November 24, 2020 - The Posey County News

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SINCE 1882 Successor to The Poseyville News & New Harmony Times

P C N Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Volume 140 Edition 47

Wind turbine language returns to county halls

By Lois Mittino Gray Posey County Commissioner Randy Thornburg presided over the November 17, morning meeting and public hearing of the Commissioners at the Hovey House. Commissioner President Carl Schmitz and Commissioner Jay Price did not attend as they were in quarantine, but Price participated in voting using the phone connection available to those wishing not to deliver their reports in person. Thornburg opened discussion on the proposed amendment to the Renewable Energy Generation System Ordinance about zone placement of wind turbines in the county. It was tabled at the November 17 meeting. At that meeting, Area Plan Director Mindy Bourne told Commissioners that their request to amend the ordinance to add that no wind turbines should be installed in mitigation and consultation zones failed to pass the APC by a vote of 5-3. An alternative draft was passed instead by the APC 5-3 to just leave it as is and only designate that none should be placed in “no build” zones. Thornburg made a motion at today’s meeting to pass it with the language they originally requested, that is no turbine installing in mitigation and consultation zones be allowed. Price did not second it, as he was hesitant to do so until all three of them were present. However, they decided to continue with the public hearing for the ordinance as advertised. After the public hearing was opened, Attorney Erin Bauer, representing a local group called PoCo Wind, urged the Commissioners to amend the ordinance as planned to stipulate not erecting them in the mitigation and the consultation zones, in addition to the no build zones. All three zones were shown in reports to impact the effectiveness of the NexRad Radar in Owensville. Bauer cited a “Joint Study on the Impact of Wind Farms on Weather Radars and Military Operation,” submitted to congressional committees by the United States Air

The Mount Vernon Street Dept. will be Closed Thursday and Friday, November 26-27 in observance of Thanksgiving. Thursday trash collection route will be picked up Early on Wednesday, Nov. 25. Friday trash collection day will be picked up on the Following Monday, Nov. 30. If you have any questions or concerns please call the office at 812838-2352. All Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicle (BMV) branches will be closed Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Branches will resume regularly scheduled business hours on Saturday, November 28. For a complete list of branch locations and hours, to complete an online transaction, or to find a 24-hour BMV Connect kiosk near you visit


At precisely high noon, on November 18, 1883, the railroad system introduced America to its four new zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific; until Jon Gates and Erik Janik, employees of the Town of New Harmony, then, villages, towns, and cities from coast worked on putting up Christmas decorations on a sunny but crisp Mon- to coast, counted on the sun to set their Continued on Page A11 clocks, and based time on local estimates. day morning in downtown New Harmony. Photo by Dave Pearce People started their day at sunrise, assembled for meals, pushed through chores, and retired at dusk. But the railroads required a reliable Special to the News As a result of Kuykendall’s investigation, the standard to maintain uniform timetables; Corey Hobbs, age 34, and Branden Wagner, Posey County Prosecutor’s Office filed crimi- prior to the decree, arrivals and deparage 39, both of Mount Vernon, have been arrestnal charges and requested an arrest warrant for tures confused travelers, and created chaos for commerce. ed and charged with possessing digitized images both Hobbs and Wagner. The change was embraced enthusiasof child pornography in Posey County. Posey County Circuit Judge Craig Goedde tically, but it wasn’t until 1918 that ConCourt records show that the criminal charges authorized an arrest warrant for Hobbs and stem from an investigation conducted by Indiana Wagner and set bail in the amount of $1,500 gress passed the Standard Time Act, which transferred oversight of the time zone State Police Detective Wes Kuykendall. cash. boundaries to the Interstate Commerce The Probable Cause Affidavit filed against Since their arrest, Hobbs and Wagner have Commission (ICC). In 1966, the authorHobbs and Wagner states that Wagner has pendboth posted bail and are now released pending ity was re-assigned to the Department of ing criminal charges for child molesting in Clark trial. They are scheduled to appear in Posey Transportation. County, Ind. Court records further indicate that Circuit Court on November 30, 2020 at 1:30 For more information, the Grateful Wagner called Hobbs from the Clark County p.m. for an initial hearing. Corey Hobbs Branden Wagner American Book Prize recommends The Jail and requested that Hobbs remove certain Hobbs and Wagner are charged with Pos- Great Railroad Revolution: The History connected to Hobbs and Wagner. Multiple eleccomputer equipment from his residence. Based on tronic devices were seized and a forensic examina- session of Child Pornography, a Level 6 Felony. If of Trains in America by Christian Wolmar. this information, law enforcement obtained a search tion of the devices revealed images depicting child convicted as charged, they face six months to two... warrant for two (2) residences in Posey County pornography. and-one-half years in prison. On September 3, 1783, the Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War, but it took the British nearly three months to complete their retreat. The last of the By Lois Mittino Gray City Hall. The public will be able to but closing doors to free public ac- to closing,” he expressed. I’m sure troops departed New York on November Members of the Mount Vernon conduct business through arranged cess. Three others are staying totally everyone knows the CDC guidelines 25 - which coincidentally-was Thanksgiving, giving the former colonists-turnedBoard of Works surveyed the opin- appointments, phone calls and drive- open. What are your thoughts on to stay safe by now.” Board member Americans, another reason to gloat. ions of city department heads at their through windows. David Dodd agreed to concur, addthis?” he queried. American System Now, a history webNovember 19 Zoom meeting to deUnder New Business, Mayor Bill Board member Andy Hoehn re- ing “I see no need to circumvent site, published an article that included termine whether to close city office Curtis initiated the discussion by plied he would leave that decision their leadership ability.” an excerpt from “a woman who had witpublic accessibility during this up- stating he has been reading informa- up to the department heads and the In response, Curtis asked each nessed” the celebrations that day-as a girl. swing in COVID-19 virus cases. It tion from the Association of Indiana people working for them and yield department head for their feelings She wrote: “We had been accustomed for a was agreed to lock doors at public Municipalities (AIM) and learned 15 to their discretion. “If they feel com- on the subject. Street Commissioner long time to military display in all the finish and finery of garrison life; the troops utility and street offices, the public cities are now closing to public ac- fortable letting people in, I will yield just leaving us were as if equipped for Continued on Page A11 safety police and fire building and cess. “They are not shutting down, to that and if they don’t, I will yield show, and with their scarlet uniforms and burnished arms, made a brilliant display; the troops that marched in, on the contrary, were ill-clad and weather beaten, and Kristifer Weddle, of Evansville, in Weddle was searched during the booking process of Dealing in Methamphetamine in made a forlorn appearance; but then they were our troops, and as I looked at them appeared in the Posey Circuit Court a passenger. at the Posey County Jail, more than 2012. on the afternoon of Wednesday, Court docu- five grams of methamphetamine were “I would like to thank Det. Kyle and thought upon all they had done and November 18, 2020, where she was ments show found in Weddle’s underwear. Reidford and Investigator Kenneth suffered for us, my heart and my eyes were sentenced to 10 years in prison after that Weddle Reidford and Posey County Drug Rose for their work in this case,” stat- full, and I admired and gloried in them the pleading guilty to Dealing in Methinitially pro- Task Force Investigator Kenneth ed Posey County Prosecutor Thomas more, because they were weather beaten amphetamine. vided law en- Rose interviewed Weddle after her Clowers. “Their investigation provid- and forlorn.” The Grateful American Book Prize As part of her guilty plea, Weddle, forcement with arrest. Court records show that Wed- ed my office with the evidence necrecommends My Brother Sam Is Dead by age 34, admitted to possessing more a false name, dle admitted she had planned to sell essary to remove another drug dealer James Lincoln Collier and Christopher than five grams of methamphetamine Kristifer Weddle before finally a portion of the methamphetamine from our community. I will continue Collier. in Posey County with the intent to admitting to that she possessed. Weddle further to work closely with Posey County ... distribute the illegal drugs. her real identity. Law enforcement admitted that she had dealt metham- law enforcement in our unified efforts President Lyndon Johnson renamed On November 29, 2019, Detective found that Weddle had an active ar- phetamine approximately two times to hold drug dealers accountable.” Cape Canaveral in honor of the late John Kyle Reidford with the Posey County rest warrant for Dealing in Metham- per week for the month leading up to Weddle will be transported to the F. Kennedy on November 28, 1963, five Sheriff’s Office conducted an investi- phetamine from Warrick County, her arrest. Indiana Department of Correction to days after his assassination. Two years gatory traffic stop of a vehicle where- Indiana. In addition, upon being Weddle was previously convicted serve her sentence. earlier, President Kennedy had dared America’s rocket scientists to put a man on the moon within a decade - and it was accomplished, triumphantly-on July 20, By Trisha L. Lopez The council discussed the $10,000 painting public-facing building fa- fect that tighter restrictions would 1969, when Astronaut Neil Armstrong The New Harmony Town Council Jeremy Efroymson and the Efroym- cades, fences, etc.; pressure washing have on upcoming Christmas in New landed-and walked-on the moon. The Cape’s role in America’s efforts to voted to declare May 14, 2021 Robert son Family Fund donation made to of public facing buildings or side- Harmony festivities. conquer space-or what Star Trek fans call Owen Day as part of the Historic New fund individual $500 grants for beau- walks; murals; landscaping of a pubRobin Lewis said the town deco- “The Last Frontier,” was begun in 1947, Harmony commemorations honor- tification projects in New Harmony. lic corner or intersection; park clean rating contest, the two-week Gnome when it became a missile testing range. ing what would have been his 250th The grants are open to anyone to ap- up and maintenance; tree trimming Scavenger Hunt and a lighted golf The plan was to put a satellite in orbit to birthday at the November council ply and applicants may apply for mul- beyond the scope of what the town al- cart parade are still in the works. sync with the 1957-1958 International meeting on Tuesday. tiple projects. Only one grant can be ready does; vacant lot clean-up; street Applications for pre-registration Geophysical Year celebrations. But acHistoric New Harmony is planning used per project. Historic New Har- lamp cleaning and maintenance; new for the decorating contest are avail- cording to, “the Army ended up 250 days of celebrations during 2021 mony will manage and administer the banners for downtown lampposts; able at the Old Mill Mart until Dec. 1. sending the first U.S. satellite, Explorer 1, to honor Owen, who purchased New grants which must be used for public- tourism signage; community gardens; A winner will be announced on Satur- into space on Jan. 31, 1958, on a modified Harmony from George Rapp and The facing property. and new bat and/or birdhouses on the day, Dec. 5. Entries will be judged in Jupiter-C rocket called Juno 1”. Meanwhile, in 1971, Cape Kennedy reHarmony Society in 1825. Examples of beautification proj- trails. residential and commercial categories ects are available on the Historic New Council members discussed state- with prizes awarded for the top two in verted to its original name, Cape Canaveral, but the main attraction remained the Harmony website and include: plant- wide Covid-19 mandates issues by (USPS 439-500) Continued on Page A11 “Kennedy Space Center.” ing flowers or trees in public spaces; Governor Eric Holcomb and the ef-

Posey pair face child pornography charges

Mount Vernon City business by appointment only

Weddle faces 10 years after Posey drug guilty plea

Robert Owen Day to be commemorated May 14, 2021

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