freshers' freshers' week: week: heartbreak: heartbreak:
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second attempt: second attempt:
We can provide youprovi supp We can in applying in forapplying extenuatf circumstances should y circumstanc fall ill and miss fall a ill deadlin and m
FailedWe an can exam? We can Failed an exam? you with provide youprovide with support in support in continuing your final year. continuing to your finalto year.
pregnancy: pregnancy: We are hereWe with are a here friendly withear a friendly ear if you need iftoyou speak need to to speak to someone insomeone in confidentiality. confidentiality.
movingmoving house: house: Had an arguement Had an arguement with a with a housemate?housemate? Come to us,Come to us, we can helpwe with can private help with private housing issues. housing issues.
plagiarism: plagiarism: Accused ofAccused plagiarism? of plagiarism? We We can attend can any attend formal any formal meetings with meetings you to with you to ensure you’re ensure treated you’re fairly. treated fairly.
home troubles: home trouble
Get advice Get on what advice to do on what to about deadlines aboutand deadlines an extenuatingextenuating circumstances. circumstan
omesick: homesick:
stress: stress:
We can help you cope! We can help you cope! Think you we’re Thinkunfairly you we’re unfairly graded? Come to usCome to findto us to find graded? out how youout can appeal. how you can appeal.
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being bullied: being bullied:
se complaint: course complaint:
eedback: feedback:
me to usCome and we to us and we an help you can help you rstand understand your essay your essay feedback feedback
movingmoving in: in:
unfair tutor: unfair tutor:
We are here for you! We offer free and impartial advice to any student in need. We run independently from the University, but we work closely with them to resolve issues quickly and efficiently. The best way to avoid problems, is to try and deal with them before they get out of control. If you have any concerns, you should first contact your personal tutor. If that doesn’t resolve your issue, come and make an appointment with one of our Academic Caseworkers.
Making an Appointment Our Academic Caseworkers will offer you a friendly ear and free impartial advice. We have private rooms which are used for your confidentiality. Appointments need to be booked in advance, so please contact us on the details below. Can’t wait for an appointment? We also offer a Drop-in Surgery.
Drop-in Surgery Our Drop-in surgeries occur every Thursday 1-5pm. No appointment is required and students are seen on a first come first served basis. Whether you drop-in, or book an appointment, we can help you with: Extenuating Circumstances Complaints & Appeals Plagiarism Exclusions Bullying & Harassment Private Housing Issues