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Aug. 25th - 31st, 2021 Issue
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Published from Chennai and Circulated among the trade across the country RNI TNENG/2014/59741
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
8 Pages
Seafarers Covid Relief Fund Hits Us$1 Million Target Chennai
Port Wings News Network he Seafarers International Relief Fund (SIRF) has reached its goal of raising US$1 million to provide vital relief for seafarers and their families affected by COVID. The target was reached thanks to a substantial donation from NYK Line, plus many other personal and corporate donors, including most recently the TK Foundation. The total raised by SIRF currently stands at US$1.17 million. Further donations are very welcome and will enable SIRF to extend its crisis welfare response to the COVID pandemic. The SIRF appeal was launched in May this year when the catastrophic scale of the latest wave of the pandemic in India became clear. Several leading seafarer welfare charities, including The Seafarers’ Charity, The Mission to Seafarers, ISWAN, Sailors’ Society and Stella Maris, as well as other shipping industry players, came together
to explore ways to deliver urgent support to seafarers and their families. Together, they rapidly formed SIRF as an emergency relief initiative to raise funds to deliver rapid assistance, initially in India and with the potential to expand to
other countries. In less than three months, SIRF has raised more than US$1 million, all of which goes towards supporting seafarers and their families from the threat of COVID. The latest SIRF grants include funding for Stella Maris to provide food parcels to more than 1,000 seafaring families in Kochi, Kerala, plus funding for
Wing 8 Feather 2
Contd. on page -2
Port Wings News Network P World Limited on 19 August announced strong financial results for the six months to 30 June 2021 with EBITDA growing 18.2% year-onyear. DP World Group Chairman and CEO, Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, said: “We are delighted with the strong set of first half results with adjusted E B I T D A g r o w i n g 18.2% and attributable earnings rising 51.9%. This significant growth once again demonstrates that we are in the right locations and a focus on origin and destination cargo will continue to deliver the right balance
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between growth and resilience.” Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem stated: “In recent years we have seen cargo owners respond positively to our integrated end-to-end product offering and we aim to continue with our drive to enable trade. Our recently File Photo announced acquisitions of Imperial Logistics a n d syncreon b r i n g value-add capabilities in high g r o w t h verticals a n d markets, which will allow us to offer a more compelling set of supply chain solutions. By leveraging our best-in-class infrastructure across inland logistics, ports & terminals, economic zones and marine logistics network, DP World aims to lower inefficiencies and provide improved connectivity in fast growing trade lanes such as Asia, Middle East & Africa.” Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem stated: “Importantly, we continue Contd. on page -2
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support workers to deliver postCOVID medical care, counselling, and therapy, including specialist care for children. Speaking on behalf of SIRF, Catherine Spencer, Chief Executive of The Seafarers’ Charity, commented: File Photo “We are thrilled to have exceeded our target of US$1 million. This was an ambitious goal, but one that reflected the catastrophic impact of the pandemic, particularly in India, where many seafaring communities have been badly affected, through lives lost and severe health impacts, as well as the personal costs for the livelihoods of seafarers. To have reached this goal in less than three months is a wonderful testament to shipping’s
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RNI No. TNENG/2014/59741 Postal Registration No. TN/CNIGPO/067/2021-2023 Posted at Pathrika Channel, Egmore, RMS, Chennai-8. Date of Publication - Wednesday, Posted on Wednesday (25.08.2021)