, play mats, innertubes, water basketball and more. Children 17 years and younger must be accompanied in water by parent or guardian.

• ADULT/PRESCHOOL SWIM Enjoy the pool with a younger crowd. Children must be 5 years and under. Parent or guardian must accompany children in the water. 20

(T) = Teen Force

Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

eXTRa sWIM TIMes & sPeCIal DaYs easT PoRTlanD CC Pool Dec 17-21

Dec 24 Dec 25 Dec 26-28

Dec 31 Jan 1 Jan 21

Feb 18

Mar 25-29

Winter Break 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-4:00pm 5:30-7:00pm (Fri only) 7:00-9:00pm (M/W/F only) Christmas Eve Day Christmas Day Winter Break 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-4:00pm 5:30-7:00pm (Fri only) 7:00-9:00pm (M/W/F only) New Year’s Eve Day 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-5:00pm New Year’s Day 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-5:00pm Holiday - MLK Day 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-4:00pm 7:00-9:00pm Holiday - Presidents Day 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-4:00pm 7:00-9:00pm Spring Break 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-4:00pm 7:00-9:00pm (M/W/F only)

MT. sCoTT Pool Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Closed Closed Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Open Play Swim

Dec 17-21 Dec 24 Dec 25 Dec 26-28 Dec 31 Jan 1 Jan 21 Jan 22 Feb 18 Mar 25-Mar 29

Dec 24 Dec 25 Dec 26-28 Dec 31 Jan 1 Jan 21 Jan 22 Feb 18 Mar 25-29

Winter Break 1:30-3:00pm (Mon-Fri) Christmas Eve Day 10:30am-1:00pm 1:00-2:30pm Christmas Day Winter Break 1:30-3:00pm (Wed-Fri) New Year’s Eve Day 10:30am-1:00pm 1:00-2:30pm New Year’s Day Holiday - MLK Day 1:15-3:45pm Teacher Planning Day 1:15-3:45pm Holiday - Presidents Day 1:15-3:45pm Spring Break 1:15-3:45pm

Dec 17-20

Winter Break 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-9:00pm Winter Break 11:00am-1:00pm 1:00-9:00pm Christmas Eve Day Christmas Day Winter Break 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-9:00pm Winter Break 11:00am-1:00pm 1:00-9:00pm New Year’s Eve Day 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-2:30pm New Year’s Day 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-5:30pm Holiday - MLK Day 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-9:00pm Teacher Planning Day 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-9:00pm Holiday - Presidents Day 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-9:00pm Spring Break 11:30am-1:00pm 1:00-9:00pm Spring Break 11:00am-1:00pm 1:00-9:00pm

Dec 21 Dec 24 Dec 25 Dec 26-27

Open Play Swim (no Diving Board)

Dec 28

Family Swim Open Play Swim Closed

Dec 31

Family Swim Open Play Swim Closed Open Play Swim Open Play Swim Open Play Swim Open Play Swim

Jan 1 Jan 21 Jan 22 Feb 18 Mar 25-28 Mar 29

Nov 19, 2018 View and register for Portland Parks & Recreation WINTER CLASSES on-line

Open Play Swim Closes at 2:30pm Open Play Swim Closed Open Play Swim Closes at 2:30pm Open Play Swim Open Play Swim Open Play Swim Open Play Swim Open Play Swim Open Play Swim

soUTHWesT CC Pool

MaTT DIsHMan CC Pool Dec 17-21

Winter Break 1:00-4:00pm Christmas Eve Day 1:00-2:30pm Christmas Day Winter Break 1:00-4:00pm New Year’s Eve Day 1:00-2:30pm New Year’s Day 1:00-4:00pm Holiday - MLK Day 1:00-4:00pm Teacher Planning Day 1:00-4:00pm Holiday - Presidents Day 1:00-4:00pm Spring Break 1:00-4:00pm

Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Closed Closed Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim Family Swim Open Play Swim

Feb 26, 2019 View and register for Portland Parks & Recreation SPRING CLASSES on-line

Register On-Line at



5530 SE 72nd Ave Portland, Oregon 97206 503-823-3183 District Aquatic Coordinator Larissa Doty Recreation Coordinators Crystal Ius, Madeleine Hanlon-Austin Recreation Leader Kelly Beaudoin, Kaylyn Peterson Bus Line #10 Harold, #14 Hawthorne Disabled Accessible Entrances, Pool & Spa with Pool Lift up to 300 lbs), Parking, Restrooms Hours Monday- Friday Saturday Sunday

5:30am- 9:00pm 7:00am- 6:00pm 12:00- 5:30pm

Monday & Wednesday Swim Lessons, no Open Play swims Tuesday & Thursday 7:30 - 9:00pm (Leisure Pool and Slide open) Friday 4:00 - 8:30pm (Leisure Pool and Slide open) Saturday 1:00 - 6:00pm (Leisure Pool, Slide & Rope open) Sunday 1:00 - 5:00pm (Slide open 1:00- 5:00pm) (Rope Swing open 1:00- 3:00pm)

ADULT / PRESCHOOL SWIM Children 5 years and under. Parent or guardian must accompany children in the water.

FAMILY SWIM Children under 18 years of age must be supervised by a parent or guardian in the water. Monday- Friday 11:30am- 1:00pm (Slide only available Fridays) Saturday & Sunday 12:00 - 1:00pm (Leisure Pool and Slide open)


9:00- 11:30am (Leisure Pool) During ADULT / PRESCHOOL Swims please use Current Channel with caution!

SCHOOL GROUP AGENCY RENTALS AVAILABLE DURING THE DAY. Building Closures & Special Hours Call to prearrange times 503.823.3676. (See page 21 for more details)

Hours will be reviewed periodically to best meet participants’ needs.

Dec 24, Christmas Eve 5:30am- 2:30pm Dec 25, Christmas Day Closed Dec 31, New Year’s Eve 5:30am- 2:30pm Jan 1, New Year’s Day 7:00am- 5:30pm

Features Include • Indoor year round • 6-lane 25-yard lap pool heated to 84

degrees, water depth 3.5-9 feet. • Leisure pool with slide, current channel, vortex and interactive play features heated to 88 degrees, water depth 0-3.5 feet. • Whirlpool spa heated to 102 degrees • Programs offering swim lessons, lap swim, water fitness & recreation swims 22

MT. SCOTT CC and Pool GENERAL ADMISSION FEES* FEES: City of Portland Residents Drop-In-Visit Adults (18-59 yrs) $6.00

Active Pass** $39.00

10-Punch Card $54.00

20-Punch Card $102.00

Seniors (60+ yrs) Teens (13-17 yrs) Youth (3-12 yrs) Toddlers (0-2 yrs) Family

$31.00 $31.00 $28.00 FREE $64.00

$43.00 $43.00 $38.00 FREE N/A

$81.00 $81.00 $72.00 FREE N/A

$4.75 $4.75 $4.25 FREE N/A

*Note: Passes valid only at Mt. Scott CC & Pool. These fees will include use of the following amenities during their regularly scheduled times: • Adult/ Preschool Swim • Lap Swim • Open Play Swim • Family Play Swim • Water Fitness Classes • Fitness Room • Adult Basketball and Volleyball (Open Gym) • Roller Rink **NOTE: Active Passes will auto-renew each month. Simply pay your first monthly fee upon registering, and all future monthly payments are deducted from your debit or credit card. Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS


MT. SCOTT Water Fitness schedule MON





6:00 - 6:55am AquaPower

6:00 - 6:55am AquaPower

6:00 - 6:55am AquaPower

6:00 - 6:55am AquaPower

6:00 - 6:55am AquaPower

7:00 - 7:55am Aquaerobics

8:05- 9:00am Aqua Yoga

7:00 - 7:55am Aquaerobics

8:05- 9:00am Aqua Yoga

7:00 - 7:55am Aquaerobics

9:05- 10:00am Aquaerobics

9:05- 10:00am AquaPower

9:05- 10:00am Aquaerobics

9:05- 10:00am AquaPower





6:05 - 7:00pm Aquaerobics

6:05 - 7:00pm AquaPower

6:05 - 7:00pm Aqua Zumba

6:05 - 7:00pm Aqua Power





9:05- 10:00am Aqua Zumba (First come, first served. Limited space)




9:05- 10:00am AquaPower



MT. SCOTT swimming lessons Monday & Wednesday • Jan 7 - Feb 6 (9 lessons) no 1/21 • Feb 11 - Mar 13 (9 lessons) no 2/18 Afternoon/Evening Classes 4:10- 4:40 4:45 - 5:15 5:20 - 5:50 6:10 - 6:40 6:45- 7:15 7:20- 7:50 Tuesday & Thursday • Jan 8 - Feb 7 (9 lessons) no 1/22 • Feb 12- Mar 14 (10 lessons) Morning Classes 9:00 - 9:30am 9:35 - 10:05 10:10 - 10:40 10:45- 11:15 Afternoon/Evening Classes 4:10- 4:40 4:45 - 5:15 5:20 - 5:50 6:10 - 6:40 6:45- 7:15

Saturday • Jan 12 - Mar 16 (8 lessons) no 1/19, 2/16 Morning Classes 8:10- 8:40 8:45- 9:15 9:20 - 9:50 9:55- 10:25 10:45 - 11:15 11:20- 11:50 12:00-1:00 (Blue Makos) Sunday • Jan 13- Mar 17 (8 lessons) no 1/20, 2/17 Afternoon/Evening Classes 3:05- 3:35 3:40- 4:10 Blue Makos 4:15- 4:45 3:05- 4:05 5:05- 5:35 4:15- 5:15 5:40- 6:10 5:40- 6:40 6:15- 6:45

Lap Swim

We will try to have 1-2 lap lanes available for lap swimmers most times. Up to 6 lanes will be available at designated times. Call 503.823.3183 for a complete schedule of lanes available during open hours. Monday- Friday 5:30am- 9:00pm Saturday 7:00am - 6:00pm Sunday 12:00 - 6:30pm


(During Family and Open Swim times, lap lanes are for Adult Swim only.)

Monday/Wednesday 9:00am- 1:00pm Tuesday/Thursday 11:30am- 1:00pm, 7:00- 9:00pm Friday 9:00am- 1:00pm, 4:00- 9:00pm Saturday 12:00 - 6:00pm Sunday 12:00- 6:30pm PAC (Portland Aquatic Club) Monday- Friday 4:45- 6:00pm School Swim Teams Monday- Friday 11/12/18- 2/15/19 3:30- 4:45pm & 7:00- 9:00pm (6:00-9:00pm on Fridays) Tuesday- Thursday 11/13/18- 1/24/19 7:00- 8:00am

CURRENT CHANNEL RUN/WALK Mon/Wed/Fri 8:00- 9:30am

Tue/Thur 8:00- 11:30am

(During Adult/Preschool please use Current Channel with caution.)

SWIM LESSON FEES PRESCHOOL / Youth Lessons 10 lessons Res $57.00 Non-Res $80.00 9 lessons Res $51.30 Non-Res $72.00 8 lessons Res $45.60 Non-Res $64.00 Adult Lessons 10 lessons Res $67.00 Non-Res $94.00 9 lessons Res $60.30 Non-Res $84.60 8 lessons Res $53.60 Non Res $75.20

Register On-Line at

MT. SCOTT SPA HOURS SPA available to those 16 yrs & older

Monday- Friday 5:30am- 9:00pm Saturday 7:00am - 6:00pm

Sunday 12:00 - 6:30pm

NOTE: Pregnant women and those with heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure should consult with their physician before using the spa. 23



6820 SW 45th Ave Portland, Oregon 97219 503-823-2840 District Aquatic Coordinator Lisa Osterberg Recreation Coordinators LeeAnne Griffin, Megan Stout Recreation Leader Alex Orazio, Iannessa Sidhe Bus Line #1 Vermont Disabled Accessible Entrances, Pools & Spa with Pool Lift up to 300 lbs), Parking, Restrooms Hours – Monday – Friday Saturday Sunday

5:15am- 9:00pm 7:00am- 6:00pm 9:00am- 6:25pm

Hours will be reviewed periodically to best meet participants’ needs.

Monday & Wednesday 7:15 - 9:00pm (Leisure Pool and Slide open) Tuesday & Thursday Swim Lessons (no Open Play swims) Friday 2:30- 4:00pm (Leisure Pool only) 4:00 - 9:00pm (Leisure Pool and Slide open) Saturday 1:00- 6:00pm (Slide & Rope Swim Open)* Sunday 12:30- 4:00pm (Slide & Rope Swim Open)* * Times may vary due to staffing levels


Lap Swim: Monday- Friday 5:15am- 9:00pm (lanes vary) Saturday 7:00am - 6:00pm (lanes vary) Sunday 9:00am - 6:25pm (lanes vary) We will make every attempt to have 1-2 lap lanes available for lap swimmers. Up to 6 lanes will be available at designated times. Call 503.823.2840 for a complete schedule of lap lanes available during operating hours. PAC (Portland Aquatic Club) Monday- Friday 4:00- 5:30pm PIL Swim Team Monday- Friday (11/12/18-2/15/19) 7:30- 9:00pm Jesuit HS Swim Team Monday- Friday (11/12/18-2/22/19) 3:00- 4:00pm


Children under 18 years of age must PRESCHOOL / Youth Lessons be supervised by a parent or guardian 10 lessons in the water. Res $57.00 Non-Res $80.00 Monday- Thursday 9 lessons 11:30am- 1:30pm Res $51.30 Non-Res $72.00 (Slide not available) 8 lessons Friday Res $45.60 Non-Res $64.00 11:00am - 2:30pm (Slide not available) Adult Lessons Saturday 10 lessons 11:45am- 1:00pm Res $67.00 Non-Res $94.00 (Slide open) 9 lessons Res $60.30 Non-Res $84.60 Sunday 8 lessons 10:00am - 12:30pm Res $53.60 Non Res $75.20 (Slide open)

Building Closures & Special Hours (See page 21 for more details) SOUTHWEST CC and Pool GENERAL ADMISSION FEES* Dec 24-25, Christmas Eve/Day Closed Dec 31, New Year’s Eve Close 2:30pm FEES: City of Portland Residents Jan 1, New Year’s Day 10:30am-5:30pm Drop-In-Visit Active Pass** 10-Punch Card

Features Include • Indoor year round • 6-lane 25-yard lap pool heated to 84 degrees, water depth 3.5-9 feet.

• Leisure pool with slide, and interactive

play features heated to 88 degrees, water depth 0-5 feet. • Whirlpool spa heated to 102 degrees • Programs offering swim lessons, lap swim, water fitness & recreation swims 24

Adults (18-59 yrs) Seniors (60+ yrs) Teens (13-17 yrs) Youth (3-12 yrs) Toddlers (0-2 yrs) Family

$7.00 $5.50 $5.50 $4.25

$46.00 $36.00 $36.00 $28.00


FREE $73.00

$63.00 $50.00 $50.00 $38.00 FREE N/A

20-Punch Card $119.00 $94.00 $94.00 $72.00 FREE N/A

*Note: Passes valid only at Southwest CC & Pool. These fees will include use of the following amenities during their regularly scheduled times: • Lap Swim • Open Play Swim • Family Play Swim • Water Fitness Classes • Fitness Room • Adult Basketball and Volleyball (Open Gym) **NOTE: Active Passes will auto-renew each month. Simply pay your first monthly fee upon registering, and all future monthly payments are deducted from your debit or credit card. Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

SOUTHWEST Water Fitness schedule MON



6:00- 6:55am Aquaerobics

6:00- 6:55am Aquaerobics

*8:00- 8:55am Aqua Yoga

*8:00- 8:55am Aqua Yoga

9:00- 9:55am Aquaerobics and AquaPower

9:00- 9:55am AquaPower

9:00- 9:55am Aquaerobics and AquaPower

10:00- 10:55am Aquaerobics and AquaPower




6:00- 6:55am Aquaerobics

9:00- 9:55am AquaPower

9:00- 9:55am Aquaerobics and AquaPower

9:00- 9:55am AquaPower

10:00- 10:55am Pregnancy Fitness*

10:00- 10:55am Aquaerobics and AquaPower

10:00- 10:55am Pregnancy Fitness*

10:00- 10:55am Aquaerobics and AquaPower

10:00- 10:55am Aquaerobics






5:35- 6:30pm AquaPower

5:35- 6:30pm AquaPower

5:35- 6:30pm AquaPower

5:35- 6:30pm AquaPower

5:35- 6:30pm AquaPower

6:35- 7:30pm Aquaerobics

6:35- 7:30pm Pregnancy Fitness*

6:35- 7:30pm Aquaerobics

6:35- 7:30pm Pregnancy Fitness*





Work for Portland Parks and Recreation as a Lifeguard or Swim Instructor. Lifeguards: $12.00 to $14.25/hr Swim Instructors: $12.50 to $14.75/hr Call 503-823-5130 for information


* Class held in Leisure Pool

SOUTHWEST swimming lessons Monday & Wednesday • Jan 7 - Feb 6 (9 lessons) no 1/21 • Feb 11 - Mar 13 (9 lessons) no 2/18 Morning Classes 9:00 - 9:30 9:35 - 10:05 10:10 - 10:40 10:45- 11:15 Afternoon/Evening Classes 4:00- 4:30 4:35 - 5:05 5:10 - 5:40 6:00- 6:30 6:35 - 7:05 Tuesday & Thursday • Jan 8 - Feb 7 (9 lessons) no 1/22 • Feb 12- Mar 14 (10 lessons) Morning Classes 9:00 - 9:30 9:35 - 10:05 10:10 - 10:40 10:45- 11:15 Afternoon/Evening Classes 3:45- 4:15 6:20- 6:50 4:20 - 4:50 6:55- 7:25 4:55 - 5:25 7:30- 8:00 5:30 - 6:00

Saturday • Jan 12 - Mar 16 (8 lessons) no 1/19, 2/16 Morning Classes 11:05 - 11:35 8:30 - 9:00 11:45 - 12:15 9:05 - 9:35 9:40 - 10:10 11:45- 12:45 10:30 - 11:00 Blue Makos Sunday (Private & Semi-Private lessons only) • Jan 13- Mar 17 (8 lessons) no 1/20, 2/17 Evening Classes 4:10- 4:40 4:45- 5:15 5:20- 5:50 5:55- 6:25 Private & Semi-Private Lessons Quiet setting and exceptional instruction. Our lessons are popular and fill fast. Call 503.823.2851 to register.

Register On-Line at

SWCC Pool Rentals and Party Packages Rentals available on Saturday and Sunday evenings. Party Packages available during Family & Open Swim. For more information please call 503-823-2849. 25


for AGES 15 and up

Work for Portland Parks & Recreation as a Lifeguard or Swim Instructor.

The Benefits are Great!

• Great Wages

Lifeguards: $12.00 to $14.25/hr Swim Instructors: $12.50 to $14.75/hr

• Over 700 Positions • 12 Indoor and Outdoor Pools • Flexible Hours • Excellent Training • Benefits for You and Your Community



Portland Parks & Recreation Aquatics requires that all lifeguards be StarGuard certified. Certification classes are offered throughout the Fall, Winter, and Spring, and is required of all Portland Parks & Recreation lifeguards.

The swim lesson program offered through Portland Parks & Recreation was developed by Portland Parks & Recreation. Swim instructor certification classes are offered throughout the Fall, Winter, and Spring, and is required of all Portland Parks & Recreation swim instructors.

PREREQUISITES: 1. Age 15 or older by the first day of class 2. Must be able to swim: • 300 yards continuous untimed breaststroke or freestyle 3. Must be able to: • Feet first surface dive to bottom of pool and retrieve 10 pound brick • Tread water 30 seconds with hands on head • Tread water to where you can touch 4. Must demonstrate a mature attitude 5. This course is only for lifeguard candidates who will be applying to work at Portland Parks & Recreation

PREREQUISITES: 1. Age 15 or older by the first day of class 2. Must be a strong and skilled swimmer 3. Must be able to demonstrate good form and technique for 25 yards of each of the following: • Front crawl with side breathing • Backstroke • Elementary backstroke 4. Must demonstrate a mature attitude 5. This course is only for swim instructor candidates who will be applying to work at Portland Parks & Recreation

Upon certification, candidates can apply for a job with Portland Parks & Recreation. Successful completion of certification classes does not guarantee employment. 26

Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS





Participate in 16 water workouts during the month of January to become a 2019 Water Warrior!

Register at your neighborhood Community Center beginning December 1st. Register On-Line at


Work for Portland Parks and Recreation as a Lifeguard or Swim Instructor. the benefits are great! • • • • • •

over 700 Positions 12 Indoor and outdoor Pools flexible Hours excellent Training Benefits for You and Your Community great wages

Call 503-823-5130 for information.


Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

GROUP and DAYCARE GUIDELINES For the safety of your group, counselors and supervisors must be in the water supervising the children at all times. Please follow the group ratios below: • 1 adult per 3 children ages 5 years old and under. • 1 adult per 4 children of mixed ages, over 6 years old and under 6 years old. • 1 adult per 10 children ages 6 and older. All counselors must sign in at the front desk and be within sight and sound of every child for your entire visit. Lifejackets are available for all non- swimmers. Groups must call the pool ahead of time to set up a group use agreement.

LOCKER ROOMS & LOCKERS Lockers are available for day use only. Please bring your own lock to secure your personal belongings (lockers are not available at Columbia Pool, however we do provide a bag-check system). The use of lockers is at your own risk. Portland Parks and Recreation accepts no responsibility for lost or stolen items. Please leave valuables at home. We request that children age 6 or older use the locker room of their own gender. Columbia, Matt Dishman CC, East Portland CC, Mt. Scott CC, and Southwest CC pools are equipped with family changing rooms that are available for families with children and/or individuals with disabilities requiring assistance or special accommodations (ie. single individuals who feel uncomfortable using main locker rooms). All other individuals must use gender specific locker rooms.

The use of cameras, video recording devices and equipment with digital photography capability is strictly prohibited in locker rooms and public restroom facilities. Register On-Line at


Citywide recreation guide

Arts & Culture • • • • •

Community Music Center Laurelhurst Dance Studio Multnomah Arts Center Summer Free for all Urban parks programming

Community Music Center

3350 SE Francis Street | 503-823-3177

Community Music Center offers music programs and professional level instruction for all ages. Disciplines include general music, choir, chamber music, ensembles, orchestra, piano, guitar, violin, cello, Suzuki Strings, and more. Most group classes run from September to June, with extended activities offered during the summer.


Laurelhurst Dance Studio 3756 SE Oak Street | 503-823-3662

Laurelhurst Dance Studio offers dance programs for early childhood, youth, teen, and adult groups. Disciplines include, jazz, tap, hip-hop, ballroom, cultural, ballet, and more. Unique to the Laurelhurst Dance Studio are the Youth Ballet Academy and the Adult Recreational Dance Company. These programs feature school-year programming that allow for outstanding training and performance opportunities with the guidance of professional level instruction. Multnomah Arts Center 7688 SW Capitol HWY | 503-823-2787

Multnomah Arts Center offers vibrant arts education in visual, performing, and literary arts at an affordable cost to students of all ages. The high quality programs taught by professional artists include jewelry making, metalsmithing, photography, printmaking and book arts, drawing, painting, textiles, mixed media, woodshop and sculpture, ceramics, literary arts, theater, dance, music, and more!

Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

Citywide recreation guide Summer Free for All

Summer Free For All is Portland Parks & Recreation’s premiere community outreach effort. This wildly popular summer series of free outdoor activities is held in Portland’s parks all over the city and is supported by community sponsors, donations, and in-kind contributions. Each summer, PP&R expects to serve more than 300,000 attendees by offering a collection of concerts, movies, playground programs, summer lunches for youth, and much more.

Urban parks programming Activating public parks through free programs and activities to provide welcoming and safe public spaces to build community and enhance arts and culture. Director Park 815 SW Park Avenue

Located in the heart of downtown Portland, this public piazza is a gathering place for the community, a theatre to highlight arts and culture, and a space that emanates the best of what Portland has to offer. Director Park includes a cafe, Teachers Fountain, a covered terrace, a Big Chess board, and many great places to gather, or sit and relax. Gateway Discovery Park 10520 NE Halsey Street

Gateway Discovery Park is a 3.2-acre park for the community to play, celebrate, meet, and discover! With a large plaza, lawn, porch, skate dot, inclusive play area, outdoor fitness equipment, and a picnic area, it’s a great place to meet your neighbors, hold your community event, or to enjoy a picnic! The park will have year-round programming and staff on site. Holladay Park NE 11th Avenue and Holladay Street and

Holladay Park is in NE Portland. A large public gathering space with plaza and grassy areas, this park offers respite for neighbors and is centrally located for busy commuters. The Holladay Park Partnership connects with neighbors, community stakeholders, and PP&R to positively activate Holladay Park by offering daily activities, weekly programming, and special events for all ages during Spring Break and from June 1 through Labor Day annually.

Register On-Line at


Citywide recreation guide Community Gardens 6437 SE Division St | 503-823-1612

programs & Services • • • • • • • • • • • •

Adaptive & Inclusive Recreation Community Gardens customer service center Environmental Education Parks for New Portlanders Portland Public Golf PP&R Skateboarding Portland Tennis Center Senior Recreation Teen Force Urban forestry volunteer services

Adaptive & Inclusive Recreation 305 NE 102nd Ave, Suite 250 | 503-307-4131

Adaptive & Inclusive Recreation offers community-based recreation activities and leisure services specially designed for children, teens and adults who have a disability and/or special needs. Services are designed to assist people in developing and using their leisure time in ways that enhance their health, well-being, and independence. Programs include trips, art, cooking, dance, fitness and sports, and music


With 51 community gardens located throughout the city, the Community Gardens program provides gardening opportunities, plus lifestyle benefits, residents in Portland. Developed and operated by volunteers and PP&R staff, this robust program offers individuals and families a place to grow their own healthy food. Plots are assigned to new gardeners for each summer season in February, March and April, and continue through June as plots are available. Plots are assigned on a first-come, firstserved basis. Customer Service Center 111 SW Columbia St, Suite 660 | 503-823-2525

Portland Parks has many different outdoor locations available for reservation l - for weddings, family or neighborhood events, company picnics or sports tournaments. Parks also issues permits for sports field and conducting research on PP&R property. Call the customer service center from 8:30am5:15pm, Monday through Friday, or walk-in the office from 8:00am-5:30pm Monday through Friday. Environmental Education 2909 SW 2nd Ave | 503-823-3601

The Environmental Education program offers diverse experiences in Portland’s parks and natural areas. Classes, guided walks, day camps, school field trips, volunteer opportunities, and special events focus on the forest, grassland, and water ecosystems available throughout our city. From young children to older adults, all ages can find active involvement and discovery of nature close to home!

Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

Citywide recreation guide Parks for New Portlanders 1120 SW 5th Ave, Suite 1302 | 503-260-2487

Parks for New Portlanders (PNP) is a program initiated by PP&R to provide recreation opportunities for immigrant and refugee communities. PNP works with refugee and immigrant partners and city leaders to design culturally relevant programs, making sure services are welcoming to communities of color, new immigrants and refugees. With one in five Portlanders being foreign-born, addressing the needs of this new and diverse population is crucial as they transition to Portland’s community. The program runs Portland World Cup Soccer, New Portlanders Cultural Celebration and Family Day and other culturally responsive activities. Portland parks Golf

Portland Parks Golf offers affordable, quality golf to Portland’s residents and visitors alike. These six beautiful, and nationally recognized, golf courses offer 9- and 18-hole rounds, practice ranges, lessons for youth and adult, and spectacular options for tournament play. In addition, many sites have clubhouses available for rental parties. Located around the metro area, Portland Parks golf courses are Eastmoreland, Heron Lakes -Great Blue, Heron Lakes -Greenback, RedTail, Rose City, and Colwood Golf Course. PP&R Skateboarding 305 NE 102nd Ave, Suite 250 offers skateboarding classes, clinics, day camps and private lessons for ages four and up in community centers, SUN Community Schools, and in Portland’s parks. Skate programs get participants up and skateboarding by educating them in skate park etiquette and skateboard anatomy/function, practicing safe stance and bailing out, and finally by boosting confidence and ability in balance, mechanics and control.

Portland Tennis Center 324 NE 12th Avenue | 503-823-3189

Portland Tennis Center features eight indoor courts and four outdoor courts and is open every day of the week from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm. Group and individual lessons are offered throughout the year for all ages. Other programs include tennis mixers, World Team Tennis, USTA Leagues, and City Leagues. Senior Recreation 305 NE 102 Suite 250 | 503-823-4328

Senior Recreation is dedicated to ensuring access to recreational, educational, and wellness opportunities for adults age 60+. These wellattended programs are offered throughout Portland and include excursions and van trips, health and wellness, gardening, fitness, computers, biking, book club, Brainpower Boost, arts and crafts, language, floral design, golf, cooking, dance, music, drawing, Hike for Health, Metro Movers, and more!

Register On-Line at


Citywide recreation guide Volunteer Services 1120 SW 5th Ave, Suite 1302 | 503-823-5121

programs & Services

gardens & sites

Teen Force 305 NE 102nd Ave, Suite 250

TeenForce strives to reflect the energy and excitement of the teens themselves in the awesome trips, classes, drop-in activities, events, and volunteer/ service learning outings offered. Teen Force sites include: Charles Jordan, East Portland, Matt Dishman, Montavilla, and Mt. Scott Community Centers. Additional teen programs are available through local centers, SUN Community School sites, and Environmental Education. Urban Forestry 1900 SW 4th Ave, First Floor | 503-823-8733

Portland Parks & Recreation Urban Forestry’s mission is to manage and ensure Portland’s urban forest infrastructure for current and future generations. Portland’s urban forest consists of 218,000 street trees, 1.2 million park trees, and innumerable private property trees. Urban Forestry is involved in managing or regulating all of these trees to differing degrees. Urban Forestry staff issue permits for planting, pruning, and removal of all public and some private trees and are on call 24/7 to respond to tree emergencies in public rights of way.


Portland Parks & Recreation offers a variety of fun and rewarding volunteer opportunities at sites across the city! Annually, Portlanders volunteer over 450,000 hours with us to help make our parks great! Volunteer coaches, teacher aides, and mentors are always needed in our youth programs - and the parks, gardens, and natural areas welcome extra hands. Ongoing and one-day projects are available and no experience is necessary! Contact Steve Pixley at for more information.

Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden 5801 SE 28th Ave, 97202 503-771-8386 Hoyt Arboretum 4000 SW Fairview Blvd, 97221 503-865-8733 International Rose Test Garden 400 SW Kingston Ave, 97205


Japanese Garden 611 SW Kingston Ave, 97205 503-223-1321 Lan Su Chinese Garden 239 NW Everett St, 97209


Leach Botanical Garden 6704 SE 122nd Ave, 97236 503-823-9503 Pittock Mansion 3229 NW Pittock Dr, 97210 503-823-3623 Peninsula Rose Garden 700 N Rosa Parks Way, 97217


Portland Community Gardens


Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

Citywide recreation guide sports & golf Eastmoreland Golf Course 2425 SE Bybee Blvd, 97202


Colwood Golf Center 7313 NE Columbia Blvd, 97218


Heron Lakes Golf Course 3500 N Victory Blvd, 97217


Owens Sports Complex (Delta Park) 10737 N Union Ct, 97217 503-823-1656

SUN community Schools

Portland International Raceway 1940 N Victory Blvd, 97217


Portland Tennis Center 324 NE 12th Ave, 97232


RedTail Golf Course 8200 SW Scholls Ferry Rd Beaverton, OR 97008


Rose City Golf Course 2200 NE 71st Ave, 97213

Alice Ott SUN Community School 12500 SE Ramona St, 97236 503-823-2279


St Johns Racquet Center 7519 N Burlington Ave, 97203

Arleta SUN Community School 5109 SE 66th Ave, 97206


Sports Office


Beaumont SUN Community School 4043 NE Fremont St, 97212 503-916-5615

Arts & Culture Community Music Center 3350 SE Francis St, 97202 503-823-3177 Director Park 815 SW Park Ave, 97205


Gateway Discovery Park 10520 NE Halsey St, 97220 971-275-3081 Holladay Park NE 11th Ave and Holladay St, 97213 503-823-8087 Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center 5340 N Interstate Ave, 97217 Laurelhurst Dance Studio 3756 SE Oak St, 97214 503-823-3662 Multnomah Arts Center 7688 SW Capitol Hwy, 97219 503-823-2787 Summer Free for All 7688 SW Capitol Hwy, 97219


Portland Parks & Recreation staffs and operates after school recreation and enrichment programs for students and families at 11 SUN sites throughout the city. For programming information, visit or call 503-823-2525.


Centennial SUN Community School 17650 SE Brooklyn St, 97236 503-823-5397 Faubion SUN Community School 3039 NE Rosa Parks Way, 97211


Grout SUN Community School 3119 SE Holgate Blvd, 97202


Lane SUN Community School 7200 SE 60th Ave, 97206


Mt Tabor SUN Community School 5800 SE Ash St, 97215 503-916-2915 Parkrose SUN Community School 12003 NE Shaver St, 97220 503-408-2640 Roseway Heights SUN Community School 7334 NE Siskiyou St, 97213 503-916-5865 Sitton SUN Community School 9930 N Smith St, 97203



Pool Community Center with Pool Community Center Community Arts Center 36

Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

Citywide recreation guide Community centers Charles Jordan Community Center 9009 N Foss Ave, 97217 503-823-3631 East Portland Community Center 740 SE 106th Ave, 97216 503-823-3450 Fulton Park Community Center 68 SW Miles St, 97219


Hillside Community Center 653 NW Culpepper Terrace, 97210 503-823-3181 Matt Dishman Community Center 77 NE Knott St, 97212 503-823-3673 Montavilla Community Center 8219 NE Glisan St, 97220 Mt Scott Community Center 5530 SE 72nd Ave, 97206



Columbia Indoor Pool 7701 N Chautauqua Blvd, 97217


Creston Outdoor Pool (summer only) 4454 SE Powell Blvd, 97206 503-823-3672


Peninsula Park Community Center 700 N Rosa Parks Way, 97217 503-823-3620

East Portland Indoor Pool 740 SE 106th Ave, 97216

Sellwood Community Center 1436 SE Spokane St, 97202


Grant Outdoor Pool (summer only) 2300 NE 33rd, 97212 503-823-3674


Matt Dishman Indoor Pool 77 NE Knott St, 97212


Montavilla Outdoor Pool (summer only) 8219 NE Glisan, 97220 503-823-3675


Mt Scott Indoor Pool 5530 SE 72nd Avenue, 97206

Southwest Community Center 6820 SW 45th Ave, 97219 St Johns Community Center 8427 N Central St, 97203 Woodstock Community Center 5905 SE 43rd Ave, 97206




Peninsula Park Outdoor Pool (summer only) 700 N Rosa Parks Way, 97217 503-823-3677 Pier Park Outdoor Pool (summer only) 9341 N St Johns Ave, 97203 503-823-3678 Sellwood Outdoor Pool (summer only) 7951 SE 7th Ave, 97202 503-823-3679 Southwest Indoor Pool 6820 SW 45th Ave, 97219


Wilson Outdoor Pool (summer only) 1151 SW Vermont St, 97219 503-823-3680

Register On-Line at


Registration Receipt of full payment is required for registration, unless otherwise arranged. Please call if you receive a returned check or declined bank card notice, either of which void registration. Resident / Non-Resident A resident is: • anyone who occupies a permanent residence inside the city limits of Portland. At the discretion of a Community Center Director, proof of home address may be required. Acceptable address verification may include a 1) drivers license, 2) Oregon ID card, 3) property tax statement, 4) utility bill or lease agreement with current home address. • any child living within the school boundaries of the Reynolds and Centennial School Districts who is attending a SUN Community School. Through a partnership between the City and County, a child attending a SUN Community School is eligible to register for programs at any SUN Community School location without paying a non-resident surcharge. Anyone else is considered a non-resident (NR) and will be assessed a 40% surcharge. NR surcharges do not apply to drop-in activities. Non-residents who wish to register for PP&R activities may choose one of these options: • Pay the additional 40% NR fee. • Purchase a NR fee discount pass as either an individual or family for a period of three, six or nine months from the date of purchase. The NR discount pass takes 25% off the NR fee for the activity. Inquire about this option at time of registration. These passes are not refundable. Non-resident Pass Prices 3-month Pass: Individual $25 Family $50 6-month Pass: Individual $45 Family $90 9-month Pass: Individual $65 Family $130 A family denotes a couple (married or domestic) or a single parent & their legal dependents living in the same residence. Class Enrollment Our classes must meet minimum and maximum enrollment standards. Classes may fill quickly or be canceled due to low enrollment. Withdrawal & Refunds Please notify us at least five (5) business days (Monday-Friday), unless otherwise specified, before the start of your program so that we can refund or credit your account for the registration fee. Prepaid materials and admission tickets cannot be refunded. Participants needing to withdraw after the program has begun are offered a prorated credit or refund based upon when the request is made. Scholarships City of Portland residents, regardless of age, who require financial assistance may apply for partial scholarships. Contact individual centers for information. Notice Of Non-Discrimination PP&R programs and services reflect the cultural diversity of our community. We do not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, age or ability. Special Needs In compliance with Civil Rights laws, it is the policy of the City of Portland that no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any City program, service, or activity on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or disability. To help ensure equal access to City programs, services, and activities, the City of Portland reasonably provides: translation and interpretation services, modifications, accommodations, auxiliary aides and services, and alternative format. 38

How to request Inclusion Services • Choose the activity you would like to participate in, and register for that class. • Contact Inclusion Services at 503-823-4333. • If this is your first time requesting accommodations through Inclusion Services, you will need to complete either a phone intake or an Accommodation Form that can be sent over email. This process is to help determine what level of accommodation needed for the participant. • Future assistance will be provided based on need. The inclusion staff will work with the instructor on how to support you and your individual needs. Important details about inclusion services • A general program may be adapted using auxiliary aids and services, but the basic structure of the program remains the same. • Accommodations are made as needed and can be flexible, as well creative. • Participants need to register for activities that are intended for their birth age. • Personal care is provided for activities for individuals up to age 12. • For sign language interpreter please call 2 working days prior to the class. • We request at least 5 working days’ notice prior to start of class. If you have questions about Inclusion Services, please contact Jane Doyle at 503-823-4333 ( If necessary, use City TTY 503-823-6868, or use Oregon Relay Service: 711. Photo policy Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) reserves the right, and may give permission to the media, to photograph classes, programs, and participants at any of our facilities and properties or any sponsored activity. Please be aware that these photos are for promotional purposes and may be used in future publications and media communications in any format. If you do not wish to be photographed, please inform staff and we will make reasonable efforts to honor your request. If you see staff taking pictures, and you do not wish to be photographed, please let us know. If you see a photo of yourself or a family member that causes you concern, please notify us. As a courtesy, we will make every reasonable effort to dispose of the image, and will not use it in future publications. However, we will not be able to retrieve, destroy or discontinue existing printed publications in which the photograph may have been included. Customer Satisfaction Your satisfaction is our goal! Portland Parks & Recreation strives for 100% customer satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with a recreation program or service, please let us know. Information Hotline For information on other PP&R services & programs, call the Parks Information Hotline at 503-823-PLAY (7529), Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5pm. Inclement Weather If the City of Portland public school districts (Portland Public, Parkrose, David Douglas, Reynolds, and Centennial) are closed because of weather conditions, PP&R classes and youth basketball in those school districts may be canceled. We recommend that you check in with your community centers for the latest information about individual registered programs and activities. Some recreation programs may run as conditions and instructor availability allow. Decisions to operate on a specific site basis are made when it is determined that all programs may operate safely. Call the specific PP&R facility for information and opening/closing times.

Register Now Online at – Click on the “Register” top tab. Search for classes by age, category, location, or keyword – or narrow your search by specific activity or course number. PHONE – Complete this registration form and call any PP&R site using the phone numbers on the map pages. You may also phone in your registration to the PP&R Customer Service Hotline at 503-823-2525, MondayFriday, 8:30am-5:15pm. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover Card accepted with phone-in registration. MAIL – Mail your completed registration form to the program center address. Include full payment by check payable to the City of Portland. Mail-in registration is also received at the PP&R Customer Service Center, 1134 SW Fifth Ave, Portland, OR 97204. IN PERSON – Any PP&R facility is able to process your registration, including the Customer Service Center located in the lobby of the Portland Building at 1134 SW Fifth Ave. All Community Centers are open for walk-in registration during business hours. Check One

New Customer

Taken class with PP&R before

Main Contact Name _______________________________________

My account information has changed

Birthdate _______________

Home Address ________________________________________________________________________ City/St/Zip _______________________________________________ Home Phone (_________)________________________________________________ Work Phone (_________)_________________________________________________ Cell Phone (_________)_____________________________________________ Email Address _______________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name & Phone Number ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Portland Parks & Recreation welcomes individuals with disabilities and special needs into programs. Please describe any accommodations needed for successful inclusion: _____________________________________________________________________________________________




Class Title

Course #

Class Location

Non-Residents of the City of Portland pay a 40% surcharge. Or you may purchase a nonresident pass at the amounts listed below. List pass price or 40% surcharge in column at right and add to your total.

I already have a non-resident pass. Duration ______-month Purchase date ______/______/______ Passholder name ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Start Date

Subtotal 40% non-resident surcharge or pass price

I need a pass. Circle one: 3-month | 6-month | 9-month Circle one: Individual | Family Name of person(s) needing pass ______________________________________________________________________________ 3-month pass: individual $25; family $50 | 6-month pass: individual $45; family $90

9-month pass: individual $65; family $130

I do not want a pass. I choose to pay the 40% surcharge.



Check number_____________________

(make check payable to the City of Portland)

Registration by credit card is available by phone, in-person, or online.



305 NE 102nd Ave Suite 250 Portland, OR 97220 PORTLANDPARkS.ORG


Portland Parks & Recreation - AQUATICS

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