Port Wings 22 Nov 2017 Issue

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Nov. 22nd - 28th Issue



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Published from Chennai and Circulated among the trade across the country RNI TNENG/2014/59741 Wednesday, November 22, 2017 8 Pages

Nitin Gadkari Lays Foundation For Cochin Shipyard’s Rs 970-crore Ship Repair Facility Cochin


Port Wings News Network he Minister of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways and Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Mr Nitin Gadkari has said that Cochin is all set to become a global ship repair hub. He was speaking at Cochin on 17 November, after laying the foundation stone for a Rs 970-crore International Ship Repair Facility (ISRF) for Cochin Shipyard Limited. The facility is being built at Cochin Port Trust where CSL has leased out a 40-acre plot for the project. INTERNATIONAL SHIP REPAIR FACILITY The International Ship Repair facility will be a State of the Art facility that can handle a major chunk of small and medium sized vessels plying in India. CSL will set up a ship lift system of size 130 m x 25 m with lifting capacity of 6000 tonnes and 6 work stations. The facility can repair up to 85 vessels, and CSL will thereby be almost doubling the number of ships that can be repaired every year. Pointing out that this facility will help boost India’s share in

commercial ship repair market, Mr Gadkari said that the industry will also generate about 6000 direct and indirect jobs, besides giving rise to a number of ancillary industries in the state, thus having a multiplier effect on employment and economy. BUILD THE SHIP – 2017 Mr Gadkari also inaugurated the conference Build The Ship – 2017 organized by the Ministry of Shipping in Cochin today. The event deliberated upon the recommendations of a study regarding the growth strategies for promotion of Shipbuilding, Ship Design, Ship Repair and Marine Ancillaries in India. At the conference the Minister announced the start of Center

of Excellence in Maritime and Shipbuilding (CEMS), a start up in skill development for maritime and shipbuilding sector. CEMS will have campuses at Vi s h a k h a p a t n a m and Mumbai. It is being set up by the Ministry of Shipping in collaboration with Siemens under the flagship programme Sagarmala. CEMS will provide industry-relevant skill development, equip students with employable engineering and technical skills in the port and maritime sector and contribute to the Government of India’s ambitious Sagarmala programme. It will help meet the domestic skill requirement in ship design, manufacturing, operating and Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) and aims to become an international nodal centre in South Asia, attracting students from neighboring countries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia Contd. on page -2


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PM Modi Reviews Performance of Key Infrastructure Sectors New Delhi Port Wings News Network rime Minister Mr Narendra Modi on 16 November reviewed progress of key infrastructure sectors including PMGSY, housing, coal and power. The review meeting, which lasted for about two and a half hours, was attended by top officials from PMO, NITI Aayog and infrastructure Ministries of the Government of India. In course of the presentation made by CEO NITI Aayog, it was noted that remarkable progress has been made in several areas. Under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, 81 per cent of the targeted habitations numbering about 1.45 lakh have so far been connected. Officials said progress is being made towards connecting all the remaining unconnected habitations within a defined timeframe. The Prime Minister observed that resources available for this work should be used optimally throughout the year. He also hoped that the advancement of the Union Budget date would lead to further


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improvement in performance. The Prime Minister was informed of the expeditious resolution of complaints received on the Meri Sadak App. He called for detailed analysis of the complaints, so that timely remedial measures are initiated wherever required. Reviewing progress towards the roadmap to deliver 1 crore houses in the rural areas by 2019, the

Prime Minister said that the positive impact of housing on the lives of the beneficiaries should be suitably examined, and the focus should be on improving their quality of life. Reviewing the coal sector, the Prime Minister called for renewed efforts towards underground mining and coal gasification, through infusion of latest technology inputs. The Prime Minister was also informed about progressing towards the targets for rural electrification and household electrification.

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Port Wings plans to bring out a special edition on account of NEW YEAR The special edition will carry articles from all verticals of EXIM trade and special interviews from well-known personalities in the sector.

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RNI No. TNENG/2014/59741 Postal Registration No. TN/CNI/GPO/067/2015-17 Posted at Pathrika Channel, Egmore, RMS, Chennai-8. Date of Publication - Tuesday, Posted on Tuesday / Wednesday

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