Port Wings Maritime Exim Weekly Newspaper 24 June 2020 Issue

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June 24th - 30th Issue


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Published from Chennai and Circulated among the trade across the country RNI TNENG/2014/59741

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

8 Pages

CBIC Enables End to End Paperless Exports Under Turant Customs New Delhi Port Wings News Network hri Ajit Kumar, Chairman, Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) on 22 June unveiled a Secure QR coded Shipping Bill that would be electronically sent to exporters after the Customs allows export in New Delhi. This eliminates in one stroke the requirement of the exporters having to approach the Customs officers for proof of export. This also makes the end to end Customs export process fully electronic, from the filing of the Shipping Bill to the final order to allow export. The initiative in yet another step taken by CBIC for fulfilling its commitment to a Faceless, Paperless, and Contactless Customs under the umbrella of its “Turant


Customs” programme. These reforms are based on enhanced use of digital technology to reduce the time and costs for the importers,

exporters and other stakeholders, thereby improving India’s ranking in the World Bank’s Trading Across Borders parameter of its Doing Business Report. The launch of paperless documentation on exports is a sequel to a similar initiative that was

begun for imports w.e.f. 15th April 2020. The electronic transmission of the Shipping Bill would do away with the present requirement to take paper printout of File Photo these documents thereby promoting Green Customs. Equally importantly exporters would not have to visit the Customs Houses for this purpose and can better utilize their time in promoting their business. Shri Ajit Kumar informed that the endeavour is to leverage technology to make the Customs clearance process more transparent and faster. Turant Customs, which has as its main component Faceless Assessment, would be implemented in phases across the entire country by 1st January 2021.

Mansukh Mandaviya Reviews Seaplane Operation Projects New Delhi Port Wings News Network hri Mansukh Mandaviya, Minister of State for Shipping (I/C), on 23 June 2020 reviewed the seaplane projects on Indian water bodies in the ‘Chai pe Charcha’ meeting, a unique and innovative brainstorming meeting platform of the ministry officials to bring about the change in the Indian Maritime Sector. Seaplane projects will provide faster and hassle free travel option for the long, treacherous and hilly regions of the country. Till now, 16


seaplane routes have been identified under Regional Connectivity Routes under UDAN scheme. Sabarmati

and Sardar Sarovar- Statue of Unity route is included in these 16

sea plane routes and hydrographic surveys of this route have been completed. Shri Mandaviya opined that Sabarmati and Narmada RiverStatue of Unity seaplane route will save time and boost tourism, as it provides a bird eye view of Narmda Valley and Statue of Unity. Shri Mandaviya instructed the officials to come up with Indian Model of waterdrome Contd. on page -2


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Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal Meets Service Exporters New Delhi Port Wings News Network he Union Minister of Commerce and Industry Shri Piyush Goyal on 23 June 2020 held a meeting, through videoconferencing, with office bearers of the Services Export Promotion Council (SEPC), and stakeholders

Government’s support, which many a times comes with the bureaucratic strings and control as well. He called upon the industry to develop competitive advantage, focus on quality, and explore new destinations and services. The Minister said that the Government also has priorities and limitations- it can make focused and policy interventions, help the

representing various Services sector. The stakeholders made several suggestions and demands during the meeting, in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic, subsequent lockdown, and the ongoing Unlocking. Services sector is important for Indian external trade- the RBI data shows that in April, 2020, the Services exports were Rs 1,25,409 Crore and imports were Rs 70,907 Crore. Responding to various suggestions, Shri Piyush Goyal said that the services sector has large potential, but the same has not been harnessed fully. He said that the segment, which has been most successful in the Services, is the IT and allied services, and it flourished due to its own capabilities, and without seeking much of the

sector/industry in its nascent stages/ startup level, help them grow, check the unfair practices, but can’t be seen providing support all the time. He called upon the participants to give constructive and forwardlooking suggestions. He said that Indian missions abroad have started pitching in effectively to explore Indian exports there. The Minister exhorted the Services sector to see Covid crisis as an opportunity, and not as a challenge. He said the world is going to be different post-Covid, as new norms are setting in, in terms of work, education, entertainment, health etc. On certain suggestions, the minister said that the sectors themselves should first build consensus on them, by talking to all stakeholders. He said that there is no reason why the Services sector has so much import, when we have a large and varied skilled workforce. He called upon the sector to take the help of Indians in various services, and in fact help in upgrading their skills by exposure and capacitybuilding.




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RNI No. TNENG/2014/59741 Postal Registration No. TN/CNIGPO/067/2018-2020 Posted at Pathrika Channel, Egmore, RMS, Chennai-8. Date of Publication - Wednesday, Posted on Tuesday / Wednesday

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