February 23, 2021 - The Posey County News

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SINCE 1882 Successor to The Poseyville News & New Harmony Times

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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Volume 141 Edition 8

Renewable energy setbacks near state-wide regulation By Trisha L. Lopez An Indiana bill aimed at creating statewide standards for the state’s rapidly growing renewable energy development market passed the House by a vote of 58-39 Wednesday evening and will head to the Senate. House Bill 1381 establishes, among other rules, setback distances, screening requirements and decommissioning regulations for renewable energy equipment. It also allows developers to appeal county decisions to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission The bill’s author Rep. Edmond Soliday, chair of the House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications Committee, said the bill takes pressure off of local officials and provides regulatory “certainty” that renewable energy providers say is necessary to make Indiana an attractive landing spot for billions of dollars of development. Rep. Mike Hoststettler (R-Patoka) voted against the bill. Representatives Holli Sullivan (R-Evansville), Ryan Hatfield

(D-Evansville) and Wendy McNamara (R-Evansville) voted in favor. The bill’s Senate sponsors are Sen. Mark Messmer (RJasper) and Sen. Eric Koch (R-Bedford). Several Indiana counties, like Posey County, have wind and solar ordinances in place. Some, like Vanderburgh County, have ordinances in development. Other counties have yet to put anything specific in place. Soliday said HB1381, based on a Wisconsin bill, was written to send a message to renewable developers that Indiana is ready to do business. Indiana’s largest manufacturers want renewable energy, Soliday said. “And they’re going to get it. They’re going to get it from other folks or we’re going to generate some of it. The other reason (for the bill), and this is a difficult one, is where do a property owner’s rights stop and the rights of his neighbor begin.” The bill’s opponents, many of whom are the very local officials that Soliday (R-Valparaiso) said he wants to help, have said no thanks. They said they, and the voters they represent, have

the right to make development decisions for themselves based on authority granted to local officials in the state’s Home Rule Act. Susan Huhne, Henry County Council President, told members of the House Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications Committee that Henry County voted to reshape its local government in an effort to reflect its citizens’ desire to prevent renewable energy development. HB1381 would force county officials who may have ordinances that are more prohibitive against renewable energy to conform to the state’s standards, in essence over-ruling the will of county voters, she said. “In the past five years, Henry County has replaced three county council members and all three commissioners with individuals who are qualified, committed and who oppose wind energy. In fact, across rural counties in Indiana, this is a very consistent trend,” Huhne said. The battle between pro- and anti-renewable energy groups has

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Old Tresslar Bldg. site has drawn little interest for future endeavors

Nix Companies receives initial approval for big Poseyville project

By Lois Mittino Gray City Councilwoman Jillian Brothers wondered if the Klenck Construction Company was able to save the large 1888 date from atop the Tresslar Building, when the company took the deteriorating structure down during the night of February 10. She pointedly asked Mayor Bill Curtis the question at the February 11, Zoom meeting of the Mount Vernon Common Council, after the Mayor announced the building was “finally on the ground.” “I am not positive. They could not pick off the block beforehand or pull it out from the wall when they pushed the front wall inward. They are aware that the city would like to keep the date, if at all possible. They are going to look for it first in the rubble and if it is salvageable, we plan to cut it out and keep it,” he told the councilors. Councilman Andy Hoehn asked if there is interest expressed on the building site, located downtown at the intersection of Fourth and Main Streets. “Is there any direction for the property— where is it going to go?” he queried. Curtis replied no one has approached him about it. “There has been no formal interest, no one contacted me officially. It is available and the city would be happy to sell it, the same with our property at Second and Main streets,” he said. “It would be great if we can get a business or office in there and the property back on the tax rolls.” Brothers agreed, but added, “If it gets to the point where there is no interest, maybe we could look at other options so it isn’t sitting there empty. That is a highly visible intersection. Maybe we can put an improvement to the property without putting a building on it,” she remarked. She suggested a ‘Welcome to Mount Vernon’ sign, or a garden. Curtis replied that could be looked into as a possibility, although he really would like to sell it and get another business in there. Anyone interested in the site or the one on Second Street should contact him at the City Hall. Under Legals, a second reading of an ordi-

By Trisha L. Lopez The Posey County Council voted unanimously to grant preliminary approval for tax abatement and preliminary economic revitalization status to Nix Companies in response to the company’s planned $1.6 million building expansion and $1 million equipment addition at its Poseyville location during its February meeting at the Hovey House on Tuesday. The abatement, 7-year real property and 5-year personal property descending increments, will help offset project costs. The expansion will bring five full-time skilled labor positions averaging $21 per hour right away, with 25 total positions overall over the course of two years, a blend of engineering, construction management and skills labor jobs. “I’m really blessed to have had some recent growth that’s led to the expansion here. We need to expand to meet the needs of our customers. There’s been a lot of discussion with our board of advisors and with our executive team about whether or not continuing to invest in Poseyville was the right decision,” said Matthew Nix, fifth generation president and CEO of the company which has been in business in 1902. “As you might imagine, expansion of this size and dollar amount is somewhat nerve wracking in such a small town. To be frank, if we were just looking purely at the financial side of it, there were some better options outside of Poseyville. We just felt like, it’s part of our DNA. It’s part of who we are. To keep that as our headquarters was really important to our family and to our leadership team.” The company owns facilities in Rockport and Princeton, both larger than the Poseyville facility, and considered expanding in one of those locations or consolidating operations at another location altogether, Nix told council members. “As of right now, our plan is to do this expansion in Poseyville. That will allow us to continue to grow there in Poseyville,” he said. Nix asked the council to consider the additional jobs that the expansion would bring to Poseyville and said “I don’t think there’s too many opportu-

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Aubrey Wright and Conner Schmitt get out and enjoy the snow and the cold as nearly a foot of snow fell on most of Posey County over two days last week. Temperatures remained in single digits for most of the end of the week. Photo submitted

Hearings to help decide solar fate The Board of Commissioners of Posey County and the Posey County Council will hold a joint meeting on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 10 a.m. at the Posey County 4-H Fairgrounds Community Center located at 111 Harmony Township Road in New Harmony, Ind., for the purpose of hearing and possibly taking final action on the recent tax abatement related requests submitted by Posey County Solar, LLC with regard to Posey County Solar, LLC’s proposed solar energy project to be located in Marrs and Black townships in Posey County, Indiana.

The Posey County Area Plan Commission will also hold a meeting on Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 6 p.m. at the Posey County 4-H Fairgrounds Community Center located at 111 Harmony Township Road in New Harmony, Indiana for the purpose of a public hearing for input on the decision as to whether or not to recommend the zoning for a solar energy project in eastern Posey County. The Posey County commissioners will have the final say on the subject with the APC making a recommendation to the Posey County Commissioners.

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Doing his fair share to make a difference Austin Colson is Firefighter of the year

By Lois Mittino Gray Austin Colson was surprised when he was called down to the Black Township Fire and Rescue Station a few weeks ago by his chief, Jay Price, to receive the 2020 Firefighter of the Year Award. “I thought they just needed me to help with something. I was so surprised to get the honor. The best part of it is that it is voted on by the other members of the department, so my peers chose me,” he said, very pleased with the plaque sitting on the mantle above his fireplace. Due to COVID concerns, the usual awards dinner banquet had to be nixed and replaced with the surprise presentaAustin Colson receives his 2020 Firefighter of the Year award from tion of Colson’s award. He received an Black Township Fire Department engraved plaque and a gift card to enjoy a celebratory meal at Hawg N’Sauce. Chief Jay Price. Awards were also given to Craig Cochran as Rookie of the Year and Chief (USPS 439-500) Price as Officer of the Year. There may

be a dinner held later in the year as restrictions loosen up. Colson, who has been with the department for just a few years, thinks his fellow firefighters chose him because they realize how much he enjoys being a volunteer on the force and works hard at it. “I enjoy helping out and doing good for others. I attend much training and ask a lot of questions. I enjoy hanging out with them, especially after we go back after a fire run and talk together about it. I want to train so much that it is all second nature what to do on a run,” he explained. “I appreciate how much help everyone has given me from our department and other fire departments. People here are so helpful. It’s a great work environment!” Many of these associates may not recognize him by the name, Austin, since he is often referred to by his nick-

name, Coltrane. The Mount Vernon native tells the story that the name goes back to his days at Mount Vernon High School. “There were four Austins when I was in the marching band, so the drum instructor told me one day that my name would be Coltrane, like the musician. It stuck from then on,” he laughed. Austin Coltrane Colson is the son of Jeff and Susie Colson. After he was graduated in the Class of 2015, the 24-year-old attended Vincennes University and received an Associate Degree in Automotive Technology and Collison Repair. He worked at Expressway Jeep from May of 2017 until February 2018. At that time, he joined his uncle at Gerton Auto Sales as a technician “working on cars and campers and everything else.” He is still employed at the business on Second and College streets.

He joined the firefighters with the encouragement of a salesman at Gerton’s. “My buddy told me all about it. He thought it was fun and thought I should check it out,” he recalled. “I decided to try it out and put in my application. They voted me in at the October meeting in 2017.” He was assigned Caleb Garman as a mentor during his probationary period and is grateful to him for his help learning the ropes. Young Colson well remembers his first fire run, an intense barn fire. “I had not been with the department very long. I’ll never forget pulling up to the fire and opening up the door to the fire truck, looking up. Flames were shooting out of the top of the building and I could feel the high heat coming from it. We mainly worked that night to protect

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