Port Wings Maritime Exim Weekly Newspaper 1 September e-Paper

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Sep. 1st - 7th, 2021 Issue


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Published from Chennai and Circulated among the trade across the country RNI TNENG/2014/59741 Wednesday, September 1, 2021 8 Pages

Government is Working to Make Northeast “Growth Engine of the Country,” says Sarbananda Sonowal New Delhi Port Wings News Network nion government is working hard to make Northeast a growth engine of the country, and the region is taking speed on the path of development said Union Minister of Ports, Shipping & Waterways and Ayush, Shri Sarbananda Sonowal while addressing the Stakeholder Conclave on Waterways as Engine for growth at Guwahati today. Addressing the forum, Shri Sonowal said that Union government is giving topmost priority to Northeast zone. He asserted that since 2014 the Prime Minister of India is working for the growth of the country with a special focus to Northeast region. He further said that now focus is given to the waterway connectivity in the region as a result Mongla and Chittagong ports are now accessible


to us. He urged the stakeholders from across the Northeastern zone to take advantage of the conclave and priorities which products from this

region can be exported to foreign countries. Union Minister of State for Ports, Shipping & Waterways Shri Shantanu Thakur said that shipping ministry is taking initiatives to develop and use water resources and waterways for the economic

development of the northeast zone. On this occasion Chief Minister of Assam, Shri. Himanta Biswa Sarma said that this conclave is platform to get an idea how water resource can be used for economic growth and sharing of ideas through this kind of interactions can help the people of Northeast zone in getting the market for their product. Shri Chandra Mohan Patowary, minister of Industries and Commerce, Transport and Skill development thanked Shri Sarbananda Sonowal for organizing Contd. on page -2


Wing 8 Feather 3

New Delhi Port Wings News Network hri Sarbananda Sonowal, Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways & AYUSH, Govt of India said that India is on the cusp of major maritime revolution and requires a vibrant and strong maritime industry for both economic and strategic reasons. “ T h e goals set to achieve in the ‘Maritime India Vision 2030’ will help accelerate the growth of the sector and aspire to bring the Indian maritime industry at par with the top global benchmark in the next 10 years,” he added.


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Addressing the Indian Ports & Logistics Conclave ‘Developing Ports for the Future: New India@75’, organized by FICCI, Mr Sonowal said, “Port development in India is guided by the flagship Sagarmala program and the Maritime India V i s i o n 2 0 3 0 . ” Stressing upon the importance of reducing logistic cost in the country, he highlighted that the recently p a s s e d Inland vessel Act, 2021 will usher a new era in the inland water transport sector and shall also fulfil the vision of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, to make the legislative framework user friendly and promote ease of doing business, he emphasized. Mr. Sonowal also stated that the government is also focusing on the domestic shipbuilding and ship repair market. “To encourage domestic shipbuilding, the Contd. on page -2

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‘Maritime India Vision 2030’ goals to help accelerate growth of the sector; bring industry at par with global benchmarks in next 10 years: Sonowal

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RNI No. TNENG/2014/59741 Postal Registration No. TN/CNIGPO/067/2021-2023 Posted at Pathrika Channel, Egmore, RMS, Chennai-8. Date of Publication - Wednesday, Posted on Wednesday (01.09.2021)

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