How to make money from home

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IMPORTANT TIPS I’VE LEARNED TO BUILD FAST SUCCESS About Me I used to work for a large employer and then I set up my own offline business. It was not easy but I made a profit every year that I traded and I even incorporated my business. Things changed when I got married and the kids arrived…… …… My wonderful wife and I decided that she had the best, safest job and that she should continue to work whilst I stayed at home with the kids. Now, that was a challenge! Me and two babies at home for 12-14 hours a day whilst my wife worked and I received little or no support from anyone else! The other challenge I had was working. I knew that I had to create a second income because: A) We all need a little extra cash B) Having two sources of income provides additional security C) My ego requires that I provide for myself, wife and children.

See how I make $2000 a month recurring income. Go to © John Marshall 2013


Now, given the amount of time that I had available after spending every waking and sleeping hour looking after the children, how much chance did I have to build a business? Not a lot! However, I spent whatever time I had available trying to make money online. After all, I needed a business that would let me work from home and fit in around the kids because I was going to be the main carer for them as they grew up. I got a little more time as the months went by. Not much – a morning here – an hour there – but it added up. I bought books from Amazon and WSOs. I picked out ideas and concentrated on them. Nothing worked. I decided to go for slightly more expensive WSOs from well known “gurus.” I focused on one at a time and worked hard and diligently. Nothing worked. I did not earn a penny after months and months of hard work. And trust me, it was hard work.

See how I make $2000 a month recurring income. Go to © John Marshall 2013


My wonderful wife stood by me and continued to encourage me. I kept reading up on things and trying out different ideas. Nothing worked. **************************************************************** Eventually, I did figure out how to make an income. You can watch a video abut how I make a recurring income of $2000 a month if you go to: **************************************************************** Now, this guide has been written to tell you some of the tips that I found really help me to succeed. But they are not the usual sorts of techniques that you see elsewhere. These pointers are about spotting and overcoming some of the barriers that we all face in our struggle of creating a business. Read on and please make a note and take action about what I’m about to tell because they sound simple and obvious but they have been crucial to my own success. There are a few things that I have learned whilst building this business of mine. I want you to be a success so here are some of the things that I have See how I make $2000 a month recurring income. Go to Š John Marshall 2013


done that have helped me to succeed so far. I sincerely hope that they help you. FOCUS!!!! If there is one thing that I have had to learn to do it is to make sure that I spend my time effectively and get the job done. I did not have much time at all to start off with – I still do not get that much time – so I am ruthless with how I spend that time. Get rid of distractions. I realized that I had two main distractions. The first was Outlook. I’d spend time reading emails and then my time was gone. Solution? I stopped turning Outlook on until later in the day and certainly not until I had finished the task that I was working on. The other great distraction that I had was “shiny object syndrome.” I kept on reading those emails I got from all of those newsletter lists that I have signed up to and this stopped me being productive. I also spent too much time looking at special offers about making money. I ruthlessly unsubscribed from any list that I had not made any money from – which was just about all of them. See how I make $2000 a month recurring income. Go to © John Marshall 2013


It was like a breath of fresh air. It saves me hours and hours every week. You may have different distracters. Perhaps, it’s Facebook or something else. Keep a note on a spreadsheet or notebook of how you spend you time over a few days. Then find a way to deal with those distractions. Me? I deleted my Facebook account and it was quite a relief!!! By the way, I’ve never missed any of those email lists or Facebook or anything else. I just forgot about them when they were gone. ORGANISATION This may sound simple but it works. Get yourself a cheap excise type notebook and make a list of what you need to do. Cross things off the list and create a new list when you need to. Make sure that this list is up to date when you leave your computer so that you know exactly what to do when you next return.

See how I make $2000 a month recurring income. Go to © John Marshall 2013


Personally, I have a couple of notebooks. I use one for taking notes about a particular project I am working on and one for organizing my “to do” lists. Simple and better than anything I’ve found on the internet. WORK TIME AND PLAY TIME People use their computers for all sorts of things. It is crucial that you decide when you are going to spend time working and when it is entertainment or personal time. Plan this ahead and create a habit of when you do each activity. You might find it best to keep them completely separate. That’s the only way that I have found it works for me. REINVEST IN YOURSELF I regularly take some of the money that I make each month and reinvest it back into my business, or me, which is the same thing, really. I’ve waited until I have some money coming in but you know your own financial situation and it may be different for you. Here are some examples:

See how I make $2000 a month recurring income. Go to © John Marshall 2013


- I found that I wasted a lot of time looking for free images to so I bought access to an inexpensive image website. - I was spending hours finding content so I signed up for PLR at - I got an Autoresponder service from Hopefully, you get the idea. I did not go all out and send a lot of money that I didn’t have but I have spent some on making my business better. In short, here are my recommendations for speeding up progress toward your success. Print this out and stick it on the wall where you work, if needed: 1. Stop wasting your time on unimportant, trivial things.

See how I make $2000 a month recurring income. Go to Š John Marshall 2013


2. Identify the tasks that are important and contribute to your success and focus entirely on them. 3. Treasure your time like the gold in Fort Knox. 4. Most successful people are busy. So, get busy. 5. Whoever said "work smarter, not harder" got it wrong. Successful people work smart and hard. So, work hard. 6. Focus on what you do best. Delegate the rest. 7. Don't feel obliged to do a task simply because you are asked you. Learn to say no. 8. Set priorities because your time is limited. 9. Always remember to consider your ROTI - return on time invested. In fact, obsess about your ROTI for each task you complete.

See how I make $2000 a month recurring income. Go to Š John Marshall 2013


10. Many unsuccessful people are happily handing out advice the whole time. Ignore them. Listen to successful people and copy their habits. 11. If you do what you have always done then you will get what you always got. Learn to make changes in your working habits and move from unsuccessful habits to successful ones. Change one thing at a time. It’s easier. I hope that helps you a lot. My income is around $2000 a month at the moment and it is 100% recurring. I’ve made a high-value video that explains how I have made this recurring income. You can watch for free. Go to the following website and watch it now:

John Marshall

See how I make $2000 a month recurring income. Go to © John Marshall 2013

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