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July 22nd - 28th Issue
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Published from Chennai and Circulated among the trade across the country RNI TNENG/2014/59741
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
8 Pages
Routeing System in South West Indian Waters Separated for Merchant and Fishing Vessels: Mandaviya New Delhi Port Wings News Network eeting the long–pending demand, the Ministry of Shipping has separated the operation routes of merchant vessels and fishing vessels in South West Indian waters, considering the safety and efficiency of navigation. The Arabian Sea around the south-west coast of India is a busy sea route, with substantial number of merchant ships passing through the area, along with large number of fishing vessels operating in the area. It sometimes causes accidents between them, resulting in damage of property
and environmental pollution, and in several instances has resulted in loss of lives also. Union Minister for State for Shipping (I/C) Shri Mansukh Mandaviya has said that the
decision reflects our commitment for ensuring ease of navigation in Indian waters. “It will also ensure improvement in avoidance of collision, ease in flow of traffic along with safety of life at sea and enhance protection of marine environment. It is a very proactive and positive step of Directorate General of Shipping which will efficiently regulate shipping traffic in this region.”, Shri Mandaviya said. The coordinates of the routeing system in south-west of Indian waters is notified by DG Shipping through M.S. Notice-11 of 2020. The new routes come into force with effect from 1st August 2020.
Ship Registration Process Goes Online Mumbai
Port Wings News Network n a digitalisation drive, the government has made ship registrations online, pledging to complete the entire process within seven days,. Earlier this exercise used to take up to one year, according to a BusinessLine report. “Everything is online now. Within seven days, if all the documents are in order, the ship will be registered,” said Captain Daniel Joseph, nautical surveyor in the Directorate-General of Shipping, the country’s maritime administration. Ease of doing business It will help promote ease of doing business because ship owners were finding it difficult to get their
ships registered. There was no transparency, everything was manual and the entire process used to take three months to one year, he added. Two ships — Sagar Energy owned by S S Offshore and Blossom owned by Seven Islands Shipping — have been registered through the online mode. Two more ships are in the process of being registered digitally. The process Registering a ship in India typically goes through 7-8 processes, with each taking as much as 30 days. There was no timeline for any of the processes. Now, each of these processes will be completed within a timeline of 24 hours. A ship will be allotted a call sign name and call sign number which
are to be carved on the ship within a day. Then, the ship owner can call for survey and within 24 hours, the survey will be completed and a certificate will be issued online. Once that is done, the ship owner can go for tonnage certificate. This can also be applied online and it will be issued within 24 hours. After the tonnage certificate is issued, the certificate of inspection has to be obtained for the vessel. “Like this, step-by-step, everything will be done within seven days,” Joseph stated. Ship owners are not required to visit the ship registrar’s office in the mercantile marine department attached to the DG Shipping for registering their ships.
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CBIC & CBDT sign MoU to facilitate smoother bilateral exchange of data New Delhi Port Wings News Network Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC), for data exchange between the two
duly incorporated in the MoU signed on 21 July. This MoU will facilitate the sharing of data and information between CBDT and CBIC on an automatic and regular basis. In addition to regular exchange of data, CBDT and CBIC will also exchange with each other, on request and
organisations on 21 July 2020. The MoU was signed by Shri Pramod Chandra Mody, Chairman, CBDT, and Shri M. Ajit Kumar, Chairman, CBIC, in the presence of senior officers from both the organizations. This MoU supersedes the MoU signed between CBDT and the erstwhile Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) in the year 2015. Significant developments have taken place since the signing of earlier MoU in 2015 including introduction of GST, incorporation of GSTN and change in the nomenclature of Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) to Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC). Changed circumstances, including advancements in technology, are
spontaneous basis, any information available in their respective databases which may have utility for the other organisation. The MoU comes into force from the date it was signed and is an ongoing initiative of CBDT and CBIC, who are already collaborating through various existing mechanisms. A Data Exchange Steering Group has also been constituted for the initiative, which will meet periodically to review the data exchange status and take steps to further improve the effectiveness of the data sharing mechanism. The MoU marks the beginning of a new era of cooperation and synergy between the CBDT and CBIC.
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RNI No. TNENG/2014/59741 Postal Registration No. TN/CNIGPO/067/2018-2020 Posted at Pathrika Channel, Egmore, RMS, Chennai-8. Date of Publication - Wednesday, Posted on Tuesday / Wednesday