Port Wings Maritime Exim Weekly Newspaper 6 Oct 2021 e-Paper

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Oct. 6th - 12th, 2021 Issue


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Published from Chennai and Circulated among the trade across the country RNI TNENG/2014/59741

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

8 Pages

Centre Approves Continuation Of NEIA, Rs 1,650 Crore Capital Infusion Chennai Port Wings News Network n line with a series of measures to provide a boost to the exports sector the Union Government has approved capital infusion contribution of Grant-inaid (Corpus) of Rs1,650 crore to National Export Insurance Account (NEIA) over a period of five years, i.e. from FY 2021-2022 to FY 20252026. NEIA Trust was established in 2006 to promote project exports from India that are of strategic and national importance. The NEIA Trust promotes Medium and Long Term (MLT) /project exports by extending (partial/full) support to covers issued by ECGC (ECGC Ltd, formerly known as Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd.) to MLT/project export and to Exim Bank for Buyer’s Credit (BCNEIA) tied to project exports from India.


The capital infusion in NEIA Trust will help the Indian Project Exporters (IPE) to tap the huge potential of project exports in focus market. Support to project exports with Indian content sourced from across the country will enhance File Photo

the manufacturing in India. Corpus contribution of Rs1,650 crore will enhance the underwriting capacity of the Trust and will enable NEIA to support project exports worth Rs 33,000 crore at full capacity

utilization that in turn will translate into an estimated output of domestically manufactured goods to the tune of Rs 25,000 crore approximately. In addition, assuming an average 75% Indian content in the projects, in terms of the report ‘Export to Jobs’ by World Bank and International L a b o u r Organisation, it is estimated that around 12000 workers will move into formal sector. Further, the total workers (number of both formal and informal) will increase by 2.6 lakh in the relevant sectors as per estimates based on the report. NEIA- Performance highlights 1. The NEIA Trust was set up Contd. on page -2


Wing 8 Feather 8

New Delhi Port Wings News Network xporters globally have been suffering from extremely high freight rates and container shortages. In many cases container shipping rates have increased 5 times or more, and waiting time for empty containers needed to ship exports have extended to several weeks, according to a report in Business Line. There is no doubt that a lot of this has to do with genuine disruptions brought about the global pandemic. But by early 2021 consumption, production, and trade had largely recovered from the initial shock and rebounded to the pre-pandemic normal. While global container shipping lines have registered record profits, exporters and trade have continued to suffer from delays, unavailability of containers, and steep increase in container shipping rates. Exporters in India too, have been reaching out


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to government for relief. Finding the appropriate regulatory instruments to curb unfair trade practices by shipping lines and bring transparency to their pricing has been part of India’s National Trade Facilitation Action Plan (NTFAP) agenda since 2017. The policy developments in the US on this issue are pertinent for two reasons. First, being one of the biggest consumers of container shipping services, policy in the US would have global ramifications. Second, the US policy response might have important lessons for regulators in India, and other G20 economies. US initiatives Based on the complaints received by industry associations, the US Federal Maritime Commission (USFMC) undertook an inquiry which established that there were indeed problems in the way container shipping lines were imposing charges for demurrage and detention, and there was a need for much greater oversight and transparency. Based on these findings the USFMC issued a set of interpretive rules for detention and demurrage in 2019 and 2020. The pandemic only Contd. on page -2

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Allcargo Logistics eyes potential... Adani’s Colombo entry turns... ‘Swachhta Pakhwada’ Observed... Shankar Shinde Takes Over as...

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Vessel Position at Terminals and Ports... Pg-6 Latest Customs Exchange Rates... Pg-7 Piyush Goyal welcomes the... Pg-7

Port Wings plans to bring out a Special Edition on account of Diwali

The special edition will carry articles from all verticals of EXIM trade and special interviews from well-known personalities in the sector.

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K.Sivakumar - 9444222056, C.U.Satheesh - 9444158179 Sathish Kumar (Executive) : 7305315408 Email: marketing@portwings.in

Pg-2 Pg-3 Pg-4 Pg-5

Air Cargo Up 7.7% in August... Pg-8

Hurry! Hurry!! Last date for advt booking 25th Oct.2021

Special Edition

RNI No. TNENG/2014/59741 Postal Registration No. TN/CNIGPO/067/2021-2023 Posted at Pathrika Channel, Egmore, RMS, Chennai-8. Date of Publication - Wednesday, Posted on Wednesday (06.10.2021)

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