Port Wings Maritime Exim Weekly Newspaper 15 April 2020 Issue

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Apr. 15th - 21st Issue


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Published from Chennai and Circulated among the trade across the country RNI TNENG/2014/59741

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

8 Pages


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25 Million Jobs at Risk with Ministry of Shipping Plays Pro-active Role Towards Ensuring Smooth Shipping Airline Shutdown, Warns IATA Operations in COVID-19 Situation Chennai



Port Wings News Network n the wake of unprecedented crisis due to Covid-19, the Ministry of Shipping has been taking pro-active steps to ensure smooth running of shipping and port operations, ease the hardships, and at the same time, following the restrictions imposed during the lockdown. Traffic Handled by Major Ports The total traffic handled at Major Ports from April to March 2020 was 704.63 Million Tonnes as against 699.10 Million Tonnes handled during the corresponding period of the previous year, showing an overall growth of 0.82% in the traffic handled. During April to March, 2020, Container tonnage and TEUS were 146934 and 9988 thousand respectively, whereas it was 145451 and 9877 thousand during April to March, 2019. There was growth of 1.02% in Container tonnage and 1.12% in Container TEUs. In March 2020, the total traffic was 61120 tonnes which is more than 57233 tonnes in February 2020 but 5.25% less than March,2019 (64510 tonnes). No. of vessels handled The number of vessels handled by ports during 2019-20 was around 20837, whereas during 2018-19, number of vessels handled was 20853. The vessel traffic declined slightly by 0.08%in comparison to last year. Measures taken to handle the COVID-19 Thermal scanning Total of 46,202 passengers have been scanned between 27/01/2020

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to 04/04/2020 using Thermal Scanners at Indian Ports. Out of which, 39,225 people were scanned at Major Ports. Waiver of penal fee Ministry of Shipping, vide order no: PD-14300/4/2020-PD VII, dated 31st March, 2020 issued directions to the Major Ports: Each Major Port to ensure that no penalties, demurrage, charges, fee, rentals are levied by the Major ports on any port user (traders, Shipping lines, concessionaires, licensees etc.) for any delay in berthing or loading/unloading operations or evacuation of cargo caused by the reasons attributable to lockdown measures from 22nd March to 14th April, 2020. Therefore, each Major Port shall exempt or remit demurrage, ground rent over and above the free period, penal anchorage/berth hire charges and any other performance related penalties that may be levied on port related activities including minimum performance guarantee, wherever applicable. Force majeure Ministry of Shipping, vide order no: PD-14300/4/2020-PD VII, dated 31stMarch,2020 issued directions to the Major Ports: The period for completion of any Project under implementation in

PPP mode or otherwise, can be extended by the Ports. For existing and operational PPP projects, the Major Ports can permit waiver of all penal consequences on a case-to-case basis along with deferment of certain performance obligations under the relevant provisions of Concession Agreement. The period of Force Majeure starts from the date of order of Ministry of Finance referred above and will end when the competent authority so orders Preparation of Hospitals Hospitals across the Major Port Trusts have been supplied with the Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) and the arrangement of sufficient staff round the clock has been made. In some Port Hospitals, a part of the hospital can be earmarked for Covid-19 with separate entry and exit. CSR Funds transferred to PMCARES Fund Ports and PSUs under the Ministry of Shipping have contributed more than Rs 52 Crore from the CSR funds towards PM CARES Fund. Employees contribute from their salary Employees of Ports, PSUs and other offices of the Ministry of Shipping have contributed over Rs 7 crore from their salaries towards PM CARES Fund. Steps taken by DG Shipping DG Shipping vide Order No. 02 of 2020 dated 16.03.2020, Order No.03 of 2020 dated 20/03/2020 Contd. on page -2


Port Wings News Network he International Air Transport Association has released new analysis showing that some 25 million jobs are at risk of disappearing with plummeting demand for air travel amid the COVID-19 crisis. Globally, the livelihoods of some 65.5 million people are dependent on the aviation industry, including sectors such as travel and tourism. Among these are 2.7 million airlines jobs. In a scenario of severe travel restrictions lasting for three months, IATA research calculates that 25 million jobs in aviation and related sectors are endangered across the world: 11.2 million jobs in AsiaPacific; 5.6 million jobs in Europe; 2.9 million jobs in Latin America; 2.0 million jobs in North America; 2.0 million jobs in Africa; and 0.9 million jobs in the Middle East. In the same scenario, airlines are expected to see full year passenger revenues fall by $252 billion (-44%) in 2020 compared to 2019. The second quarter is the most critical with demand falling 70% at its worst point, and airlines burning through $61 billion in cash. Airlines are calling on governments to provide immediate financial aid to help airlines to remain viable businesses able to lead the recovery when the pandemic is contained. Specifically, IATA calls for: Direct financial support; Loans, loan guarantees and support for the corporate bond market; and Tax relief. “There are no words to adequately describe the devastating impact of COVID-19 on the airline industry. And the economic pain will be shared by 25 million people who work in jobs dependent upon airlines. Airlines must be viable



businesses so that they can lead the recovery when the pandemic is contained. A lifeline to the airlines now is critical,” said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s Director General and CEO. Looking Ahead: Re-booting the Industry Alongside vital financial relief, the industry will also need careful planning and coordination to ensure that airlines are ready when the pandemic is contained. “We have never shuttered the industry on this scale before. Consequently, we have no experience in starting it up. It will be complicated. At the practical level, we will need contingencies for licenses and certifications that have expired. We will have to adapt operations and processes to avoid reinfections via imported cases. And we must find a predictable and efficient approach to managing travel restrictions which need to be lifted before we can get back to work. These are just some of the major tasks that are ahead of us. And to be successful, industry and government must be aligned and working together,” said de Juniac. IATA is scoping a comprehensive approach to re-booting the industry when governments and public health authorities allow. A multi-stakeholder approach will be essential. One initial step is a series of virtual meetings—or summits—on a regional basis, bringing together governments and industry stakeholders. The main objectives will be: Understanding what is needed to re-open closed borders, and Agreeing solutions that can be operationalized and scaled efficiently. “We are not expecting to re-start the same industry that we closed a few weeks ago. Airlines will still connect the world. And we will do that through a variety of business models. But the industry processes will need to adapt. We must get on with this work quickly. We don’t want to repeat the mistakes made after 9.11 when many new processes were imposed in an uncoordinated way. We ended up with a mess of measures that we are still sorting out today. The 25 million people whose jobs are at risk by this crisis will depend on an efficient re-start of the industry,” said de Juniac. Visit

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RNI No. TNENG/2014/59741 Postal Registration No. TN/CNIGPO/067/2018-2020 Posted at Pathrika Channel, Egmore, RMS, Chennai-8. Date of Publication - Wednesday, Posted on Tuesday / Wednesday

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