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Aug. 18th - 24th, 2021 Issue
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Published from Chennai and Circulated among the trade across the country RNI TNENG/2014/59741
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
8 Pages
Spot rate black market rampant in India Mumbai
Port Wings News Network nscrupulous forwarders in India are taking advantage of “desperate” shippers, using inside information from shipping lines to create a “black market” for spot bookings, it is claimed. Container shipping’s worstever capacity crunch has led to skyrocketing freight rates and a sold-out spot market, said Rakesh Pandit, CEO of Pune-based Conbox Logistics. He added: “And freight rates aside, we have reached a situation in India where there are no spot bookings available on routes to Oceania, West Africa, and North and South America. We have not even crossed mid-August and shipping-lines are asking to check for bookings in September. “Shippers that have received the orders are stuck with inventory; they’re either forced to wait for a booking or cancel the orders. “To make matters worse, black
marketing of spot bookings is rampant, thanks to a nexus between the sales teams of shipping lines and few bad apples.” Mr Pandit claims there are “many” forwarders in India who have “sales and back-office staff of shipping lines on their payrolls”. He explained: “These forwarders get spot bookings and internal information regarding space in advance, before selling the bookings at a premium on the black market to desperate shippers and forwarders. “Even staff from the top shipping lines are involved in these malpractices, although officially they deny it. Bookings are re-sold anywhere from from and extra $100 to $3,000 per container.” Carriers have announced a number of general rate increases and peak season surcharges (PSSs) in recent weeks, leading to freight rates doubling since July. For example, CMA CGM will implement a PSS of $1,500 ex-India to North Europe and the Mediterranean from Sunday. Mr Pandit said rates to Europe
had increased to $5,000 per teu from $3,000-4,000 just last month, while rates to the US had leapt from $4,000 to $8,000 on some routes. “Even at these rates, bookings are scarce and there is waiting period. Spot rates are being quoted between $10,000 and $13,000 for sailings on 15 August and onward,” he added.
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Scrapping Accelerates In 2021 With Prices Heading Toward All-Time High Chennai
Port Wings News Network ith scrap prices closing in on a 13-year high, the rate of ships being sold for demolition has accelerated dramatically during the first half of 2021. According to a new analysis
t gives me great pleasure to introduce Port Wings – the largest and widely read Maritime Exim Weekly Newspaper published with a global perspective on Export and Import sectors from Chennai, Tamil Nadu and circulated in all maritime centers across the country. Ever since Coronavirus pandemic stuck the world some 18 months ago, every media house suffered financially, and advertisement revenue dwindled. Few could not survive, a few survived by adapting to technology. And with your unstinting
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Port Wings plans to bring out a Edition on account of 7th Anniversary
The special edition will carry articles from all verticals of EXIM trade and special interviews from well-known personalities in the sector.
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Our website that carried several hard-hitting news articles on the status of the logistics sector and overall growth of various ports in the country, has recorded more than 60 lakhs hits with an average of about 5,000 views/visits on weekdays. Besides, our E-paper circulated on social media platforms including WhatsApp receives good response and reaches more than 10,000 subscribers and well-wishers every week. And this patronage itself shows that Port Wings is well received among the EXIM Fraternity in the country. Now, Port Wings completed six years and entering seventh year of operation in August. We request your continued support. Editor, Port Wings Maritime Exim Weekly Newspaper, Chennai
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from the online valuation provider VesselValue, over $1 billion worth of vessels were sold for scrap in the first six months of 2021 with prospects for the rate to continue and possibly increase for the remainder of the year. Contd. on page -2
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RNI No. TNENG/2014/59741 Postal Registration No. TN/CNIGPO/067/2021-2023 Posted at Pathrika Channel, Egmore, RMS, Chennai-8. Date of Publication - Wednesday, Posted on Wednesday (18.08.2021)