All About Blue Rooster Chiminea There are many different types of fireplaces such as gas, electric, stone, vent-free, and wood burning. The gas kind will not ignite automatically unless it has electricity. You can buy this type vent free. Wood stoves or the wood burning woodstoves types of fireplaces need more care then other fireplaces. A benefit of an electric fireplace is you can move it to whatever room you want. Some choices of stone are English bath stone, English sandstone and Portuguese limestone. A mantel above the fireplace like Blue Rooster Chiminea not only looks nice but can be used for fireplace accessories such as boot scrapers and damper hooks. Other accessories that can enhance the look of your fireplace are kindling containers, wood carts, wood racks, fireplace facings, log carriers and wood bins and baskets. There are also andirons in ball, swirl and brass/black-ball design and fluted pumpkin, emperial rose and owl with reflective glass styles. Screens are another attractive accessory that comes in styles such as single panel, 3 fold, fan, hinged, and Tiffany. It’s suggested to use a screen that’s larger than the height and wider than the width of your fireplace. An outdoor fireplace is called a chiminea and comes with an iron stand. A chiminea also comes in different styles such as pagoda cast iron, fire sense grape cast iron, Midwestern rustic and the blue rooster Etruscan. Pre-cut chiminea wood should be used in a chiminea and not the size logs you would use in an indoor fireplace. Pinion Pine, apple, alligator and juniper are great woods to use. Wood burning chimineas also come fitted for use with propane or natural gas. The benefit of BlueRooster Chiminea is it uses wood and can be moved any place you like. Some of the many styles of the gas stove are butterfly, dragonfly, garden, Gatsby, grape, pine and Venetian.