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Portsmouth Institute for Faith and Culture: 2020-2021 Science and Spirituality Lecture Series on Creation and Contemplation

Announcing the 2020-2021 Science and Spirituality Lecture Series on Creation and Contemplation

We all know the argument: science and the spiritual life are at odds. Not only that, but in fact the former disproves the latter. In the world of science, spirituality has no place.

So the story goes.

Thanks to an anonymous grant facilitated by John Fortsmann ‘60, the Portsmouth Institute’s 2020-2021

Science and Spirituality Lecture Series on Creation

and Contemplation is flipping the script. Rather than seeing science – the observation and analysis of the created order – as an obstacle to faith, we view it as an entrance point to the contemplation of God.

The lecture series is an initiative of the Portsmouth Institute’s Center for Science and the Liberal Arts, whose mission is to inspire the knowledge of and a sense of wonder towards God and the created order. The Center is co-sponsored by the Department of Science at Portsmouth Abbey School.

To kick off the lecture series, we were proud to partner with the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame in offering encounters with science and spirituality to students, faculty, alumni, and parents.

Noted author and professor of biology Daniel Kubler, Ph.D. presented on “Creation & Evolution, Chance & Purpose: A Catholic Perspective” to Portsmouth Abbey students. The program represents the aspiration of the Abbey to offer our students a chance to conduct research and investigation in the intersection between science and the liberal arts.

One student commented that “Before this lecture, I did not know anything about the church’s stance on evolution. I was surprised that the church was actually open to the exploration of the idea.” Another student shared that “I always enjoy hearing about the connections between what I learn in my science classes and my faith, and this lecture was really insightful.” It is opportunities like these which open students to the full breadth of the Catholic intellectual tradition and our commitment to truth, beauty and goodness.

Daniel Kubler, Ph.D. Chris Baglow, Ph.D.

In addition to a student seminar, the Center hosted a seminar for Abbey faculty with University of Notre Dame professor Chris Baglow, Ph.D. on “The Pope and The Question: Divine Creation and The Problem of Evil.” An interdisciplinary cohort of faculty took part in the webinar as Dr. Baglow examined how to reconcile the classic problem of evil with an omnibenevolent God, and what that means for our study of God and creation.

Finally, Stephen Barr, Ph.D., a noted physicist, professor emeritus of the University of Delaware, founder of the Society of Catholic Scientists, and current fellow of the McGrath Institute, hosted a webinar for parents and alumni on “Science and Religion: The Myth of Conflict.” By incorporating science, philosophy, history and theology, Dr. Barr argues for a worldview that eschews “scientific materialism” for a richer and deeper understanding of the world within the Judeo-Christian framework understanding of the cosmos. In addition to many honors, in 2007 Barr was awarded the Benemerenti Medal by Pope Benedict XVI.

Barr’s lecture did not disappoint. One parent in attendance shared her response: “In the recent Portsmouth Institute presentation on Science and Religion, Professor Stephen Barr of Notre Dame interestingly debunked the prevalent view that science and religion are in conflict in relation to creation and the universe. I learned that from early Christianity and throughout modern history, prominent scientists were not atheists or agnostic but shared a devout belief in God and Christianity. Their discoveries were rooted in an understanding of a Divinely created order…. Our Church has a glorious history of scientific discovery!”

The winter and spring terms will include additional opportunities for the Abbey community, including webinars with Br. Guy J. Consolmagno, SJ (Director, Vatican Observatory), Sr. Ilia Delio (Villanova University), and Fr. Robert Spitzer (Magis Center).

Through encounters with God and His creation, the 20202021 Science and Spirituality Lecture Series on Creation and Contemplation will be essential in enlivening the spiritual life of our community.

– Executive Director Christopher Fisher

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