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Help with your rates

Rates Assistance Program

We’ve partnered with local financial counselling services to give our ratepayers experiencing financial hardship access to limited rates financial assistance. Assistance of up to $500 may be available to individuals or families or $250 to those who already receive a Council pensioner rate concession. Contact one of the following services for assistance:

• Port Stephens Family and Neighbourhood Services | psfans.org.au | 4987 1331

• Tomaree Neighbourhood Centre | tomareenc.org.au | 4984 6220

• Samaritans Foundation | samaritans.org.au | 1300 656 336

Aged Pensioners and Rates Deferral

Aged pensioners may be eligible to defer payment of their rates against their estate.

Revaluation Hardship Rate Relief

If you’ve received a large rate increase on your home due to the recent land revaluation and are experiencing financial hardship you may be eligible for financial assistance of up to $200. If you want to discuss your new land value, call the NSW Valuer General on 1800 110 038.

How do I set up direct debit?

To set up direct debit from a financial institution account (credit cards not available) go to pscouncil.info/direct-debit-request

Have I set up direct debit?

If you’ve set up direct debit it’s shown on the front page of your rate notice.

Have I received my pension rebate?

If you’ve received a pension rebate, it’s shown on the front page of your annual rate notice.

Am I eligibile for rates assistance?

To enquire about your eligibility for rates assistance, call Council on 4988 0255

What happens with your rates?

2023 To 2024 Budget Highlights

Rates is only one income stream we use to deliver services to the community. For every $2.76 we spend in delivering services, only $1 of this is from rates. Overall, rates make up only 34% of our revenue. Read more about how your rates contribute to delivering services in Port Stephens at pscouncil.info/rates-revenue $147m total expenditure with the 4 key areas being: $30.2m infrastructure

$14.7m includes major projects and road works

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