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SINCE 1882 Successor to The Poseyville News & New Harmony Times
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Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Volume 141 Edition 7
Downen Road decision postponed By Trisha L. Lopez The Posey Area Plan Commission voted to table a rezoning request for a Poseyville auto body and towing company looking to expand on agricultural land in the Wadesville area at its meeting on Thursday at the Hovey House in Mount Vernon. Justin Collins petitioned the commission to rezone 44 acres of his family’s property, currently zoned agricultural, on Downen Road and Highway 66 to add a 10,000 square foot facility to house an extension of the family’s business, Collins Auto Body and Towing, currently located at 120 S. Cale St., in Poseyville.
Area residents, many planning to speak in opposition to the Collins project and a few wishing to speak against the Posey Solar Project, filled the room before Collins shared his plans with commission members. Due to Governor Holcomb’s mandates requiring limitations on public meetings, only 25 people - including APC members and officials - were allowed to be in the meeting room at a time. Several others waited outside in the frigid temperatures for their chance to speak, as APC President Mark Seib assured residents that he would rotate them in after those currently in the room were finished with
their two minutes of allotted speaking time. The APC heard testimony from about 15 area residents citing concerns about increases in traffic and crime, reduction in property values and disruption of county views. Nalen Lefler of Wadesville presented APC members with a petition that she said contained more than 500 signatures of county residents opposed to the rezoning. “I definitely do not want this,” said Devin Kempf of Wadesville. “I’ve got two young kids. I don’t want all
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Poseyville in line for EDC Covid money By Theresa Bratcher A Small Business Grant and LED lights were the main topics at the Poseyville Town Council meeting held by Zoom on February 9. All three council members as well as Clerk/Treasurer Christy Foster were present. Andy Zellers, with the Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana, was present for the first reading of Resolution 2021-02-09-01 Small Business Grant, applied for under Phase Three of the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs COVID Small Business Grants, as the EDC will serve as the Grant Administrator. If approved, the amount applied for, $200,000, will see $195,000 going to the Town of Poseyville with $5,000 going towards administrative fees. The first of two public meetings on the resolution will be held February 16. OCRA will announce the recipients on April 15, 2021.
If awarded the grant Poseyville businesses, which with this round of grants includes those located up to two miles outside of city limits, may then begin the application process with the hope that all monies will be distributed by the end of May. Council member Justin Collins has been exploring the possibility of changing the 121 Cobra Head style street lights throughout Poseyville to LED lighting which would provide brighter lighting and longer life expectancy. During multiple conversations with a Duke Energy engineer, a preliminary estimate revealed a possible savings of over $660 monthly for the town. The engineer also reported that many manufacturers no longer make replacement parts for the current lighting. The cost of switching to Roadway LED lighting would be $49,894.19. Due to the fact that this amount is outside the
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North Posey hires project skipper By Lois Mittino Gray Members of the North Posey County Board of Education may not have known what a ‘clerk of the works’ does at a construction site coming in to their February 8, meeting, but by the time it was over, they approved an agreement to hire one for large future projects. Scott Stenftenagel, Principal Clerk of the Works and owner of the Stenftenagel Group, drove down from Jasper on the snowy night to explain what the position entails. “On building projects, this person serves as the client’s eyes and ears. We like to be hired before the architect is to ensure that the right one is hand-picked for the job, that the equipment and materials chosen for use have longevity, are energy-efficient, and can be serviced locally. We do due diligence and make sure you get all rebates for energy-efficiency in design and choose the best contractors with the best guarantees, with no deals cut between the architect and contractor. We are onsite checking all work, making punch lists, and making sure the project is cost-efficient. In a nutshell, the majority of what we do for school projects is representing your interests,” he explained.
He said that although the title might be unfamiliar to them, the medieval word can be traced back to the 13th century when monks and priests or ‘clerics’ were accepted as being more literate than the builders of the age. They took on the responsibility of supervising the works associated with the erection of churches and other religious property. Associate Superintendent Michael Galvin told the board he had the privilege of working with Scott at South Gibson. “We had a project where a bad architect and the contractor had worked together before. They didn’t want to defend the school’s position when our project came in a million and a half dollars over budget and wanted to make even more cuts of things we were promised. He held them accountable and didn’t cut any deals,” he recalled with satisfaction. The Stenftenagel Group represents fifteen school districts in Indiana, including Jasper. Angela Burton, Clerk of the Works Associate, attended the meeting and discussed her forte of making facility management plans for a school dis-
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North Posey homecoming royalty Tori Crawford and Nick Stump are all smiles after being voted to the honor. Photo by Darrell Straub
Landowners question their rights in Solar discussions Editor’s Note: In the January 22 edition of the Posey County News and a subsequent issue, proponents of the proposed Solar Energy Farm in eastern Posey County were interviewed and their side of the story. As always, there are two sides to every story. A reluctance of area residents to speak up made it difficult to find folks willing to defend their right to do as they wish with their own property. Some expressed reluctance to being asked to defend their landowneer rights. However, after long, hard hours of work, Trisha Lopez was able to talk to some landowners willing to speak out. This is their response to opponents of the plant. By Trisha L. Lopez Opinions, rumors and concerns about the Posey Solar Project de-
velopment proposed by Tenaska and Capital Dynamics have filled social media pages since the January Area Plan Commission meeting. Opposing homeowners continue to post articles outlining potential problems associated with the development... namely questioning possible wildlife disruption, water problems, fire risks and view interruptions and have staked signs out on land all over the county. Local elected officials are reaching out to neighboring counties facing similar debates, planning trips to other solar installations and trying to gather information from experts. Despite the abundance of information...questions remain and few seem satisfied with the answers they’ve received. How can area homeowners and local officials gauge the impact of
the project when there is nothing comparable currently in existence in the midwest? The sheer size of the project... which Tenaska’s website puts at 2,500 to 3,000 acres, but local officials have been told is closer to 2,400 acres… and the 300 MW of solar energy generating capacity makes the Posey Solar Project unique amongst dozens of planned solar installations across the state. Tenaska is currently in talks with county officials in Knox and Gibson counties as well. The Knox project, which will receive a public hearing on Tuesday in front of the Knox Area Plan Commission, is roughly half the size of the proposed Posey Solar Project. The Gib-
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Music is love in search of a word
Former New Harmony teacher embraces opportunity
Margaret Scherzinger
(USPS 439-500)
By Lois Mittino Gray Margaret Scherzinger was excited to learn that the University of Evansville switched its stance on cutting the Music Department there. She was heartbroken when she first learned that her alma mater was considering doing that very thing. After all, she knows what a quality music education the school offers students. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education from the institution in 1983 and her Master’s Degree in 1989. Nowadays, she puts her UE training to use teaching music very near the university at Reitz Memorial High School on Lincoln Avenue. “I remember driving by the high school, when I was going to college, and looking at that great building and thinking that must be a neat place to work,” she recalled. Two years ago, that speculation became a
reality when she was hired in 2019 as Choir Director teaching beginning and concert choir. She also keeps busy assisting with marching band at Memorial and teaching sixth, seventh, and eighth grade band at Holy Spirit and Saint Ben’s Schools. The Wadesville native enjoys working with the high quality voices assembled in the Concert Choir, who earn their spots through auditions. “Last year, we had a good mix of all four voice parts and they ate up everything I put in front of them. We did some challenging work, such as “Poor Man Lazarus,” and “Breath of Heaven” at the Christmas Show last year,” she said. “The kids also really liked switching back and forth when we did the partner song of “Silent Night/Night of Silence” at another concert. This year, we are working on “This is Me” from the
Greatest Showman.” She admits things are very different this year with COVID concerns, explaining “I was not able to do personal auditions as much and we can do no live concerts.” Margaret is considering using some new technology to make a video concert this spring. “The kids would record each part individually and I would put them together. There is software now that allows me to engineer and produce something like this. It is easy to manipulate and I would need to learn its use. I have many things to consider first when doing this. Companies have copyrights on the music and I’m trying to protect the integrity of the school. Perhaps I can get all the licenses and make it happen,” she offered. For now, she mainly uses Zoom meetings as her teaching media. Margaret concedes that it is more difficult
teaching music with Zoom, than let’s say, a history class. “It’s easier to do a textbook class on Zoom, than a performance class like mine. It is do-able though. It’s all done remotely, but I still have them singing. Having no live performance scheduled really took the wind out of their sails. But that’s part of learning in this world. Maybe something is not your idea of what is best, but that’s okay, you make it work. Learn to make adjustments, I tell them,” she remarked, spoken like a teacher with many years of experience making things work out as best as can be. Margaret began teaching music right after graduation in 1983 at New Harmony School. At the small school, she was the whole music department teaching grades K-12, complete with a
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