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SINCE 1882 Successor to The Poseyville News & New Harmony Times POSEY COUNTY’S ONLY LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED NEWSPAPER
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Volume 140 Edition 44 $1.00
Young voters provide insight into their thinking By Trisha L. Lopez Trevor Frisby has strong beliefs about his country. The 18-year-old Mount Vernon senior is considering a future in the United States Armed Forces following graduation in May. The Wildcat football and basketball player understands commitment, duty and service. He believes in the constitution. He said he doesn’t believe in politics. He has no interest in taking part in a system that “divides our country.” He, like millions of young adults in the United States, will not be visiting the polls on Tuesday. “Close-minded people will never see the other parties’ opinions,” Frisby said. “They will not talk
about (positions) like adults. They will just bash the other side.” A study conducted by Tufts University’s Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement shows that Indiana has had the steepest drop in voting registration rates for the nation’s youngest voters in the country. The number of Hoosier 18 and 19-year-olds registered to vote in the state has dropped by 54 percent since the 2016 election. “I will not be voting this year because I believe that politics have taken over government. Your country is doing something wrong when that happens. In my opinion, the candidates are not going up there to talk about governing the United States.
They are going up there and debating against one another to make themselves look better than the other by bashing the other nominee,” Frisby said. “I feel on one side you have someone who is like a puppet for the higher ups in his party and doesn’t even know what he is saying and on the other side I feel that the candidate lets his emotions get in the way and says stupid stuff,” Frisby said. Frisby isn’t alone in his frustration with this election cycle. “I feel like politics break friendships and family apart because of which party you are for,” said Alex Keitel, another Mount Vernon High School
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New Harmony Postmaster Hall retires after 34 years By Lois Mittino Gray Mary Hall can still remember trying to type those zip codes in as fast as her flying fingers would allow. She was telling about the test she had to take to get hired by the United States Postal Service 34 years ago. “This machine with an arm would place mail in front of me one by one and I would have to type in the last three numbers of the zip code as fast as I could as it was a timed test. I didn’t think I was very good at it, but I passed with five or ten minutes to spare out of fifteen hours total,” she laughed. “Now that machine is obsolete. It’s all automated with optical character readers.” The veteran postal clerk worked her last day in the New Harmony Office on Tuesday, October 27, before her official retirement on October 31. Her 34 year tenure has seen a range of stamp prices from 22 cents when she started with USPS in 1987 to the present cost of 55 cents. She has seen many other changes through the years, too. Just this past June, New Harmony received a RSS keyboard machine to make labels. Until that time, workers there put all stamps on envelopes manually. “I’ve really enjoyed meeting the customers working here. I enjoyed the children being born and then watching them grow up. It was sad making friends with all the older people through the years and then having them pass away. I will miss the everyday life of the townspeople,” she whimsically said. “I will miss Rex Morris coming in every single day and asking, ‘Is the mail up yet’? It was our joke when I would answer, ‘Everybody, but yours!” The retiree plans to sleep in on her first day of no mail to sort. One thing she will not miss is getting up early and going to work by 7 a.m. to work with the mail “Some of it does come back presorted, but we have to do all of the flats, like catalogs.” Mary did not do a driving mail route, but helped get them ready and filled all of the postal boxes. She worked the desk selling stamps and weighing boxes, too. Mary’s coworkers gave her a pleasant farewell party on Tuesday, complete with balloons, crepe paper, a lovely card, and a sign proclaiming, “Less Tension, Start The Pension.” Chris Laughbaum sent flowers. She received a wooden plaque spelling out the attributes of retirement 2020 and a certificate from the postal service. “The cake had a letter with a postage stamp in the corner on it and it was really cute. I want to thank Mona, my coworker, for making all this happen,” she said gratefully. Mary thanks her younger sister for helping her get the long stint with the Postal Service. “She worked there first, even though she was two years
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Long-time New Harmony Postmaster Mary Hall is pictured outside of the New Harmony Post Office where she is spending her last few days as Postmaster. Photo by Dave Pearce
MV Council divides Covid grant by 51 equally By Lois Mittino Gray Jenna Richardt, Executive Director of the Posey County Economic Development Partnership, appeared on Zoom at the October 22, Mount Vernon Common Council meeting with an report on her local committee’s recommendation for payout on small business relief COVID grants. She reminded councilors that the city was awarded $250,000 through the Office of Community and Rural Affairs and had 51 applicants vetted and verified through that agency. Her committee is recommending that Council approve all 51 applicants, for a total award of $4,779.41 each. Some of the remaining money is used to pay processing services provided by the Office of Community Development of Southwest Indiana. A serious discussion ensued on whether to agree with the recommendation and vote for doling out the money to all 51 applicants. Councilwoman Jil-
lian Brothers said she was under the impression the awards were on a ‘first come first served’ basis to the first 25 for around $10,000, as was advertised, when the grants were publicized. “Why has that changed?” she queried. Richardt replied it could have been done that way and it is still possible if they wish to do so. Each municipality may decide their process and it is council’s prerogative. They can choose to take the first 24 only and pay the rest for processing. She added OCRA felt all the applicants were in equal standing, and this is why it was their recommendation. Brothers asked what the amount would be if the grants were to be awarded on a first come first serve basis? Councilman David Dodd calculated about $9,749.99. At first, Councilman Rusty Levings stated he was for only the first 24, as it was advertised that way, even though he’s not saying
all 51 don’t deserve it. Mayor Bill Curtis agreed it was advertised that way to make sure business owners applied early, not knowing how many they would get. Levings asked about helping those businesses that were forced to shut down, athough he realizes all the businesses have suffered. Some didn’t have any choice but to shut down and that meant no income. With capacities at 50 percent or 75 percent, some were still functioning, but maybe they should consider those that were completely shut down and give them a little more Councilwoman Brothers agreed and added it is a sticky situation. How would they determine who was hit the worst? It is difficult to shut down when there was no other options, and just because someone was open, it doesn’t mean they retained their revenue.
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Sunday chase results in $90K of meth being thrown from car Specdial to the News On Sunday afternoon at approximately 3:15, Poseyville’s Sergeant Russ Werkmeister was patrolling on I-64 near the 12-mile marker when he observed a 2020 Dodge Durango traveling eastbound at a high rate of speed. The Dodge Durango was clocked by radar at 98 mph. Werkmeister activated his emergency lights and siren and attempted to stop the vehicle, but the driver failed to stop and continued east. The driver of the Dodge stopped quickly at the 19.5 mile-marker and threw out a bag before continuing east on I-64 reaching speeds over 100 mph. The driver continued south on I-69 before exiting west onto Boonville New Harmony Road and then onto several different county roads before driving north on US 41 to I-64 west. The vehicle struck stop-sticks at the 4-mile marker that were deployed by a deputy with the Posey County Sheriff’s Office, but the vehicle was able to enter Illinois and continued west. The pursuit was terminated. Illinois State Police and local Illinois police were contacted regarding the pursuit, but the vehicle was not located. A deputy with the Posey County Sheriff’s Office later found the bag that was thrown from the vehicle near the 19.5 mile-marker. Officers located over two pounds of marijuana and over two pounds of methamphetamine inside the bag. The methamphetamine has a street value of approximately $90,000. This is an ongoing investigation. Anyone with information regarding the possible identity of the driver or about this incident is encouraged to contact the Indiana State Police at 1-812-867-2079. Anyone with information may remain anonymous. Assisting Werkmeister were the Posey County Sheriff’s Office, the Gibson County Sheriff’s Office and the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office.
The drugs thrown from the car.
Raibley, livin’ the dream at Farmersville
Despite starting in 2020, Raibley welcomes the work By Lois Mittino Gray “I enjoy my days and it’s all going good. It gets crazy occasionally, but I can’t believe I’m here and have my own classroom. Sometimes, I just sit and watch my students during silent reading and I get a little teary-eyed to think my dream came true. It’s all so surreal,” remarked first-time teacher Gwen Raibley. She is the new face at Farmersville Elementary School this year in Mount Vernon and teaches 18 second graders. Raibley loves to decorate her classroom, especially in holiday themes. She stayed after school Friday to switch out décor from Halloween to Thanksgiving, so students would be ready to revel in November fun when they walked in on Monday. “For Halloween today, we were able to dress up as our
(USPS 439-500)
favorite book character,” she explained. “I had some Pete, the Cat; Harry Potter and Dr. Seuss dressed up students.” Raibley was dressed from the book, ‘If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,’ while the other second grade teacher partnered to be from the book, ‘If You Give a Cat a Cupcake.’ “In science this week, we opened up a pumpkin yesterday to study its life cycle. We used our adjective studies to describe the outside with words, such as sturdy, hard, and round and knocked on it. Our “chunk of guts” was described as squishy, slimy, and gooey. They loved it!” A life-long Mount Vernon resident, Raibley attended Hedges Central Elementary School and was a member of the Mount Vernon
High School Class of 2015. She was graduated from the University of Southern Indiana in December of 2019 and earned her degree in elementary education. Her parents are Susan Kent and Will Raibley. Her grandfather is Posey County News’ own historical columnist, Jerry King. She is single, and enjoys spending time with her playful mixed-breed dog, Millie. Millie is unusual in that she has one blue eye, and one brown eye. The novice educator also enjoys reading books and “will read just about anything.” She wants to travel more, after being inspired by a big trip her family took together out West for 13 days. They started in South Dakota, then on to Wyoming and Yellowstone, down to Utah and Canyonlands, and into the American Southwest. “I’d love
to go back there again and will try to make it.” Raibley is also charged with doing recess duty every other day at school and serves on the school’s Social Committee. “I was lucky to get that here, it will help me to know everyone,” she speculated. As for COVID concerns, she feels very safe at the school. “Knock on wood, we are lucky not to have any problems so far. I have no personal stress about it, as we take so many precautions. We have desks spread out, stagger lunch times, wear our masks, and do lots of handwashing,” she said. Raibley feels her students understand what is going on and are in this together. “They know it’s a group thing and wear their masks when we change classes and at all the appropriate times when we
Gwen Raibley come together. I wear my mask most of the day, unless I am at my desk and no one is around.” That seems a small price to have to pay to do your dream each day.
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