Portside Magazine - Spring 2013

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A Ports of Indiana Publication · Spring 2013

Unlocking the Harbor Maintenance Tax Photo: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Surplus funds could resolve dredging and waterway infrastructure issues

Inside this Issue:

• Burns Harbor welcomes first international ships of 2013, pg. 8 • From field to fryer at CGB’s soybean processing plant, pg. 9 • Jeffersonville’s Roll Forming doubles output, pg. 10


TABLE OF CONTENTS FROM THE CEO .................................................................................................... 4-5 Unlocking the Harbor Maintenance Tax FROM THE BOARD ROOM .......................................................................................... 6 Port Commission approves infrastructure projects, new tenant lease ENVIRO FOCUS ........................................................................................................ 7 Federal study finds eDNA unreliable for tracking Asian carp PORT REPORTS Burns Harbor: Port welcomes first international ship of 2013 season ........................ 8 Mount Vernon: From field to fryer: CGB’s soybean processing plant ........................... 9 Jeffersonville: Roll Forming Corporation doubles output with new equipment .............10 Ports of Indiana Directory ……................................................................................ 11

Ports of Indiana Mission Statement “To develop and maintain a world-class port system that operates as an agile, strategically-driven, self-funded enterprise dedicated to growing Indiana’s economy.”

Burns Harbor staff celebrates anniversaries Two Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor employees celebrated anniversaries in April: George Brown, maintenance leadman, 15 years, and Angie McMullan, administrative assistant, five years. A Michigan City native, Brown previously worked as a maintenance supervisor at a 500-acre apartment complex. He and his wife Lisa married 24 years ago this May and they have two children, Thomas, a pipe-fitters apprentice, and Elizabeth, a student at Ball State University. Brown’s hobbies include waterskiing, canoeing, hiking and camping. McMullan earned her bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership and supervision from Purdue University and spent five years working in new accounts at Centier Bank before joining the port. She and her husband Eric have three children: Drew, nine; Caleb, seven; and Mazie, one. In her free time, she enjoys fostering animals for local rescue groups, reading and endurance training.

George Brown 15 years

Angie McMullan 5 years

For advertising or subscription information, contact Liz Folkerts, (317) 232-9205; lfolkerts@portsofindiana.com


www.portsofindiana.com · Spring 2013


Unlocking the Harbor Maintenance Tax Surplus funds could resolve dredging and waterway infrastructure issues Currently, the U.S. government collects cannot carry full loads into Indiana’s harbors FROM THE CEO $1.6 billion in taxes on waterborne shipments along the Great Lakes, businesses will have coming into this country to fund the to find other means of moving their cargoes. maintenance of federal harbors and shipping This would significantly increase the cost of channels. However, only $800 million doing business in Indiana. is being spent annually to maintain and A sand shoal has developed at the dredge these vital waterways, resulting in a harbor mouth entering the Port of IndianaHarbor Maintenance Trust Fund with a $7 Burns Harbor that caused the American billion surplus. Integrity lake vessel to run aground as it Waterborne commerce transports 95 tried to enter the port last May. As a result, percent of all imports and exports for the the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had to United States. Shipping routes, whether by revise the navigational approach angle for sea, lake or inland waterways, are the maritime incoming ships for the first time in the port’s highways. Our traditional roadway system uses 40-plus year history. Without dredging, Rich Cooper the gas tax as a funding mechanism for roadway the encroaching shoal has the potential to Chief Executive Officer, Ports of Indiana improvements. Waterways depend on the completely block fully loaded vessels from Harbor Maintenance Tax (HMT), which was entering the port. created in 1986 as a tax on the value of commercial cargo moved Dredging is also a major issue for Indiana Harbor in East through U.S. ports. The federal government actively uses the funds Chicago, where ships are currently not able to enter with a full load. generated by the gas tax on an annual basis, whereas the HMT is According to the Lake Carriers Association, recent shiploads of iron not being fully used to for navigational channel improvements. ore to Indiana have been light-loaded by 18,000 tons to reduce The spending level of funds does not currently meet harbor their draft by six feet. That’s enough iron ore to make 12,000 tons dredging and lock repair needs and has resulted in a current surplus of steel which would produce 15,000 tons of automobiles and keep of $7 billion. Lack of fund appropriation has resulted in a host of an auto plant busy for an entire month. issues facing ports and harbors, including the inability to keep harbor Failure to maintain ports and harbors threatens to choke off navigational channels fully-dredged, deteriorating breakwaters, and the lifeblood of the economy. As America recovers from a major aging locks. This negatively impacts international and domestic economic recession, the domestic and international trade must commerce and threatens to stifle economies dependent upon not be run aground because available funding for needed and maritime commerce. regular dredging of America’s commercial waterways continues The lack of spending on maritime infrastructure severely to be withheld. Without well-maintained harbors, cargo could be impacts Indiana’s ports, businesses and consumers. If barges cannot potentially shifted to other surface transportation modes, which make it through the aging locks along inland waterways or ships would significantly increase the amount of congestion on the 4


Photos: Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation.

U.S. Representative Larry Bucshon R-IN 8th District

railways and highways. Shifting the cargo of a single 1000-foot vessel would add more than 2,300 trucks to our highways. Due to inadequate appropriations from the HMTF by Congress, navigation channels grow narrower and shallower from sediment accumulation. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently reported almost 30 percent of commercial vessel calls at U.S. ports are constrained due to inadequate channel depths. This means vessels laden with American-made goods cannot carry all they are capable of holding because they would be too heavy to keep from running aground, nor can ships with imports for the U.S. market enter many ports due to the same concerns. This dilemma significantly impacts the cost of national exports and imports. Action is being taken by some of Indiana’s leaders as they work with their colleagues from districts along the Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico and coasts to improve how our maritime infrastructure is maintained. There are currently two bills moving through Congress with language pertaining to the HMT. Indiana Senators Dan Coats and Joe Donnelly have signed on as co-sponsors of the Harbor Maintenance Act (S.218). The House version of the bill is known as the RAMP Act (H.R. 335), and includes Indiana Representative Larry Buschon as a co-sponsor. The Ports of Indiana is very grateful for the leadership that Senator Coats, Senator Donnelly and Congressman Bucshon have provided on this very important issue. The maritime shipping industry strongly supports the full use of the Harbor Maintenance Tax for its intended purpose. When it comes to keeping Indiana’s economy moving, we can’t afford not to maintain our waterways.


“I have been a proud supporter of the RAMP Act since I came to Congress. As a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I understand that the money contributed to the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund needs to stay in that trust fund and be used for its intended purpose. For far too long, Washington, D.C. has used that money as a slush fund, this practice must stop. Our rivers need to be dredged and our ports need to be repaired. A robust waterway system is the only way to keep America competitive and I fully support making the RAMP Act law once and for all.”

U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly D-IN

“Indiana’s waterways are essential parts of our state’s infrastructure, and I have heard from many in Indiana about the need to fully fund the dredging and maintenance of our navigable waterway systems in order to support continued economic growth in our state. I hope to see a Water Resources Development Act that funds harbor maintenance operations at levels equal to revenues generated by the Harbor Maintenance Tax. This tax is paid by those who ship goods into our harbors and is intended to fund the maintenance of our waterways. Congress should not be using these funds for other purposes.”

U.S. Senator Daniel Coats R-IN “The Ports of Indiana are responsible for over $6.3 billion in economic value and over 51,000 Hoosier jobs. I am pleased to join my colleagues in ensuring that the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund is used for its intended purpose of maintaining our state’s and our country’s ports and waterways. This legislation not only protects vital Hoosier jobs, it also provides the infrastructure to support more growth in one of the most business friendly states in America.” www.portsofindiana.com · Spring 2013


Ken Kaczmarek

Greg Gibson

Marvin Ferguson Ramon Arredondo

David Fagan

Phil McCauley

Christine Keck

Jay Potesta

Ports Commission approves infrastructure projects, new tenant lease INDIANAPOLIS - The Ports of Indiana commission met Feb. 21 in Indianapolis to approve nearly $1 million in port projects and a lease for Jeffersonville’s newest port tenant. The commission finalized a lease agreement with Walsh Construction and VINCI Construction Grands Projets for five acres at the Port of Indiana-Jeffersonville. The companies formed a joint venture for the design and construction of the nearby East End Crossing of the Ohio River Bridges Project. The new lease includes 29,000-square-feet of office and industrial space at the port to be used as the project’s construction headquarters. The commission also awarded a contract for replacing a storm culvert at the Jeffersonville port to Sedam Contracting Corp., of Hanover, Ind., in the amount of $285,569. The work will include replacing an old storm culvert under Port Road and repaving the intersection of Port Road and Middle Road. The damaged asphalt pavement will be replaced with reinforced concrete that is better suited to withstand the stop-and-go traffic of heavy loads. Three contracts were approved at the meeting for the Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor. The commission awarded a contract to Beaman Associates of Indianapolis to design a warehouse to provide additional storage options at the port. The 75,000-square-foot

facility will offer flexibility in storing a wide-variety of materials and is needed in response to growing interest in short-term indoor storage options for steel and other industrial products. The commission also approved contracts related to security cameras and signage that will be primarily funded through federal port security grants. The projects included contracts with Midwestern Electric from East Chicago, Ind., for $348,445 and Baldus Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind., for $31,100. For the Port of Indiana-Mount Vernon, the commission approved a change order involving emergency repair work on mooring cells to Foertsch Construction Co. in the amount of $518,677. A recent underwater inspection had indicated an additional need for immediate structural repairs similar to work Foertsch was already completing at the port, which allowed the urgent repairs to be completed under an existing contract. The commission also ratified a license agreement with Time Warner Cable for the installation of fiber-optic and coaxial cable lines, bringing high-speed internet services into the port. The new connection will significantly upgrade the internet access capabilities and reduce costs for current and future port companies.

Any Cargo. Your Destination. On any given day our fleet will move a vast range of cargoes including modules & oversized loads up the Atlantic Seaboard, aluminum from Quebec and quartz inbound to Ohio. Versatile tug and barge units provide customized solutions for cargo movement & project services throughout the Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Seaway, East Coast and the Arctic. We’re doing business different.



Federal study finds eDNA unreliable for tracking Asian carp A new study conducted by three federal agencies has Initial ECALS efforts within this report focus on identifying determined that “environmental DNA” is unreliable for indicating alternative sources of eDNA beyond a live Asian carp, whereas marker the presence of Asian carp. In February, the U.S. Army Corps of development to aid in detecting the specific species and calibration Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Fish and experiments that look at factors that may influence the detection, Wildlife Service released a peer-reviewed study that shows “eDNA” degradation or persistence of DNA will receive greater attention in 2013. can be transported by birds, boats, This report may subdue some of barges, sewers and other sources. the public hysteria surrounding this Over recent years, findings of issue that has triggered four highAsian carp “eDNA” near the Great profile court cases in which Michigan Lakes caused great concern that the and other states have sued the Corps Environmental issues are very important to the Ports of Indiana. nuisance fish might be slipping past of Engineers to close the locks. As a port authority, the Ports of Indiana has the dual responsibility multiple electronic barriers created In all four cases, the courts found of protecting and enhancing our environment while building infrastructure that facilitates economic development. to block them from reaching the that Asian carp did not present an Lakes. This latest study should ease eminent threat to the Great Lakes. concerns that Asian carp are about “Clearly no one wants to see to enter the Great Lakes. Asian carp reach the Lakes,” said Although no Asian carp were found past the barriers, findings of Rick Heimann, port director for the Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor. eDNA spawned four federal lawsuits and a vote in the U.S. House of “But alarmist reports have already caused problems for shippers. We Representatives calling for closure of the Chicago shipping channel have port companies that are evaluating the long-term viability of doing as an emergency fish barricade. business at locations which may not be barge-served somewhere in the The Chicago Area Waterway System (CAWS) connects the future. For many, the alternative is to route the movement of their goods Mississippi River and Great Lakes basins, and provides commercial via truck. Using 70 trucks to move one barge-load of cargo is not an navigation, flood control and sanitation in the Chicago/Northwest eco-friendly option. This Asian carp issue needs reasonable solutions Indiana region. Annually, the CAWS handles barge shipments that protect both the environment and the economy.” contributing $1.9 billion in economic activity and 17,655 total jobs In February 2010, Congress voted down a proposal to close to Indiana’s economy. the Chicago locks by a tally of 292 to 137. The prevailing opinion The preliminary Environmental DNA Calibration Study appears to be that closing the locks would cause more harm than good (ECALS) reported that storm sewers, fisheries sampling gear, since the CAWS already has three effective fish barriers in place, with fish-eating birds, dead fish carcasses, barges, and sediments a fourth in the works, and the immediate impacts on shipping and may contribute to a positive eDNA detection without a live fish flooding would be severe. being present. Congress has authorized the Corps of Engineers to conduct a Additional findings from the lab and field studies included: comprehensive, multi-year evaluation of preventing the transfer of aquatic nuisance species between the Mississippi River and Great • DNA can stay on vessels for several weeks after they have Lakes basins – the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study traveled through carp-infested waters; (GLMRIS). As part of this work, the Corps recently reported that there • Tagged-bird studies show large variations in bird movement have been nearly 6 million detections of fish in the CAWS that were and consumption of Asian carp in the wild, which may lead to tagged with electronic transmitters and not one had crossed the barriers. positive detection of Asian carp eDNA in bird feces; “The Chicago-area waterways are the sole marine transportation • Sampling teams found large numbers of Asian carp DNA in link for billions of dollars in critical commodities and products that Chicago’s storm sewers near Chinatown from fish storage ice; move between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River system,” • DNA from Asian carp sperm can be detected for over two said Lynn Muench, senior vice president for American Waterways weeks after release from an Asian carp. Operators. “Severing this link would be devastating for the thousands “The purpose of ECALS is to improve the understanding and of people, from Indiana to Louisiana, who rely on the waterways for interpretation of Asian carp environmental DNA results, so we can their livelihoods. Unfeasible proposals to close the waterways distract refine and make this relatively young monitoring tool the most effective from the implementation of reasonable, affordable controls that can to detect live Asian carp presence,” said Kelly Baerwaldt, eDNA effectively prevent the transfer of Asian carp without disrupting vital Program Manager for the Corps of Engineers. waterborne commerce.”


www.portsofindiana.com · Spring 2013


PORT REPORT - BURNS HARBOR The tanker vessel “Sloman Herakles” opened the Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor’s 2013 international shipping season on April 1.

Port of Indiana welcomes first ships of 2013 PORTAGE, Ind. – The Port of Indiana-Burns On April 6, the Federal Welland brought PORT REPORT Harbor celebrated the opening of the 2013 5,100 tons of steel coils from the Netherlands. international shipping season the first week The ship is owned by the Canadian-based Column by of April with the arrival of two vessels. The Fednav Group, the largest ship operator Rick Heimann first vessel arrived carrying liquid fertilizer on the Great Lakes and parent company to Port Director from the Baltic Sea region for local farmers the port’s terminal operator, Federal Marine while the second ship delivered a shipment of Terminals. The Fednav group is adding 22 Contact Info: (219) 787-5101 steel from the Netherlands later in the week. new ice-class bulk carriers worldwide, nine rheimann@portsofindiana.com On March 22, the St. Lawrence Seaway specifically designed for the Great Lakes opened its locks for ocean vessels from and many which are designed to consume around the world to enter the Great Lakes 20 percent less fuel and produce 20 percent and deliver cargo to U.S. and Canadian fewer emissions than their predecessors. ports for the 55th annual international shipping season. The 2,340The massive investment our shipping partners are making into mile deep draft waterway is open to ocean vessels from mid-March Great Lakes vessels demonstrates their confidence in the future through December, connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the heart of growth of this market. We share their perspective that the Seaway North America. More than 180 million tons of cargo are shipped will play an important role in the continued recovery of our nation’s through the Great Lakes each year, generating 227,000 jobs and $35 manufacturing and agricultural sectors. billion in business revenue. While the Seaway closes for maintenance in the winter, the Port Some people would consider it a challenge to operate a port of Indiana is open year-round handling cargoes by river barge, lake 700 miles from an ocean, but the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence vessel, train and truck. In 2012, the port had a 16 percent increase in Seaway provide Indiana companies with a tremendous advantage ocean vessel calls and nine percent increase in multimodal shipments. by bringing ocean ships right to their doorstep at the crossroads Maritime tonnage was down slightly from 2011’s near record total but of America. The economic and environmental benefits are was 9 percent above the previous five-year average. Business activities tremendous when you consider one ship can haul more than 900 at the port generate $4.3 billion for the state economy each year and truckloads of cargo. support more than 32,000 jobs. The “Sloman Herakles” visited Indiana on its maiden voyage to North America carrying 12,860 tons of liquid fertilizer to Frick On a personal note Thank you for the warm welcome. I’ve enjoyed meeting with the Services on behalf of Koch Nitrogen Co. The German tanker ship port companies and learning about each business. I am excited to be a was built in 2012 and is one many new ships built specifically for part of this great organization and look forward to working with our Great Lakes shipments. Four shipping lines recently announced port partners to help them growth their businesses. plans to launch 31 new Great Lakes vessels by 2016. 8



Soybeans are processed by CGB at the port to make three products: meal, oil and hulls, which are pelleted into a ¼ inch size. Oil is extracted by a washing process (shown here) which soaks soybean meal in a liquid solution that removes the oil and then can be easily separated from it when heated.


Soy Meal

Soy Pellets

From field to fryer: CGB’s soybean processing plant MOUNT VERNON, Ind. – Driving down recover the soybean oil. The flakes are dried PORT REPORT Indiana’s highways and country roads, and toasted to make soybean meal, which is one commonly sees fields of soybeans. why the port often smells like a bakery. Column by According to the Indiana Soybean Alliance, By being at the port, CGB can ship Phil Wilzbacher the state’s farmers grow 267 million bushels soybean oil via barge to global markets, Operations Manager of soybeans each year, second only to corn. soybean meal by rail to poultry operations in Contact Info: So what happens to this crop once it leaves the Southeast and soybean pellets on trucks (812) 833-2168 the fields? to animal feed mills throughout the Midwest. pwilzbacher@portsofindiana.com At the port, Consolidated Grain Since 1997, CGB has processed enough and Barge (CGB) has operated a soybean soybean meal to feed nearly 15 billion processing plant since 1997 which can handle chickens and enough soybean oil to fry 1.6 more than 65,000 bushels of soybeans per day. Soybean processing billion of them. Just a little trivia for the next time you’re driving by involves a multi-step operation that produces three main products: oil, a soybean field. For more information, visit www.cgb.com. meal and hulls. A single bushel of soybeans can generate 11 pounds of oil, 44 pounds of meal and three pounds of hulls, all in about two hours. O’Nan joins CGB’s soybean processing division Soybean hulls and meal are used to make animal feed – hulls contribute high-fiber content and meal adds protein. When ground It’s my pleasure to introduce the new the soybean meal produces soy flour which is used as a gluten-free vice president of CGB’s soy processing division, protein-boost to baked goods. The oil is used as an ingredient in Steve O’Nan. baking and dressings. Its high smoke point makes it ideal for frying. A graduate of the University of Kentucky, Since it comes from a plant, the soybean oil contains no cholesterol Steve’s career began with Central Soya. He and less saturated fat than other oils, such as peanut oil. It can also be worked at the company for more than 20 years, used in biodiesel fuel, ink, paint, crayons and candles. staying on when it was acquired by Bunge in Farmers within our region of the Midwest supply CGB with 2003. Most recently, Steve served as a soymeal Steve O’Nan soybeans, which are cleaned and heated to prepare them for processing. broker with J.W. Nutt Co. in Arkansas. He and CGB Soybean Processing The hulls are then removed, ground and formed into pellets. Next, his wife LaDona have two grown daughters the soybeans move to a cracking roll, which breaks each bean into and one grandchild. He enjoys spending time pieces, and a flaking roll, which rolls the beans into flakes. The flakes outdoors, running and biking. travel to an expander where they are steamed in preparation for the Steve is a native of Henderson, Ky., so I’d like to welcome him oil extraction process. To remove the oil, the flakes are repeatedly back to the area. All of us with Ports of Indiana wish Steve the best on washed with an easily-evaporating solvent, which is then heated to this new endeavor. Spring 2013 · PORTSIDE MAGAZINE

www.portsofindiana.com · Spring 2013



Roll Forming Corp. has been a tenant at the Port of Indiana-Jeffersonville since 2001.

Roll Forming Corp. doubles output with new equipment JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. – Roll Port Building 2 will serve as the project’s PORT REPORT Forming Corp.’s numbers began improving operation center until the bridge opens in in recent years and the metal manufacturer October 2016. The facility will house the Column by responded in a big way… by making a construction teams as well as representatives Scott Stewart $7.5 million investment in new equipment Port Director from the Indiana Department of Transportation which doubles the facility’s tubing and the Indiana Finance Authority. Currently Contact Info: production capacity and will add 20 new 50 engineers and support staff are based at the (812) 283-9662 jobs by the end of 2013. port facility, which includes 9,000 square-feet sstewart@portsofindiana.com The company launched a new $6.5 for offices and 20,000 square-feet of industrial million roll-forming mill with welding space, located just eight minutes from the site of capability in February. The mill takes flat steel, the future bridge. like that from a coil, and runs it through a series of rolls, molding the steel into the customer’s desired shape, which can range from solar panel support braces to structural tubing for construction equipment. The inJust weeks into his new position, Gov. Mike Pence paid a visit line welding capability improves the efficiency of creating steel tubes, to the Port of Indiana-Jeffersonville, reviewing the area’s multi-modal which are major components of RFC’s business. footprint as he met with INDOT Deputy Commissioner Jim Stark The new mill can produce 12 tons a day, doubling the company’s and project leaders charged with building the East End Crossing. tubing output. The company also invested in a new laser-cutting Separately, Eric Doden, the new president of the Indiana machine, which custom-cuts holes and other characteristics into the Economic Development Corp., visited the port to gain a better tubes according to a client’s needs. According to Tim Teegarden, RFC’s understanding of its regional impact plant manager, the recession hit the facility hard since its customer and the port’s steel synergies, as 15 of base is closely tied to the construction industry, with major clients like the 30 port companies play a role in the Caterpillar, Case New Holland and John Deere. Over the course of the supply chains of major manufacturers, past year, the industry picked back up and RFC’s numbers improved such as Ford and General Electric. greatly, eventually maxing out the facility’s capacity. RFC joined the port in 2001, and the facility is one of the Both officials witnessed the company’s six plants located in three states. The company is a subsidiary economic value of the port first-hand of voestalpine AG, an Austria-based global metal processing leader and recognize the potential advantages which operates more than 350 companies around the world. represented by its connections to For more information, visit www.rfcorp.com. the nearby 6,000-acre River Ridge Commerce Center. These two Indiana Gov. Mike Pence toured the economic engines give southeast Port of Indiana-Jeffersonville and the Indiana a tremendous competitive I’d like to welcome our newest port tenants, Walsh Construction site of the future East End Crossing advantage with exceptional access to Co. and VINCI Construction Grands Projets Inc. The two companies bridge during a visit to the Ohio domestic and foreign markets. are leading the construction of the East End Crossing, one of two River in February. bridges that comprise the $2.6 billion Ohio River Bridges project.

Gov. Pence, IEDC chief visit port

Bridge builders join port

10 Spring 2013 · PORTSIDE MAGAZINE

150 W. Market St., Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 232-9200 / fx (317) 232-0137 / info@portsofindiana.com www.portsofindiana.com

Indiana Pickling & Processing 6650 Nautical Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-8889 Steel pickling International Longshoremen’s Assoc. Local 1969 6031 Melton Road U.S. Highway 20 Portage, IN 46368 219-764-9715 Maritime union

Port of Indiana Jeffersonville

2751 Bluff Road Mount Vernon, IN 46720 812-838-4382

6625 S. Boundary Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-8636

Aqua-Land Communications Inc. 60 Stagecoach Road Portage, IN 46368 219-762-1541 Communications provider ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor 250 W. U.S. Highway 12 Burns Harbor, IN 46304 219-787-2120 Steel mill Calumite Co. 900 George Nelson Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-5045 Calumite processing Cargill Inc. 6640 Ship Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-9461 Grain handling and ag products Carmeuse Lime and Stone 165 Steel Road Portage, IN 46368 219-787-9190 Limestone processing Central Coil Processing 501 George Nelson Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-5000 Steel processing Federal Marine Terminals Inc. 415 Salmon Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-1017 Stevedoring Feralloy Midwest Portage 6755 Waterway Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-9698 Steel processing Feralloy Processing Co. 600 George Nelson Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-8773 Steel processing Frick Services 800 Sun Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-9475 Dry/liquid bulk s torage/distribution Great Lakes Towing Co. 1800 Terminal Tower, 50 Public Sq. Cleveland, OH 44113 216-621-4854 Tugboat, towing, barge services HealtheACCESS Clinic 6615 S. Boundary Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-8662 Occupational healthcare facility

Listed below are companies with facilities and services at Indiana’s three ports Port of Indiana Mount Vernon

Port of Indiana Burns Harbor

ADS Logistics Roll & Hold Division 725 George Nelson Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-5015 Transportation, warehousing, inventory management

DIRECTORY 1402 Port Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-283-9662

Lakes and Rivers Transfer 4600 E. 15th Ave. Gary, IN 46403 219-787-9280 Bulk stevedoring, trucking

Agrium U.S. Inc. 2501 Bluff Road Mount Vernon, IN 47620 812-838-9779 Fertilizer distribution

Airgas Specialty Products 5142 Port Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-283-6932 Chemical mfg. and distribution

Leeco Steel 1000 E. Boundary Road Portage, IN 46368 800-621-4366 Steel plate service center

Aventine Renewable Energy 7201 Port Road Mount Vernon, IN 47620 812-838-9840 Ethanol production

Arctic Minerals 5140 Maritime Road Jeffersonville, IN 46130 812-283-6616 Mineral processing and distribution

Levy Co. 1000 E. Boundary Road Portage, IN 46368 219-787-8666 Aggregate processing

CEMEX/Kosmos Cement 3301 Port East-West Road 570 Mount Vernon, IN 47620 812-838-3465 Cement distribution

Chemtrusion Inc. 1403 Port Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-280-2910 Plastic resin processing

Metro International Trade Services LLC 345 Salmon Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-8690 Metals distribution and storage

CIMBAR Performance Minerals 2700 Bluff Road Mount Vernon, IN 47620 812-838-5236 Minerals processing

Consolidated Grain & Barge Co. 5130 Port Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-283-9500 Grain terminal, bulk stevedore,

Mid-Continent Coal & Coke Co. 915 W. 175th St. Homewood, IL 60430 708-798-1110 Coal, coke and petroleum coke processor NLMK Indiana 6500 S. Boundary Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-8200 Hot-rolled steel processing Phoenix Services 1190 E. Loop Road Portage, IN 46368 219.787.0010 Aggregate producer/steel

mill services

P.I. & I. Motor Express 1005 Sun Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-850-1274 Flat bed trucking Precision Strip Inc. 6720 Waterway Drive Portage, Indiana 46368 219-787-1602 Steel coil processing Ratner Steel Supply 2500 W. Co. Road B Roseville, MN 55113 651-631-8515 Steel producer SMS Mill Services 6735 Waterway Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-1020 Scrap bailing operation Steel Warehouse Portage 6780 Waterway Drive Portage, IN 46368 219-787-8887 Steel service center Tanco Terminals Inc. 400 E. Boundary Drive Portage, Indiana 46368 219-787-8159 Liquid storage, handling Tube City IMS Division by NLMK Indiana 6500 S. Boundary Drive Portage, Indiana 46368 219-787-0004 Transportation United States Steel Corp. U.S. Highway 12 Portage, IN 46368 219-762-3131 Steel mill

Consolidated Grain & Barge Co. Merchandising Division 2801 Bluff Road Mount Vernon, IN 47620 812-833-3214 Grain terminal Consolidated Grain & Barge Co. Soybean Processing Division P.O. Box 547 Mount Vernon, IN 47620 812-833-3214 Soybean processing plant Consolidated Terminals & Logistics Co. P.O. Box 547 Mount Vernon, IN 47620 812-833-3208 General cargo stevedoring,

rail-tobarge bulk terminal and logistics

Crop Production Services 2900 Bluff Road Mount Vernon, IN 47620 812-838-4533 Retail Fertilizer Distribution Evansville Western Railway 724 W. 3rd St. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 866-812-3897 Full-service railroad Mead Johnson Nutrition/Kenco Logistic Services 3101 Highway 62 East Mount Vernon, IN 47620 812-833-3416 Distribution and warehousing Mount Vernon Transfer Terminal 3300 Bluff Road Mount Vernon, IN 47620 812-838-5532 Coal transloading to barge TPG Mount Vernon Marine Mount Vernon Barge Service P.O. Box 607 Mount Vernon, IN 47620 812-838-4889 Towing, fleeting, barge cleaning/ repair, stevedoring Tri-County Agronomics 1711 Bluff Road Mount Vernon, IN 47620 812-838-1755 Liquid fertilizer, pesticide and herbicide distribution

logistical services

Consolidated Terminals & Logistics Co. 5143 Port Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-283-9500 General cargo stevedoring



Crominet 5147 Loop Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-284-4448 Stainless steel scrap processing

Kloeckner Metals 5150 Maritime Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-284-4141 Steel warehousing and distribution

Legacy Supply Chain Services 1251 Port Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-280-5850 Distribution and warehousing Metals USA 702 Port Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-288-8906 Metals processing, distribution Metals USA, Ohio River Metal Services 5150 Loop Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-282-4770 Steel processing and distributor MG Rail 5130 Port Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-218-1137 Rail services Mytex Polymers Inc. 1403 Port Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-280-2900 Plastic resin distribution

Cylicron Engineered Cylinders 5171 Maritime Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-283-4600 Industrial cylinder mfg.

OmniSource – A division of Steel Dynamics Inc. 5134 Loop Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-280-2268 Scrap metal processing

FedEx Ground 5153 Maritime Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-218-0781 Parcel distribution logistics

Revere Plastic Systems 5171 Maritime Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 419-603-2483 Plastic injection molding

FedEx Home 1202 Port Road Jeffersonville IN 47130 812-288-2915 Parcel distribution

Roll Forming Corp. Indiana 1205 N. Access Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-284-0650 Roll-forming of steel components, structural tubes

Green Lines Transportation Inc. 702 Port Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-258-3515 Transportation, common carrier Idemitsu Lubricants America Corp. 701 Port Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-284-3300 Lubrication for auto industry

Steel Dynamics Inc. 5134 Loop Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-218-1490 Steel coils galvanizing Tanco Clark Maritime 5144 Utica Pike Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-280-7300 Liquid storage, handling

Jeffersonville River Terminal 5130 Port Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-282-0471 Steel galvanizing

Valmont Industries Inc. 1117 Brown Forman Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-284-5241 Steel galvanizing

Kasle Metal Processing 5146 Maritime Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-280-8800 Metal Processing

Voss/Clark Industries 701 Loop Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-283-7700 Steel processing and distributor

Kinder Morgan 5146 Loop Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-282-4938 Warehousing, stevedoring,

Walsh/Vinci 1302 Port Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 812-202-4077 Construction operation center for East End Crossing


www.portsofindiana.com · Spring 2013 11

PORTS OF INDIANA 150 W. Market St., Ste. 100 Indianapolis, IN 46204


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