June 10, 2014 - The Posey County News

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Since 1882 ~ Successor to The Poseyville News and The New Harmony Times • New Harmony, IN

“Our lib “O liberties ti we prize, i and d our rights i ht we will ill maintain.” i t i ” Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Posey County’s only locally-owned newspaper


(USPS S4 439-500) 39 5 0 0) Volume 134 Edition 23

Commissioners are OK with MSK Molds’ expansion with conditions By Valerie Werkmeister A small Posey County business owner will be allowed to rezone his property and expand his business, but the plan to do so wasn’t easy. Posey County Commissioners Jim Alsop, Carl Schmitz and Jerry Walden unanimously approved Scott Pate’s request during their meeting on June 3. Pate, of MSK Molds located at 2591 Juanita Avenue in Wadesville, is operating his machine shop at full capacity. When he brought plans to expand to seek a building permit to Mindy Bourne, Director of the Area Plan Commission, (APC) she informed him his property was not properly zoned. He learned the business he had been operating for the past nine years was operating under a non-conforming use permit and was zoned R1 for residential, not M1 for light manufacturing. The APC denied his rezoning request during their May meeting. They feared his property was too small to accommodate his expansion plans. Remonstrators appeared at that meeting as well as the May 20, commissioner’s meeting where they also heard his request. Commissioners decided to take more time to investigate the matter. During their June 3, meeting the commissioners revisited the matter. Each commissioner shared comments about their visit to Pate’s property as well as conversations with his adjoining neighbors. They noted that Pate’s neighbors were primarily concerned with the condition of the road. It is not a county road and as such, the county does not maintain it. A few of the adjoining neighbors stated that Pate is a good neighbor that helps others and keeps his property maintained. Jim Alsop asked Pate if he would be willing to pave the road from the highway up to his business. Pate stated he didn’t feel he could afford the cost to do so. He was willing to fix potholes that occur in front of his business. He also agreed to ensure that semis will no longer make deliveries to his business to help reduce further degradation of the road.

Carl Schmitz added that he would like Pate to operate within the current zoning guidelines and that no future variance requests be issued. Pate agreed and also said he would contact Jerry David Enterprises for materials to patch current potholes in front of his business. A few residents who reside on Rose Lane voiced their displeasure at the commissioner’s decision. They were concerned with semis that may block the road with future deliveries. The commissioners reiterated that Pate had agreed to ensure that semis stop deliveries to his business. Building Commissioner Ed Battieger discussed the status of a nuisance ordinance violation at 371 Old Sand Road owned by Paul Cowan. He observed that a few things had been cleaned up but the property still fell short of being in compliance. Attorney William H. Bender stated his office sent a certified letter that was returned. Battieger knows the address is a good contact since the person that was renting the property had initially responded to the first class letter that was recently sent. They felt the owner had simply refused to sign for the certified letters. Battieger stated the renter is no longer living on the property. Alsop suggested that Bender’s office should send another letter via first class mail to notify the owner he is out of compliance with the county’s nuisance ordinance. He will be given a time limit to comply or the county may pursue further legal action. Assessor Nancy Hoehn introduced Lowell Davis and Trent Pell of Pictometry Intelligent Images. The company produces aerial images with detail that could aid several county departments. Hoehn stated their current aerial imagery is not very clear and doesn’t provide the valuable information this company does. Davis and Pell’s presentation showed how their company is able to not only produce images that look straight down but also street view or views completely

Continued on Page A11

Hank Denning was just clownin’ around during this weekend’s Relay for Life in Mount Vernon. He is the son of Jeff and Johna Denning. Photo by Peg Heckman

School board honors Greathouse, names replacements

Mount Vernon School Board president Beth Higgins presents a plaque to Horace ‘Buddy’ Greathouse for his many years of service to the school corporation as a bus driver. Greathouse is 89.

By Lois Mittino Gray It’s summer vacation for schools and that means the race is on to complete capital improvement projects before they reopen for business. Members of the Mount Vernon School Board learned that work started on two major projects right on their June 2 meeting day. School Superintendent Dr. Tom Kopatich told members he was ‘wowed’ by how much the work crews completed in just that one day. Work on replacing the high school gymnasium bleachers, replastering walls, and installing better handrails began with one side of the bleachers in the gym already removed and floors taped up to preserve the wood. Work was also done on the end


Robb Township holds school reunion Attendees of the Robb Township School in Poseyville will hold their 39th Annual Alumni Reunion on Saturday, June 14, 5 p.m. at the Poseyville Community Center in Poseyville. For reservations, please send $14 plus $2.50 for alumni dues to Billie Sue Robinson, 314 Greenfield Road, Evansville, IN 47715 by June 9, 2014. Poseyville High School annual meeting slated for June 14 PHS Annual Meeting will be held Saturday, June 14, 2014, at the Poseyville Community Center, Poseyville, Ind. A reception will held at 5 p.m. with the dinner/program beginning at 6 p.m. Poseyville Autumnfest to be held September 27-28 The Poseyville Autumnfest will be held on the last full weekend of September on the 27 and 28. This year’s theme is Posey County, a tale of two centuries. Posey County is 200 years old this year, so come enjoy the festivities. Again this year, entertainment on Saturday evening will be the Hot Rod Lincoln Band. New Harmony’s Tri Kappa, Kiwanis Club seek nominations New Harmony’s Tri Kappa and Kiwanis Club are looking to recognize a special someone who has generously given of their time for many years to help other people. It is important to nominate someone who deserves recognition as only those nominated will be considered. Nomination forms are available at community locations or by contacting committee members Kenyon Bailey, Carol Scarafia, Paul Allison or Krista Wlson. Consider those who help their neighbors, youth leaders, organization leaders and especially those who tirelessly work in the background and are rarely noticed. The nominations must be in the committees hands by June 26, the award will be presented at the July 4 celebration in Maclure Park. Calling all Posey County Residents Are you thinking about making healthy living part of your 2014 goals? Join Marion VA Nutrition Services along with Posey County Health Department and Purdue Extension for the move! Towards a healthier you classes. This free eight week series covers eating well, sleeping better, moving more, and finding your healthy weight. This program will meet weekly on Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30 p.m., at the Alexandrian Public Library starting July 8-August 26. To register or for more information, please contact Kristina Carter, Posey County Public Health Nurse at 812-838-1330

Retrospective ...... A 4 Legals ...................B 5 Classifieds ........ B 6 - 7 Community ......... A 8

zones of the track. The main oval will be repaired after the Relay for Life uses it on the weekend. School Board President Beth McFadin Higgins said, “They are on a strict timeline, a mission. Look at our opening dates.” With that in mind, Kopatich announced that school offices will soon close for the secretaries and aides. “Someome will always be around, but administrators may be working elsewhere and not in their offices,” he said. “The only week we truly close is July 4.” The high school office will reopen on July 21, junior high on July 28 and elementary offices on July 29. Kopatich suggested waiting until those dates to enroll new students. Another summer concern is whether to change the flashing light zones at Marrs and Farmersville Elementary Schools since school is not in session at the morning or afternoon times. “The state makes

this decision, not us,” Higgins explained. “We will check on the issue. They might not want to change it as people may get out of the habit of slowing downight If a person does get a speeding ticket, ‘we don’t get any of the money,’” she joked. Personnel matters were a hot topic. Elizabeth K. Johns was hired to replace David Frye as the Principal of Farmersville Elementary School. She has been principal of Highland Elementary School in Evansville since 2005. Prior to that, she was principal at Tekoppel School and also worked at Vogel and Highland in Evansville. She and her husband plan to relocate in Mount Vernon. Jacquelyn Maier was hired to replace Fran Wood-Osborne as Director of Special Education for Posey County Special Services. She has taught special education at both elementary and secondary levels for 22 years with the district. John D.

Hubbard replaces Timothy Alcorn at Mount Vernon Junior High teaching social studies. He taught social studies in Albion, Ill., and served as the senior military science instructor in the army ROTC Program at USI since 2009. W. Byron Sanders moved up from girls’ assistant basketball coach to head coach at the senior high. The Bristol Myers retiree replaces Steve Mitchell. Resignations were accepted from Marlene Clark as a food service worker and Eric Stemple as assistant high school football coach. Girls’ team sport coaches who are resigning are Keely Hoehn, Leigh Ann Latshaw, Jacquelyn Mayer and Luke Pyle. Amanda McMillian was given permission to travel to present a speech at the eRevolutionTechnology Seminar in Evansville. FFA Sponsor David Ries and ag students

Continued on Page A11

‘Doc’ Uebelhack opens new chapter By Lois Mittino Gray Mount Vernon Dentist David K. Uebelhack won’t be missing molars or craving canines when he turns off his drill after 40 years in the profession. Rather, he’ll miss the interaction with patients and his wonderful staff. “I have been blessed to have great people to work with all these years. They are like family to me.” Uebelhack will be starting a new chapter in his life on July 2 when he wakes up and realizes he no longer has to open the office. He plans to travel a lot with his wife Becky, especially to the Pacific Northwest. She retired two years ago as a sixth grade teacher and often taught Greek and Roman studies. “I’d really like to take her to Rome,” he said. The retiree also plans to work on his log house at Lake Barkley and do some fishing. He and a group of friends are already preparing for a fishing trip to Canada the middle of July. Grandpa also plans to dote on his three beautiful granddaughters, aged three to 13 years old. Uebelhack, a Mount Vernon High School graduate, attended the University of Evansville and the IU School of Dentistry. He proudly shows off the IU diploma in his office and composite picture of his 1974 graduating class. After graduation, the neophyte dentist received on-site training as a Captain in the US Air Force Dental Corps for two years. He served at Loring Air Force Base, near Caribou, Maine After military service and a short stint in Indianapolis, he and Becky moved back to his hometown to establish a dental practice. Together, the couple married in 1970, raised three children here. Kate, Kristi and Kevin each have one daughter. The first office was at 819 East Fourth Street. In 1984, Uebelhack built the current Southwind Dental Clinic on the corner of Harriet and Fourth Streets. Still lovely after all these years, it even has the original wallpaper. He is especially proud that the building will not

Deaths .............. ...A3 Church ................ A 6 Social .................. A 5 School ................. A 7

Long-time Mount Vernon dentist Doctor David Uebelhack has announced plans to retire from dentistry in very early July. Photo by Lois Gray close, but will be passed to the next generation of dentists to carry on, Doctors Wells and Fullop. How has the practice of dentistry changed over forty years? “Mainly in technology and materials,” he answered. “The old materials we used to use are so antiquated and the office systems were out-of date. Everything continues to improve and with their youth and knowledge, Doctors Wells and Fullop will take this place up to the next level.” Uebelhack would like to invite present and former patients to celebrate with him at a retirement party on Friday June 27 from 5-8 p.m. It is planned for the clinic parking lot at 803 East Fourth Street and refreshments will be served. It will also offer customers a chance to meet the two young dentists who will take over the reins when the retired one takes down his shingle.

Sports ............... B 3 - 4 Bus/Ag ................ A 7 Opinion ............... A 2 TV Guide........ A9-10

PAGE A2 • JUNE 10, 2014



Why do I stay here? Many are the reasons... Do you ever wonder why you stay in a little podunk county like Posey County? In all honesty, I sometimes wondered. During the past week, that question was answered for me. TRUTH... As most of you know, we STRANGER lost my mother-in-law a little THAN over a week ago. It wasn’t FICTION exactly sudden but it was not BY DAVE exactly expected to happen so PEARCE quickly either. She has struggled with health issues for some time but specifically during the past year or a little longer. The kindnesses shown by the people of Posey County during this time of loss was beyond description for our entire family. Cards and phones calls began to come in immediately and are still coming in on a daily basis. I couldn’t believe the line at the funeral home. Basically from 2 until after 8 p.m., the line was over an hour long.

When my father-in-law got up on Sunday morning after Wanda’s death on Saturday, neighbors had already begun to bring food to the house. Several brought food while others took the time to spend time visiting with the family. Then, once we got to the funeral home, friends of the family already had food waiting. Maria Eisterhold’s pecan pies had already been driven down before the family got there. Fried chicken, meat trays, and innumerable desserts were available in the kitchen area when the family needed to snack and get some peaceful time for a few minutes at a time. The people at Schneider Funeral Home were first class. Catelyn Isaac did a wonderful job of helping Tom do everything that needed to be done and Charlie Schneider filled in the

slot normally occupied by his grandfather as a door man and a greeter as his grandpa was having surgery. Grandpa could have trouble getting his job back. He’d better hurry up and heal. The people at Mount Zion Church were unbelievable. Although the church is designed to hold only about 150 people, but between the sanctuary and the addition onto the church, a very long parade of people passed by to say their ‘so longs’ and offer condolences. Junior and Betty Ann Stierley along with Sandee Redman provided beautiful music while Mount Zion Pastor Rick Sellers assisted longtime family friend Matt Watson in what could have been seen as the perfect funeral service. And after the graveside service in the cemetery next door to the church, a very small number of people served and unbelievable meal to a great number of people. I still shake my head when I realize just what this group was able to

accomplish. At the end of the day, on the way home, Connie asked me how I thought things had gone. Was there anything that could have been done differently? Was there anything that could have been done better? But most of all, Connie wondered if I thought her mother would approve. I answered with a an unequivocal ‘Yes.’ And as I sat in the back yard thinking over the events of the day, I remembered again why I enjoy living in Posey County. That was on Wednesday. Then over the weekend, the forever-giving people of Posey County raised an unbelievable amount of money for cancer research in the Relay for Life both in Mount Vernon and at North Posey. Posey may not have all the flair and the glamour of the larger cities, but it has something much more important…many, many wonderful people. I’m proud to call you my friends and Posey County my home.

Post Office compares to defunct automobile production

At one time, people in India had to get on a waiting list to buy Hindustan Motors’ Ambassador automobile, even though it was an obvious copy of Britain’s Morris Oxford of some decades ear- JUST lier. The reason was simple: THE the Indian government would F ACTS... not allow cars to be imported B Y THOMAS to compete with it. The fact that the Ambassa- SOWELL dor was a copy is hardly an automatic reason for condemnation. The first Nikon camera was an obvious copy of a German camera called the Contax, and the first Canon was an obvious copy of the Leica. The difference is that, over the years, Nikons and Canons rose to become state of the art, during both the era of film and in the new digital age. Not so the Ambassador car. It was notorious for poor finish and poor handling. But, since it was the only game in town — and ‘town’ was all of India, people were on waiting lists for it for months, and sometimes even years. By contrast, Nikon and Canons were good cameras from day one and they just got better as the companies that produced them gained more experience. With a highly competitive international market for cameras, they had no choice if they wanted to survive. But the Hindustan Ambassador had no such problem. Only those who bought them had problems. Toward the end of the 20th century, India began to loosen up some of its jungle of rules and regulations that were strangling India’s businesses. Though India is still a long way from a free market, just the relaxing of some of its economic restrictions was enough to promote a higher rate of growth and a substantial reduction in poverty. They even allowed a Japanese car maker

to build cars in India. This resulted in a car called the Maruti, which quickly shot to the top as the most popular car in India. Even more remarkable, it led to some improvements in the Ambassador. A British newspaper said that the Ambassador now had ‘perceptible acceleration.’ Now that there was competition, the distinguished British magazine ‘The Economist’ announced, ‘Marutis too are improving, in anticipation of the next invaders.’ Perhaps the last chapter in the story of the Ambassador has now been written. Hindustan Motors recently announced that it was closing - indefinitely - the factory where the Ambassador was built. According to the Wall Street Journal, “The company cited low productivity, ‘a critical shortage of funds’ and a lack of demand for its core product, the Ambassador.” Doesn’t that sound a little like our post office? Our post office, like the Hindustan Ambassador, has had a long run as a government protected monopoly. But just a partial erosion of that monopoly, with the appearance of United Parcel Service and Federal Express, has threatened the viability of the post office. As for ‘a critical shortage of funds,’ that has truly gotten critical as the post office has seen its $15 billion line of credit at the U.S. Treasury shrink to the vanishing point. For years that line of credit allowed the post office’s defenders to tell the big lie that it got no subsidy and was costing the taxpayers nothing. I don’t know who they thought put that money in the Treasury that the post office has been ‘borrowing’ all these years, with no one foolish enough to think that they would ever

Social media and jurors Gavel Gamut first ran April 10, 1990 in The Times, now The Posey County News. On June 19, 1990 I wrote a column entitled ‘The Right of Being Judged by Our Peers,’ which was about trial by jury. In GAVEL 1990 Al Gore had not yet inventGAMUT ed the internet. Social Media was not an issue that our legal system BY JUDGE had to deal with in 1990. JIM REDWINE I re-ran this column on August 18, 2008 because of important procedural changes in Indiana’s Rules of Trial Procedure concerning jury trials. In 2008, a mere six years ago, Social Media was not of such concern that I felt a need to include mention of it. Now Indiana’s judges and those of every state must be alert to the virtually unconscious, constant use by almost everybody of, at least, email. Of course, Twitter, Facebook and other media I have not even heard of are woven into our DNA. We often do not realize we are texting. It is common for people to text message people they could easily talk with. Just as people who grow up with any revolutionary technology, the wheel, the steam engine, the internal combustion engine, telephones, television, computers, etc., those who experience a technology much as they experience any daily routine, Social Media for example, often do not recognize issues related to the technology, Right to a Fair Trial, for example. It just does not compute for millions of people that commenting on evidence or expressing

opinions as to guilt or innocence or the merits of a civil claim before all the evidence is in and all the law is explained is unfair to the parties in a case. Since the first recorded jury trials in Egypt from thousands of years ago, there may not have been a more bothersome issue to our being judged by a group of our peers, rather than by a professional jurist, than Social Media. The problem will get more intractable as technology expands exponentially. In The Palm Beach Post of June 02, 2014, on the front page, the headline was: ‘Juror Faces Jail for Posts on Trial.’ In a jury trial reported on by Jane Musgrave, a 24-year-old juror is facing up to six months in jail for: ‘Contempt charges for Facebook updates by (jury) panelist.’ The judge in the Florida case had repeatedly ordered the jurors both orally and in writing to avoid all Social Media during the trial. According to Ms. Musgrave’s article, in 2010 at least 90 jury verdicts had been challenged nationally over allegations of internet-related juror misconduct. For the last few years judges have wrung their hands and dithered with jurors (citizens, voters, underpaid conscripts impressed into service) who flaunted orders to not use Social Media during trials. The Palm Beach article is a harbinger that, ♫ The Times They Are A-Changin’ ♫. The 24-year-old juror was handcuffed and led from the courtroom in chains. PUBLISHER / EDITOR DAVID PEARCE dpearce263@poseycountynews.com

Ph. 812-682-3950 • PO Box 397 • New Harmony, IN 47631 Fx. 812-682-3944 • www.PoseyCountyNews.com

be either willing or able to pay it back. We could all use a line of credit from which we could get a few billion dollars, here and there, to cover our losses from time to time. But we are not all the post office. Ironically, India has partially privatized its post office by letting private companies deliver mail. The government post office’s deliveries of mail dropped from 16 billion to less than eight billion in just six years, even though the population of India was growing. You can always keep anything old, clunky and inefficient still in business, if you are

willing to pour unlimited amounts of the taxpayers’ money down a bottomless pit. Hindustan Motors had to shut their doors when they ran out of money. How long will we continue to keep our own version of the Hindustan Ambassador on life support at the expense of the taxpayers, and of captive customers who are not even allowed by law to decide who can put mail in the boxes that the customers bought? Thomas Sowell is an American economist, social theorist, political philosopher and author.

Guest Editorial: Greg Allen Another scandal, The VA and the Insidiousness of big government Most Americans equate Memorial Day to nothing more than paid time off from work, a holiday for hanging with friends, cookouts, or leisurely pleasure. When in reality it should be far more than that if you dig deep into its origins. Memorial Day was once called Decoration Day and began in the late 1800s shortly after the Civil War ended. It wasn’t until after the Civil War that the government made an effort to give fallen soldiers a decent burial, but it was only Union forces who were given that ceremony at first. The Confederate fallen were pretty much ignored by the North and it drew outrage from Southern citizens. It was a band of Southern ladies who organized and began spanning out to recover the remains of soldiers slain in battle. Every effort was made to identify the dead, and they were moved to a cemetery for an honorary burial. During the Civil War many of the fallen were found just laying on the ground where they fell, nothing more than a desecrated skeleton. At times, fellow soldiers would bury their friends under a tree, by the roadside, a creek, or convenient field. Often, there wasn’t a headstone to commemorate that poor soul who gave it all. If the stench of rotting bodies became too much to bear it wasn’t unusual that a large trench was dug and a mass grave was lined with numerous fallen soldiers to alleviate the problem of unsanitary conditions. Every year, during the Memorial Day weekend, my mother asks to be taken to the cemetery where her loved

ones are laid to rest. It’s a tradition with her, and my wife and I, to decorate the graves of our relatives who have passed away. We decorate their graves with fresh flowers, remove anything that’s deteriorated, and stand to reflect for a while in front of those granite markers that are a brief chronicle of their life. It’s a tribute of respect for them and their memory that I’m quite proud of. For you see, Memorial Day should be something more than a party in the backyard. On the way home from paying our respects to the fallen this past Memorial Day, we drove through Lafayette, Indiana. When we came to a stop at a traffic light I noticed an elderly man standing erect on the side of the road surrounded by dozens of American flags. I could see he wore an American Legion cap and I instantly knew what he was doing. Behind him, in the parking lot of a shopping mall, was a tent of volunteers collecting money for a charitable cause the Marines were sponsoring that day. It was obvious to me the man was standing guard, as Marines do, being a watchman for us all. In recognition of what that elderly man was doing, and the service he no doubt lent to ensure our freedom, I honked our vehicle’s horn - he, in turn, saluted us. I got quite emotional after that and the feeling didn’t subside soon. Later, my wife ironically pointed out that of the dozens of cars parked at that traffic light ours was the only one that honked in tribute. To be quite frank, I’m angered by the lack of concern the liberal establishment has

for those brave souls willing to sacrifice their lives that we may be free and not in harms way. Yet another scandal has reared its ugly head concerning the Obama administration and this time it’s interwoven in the VA. Veterans are having to endure long waits for medical treatment; it’s rationing and there’s no denying that. The scandal is embroiled in secret lists, quotas, and other nonsense that only an insidious government bureaucracy could dream of. It’s been reported that Veterans have died waiting to get simple treatment that one could easily get at any private hospital. The ‘Insidiousness’ of it is it’s intentionally an entrapment and beguiling. It’s stealthy treachery and deceit. To operate or proceed inconspicuously, but with grave effect is the true definition of the word. It was bureaucrats in the VA who were composing secret lists, gaming the system, and all at the expense of those who sacrificed everything for our country. Many are now comparing the government run VA system to what Obamacare will be when implemented. I wonder and lament over the possibilities. Greg Allen’s column, Thinkin’ Out Loud, is published bi-monthly. He’s an author, nationally syndicated columnist and the founder of Builder of the Spirit in Jamestown, Indiana, a non-profit organization aiding the poor. He can be reached at www. builderofthespirit.org or follow him on Twitter @GregAllencolumn.

Letters to the Editor A second letter to America By watching the daily news one can clearly see that America is getting farther away from God and still headed straight towards God’s judgment and ultimate destruction. Too many in America have said ‘there is no God.’ One of the many reasons Americans have reached such a high point of unbelief, is because they were brought up in school systems which teaches man’s false idea that every living being started from a single cell and evolved into millions, or even billions, of species, including humans. Some have theorized humans evolved from ape like beings. But how a person, who is composed of 200, or 300 trillion highly specialized interrelated cells, can believe that it all started from a single cell, should be beyond belief. Actually, the single cell theory of evolution only proves Man’s folly. First, Man totally dismissed God’s legitimate claims that he, God, created Heaven and Earth and everything in them including the first man, Adam. Second, Man refused to believe the documented biblical history of God dealing with mankind on Earth, where God again and again, demonstrated and proved his awesome supernatural powers.

Among these demonstrations of power, were turning the rivers and waters in Egypt into blood, parting the Red Sea while millions of Israelites crossed on dry ground, and then drowning the very large pursuing Egyptian Army. After that God proved himself again and again by providing food and water for forty years while His chosen people wandered in the desert. In the Word of God, the Holy Bible, God showed his chosen people that he had complete control over Earth and the Heavens, because, he wanted them to be witnesses to the rest of the world. He wanted the people of the world to believe in Him so they would not perish. This world would be a much better place if people believed in the Living God and followed his just commandments. We would love each other like the brothers and sisters that we are, because, we are all His children. God gets no pleasure in his children going to hell. It is a great tragedy that so many in America are rejecting God and his Son, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins on the cross. Accepting Jesus and his sacrifice is a must to go to Heaven. America must return to God. Manuel Ybarra Jr.












JUNE 10, 2014 • PAGE A3



Thelma Esche Thelma Beatrice (Fisher) Esche, 93, of Mount Vernon, Ind., passed away Saturday, June 7, 2014, at the Terrace of Solarbron. She was born on February 2, 1921 to Arthur Lee and Olive Lonnie (Ashworth) Fisher. Thelma was a 1939 graduate of Mount Vernon High School and had worked as an inspector for Chrysler Corporation and a clerk for the Mount Vernon Water Works. She and her husband, Melvin A. Esche, married in June of 1965 owned a farm north of Mount Vernon and supplied eggs to the local restaurants in the 1970’s. Thelma was a lifetime member of Faith United Methodist Church and served as a communion steward. Since 1938, she was a member of the United Methodist Women where she served as a treasurer for many years. She was a member of the Old Timers and Bufkin Homemakers Club. She enjoyed reading and traveling. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband Melvin in 2003 after 37 years of marriage; two sisters, Mattie Fisher in 2002 and Edna Allen in 2000, and nephew, Don Allen. She is survived by her nephews, Gerald L. (Gloria) Allen of Boulder, Co., L. Keith (Corliss) Allen of Port Charlotte, Fla.; niece-in-law, Geraldine Allen; great nieces and nephews, Rick (Sherry) Allen, Brian Allen, Amie (Phillip) Rizzo, Lee Ann (John) Lipe, Cheryl Swenson, and Pamela (Nigel) Conners; cousins, Myron (Alta) Sailer, Glen Jacobs, Olive Turpin, and Dot Ashworth; great-great nieces and nephews. Most importantly, she is survived by her devoted friend and caregiver, Mrs. Barbara Gibson. Funeral service will be held at 10 a.m., Friday, June 13, 2014 at Faith United Methodist Church, 231 Wolfin Street, Mount Vernon with burial to follow in Bellefontaine Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4 until 7 p.m., Thursday, June 12, 2014 at Schneider Funeral Home, 512 Main Street, Mount Vernon. Special thanks to Around the Clock Care for sending great care givers, Betty Burris, Doris Gibbs, Diane Hisch, and Kathy Robinson. Also, to the staff of Solarbron, especially the ones who took care of the special lady in room 124 and to the residents of Solarbron who became Thelma’s family and friends. She loved being around all of them and was known as ‘The Lady With the Pretty Smile.’ Memorial contributions may be made to the Mount Vernon Food Pantry, 716 Locust Street, Mount Vernon, IN 47620 or to Faith U.M.C. Condolences may be made online at www.schneiderfuneralhome.com

Wilfred Phillips Wilfred LaRue Phillips, 87, of Mount Vernon, met his Lord and Savior at 1:11 p.m. on Friday, June 6, 2014. He was born June 27, 1926, in Mount Vernon to Wilfred and Mary E. (Benthall) Phillips. Wilfred was in the U.S. Army serving during World War II. He was awarded the Purple Heart medal among others and was a disabled veteran. He was a graduate of Mount Vernon High School, the Chicago Institute of Art, and received his Bachelor’s degrees in Physical Education and Math Education from Evansville College and his Master’s degree from Indiana State Teacher’s College. For many years, Wilfred taught Math at MVJHS, sharing his teaching career with his wife, Doris who taught English. After retiring in 1988, he loved caring for his grandchildren, did woodworking projects, gardened, golfed, fished, and was an avid reader. In the later years he enjoyed dancing with his good friend. He was a member of Trinity UCC, life member of Robinson Twp. Conservation Club, Disabled American Veterans, Mount Vernon Legion Post 5, Mount Vernon Civitan Club, VFW Post 1114, Americal Division Veteran’s Association, and was a mason at Beulah Lodge 478 F. & A.M. Wilfred was preceded in death by: his parents; wife, Doris Jean (McFadin); sister and brother-in-law, Naomi Jean and Walter Foster, of Poseyville; and sister, Geraldine Gilbert of Comstock Park, Michigan. He is survived by his children; Deena and Robert Caruso of Oceanside, Ca., and Delene and Carl Schmitz of Wadesville; grandchildren, Hans Schmitz, and Carly and Michael Patterson; great-grandson, Levi Patterson; sister, Sue (Don) Blazier of Carmi, Ill.; brother, Gerald (Martha) Phillips of Mount Vernon; brother-in–law, Edwin Gilbert of Comstock Park, Michigan; sister-in-law, Geraldine McFadin, of Mount Vernon, and many nieces and nephews. Funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, June 12, 2014 at Zion Lippe UCC, 9000 Copperline Road, Mount Vernon, IN and burial to follow in the church cemetery. Visitation will be from 4-8 p.m. Wednesday, June 11, at Schneider Funeral Home, 512 Main Street, Mount Vernon, and from 10 a.m. until service time on Thursday at the church. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to Zion Lippe UCC, Trinity UCC, or Apostolic Bible Church. Condolences may be made online at www.schneiderfuneralhome.com

Doris Butler

Nancy Ramirez Nancy Andry Ramirez, 64, of Evansville, Ind., passed away at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 5, 2014, at VNA Plus Hospice Center. Nancy was raised in Griffin and was a graduate of North Posey High S h l where h h was a cheerleader and involved in School she band and chorus. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Development from Purdue University. Nancy was an active member of Christian Fellowship Church, Bible Study Fellowship, and several community organizations. Nancy loved decorating, entertaining, dancing and singing. She had a generous heart which overflowed for the downtrodden. Nancy had a special affinity for teenagers and young adults who gravitated toward her unique mixture of tough love, encouragement and genuine affection. She was preceded in death by her father, Raymond Andry in 1997. Nancy is survived by her husband, Manuel Ramirez; children Andrew Ramirez of St. Louis, Mo., and Kristin Milbrandt (Eric) of Ocala, Fla.; mother Virginia (Ginny) Andry of New Harmony, Ind.; twin sister Brenda (Barry) of Danville, Ca.; brother Terry Andry of Evansville; and grandchildren Sarah, Ben, Rachel and Hannah Milbrandt. Memorial contributions may be made to Evansville Chrysalis, P.O. Box 101 Evansville, IN 47701.

Emma Faye (Sis) Hale, 85, passed away Wednesday, June, 4 2014 at her home surrounded by her family. She was born in Lawrenceville, Ill., on July 2, 1928 the daughter of Earl and Maude (Wirth) Farrar. Sh enjoyed j d spending di time with her family, makShe ing crafts, enjoyed a good book and also spending time in her flower garden. She attended Maumee General Baptist Church. Survivors include her children Diana (Lyndon) Meyer, Karen Adams, Roy Hale, Donald (Charlene) Hale, Jerry (Pat) Hale; 12 grandchildren; 16 greatgrandchildren; brother, Darrell (Edith) Farrar; sisters, Maxine Curl, Katherine Montgomery; In-laws, Betty Farrar, William and Rosalee Hale, Maxine Powell, Phyllis Williams and Ruby Curl. Emma was preceded in death by her parents, and husband of 59 years Robert Hale in 2007; brothers, Harold and Darwin Farrar. Services will be held on Saturday at 2 p.m,, June 7, 2014 at Holders Funeral Home in Owensville with Ken Reeder officiating. Burial will be in Maumee Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4-8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to Maumee Cemetery. Expressions of sympathy may be made online at www.holdersfuneralhome.com

Ruth Straub Ruth Arilla Straub, 82, of Poseyville, Indiana, born to Arthur Cavit and Ella Cale (Wilkinson) Reynolds on April 7, 1932, in Stewartsville, Indiana, passed away Saturday, June 7, 2014, at her home. She graduated from Poseyville High School in 1950. She had worked as a supervisor in the housekeeping department at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville, Indiana. She loved to socialize and talk to people, and was often the center of neighborhood gatherings which included Roger, Rosie, Ross, Reed Heathcotte, Joan Reynolds and many others. She loved her family, friends, especially her grandkids, her dog Frankie and her cat. Surviving are her husband: Peter V. Straub, Sr.; two sons: Peter V. Straub, Jr. of Evansville, Indiana and Paul E. Straub of Richmond, Texas; two daughters: Angela L. McLamb of Pumpkin Run, Indiana and Jo M. Sollman of Princeton, Indiana; four brothers: Claude of Pumpkin Run, Indiana, Herbert of Stewartsville, Indiana, Joe of Cynthiana, Indiana and Malcolm Reynolds of Stewartsville, Indiana and five grandchildren: Kelsey and Isaac Sollman, Nicholas, Christie and Jonathan Straub. Preceding her in death were her parents; one daughter: Cynthia S. Straub; one sister: Juana Sue Wassmer; two brothers: Paul and Robert Carlton Reynolds. Funeral services will be 10 a.m., Thursday, June 12, 2014 at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Poseyville, Indiana with burial in the church cemetery. Father Ed Schnur officiating. Visitation will be from 4–8 p.m., Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at the Werry Funeral Home in Poseyville, Indiana with a Memorial service at 7:30 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to: Posey County Humane Society, 6500 Leonard Road, Mount Vernon, Indiana 47620 or online at: www. poseyhumane.org. Expressions of sympathy may be made to the family online at: www.werryfuneralhomes.com.

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Bessie Reinitz Bessie E. Reinitz, 92 of Mount Vernon, died Wednesday June 4, 2014 at her home. She was born July 7, 1921 in Mount Vernon, the daughter of Paul and Cordelia (Harrington) Hunt. She married Arno F. Reinitz on August 27, 1938 at Henderson, KY and he preceded her in death on December 27, 2011. Bessie had baked wedding cakes for many local weddings. She was a member of Trinity Evangelical Church. She is survived by three sons, Donald Wayne (Sheila) Reinitz of Mount Vernon, Fred (Rachel) Reinitz, of Evansville, and Joseph Daryl Reinitz of Mount Vernon; one daughter, Deborah (Frank) Stieff of Mount Vernon; five generations of grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Ivan and Maurice Hunt; three sisters, Catherine Alves, Pauline Gibson and Corine Baxter; and two half-brothers, Charles and Clarence Holder. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. on Friday June 6, 2014 at the Stendeback Family Funeral Home with Rev. Dallas Robinson officiating. Burial will be in Bellefontaine Cemetery. Visitation was from 9 a.m. until service time. Online condolences may be left at stendebackfamilyfuneralhome. com

Emma Hale

Doris E. Butler, 85, of Poseyville, Indiana born to Homer and Opal (Nicholson) Butler on April 18, 1929, in Poseyville, Indiana, passed away Tuesday, June 3, 2014, at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville, Indiana. H servedd in i the th military ilit He with the US Navy during the Korean War. He had worked for Earl Erbacher Electric, Mott Wade Construction and was Superintendent of the Poseyville Municipal Utilities for 25 years. He was the Sexton of the Poseyville Cemetery and served on the cemetery board for many years and after retirement, he devoted his time to his family. He was a 50-year member of the Poseyville Masonic Lodge; 60-year member and Adjutant of the Poseyville American Legion and the Wadesville Veterans of Foreign Wars. Surviving are his wife: G. Maxine (Turner) Butler; four sons: Roger (Judy) Butler of Mount Vernon, Indiana, Kerry Butler of Mount Vernon, Indiana, Michael (Julie) Butler of Wadesville, Indiana and Richard (Debbie) Butler of Evansville, Indiana; one daughter: Vicki (Bob) Thiem of Wadesville, Indiana; 13 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Preceding him in death were his parents and a brother: Carroll Owen Butler. Funeral services were held 10 a.m., Saturday, June 7, 2014, at the Werry Funeral Home in Poseyville, Indiana with burial in the Poseyville Cemetery with full military rites. Rev. John Matsel officiating. Visitation was from 3-7 p.m., Friday, June 6, 2014, at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to: American Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Poseyville Christian Church, 6 East Main Street, Poseyville, Indiana 47633 or to Albion Fellows Bacon Center, PO Box 3164, Evansville, Indiana 47731 or donate online at: www.albionfellowsbacon.org. Expressions of sympathy may be made to the family online at: www.werryfuneralhomes.com.

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PAGE A4 • JUNE 10, 2014



Fathers, making your life as special as possible

Madeleine, you are so lucky to have a many times do kids hear the words, ther and thy mother....’ should say it all. wonderful father to honor this Father’s ‘Just wait until your father gets home?’ Of course, fathers are not always right; Day. You take this for granted, because I know that I must have said that hun- they are only trying to do the best they he has always dreds of times. can. I had many arguments with grandDEAREST MADELEINE been there for Madeleine, when Uncle Todd pa about over-reacting to situations. I you. Since and your father were young, will never forget the time he stopped the day you BY grandpa worked at General Elec- the old red station wagon on vacation, were born, CATHY tric, and I was left many evenings pulled two mis-behaving little boys out my son, POWERS to keep them from killing each the back door, apply spanking to their Sean, has alother. I made many calls to let Don backsides, and we then went on down ways been threaten them about what punish- the road. However, he has always loved your loving protector. Alexander and ment they would receive the next day. his children and tries to do all that he Issabella came along to share his un- I am very happy to say that both of my can for them. wavering dedication to making your boys grew into adulthood and are now As I said earlier, I can only imaglives as special as possible. best friends. ine how wonderful it would have been Father’s Day has been around for a In the future, Madeleine, I know that to have the strong arms of a father to long time; it was 100 years old in 2010. all of you will become frustrated and an- run to. Even as an adult, I have always A young lady named Senora Smart gry at your father, most especially when yearned for a father to call up for so Dodd began it all when she wanted to you are a little older. Like preventing many reasons. Despite their ages now, honor her Spokane, Washington dad. you from injuring yourself as a toddler, all three of my children call your grandHer mother had died young, and rearing your dad will also ‘pull you back’ when father for some type of assistance or her and her brothers fell to their father. he senses any later dangers. There will advice on a fairly regular basis. I may Of course, in our times, it is not unusual be boys he will disapprove of, and par- have given out the hugs, but he was the for a single parent to be totally respon- ties you can’t attend. He may buy you a one who was always available to crawl sible for children. car when you are old enough to drive, under the house to fix the drain, or help I speak from the bittersweet memo- but don’t be surprised when he will also build something. ries of having grown up without a fa- control when and where you can use it. So, Madeleine, vow to always love ther, and I tell you and the others many It would be easy to always say ‘yes’ but your father unconditionally, just like he times how lucky you are. Grandpa Don, that is not what the job of fathers is all does you. He may not always say the also lost his father at an early age, when about. right thing, nor let you Culver Powers was killed in WWII. AlI have heard of cases have your way, but as though my grandfather stepped up to do of stepfathers letting long as he is able to draw all that he could to be a father figure, young folks do anything breath, you can count on I have always felt a profound sense of they please, just to gain him. He will brush away loss. As cruel little children will do, I favor, and appear to be tears at your graduation, was teased by others when I was a little more ‘loving’ than the wedding, and when you girl. real father. However, give him grandchildren. Teenagers sometimes feel anger to- this is not the real thing. It will nearly kill him ward their parents, and forget the end- Teaching children the when you move out of less love, lack of sleep, and so much correct way to live their Madeleine and Sean Powers the house. However, he else they were lucky to have when they lives is not always easy. will not let you see any were small children. Discipline is another form of love. of this. You, and anyone else who has a It is usually the unenviable task of I rarely quote verses from the Bible, living father, should feel very fortunate most dads to be the rule enforcer. How but the one that begins ‘Honor thy fa- and blessed.

PC Health Department to offer free vaccinations to adults The Posey County Health Department is pleased to announce that we are now an Indiana Publicly Funded Adult Vaccine Provider. This program provides Tdap, Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis B vaccines at no charge to qualifying adults, 19 years of age and older. To receive this vaccine, one must meet the financial need and risk category requirements set forth by

the Indiana State Department of Health. To meet the financial need requirement, an adult must have No private health insurance coverage for vaccines or be Medicaid eligible. If you have any questions or would like to set-up an appointment, please call the Public Health Nurse, Kristina Carter, RN BSN at 838-1330.

PHS News June 20 Golf Outing Mark your calendars and get ready to mark those score cards. June 20 is the Posey Humane Society’s Golf Outing at Western Hills Country Club. Whether you golf as a single or part of a team, you can be sure to have a great time. Sign up for the morning and/or afternoon rounds. For more information or to register, contact Shannon at 812-455-7357. Over Three and Free Your Purrfect Companion is waiting for you at Posey Humane Society. Now is a great time to come meet all the great cats at PHS. Have you thought about providing a home to an adult cat? Adopting an older cat has some great advantages. There are no surprises about the size of the animal. All the teething and chewing kittens can do is past history. Adult cats already have established their litter box habits and their personalities are much

more obvious. The staff at PHS knows their animals and can help you select one that will be the best possible fit for your family and lifestyle. All cats three years of age and older are available for adoption at no charge. They will be current on shots and spayed or neutered. What a great time to adopt !! Stop by today and meet your future best friend. (Normal adoption procedure applies). Critter Wish List The animals and staff at Posey Humane want to thank everyone for their continued support and thoughtful gifts and donations. For the next few weeks, the greatest need will continue to be dry cat food and any type of cat litter. Additionally, the dogs would enjoy toys and treats. Supplies like bleach, paper towels, extra-large trash bags, laundry detergent and gently used towels and dishcloths are always appreciated. Remember you can also help the environment and PHS

Featured Animals

of The Posey County Pound Puppies Call (812)-305-4737 for more information

by dropping off your aluminum cans for the Paws to Recycle Program. Donations can be dropped off daily at the shelter located at 6500 Leonard Road Mount Vernon, Ind. The shelter is just off Hwy 62 east of Mount Vernon. If you have any questions just call the shelter at 812-838-3211. And as always thank you for helping the animals. Upcoming Posey Humane Rummage Sale Have you been trying to convince yourself to clean out those closets or maybe tackle that garage or attic? Posey Humane will be having a rummage sale to help the animals later this summer. The details for the event are being worked out but it will take place in July. Any donations of gently used furniture, household items, toys and tools will be appreciated. Please keep us in mind and watch the paper for more details in the near future.

Subscribe Today!!! Call 812-682-3950

Please come help us celebrate Augusta Ashworth’s 100th Birthday on June 21 from 1-4 p.m. at the Moose Lodge in Mount Vernon, Ind. All friends and family are welcome. Light refreshments, cake and ice cream will be served. No gifts please, but our goal is for her to get 100 birthday cards. If you wold like to send a card, her address is 1415 Country Club Road, Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620.

PCPP News Adoption Special Adoption Special Continues - adoption fees will be waived on select dogs at the shelter. Normal adoption procedures are required - application, interview, home visit. Please check out the dogs on our Facebook page or at pcpoundpuppies. com. Adoption Location Please visit PC Pound Puppies at Pet Food Center

North (on First Avenue by Target) on Sundays, Noon to 4, where you can meet many of the dogs available for adoption. Pictures are posted in the window of Pet Food Center North, and a flier is displayed at Hawthorne Animal Clinic. If you see a dog you are interested in, please email us at pc_ poundpuppies@yahoo.com or go to our website and submit an application.

THANK YOU The Family of Wanda “Bonnie” Lee Redman would like to thank everyone who has been there for us over the past few weeks during her illness and passing on May 31, 2014. The generosity shown to our family has been tremendous, which has made our sorrow so much easier to bear. We would also like to thank New Harmonie Health Care during her brief stay there, Gateway Deaconess Hospital staff and doctors and Schneider Funeral Home. Her care, the visits, calls, food, flowers and prayers were so greatly appreciated. Thanks again to everyone who has recently touched our lives in so many ways. Martin Ray, Connie, Tom, Greg and our families

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Min Pin mix picked up on County Line Road on June 3. Jack Russell Terrier, tiny older female, picked up on Caborn Road on June 6.

Featured Animals

of The Posey Humane Society. Call (812)-838-3211 for more information Dartt is an approximately two-year-old male who is extremely sweet and affectionate. He would do best in a quieter home, as he is a little shy, but does fantastic with other animals.

Birthdays June 10 - Alyssa Brown, Jourdan Tyler Cox, Hanna Blevins, Neil Laughbaum, Linda Hensley, Mary Beth Southard, Leigh Latshaw June 11 - Aaron James McCleave, Bill Thompson, Andrew White, Heath Hoffman, Jacob Kurzendoerfer, Andrew White, Harold Carter, Margaret Little, Chloe Werry June 12 - Eula Freeman, Esther Franz, Nellie Ours, Sergei Deptula June 13 - Carmen Allen, Millie Brickman, Riley Goad, Ashley Hasenyager, Zachary Hasenyager, Lynn Mobley, Kristina Moore,

Glen Parker, Craig Reynolds, Noah Roberts June 14 - Betty Cohoon, Cheryl Morlock June 15 - Liz Effinger, Ronald Dale Blackburn, Amy Cox, Carl Nix Jr., David Stallings, Paul Werry, Mathew Wilkinson, Krystina Conville, Dan Bratcher June 16 - Ashley Wiggins, Shawn Medina, Jackie Brock, Cheri Conyers If you have a name to be included in the birthday calendar, please send to: Posey County News, P.O. Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631 or email: news1@ poseycountynews.com.

JUNE 8, 2004 10 YEARS AGO A groundbreaking was held for the new $27.5 million David Rice Library on the University of Southern Indiana campus. Participating were Ruth Miller, David Huber, Ray Hoops, David Rice and Betty Rice. Monica Collins was the Courage Award Winner at the Mount Vernon Relay for Life. Former North Posey baseball standout Nathan Esche and former Mount Vernon girls soccer player Megan Williams each earned Academic All-GLVC honors. Heather Weiss and Brandi Emge have been awarded a $500 scholarship from the United Church of Christ in Cynthiana. All of the county-owned and operated buildings were made smoke-free work places. The Mount Vernon Downtown Historical District has been entered into the National Register of Historic Places. A single-engine plane made an emergency landing in a Posey County farm field. Harry Potter III and Garfield showing at the Harmonie Haus in New Harmony. Ally Brandenstein, Mason Wassmer, Madelyn McGee, Justin Germano, Emma Wildeman, Mia Schmitt, Averie Holbrook and Ryan Daugherty are among those who received their diplomas during the Kinder Schule graduation ceremonies. New Harmony’s Drew Mathews shot a 79 in the Evansville Sectional Boys’ golf at Fendrich. June 10 birthdays: Hannah Blevins, Alyssa Brown, Andrew Comstock, Jourdan Tyler Cox, Mary Beth “Buffy” Southard and Mary Stumpp.

JUNE 6, 1989 25 YEARS AGO An entourage of more than 50 actors, actresses, writers, producers, directors and cinematographers were in New Harmony for the third annual New Harmony Project. Mr. and Mrs. Urban Simon of Owensville will celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary with an open house on June 17 in Haubstadt. Kim and Jim Hoehn are the new owners of A New You, located in the North Main Plaza in Mount Vernon. Alles Brothers, Tri-County Equipment Co., Rosenbaums and Southwind Shooting advertise Father’s Day Specials. Mount Vernon School Board approves employment of Dana Taylor who will assume the position of fired Choral Music Director Geoff Leonard. Also, students in the first grade will pay $60, an increase of $4 over previous year. For five months workers at Medco’s Mount Vernon facility have been on strike. Jim Little won the Governor’s Cup 8-K men’s race held at Harmonie Park, and Jackie Hoehn finished third among women. Chuck Swartz of Mount Vernon scores to a second place finish in the Posey County Open at Mount Vernon’s Brittlebank Park. ‘Star Wars’ dancers in Lory’s School of Dance annual show included Kayce Wenderoth, Shelly Grubb and Erica Seib. Area deaths included: George Osborne Sr., Dorcus Schneider, Charlotte Carson and Ben Heifert. Mount Vernon will be getting two new vehicles, a new fully equipped police car and the Street Department will be getting a new packer truck.

JUNE 5, 1964 50 YEARS AGO Thomas E. Fletchall, so of Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Fletchall of Poseyville, has accepted a position with the Indiana National Bank in Indianapolis and will assume duties on June 15. Mr. and Mrs. John Stohl are the parents of a baby daughter, Theresa Marie, born at St. Mary’s hospital. The first tomato of the season at St. Wendel was picked May 29 by Francis Seibert. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Brown of Cynthiana were the Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Harper and girls. Marvin Memmer and John Whitmore have been presented the Sow and Pig Management Awards by Moorman Manufacturing Co. of Quincy, Ill. Loren Woods, son of Dr. A. L. Woods and the late Mrs. Woods, returned early this week from an eight months expedition in the Indian Ocean. Grayson B. Cowling, agent for Poseyville Farm Bureau Insurance, has received recognition as ‘Highest Hoosier of the Month’. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Cox, Poseyville, are announcing the birth of twin daughters, Patricia A. and B arbara A born at Deaconess Hospital. Area weddings: Mrs. Marie Robb of Stewartsville became the bride of Roy Workman. Miss Sarah Kingsley will become the bride of Mr. Robert Joseph Wilson. Miss Janet Susan Fletchall became the bride of Gordon Leonard Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Rutledge and family have moved into their new home. June 5, 6 and 7 was the Grand Opening for Emory’s Mobil Service in New Harmony.

Compilation by Michelle Gibson


SOCIAL Anniversary


Larry and Sharon Burkhart

Daryl and Carolyn Shuck

Larry and Sharon Burkhart plan to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday, June 29, 2014 at the First United Methodist Church Wesley Hall from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Larry and the former Sharon Toothman were married June 6, 1964 at First United Methodist Church in Mount Vernon, Ind. They are the parents of Anna Burkhart of Mount Veron and Randal Burkhart of High Pointe, NC. They have five grandchildren. Larry retired from the U.S. Forest Service as District Ranger in Murphysboro Ill. in 1994. Sharon retired from Nursing at St. Joseph Hospital in Murphysboro, Ill. in 2005.

Daryl and Carolyn (Lucy) Shuck will be celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary with a dinner with family and friends. The couple married on June 6, 1964 in Carmi, Ill. They have two children, the late Daryl W. Shuck of Denver, Colo. and Traci (Bret) Baldwin of Mount Vernon, Ind. They are the grandparents of Olivia and Grace Baldwin of Mount Vernon, Ind., and Daryl Rena, Maxanne, and Samantha Shuck of Denver, Colo. Great grandparent of Daryl Joseph Shuck.

SUBSCRIBE: CALL 812-682-3950

New Harmony Gallary exhibition features collage work The New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art presents “The Collected Past,” an exhibition of work by Hollie Chastain, Saturday, June 7, through Saturday, July 19, when a closing reception for the artist will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. The exhibition and reception are free and open to the public. The exhibition features collage work comprised of 97 percent found and antique materials. Drawing on the “signs of a past life” in the form of markings, writing, etc., Chastain finds inspiration in both folklore and vintage photographs in creating her works on panel and book covers. “I have found a constant well of inspiration from vintage photos, beaten and work books, found letters and other paper ephemera,” Chastain said. “These things are what led me to collage as a medium to begin with, so it's difficult to imagine making work without them.” Quirky collected snapshots and portraits are recreated into new work from battered, dusty beginnings. “I let the school book scribbles play a role in the composition bringing a new life to what was once forgotten scraps of history, a bored doodle on a math textbook cover, a little peek into a moment of a now anonymous child in the 50s. A little bit of every collage I make has a past that is older than me and I feel honored to be able to give it a new beginning.” After working with various media at an early age, the selftaught Chastain fell in love with collage. The subject of her pieces is often influenced by the materials, as opposed to building around a sketch or idea. She has had exhibitions in galleries and boutiques all over the world, and her work has been pub-

Wadesville is site for Ham radio event On the weekend of June 28, 29, the public will have a chance to meet and talk with Evansville and Wadesville area ham radio operators and see for themselves what the Amateur Radio Service is about as hams across the USA will be holding public demonstrations of emergency abilities. This annual event, called ‘Field Day’ is the climax of the week long ‘Amateur Radio Week’ sponsored by the ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio. Using only emergency power supplies, ham operators will construct emergency stations in parks, shopping malls, schools and backyards around the country. In the Wadesville area, Hams will be demonstrating at the Wadesville General Baptist Community Center on Joest Rd. They invite the public to come and see ham radio’s new capabilities and learn how to get their own FCC radio license before the next disaster strikes. To learn more go to www.emergency-radio.org

lished in several magazines. For more information go to http:// www.holliechastain.com. The New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art is an outreach partner of the University of Southern Indiana. The gallery is located at 506 Main Street in New Harmony, Indiana. Regular hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and noon to 4 p.m. Sunday. For more information, call 812682-3156 or go to www.usi.edu/nhgallery.

Your news is always welcome here! Please email news1@poseycountynews.com

Or call 682-3950

Achieve Academy of Dance to perform Achieve Academy of Dance and Tumbling presents "Beyond the Sea" on Friday, June 13 and Saturday, June 14 at 7 p.m. at Gibson Southern High School Theatre located at 3499 W. 800 S., Fort Branch, Ind. 47648. Set sail on our ship of dreams as we cruise the open sea. Take a dive in the pool, dine glamorously with the boat's ritziest, play a game of shuffleboard, or stop-off to catch some rays on the beach. The fun is endless on a cruise, but rough tides against a powerful ship may prove otherwise. Tickets may be purchased online at achieveacademyofdance.com. Tickets may also be sold at the door. There is assigned seating and tickets are selling quickly.

Five rules to prevent mosquito bites The Posey County Health Department shares Five Rules to Prevent Mosquito Bites: 1. Dawn & Dusk: Stay indoors at sunrise, sunset, and early evening hours when mosquitos are the most active. 2. Dress: Wear light-colored, lightweight long sleeve shirts, pants, and socks when

outdoors to decrease mosquito-skin contact. 3. Defend: Apply a thin layer of an appropriate insect repellent containing DEET or Picardin (according to the product label) to your exposed skin and clothing. 4. Drain: Drain standing water (mosquito breeding ground) from birdbaths,



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garden ponds, saucers under flower pots, unused kids pools, pet water dishes, outdoor toys, buckets, boats, canoes, tarps, pool covers, wheelbarrows, rain gutters, pipes etc. 5. Screen: Mosquitos can fly through small openings. Check and repair screens on your windows and doors. Use caulk to fill tiny gaps/cracks in your windows to ensure a good seal. For more information please visit: http://www.cdc. gov/westnile/index.html Please call the Health Department Environmental Division at 812-838-1329 or Public Health Nurse at 812838-1330 with any questions or concerns.

american legion post 370

JUNE 10, 2014 • PAGE A5

Fundraiser set for June 29 to benefit Valiers

There will be a Golf Scramble Fundraiser held for Chris Valier and family on Sunday, June 29 at the Western Hills Country Club in Mount Vernon. Deli sandwiches will be served at noon, and golf starts at 1 p.m. The team entry fee is $200 with mulligans $20 per team. Players will pay fee at the sign-up table starting around 11 a.m. Anyone is allowed to sign up for the golf scramble. Golfers lunch is included in team entry fee. Par three holes prizes will be donated by WSI. If you would like to sign up, please contact Heath Rigsby, WHCC golf pro at 838-5631. Other activities are also planned for friends and family of the Valiers to make this a very fun and enjoyable day for all. Everyone in the community is welcome to come check out our slient auction baskets and gifts. Anyone wanting to donate items for the silent auction may email Jacinda Keitel at jkcinda@scbglobal.

com or Crystal Collins at crystalgcollins@gmail.com. We will be selling halfpot tickets that day with the drawing to be at the end of the golf scramble. Anyone can purchase half-pot tickets. Arts, crafts, games and snacks for young children will be available. We will be selling “family” and “friend’s” signs. These are signs that family and friends can purchase to show support to the family. The signs will read “family of the Valiers” or “friends of the Valiers” with the sponsor’s name below. Friends of the Valier children: Jack, Lauren and Ava will be hand decorating the signs. Each sign is a minimum of $50. We had a family donate all the signs to show their love and support to Chris and Julie. T-shirts, which have been donated by Christy Pearison and family, will also be sold. For more information regarding the golf scramble and the silent auction please contact Jacinda Keitel at 4495540.

NH Bicentennial Parade entries needed by July 20 The New Harmony Bicentennial Commission is seeking entries for its Bicentennial parade to be held August 9, 2014. Churches, civic organizations, school groups, music groups, emergency service organizations, and all others are welcome. Registration forms are available at www.newharmony-in. gov or by calling 812-682-4012. Registration deadline is July 20.

State Park offers swim lessons Harmonie State Park will be offering swim lessons this summer. To enroll in summer lessons, please call the park office 682-4821. A limited number of children will be enrolled. Lesson fees must be paid at the pool on the first day of the session. Session I: Dates: June 9-19 (MondayThursday for two weeks); Time: 1010:50 a.m.; Ages: Four - Twelve; Levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced; Cost: $25 per child (Does not include gate fee). Session II: Dates: July 7-17 (MondayThursday for two weeks); Time: 1010:50 a.m.; Ages: Four - Twelve; Levels:

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced; Cost: $25 per child (Does not include gate fee). Introduction to Swimming Intro Session I: Dates: June 23-26 (Monday-Thursday for one week); Time: 10-10:50 a.m.; Ages: Two-Three; Cost: $15 per child (Does not include gate fee); Parents must accompany child in the water. Intro Session II: Dates: July 21-24 (Monday-Thursday for one week); Time: 10-10:50 a.m.; Ages: Two-Three; Cost: $15 per child (Does not include gate fee); Parents must accompany child in the water.

2014 Serve Indiana Awards nomination The Serve Indiana Awards for Excellence are Indiana’s most prestigious awards celebrating the accomplishments of dedicated volunteers and service members from across the state. Nominations are currently being accepted for individuals who have displayed exemplary service through volunteering in the categories of Corporate Service, Exemplary Service-Learning, Faith-Based Volunteer, Lifetime Achievement, National Service, Volunteer Program, Volunteerism, and Youth Volunteer. To nominate an individual, a group, or yourself, download the nomination form from the website at http://www.in.gov/serveindiana/awards.htm. Once the form is completed, it can be submitted electronically or by mail. Serve Indiana requests that all nominations be submitted by July 18, 2014. The awards are presented annually at the Indiana Conference on Service and Nonprofit Capacity-Building which is held at the IUPUI Campus Center in Indianapolis this year on October 1-2.As in previous years, the goal of the conference will be to provide a forum where Indiana nonprofit leaders, volunteer coordinators, national service members and service-learning participants can engage in meaningful dialogue, exchange best practices, receive training, establish partnerships, and celebrate accomplishments. Individuals can go to the conference website at http://igcnonprofit. org/ to learn more. For more information regarding the annual conference or the service awards, please contact Curt Ferrell at CFerrell@ServeIndiana.gov.

Poseyville Carnegie Public Library news Summer is finally here, and what does that mean at the Poseyville Carnegie Public Library? It means having endless fun making crazy, fizzing concoctions, playing with gigantic bubbles, poking and prodding glowing blobs, and so much more wacky fun. Join us Monday mornings at 11:30 a.m. for our Pre-K story time where we’ll be having a blast decorating giant rockets, building miniature alien spaceships, and getting our hands messy with so many more fun activities. For all the K-second kiddos, join Ms. Haley every Tuesday at 2 p.m.

for story time and craft. The kids will become mad scientists, experimenting with robots, slime, rockets, and more. All the third-fifth graders are in for a slimy surprise on Thursdays at 1 p.m. Join Ms. Claire and special guests for crazy fun in a special ooey gooey science lab on June 26. Kids will spend the summer making pet jellyfish, melted crayon art, glowing rainbow bounce balls, and so many other cool and exciting creations. And to all our teen and tween friends, don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten you. We’re going to have a cra-

zy fun time creating homemade lip balm, lava lamps, gross-out naked eggs, and much more. If you’re ready to spend your summer as a mad scientist, join us here at Poseyville Carnegie Public Library on June 9, when registration begins. (Have questions? The staff of Poseyville Carnegie Public Library is here to help you and can be reached by phone at (812)874-3418, by email at circulation@pcpl.lib.in.us, or by submitting your question on the Ask-A-Librarian page on the library’s website (www.pcpl.lib. in.us).)

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PAGE A6 • JUNE 10, 2014



Lots of fun was had by all at the annual event, which included food, bounce houses, body orbz, and shaved ice treats. Photos by Theresa Bratcher Josiah Glaspell and Paige Crabtree play a game of Frisbee Tic-Tac-Toe at the park in Cynthiana during the Turning Point Apostolic Church Block Party held Saturday.

St. Matthew, Trinity hold VBS Calling all weird animals. Mark your calendars for the exciting ‘Weird Animals’ Vacation Bible School sponsored by St. Matthew Catholic Church and Trinity United Church of Christ. The high-energy, high-impact experience happens 1-3 p.m. on Monday June 16 through Friday June 20. The fun each day begins in the Fellowship Hall of Trinity UCC, located at the corner of Mulberry and Fifth Streets in Mount Vernon. Parents may come early to register their children ages four through eleven at the door for one or more days. It is free. What is a weird animal, you may ask? Any kid that wants to experience Jesus’ love that is one-of-a-kind in a fun summer adventure. Kids will come into a world filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences that kids see, hear, touch, and even taste. Science, fun gizmos, team-building games, cool Bible songs and skits, and tasty treats are just a few of the stand-out activities that will help their faith flow into real life. A new feature this year is KidVid Cinema, where kids learn from movies starring children with autism and other challenges. Parents may save time by registering their children in advance by picking up a registration form at St. Matthew Catholic Church or Trinity United Church of Christ. For more information, call (812) 838-0018 and leave a message.

VBS set for Poseyville Churches Again this summer, Poseyville Christian Church, Old Union Christian Church, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, and St. Paul’s Methodist Church will join together to present a Vacation Bible School program. The program starts Monday, June 23 at 5:45 p.m. and runs through Friday, June 27. Monday through Thursday a simple child-friendly meal will be served in the cafeteria followed by sessions of music, Bible stories, games, and crafts. Friday evening will be a family celebration with cake and ice cream that will start at 6 p.m. ‘Weird Animals’ will be featured each evening with the central theme being ‘Jesus Loves You’ even when you do wrong, feel left out, are afraid, and are different. Volunteers, of course, are needed to help make this a great time for the children. Leaders and assistants are asked to sign up for music, games, crafts, and Bible stories. Students who have completed sixth grade through high school may assist adult leaders. Crew leaders are asked to sign up as well. Crew leaders simply lead a small group of children from one session to another and help make a ‘family’ for the children for the week. Registration forms and Volunteer forms are requested by June 1 if possible to allow for time to purchase adequate supplies and food. The forms are available at any of the four churches, Hirsch’s Store, Community State Bank Poseyville Branch, and the Poseyville Post Office. If you have questions, you can contact any of the four churches, or Anna Butler at albutler@hotmail.com or Marilyn Marshall at mmarshall@csbswin.com

Eli Kinman enjoys his play time at the Turning Point Apostolic Church Block Party held Saturday.

Gospel group Glad Heart to sing at Saint Paul’s UMC on June 15 A southern gospel mixed quartet from Benton, Ill. known as GladHeart will perform at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Poseyville on Sunday, June 15, during their 8:15 a.m. worship service. The public is invited to attend. A free will offering will be taken.

Community Table for June Free meal every Thursday, serving from 5 to 6 p.m. at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome. Singles, couples and families. No preaching, just good eating. Thursday, June 12 - Baked Ravioli, Corn, Apple Slices, Cookies Thursday, June 19 – Southwest Chicken, Tortilla Chips, Cottage Cheese, Dessert Thursday, June 26 – Hot Ham and Cheese, Chips, Pears, Cookies

Sermon of the Week: The Role of Government By Pastor Timothy Johnson Talking with friends about the Snowden interview, I discovered something interesting. People with similar backgrounds, worldviews and military experience were on different sides of the fence about this fellow; some said, “Patriot!” others said, “Traitor!” The discussion soon left Mr. Snowden and went deeper, the question arose, “What is the role of government in our lives?” This column today will attempt to answer that question from the Bible. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Tea everyone in office is there because God has ordained them to be there, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher pow-

Worship with us

Agape Family Ministries Pastor Jim Weihrauch 5529 Industrial Road Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-2232 Sun./Children’s Church 10:30 a.m. Wed. Prayer Service 7 p.m. Apostolic Bible Church Pastor Greg Morrison 9808 New Harmony Road Poseyville, Ind. 47633 Phone: 812-851-5456 Sun. Service at 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Bethesda General Baptist Church 1600 Savah Road Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Calvary Baptist Church Rev. Kevin Petty 618 Main Street Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-4777 Sun. School 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. Church of Christ 700 Mill Street Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-2635 Sun. School 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m. Church of God Mission Pastor Rick Brock 627 W. 5th Street Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-2236 Sun. Worship 11 a.m. & 7 p.m. Wed. Worship 7 p.m. Church of the Nazarene 531 E. Steammill Street New Harmony, Ind. 47631 Phone: 812-682-3288 Sun. School 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Covenant Reformed Presbyeterian Church (OPC) Pastor Russ Westbrook Pastor Sam Allison 4101 Caborn Rd. Mt. Vernon Sun. Worship, 9:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting 6:30pm

ers, For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God” (Romans 13:1). From President Obama down to every small town mayor every public servant is in office because God wants them there. Another note here, “there is no power” includes all authority. A kindergarten teacher has authority over her students, a boss has authority over his employees, a meter maid has authority over everyone with a parked car on the street, a parent has authority over a child, nearly everyone has authority over someone else in some capacity. God, has ordained everyone, in one way or another, to a specific task, a specific purpose. God has given governFair Haven Christ Fellowship Church Pastor Mike Douglas 10500 Hwy 68 Cynthiana, Ind. 47612 Phone: 812-568-8409 Sun. Worship: 9:57 a.m. Wed. Evening: 6:57 p.m. Wed. Evening Community Supper 6:30 p.m. First Baptist Church Pastor Derrick Ousley 1205 N. Main Street Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-2187 Sun. Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:40 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wed. Evening 6 p.m. First Baptist Church E. Tavern Street New Harmony, Ind. 47631 Sun. School 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:40 a.m. & 6 p.m. Bible Study Wed. Evening 6 p.m. First Christian Church Pastor Mary Hurley 7226 Hwy 66 Wadesville, Ind. 47638 Phone: 812-673-4278 Sun. Worship 10 a.m. First Christian Church Pastor John Hilbert 1403 Country Club Road Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-2855 First Church of the Nazarene Rev. Myers Hyman 424 Vine Street Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-2743 First Presbyterian Church Rev. Monica Gould 120 E. Sixth Street Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-2473 Sun. School 9 a.m. Worship Service 10:15 a.m. First United Church of Christ Pastor Bret A. Myers Corner of North & Walnut Cynthiana, Ind. 47612 Sun. Worship 8 a.m. First United Methodist Church Pastor Tim Ahlemeyer 601 Main Street Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-2640 Sun. School 9:30 Sun. Worship 8:15 & 10:30 a.m. Griffin Christian Church Rev. Doug Emberton 319 N. Main Street Griffin, Ind. 47616 Phone: 812-851-3291

ment two specific purposes. Throughout the Old Testament, we see kings (the government) raise armies for the defense of the people. As neighboring nation’s anger or greed rose to the boiling point and Israel had to defend herself, the king was responsible to put the army in the field to fend off the advancing hoards. Another purpose for the government was the punishment of evildoers, “Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him (God) for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well” (1 Peter 2:14 see also Romans 13:3-4). Therefore, God’s purpose for the government can be boiled down to the Department of Defense and the

Department of Justice. In summary, an army, a police force and a judicial system; that is it. It is usually at this point someone will yell, “What about roads, bridges, infrastructure?” Remember, we are talking about what the Bible says government role is; nowhere in the Bible does God tell the king to build roads. I am not saying it is a sin for the government to build a road or a bridge, I am only saying the Bible says nothing about it. The next thing people will bring up is all the charity our government is involved in; food stamps, welfare, HUD, free cell phones and the list goes on, and on, and on, and on. Christ tells the church

to feed the poor, widows and handicapped (Matthew 19:21; Mark 10:21; Luke 18:22; Luke 19:8; Romans 15:26; Galatians 2:10; James 1:27; 1 Timothy 5:3-16). “Education, the government needs to put tons of money into education.” Some will say. Well, God tells us that the education of children is not the responsibility of the community but of the parents (Deuteronomy 4:9, 6:7; Proverbs 22:6). That does not mean that the actual class time cannot be handed over to a trained teacher but the responsibility still rests on the parents. Therefore, the parents need to be active in a child’s learning, know what books they are reading and what is going on in

the classroom. The teacher, school and even the school board in answerable to the parents because the parents are responsible and answerable to God. What has happened over the years that the role of government has grown and the role of the individual and the church has shrunk. This has caused people to believe the government is the one that provides and has reduced God from being a person, one who loves the individual cares for his soul and provides for his needs, to someone who is not even on many people’s radar in our society. History has proven, the larger the government, the smaller God is in the eyes of the people.

Sun. School 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m.

Wed. Student Ministries 6 p.m.

Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-5445 Sun. Holy Eucharist 9 a.m.

10 N. St. Francis Avenue, Poseyville, Ind. 47633 Phone: 812-874-2220 Saturday Mass 6 p.m. Sun. Mass 9 a.m.

Harvestime Temple Pastor Mark Tabor 101 Roosevelt Drive Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-5447 Christian Education 9 a.m. Sun. Worship 10 a.m.; 6 p.m. Wed. Worship 7 p.m. Holy Angels Catholic Church Pastor Jim Sauer 423 South Street New Harmony, Ind. 47631 Phone: 812-838-2535 Sun. Mass 10:15 a.m. Immanuel United Church of Christ Rev. Douglas E. Turner 5812 N. Ford Road Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-985-3115 Sun. School 9 a.m. Sun. Worship 10 a.m. Independent Pentecostal Assembly Pastor David Payne 312 Mulberry Street Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m. & 7 p.m. Thurs. 7 p.m. Johnson United Methodist Church Rev. John Adams 403 Raintree, New Harmony, Ind. 47631 Phone: 812-682-4648 Sun. School 9 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m. Lighthouse Assembly of God Pastor Jason Farrar 1005 E. Tavern St. New Harmony, Ind. 47631 Messiah Lutheran Church Rev. Sean Esterline 7700 Middle Mount Vernon Road Evansville, Ind. 47712 Phone: 812-985-2278 Sun. Worship 8 & 10:15 a.m. Sun. School 9 a.m. Wed. Folk Service 6:30 p.m. Thurs. Bible Study 10 a.m. Mount Pleasant Church 3801 Blackford Road Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-3930 Sun. School 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m. Mount Vernon General Baptist Church Pastor Matthew Watson 1717 N. Main Street Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-4555 Sun. School 9:30 Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.

Mount Vernon Community Church/ Black’s Chapel United Methodist Pastor John Motz 1800 West Fourth Street Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-0318 Mount Zion General Baptist Church Rev. Rick Sellers 1425 Oliver Road Wadesville, Ind. 47638 Phone: 812-783-2337 Sun. School 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:30 Sun. Bible Study/Prayer 6 p.m. New Beginnings Christian Fellowship Church 11420 Middle Mount Vernon Road Evansville, Ind. 47712 Phone: 812-985-5288 New Harmony Christian Church Rev. Harry Wheatcroft 307 N. Brewery Street New Harmony, Ind. 47631 Phone: 812-682-3626 Sun. School 9 a.m. Sun. Worship 10 a.m. Wed. Bible Study 6 p.m North Posey Community Church Dr. Lee Brown, Pastor Poseyville, Ind. 47633 812-874-2028 Worship: Sun. 10:30 Bible Study: Sun. 6 p.m. Small groups for men, women, youth and children, Wed. 6 p.m. PoCo Joes, Fri. from 7-11 p.m. Old Union Christian Church Pastor Baret Fawbush 10017 S. State Rd. 165 Poseyville, IN 47633 Phone: 812-874-3186 Sun. School 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:15 a.m. Wed. Kid’s Bible Club 4:30 p.m. Point Church of the Nazarene, Rev. Troy DeKemper 12611 Bonebank Road Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-5182 Sun. School 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m. Wed. 6:30 p.m. Poseyville Christian Church Rev. Bob Hicks, Interim Pastor 6 E. Main St. , Poseyville, Ind. 47633 Phone: 812-874-3411 Sun. Gathering Fellowship 9:15 a.m. Sun. School 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m. Saint John’s Episcopal Church Rev. Allen Rutherford 602 Mulberry Street

St. Matthew Catholic Church Pastor Jim Sauer 421 Mulberry Street Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-2535 Saturday Mass 6 p.m. Sun. Mass 8:30 a.m. St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Rev. Rev. Paul Huntsman 46 Cales Street, Ind. 47633 Phone: 812-874-2251 St. Peter’s United Church of Christ Pastor Rev. Michael Erwin 10430 Hwy 66,Wadesville, Ind. 47638 Phone: 812-985-3416 Sun. School 9 a.m. Sun. Worship 10 a.m. St. Peter’s United Methodist Pastor Jeff Pinney 2800 S. Saint Philips Road Evansville, Ind. 47712 Phone: 812-985-3751 /985-2025 Sun. Worship 10:30 a.m. Saint Philip Catholic Church Father Thomas J. Kessler 3500 St. Philip Road South Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-985-2275 Saturday Mass 5:30 p.m. Sun. Mass 9:30 a.m. Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church 318 Main Street New Harmony, Ind. 47631 Phone: 812-682-4604 Sun. Christian Education 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II 10 a.m. Saint Wendel Catholic Church Father Edward Schnur 10542 W Boonville New Harmony Road Evansville, Ind. 47712 Phone: 812-963-3733 Sun. Mass 7:30 & 10:30 a.m.; 6 p.m. Salem Heusler United Church of Christ 11325 Lower Mount Vernon Road Evansville, Ind. 47712 Phone: 812-985-2542 Sun. School 9 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:15 a.m. South Gibson Apostolic Chapel Pastor Joe Sizemore 6144 S. 1075 W. Owensville, Ind. 47665 Phone: 812-729-7231 Sun. Worhship 10 a.m. Wed. Bible Study 7 p.m. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Father Edward Schnur

Stewartsville United Methodist Rev. Bill Ping RR 2 Poseyville, Ind. 47633 Phone: 812-851-5561 Sun. School 8:30 a.m. Sun. Worship 9:30 a.m. The House of Prayer Pastor J.I. Hargett 8012 Bald Knob Rd. Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-550-4653 Sun. Worship 10 a.m. Wednesday Worship 7 p.m. Friday Worship 8 p.m. The Turning Point 9800 Middle Mount Vernon Road Evansville, Ind. 47712 Phone: 812-985-9800 Trinity United Church of Christ Rev. Cynthia Priem, Pastor 505 Mulberry Street Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-838-3805 Adult Study 8:30 a.m. Sun. Worship & Kids Class 10:10 a.m. United Church of Christ of Cynthiana Sun. Worship 10:15 a.m. Thurs. night Kids Club 7 p.m. University Heights Baptist Church 8800 Middle Mount Vernon Road Evansville, Ind. 47712 Phone: 812-985-5158 Wadesville General Baptist Church 3262 Princeton Street Wadesville, Ind. 47638 Phone: 812-673-4660 Sun. School 9 a.m. Sun. Worship 10 a.m. Zion Lippe United Church of Christ Rev. Jay Warren 9000 Copperline Road East Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620 Phone: 812-985-2437 Sun. School 9 a.m. Family Worship 10 a.m. Zoar United Church of Christ Rev. John Motz 4600 Church Road Evansville, Ind. 47712 Phone: 812-963-3749 Sun. School 8:30 a.m. Sun. Worship 10 a.m. Mon. Bible Study 10 a.m. Thurs. Evening Bible Study 7 p.m.


JUNE 10, 2014 • PAGE A7


Sabic receives two awards from ACC

SABIC announced that its Mount Vernon plastics manufacturing site received two energy efficiency awards from the American Chemistry Council (ACC) as part of their Responsible Care® program for reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and energy usage at its site. The first award recognized the site for its project introducing a new steam preheater used to preheat LEXAN™ polycarbonate resin solution using steam, therefore reducing the amount of heat that is needed when the plastic is being dried later in the manufacturing process. This helped SABIC to realize significant sustainability and financial benefits, including CO2 emissions reduction (3,188 tons) and energy usage reduction (54,502 MMBTU/year) in 2013. Additionally, SABIC’s Mount Vernon facility was commended for the installation of advanced process controls on a dryer, which led to a reduction in energy usage (14,256 MMBTU/year) operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions (834 tons) in 2013 compared with previous years. The awards were two of five granted to SABIC by the ACC for the company’s efforts to improve manufacturing processes and manage resources more efficiently at several of its sites including Pittsfield; Mount Vernon, Indiana; Ottawa, Illinois; and Bay St Louis, Mississippi.

4-H Food Auction set Please plan to attend the 2014 Posey County 4-H Fair and support this year’s 4-H Food Auction. Our selection of goodies will be better than ever, and everyone, from individuals to businesses and community organizations, is welcome to bid. The 4-H Food Auction will be held Monday, July 14, 2014. The auction will start at 6 p.m. in the air-conditioned Posey County Com-

munity Center on the Posey County 4-H Fairgrounds, and all proceeds are used to support the educational activities of the Posey County 4-H Youth Development program. Please attend this year’s Posey County 4-H Fair and support this worthwhile event. For more information, call the Purdue Extension-Posey County Office at 812-838-1331.

Reitz Class of 1954 plans reunion

The Reitz High School Class of 1954 reunion will be on Sunday, October 12 this year in the Cambridge Clubhouse at 2 p.m. Cost for the dinner at 5 p.m. is $25 per person. For questions, information please contact Joella Moore at 1215 Longmeadow Way, Evansville, IN 47725, phone 812-6260752 or email jo-eville@hotmail.com.

Daylily sale and display to be held A daylily sale and daylily display will be held Saturday, June 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Washington Square Mall in Evansville sponsored by Southwestern Indiana Daylily Society (SWIDS). The public is invited to vote for their favorite daylilies in the display and will have the opportunity to register to win an award-winning daylily. Pictures, prices, and information about the daylily cultivars for sale may be viewed at www.swids.org. Proceeds will be used for our youth educational program and to fund annual scholarships for tri-state area students majoring in horticulture-related studies.

Members of the Posey County Historic Society presents it’s special exhibit, ‘The Hoosier Centennial, a look back at the 1916 Celebration.’ The exhibit will be shown Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. through June 20. The society‘s viewing area is located at door 4 on the west side of Hedges Community Center in Mount Vernon. Seen here with the exhibit are Arium Pollock, Zelma Holbrook, Jane Saltzman, Becky Higgins, Judy Whitten and Arthur Thomas. Photo by Zach Straw

Keck Gonnerman Keck Gonnerman Antique Machinery Club is off and running for summer 2014. The drive from the Harmony State Park to the Harmonie Health Care Center and through New Harmony and back to the State Park was held in April and we just completed our Relay for Life tractor pull on Sunday June 1, 2014 with a very active afternoon. We just missed a rain shower before the start, had a small shower during the pull and as the very last puller of the day completed his pull we had a very good shower of rain. The event was still a great success for the purpose of supporting the Relay for Life cause. We feel fortunate to be able to contribute to The American Cancer Society. We must also thank all the people who support the Keck Gonnerman Club for this event. Richard Kaufman and Bill Lang for mowing and preparing the grounds. It takes several tractors to work the track and pull

Volunteers needed for Ohio River Sweep


news1@posey countynews.com

River Sweep 2014 is scheduled for Saturday, June 21, along the shoreline of the Ohio River and its many tributaries. Volunteers are needed for this massive event. River Sweep is a riverbank cleanup that extends the entire length of the Ohio River and beyond. More than 3,000 miles of shoreline will be combed for trash and debris. This is the largest environmental event of its kind and emcompasses six states. “This year marks the 25th River Sweep. We continue to find trash along the Ohio River and its tributaries as more people use the river for recreation,” said Lisa Cochran, Project Manager. “We need your help.” Local participants will be provided gloves, bags, drinks, and a 2014 Ohio River Sweep Tshirt. All participants must sign a waiver, children under 18 must have parental signature. For more information contact the Posey County Solid Waste District at 838-1613.

Farmer’s Market opens June 12 PC College Success Coalition seeks members The Wadesville Farmer’s

Market will be open every Thursday afternoon, 3 - 6 p.m., from June 12 through August 28. The market is located in Wadesville across from Subway on Highway 66. For more information er, who has been involved in training for over 20 years contact Carla Schenk, 305and trains more than 1,200 4449. people throughout Indiana annually on nonprofit issues. Attendance is open to all area nonprofit organizations for a registration fee of $10 per perThe Posey County Saddle son. All staff, Board members, Club Open Show will be held and volunteers of member Saturday June 21 starting at agencies of the United Way 12 p.m. and Sunday June 22 of Posey County are eligible starting at 10 a.m. Everyone for scholarships provided is welcome, free admission by the United Way of Posey and concession are available. County and may attend at no A portion of the proceeds are cost. Registration is required for all attendees. Lunch is used to support the Posey provided. The deadline for County Fairgrounds on registration is June 13, 2014. Highway 69 between Mount Call the United Way of Posey Vernon and New Harmony. County at 838-3637 or email Helmets are required for ridto uwposey@sbcglobal.net ers 18 and under. Hope to see you there, fun for all ages. for more information.

PC United Way offers workshop The United Way of Posey County is pleased to announce a workshop designed to help nonprofit organizations learn the role every member of the Board of Directors can play in sustaining the organization through effective fundraising. Fundraising is a critical portion of a Board’s responsibilities and the workshop will review and discuss steps in making it rewarding and far less mysterious. The workshop, offered in cooperation with the Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network, will be Friday, June 20, 2014, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Alexandrian Public Library, 115 West Fifth Street, Mount Vernon, Indiana. The presenter is June Mill-

back the sleds, those came from Wright Stemle, JL Equipment , Kaufman Farms and Tri-County Equipment. Also a big thanks to the Tri-State Tractor Pullers Association for coming and pulling with us. Tractors for working the track were hauled and cleaned backup by Bill Esche and Paul Maurer. Next up is the tractor drive-in at the Red Wagon at Poseyville on June 21. We plan to drive from North Posey High school leaving at 9 a.m. and arrive at the Red Wagon at around 10 a.m. We will then park and let everyone view the tractors until 2 p.m. If you do not want to make the drive, you can just go to the Red Wagon directly. Dave Reising, The Red Wagon and JL Farm Equipment Company are sponsoring this again this year. Please come out and talk with us and look at the tractors, a variety of colors will be on hand.

PC Saddle Club holds Open Show

The Posey County College Success Coalitions is a network of local organizations interested in increasing college access and success for young people in Posey County, Indiana. Member organizations include local government, businesses, agencies, schools, local media, libraries, youth service organizations, service clubs, community foundations, faith-based organizations and many others. Several businesses/organizations have joined the coalition, Alexandrian Public Library, McKim’s IGA, both Posey County High Schools, Southwest Indiana Chamber, Tercera Women’s Club, St. Peter’s United Church of Christ and the University of Southern Indiana, just to name a few. Member organizations implement small and/ or large activities designed to increase the likelihood that the county’s young people will take the steps required for college access (Bachelor’s degree, Associate degree or Vocational degree) and success. Activities focus on one or more of the following: 1. Expectation for college attendance and

Mount Vernon Class of ‘79 plans reunion

The Mount Vernon Class of 1979 is planning their 35th reunion on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at the Multi Activity Center (MAC) in Mount Vernon. Share this information with your out-of-town classmates. Invitations will be mailed out in June. We are still looking for the following classmates: Lori Baumeyer, Rachelle Cherry, Jane Clark, Bonnie Daniels, Robert Davis, Tom Farrell, David Harper, Kevin Irvin, Terri Johnson Stafford, Rod Kohlmeyer, Susan Lewis Gunter, Bryan McCarty, Susan Niehaus Davidson, Roger Ninness, Mark Nuckolls, Steve Phipps, Dorothy Pullen Meuth, Susan Reed, Bruce Schreiber, status Barbara Shahan, Roxanna Southerland, Mike Swartz, Diana Tucker, Bryan Tupper, Michael • Age 17-25 Wagnon. • Attending a four-year inIf you have information on these classmates, please contact one of the following: Paula stitution or articulate plans to Hahn Nurrenbern 812-455-3629, Kathy Kuebler Oeth 812-204-3064, Debbie Dixon Morobtain a four-year degree • Possess a passion for ag- gan 812-838-1480 and Christa Schelhorn Shore 812-963-9543. riculture • Plans to pursue a career in agriculture This year, AFA will select June 13 - 99.5 WZPL June 28, 29 - Indy Mega grounds Coliseum 570 students from across the Birthday Bash presented by Adoption Event: An InitiaAugust 17 - Jim Gaffigan: nation to attend Conference. Kaplan University featuring tive of the ‘Love me. Fix Fairgrounds Coliseum Last year’s delegation repre- Josh Kaufman, Jason De- me.’ Campaign: South PaAugust 29-31 - Indy 1500 sented 37 states, 80 colleges rulo, Austin Mahone, Little vilion. Gun & Knife Show: Exposiand universities and 60 majors Mix, Karmin & Icona Pop: Hours: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. tion Hall and degree programs. Dele- Fairgrounds Coliseum. Admission: free. August 31 - Midwest gates gain valuable experiencHours: Doors open at 6 For more info: www.in- Reptile Show: Southwest es and relationships through p.m.; concert begins at 7 dymegaadoptionevent.org Pavilion opportunities to network p.m. Admission: $25 - $50. with each other and industry For tickets and more info: July 6-12 - National JuSeptember 2, 6 - All professionals. Conference www.ticketmaster.com or nior Angus Show: Fair- American Horse Classic: boasts a 3:1 student to indus- www.wzpl.com grounds Coliseum, Cham- Champions Pavilion, Grand try professional ratio. The pions Pavilion, Exposition Hall, Marsh Blue Ribbon AFA Opportunity Fair, held June 14 - Indianapolis Hall, South Pavilion, Youth Pavilion, South Pavilion, in conjunction with Confer- FEIS Competition: Exposi- Arena and West Pavilion ence, connects students to in- tion Hall. July 31 - Lynyrd SkySeptember 6 - Color Me ternship, job, study abroad and Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. nyrd, with Jamey Johnson Rad 5K: Dow AgroSciencgraduate school opportunities. For more info: www.in- & guests: Fairgrounds Coli- es Celebration Park If your organization is inter- dyirishdancers.com/indy- seum September 6, 7 - Indiana ested in partnering with AFA feis-2014 State Rabbit Breeders Assoto support student involveAugust 1-17 - Indiana ciation: Northwest Pavilion ment in programs such as AFA June 17,18 - Indiana Sired State Fair: Indiana State September 16, 17 - Cisco Leaders Conference please Fair Circuit Races: Hoosier Fairgrounds Buyers Show: Marsh Blue contact Mark Stewart at mark. Lottery Grandstand. August 1 - Robin Thicke Ribbon Pavilion stewart@agfuture.org. Hours: first post at 10 a.m. with Estelle: Fairgrounds September 19, 21 - 32nd Colleges and universities Admission: free. Coliseum Annual O’Reilly Auto Parts have the opportunity to sponAugust 5 - Phillip Phil- 4-Wheel Jamboree : Indiana sor student participation at a June 21 - Neon Splash lips: Fairgrounds Coliseum State Fairgrounds discounted rate. If your in- Dash 5K: Dow AgroSciAugust 6 - American Idol September 26, 27 - Indy stitution has not sponsored ences Celebration Park. LIVE! 2014 Tour: Fair- Antique Advertising Show: students in the past, special Hours: Gates open at 6:30 grounds Coliseum Champions Pavilion opportunities exist. Please p.m.; race starts at 8:30 p.m. August 8 - Pitbull: FairSeptember 26, 28 - Stewcontact Derek Mulhern at derAdmission and registra- grounds Coliseum art’s Indiana Flea Market: ek.mulhern@agfuture.org for tion: www.neondash.com. August 9 - Hunter Hayes, Agriculture Horticulture more information. with Dan + Shay: Fair- Building

National event to ‘activate’ student leaders

A catalyst invigorates a reaction to peak performance. A spark lights a blazing fire. Yet without a catalyst, essential ingredients may remain dormant. Without a spark, tinder is just dry wood. Unless activated, how can anything fulfill its potential? This is the question the Agriculture Future of America student leaders asked themselves when selecting the theme ‘Activate’ for the 2014 AFA Leaders Conference, which will be held Nov. 6-9 in Kansas City, Mo. College students are selected to attend Conference through a competitive application processes.

Industry sponsorship applications are now open to students pursuing careers in agriculture. Sponsorship covers program registration, curriculum materials, lodging and meals. Travel is not included. Conference sponsorship is a $1,000 value, and applications are due September 5. To learn more about Conference or to access the application, please visit www.agfuture. org/2014conference. Student eligibility requirements: • Recommended 3.0 GPA or higher • Undergraduate student

Located at 408 Southwind Plaza. Mt Vernon, IN. 812-838-2392

AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD Freshly Prepared Each Day $4 OFF Purchases of $20 or more! (Dine in only. Does not include alcohol. Not valid on Sundays)

Lunch Specials from 11 am to 4 p.m.

$3.50 off your second order from Lunch Menu (Dine in only. Not valid on Sundays or with other special plates)

Mon to Thurs: 11am - 9p.m. Fri to Sat: 11am - 10p.m. Sundays: 11am - 9p.m. CARRYOUT AVAILABLE

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success, 2. Information dissemination about college, careers and financial aid, 3. College access mentoring, 4. Financial support for college access activities (e.g. campus visits, AP test fees), 5. Student scholarships, 6. Academic support for students, 7. Professional development for teachers, and 8. Advocacy for policies and procedures that open doors for college access and success. The Posey County College Success Coalition is a member of the Indiana College Success Coalition initiative. The American Student Achievement Institute provides technical assistance for the Indiana College Success Coalition initiative. We hope your business/organization will join us today. Visit our website at http:// cgi.asainstitute.org/cgi-bin/csc/publicstats or contact Jenny Lamble, Guidance Counselor at North Posey High School 812-673-6607 for more information.

From the State Fair

PAGE A8 • JUNE 10, 2014



Local Girl Scout adult volunteers receive excellence awards At a recent meeting, Girl Scouts in Posey County presented several service unit level awards to outstanding volunteers. The ‘Behind the Scenes’ Award recognizes adult and teen volunteers who have been instrumental in the success of Girl Scouting in their service area by using their organizational skills in indirect service to girls. Shannon Siebert has been a troop leader for several years, and service unit Secretary for the last 2-3 years. She has helped on several SU Activities and last year, she organized a Mother/Daughter Tea and has volunteered to chair the event again this year. Shannon displays great leadership skills and is always willing to lend a helping hand. Misty Mauck is a dedicated GS Leader/Volunteer. She co-leads Girl Scouts Cadettes for the USI Day Camp for Vanderburgh and Posey. She is a driving force in the North Posey Me and My Guy Dance. She always organizes and follows through and is a reliable source of help wherever it is needed. Karla Kueber has supported Girl Scouting and made sure that girls have a troop and leadership for several years. Karla’s troop has

enjoyed varied activities and field trips that enable girls to experience new activities they would probably have not been able to do without her leadership. Karla has hosted and organized many events for girls in Posey County. Over the past two or three years, she and her troop have planned and run the Me & My Guy dance, which provides an evening of fun that fathers enjoy spending with their daughters. Karla has offered support to other leaders, helps to ensure that girls and parents are able to participate in Girl Scouting ,and helps with various service unit activities. The ‘Innovator’ Award recognizes adult and teen volunteers who are successfully implementing new ideas in their troop, cluster, service unit, or the council. Erin Garman has been instrumental in planning the Disney destinations trip and Spring Camporees. She does an excellent job of representing Posey County at the annual Vanderburgh/Posey Day Camp. Erin regularly volunteers at Camp Koch and at council events. She is always ready to take on leadership roles, be it planning, running events or even simply helping with younger Girl Scouts. Abby Abernathy has been an inspiration to other teens

and younger girls. She is very creative in devising ways to make the Girl Scouting experience more fun and engaging. As part of this effort, Abby has developed activities and events that help girls expand their skills and knowledge. She designed and executed activities for the last two years’ spring camporees, resident camp and Vanderburgh/ Posey Day Camp. Abby has worked with other teens to set up firebuilding activities, nature walks, and understanding of safety and conservation in various activities. The ‘Shining Star’ Award recognizes adult volunteers who inspire, motivate, and support other volunteers. Laura Abernathy has dedicated many hours to Girl Scouts in Posey County and also to girls throughout the council. A recipient of GSUSA’s Honor Pin, Laura has continued to be Service Unit Chair for the past years, organizing and making sure that service unit events are chaired and run smoothly. She has worked to maintain troops for all age levels in St Wendel and is the leader of most of those troops. She volunteers at Vanderburgh/ Posey Day Camp and is a counselor at Camp Koch. Last year, Laura arranged for before- & after-care for at day camp. Laura was very helpful in organizing troops and programming in the St. Wendel area. She allowed girls to enjoy many activities,

Public invited to Dine and Dash New Harmonie Healthcare Center, 251 Highway 66, New Harmony, Ind., will be hosting Dine and Dash on June 20, 2014 from 7 - 9 a.m.

participate in Council events, and grow in their faith at the same time. She has worked hard ensure that high school girls have the opportunity develop leadership skills, explore their world, and still have fun in Girl Scouts. Laura also assist sother leaders, volunteers and adults working with Girl Scouts. Erica Sims is a wonderful example of GS Leadership. She routinely attends service unit meetings and functions, and over the past several years has co-chaired the North Posey Me and My Guy Dance, in addition to being Cookie Co-Chair for Posey

Alzheimer’s support Ivy Tech Galley opens new exhibits Ivy Tech Community Col- that go easily unnoticed in norgroup offered lege - Southwest announces mal life. New Harmonie Healthcare Center, 251 Highway 66, New Harmony, Ind., offers an Alzheimer’s support group, open to the community, the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m.

The University of Southern Indiana’s New Harmony Writers Workshop, to be held June 8-14 in New Harmony, Indiana, allows participants to work closely with nationallyreputed writers – and will allow the public access to those writers through a series of free events throughout the week. For more information, go to www.usi.edu/nhww.

Opening, dedication of NH Trail Girl Scout Day Camp set for June 23-27 The official opening and dedication of The Colonel Richard Owen Veteran’s Memorial Trails was held June 7, 2014 at 10 a.m. The scope of Phase II of the Recreational Trails Program for New Harmony consists of trails in the southeast and the northeast quadrants of the Town. With a grant from the Department of Natural Resources, this Recreational Trails project has been developed in memory of the men and women veterans from New Harmony and neighboring communities who responded to our nation’s call to duty. The trail is named for one of the Owen sons who came to New Harmony to live; Colonel Richard Owen was the distinguished commandant of Camp Morton, the second state geologist, the chair of Natural Sciences at Indiana University, and the first President of Purdue University.

All girls entering grades 1-12 are invited to attend Girl Scout Day Camp, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., June 23-27, at the University of Southern Indiana Outdoor Education area. Environmentally-focused STEM based activities, funded in part by a grant from the Alcoa Foundation, will be included, along with traditional outdoor camp activities. Girl Scout Cadettes (girls entering the sixth, seventh and eighth

grades this fall) will earn the LiA (Leader in Action Award) during the weeklong camp. Interested girls and their parents should contact Day Camp Directors Laura Abernathy, 449-5864 or Torrey Sweetser, 455-5405; or email them at gssi.daycamp@gmail.com. Registration form is online at www. girlscouts-gssi.org. Click on Programs, Camp, Day Camps.

ime, which new series to order, have snacks, play games, do crafts, drawing classes, and more. Grades 6-12 only. The club is always looking for new members. June 17, 1 p.m. LITerally Speaking Book Discussion - This month the LITerally Speaking book discussion group will discuss The Millionaire and the Mummies: Theodore Davis’ Gilded Age in the Valley of the Kings by John M. Adams . Everyone is welcome to attend. June 18, 2 p.m. Fizz. Boom. Chemistry. Watch Professor Jeff Seyler from the USI Chemistry Department turn carbon dioxide into dry ice, make elephant toothpaste, and produce fire in a jug. For ages 7 and older. No registration or tickets required, however, seating is limited. June 23, 3:30 p.m. Shaving Cream and Water Fight - Prepare to be soaked. This event will be held outside but we will first meet in

Meeting Room A. Then we will head outside for games and fun. Make sure you don’t wear your good clothes. Imagine Duck, Duck, Goose with water pitchers, shaving cream balloon fight, shaving cream kickball, and more. If it’s raining, who cares. Grades 6-12 only. The event will be cancelled in the case of storms. Registration is required. Want to register? The library offers multiple ways you can register, including: on the web, by phone, and in person. You can register well in advance by going to our website at www.apl. lib.in.us. Can’t register online? Call the Adult Information Desk at (812) 838-3286 or visit the Adult Information Desk in person. Our library staff representative will be ready to assist you and answer your questions. Check out our Facebook page and Like us.

By Stanley Campbell vided. Registration is required but there is room for walk-ins who have their own supplies. June 12, 2 p.m. Laughs and Crafts Club - There is always a craft, a story and a snack and always a good time at our summer Laughs and Crafts Club. This program is for kids who are in kindergarten and up. Registration is required. June 16 and 17, 9:30 a.m. Babies Toddlers Storytimes - A program for children ages birth to 36 months features books, movement, music, and rhymes to promote early literacy. Parents/caregivers help their children follow along by participating in this storytime with them. Registration is required. June 16 and 17, 10:30 a.m. Preschool Storytimes - A program for ages 3-5 introduces children to reading and language in a fun way through stories, crafts, and other activities. Parents/caregivers are not required to attend this storytime along with their child, but must remain in the library. Registration is required. June 16, 3:30 p.m. Manga Otaku - Manga Otaku is a group of anime and manga fans meeting to watch anime, swap manga, discuss new mangas and an-

Veterans Corner : New Veterans’ Service Officer Posey County Veterans Service Officer: Dave Sharber Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Office phone: 812-838-8372 Cell phone: 812-781-9105 e-mail: dave.sharber@poseycountygov.org


Have Questions for us? Call 1-812-838-5200


AUTO PARTS OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday: 7am - 5pm Saturday: 8am - 12pm LOCALLY OWNED


Join Us At The Library There is still plenty of time to take part in our 2014 Summer Reading Program. So come on in and check out what’s happening this summer at the Alexandrian Public Library. Enjoy books, movies, and other special events. Registration began May 28. Get your whole family involved. There are plenty of programs, prizes, book discussions, and special events for everyone. June 11, 10 a.m. Busy Hands/Basic Knitting - ‘Busy Hands’ is a local gathering of crafters and knitters. Cheryl Carroll will be on hand to demonstrate how to stitch during our Basic Knitting Program. She will be teaching techniques. Yarn is provided and a limited number of size 8 needles are available to use. June 11, 2 p.m. Grossology 101 - Make fake snot. Learn how to make a fake wound that would make your mother swoon. Eat kitty litter cake. If it’s stinky, crusty or slimy, you’ll learn the science behind it at this program. For ages 7 to 12. Registration is required and begins May 28. Registration is required. June 12, 10 a.m. Basic Drawing - We will be exploring using color pencils and watercolors in addition to pencil work. All supplies pro-


APL News


movement with energy and passion. Tiffany Schu started her troop in the middle of the year and has taken off with Girl Scout gusto. She is passionate and excited about what she is able to bring to her troop and looks forward to helping girls develop leadership skills. Tiffany’s troop started at the busiest time of the Girl Scout year (during the Cookie Program), but was able to hold more than ten cookie booths. She has been a great addition to Posey County Service Unit with her input and ideas and is always willing to step up and help.

Survivors share stories during the opening ceremony of North Posey’s 2014 Relay for Life on Saturday. Photo by Theresa bratcher

NH Writers Workshop set

Cutting the ribbon at the official dedication of the Colonel Richard Owen Veterean’s Memorial Trails in New Harmony is (l) Sue Krozel, President of the Park Board and Linda Warrum. Photo submitted

County. Michele Jones has been a Girl Scout leader for a number of years now. As she has moved up from one age level to the next, she is always there to support and help the leader who moves into the age level she leaves. She has been instrumental in helping find leaders in the Marrs Elementary school area. Michele has been a mentor to these leaders and spends many hours coaching and helping them. The ‘Rising Star’ Award recognizes new adult volunteers, in their first or second year of service, who have fully embraced the Girl Scouting

the opening of two new photography exhibits in the Ivy Tech Bower Suhrheinrich Visual Arts Center. The first exhibit is titled Native Animals and Insects: a Photography Exhibition, and features the work of photographer Daniel Rodenberg. Since 2006 Daniel Rodenberg has worked for a community supported agriculture farm in which no synthetic pesticides or fertilizers are used, allowing the native animals and insects to flourish. This environment provides Rodenberg, a photographer for the past 8 years, with unique opportunities to document wildlife. Primarily done with a macro lens, this exhibition allows a close up view of worlds

The Lobby Gallery, located just outside the Bower Suhrheinrich, will feature the work of photographer Bob Gwaltney. A retired Staff Photographer for the Courier and Press, Gwaltney worked as a photojournalist for 30 years and now teaches photography at Ivy Tech. The work he will be displaying includes a collection of photographs taken while walking throughout Evansville. These exhibitions will be on display until July 3, 2014. There is no charge to view the exhibits and the Ivy Tech Bower Suhrheinrich Visual Arts Center is open to the public Thursdays 1-6 p.m., Fridays 1-6 p.m., and Saturdays 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Golden Raintree Antiques show and sale scheduled for June 14-15 The New Harmony Business Associates invites you to the 13th Annual Golden Raintree Antiques Show and Sale, June 14-15, 2014, in New Harmony, Indiana. There will be over 50 booths from Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri and Illinois set up outside on Main Street and inside the historic Ribeyre Gymnasium in downtown New Harmony, Indiana. The Show and Sale will run from 9 a. m. until 5 p. m. on Saturday and 9 a. m. until 4 p. m. on Sunday. Admission is free and the show will be held rain or shine. This show promises to be one of the largest ‘antiques & vintage only’ shows in the area. You will find a wide variety of Antiques & Vintage including Furniture, Americana, Primitives, Textiles, Pottery, Tools, Postcards, Books, Advertising, Glassware, Collectibles and Architectural. Limited booth space is still available for dealers. Interested dealers can go to www. newharmony.biz calendar of events page for June and download a contract, complete it and mail it in. This show is an antiques and vintage collectibles only show, no new items and no reproductions. We have more space this year and are currently accepting new dealers for this show and

sale.The New Harmony Business Associates is a non profit group of business owners and friends who sponsor this show to bring visitors to New Harmony. All monies for booth rentals go back into advertising this well attended antique show. More events are happening in New Harmony during the same weekend and we invite you to take a look at these on the New Harmony Business Associates website, www.newharmony.biz. One of those events is ‘Music in the Streets’ Saturday evening 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. at Main & Tavern Streets. New Harmony Indiana, founded in 1814, is nationally known for its historical, artistic and intellectual heritage. This main street USA town has been designated one of the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s ‘Dozen Distinctive Destinations’ and was named One of America’s Top Ten Hidden Places to Visit by USA Weekend. New Harmony offers distinctive shopping, dining, lodging and recreational opportunities, and is considered one of Indiana’s most treasured historic communities. New Harmony was also featured in Midwest Living Magazine last spring and was chosen ‘Best of the Midwest.’

Recipe of the Week

Mt. Zion General Baptist Church 1425 Oliver Rd. N, Wadesville 783-2337 from the cookbook of: Diane Johnson

SWEET & SOUR COCKTAIL WIENERS INGREDIENTS 6 oz. jar mustard 10 oz. jar grape jelly

1 lb. small cocktail wieners


On stove top, heat together mustard and jelly. When well blended, add wieners. (Can be kept in crock-pot on low for a long time.)


The Big Bang

The Big Bang



Movie: ››› “21 Jump Street” (2012, Comedy) Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Brie Larson.

Full House (G)


Full House (G)

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Friends (PG) Å

Halt and Catch Fire Gordon and Cameron struggle. (N) (14) Å

Two and a Half Men (14) Å

2 Broke Girls (In Stereo) (14) Å

Mom (In Stereo) (14) Å

Mike & Molly (In Stereo) (14) Å

48 Hours (N) (In Stereo) (PG,V) Å

Two and a Half

Movie: ››‡ “Horrible Bosses” (2011) Jason Bateman, Charlie Day.

Hoarders “Robin; Ken” A hoarder faces potential jail time. (PG) Å

(6:00) Hoarders (PG) Å

(6:00) Castle (14)

(4:00) Movie: “The

NCIS: LA (14)

Just Seen It (PG)


Louie (MA)

Criminal Minds “Restoration” (14,L,V)

Futurama (14)

South Park (MA)

South Park (MA)

The Fosters (N) (14) Å

South Park (MA)

Jail (PG,L,V) Å

Hoarders “Robin; Ken” A hoarder faces potential jail time. (PG) Å

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

Daily Show (14)

Colbert Rep (PG)

The 700 Club (In Stereo) (G) Å

Rewrapped (N) (G) Unwrapped (G)

Movie: ››‡ “Flicka” (2006, Drama) Alison Lohman, Tim McGraw. A rancher’s teenage daughter tames a mustang.

The Waltons “The Valedictorian” (G)

≠ FOOD Guy’s Games (G) ∞ CMT Reba (PG) Å

≤ HALL The Waltons (G)

The Middle (PG)

The Middle (PG)

Cutthroat Kitchen (G)

Love It or List It “Jody & Sam” (N) (G)

A.N.T. Farm (In Stereo) (G) Å

The Middle (PG)

The Middle (PG)

Cops Rel. (PG)

The Insider (N) (In Stereo) Å

30 Rock (14) Å

The Pete Holmes Show (MA)

George (PG)

Colbert Rep (PG)

Movie: ›› “The Core” (2003, Action) Aaron Eckhart. ‘PG-13’ Å

Daily Show (14)

Switched at Birth (14) Å

Criminal Minds (14) Å (DVS)

Friends (14) Å

Cold Justice (14) Å

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

ESPN FC (N) (Live)

Hoarders A woman’s house is stuffed with dolls. (PG) Å

Louie (MA)

Jail (PG,L) Å

Vegas Rat Rods “Tuxedo Rod” (In Stereo) (PG,L) Å (DVS)

Jail (PG,L,V) Å

Aqua Teen (14)

Cops Rel. (14)

Cops Rel. (14)

Cutthroat Kitchen (G)

Love It or List It “Jody & Sam” (G)

Bizarre Foods America (PG) Å

Chicken (MA)

The Suite Life on Deck (G) Å

Cops Rel. (14)

Frasier (PG) Å

Cops Rel. (14)

Mystery Diners (G) Mystery Diners (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Bizarre Foods America (PG) Å

Venture Bros. (14) Family Guy (14)

Movie: “Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead”

To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced

Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie The Suite Life on “Dance Off” (G) (G) Å Deck (G) Å

NCIS: Los Angeles “Burned” (14,V)

Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Frasier (PG) Å

Cops Rel. (PG)

Diners, Drive (G)

Love It or List It “Aline & Colin” (G)

Bizarre Foods America (PG) Å

American Dad (14) Family Guy (14)

Inside Edition (N) (PG) Å

Last Call With Carson Daly (14)

Call-Wildman (PG) Call-Wildman (PG) Call-Wildman (PG) Call-Wildman (PG)

NCIS: Los Angeles “Hunted” (14,L,V)

Movie: ›‡ “Resident Evil” (2002) Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez. Å

Mystery Diners (G) Mystery Diners (G) Diners, Drive (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Bizarre Foods America (PG) Å

Bizarre Foods America (PG) Å

Boondocks (MA)

Love It or List It “Brent & John” (G)

Family Guy (14)

¨ HGTV Love It-List It (G)

Cleveland (14)

King of Hill (PG) X TOON Regular Show (PG) King of Hill (PG) [ TRV Man v. Food (PG) Bizarre Foods America (PG) Å

Cleveland (14)

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

Graceland “The Line” (14)

Best Funeral Ever Best Funeral Ever Sex Sent Me to the E.R. (14) Å

Jessie (In Stereo) (G) Å

Movie: ›› “Priest” (2011, Fantasy) Paul Bettany, Karl Urban. Premiere.

Sex Sent Me to the E.R. (N) (14) Å

Movie: ››› “Camp Rock” (2008, Musical Comedy) Joe Jonas, Kevin Jonas, Nick Jonas. (In Stereo) ‘NR’ Å

At Midnight (14,L) South Park (MA)

The Fosters (In Stereo) (14) Å

Criminal Minds “Restoration” (14,L,V)

Friends (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Murder in the First (MA) Å

Movie: ››‡ “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004, Action) Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal. Global warming leads to worldwide natural disasters. ‘PG-13’ (Adult situations, violence) Å

South Park (MA)

Chasing Life “Pilot” (14,D,L) Å

Friends (PG) Å

Longmire “Miss Cheyenne” (14) Å

Friends (PG) Å

Major Crimes (14) Å

Call-Wildman (PG) Call-Wildman (PG) Call-Wildman (PG) Call-Wildman (PG) Finding Bigfoot (In Stereo) (PG)

WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) (PG,V) Å

Finding Bigfoot (In Stereo) (PG)

Full House (G)

Longmire “Miss Cheyenne” (N) (14)

Full House (G)

Murder in the First (N) (MA) Å

Movie: ››‡ “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004, Action) Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal. Global warming leads to worldwide natural disasters. ‘PG-13’ (Adult situations, violence) Å

Futurama (14)

Full House (G)

Criminal Minds (14) Å (DVS)

Full House (G)

Major Crimes (N) (14) Å

Cops Reloaded (In Stereo) (14) Å


American Pharaoh (PG,V) Å

American Dad (In Stereo) (14) Å

Louie “In the Woods” Louie remembers his past. (MA)

Jail (PG,L) Å

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Full House (G)

Cops Rel. (PG)

JUNE 16, 2014


Parks/Recreat (14) Parks (PG)

Conan (14) Å

World Cup Tonight (N) (Live)

Awesome (PG)

Cops Rel. (14)

Cutthroat Kitchen (G)

The Late Late Show With Craig Fergu- How I Met Your son (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å Mother (14) Å

Vegas Rat Rods “Tuxedo Rod” (In Stereo) (PG,L) Å (DVS)

The Pete Holmes Show (N) (MA)

Parks (PG)

Late Show With David Letterman (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Cops (14,V) Å

Bob’s Burgers (14)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Extreme RVs (G) Å

China, IL (14)

Late Night With Seth Meyers (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å

Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å

Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å


SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Major Crimes “Flight Risk” (14,D,L,V)

Sister Wives (In Stereo) (PG) Å

A.N.T. Farm “replicANT” (G) Å

Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG)

Dog and Beth: On the Hunt (14) Å

Food Network Star (G)

Jimmy Kimmel Live (In Stereo) (14,D,L) Nightline (N) (G) Å Å

Hoarders A woman’s house is stuffed with dolls. (PG) Å

Louie (MA)

Metal (MA)

Brother vs. Brother (G) Å

Extreme RVs (G) Å

Aqua Unit (MA)

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å

BikerLive “Nor Cal” Builders compete. (In Stereo) (PG,L) Å

Cops (14) Å

Return to Amish (In Stereo) (14) Å

Olbermann (N) (Live) Å

U TLC To Be Announced V SYFY (5:30) Movie: ››‡ “Van Helsing” (2004, Fantasy)

S DISN a job. (G) Å

Louie (N) (MA)

Cops (14) Å

Little Women: LA Christy steals Traci’s spotlight. (14) Å

Louie (N) (MA)

Cops (PG) Å

South Park (MA)

Paid Program

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14)

The Arsenio Hall Show (In Stereo) (14) Å


Salem “Children Be Afraid” (MA)

Conan (N) (14) Å

South Park (MA)

Paid Program

Call-Wildman (PG) Call-Wildman (PG) Finding Bigfoot (In Stereo) (PG)

MLB Baseball: New York Mets at St. Louis Cardinals. From Busch Stadium in St. Louis. (N) (Live)

Jessie Jessie gets Dog With a Blog (G) Å

Bigfoot (PG)




I AMC Perfect Storm”

The Big Bang Theory (14)

BikerLive “Nor Cal” Builders compete. (N) (In Stereo) (PG,L) Å

The Big Bang Theory (14)

South Park (MA)

Joyce Meyer (G)

George (PG)

Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG)

Friends (PG) Å

Movie: ››‡ “Shutter Island” (2010, Suspense) Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley. A 1950s lawman hunts an escaped murderess. ‘R’

South Park (MA)

Joel Osteen (PG)

College Baseball: NCAA World Series, Game 6: Teams TBA. From Omaha, Neb. (N) (Live) Å

Switched-Birth (14) Switched at Birth (N) (14) Å

C COM Daily Show (14)


> NICK Hathaways (G) ? A&E Criminal (PG)


: ESPN2 SportsCenter (N) ; ESPN FIFA World C.

Hoarders A woman’s house is stuffed with dolls. (N) (PG) Å

Cops (PG) Å

Hangover II



Cops (PG) Å


Cops (14,V) Å

Cops (PG) Å

0 DISC (14) Å 7 SPIKE Cops (PG) Å

Vegas Rat Rods “Tuxedo Rod” (N) (In Stereo) (PG,L) Å (DVS)

Family Guy (14) Å Family Guy (14) Å Family Guy (PG) (DVS) (DVS) Å (DVS)

(6:00) Fast N’ Loud Fast N’ Loud “Mustang Mania” Aaron overrides Richard’s instructions. (14)


Seinfeld (In Stereo) The Cleveland Show (14) Å

CABLE CHANNELS # WGN-A Funny Videos (PG) America’s Funniest Home Videos (PG) America’s Funniest Home Videos (PG) Salem “Children Be Afraid” (MA)

L * WEVV Men (14) Å

Mike & Molly (In Stereo) (14) Å

Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å

Mistresses “Open House” Joss plays mediator to Savi and Harry. (N) (14,D)

The Bachelorette (N) (In Stereo) (14,L) Å

Who Wants to Be 9 + WEHT a Millionaire (PG)

Regional Voices

14 News at 10:00PM (N) Å

Brazil With Michael Palin (PG) Å

Brazil With Michael Palin (PG) Å

Friends (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Movie: ››‡ “Young Guns” (1988)

SportsCenter (N) Å



L * CBS This Morning



Mickey 19 Kids


Gumball Homes





Umizoomi Dora...



First Take




Walker, Tex. Ranger

The Doctors

Live With Kelly

Varied Programs











Pit Bulls-Parole


Two and a Half


NCIS: Los Angeles Private military contractors are slain. (In Stereo) (14)

Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å

(6:00) Castle (PG)

Pretty-Liars (14)

True Tori “True Tori: Confessions” Tori reflects. (N) (14,D,L) Å

Rizzoli & Isles (14) Å


Rizzoli & Isles “Cold as Ice” (14,L,V)

No Tomorrow

Little Women: LA Christy steals Traci’s spotlight. (N) (14) Å

Pit Boss XL

The Big Bang Theory (14) Å


The Big Bang Theory (14)

Fargo (N) (MA)

Pretty Little Liars (14) Å

Shipping (PG)

Full House (G)

Rizzoli & Isles (14) Å

Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å

Inside: U.S. Soccer’s March to Brazil

Little Women: LA Christy steals Traci’s spotlight. (14) Å

River Monsters “Body Snatcher” (PG)

River Monsters: Unhooked (PG) Playing House (14) Mod Fam (PG)

Flip or Flop (G)

Chowdow. (PG)

Cleveland (14) Flip or Flop (N) (G) Flip or Flop (G)

Chowdow. (PG)

Cleveland (14)

Conan Actress Jenny Slate; comic Ian Edwards. (N) (14) Å

Chowdow. (PG) House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Chowdow. (PG)

≤ HALL The Waltons (G)

The Waltons “The Lost Sheep” (G)

The Middle (PG)

The Middle (PG)

The Middle (PG)

The Middle (PG)





Castle Sam &

Varied Programs





Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å




Diners Reba

Olbermann (N) (Live) Å

Shipping (PG) Daily Show (14)

Colbert Rep (PG)

The 700 Club (In Stereo) (G) Å

Shipping (PG)

Friends (PG) Å

Hawaii Five-0 “Loa Aloha” (14,L,V)

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Friends (PG) Å

Shake It Up! “Oui Oui It Up” (G)

Flip or Flop (G)

Bizarre Foods America (PG) Å

Family Guy (14)

Heroes of Cosplay (14)

Flip or Flop (G)







Inside Edition (N) (PG) Å

Last Call With Carson Daly (14)

Suze Orman’s Financial Solutions (G)

Cops Reloaded (In Stereo) (14) Å


Olbermann Å

Friends (PG) Å

Cold Justice (14) Å George (PG)

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

NBA Tonight (N)

Colbert Rep (PG)

Playing House (14) Playing House (14)

River Monsters: Unhooked (PG)

Small Town Secu- Movie: “The Matrix rity “Watch Dogs” Reloaded” ‘R’

Daily Show (14)

Pretty Little Liars (14) Å

Flip or Flop (G)

Chowdow. (PG)

Aqua Teen (14)

Wil Wheaton (14)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Movie: “Bigfoot” (2012) (14,D,L,V) Chowdow. (PG)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Frasier (PG) Å

Cops Rel. (PG)

Chopped Four fathers compete. (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Chowdow. (PG)

Venture Bros. (14) American Dad (14)

Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Frasier (PG) Å

Cops Rel. (PG)

Chopped “Chopped Family Feud” (G)

Flip or Flop (G)

Chowdow. (PG)

Chicken (MA)

Wil Wheaton (14)

The Little Couple “The Big 4-0” (G)

Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Shake It Up! “Who- A.N.T. Farm “bad (G) Å “Story Time” (G) dunit Up” (G) romANTs” (G)

Royal Pains (PG) Å (DVS)

River Monsters “Body Snatcher” (PG)

Freakshow “Little Freakshow (N) Baby Fever” (14,D) (14) Å

At Midnight (14,L) Tosh.0 (14,D,L)

Chasing Life “Pilot” (14,D,L) Å

Storage Wars (PG) Storage Wars (PG) Storage Wars (PG) Storage Wars (PG)

Friends (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Cold Justice “Blind Love” (14,D,L,V)

Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å

Fargo (MA) Little Women: LA Christy steals Traci’s spotlight. (14) Å

Fargo “The Heap” (MA) True Tori “True Tori: Confessions” Tori reflects. (14,D,L) Å

The Pete Holmes Show (MA) Deadliest Catch: The Bait The Bering Sea Captains celebrate. (14) Å

Conan Actress Jenny Slate; comic Ian Edwards. (14) Å

Parks/Recreat (14) Parks/Recreat (14) 30 Rock (14) Å

Deadliest Catch Raw (N) (In Stereo) (14,L,V) Å

The Pete Holmes Show (N) (MA)

Parks (PG)

19 Kids and Counting Family memories; Amy heads to Nashville. (G) Å

Jessie (In Stereo) (G) Å

Mod Fam (PG)

River Monsters: Unhooked (PG) Mod Fam (PG)

I Didn’t








JUNE 10, 2014

The Waltons


Jimmy Kimmel Live (In Stereo) (14,D,L) Nightline (N) (G) Å Å

Fargo Lester has an unexpected encounter. (MA) To Be Announced


Varied Programs

Bizarre Foods



Law & Order: SVU

American Dad (In Stereo) (14) Å

Reba The Waltons





Law & Order: SVU

Wildman Wildman Finding Bigfoot

Futurama Futurama South Pk Tosh.0

Contessa Contessa Pioneer

Little House/Prairie



Varied Programs


News News

Funny Home Videos Videos




Business News

Movie: ›››‡ “Gladiator” (2000) Russell Crowe. A fugitive general becomes a gladiator in ancient Rome.

American Dad (14) American Dad (14) Family Guy (14)

Wil Wheaton (14)

First 48



Wife Swap

6 P.M.

Late Show With David Letterman Dave The Late Late Show With Craig Fergu- How I Met Your Chappelle; Laura Prepon. (PG) son Megan Mullally; T.J. Miller. (14) Mother (14) Å

Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å

Chopped “Chopped Family Feud” (G) Chopped Four fathers compete. (N) (G) Chopped Four firefighters battle. (G) ≠ FOOD (6:00) Chopped (G) Chopped “Belly Up” (G) Movie: ›› “Kindergarten Cop” (1990, Comedy) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Penelope Ann Miller, Pamela Reed. Å Cops Rel. (PG) Cops Rel. (PG) ∞ CMT Reba (PG) Å

¨ HGTV House Hunters (G) Flip or Flop (G)

King of Hill (PG) X TOON Regular Show (PG) King of Hill (PG) Bizarre Foods America (PG) Å [ TRV Man v. Food (G)

Wil Wheaton (14)

The Little Couple “The Big 4-0” (G)

Movie: “Lemonade Mouth” (2011, Musical) Bridgit Mendler, Adam Hicks. Five high- Good Luck Charlie A.N.T. Farm (In school students form a music group. (In Stereo) ‘NR’ Å (G) Å Stereo) (G) Å

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14) Royal Pains (N) (PG) Å (DVS)

River Monsters: Unhooked (PG)



Bizarre Foods



Law & Order: SVU







Two Men Two Men Varied Programs




Ellen DeGeneres

Varied Programs






Gator Boys


First 48



Wife Swap




Dr. Phil

Eyewtns News


Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Big Bang

5 P.M.

Wild Kratt Wild Kratt Martha

The People’s Court


Jeopardy! 14 News at 4:00PM


Rachael Ray



4 P.M.

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fal- Late Night With Seth Meyers Charlie lon Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels. (14) Rose; Gayle King; Aidy Bryant. (N) (14)

Members’ Choice (G)


Bill Cunningham

3 P.M.

The Arsenio Hall Show Dr. Phil McGraw; comic Bill Bellamy. (14) Å


Little House/Prairie


Salem The town is rocked. (MA) Å

Two and a Half Men (14) Å



Food Paradise



Varied Programs

Law & Order: SVU

30-Minute Kelsey’s




Little House/Prairie



19 Kids


Law & Order: SVU



Varied Programs

Varied Programs



Varied Programs




Grey’s Anatomy

Varied Programs

Varied Programs






Grey’s Anatomy



Law & Order

Let’s Make a Deal

The Dr. Oz Show

Queen Latifah

Siberian Cut “Age Old Enemies” Getting Deadliest Catch The fabled Cornelia the operation running. (N) (PG,L) Marie returns. (In Stereo) (14) Å

The Big Bang Theory (14)

Salem The town is rocked. (MA) Å

Person of Interest The team seeks justice for Carter. (In Stereo) (14) Å

Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity (14) Å

Chasing Life “Pilot” (N) (14,D,L) Å

U TLC 19 Kids-Count (G) 19 Kids and Counting Family memories; Amy heads to Nashville. (N) (G) Å Heroes of Cosplay (14) Heroes of Cosplay (N) (14) V SYFY Adjustment Bur

Dog With a Blog

Law & Order (14)

River Mon (PG)




Law & Order

The Talk



(5:00) Movie: ››› “The Mummy” (1999, Adventure) Brendan Movie: ››‡ “The Mummy Returns” (2001, Adventure) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah. Two evil forces pursue the son of adventurer Rick O’Connell. ‘PG-13’ (Violence) Å

Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos (14) Å

Pretty Little Liars (N) (14) Å

I AMC Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah. ‘PG-13’ Å

C COM Daily Show (14)



General Hospital


The Night Shift A hog-hunting trip goes 14 News at horribly wrong. (N) (14) Å 10:00PM (N) Å

Full House (G) Full House (G) Full House (G) Full House (G) Full House (G) > NICK Hathaways (Y) ? A&E Storage Wars (PG) Storage Wars (PG) Storage Wars (PG) Storage Wars (PG) Storage Wars (PG) Shipping (PG)


The Big Bang Theory (PG)

Deadliest Catch The fabled Cornelia Marie returns. (N) (14) Å

Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å

Movie: ››› “Captain America: The First Avenger” (2011, Action) Chris Evans, Hayley Atwell. (6:00) Little Women: LA (14)



Varied Programs

Movie: ››› “Iron Man” (2008) Robert Downey Jr. A billionaire dons an armored suit to fight criminals. (In Stereo)

Deadliest Catch: The Bait The Bering Sea Captains celebrate. (N) (14) Å

Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å

NFL Insiders (N) Å 30 for 30 : ESPN2 Kimmel Live Inside: U.S. Soccer’s March to Brazil ; ESPN (5:00) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å



Deadliest Catch:

0 DISC On Deck (N) (14) 7 SPIKE (4:00) John Carter

Family Guy (In

% WTBS Stereo) (14) Å



Tom-Jerry Steven



2 P.M.

T. Smiley Charlie Rose

NBA Countdown 2014 NBA Finals: San Antonio Spurs at Miami Heat. Game 3. From the AmericanAirlines Arena in (N) (In Stereo Live) Miami. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å

NCIS “Double Back” Tracking one of Parsa’s cohorts. (14,L,V) Å (DVS)

Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) (14) Å

Pit Bulls-Parole Law & Order: SVU

Eyewitness News at 9PM (N)


Home & Family




Varied Programs





Grey’s Anatomy

Varied Programs

Contessa Varied

Hunt Intl

Varied Programs

Supernatural “I’m No Angel” Dean and






Not Wear Varied


Law & Order: SVU

Total Dra. Total Dra. Adven

Cupcake Varied




Varied Programs




Wil. West Mickey

Weddings Varied


Varied Programs

South Pk Movie

Gilmore Girls





WGN Midday News


The Chew

Days of our Lives


Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Paid

Varied Programs


1 P.M.

Cleveland American American American King

Sins & Secrets


In the Heat of Night

Varied Programs



Young & Restless


Midday With Mike

America’s Got Talent “Audition” Hopefuls perform for the judges. (N) (In Stereo) (PG,L) Å

Famous in 12 A family continues to


Varied Programs


CABLE CHANNELS # WGN-A Funny Videos (PG) Movie: ››‡ “Jurassic Park III” (2001) Sam Neill, William H. Macy. Å

L * WEVV Men (14) Å

Who Wants to Be 9 + WEHT a Millionaire (PG)

Wheel of Fortune

. $ WFIE “Dad’s Week” (G)

Eyewitness News


Wicked Attraction


In the Heat of Night


12 P.M. 12:30

Dinosaur Dinosaur Super

_ ( WTVW at 6:30PM (N) pursue fame. (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å Sam try to protect Castiel. (14,L,V) Members’ Choice (G) ) ` WNIN PBS NewsHour (N) The Statler Brothers Farewell Concert (G) Å




Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Home & Family

CMT Music


The Price Is Right

The View


Judge Mathis

10 A.M. 10:30 11 A.M. 11:30

Bourdain Varied Programs


Varied Programs


Animal Cops

Varied Programs


700 Club The 700 Club



CMT Music

Varied Programs

CMT Music


Varied Programs


Pokémon Teen



Varied Programs

Varied Programs

19 Kids








Varied Programs


Varied Programs

Skincare Movie




Varied Programs



































Full H’se

Almost, Away



FamFeud FamFeud Steve Harvey

9 A.M.

Dinosaur Sesame Street

Walker, Tex. Ranger

Unsolved Mysteries Frasier




Varied Programs






Mike & Mike Cont’d










J. Meyer







Local 7 News

8 A.M.

Good Morning America




9 +




. $


) ` WNIN

_ ( WTVW


7 A.M.


TV GUIDE 6/10/14 through 6/16/14

. $ WFIE (G) Å

_ ( WTVW at 6:30PM (N) Anyway? (N) Å Anyway? (14) ) ` WNIN PBS NewsHour (N) Antiques Roadshow (G) Å

2014 Stanley Cup Final: Los Angeles Kings at New York Rangers. Game 6. From Madison Square Garden in New York. (If necessary). (N) (In Stereo Live) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG) Å


Signed, Sealed, Delivered (G) Å

Wheel of Fortune


Eyewitness News at 9PM (N)


Beauty and the Beast “Cold Case” Gabe suspends Cat and Tess. (N) (14)


Movie: “Accidentally in Love” (2010) Jennie Garth, Ethan Erickson. (G) Å


Cutthroat Kitchen (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Whose Line Is It

Whose Line Is It


Chicken (14)

Extreme RVs (N) (G) Å

Family Guy (14)

Eyewitness News




Signed, Sealed, Delivered (N) (G)


≤ HALL Nanny (PG)

Cutthroat Kitchen (N) (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Extreme RVs (N) (G) Å

Bob’s Burgers (14) Family Guy (14)

Rescue Me A close call in a fire. (MA)

Bar Rescue “Meat Sauna” (PG,L)

Alaskan Bush People The Browns reflect on the year. (In Stereo) (14) Å

Movie: ›› “The Astronaut’s Wife” (1999, Science Fiction) Johnny Depp, Charlize Theron. Å

Movie: ››‡ “Rambo: First Blood Part II” (1985, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna.

Food Network Star (G)

(6:00) Movie: ››› “Rambo: First Blood” (1982) Sylvester Stallone. Å

≠ FOOD (6:00) Chopped (G) Guy’s Grocery Games (G)


Extreme RVs (N) (G) Å

Beach Bargain (G) Beach Bargain (G) Brother vs. Brother (N) (G) Å

Food Paradise (G) Mega RV Countdown (G) Å

¨ HGTV Hunters Int’l (G)


Burgers (PG)

Paid Program

Cars.TV (In Stereo) (PG) Å

The Closer “Lover’s Leap” (14,V)

Salem “Children Be Afraid” (MA)

Paid Program

Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Shake It Up! “Sur(G) Å “Charlie Is 1” (G) (G) Å prise It Up” (G)

Sister Wives (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Rick, Morty (PG)

King of Hill (PG)

Return to Amish (N) (14) Å

X TOON Regular Show (PG) King of Hill (PG)

Sister Wives (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Movie: ››‡ “Van Helsing” (2004, Fantasy) Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale. Premiere.

Jessie (In Stereo) (G) Å

U TLC Here Comes (PG) Sister Wives (In Stereo) (PG) Å V SYFY (5:30) Movie: ››‡ “The Wolfman” (2010, Horror)

Dog With a Blog (G) Å

Movie: ›››‡ “Finding Nemo” (2003, Comedy) Voices of Albert Brooks. (In Stereo) ‘G’ Å

Finding Bigfoot “Untold Stories” (N)

Halt and Catch Fire Gordon and Cameron struggle. (14) Å

South Park (MA)

Chasing Life “Pilot” (14,D,L) Å

South Park “The Black Friday Trilogy” (14) Å

Mickey Mouse “Potatoland” (G)

SportsCenter Å

Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Friends (14) Å

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14) Suits Mike and Harvey adjust. (14)

Liv & Maddie (In Stereo) (G) Å

Hungry Investors (In Stereo) (PG)

NHRA Drag Racing: Ford Thunder Valley Nationals. From Bristol, Tenn. (N)

Boy Meets World

American River Renegades (N) (PG)

Paid Program

Masterpiece (PG)

The Office (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Movie: “The Mentor” (2014, Suspense) Jes Macallan, Aaron Douglas. A man with a Drop Dead Diva “Hero” Kim is rescued dark past obsesses over a married teacher. (14,D,V) Å from a mugging. (PG) Å

Law & Order (14)

Bigfoot (PG)

Full House (G)

Call-Wildman (PG) Call-Wildman (PG) Finding Bigfoot (N) (In Stereo) (PG)

(6:00) Movie: ››‡ “Shutter Island” (2010, Suspense) Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley.

S DISN “Graduation” (G)



I AMC Premiere. A 1950s lawman hunts an escaped murderess. ‘R’


Full House (G)

Bar Rescue (In Stereo) (PG)

Alaska: The Last Frontier “Father’s Day Special” The Kilchers celebrate. (In Stereo) (14) Å

Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) Big Smo (PG)

Full House (G)

Salem “Children Be Afraid” (MA)


Entertainment Tonight (N) (In Stereo)

Movie: ››‡ “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows” (2011) Robert Downey Jr. Å (DVS)

Movie: ›››‡ “The Blind Side” (2009) Sandra Bullock. A well-to-do white couple adopts a homeless black teen.

Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (In Stereo) (PG) Å

C COM (6:25) Movie: ››› “Dumb & Dumber” (1994, Comedy) Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Lauren Holly.


? A&E

> NICK Sam & Cat (Y)

Full House (G)

Movie: ››‡ “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows” (2011) Robert Downey Jr. Å (DVS)


Mission: Imp. 2

MLB Baseball: Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. (N) (Live)

Devious Maids “The Visit” Reggie moves forward with his plans. (N) (PG)

; ESPN FIFA World C.

Drop Dead Diva “Hero” Kim is rescued from a mugging. (N) (PG) Å

College Baseball: NCAA World Series, Game 4: Teams TBA. From Omaha, Neb. (N) (Live) Å

(6:00) Movie: “The Mentor” (2014) Jes Macallan. A man with a dark past obsesses over a married teacher. (14)

The Office (In Stereo) (14) Å


JUNE 15, 2014


CSI: Miami “Power Trip” A savage killer runs rampant in Miami. (14,L,V)

Jeopardy! (In Stereo) (G) Å

Movie: ››› “21 Jump Street” (2012, Comedy) Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Brie Larson.

Bar Rescue (In Stereo) (PG)

: ESPN2 Countdown


(5:00) Grown Ups

Hungry Investors (N) (In Stereo) (PG)

Bar Rescue (In Stereo) (PG)



7 SPIKE Bar Rescue (PG)

Alaskan Bush People The Browns reflect on the year. (N) (14) Å

Alaska: The Last Frontier “Father’s Day Special” The Kilchers celebrate. (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å

(6:00) Alaskan 0 DISC Bush People (14)

How I Met Your Mother (14) Å

Castle Big footprints are found near a murder. (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Outdoorsman With Paid Program Buck McNeely (G)

Salem “Children Be Afraid” (MA)

Two and a Half Men (14) Å

Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å


Movie: “The Making of a Lady” (2012) Lydia Wilson. (PG)

Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å


Movie: ››› “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” (2004, Comedy) Will Fer- Movie: ››› “I Love You, Man” (2009, Comedy) Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Rashida rell. A 1970s newsman feels threatened by a female employee. (DVS) Jones. A man’s new friendship threatens his upcoming wedding.

Movie: ››› “The Hangover” (2009, Comedy) Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms. Three pals must find a missing groom after a wild bash. (DVS)


% WTBS Legend of Ron”

Salem “Children Be Afraid” (N) (MA)

The Good Wife Will faces off with a new The Mentalist “White as the Driven prosecutor. (In Stereo) (14) Å Snow” Grace is kidnapped. (14,L,V)

The Good Wife “A Few Words” Alicia prepares for a conference. (14,D,L)

(6:00) 60 Minutes

CABLE CHANNELS # WGN-A Funny Videos (PG) Movie: ››‡ “Demolition Man” (1993) Sylvester Stallone. Å

L * WEVV (N) Å

Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å

Crisis “Best Laid Plans” Gibson focuses 14 News at 10:00PM (N) Å on a new target. (N) (14,V) Å

2014 NBA Finals: Miami Heat at San Antonio Spurs. Game 5. From the AT&T Center in San Antonio. (If NBA Postgame Studio (N)

9 + WEHT (N) (In Stereo Live) necessary). (N) (In Stereo Live) Å


Criminal Minds “To Hell ...” Bordercrossing serial killer. (14,L,V) Å


Independent Lens “How to Survive a Plague” (14)

NBA Countdown

. $ WFIE tors face 10 obstacles. (PG) Å (DVS)


Eyewitness News at 9PM (N)


Masterpiece Mystery! Case of a murder suspect. (N) (PG)

Glee “Glee, Actually” Kurt has an unforgettable Christmas. (14,D,L) Å


American Ninja Warrior “Venice Beach Qualifying” Competi- Believe “Second Chance” Bo pulls Tate back into danger. (N) (14,V)

_ ( WTVW Show (G) Å Theory (PG) Å Theory (PG) Å ) ` WNIN Garden Smart (G) Secrets of Scotland Yard (14) Å

The Andy Griffith







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Eyewitness News at 9PM (N)

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Finlay goes missing. (14) Å (DVS)




The Arsenio Hall Show Tyra Banks; Daymond John; Chris Spencer. (14)

11:30 Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å

Jimmy Kimmel Live (In Stereo) (14,D,L) Nightline (N) (G) Å

Little Women: LA The ladies enroll in a dance class. (14) Å

Celebrity Wife Swap Niecy Nash and Tina Yothers. (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Little Women: LA Christy steals Traci’s spotlight. (14) Å

JUNE 11, 2014 12:00 12:30






Whose Line Is It Anyway? (PG)


CABLE CHANNELS # WGN-A (6:00) MLB Baseball: Chicago Cubs at Philadelphia Phillies. (N) (Live)


Seinfeld (In Stereo) Movie: ›› “Old School” (2003, Comedy) Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn. Three men relive their wild past by starting a fraternity. (DVS)



20/20 (In Stereo) (PG) Å






Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å

Jimmy Kimmel Live (In Stereo) (14,D,L) Nightline (N) (G) Å


Cops Reloaded (In Stereo) (14) Å


JUNE 13, 2014

American Dad (In Stereo) (14) Å

The Insider Movie “22 Jump Street.”

Last Call With Carson Daly (14)

Washington Week Charlie Rose

Inside Edition (N) (PG) Å

Parks (PG)

30 Rock (14) Å

The Late Late Show With Craig Fergu- How I Met Your son (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å Mother (PG) Å

Parks (PG)

Parks (PG)

How I Met (14)

America’s Funniest Home Videos (PG) How I Met (14)

Movie: ››‡ “Zoolander” (2001, Comedy) Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell. A disgraced male model is brainwashed to become an assassin.

Jail (14) Å

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

SportsCenter (N)

Wife Swap Women with clashing views on discipline. (In Stereo) (14) Å

Jail (14,L,V) Å

Siberian Cut “Russian Roulette” Loggers try to make their fortunes. (PG,L)

Movie: ››› “Blades of Glory” (2007, Comedy) Will Ferrell, Jon Heder, Will Arnett. Rival male skaters compete as a pair. (DVS)

Jail (14) Å

Siberian Cut: Frozen Ground “Age Old Chrome Underground “Blind Sided” A Enemies” (In Stereo) (PG,L) Å rare rally car in Mexico. (PG,L) Å

Siberian Cut “Russian Roulette” Loggers try to make their fortunes. (PG,L)

Siberian Cut: Frozen Ground “Age Old Chrome Underground “Blind Sided” A Enemies” (N) (In Stereo) (PG,L) Å rare rally car in Mexico. (N) (PG,L)

0 DISC Catch (14) Å

Jail (14,L,V) Å

Movie: ›› “Death at a Funeral” (2010) Keith David, Loretta Devine.

Cops (14,V) Å

Jail (14,L,V) Å

Cops (14,V) Å

Movie: ››› “How to Train Your Dragon” (2010) Voices of Jay Baruchel.

Cops (PG) Å

Cops (PG) Å

Cops (PG) Å

Celebrity Wife Swap Tracey Gold and Carnie Wilson. (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Cops (PG) Å

Movie: ››› “How to Train Your Dragon” (2010) Voices of Jay Baruchel.

Little Women: LA Christy shops for an engagement ring. (14) Å

ESPN FC (N) (Live)

Little Women: LA Christy steals Traci’s spotlight. (14) Å

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Wife Swap Women with clashing views on discipline. (In Stereo) (14) Å

Olbermann (N) (Live) Å

Celebrity Wife Swap Tracey Gold and Carnie Wilson. (In Stereo) (PG) Å

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Cops (14) Å

7 SPIKE Cops (PG) Å 8 FX How I Met (14)

(6:00) Celebrity Wife Swap (PG)

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

World Cup Tonight (N) (Live)

2014 U.S. Open Golf Championship: Best of the Second Round. (N) Å

Fresh Prince (G)

George (PG)

Friends (PG) Å

Movie: ››› “The Italian Job”

Friends (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Friends (PG) Å

Friends (PG) Å

Movie: ››‡ “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows” (2011) Robert Downey Jr. Å (DVS)

Full House (G)

Full House (G)

Criminal Minds (In Stereo) (14) Å

Full House (G)

Full House (G)

Criminal Minds Terrorist bombing. (14)

Movie: ››‡ “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows” (2011) Robert Downey Jr. Premiere.

Criminal Minds (In Stereo) (14) Å

Half Hour (MA)

Fresh Prince (PG) Fresh Prince (G)

Criminal Minds (In Stereo) (14) Å

Half Hour (MA)

Fresh Prince (G)

Criminal Minds (In Stereo) (14) Å

The 700 Club (In Stereo) (G) Å

Patton Oswalt: Tragedy Plus Comedy

South Park (MA)

South Park (MA)

Movie: ››› “Coming to America” (1988, Comedy) Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall. Å

Movie: ››› “The Goonies” (1985, Adventure) Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen.

Mod Fam (PG)

Mod Fam (PG)

Playing House (14) Royal Pains (PG) Å (DVS)

Mod Fam (PG)

Liv & Maddie (In Stereo) (G) Å

Say Yes: ATL (PG) Say Yes: ATL (PG) Gown (PG)

No Limits (PG)

Gown (PG)

Venture Bros. (14) American Dad (14)

Heroes of Cosplay (14)

Say Yes: ATL (PG) Say Yes: ATL (PG)

Jessie “Used Karma” (G) Å

Wil Wheaton (14)

Good Luck Charlie Jessie (In Stereo) (G) Å (G) Å

NCIS: Los Angeles (14) Å (DVS)

No Limits (PG)

Movie: ››› “Space Cowboys” (2000, Adventure) Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland. NASA reunites four aging flyboys for an urgent mission. ‘PG-13’ (Adult language) Å

Mod Fam (PG)

(5:00) Movie: “Cad- Movie: ››› “The Legend of Bagger Vance” (2000, Drama) Will Smith, Matt Damon, Charlize Theron. Premiere. A golf caddy helps a disillusioned young war veteran. ‘PG-13’ (Adult situations) Å

Mod Fam (PG)

No Limits (N) (PG) No Limits (N) (PG) Treehouse: Out on a Limb (PG)

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

Gown (PG)

Treehouse Masters (In Stereo) (PG)

Mod Fam (PG)

Good Luck Charlie Jessie “Toy Con” “Futuredrama” (G) (G) Å

Treehouse: Out on a Limb (PG)

Treehouse (PG)

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

Treehouse Masters (N) (PG)

Law & Order (14)

Liv & Maddie (In Stereo) (G) Å

Say Yes: ATL (PG) Say Yes: ATL (PG) Say Yes: ATL (PG) Say Yes: ATL (PG) Gown (PG)

Mod Fam (PG)


I Didn’t Do It “Dance Fever” (G)



(5:20) Movie: “16

Jessie Jessie gets Dog With a Blog a job. (N) (G) (N) (In Stereo) (G)


Continuum (14)

Wil Wheaton (14)

Continuum (N) (14)

Aqua Teen (14)

Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Å

Chicken (MA)

Cops Rel. (14)

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (G)

Family Guy (14)

Hunters Int’l (G)

Diners, Drive (G)

American Dad (14) American Dad (14) Family Guy (14)

Hunters Int’l (G)

Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Å

Diners, Drive (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Å

Diners, Drive (G)

Love It or List It (G) Å

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Diners, Drive (G)

Monumental Mysteries (PG) Å

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (G)

Frasier (PG) Å

Diners, Drive (G)

Diners, Drive (G)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Diners, Drive (G)

Diners, Drive (G)

Cops Rel. (PG)

JUNE 14, 2014 12:00 12:30

Cops Rel. (PG)


CMT Crossroads (PG) Å


Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Frasier (PG) Å


CMT Crossroads (N) (PG) Å


Party Down South (14)


Movie: “Chance at Romance” (2013) Erin Krakow, Ryan McPartlin. (G) Å


The Big Bang Theory (14)

Movie: ››‡ “Due Date” (2010, Comedy) Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis. A high-strung man takes a road trip with an annoying stranger. (DVS)

Bones “The Girl in the Mask” (14,D)

Two and a Half Men (14) Å

Engagement (14)

Everybody Loves Raymond (PG)

Engagement (14)

Everybody Loves Raymond (G)

Movie: ›‡ “Envy” (2004, Comedy) Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Rachel Weisz.

30 Rock (14) Å

Paid Program

30 Rock (PG)

Paid Program

Open House NYC (In Stereo)

NOVA Satellite data of the earth. (G)

Sun Studio (G)

Bones “The Girl in the Mask” A friend of Criminal Minds “Amplification” Deadly Booth’s asks for help. (14,D) Å virus is released. (14,V) Å

Lanham Bros

Burn Notice “Wanted Man” Theft of a multimillion-dollar brooch. (PG) Å

1st Look “Cool Jobs” (N)

The Big Bang Theory (14)

Treehouse Masters Pete returns to his first treehouse. (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Austin City Limits (PG) Å

Globe Trekker (G) Å (DVS)

Eyewitness News at 9PM (N)

Saturday Night Live Host Jonah Hill; Bastille performs. (In Stereo) (14) Å


The Waltons “The Last Straw” (G)


Party Down South (14)


Music Makes a City (G) Å

Xerox Intl. Jazz Festival (G)

Movie: ››‡ “Road to Bali” (1952, Musical Comedy) Bing Crosby, Bob Hope. Two vaudevillians help save an island beauty’s treasure.

Eyewitness News

_ ( WTVW at 6:30PM (N)

14 News at 10:00PM (N) Å

Sing Your Face Off (Season Finale) Transformations include M.C. Hammer. (N) (In Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å Stereo) (PG) Å (DVS)

The Blacklist “The Alchemist” Tom and Liz face another obstacle. (14,V)

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation A 48 Hours (N) (In Stereo) (PG,V) Å murder occurs during a poker game. (14)

Dateline NBC (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Bet on Your Baby A game called Wobbly Waiter. (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Wheel of Fortune

Private Practice “Too Much” Sam finds his estranged sister in jail. (14)

Hawaii Five-0 Gunmen hit Five-0 headquarters. (In Stereo) (14) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

Vegas Rat Rods (In Stereo) (PG,L) Å (DVS)

The Big Bang Theory (14)

The Big Bang Theory (14)

The Big Bang Theory (14)

How I Met Your Mother (14) Å

Inside Edition The Insider (N) (In Seinfeld “The Weekend (N) (PG) Stereo) Å Fatigues” (G) Å

Seinfeld “The 9 + WEHT Fatigues” (G) Å

Everybody Loves Raymond (PG)

Treehouse Masters Pete returns to his first treehouse. (In Stereo) (PG) Å

CABLE CHANNELS # WGN-A Funny Videos (PG) America’s Funniest Home Videos (PG) America’s Funniest Home Videos (14) Bones (In Stereo) (14) Å


Treehouse Masters Pete builds butterfly-themed treehouse. (PG) Å

Fargo (MA)

Movie: ››‡ “Man on Fire” (2004) Denzel Washington. A bodyguard takes revenge on a girl’s kidnappers.

Treehouse Masters Pete designs a dream clubhouse. (PG) Å

(6:00) Treehouse Masters (PG)

Cops (14,V) Å

Cops (PG) Å

Cops (PG) Å

Movie: ››› “X-Men: First Class” (2011) James McAvoy. The early years of Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr.

Cops (PG) Å

Cops (PG) Å

Cops (14) Å

UFC 174: Johnson vs. Bagautinov - Prelims From Vancouver, B.C. (N)


X-Men: First Class

7 SPIKE Cops (PG) Å


Movie: “The Secret Sex Life of a Single Mom” (2014) Ashley Jones, Alex Carter. A divorcee finds sexual liberation through online dating. (MA,L,S) Å

2014 FIFA World Cup: Group C -- Ivory Coast vs. Japan. (N) (Live)

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

SportsCenter (N) Å

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

World Cup Tonight (N) (Live)

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

ESPN FC (N) (Live)

Movie: “The Mentor” (2014, Suspense) Jes Macallan, Aaron Douglas. A man with a dark past obsesses over a married teacher. (14,D,V) Å

To Be Announced Movie: “The Mentor” (2014, Suspense) Jes Macallan, Aaron Douglas. Premiere. A man with a dark past obsesses over a married teacher. (14,D,V) Å

SportsCenter (N)

Friends (14) Å

Mod Fam (PG)

Mod Fam (PG)

David Spade (MA)

George (PG)

Criminal Minds (14) Å (DVS)

Movie: ››‡ “Sherlock Holmes” (2009) Robert Downey Jr. Å (DVS)

Friends (In Stereo) (PG) Å

AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Jane Fonda

Criminal Minds “Broken” (14,D,L,S,V)

Friends (PG) Å

Criminal Minds (14) Å (DVS)

Friends (PG) Å

Full House (G)

Kevin Hart: Laugh at My Pain (MA,L)

Criminal Minds (14) Å (DVS)

Criminal Minds (14) Å (DVS)

Movie: ››‡ “Uncle Buck” (1989, Comedy) John Candy, Amy Madigan.

Mod Fam (PG)

Bad Dog! (In Stereo) (PG)

Strange Sex (MA)

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

Strange Sex (MA)

Dog With a Blog (G) Å

Sex Sent Me to the E.R. (14) Å

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

Liv & Maddie (In Stereo) (G) Å

Sex Sent Me to the E.R. (14) Å

Boondocks (MA)

Property Brothers “Kate & Dave” (G)

Ghost Adventures (PG) Å

Bleach (N) (14)

House Hunters Renovation (G) Å

The Dead Files (PG) Å

Naruto (14)

Red: Werewolf (14

Strange Sex (MA)

Movie: ›› “He’s Just Not That Into You” (2009) Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston. Å

My Tiny Terror (In Stereo) (PG)

Movie: ››‡ “Invincible” (2006, Biography) Mark Wahlberg, Greg Kinnear, Elizabeth Banks. The story of football’s Vince Papale. ‘PG’ Å

Movie: ›‡ “Billy Madison” (1995) Adam Sandler, Darren McGavin. Å

Movie: ›››‡ “The Blind Side” (2009) Sandra Bullock. A well-to-do white couple adopts a homeless black teen.

Sinbad: Make Me Wanna Holla (N) (14,L) Å

Mod Fam (PG)

Movie: ›››‡ “The Green Mile” (1999, Drama) Tom Hanks, David Morse, Michael Clarke Duncan. A guard thinks an inmate has a supernatural power to heal. ‘R’ (Adult language, adult situations, violence) Å

Mod Fam (PG)

(4:00) Movie: “Space Cowboys”

Mod Fam (PG)

My Cat From Hell (In Stereo) (PG)

Mod Fam (PG)

Cat From Hell (PG) My Cat From Hell (N) (In Stereo) (PG)

Good Luck Charlie Liv & Maddie (In (G) Å Stereo) (G) Å

Strange Sex (MA)

The Dead Files (PG) Å

One Piece (N) (Y7)

Boondocks (MA)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Movie: “Battledogs” (2013) Dennis Haysbert, Craig Sheffer. (14,L,V) Å

The Dead Files (PG) Å

Space Dandy (14)

American Dad (14) Family Guy (14)

House Hunters Renovation (N) (G)

Attack (14)

Ghost Adventures (N) (PG) Å

Dynamite (MA)

Property Brothers “Kate & Dave” (G)

Chopped “Pizza Perfect” (G)

Cops Rel. (14)

Chopped “Beer Here!” (G)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Restaurant: Impossible (G)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Chopped “Pizza Perfect” (G)


Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Chopped “Beer Here!” (G)

Cops Rel. (14)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Dog and Beth: On the Hunt (14) Å

Movie: ››› “Mrs. Doubtfire” (1993, Comedy) Robin Williams, Sally Field, Pierce Brosnan. Å

Dog and Beth: On the Hunt (N) (14)

Movie: ››‡ “The Wolfman” (2010, Horror) Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins. Premiere.

Sex Sent Me to the E.R. (N) (14) Å

Bad Dog! (In Stereo) (PG)

(6:00) NCIS (PG)

Kickin’ It (In Stereo) (Y7) Å

My Tiny Terror (N) (In Stereo) (PG)


Movie: ›› “The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl” (2005, Lab Rats (In Adventure) Taylor Lautner. (In Stereo) ‘PG’ Å Stereo) (Y7) Å



Dog With a Blog (G) Å

Sex Sent Me to the E.R. (N) (14) Å

Dog With a Blog


≠ FOOD (6:00) Chopped (G) Chopped “All-Burger Meal!” (G) ∞ CMT (5:00) Movie: ››› “Gridiron Gang” (2006) The Rock. ≤ HALL (6:00) Movie: “Second Chances” (2013) (G) Å

V SYFY (6:00) Movie: ›› “Underworld: Rise of the Lycans” Å King of Hill (PG) King of Hill (PG) X TOON Clarence (PG) [ TRV Food Paradise (G) Ghost Adventures (N) (PG) Å Property Brothers “Sarah & Mari” (G) ¨ HGTV Hunters Int’l (G)

Cellblock 6 (PG)



Criminal Minds “Broken” (14,D,L,S,V) ? A&E Criminal (14) B FAM (5:30) Movie: ››› “Remember the Titans” (2000) Kevin Hart: Laugh at My Pain (MA,L) C COM Coming-Amer.

AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Jane Fonda (N) < TNT (5:30) Movie: “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows” Thundermans (G) Thundermans (G) Hathaways (G) Sam & Cat (G) Full House (G) > NICK Sam & Cat (G)

: ESPN2 Drag Racing ; ESPN FIFA World C.

College Baseball: NCAA World Series, Game 2: Teams TBA. From Omaha, Neb. (N) (Live) Å


Vegas Rat Rods (In Stereo) (PG,L) Å (DVS)


Two and a Half

L * WEVV Men (14) Å

. $ WFIE “Dad’s Week” (G)

) ` WNIN WNIN’s Top 9



≠ FOOD Diners, Drive (G) ∞ CMT Malibu (PG) ≤ HALL The Waltons (G)

V SYFY (5:00) The Invasion WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å King of Hill (PG) Cleveland (14) Cleveland (14) X TOON Regular Show (PG) King of Hill (PG) Monumental Mysteries (N) (PG) Å [ TRV Monumental Mys Monumental Mysteries (PG) Å Love It or List It (G) Å ¨ HGTV Love It-List It (G) Love It or List It “McWilliams” (G)

Borrowed (PG)

S DISN Wishes” (2010) ‘G’

I AMC dyshack” ‘R’

B FAM (5:30) Movie: ››‡ “Jumanji” South Park (MA) C COM Daily Show (14)

> NICK (6:00) Movie: ››› “Rookie of the Year” (1993) Å Criminal Minds Terrorist bombing. (14) ? A&E Criminal (14)

: ESPN2 FIFA World C. ; ESPN SportsCenter (N) < TNT Supernatural (14)


(6:00) Deadliest

Late Night With Seth Meyers (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å

Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å

The Arsenio Hall Show Leah Remini; NeNe Leakes; Lil’ P-Nut. (14) Å

The Big Bang Theory (14) Å

Whose Line Is It Anyway? (PG)

Hart of Dixie Zoe secretly sees patients Eyewitness News at 9PM (N) again. (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Venture Bros. (14) American Dad (14)

Family Guy (14)

Bggg Bttls (G)


What Would You Do? (In Stereo) Å

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å

Aqua Teen (14)

Bggg Bttls (G)


Cops Reloaded (In Stereo) (14) Å

Two and a Half

14 News at 10:00PM (N) Å

Little Women: LA Christy shops for an engagement ring. (14) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Colbert Rep (PG)

Melissa (14)

Chicken (MA)

Trip Flip (PG)

A.N.T. Farm “sciANTs fair” (G)

Movie: ››› “Splice” (2009) Adrien Brody. Scientists use human DNA to create a new hybrid.

Trip Flip (PG)

Restaurant: Impossible (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G) Cops Rel. (PG)

Eyewitness News

_ ( WTVW at 6:30PM (N)

In the America (G) Just Seen It (PG)

Cops Reloaded (In Stereo) (14) Å

American Dad (In Stereo) (14) Å

Great Performances Emanuel Ax; Yo-Yo Ma; James Taylor. (G) Å

Dual Survival: Untamed “Mayan Mayhem” (In Stereo) (14) Å

The Late Late Show With Craig Fergu- How I Met Your son (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å Mother (14) Å

2014 Stanley Cup Final: New York Rangers at Los Angeles Kings. Game 5. (If necessary). From Los Angeles. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG) Å

Arrow “Broken Dolls” A criminal breaks out of prison. (14,L,V) Å

Little Women: LA Christy shops for an engagement ring. (14) Å

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

2014 FIFA World Cup Preview (N)

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Cold Justice (14) Å

MLS Soccer: FC Dallas at Portland Timbers. (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å

Friends (14) Å

Daily Show (14)

Melissa (14)

The Little Couple (In Stereo) (G) Å

Shake It Up! “Wrestle It Up” (G)

American Dad (14) American Dad (14) Family Guy (14)

Property Brothers “Marla & Adam” (G)

Lizzie McGuire “Pool Party” (G)

Food Paradise (G) Å

Restaurant Stakeout (G) Cops Rel. (PG)

American Dad (In Stereo) (14) Å

JUNE 12, 2014

Cops Rel. (PG)

Cops Rel. (PG)


Frasier (PG) Å

Cops Rel. (PG)


Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Frasier (PG) Å


Cops Rel. (PG)


Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å

Last Call With Carson Daly (14)

The This Old House Hour (G) Å Late Night With Seth Meyers Gerard Butler; Tony Shalhoub. (N) (14) Å

Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å

Inside Edition (N) (PG) Å

Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives Trying to identify a predator. (PG,L) Jail (14,L,V) Å

Delocated (14) Rehab Addict (G)

Wheel of Fortune

) ` WNIN PBS NewsHour (N) Washington Week Charlie Rose

The 100 “We Are Grounders -- Part II” Octavia faces a tough decision. (14,V)

Eyewitness News

_ ( WTVW at 6:30PM (N) Growing Up Fisher Growing Up (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Fisher (N) (PG)

Criminal Minds “The Road Home” A vigilante killer in Cleveland. (14,L,V)

. $ WFIE “Dad’s Week” (G)

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fal- Late Night With Seth Meyers John lon Journalist Barbara Walters. (N) (14) Oliver; Natasha Lyonne. (N) (14) Å

Secrets of the Dead (In Stereo) (PG)

The Middle “The Walk” (PG)

Wheel of Fortune

. $ WFIE “Dad’s Week” (G)

Undercover Boss Jeff Platt referees a dodgeball game. (In Stereo) (PG) Å

The Goldbergs (In Modern Family Stereo) (PG) Å (PG) Å (DVS)

Who Wants to Be 9 + WEHT a Millionaire (PG) Two and a Half

L * WEVV Men (14) Å

Last Call With Carson Daly (14)

14 News at 10:00PM (N) Å

Nature “Fortress of the Bears” (PG)

NOVA “Earth From Space” Satellite data of the earth. (In Stereo) (G) Å


30 Rock (14) Å

CABLE CHANNELS # WGN-A Funny Videos (PG) How I Met (PG)

Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å

The People vs. O.J. Simpson: What the Jury Never Heard (N) (In Stereo) Å

Late Show With David Letterman (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Parks/Recreat (14) Parks (PG)

) ` WNIN PBS NewsHour (N) Nature “Fortress of the Bears” (PG)

Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å

Parks (PG)

The Pete Holmes Show (MA)


Two and a Half Men (14) Å How I Met (14)

Conan Musician Jack White; actress Amber Stevens. (14) Å

Late Show With David Letterman (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

How I Met (14) The Pete Holmes Show (N) (MA)

Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å

How I Met (14) Conan Musician Jack White; actress Amber Stevens. (N) (14) Å

Two and a Half Men (14) Å

How I Met (14) The Big Bang Theory (PG)

Undercover Boss Travis Boersma works Hawaii Five-0 Danny and McGarrett are Blue Bloods “Justice Served” A mob under cover. (PG) Å abducted. (In Stereo) (14) Å lawyer is shot. (14,D,L,V) Å

How I Met (14) The Big Bang Theory (14)

Family Guy (In

Shark Tank A unique dating service. (In Stereo) (PG) Å (DVS)

How I Met (14) The Big Bang Theory (14)

Naked and Afraid (In Stereo) (14) Å

Who Wants to Be 9 + WEHT a Millionaire (PG)

How I Met (14) The Big Bang Theory (14) Dual Survival “On the Edge” Descending slippery cliffs. (14,L) Å

L * WEVV Men (14) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG) Naked and Afraid (In Stereo) (14) Å

Little Women: LA The ladies enroll in a dance class. (14) Å March to Brazil

Cold Justice (14) Å

Friends (PG) Å

At Midnight (14,L) South Park (MA)

Baby Daddy (14)

Mod Fam (PG)

Treehouse: Out on a Limb (PG)

The Little Couple “The Big 4-0” (G)

Even Stevens “Swap.com” (G)

Cleveland (14) Bggg Bttls (G)

Brother vs. Brother (G) Å


The Big Bang Theory (PG) Å


Secrets of the Manor House (PG)

The Pete Holmes Show (N) (MA)

Jail (14) Å

Cold Justice (14) Å

Hotel Impossible (PG) Å Rehab Addict (G)


The Insider (N) (In Stereo) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG) Dual Survival “On the Edge” Descending slippery cliffs. (N) (14,L) Å

Inside Edition (N) (PG) Å

% WTBS Stereo) (14) Å Dual Survival: Untamed “Mayan Mayhem” (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å

(6:00) Dual Sur-

The Goldbergs (In Motive “Deception” One of the team’s Stereo) (PG) Å own is murdered. (N) (14,L,V)

0 DISC vival (14) Å

(6:00) Wife Swap (14) Å

Guys Choice 2014 Celebrating men’s entertainment. (N) (In Stereo) Guys Choice 2014 Celebrating men’s entertainment. (In Stereo) Guys Choice 2014 (In Stereo) 7 SPIKE (5:30) Movie: ›‡ “Wrath of the Titans” (2012, Fantasy) Movie: ››› “How to Train Your Dragon” (2010) Voices of Jay Baruchel. Movie: ››› “How to Train Your Dragon” (2010) Voices of Jay Baruchel. Movie: ››› “Puss in Boots” (2011) Voices of Antonio Banderas. 8 FX Puss in Boots

9 LIFE March to Brazil Inside: U.S. Soccer’s March to Brazil : ESPN2 March to Brazil ; ESPN (6:00) MLB Baseball: Boston Red Sox at Baltimore Orioles. (N) (Live) Å

Friends (14) Å

Friends (PG) Å

Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty “Stand by Mia” (PG,D)

George (PG)

Hawaii Five-0 (PG) Å (DVS)

Full House (G) Big Smo (PG)

Full House (G)

Castle “One Life to Lose” (PG,L,V)

Full House (G) Duck Dynasty (PG) Big Smo (N) (PG)

Full House (G)

Castle “The Final Nail” (14,V) Duck Dynasty “Stand by Mia” (PG,D) Daily Show (14)

The 700 Club (In Stereo) (G) Å

Baby Daddy (14)

South Park (MA)

Baby Daddy (14)

Mod Fam (PG)

Little Couple (G)

Shake It Up! “I Do It Up” (G) Å

Movie: ›› “Eragon” (2006, Fantasy) Ed Speleers, Jeremy Irons, Sienna Guillory. A dragon’s egg leads a Movie: ››› “Groundhog Day” (1993) farm boy to his destiny. ‘PG’ (Adult situations, violence) Å Bill Murray. ‘PG’ Å

Colbert Rep (PG)

South Park (MA)

South Park (MA)

Melissa (14)

South Park (MA)

Chasing Life “Pilot” (14,D,L) Å

Movie: ››› “300” (2007, Action) Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, David Wenham. Badly outnumbered Spartan warriors battle the Persian army. ‘R’ (Adult situations, graphic violence, nudity) Å

< TNT (6:00) Castle (14) Castle A murdered lottery winner. (PG) Full House (G) Full House (G) > NICK Hathaways (G) ? A&E Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) Melissa (14) Baby Daddy (14) B FAM Melissa (14) Key & Peele (14,L) Key & Peele (14) C COM Daily Show (14) (4:00) Movie: “The

I AMC Mummy Returns” Graceland “The Line” (N) (14)

Treehouse: Out on a Limb (PG)

Little Couple (G)

Jessie (In Stereo) (G) Å

Graceland “The Line” (14)

Good Luck Charlie A.N.T. Farm (In “Bug Prom” (G) Stereo) (G) Å

Treehouse: Out on a Limb (PG)

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14) Suits Mike and Harvey adjust. (N) (14)

The Little Couple “The Big 4-0” (G)

Suits Mike and Harvey adjust. (14)

Little Couple (G)

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

Treehouse Masters (PG) Å

Law & Order (14)

Little Couple (G)

Movie: ›› “Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure” (2009) Voices of Mae Whitman, Lucy Liu. (In Stereo) ‘G’ Å

Treehouse Masters (PG) Å

J AP R USA Dog With a Blog

To Be Announced Treehouse: Out on a Limb (PG)


Cleveland (14) Trip Flip (PG)

Restaurant: Impossible (G)


Species: Awake

Trip Flip (N) (PG)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)


Eyewitness News at 9PM (N)

14 News at 10:00PM (N) Å

The Arsenio Hall Show Andrew Dice Clay; Wayne Brady. (14) Å Harmonista: Finding Festival (G)

Jimmy Kimmel Live (In Stereo) (14,D,L) Nightline (N) (G) Å Å

Late Show With David Letterman Paul The Late Late Show With Craig Fergu- How I Met Your Morrissey; First Aid Kit performs. (PG) son (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å Mother (PG) Å

Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å


WNIN’s Top 9 (N)

Undateable (N) (In Undateable (N) (In Last Comic Standing “Semi-Final Day Stereo) (14) Å Stereo) (14) Å 1” The comics perform. (N) (14) Å

The Originals “Girl in New Orleans” A shocking surprise for Hayley. (14,V)

Movie: “Isa” (2014, Suspense) Jeanette Samano, Sabi, Eric Ochoa. Premiere.

U TLC Little Couple (PG) The Little Couple (In Stereo) (G) Å V SYFY (6:00) Movie: ››‡ “Paul” (2011) Simon Pegg. Å

Property Brothers “Marla & Adam” (G)

Bggg Bttls (G)

King of Hill (PG) X TOON Regular Show (PG) King of Hill (PG) [ TRV Man v. Food (PG) Bizarre Foods/Zimmern (PG) Property Brothers (G) Å ¨ HGTV Buying (G)


Restaurant Stakeout (N) (G) Restaurant: Impossible (N) (G) ≠ FOOD Restaurant: Im. (G) Restaurant Stakeout (G) Movie: ››‡ “Flicka” (2006, Drama) Alison Lohman, Tim McGraw. A rancher’s teenage daughter tames a mustang. ∞ CMT Reba (PG) Å The Waltons “The Wager” (G) Å The Middle (PG) The Middle (PG) The Middle (PG) The Middle (PG) ≤ HALL The Waltons (G)


THURSDAY EVENING 6:30 The Vampire Diaries Katherine and Elena dream about Stefan. (14) Å


_ ( WTVW at 6:30PM (N) Feel the History

Hollywood Game Night Tim Gunn; Tiffani Thiessen; Jeff Probst. (N) (14)

Wheel of Fortune

) ` WNIN PBS NewsHour (N) American Barn . $ WFIE “Dad’s Week” (G)

NBA Countdown 2014 NBA Finals: San Antonio Spurs at Miami Heat. Game 4. From the AmericanAirlines Arena in (N) (In Stereo Live) Miami. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å Two and a Half Men (14) Å

Mom (In Stereo) (14) Å

Mountain Monsters: Werewolf of Webster County (14,D,L) Å

The Pete Holmes Show (MA)

America’s Funniest Home Videos (PG) America’s Funniest Home Videos (PG) Parks/Recreat (14) Parks/Recreat (14) Parks/Recreat (14) 30 Rock (14) Å Conan Actor Eric McCormack; author Michael Lewis. (N) (14) Å

Conan Actor Eric McCormack; author Michael Lewis. (14) Å Mountain Monsters A reptile-human hybrid is roaming W.Va. (14) Å

The Big Bang Theory (14)

The Big Bang Theory (14)

Jail (14,D,L,V)

2014 U.S. Open Golf Championship SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Friends (PG) Å

SportsCenter (N) Å

Movie: “A Daughter’s Nightmare” (2014) Emily Osment, Paul Johansson. A student suspects that a nurse may harm her widowed mother. (14,D,L,V) Å

Movie: ›› “Radio” (2003, Drama) Cuba Gooding Jr., Ed Harris.

Jail (PG,L) Å

Mountain Monsters: Werewolf of Webster County (14,D,L) Å

Cops (14) Å

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Olbermann (N) (Live) Å

Movie: “A Daughter’s Nightmare” (2014) Emily Osment, Paul Johansson. A student Movie: “Zoe Gone” (2014, Suspense) Jean Louisa Kelly, Andrea Bowen. A detecsuspects that a nurse may harm her widowed mother. (14,D,L,V) Å tive tries to help a teen find her kidnapped baby. (14,V) Å

Movie: ››‡ “Wanderlust” (2012, Comedy) Paul Rudd, Jennifer Aniston.

Cops (14) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

iMPACT Wrestling (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å

Mountain Monsters: Death Cat of Cherokee County (14,L) Å

The Big Bang Theory (14)

Elementary “Dead Clade Walking” A murder connected to a fossil. (14,L,V)

Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) (14) Å

The Millers “You Betcha” (PG,D,L)

The Big Bang Theory (PG) Å

Two and a Half Men (14) Å

Who Wants to Be 9 + WEHT a Millionaire (PG) Two and a Half

L * WEVV Men (14) Å

Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å

CABLE CHANNELS # WGN-A (6:00) MLB Baseball: Chicago Cubs at Pittsburgh Pirates. From PNC Park in Pittsburgh. (N) Å Seinfeld “Male Family Guy (In % WTBS Unbonding” (PG,D) Stereo) (14) Å

Cops (14,V) Å

(6:00) Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives Trying to

(5:00) “Sorority Surrogate” (PG)

Two/Half Men (14) Movie: ››‡ “Wanderlust” (2012, Comedy) Paul Rudd, Jennifer Aniston.

Cops (14,L,V)

0 DISC identify a predator. (In Stereo) (PG) Å FX

7 SPIKE Cops (14,V) Å 8 9 LIFE

Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å

Cold Justice (14) Å

The First 48 “Fatal Call” (PG) Å

Murder in the First “Pilot” (14,D,L,S,V)

Friends (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Castle (In Stereo) (PG) Å (DVS)

The First 48 “Birthday Girl” Å

Castle “The Dead Pool” (PG,L)

ESPN FC (N) (Live) : ESPN2 (6:00) World Cup Tonight (N) (Live) ; ESPN SportsCenter (N) 2014 U.S. Open Golf Championship: Best of the First Round. (N) Å Castle “Slice of Death” (PG,L,V)

(6:00) Castle (PG)


Friends (PG) Å

George (PG) The First 48 (In Stereo) (14) Å Colbert Rep (PG)

Friends (PG) Å Full House (G)

Full House (G) The First 48 (In Stereo) (14) Å

Colbert Rep (PG)

Fresh Prince (G)

Full House (G) The First 48 “Fatal Call” (PG) Å

Daily Show (14)

Fresh Prince (G)

See Dad Run (PG) Full House (G)

The First 48 “Birthday Girl” Å

Instant Mom (PG)

> NICK Hathaways (G) ? A&E The First 48 (14)

At Midnight (14,L) Tosh.0 (14,D,L,S)

Daily Show (14)

Fresh Prince (PG) Fresh Prince (G) The Comedy Central Roast “James Franco” (MA,L) Å

NCIS: Los Angeles (14) Å (DVS)

Movie: ›‡ “Caddyshack II” (1988, Comedy) Jackie Mason. ‘PG’ Å Mod Fam (PG)

Halt and Catch Fire “FUD” Joe’s team has internal differences. (14,L,S) Å Mod Fam (PG)

Alaska: The Last Frontier (MA) Å

The 700 Club (In Stereo) (G) Å Tosh.0 (14) Å

Movie: ››‡ “Caddyshack” (1980, Comedy) Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield. A vulgar newcomer clashes with the country club set. ‘R’ Å Mod Fam (PG)

North Woods Law (In Stereo) (PG)

North Woods Law: On the Hunt (PG)

Movie: ›› “Accepted” (2006, Comedy) Justin Long, Jonah Hill, Blake Lively.

Movie: ››‡ “National Lampoon’s Vacation” (1983, Comedy) Chevy Chase. A vacationing family detours into screwball side trips. ‘R’ Å

B FAM (6:00) Movie: ›‡ “Zookeeper” (2011) Kevin James. Tosh.0 (14,D,L,V) Tosh.0 (14,D,L) C COM Daily Show (14) (4:30) Movie:

I AMC “Groundhog Day”

North Woods Law: On the Hunt (PG)

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14) Mod Fam (PG)

North Woods (PG) Alaska: The Last Frontier (MA) Å

North Woods Law (N) (In Stereo) (PG)

Law & Order (14)



A.N.T. Farm “studANT council” (G)

Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Shake It Up! (In “Study Date” (G) Å Stereo) (G) Å

Shake It Up! “Future It Up” (G)

Jessie (In Stereo) (G) Å


Good Luck Charlie A.N.T. Farm (In (G) Å Stereo) (G) Å

Loiter Squad (14)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Extreme (PG)

Extreme (PG)

Extreme (PG)

Extreme (PG) American Dad (14) American Dad (14) Family Guy (14)

Fixer Upper (G) Å

Bizarre Foods America (PG) Å

Extreme (PG)

Extreme Cheapskates (PG) Å

Movie: ››‡ “16 Wishes” (2010) Debby Ryan. The wishes of a Austin & Ally (In teen magically come true on her birthday. ‘G’ Stereo) (G) Å

Extreme (PG)

Stargate: Cont

Dog With a Blog

Extreme (PG)

Movie: ›‡ “Red Planet” (2000) Val Kilmer. Astronauts try to colonize Mars to save mankind.


Extreme (PG)

Movie: ›› “The Invasion” (2007) Nicole Kidman. Premiere. Å

Fixer Upper (G) Å

Bizarre Foods/Zimmern (PG)

American Dad (14) Hotel Impossible (PG) Å

Food Court Wars (G)

Eric Andre (MA)

Cleveland (14)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Chopped Canada (G)

Family Guy (14) Bizarre Foods America (PG) Å

Diners, Drive (G)

Cleveland (14) Fixer Upper (N) (G) Å

Food Court Wars (G)

Cops Rel. (14)

Bizarre Foods/Zimmern (PG)

Chopped Canada (N) (G)

Frasier (PG) Å

Diners, Drive (G)

Chopped (G)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Cops Rel. (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Frasier (PG) Å

Party Down South (14)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Party Down South (N) (14) The Middle (PG)

Party Down South (14)

The Middle (PG)

The Middle (PG)

The Middle (PG)

The Waltons “The Idol” (G) Å

Party Down South (14)

Extreme (PG) U TLC Cheapskates (PG) Extreme (PG) V SYFY (5:30) Movie: ›› “The Astronaut’s Wife” (1999) Å King of Hill (PG) X TOON Regular Show (PG) King of Hill (PG)

[ TRV Man v. Food (G) ¨ HGTV House Hunters (G) ≠ FOOD Food Net. Star (G) ∞ CMT Reba (PG) Å ≤ HALL The Waltons (G)

TV GUIDE 6/10/14 through 6/16/14

PAGE A10 • JUNE 10, 2014


JUNE 10, 2014 • PAGE A11

Hunter Wilson receives Elizabeth D. Baier Spirit Award

Michelle Hudson, right, congratulates Hunter Wilson on his selection as 2014 recipient of the Elizabeth D. Baier Youth Spirit Award. $500, is given annually to a Special to the News Hunter Wilson, a student high school junior who reat Mount Vernon Senior sides in Posey County and High School, has been se- who is involved in comlected as the recipient of the munity activities in Posey Elizabeth D. Baier Youth County. The Elizabeth D. Baier Spirit Award for 2014. The Award, in the amount of Youth Spirit Award was

created in September 2007 in honor of Elizabeth D. Baier’s 25th Anniversary as Executive Director of the United Way of Posey County. Michelle Hudson, chairperson of the selection committee, said, “The United Way of Posey County wanted to recognize Elizabeth for her service to the United Way, but we also wanted to honor her for her many years of leadership, community involvement, and volunteer services to Posey County. An award recognizing exemplary volunteerism by young people had been a dream of Elizabeth’s for many years, so the creation of the Youth Spirit Award in her name seemed to be the perfect way to honor her.” Hunter is the son of Scott and Jackie Wilson and is involved as a volunteer and leader in many school and community activities,

“MSK Molds” Continued from Page A1 around an entire structure. Images can be enlarged to show great detail. They explained the information is useful to emergency responders and can be accessed on computers in vehicles or via an app on apple based products. The prosecutor and economic development departments can also benefit from the imagery. Davis and Pell stated they currently work with 48 out of the 92 counties within the state. Vanderburgh County is the closest neighboring county that also uses their services. Commissioners agreed to research their product and speak with other counties about their services. Commissioners approved a newly improved employee handbook. Executive Assistant, Keely Winiger, stated that all recent changes suggested by both county council members as well as the commissioners had been made. She said the project to update the document was started in April 2010 and she felt it was ready for approval. Alsop agreed the document, “Is a living, breathing thing that can be tweaked or amended, as needed.” E-cigarettes and vapor products will be added to the list of smoking products that users must stay away at least 25 feet from

including student council, Key Club, and DECA As a member of the Key Club, he participated in events such as Kiwanis Easter egg hunt, Bowl for Kids’ Sake, and Bristol-Myers’ Pharm Frolic. He is currently vicepresident of the Class of 2015 and has engaged in many important activities as a member of the Student Council. As a Student Council member, he serves on the Veteran’s Day Committee, which recognizes teachers who have served in the military. Participating in the Athletes Give Back to the Community program, Hunter worked at the At the Cross Mission, helping to

restock and reorganize their food pantry and reorganize clothing supplies. He has participated in basketball camps geared toward local youth serving as teacher and role model. Hunter is the president of the Mount Vernon Senior High School Key Club Chapter for 20142015. He said that he is enjoying serving as the Key Club liaison to the Mount Vernon Bicentennial Committee. Hunter is a member of National Honor Society and also served as a tutor at Mount Vernon Junior High School. In addition to volunteering to help others, Hunter has played on the varsity

tennis team and has played basketball at Mount Vernon Senior High School. Hunter plans to continue community involvement after high school graduation and plans to attend college to study mechanical engineering. The Elizabeth D. Baier Youth Spirit Award will be presented to Hunter at the United Way of Posey County Leadership Giving Recognition Dinner on August 27, 2014. For more information regarding the Award or the United Way’s Leadership Giving Program, please call 8383637 or email uwposey@ sbcglobal.net.

“School names replacements” Continued from Page A1 will travel to Indianapolis for the FFA State Convention on June 15-19. The board allowed students permission to travel on a Sunday. Horace Greathouse was presented a plaque for fifty years as a bus driver with the district. He is now retiring and expressed his pride in working for Mount Vernon school district. The next board meeting is slated for Monday, June 16 at 5:45 p.m., in the Mount Vernon Junior High School library.

county buildings. Schmitz noticed several individuals in close proximity to county buildings using E-cigarettes and felt the products should not be used on county property. Commissioners Walden and Alsop agreed. Commissioners approved Wessler Engineering to do the site design for a new soccer field that will be located off Smith Road and north of O’Donnell Road. The current soccer field is located near the jail. The county recently switched properties with Countrymark. The cost for the design will be $5,900 and will include plans for drainage. Commissioners also approved a request to declare old electronic items from the coliseum as surplus. Steve Schenk of the Highway Department stated his employees have been working on recycling roads as well as chipping and sealing roads. He said both projects take a lot of manpower. As soon as those projects are complete, they will begin working on repairing various potholes on county roads. The animal control report for May included 32 complaints with 13 animals picked up and two bite reports taken. Posey County Democrats presenting a check to Mayor John Tucker in support of the The next commissioners meeting will be Stellar grant. Pictured from l-r first row: Mayor Tucker and Ed Adams. Second row held on Tuesday, June 17, at 9 a.m. in the Alan Blackburn, Tony Goben, Jim Alsop, Mary Hoehn Rhoades, Jay Price and Liz Hovey House in Mount Vernon. Miller. Photo submitted

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2012 Ford Explorer XLT, 4x4, Leather, Loaded, White Pearl, 11K Mi. 2012 Ford Taurus Ltd., Roof, Leather, Med. Red, 6K Mi. 2012 Ford Fusion SEL, V6, Loaded, Roof, Leather, White, 11K Mi. 2011 Lincoln MKS, AWD, Loaded, Dk. Red, 19K Mi. 2011 Ford Escape Limited, 4x4, Loaded, Med. Gray, 26K Mi. 2011 Lincoln MKX, AWD, Loaded, Roof, Nav., Lt. Gold, 21K Mi. 2011 Ford Fusion SEL, White, 11K Mi. 2011 Ford Taurus Ltd., Leather Int., Lt. Gold, 23K Mi. 2011 Ford F-250 XLT FX4, 4x4, Supercab, Leather Int., Diesel, Black 2011 Ford Edge Limited, AWD, Nav., Roof, Med. Brown, 22K Mi. 2010 Lincoln MKS, AWD, Roof, Nav., Lt. Silver, 27K Mi. 2010 Ford F-150 Lariat, 4x4, Crew Cab, Leather Int., Red, 107K Mi. 2008 Mercury Grand Marquis LS, Leather, Loaded, 1 Owner, 78K Mi. 2008 Ford Crown Victoria LX, Maroon, Leather Int., 76K Mi. 2008 Ford Escape XLT, FWD, V6, Roof, Cloth, Black, 78K Mi. 2007 Mercury LS, Leather Int., Lt. Blue, 56K Mi. 2005 Ford F-150 XLT, Crew Cab, 4x4, Med. Gray, 1 Owner, 138K Mi. 1999 Ford F-350, Reg. Cab, Dual Wheels, Tommy Lift, Diesel, 42K Mi.


PAGE A12 • JUNE 10, 2014



JUNE 10, 2014 • PAGE A13

PAGE A14 • JUNE 10, 2014


MOUNT VERNON RELAY FOR LIFE At left: not deterred by strong winds and hard rain, Kayla and Malaki Harms are all smiles after the Luminaria Ceremony on Saturday night. Photo by Zach Straw

Nate Harms dons his glow in the dark glasses late Saturday night. Photo by Z. Straw

Posey County residents participate in the Luminaria Ceremony on Saturday night, remembering loved ones lost to cancer and honoring those battling the disease. Photo by Z. Straw

At right: Mount Vernon Relay for Life Chairperson Tiffani Weatherford and Co-chairperson Brittaney Johnson Ebram Shephard prepares to having fun in a Body Orbz congratulate the 2014 Courage Award Winner, Michelle Fortune, on Saturday afternoon. Photo by Peg Heckman on saturday afternoon. Photo by Peg Heckman


Survivors and their families kick of the 2014 North Posey Relay for Life with a survivor lap on Saturday morning.

Craig and Sean Egli enjoy the Community State Bank ring toss during the annual event.

The Rev. Danny Risinger and his wife Shirley walked the Team Wassmer proudly don their super hero capes dur- survivor lap, hand in hand. Danny was minister of Faith ing the Survivor Lap. Photos by Theresa Bratcher Bible Fellowship Church Church.

Terri Austin, Ed Adams and Brittany Johnson tended to the recent 2014 Kiwanis Golf Scramble. The scramble benefits the Kiwanis’ Annual Egg Hunt, Swim Party, and Christmas Present Programs. Photo by Zach Straw

Saluting Fathers Everywhere (Left) Maintenance Staff Robert Johnson and Son Dominic Goings

(Right) Maintenance Staff Greg Reynolds and Father John Reynolds

Empowering People to LIVE BETTER


920 S. Main St. New Harmony, IN 47631 Phone: 812-682-4675 ~ Fax: 812-682-4676


JUNE 10, 2014 • PAGE B1

Fortune is Mount Vernon Courage Award winner

By Dave Pearce No one was more surprised than Michelle Fortune when she was named the Mount Vernon Relay for Life Courage Award winner on Saturday at the 2014 Relay for Life. The event is held annually at the Mount Vernon High school track. Fortune’s surprise was compounded when she turned around after receiving the award and saw mwmbers of her family who had gathered for the occasion, unbeknownst to her. Fortune was nominated in a moving piece written by friend Courtney Price. The entire nomination is as follows: Courage, strength, determination, survivor. These are words that are recognized by many but demonstrated by few. I will never forget the phone call I received, in November of 2013, from the woman that is now considered one of my hero’s. She ever so calmly explained to me that she had been diagnosed with cancer. As I sat in disbelief and fought back tears she remained uplifted reassuring ME everything was going to be ok. I couldn’t help but think, wasn’t I supposed to be the strong one for her? We discussed what her new normal was going to look like and she was constantly saying; I got this, I’m going to beat this. Throughout the conversation she seemed to be her normal self making jokes, laughing, staying upbeat and positive. To her this was just another challenge that needed to be dominated and won. She never let the fear of uncertainty show. I should have known that this conversation was only an example of her setting the pace for her mindset and attitude that would need to take place over the next six months. As a wife to a Posey County Sheriff’s detective, mother of two very beautiful active young girls, full time employee as a Posey County Probation Officer, running her own successful business, and juggling her time with family, friends, and organizations; Michelle, needless to say, already had a full plate. But then on November 1, 2013, she received the news that she would quickly begin fighting a new battle, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. After consulting with her Oncologist, it was decided the best plan of action was for her to spend the next six months receiving 12 rounds of chemotherapy. From the very beginning Michelle had decided that she would take this negative intrusion in her life and try her very best to make it a positive. She refused to let cancer win in any aspect. She quickly began to blog her journey through cancer, reporting the good and the bad for the world to see. Michelle wanted others to benefit and find comfort

Surrounded by her family and support team, Michelle Fortune accepts the Courage Award at the Mount Vernon Relay for Life over the weekend. Pictured are Adeline Thiem (niece), Reagan Fortune (daughter). Second row: Marcille Thiem (stepmother), Cheryl Beirman (mother), Courage Award Winner Michelle Fortune, Emily Fortune (daughter), Jeremy Thiem (brother), and Lillian Thiem (niece). Third Row: Gary Thiem (father), Greg Beirman (stepfather), Jennifer Thiem (sister-in-law) holding Hadley Thiem (niece), and Jeremy Fortune (husband). Photo by Peg Heckman through her own struggles. Instead of seeking out pity for herself, she strived to be the strength for others. I remember her telling me, “Now, hopefully no one will have to go in to this lost, scared, or confused. I want them to know every step I took.” From the very first doctor’s appointment, to shaving her head, to her joyous final chemo she documented it all. Michelle allowed us all to walk side by side with her through her terrifying voyage. As her chemo weeks progressed so did the side effects. Michelle began living her life in phases of good weeks and bad weeks. Michelle fought through it all with a smile, however. Never missing a day of work, or any of her daughter’s or husband’s events, regardless of how terrible she felt all without complaint. She always managed to be beaming and

would laugh right alongside everyone else. With each new chemo week her following bad week seemed to increasingly get worse. Michelle found hope in the fact that encouragingly enough, that meant she was nearing her finish line. Finally, the good news started to pour in. On February 28, 2014 Michelle was considered in complete remission. She had won her battle. But she did not stop there she pushed forward through her remaining chemotherapy treatments. At last, the day Michelle and the rest of the world had waited for finally came, April 25, 2014, her last chemo day. Her last bad week. Her last fight with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. And she went out as a champion, stronger than ever, a true survivor. It is my upmost honor to nominate Mrs. Michelle Fortune as the 2014 Courage Award recipient.

Grandma Sue Wassmer is North Posey Courage winner

Sue Wassmer was the recipient of the Courage Award during North Posey’s Relay for Life event on June 7. She battled breast cancer and passed away July 2013. Her grandson, Nicholas, wrote a letter about his grandmother. Pictured are Nicholas, Sue’s husband, Bob, who accepted the award on her behalf, and North Posey Relay for Life Chair, Mary Peach. Photo by Valerie Werkmeister

By Dave Pearce Few families, if any, have done more to raise money for the North Posey Relay for Life than the family of Sue Wassmer, who lost her battle to cancer just last year. The Wassmer Family has since been on a year-round program to help raise money to fight the disease that took Sue Wassmer’s life. Because of the strength, courage, and determination displayed by Sue Wassmer during her fight againt cancer, and the incredible family that has kept her memory alive by raising money for the North Posey Relay for Life, Sue Wassmer was named the posthumous winner of this year’s award. A moving nomination submitted by Nicholas Wassmer, Sue’s grandson, follows: There are times in life when adversity wells up before us, forcing us to push forward with courage and strength, to face these trials and overcome them. My Grandmother, Sue Wassmer, met her fair share of such adversity. Married for nearly sixty years to her loving husband, Bob Wassmer, they had five children. She spent years working outside the home while also maintaining the household and raising the children, while my grandfather worked two jobs, at times, to support the family. Their children grew up and had families of their own, and she has become a grandmother to many, and a great grand-

mother to some. Her family is extensive, and they all look to her for strength in times of need, for her wisdom, strength, and courage is a light for us all. Around the age of retirement, she decided to follow a dream and became an artist, a craft at which she came to excel. She became a forerunner for the local arts community, helping to inspire the community in such endeavors, and continues to play an important part in keeping the artistic culture thriving in the Poseyville community. Twenty-four years ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. A radical mastectomy was performed to remove the cancer. She went in for the surgery, unsure of what might yet happen. The cancer might have spread. Our thoughts and prayers were with her as she went in for the surgery, struggling with the recent news of the cancer, hoping to fight it off. By the grace of God, she got fortunate news after the surgery: Her lymph nodes were clear. The cancer had not spread. She was fortunate enough not to require Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy. She had, as they say, ‘Beat the Monster’ that is Cancer. We all were very thankful not to lose such a wonderful person. Fast forward to about two years ago. After being in the clear for so many years, we were shocked to find out that she was being diagPlease See Courage, Page B8

Cynthiana church attempts to meet present, future needs

Fair Haven Church Pastor Mike Douglas has his wheel barrow full of wood chips for the community garden. By Dave Pearce Just about any preacher will tell you that it is difficult to minister to the spiritual needs of individuals when there are physical needs that have not been met. Fair Haven Community Church is trying to serve both purposes in Cynthiana by planting a community garden, with its fruits free to be used by area residents as long as there is a

harvest available. Inevitably, the church congregation would like to minister to both the physical and spiritual needs of the people in the Cynthiana area, but they believe they can best accomplish both purposes with their new project. “We have hauled in somewhere over 250,000 pounds of organic matter,” said church pastor Mike Douglas, an Owensville resident who spends much of his time in Cynthiana. “Instead of plowing this ground into a garden, we just covered it up with paper and wood chips. We wanted to go back and do things like the Lord does things. When man does things, he strips things out and leaves it exposed to erosion. He puts on chemical fertilizer and the wind blows it away. In the woods, natural composting occurs.” Douglas was quick to point out that the plants themselves are placed into the soil and are surrounded by the wood chips to hold moisture and compost into the soil. “We have found that all the big stuff stays on the top and the little stuff settles to the bottom,” Douglas said. “We learned that when the town came out here to look for the water meter. They dug down about a foot and when they got to within about an inch of the meter, the smallest pieces of woodchips had already washed to the bottom and had began to compost. The wood chips had only been down about 60 days. So it was easy for them to get to the water meter.” As it says in Isaiah 55:10-11 of the New International Version of the Bible: 10 As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I

Fair Haven Associate Pastor Aaron Simms appears to have plenty of help as he helps scoop wood chips for the community garden in Cynthiana. Photos by Wayne Nall desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Much of the information for the project was taken from an online video called ‘Back to Eden.’ On Wednesday evening, a group of people had joined hands to pray in a large circle on the spot where a burned-out house had stood not too long ago. Church Pastor Mike Douglas bought the property, cleaned it up, and has turned it into a project for the church and the community of Cynthiana. “There was a guy in Washington state

who started looking around and realized that the way God does things out in the wild, he doesn’t have to plow in the woods and everything is growing and everything is plush,” said church member Wayne Nall. “What we are doing here is that we are not tilling, but we are putting down paper and covering it with composted horse manure and these woodchips that we got from Sloan’s Tree Trimmers.” The woodchips retain the moisture so you Please See Needs, Page B8

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2pm Alexandrian Public Library Magic Show

All Day Annual Garden Walk - Mt. Vernon 11am Red Lantern Summer Stroll Art Festival Noon North Posey Relay for Life

8am Saint Philips Church VBS Starts

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9am Hoosier Salon Art Day Camp

9am Hoosier Salon Art Day Camp

9am Hoosier Salon Art Day Camp

2pm APL’s Grossology 101

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11am Valier Fundraiser Golf Scramble Western Hills Country Club

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8pm Despicable Me FREE Movie at Riverbend Park

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641 Third St | Po Box 397 | New Harmony, Ind. 812-682-3950 | www.poseycountynews.com


JUNE 10, 2014 • PAGE B3

Season comes to a close for high school golf in Posey

By Steve Kochersperger The results were not what the North Posey or Mount Vernon golf teams had hoped for Friday afternoon as each team ended their sectional day without heading on to the Regional round next week in Washington. Mount Vernon had started their year with a

bad taste in their mouths after the team ended just one stroke from moving on last season. North Posey had begun their year with high hopes for their young team but both the Vikings and Wildcats walked away Friday looking forward to next year hoping it would bring about more success than this year had.

Mount Vernon’s Mitchell Jackson continued to lead the way for his team turning in a 72 on his scorecard to not only lead his team in scoring but also lead all Posey County boys golfers. Jackson has been the best golfer for the Wildcats all season long and had hoped that his great score would help his team move forward into the state tournament. That would be very difficult to do for Jackson and his Wildcat team as the team worked hard but came up just short once again against some great golfers the area has to offer. Wildcat Senior Ryan Magruder shot a 78 to help his team and end his golf career on the high school level while Joseph Allbright continued to improve by turning in a scorecard with an impressive 79 to his name. Rounding out the scores for the Wildcats was Collin Jackson. The freshman shot a 82 Friday in his very first look at post season high school golf. Mount Vernon was not the only school to have a day that they wish they could get back in the sectional. North Posey also turned in scores that did not live up to what they be-

lieved they could have done this season. Leading the way for the Vikings was Logan Wilman who shot an 82. Wildman’s teammate Aaron Droste shot just one stroke behind him and turned in an 83 on his sectional day to help his team in the standings. Viking Chase Wilderman turned in a 91 for the Vikings while teammate Mason Wassmer carded a 93 to round out the scores for the North Posey Vikings. Altogether the sectional ended with Evansville North running away with yet another sectional crown. And while the Posey County Schools and golfers did not produce in a way as to move on to Regionals this week, the athletes have given a lot to developing their game this season and should be very proud of what they have accomplished. The season is now over for the two teams but all who are to return next season now look to the off season in hopes of growing as a golfer and use this sectional ending as a springboard to better and greater things next year. If all involved continue to work hard great things will come, that we do know.

Incoming eighth graders enjoying basketball camp this week at North Posey High School are, in front, Caleb Wassmer, Grant Schneider, Bryce Kiesel, and Hunter Alkire. In back are Michael Kavanaugh, Jarrett Motz, Jacob Mount Vernon golfer Joe Allbright prepares to tee off during his round Newman, Shane Harris, Jared Wilderman, and Coach Heath Howington. of 79 in the golf sectional held Friday at Fendrich.

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Incoming seventh graders enjoying basketball camp this week at North Posey High School are, in front, Front row (from left): Cameron Tepool, Zach Lowe, Cypress Hatcher, Preston Lockwood, Logan Braun, Camden Bender, Cole Koester, and Jacob Craig. In back are Sam Muensterman, Johnson Koester, Tristen Fisher, Logan Hoehn, Jacob Wiley, Nathan Ricketts, Hunter Harvey, Kyle Perry, and Coach Heath Howington.



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Incoming fifth and sixth graders enjoying basketball camp this week at North Posey High School are, in front, Bret Bullington, Zach Seibert, Draike Farrar, Kyle Lavanchy, Isaac Rose, Brinden Morell, Braden Schipp, Cayden McClure, Jaden Englert, and Andon Sorrell. In the back row are Coach Vince McClure, Tristain Joseph, Dalton Reidford, Wade Turpen, Thomas Turner, Marcus Orpurt, Kedrick Wahl, Owen Spears, Austin Danhauer, Jesse Murphy, and Coach Heath Howington.

Robert Blaffer Foundation Swim School Enrollment Summer is here and it is time to SWIM! Join us for some fun! Lessons will be held from June 30- July 25. You can sign up for Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays or Tuesdays, Thursdays. Each lesson is one hour long. Lessons are located at 511 Steammill St. in New Harmony, IN. Cost is $1.00 per lesson. Money can be paid in full at the beginning of lessons or money can be brought each day. Ages 3+ are accepted. Class times range from 9:00am-5:00pm. A schedule will be set according to the number of students enrolling. If you would like to enroll your child in classes, please complete the form below Call – email – or send the information to: Wesley Scherzinger 4760 Penfold Rd New Harmony, IN 47631 1-812-453-1204 wjscherzin@eagles.usi.edu (You will receive a telephone call from Wesley Scherzinger to schedule your child.)

Student Name: _______________________________________________ Parent Name: ________________________________________________ Student Age: ______Grade Next Fall: ______M, W, F______ T, Th______ Phone Number: __________________Cell ________________________ Emergency Contact: __________________________________________ Emergency Contact Phone Number: _____________________________ Other Info:____________________________________________________ Parent Signature: ____________________________________________

PAGE B4 • JUNE 10, 2014


Babe Ruth season beginning to have the showdown look

North Posey Red batter Hunter Alkire is brushed off the plate during action this week at Gibson Southern High School. Photo by Dave Pearce By Conner Voegel This week’s North Posey Babe Ruth Baseball schedule consisted of a lot of anticipation, but not much outcome. North Posey Red played only one game while North Posey Black ended up playing only two. The definition of anticipation is as follows, ‘realization in advance; foretaste, expectation or hope.’ Anticipation plays a big role in life, but especially in sports. As a baseball player all you can think of during a game is, ‘I am ready for the next ball to be hit to me, I am ready to close down the seventh, or I am ready to hit that game winning hit.’ And then after the game all you can think of is ‘I am ready to go win the next game.’ As a player you anticipate everything whether it is the next game, or the next out. Being a player is not always as easy as it sounds. You, of course, have to be physically ready to go out and hustle to make sure your team has the best chance to win, but you also have to be mentally prepared, not always noticed by fans going into the game. When you think of being mentally prepared do not think of jamming out to your headphones like some players. Yes, that

may help some players, but to be truly prepared you have to anticipate the best and worst possible outcome, and strive to achieve the best. As a player you must know you are going to do whatever it takes to help your team win, anticipate the next play, and whatever you do never give up. North Posey Red’s only game was against Haubstadt Legion. Dalton Rankin started off on the mound for Red going three innings striking out four, while giving up two runs, and accumulating the win. Wes Voegel came in after Rankin going one inning, and giving up no runs. Shane Harris then took the mound going one inning, striking out two, and giving up two runs. Finally Jordan Goedde took the mound going one inning, striking out two, and giving up no runs. Red ended up winning the game 17-6 in six innings In the offensive category Goedde led the team with four hits two of which were doubles, Harris came in second, getting three hits, Ethan Rose and Alec Goetz each had two. Jarrett Motz, Seth Morrow, Glen Alexander, and Rankin all ended up with one hit apiece. Alexander and Rankin ended up with five walks altogether, with Rankin having three and Alexander two. “We only had one game this week, but I feel as if the players came in knowing they could win, and then showed it to the rest of us,” said head coach Josh Stoneberger. North Posey Black started off the week with Haubstadt Merchants. AJ Reynolds started on the bump for Black going three innings while giving up just one run in his win. Next came Ethan Morlock going one inning, striking out three batters in 11 pitches, and giving up no runs. Finally Josiah Ricketts came in going one inning striking out three, and giving up two runs. On the other hand, Black took off offensively. The team won 17-3 in five innings. Leading the team with three hits was Dalton Cox and Morlock, coming in with two was Quinton Fife and Reynolds, and getting one each was Grant Parker, J. Ricketts, Luke Gries, Tim Gish, and Brandon Hamman. Haubstadt was 7-2 coming into the contest. Next Black played Owensville. Hamman started on the mound going four innings, striking out six, and giving up just one run on his trip to another win. Morlock then came to the mound going one inning, giving up no runs, and striking out the side. Though their pitching was outstanding so was their concentration at the plate. Parker led the team with two hits, while Hamman, Morlock, and Fife ended up with one each. Black also drew many walks. Pitching and offense together led them to a 12-1 win. “With us already having many rainouts and then only playing two games this week, it has to be hard being a player not knowing when the next game will be, or at least it is as a coach deciding who is pitching those certain days, said head

North Posey Black pitcher AJ Reynolds reaches back to bring the heater during action this week at Haubstadt. Photo by Dave Pearce coach Damien Word. “But in all honesty the players have reacted well, and I am proud by the way we have been playing. Now we just have to keep that mentality up.” Why was anticipation the topic of this week? With the standings so close and North Posey Red and Black in the one and two spots it could leave one to believe that was the right thing to write about. It allows you, as the fan, to know what’s going through the players’ minds through these close standing games. Currently North Posey Black is in first place with a record of 7-1, and North Posey Red is in second with a record of 8-2. Both teams have a chance at the title, but it depends who will anticipate the next win, and which team will give it their all every single out of every single inning. North Posey Black will have three games this coming week. Monday June 9 at Owensville beginning at 7 p.m., Wednesday June 11 at Ft. Branch, also beginning at 7 p.m., and Saturday June 14 at home beginning at 5 p.m.. North Posey Red will also have three outings this coming week. Monday June 9 at home beginning at 7 p.m, Wednesday June 11 at home beginning at 7 p.m.

Winners of the Posey County Democrats golf scramble held Saturday at CountryMark are, left to right, Greg Redman, Eric Morlock, Thomas Clowers, and Martin Celebrating the championship of the Evansville Rural Baseball League Pinto tourna- Redman. Photo submitted ment this weekend are team members Joey Nobles, David Schutz, David Jones, Liam Medley, Connor Stevens, Aaron Weis, Blake Banks, John Thomason, and Landon McCarty. Coaches from left to right: Craig Cochran, Justin Nobles, Derek Stevens, Jason Schutz, and David Weis. Team sponsor is Weinzapfel’s Tavern. Not pictured are MadState Representative Wendy McNamara USI’s national championship is the third dox Potter, Andrew Maynard, and Jackson Clowers. Photo submitted (R-Mount Vernon) congratulated the Uni- team title for USI Athletics, joining the 2010 versity of Southern Indiana (USI) Men’s USI baseball team and the 1995 USI men’s NORTH POSEY MOUNT VERNON Baseball Team at a welcome home rally on basketball team. In addition, the Eagles have Monday. The team defeated Colorado Mesa captured seven individual national championUniversity over the weekend to win the ships. NCAA Division II Baseball Championship, “As a proud aunt of a redshirted freshman their second national title in program history. USI baseball team member, I was able to fol“The University of Southern Indiana is such low the team very closely this year all the a vibrant and important part of southwestern way to the championship game. I am looking Indiana, and I am proud to have it in my back- forward to future accomplishments and great yard and represent them at the Statehouse,” games in the coming years. I would like to said Rep. McNamara. “As a USI alumna, I congratulate the players on their championknow the university can open many different ship, and the entire coaching staff, especially doors for students and having a Division II Head Coach Tracy Archuleta, for fostering National Championship just makes being a talented and outstanding young men on and Screaming Eagle all that much sweeter.” off the field,” said Rep. McNamara.

USI wins Division II title


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Arena Sons of American Legion to hold Golf Scramble The annual sons of American Legion Golf Scramble will be held Saturday, June 28, 2014 at the Countrymark Golf Course. Tee Times are 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. Cost: is $160 a Foursome. For Information & to Register contact Waxey Walker 838-4130. North Posey seeks Tennis Coach North Posey High School is in search of a Boys Varsity Tennis Coach. Anyone interested in coaching boys tennis at North Posey may submit a letter by email to vferguson@northposey.k12.in.us or contact Athletic Director Virgil Ferguson, 673-6605 or Principal Scott Strieter, 673-6603.

Rep. McNamara praising the USI baseball team has they were honored at USI. Photo submitted

VIKING FOOTBALL CAMP North Posey Youth Football Camp set for July 28 through July 31 at North Posey High School football field. The camp will run from 9:00 to 11:00 am. This is for the incoming students in fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades for the year 2014-2015. Cost is $25.00 per camper. Checks should be payable to VIKING FOOTBALL and returned with the registration form to: Coach Paul Rynkiewich, 1510 Sassafras Drive, Evansville IN 47712. For more information, contact Coach Rynkiewich at 568-6366. Name: __________________________________________Age:_______Grade level for 2014-15 _______ Shirt Size (Adult): Small_______ Medium_______ Large_______ X-Large_______ XX-Large_______ Parent / Guardian Name: _________________________________Phone:_________________________ Address______________________________________________City/Zip__________________________


JUNE 10, 2014 • PAGE B5

LEGALS Court News Arrests May 29 Edward Todd Lewis— Mount Vernon—Residential Entry, Domestic Battery, Criminal Mischief—MVPD May 31 Danielle Moore—Mount Vernon—Disorderly Conduct—MVPD June 2 Dennis Waters—Mount Vernon—Battery--MVPD Complaints May 20 3:36 a.m.—Alarm—Main hall beam and B wing motion—High School Road, Poseyville 5:31 a.m.—Car/Deer— 2011 red Toyota Camry. No injuries, vehicle isn’t drivable. Doesn’t know where the deer went—I-64, Poseyville 7:15 a.m.—Abandoned Vehicle—A Dodge off in the ditch, partially in the road. Needs to be removed right away. Needing to oil the road—Base Road, Mount Vernon 7:17 a.m.—Hang-Up— On call back got busy signal—Williams Road, Wadesville 7:27 a.m.—Runaway Juvenile—14-year-old, black shirt, black pants, took off about 20 minutes on her bike, unknown direction. There was an altercation before her daughter left—Deer Creek Lane, Mount Vernon 9:59 a.m.—Repossession—2004 Pontiac Grand Prix, orange in color—Industrial Road, Mount Vernon 12:31 p.m.—VIN Inspection—2014 Razor—Farmersville Road, Mount Vernon 1:08 p.m.—Motorist Assist—Subject flagged officer down—Watertank and Cleveland roads, Cynthiana 1:37 p.m.—Alarm— Guard desk foot panic— William Keck Parkway, Mount Vernon 2:20 p.m.—Theft— Wants to speak with deputy. Daughter’s bikes were taken—Midway Drive, Poseyville 3:30 p.m.—Information—Out in reference to investigation—Copperline Road, Mount Vernon 3:44 p.m.—Extra Patrol—Advised several vehicles speeding up and down the road. Advised this occurs

all day—Diamond Island Road, Wadesville 4:12 p.m.—Information—Out in reference service—Vine Street, Mount Vernon 4:43 p.m.—Fire—House knocked down, burning shingles and siding. Advised has an oil tank up on its end burning out if it as well— Main Street, Stewartsville 4:57 p.m.—Information—Out in reference service—Sharon Drive, Evansville 6:44 p.m.—Burglary— Breaking and entering residence sometime after noon. Back window broken and several items missing—Stevens Road, Mount Vernon 8:02 p.m.—Traffic Offense—1 occupant, maroon Chevy—Lower Mount Vernon Road, Evansville 9:44 p.m.—Information—Out in reference service—Sharon Drive, Evansville May 21 12:13 a.m.—Suspicious— Caller advised there are two subjects in the area on a 4-wheeler, parks at the ball diamond and walks to her home. Caller advised she’s had problems with this in the past. Caller doesn’t want to speak with anyone but would like the area checked—Church St, Cynthiana 1:18 a.m.—Information— Out at the football field on foot. Officer called and advised that there are six turkeys that someone has let loose on the ball diamond. He advised a person needs to come pick them up. They have them locked in a dugout at this time and unless they receive another call, they will be on scene waiting—North Posey High School, Poseyville 3:13 p.m.—Miscellaneous—Caller advised her daughter hit something on the Interstate yesterday that fell off a semi. Subject did not call in when it happened, but is wanting to know if anything can be done—I-64, Poseyville 3:18 p.m.—Information— Requesting to speak to deputy in reference a breaking and entering he worked—Upton Road, Mount Vernon 3:27 p.m.—Motorist Assist—Semi with blown tire. Standing by while he changes it—Hwy 68, New Harmony 4:33 p.m.—VIN Inspection—No information—Canal St, Mount Vernon 4:53 p.m.—Information— Has questions for a deputy ref-

erence law on accidents that occur on private property— High Point Drive, Evansville 7:35 p.m.—Lockout—2006 Dodge, black, keys locked inside. Is aware officers are not liable for any damage—RV park, Mount Vernon 8:54 p.m.—Alarm—Residence, burglar alarm south basement door—Romaine Road, Poseyville 9:00 p.m.—VIN Inspection—2009 Yamaha—Ford Road, Mount Vernon May 22 8:31 a.m.—Escort—Escort from school to St. Phillips’ ball diamond at 9:00 a.m.— St. Phillip’s School, Mount Vernon 9:37 a.m.—Alarm—General alarm—Lower Mount Vernon Road, Mount Vernon 9:54 a.m.—Illegal Dumping—Half truck load of trash dumped on the south side of Broadway—Broadway/Posey County Line, Evansville 1:46 p.m.—Escort—Escort for the students—St. Phillip’s School, Mount Vernon 2:39 p.m.—Fraud—They had a fraudulent pay on May 4th. Stated that a Sheriff deputy came by on Tuesday, May 20th. They have more information to give to an officer— Broadway, Evansville 3:45 p.m.—VIN Inspection—RV—Bufkin-Springfield Road, Mount Vernon 4:49 p.m.—VIN Inspection—Boat and trailer— Ramsey Crt, Evansville 7:34 p.m.—Extra Patrol— Would like extra patrol in the area this evening and overnight. Caller advised that her daughter’s ex-boyfriend could possibly be in the area to cause problems because they tried to get her daughter’s belongings from his residence today—Elk Trail Drive, Evansville 7:44 p.m.—Breaking and Entering—Caller advised that two white males entered a vacant home. One was carrying a baseball bat, the other carrying a sword. On foot, possibly still in the home. Bright orange short on one subject—Country Homes Crt, Evansville 8:15 p.m.—Domestic— Caller advised that a female and male in a physical fight— Elk Trail, Evansville 9:05 p.m.—Car/Deer—05 Honda Civic. Deer is deceased—Hwy 66, Poseyville 10:07 p.m.—Suspicious— Female subject in green van doing donuts in the parking lot. Caller advised that the female and a male are screaming at one another—John Av, New

Legal Ads 2014-74 STATE OF INDIANA

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NOTICE OF SUIT The state of Indiana to the Defendants above named, and any other person who may be concerned: You are notified that you have been sued in the Court above named. The nature of the suit against you is a Complaint on Note and for Foreclosure of Mortgage on the following described real estate: A certain tract of parcel of land in Posey County, in the State of Indiana, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of Maple Street in the City of Mt. Vernon, Indiana, Seventy (70) feet South of the Southwest corner of Lot 88 in Kimball’s Enlargement to said City: thence East at right angle to Maple Street and along the South side of Lot owned by Oren Roettger, a distance of One Hundred Eighty (180) feet; thence South at right angle, a distance of Sixty-five (65) feet; thence West at right angle, a distance of One Hundred Eighty (180) feet to Maple Street; thence North along Maple Street Sixty-five (65) feet to the place of beginning. This lot is 65 feet front on Maple Street and with a depth of 180 feet. And Commonly known as: 244 S Maple St, Mount Vernon, IN 47620-2183 This Summons by Publication is specifically directed to the following named Defendants whose whereabouts are known to me: Siron Creswell a/k/a Siron Lamar Creswell a/k/a Siron L. Creswell This Summons by Publication is also specifically directed to the following named Defendants whose whereabouts are unknown to me: The Unknown Heirs at Law of Recie A. Ward and The Unknown Heirs at Law of Carl Hawkins, Jr. In addition to the above named Defendants being served by this Summons, there may be other Defendants who have an interest in this lawsuit. If you have a claim for relief against the Plaintiff arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. You must answer the Complaint in writing, by you or your attorney, on or before the 140h day of July, 2014, (the same being within thirty (30) days after the Third Notice of Suit), and if you fail to do so, a judgment will be entered against you for what the Plaintiff has demanded. DOYLE LEGAL CORPORATION, P.C. By: James L. Shoemaker ATTEST: Clerk of the Posey County Circuit Court 1 S. Brent Potter (10900-49) DOYLE LEGAL CORPORATION, P.C. 41 E Washington St., Suite 400 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Telephone (317) 264-5000 Facsimile (317) 264-5400 Published in the Posey County News on May 27, June 3 & 10, 2014 - hspaxlp

Harmony 10:10 p.m.—911 HangUp—On call back it doesn’t ring. Possibly phone trouble— Jackson Road, Mount Vernon 10:29 p.m.—Theft—Dark colored Ford pickup stole pipe from the plant. Requesting an officer to do a theft report— Darnell School Road, Mount Vernon May 23 12:42 a.m.—Traffic Offense—4-door Jeep, unknown occupant—St. Phillip Road, Mount Vernon 5:02 a.m.—Abandoned Vehicle—Red Ford pickup in the ditch. She has checked and no one is around the vehicle and the hazards are on—Mackey Ferry Road, Mount Vernon 9:22 a.m.—Suspicious— F-150, navy blue with silver trim. Vehicle has been in parking lot for at least a week— Main St, Poseyville 9:51 a.m.—911 HangUp—On call back sounded like phone trouble—Hwy 69, Mount Vernon 10:19 a.m.—VIN Inspection—ATV—Continental Camp Road, Griffin 11:23 a.m.—Suspicious— Subject has two active warrants through Vanderburgh County—West Franklin, Mount Vernon 11:32 a.m.—Agency Assist—Would like to talk to county officer in reference to protective order—Superior Court, Mount Vernon 1:23 p.m.—Domestic— Caller advised her son is intoxicated and verbally assaulting. Subject left in green Dodge van heading toward Griffin. Subject made it to location and they want him removed from location—Steammill, New Harmony 2:57 p.m.—Theft—Flowers taken from residence— East St, Griffin 4:30 p.m.—Juvenile Problem—13 year-old son was shot with a bb gun in the abdomen by neighbor juvenile. Caller states his son does not need medical attention. The juveniles are still outside shooting off the bb gun—Elk Trail, Evansville 4:55 p.m.—Motorist Assist—Silver passenger car with a flat tire too close to the roadway—I-64, Griffin 5:01 p.m.—Theft—Fencing was stolen from the property. Requesting a deputy—Harmony Road, New Harmony 5:30 p.m.—Extra Patrol— They have found more foreign debris in their lines. Does not need an officer but would like extra patrol in the area—Boberg Road, Evansville 6:10 p.m.—Theft—Requesting a deputy in reference theft report items were taken from inside the residence— hwy 165, Poseyville 6:11 p.m.—Fight—Father and son fighting. No weapons. They are on the bed fighting— Elk Trail, Evansville 6:43 p.m.—Reckless— White Trailblazer all over the road—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon 8:27 p.m.—Fight—Male subjects fighting in the parking lot—4th St, Mount Vernon 8:55 p.m.—Alarm—Garage entry door—Spahn Road, Wadesville 10:34 p.m.—Trespassing— male subject has returned to her residence from the hospital. She is wanting officers to be there so the male can get his things and leave. Female subject advised the male was her boyfriend—Elk Trail

Drive, Evansville May 24 7:38 a.m.—Hit and RunVan hit caller when trying to pass tractor. Busted taillight. Van continued northbound on Hwy 165—Hwy 165, Poseyville 8:37 a.m.—VIN Inspection—Camper trailer—Rippy Road, Mount Vernon 5:01 p.m.—Theft—Fencing was stolen from the property. Requesting a deputy—Harmony Road, New Harmony 4:02 p.m.—Suspicious— Green VW heading eastbound, threw a beer bottle in his driveway—Hwy 66, New Harmony 7:02 p.m.—Motorist Assist—Out with stranded vehicle—Hwy 69, Mount Vernon 7:00 p.m.—Threatening— Caller advised that his mother is going to harm herself or others. She has not made threats. She has locked herself in the bedroom—Ramsey Ct, Mount Vernon 7:50 p.m.—Domestic— Third party call reference domestic. Ex-husband called, advised that male subject has assaulted female subject. She is afraid to call. Received a second call that a male and female are outside screaming at one another. Female requesting the police be called. Male subject is intoxicated—Ford Lane, Mount Vernon 8:48 p.m.—Car/Deer— Gray neon hit a deer. Vehicle is drivable—hwy 62, Mount Vernon 11:17 p.m.—Information— Wanting a call about her husband taking her car to Dallas. She advised the vehicle is in her name and wants to know if he can actually do this— Posey County 11:43 p.m.—Family Fight—Advised verbal disagreement between family members. Advised is getting ready to turn physical—Seibert Lane, Mount Vernon 11:35 p.m.—Information— Wants to speak with officer in reference him having a hold on one of his vehicles that was found in a ditch—Upton Road, Mount Vernon Probate A. Pittman Dorothy Maurer-Stefl Betty Wolfe George Slagle Letha Webb Mary Steele Thomas Duncan Martha Krietenstein Opal Juncker Circuit Court Felony/Misdemeanor Deric Austin, 22, Mount Vernon. Theft, Class D Felony. a.m.ended to Conversion, Class A Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, restitution to Indiana Department of Natural Resources-Hovey Lake Fish and Wildlife in the a.m.ount of $256.67, One year probation and fees. One year Posey County Jail, suspended. Randi Delaney, 26, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Dealing in a Schedule II Controlled Substance, Class A Felony; Ct. 2- Neglect of a Dependent, Class C Felony; Ct. 3- Maintaining a Common Nuisance, Class D Felony. Ct. 1 is a.m.ended to Class B Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, $200 countermeasure fee. Ct. 1- 6 years Indiana Department of Correction; Ct. 2- 3 years Indiana Department of Corrections; Ct. 3- 1

Legal Ads 2014-77 Notice of Public Information Meeting The Board of Commissioners of Posey County, Indiana, will hold a second public information meeting on Thursday, June 12, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. (CST), at the Mt. Vernon High School auditorium, 700 Harriett Street, Mt. Vernon, Indiana 47620. The meeting will offer all interested persons an opportunity to receive updated information on the Posey County Western Bypass from the first public information meeting held on March 6, 2014. This project will connect the existing S.R. 69 William Keck Bypass around Mt. Vernon to S.R. 62 at the intersection of S.R. 69. The study will include a comprehensive look at the transportation and economic needs and potential solutions for Posey County and the surrounding region. A formal presentation will begin at 6:00 p.m. in which that time the purpose and need, preferred alignment, and the tentative project schedule will be discussed. Before and after the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity—and are encouraged—to review exhibits, provide comments, and meet with representatives about the project. Please direct any questions or comments concerning this project to: Kevin Jasinski, PE American Structurepoint, Inc. 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 (317) 547-5580 kjasinski@structurepoint.com Published in the Posey County News on June 10, 2014 - hspaxlp

year Indiana Department of Corrections, all suspended to Posey County Community Corrections Program. Amanda Gibson, 24, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1, 2Theft, Class D Felony. Dismissed. Brandon Jernigan, 22, Mount Vernon. Theft, Class D Felony. a.m.ended to Conversion, Class A Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, 10 months probation and fees, counseling. One year Posey County Jail, all suspended except 60 days. Stephen Nurrenbern, 48, Evansville. Ct. 1- Dealing in Methamphetamine, Class B Felony; Ct. 2- Unlawful Possession or use of a Precursor, Class D Felony; Ct. 3- Possession of Methamphetamine, Class D Felony; Ct. 4- Maintaining a Common Nuisance, Class D Felony. Ct. 1 is amended to a Class B Misdemeanor. Habitual Offender. Ct. 2, 3, 4 and Habitual Offender are dismissed. $1 plus costs, $200 countermeasure fee, restitution for clean-up costs in the a.m.ount of $64.51. Ten years Indiana Department of Corrections, consecutive to other case. Stephen Nurrenbern, 48, Evansville. Ct. 1- Arson, Class C Felony; Ct. 2- Burglary, Class C Felony. Petition to Revoke. Probation is terminated. Two years Indiana Department of Corrections. Jason Perry, 32, Princeton. Murder. Habitual Offender. Fifteen years probation and fees. Ct. 1- 55 years Indiana Department of Corrections; Habitual Offender, 30 years Indiana Department of Corrections, for a total sentence of 85 years, all suspended except 70 years. Daniel Poole, 31, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Attempted Fraud, Class D Felony; Ct. 2- Attempted Fraud, Class D Felony; Ct. 3- Receiving Stolen Property, Class D Felony. $1.00 plus costs, restitution to Cheryl Harmon in the amount of $254.36, 18 months probation and fees. Ct. 1, 2, 3- 18 months Indiana Department of Corrections, suspended. Rachel Schmidt, 23, Mount Vernon. Ct. 1- Dealing in a Look-a-Like Substance, Class C Felony; Ct. 2- Maintaining a Common Nuisance, Class D Felony. Ct. 1 is dismissed. Ct. 2 amended to Class A Misdemeanor. $1 plus costs, $200 countermeasure fee, 1 year probation and fees. One year Posey County Jail, suspended. Robert Wilson, 53, Wadesville. Domestic Battery, Class D Felony. Dismissed. Circuit Court Civil JPMorgan Chase Bank vs. Siron Creswell Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. vs. Roger Hogan, Roger Hogan, Roger Hogan, et al U.S. Bank Association vs. Timothy Stevens, Donna Stevens, Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated, et al LVNV Funding, LLV vs. Stuart Gregory LVNV Funding, LLV vs. Karen Seal Portfolio Recovery Associates vs. Jerry Chastain, Jr. LVNV Funding, LLC vs. Robin Lutz Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs. Robin Bergner Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs. Shawn Brown Second Round, L.P. vs. Darcy Rowland Midland Funding, LLC vs. Kimberly Chastain Cach, LLC vs. Michael Depriest KMA Medical Group, LLC vs. Sylvia Mercer, Alternative Health Care, LLC Marine One Acceptance Corporation vs. Aaron Johnson Superior Court Civil LVNV Funding, LLC vs. Bryan Priest LVNV Funding, LLC vs. Mary Rose LVNV Funding, LLC vs. Steve Morris Nancy Gumbel, John Miller vs. Metropolitan School District of North Posey County Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Brenda Porter Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs. Shawn Brown Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs. Robin Bergner

Continued on Page B7

PAGE B6 • JUNE 10, 2014


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Leasing a block structure with over 2500/ft of floor space. Has a full bath with shower, a 200/ft enclosed area for tool lock down as well as approx. 224 /ft overhead office. The structure is 30’ X 85’ with 18’ of head clearance. (2) 12’ X 14’ overhead insulated doors, one on each end of building. Building is equipped with a commercial Snap-On air compressor, fully plumbed along full length of building on both sides. Two small service doors. Large overhead doors have automatic door openers. 1 year lease minimum. Deposit required. Call Dan at 812-480-5010 for viewing.

New listing!!! 3BR/2.5BA home with a large .4 acre fenced back yard. Home has approx. 1504/ft ..downstairs has master bed with private bath. Upstairs has 2 bed with a full bath. roof is about 2 years old. Has 2 brand new zoned heating and air units with programmable thermostats. New renovation with remote fireplace and brand new kitchen and counter-tops. No basement, but has a 1 car detached garage. 200 amp load center all new wiring. Call Dan at 812-480-5010 for viewing.

Real Estate Auction

7750 Shireman Rd.

Want the country life? This is for you.... Pole Barn home with two bedrooms, one large full bath with big walk in closet. Eat in kitchen with lovely oak cabinetry and a laundry closet with two shelves. Spacious family room with ceiling fan light and 10 foot ceiling height making the rooms feel spacious and not cramped. Property offers 10 acres of land with abundant Peach, Blueberry and Raspberry bushes. Perfect home to live in while you build your dream home on this ideal spot! Seller is providing Home Warranty. MLS-201412226

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The real estate consists of 5.4+/- AC that is improved w/a 1,440 SF 2 BR, 1.5 BA home w/1,200 SF basement. The home has a large family room w/fireplace & bright eat-in kitchen. The property is further improved with several outbuildings as follows: 35’ x 65’ 2,275 SF wood barn, 23/ x 64’ pole barn, 18’ x 24’ pole type building, 14’ x 36’ lean-to pole type bldg, 7’ x 10’ metal storage bldg, & a 14’ x 14’ gazebo w/wood roof & metal columns. For more info & photos of this property visit www. curranmiller.com SHOWING DATES: Mon., June 2nd from 4 – 6 pm. TERMS: Contact auction company or visit our website at www. curranmiller.com BIDDING CENTER: Curran Miller staff will be onsite (9301 Hwy 65 – Cynthiana, IN) starting at 5:00 pm if bidders need assistance with the online auction platform. SELLER: Jerry & Venita Nottingham Hugh Miller, CAI - AU10000564 • Wendy Miller - AU10800094 • Ryan Miller - AU10800017 • Tim Coslett - AU10200040

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3.75 ACRES LOCATED IN WADESVILLE Rural 3.75 acre lot with no restrictions located in Wadesville. County maintained frontage road. Slightly sloping lot with some mature trees, but mostly open land ready for you new home. MLS # 201405705. $35,000 Call Andy today at 812-449-8444

1.043 ACRES LOCATED IN WADESVILLE Great 1 acre residential building lot. Gas, electric, and water available at the county maintained road. Slightly sloping lot with plenty of elbow room. No restrictions against pole barns or outbuildings. Country living at its best! MLS # 201404960 . $30,000 Call Andy today at 812-449-8444






Real Estate NEW HARMONY 4 BR, 2BA, 2445 SQ FT Victorian Home on fully fenced corner lot. Detached garage, large front and side porch. First floor has 10' ceilings, pocket doors, 12" baseboards, transoms and decorative tin ceiling in kitchen. Built in china cabinet in dining room. 2nd floor added 2007, 800 sq ft self contained living space on separate heating/cooling system. 3 walk in closets, one off master. New roof 2014! $225,000 Tel: 615-513-3099 to schedule a visit. OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND. JUNE 14 and 15: 1-4pm

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• 1 ½-Car Attached Garage 82’ x 112’ Corner Lot • Nice Upgrades & Finishes 1 ½-Story Brick Home YOC 1940 1,689 Square Feet 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath Full Unfinished Basement Sunporch

INSPECTION: Thursday, May 22nd 5-6PM; Thursday, June 5th 5-6PM; Sunday, June 8th 2-3PM; or view 1-hour prior to auction. All times CT. OWNERS: Charles & Beverly Moore Call for a Bidders Packet or Visit our Website 10% DOWN ON AUCTION DAY 10% BUYER’S PREMIUM

Great fixer upper or investment property in Cynthiana. This home features over 1500 sq. ft and offers 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom on the main floor and a full unfinished 2nd floor. Home is being sold “as is.” MLS # 1011585. $19,900 Call Andy today at 812-449-8444

PERFECT FOR THE FAMILY - PRICE REDUCED Beautiful well maintained home located on a quiet street in Wadesville. This home offers a charming front entrance with a covered porch and a beautifully landscaped yard. The home features over 1700 sq. ft and with 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths. The large eat in kitchen features plenty of storage and overlooks the beautiful backyard. The focal point of the home is the large family room which features high ceilings and a wood burning stove. The home also offers a 2 car attached garage, a screened in back porch, and 2 large storage sheds. The living room, bedrooms, and hallway all feature hardwood floors beneath the carpet. New in 2008, Decra metal shingle like roof with a 50 year transferable warranty. This home is a must see! MLS # 816595. $141,900 Call Andy today at 812-449-8444

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1227 Oriole Circle Remodeled 3 br, 2 ba on cul-de-sac $139,900

23 Lakeview Drive 4 br, 3 ba, 3300+sq ft & bsmt $289,700

801 Harmony Rd. 5 br, 2 ba, 2+/- acres $279,900

531 Mulberry 3 story, 5-6 br, 3 1/2 ba $209,500

825 Main St., New Harmony 4 br, 2 ba w/lots of updates $162,500

820 Magnolia 3 br, 2 ba, full basement $139,900

2840 Hwy. 69 N, New Harmony 4 br, 2 ba, 1783 sq. ft. $139,900

240 N Cale, Poseyville 5 br, 3 bahome w/inground pool $133,900

1620 Terrace Drive 4 br, 2 ½ ba, 2 car garage $124,900

12250 Raben Road Remodeled 3 BR on 2+ acres $119,900

709 Evergreen 3 BR, 1 1/2 ba wtih 1694 sq. ft. $119,900

318 Kennedy Drive 3-4 br, 1 ½ ba, 2 ½car garage $113,900 ACREAGE

Springfield Subdiv 1+ A lots - $25,000

Williamsburg Subdiv 2+ A lots - $40,000 826 Steammill, New Harmony 3 br, 2 ba brick ranch $104,900

424 Roosevelt Drive 3 br, 2 ba, 2 car garage $94,900

631 E 5th St 3 br, 2 full ba, lg kitchen $77,900

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3800 Copperline Rd E 5.02 A - $38,500


JUNE 10, 2014 • PAGE B7

LEGALS Court News Continued from page B3 LVNV Funding, LLC vs. Peggy Wright Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union vs. Robert Reeves Cavalry SPV, I LLC vs. Elizabeth Cox Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. vs. Joan Parrish Atlantic Credit and Finance Special Finance Unit, LLC vs. Brooke Cohoon Mount Vernon Mobile Home Park vs. Krista Mattingly Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Christain Johnson Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Ashley Bannister Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Beth Travelstead Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. John Carter Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Shelly Nelson Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Austin Miles Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Angela Genders Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Diane Hancock Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. John Norflett Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Alpha Banks Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Ann Wilkerson

Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Larry Walther Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Tiffany Thompson Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Shirlie Holmes Deaconess Hospital, Incorporated vs. Jonathon Ricketts Mount Vernon Mobile Home Park vs. Tim Funkhouser Tower Construction vs. Dustin Drury Funk’s Carpet Showroom, Incorporated vs. Scott Champlin, Adele Champlin Funk’s Carpet Showroom, Incorporated vs. Mike McGrew, Samantha McGrew Twin Lakes Mobile Home Court, LLC vs. Heath Wheeler, April Wheeler Twin Lakes Mobile Home Court, LLC vs. Chelsie Koutz, James Koutz LVNV Funding, LLC vs. Charles Hester LVNV Funding, LLC vs. Jonathan Gish LVNV Funding, LLC vs. Donna Gregory LVNV Funding, LLC vs. Twana Howell LVNV Funding, LLC vs. Gary Rankins LVNV Funding, LLC vs. Sylvia Corum

Hope Welsh, Jeff Welsh vs. Justin Jones Hoosier Accounts Service vs. Adam Stewart Hoosier Accounts Service vs. Brandi Carnahan Evansville Homes for Rent.Com vs. Sean Enlow Hoosier Accounts Service vs. Kerri Hayden Hoosier Accounts Service vs. Tammy McIntyre Hoosier Accounts Service vs. David Devine Cash-Pro, Incorporated vs. Daniel McCoy Cash-Pro, Incorporated vs. Thomas Clark Cash-Pro, Incorporated vs. Charles Smith Cash-Pro, Incorporated vs. Joseph Whaley, Michelle Whaley Cash-Pro, Incorporated vs. Roger Bebout Cash-Pro, Incorporated vs. Donald Cannon Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Jeanna Crossen Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Janet Helfert Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Zachary Reagan Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Jennifer Fischer Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs.

Clifford Emerson Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Robert Powell Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Gregory Mercer Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Angela Bolin Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Maria Berry Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Scott Hedrick Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Claudia Kinnaird Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Jolene Weir Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Richard Beirman Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Jeremy Todd Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Ronald Raymond Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Heather Wentzel Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Brooke Huntsman Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. J. A. Johnson Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. Darren Lloyd Med-1 Solutions, LLC vs. James Crawfis Tower Construction vs. Casey Yeida Capital Alliance Financial, LLC vs. Cody Johnson Capital Alliance Financial, LLC vs. Sabrina McCarty

Evansville Homes for Rent.Com vs. Shawn Givens Hoosier Accounts Service vs. Jason Nelson Hoosier Accounts Service vs. Amber Tichenor Hoosier Accounts Service vs. Kathryn Carr Tamara Anderson vs. Rob Weyerbacher Schneider Funeral Home vs. Gale Siletchnik John Bollinger vs. Jerrid Edmonson, Christine Edmonson Twin Lakes Mobile Home Court, LLC vs. Ryan Hanebutt Twin Lakes Mobile Home Court, LLC vs. Charlotte Hailman, Jonny Williams Twin Lakes Mobile Home Court, LLC vs. Maggie Romero Twin Lakes Mobile Home Court, LLC vs. Melvin Englebright Twin Lakes Mobile Home Court, LLC vs. Paula Jochin Wannemuehler Oil Company, Incorporated vs. J and M. Automotive Enterprises, Incorporated Wabash Food Service vs. Tammy McIntyre Midland Funding, LLC vs. Emmie Wacker

Midland Funding, LLC vs. Amanda Mastison Midland Funding, LLC vs. Justin Abbott Midland Funding, LLC vs. Frank Broz Midland Funding, LLC vs. Derek McCarty Midland Funding, LLC vs. Joseph Troutman Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. vs. Amanda Kolb American Acceptance Company, LLC vs. Kerry Alldredge Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management vs. William Palmer Indiana Farm Bureau insurance, as Subrogee of Eugene Grabert, Jr. and Sara Grabert vs. Casey Winegar Lillian Woolsey vs. Randall Thornburg Fifth Third Mortgage Company vs. Brian Stallings, Michele Stallings, City of Mount Vernon, Indiana Wastewater Treatment Utility, et al Fifth Third Mortgage Company vs. John Hassler, Amy Hassler, Fifth Third Bank (Southern Indiana) Fifth Third Mortgage Company vs. Eric Hunt

CLASSIFIED ADS Page 2 of 2 Help Wanted

Yard Sales

IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! Job Fair Thursday, June 12 1:00 - 3:00 pm. Alexandrian Public Library in Mt. Vernon, IN. Production 1st Shift - $8/hr. Order Picking/Forklift 1st shift - $9 & 2nd shift -$9.75/hour. In a major pharmaceutical warehouse in Mt. Vernon, IN. Please call 812-477-5350 for an application. Diesel Mechanic with oilfield knowledge wanted for local trucking company. Pre-employment drug test mandatory. Benefit package. Send resume or letter of interest to Trucking, 139 IL Route 1, Grayville, IL 62844 The Mount Vernon Police Department will be testing for the position of Police Officer. Applications may be picked up at the Police Department at 526 Main Street, Mount Vernon, Ind. from June 1st through July 21st. Applications may also be downloaded at www. mountvernon.in.gov. All applications must be returned by 4pm on July 21st. Seeking PART TIME DIETARY AIDE for beautiful, historic Assisted Living Facility in New Harmony, IN. Perfect job for students! Please call 812-682-4675 or stop by the Charles Ford Memorial Home at 920 S. Main St. New Harmony to fill out an application. Thank you!

BARTENDERS WANTED in Posey County. Weeknight and weekend shifts. Send name & contact info to: Bartenders wanted, P.O. Box 258. Poseyville, IN 47633 Or send an email to: Bartenderjob30@yahoo.com

For Rent / Lease SPACE FOR RENT 1500 sqft. at 311 Main Street. Mt. Vernon in RichLind Emporium building. Call 812-270-3644

East Park Apartments. Now accepting applications for current openings in our 1 bedroom apartments. • Rent based on income • Paid water/sewer/ trash • On site laundry facility For more information please call 812-874-2139 or stop by our office at 30 N. Walnut Street Poseyville, IN. Equal Housing Opportunity • Handicapped Accessible 11/12tfn

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Apartment Living At Its Best 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments 3 Bedroom Townhouses • Total Electric • Water Included • Appliances Furnished • Laundry Facility on Site • Rent Based on Income • Immediate Occupancy with Approved Application

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Transitional Services is seeking caring people to provide in home and community support services to adults with developmental disabilities. We currently have immediate openings for our Direct Service Professional’s in the New Harmony and Mount Vernon area. We have full- time, part-time, and PRN (on-call positions) available. If interested, please apply online at: www.jobs. thementornetwork.com Applicants must be at Visit us online at: least 18 years of age, have www.poseycountynews.com a valid driver’s license and current auto insurance. Criminal History, Driving Records and Professional References will be checked. EOE

Last Weeks Solution

Food Service Manager (New Harmony, IN) FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT -- CDM Healthcare Services Group, Inc. currently aggressively seeking a CDM (Certified Dietary Management) and/ or 2 year Culinary Degree candidates with Long-Term Care knowledge. If words like CONSCIENTIOUS, DEPENDABLE, ENERGENTIC, SELF MOTIVATED best describe your management style, then we have a career opportunity for you. PREFER CANDIDATE TO BE CDM CERTIFIED. Please provide current resume when applying. Please send Resume to Kirk. Artrip@hcsgcorp.com and please specify the location you are applying for.


Sudoku and Crossword

Sudoku of the Week


The solution to last week’s puzzle:

PLACE YOUR AD TODAY: 812-682-3950

Misc. For Sale LARGE COLLECTION of Matchbox Cars: 1965, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70s. * Yesteryear cars * 1970s Hot Wheels cars (No Boxes). Call 812270-0197 For Appointment. Poseyville, Ind.

Crossword of the Week CLUES ACROSS 1. The woman 4. New Rochelle college 8. If not 12. Rotating mechanism 13. Strong sharp smell or taste 14. Squash bug genus 15. Eggs 16. S. African Anglican bishop 18. Draws taut 20. One who tears down 21. Killed 22. Focus during yoga 26. Boxing referee declares 27. Morning 28. Make very hot and dry 29. At right angles to the keel 31. Basalt layers of earth 35. Most abundant rareearth 36. Possessed 37. __ Hess, oil company 39. They __ 40. 17th state 41. Actress Sarandon 42. Nostrils 44. Speech defect 47. Atomic #73 48. Chewing treat 49. Determines time 53. An edict from the tsar


56. Lariate 57. Dreary 58. Cruise/Nicholson movie 62. 7th Greek letter 63. Tubings 64. “Blue Rider” artist August 65. Trent Reznor’s rock group 66. Recess 67. Picnic playwright Wm.

68. Turner or Danson CLUES DOWN 1. People of the lochs 2. Czech playwright Vaclav 3. Gave forth 4. Frozen drinks 5. Many not ands 6. Matchstick game 7. Embellish 8. Goes into 9. Twin Peaks actress Piper

10. Very fast airplane 11. Cologne 13. Benign glandular tumors 14. Used to cut and shape wood 17. __ King Cole 19. Japanese deer 22. Vitrines 23. Princely area 24. Mother-of-pearl 25. A___ - is in accord 29. Get _ _ of 30. Bay of All Saints state 32. Supernatural forces (N.Z.) 33. Promotional material 34. Rubicund 38. 12th Greek letter 39. Military weapon 43. No. diving sea birds 45. Place emphasis on 46. P. Reubens’ Herman 50. Dawdles 51. 1st Japanese Prime Minister 52. Ruth’s Mother-in-law (Bib.) 54. “Socrate” composer Erik 55. African antelope 57. Ice hockey fake 58. Expression of triumph 59. Dandy 60. Actor Aykroyd 61. Microgram

PAGE B8 • JUNE 3, 2014


‘Courage’ continued from Page B1 nosed with Cancer once again. This time, it was in the lymph nodes in and around her lungs, as well as in her liver and adrenal glands. The family was crestfallen, as the diagnosis was grim. After many rounds of testing, she was eventually diagnosed with Metastatic Cancer of unknown origin, causing the tumors that quickly spread about her body. She immediately began Chemotherapy treatments on a regular basis. Through all of this, she remained strong and continued on with her normal life, supporting her family and friends as they supported her in her struggle with her disease. She spent her time with her family, supporting them in all that they do, never missing a function and never letting her cancer stop her from doing what she wanted to do. Whenever one of her children or grandchildren had an important event in their life, she was there to cheer them on and show support. Her determination to beat this disease showed every day, in her efforts to maintain as ordinary a life as possible. She underwent her Chemotherapy treatments stoically, never complaining of them or their side effects. She smiled to see her family around her every day, and was always quick with a warm greeting and a strong hug. Even though she had had continual Chemo treatments since June of Twothousand and twelve, she didn’t let it stop her from doing what needed to be done. Her attitude in the face of this adversity, and the support of her family and friends, both old and new, got her through even

the toughest days. My Grandmother, Sue Wassmer, was taken from us on July thirty-first, Twothousand and thirteen. She fought and persevered for over a year after her diagnosis. She was strong, not for herself, but for her family. She always told me, “It will be ok”. She refused to let it change her life, until she was physically unable to stop it. Even then, she continued to support us more than we supported her. It will be ok. She was a rock. A pillar of strength and courage. A beacon of Hope in the Night, shining bright through the gloomy pall that her Cancer had draped around our lives. She made us smile when we wanted to frown. Laugh when we wanted to cry. Hope when we wanted to Despair. It will be ok. Each new day was an opportunity at life, and a gift from God. Each new day was used to its fullest, to fight hard against her disease. Her struggle instilled hope in us all. Hope that the disease will be cured, some day, so others don’t have to suffer. Her paintings are an inspiration to the community and to all who see them, and will continue to be so for many years to come. Each day, her courage and strength was an inspiration to her family and friends, showing them that even the greatest of challenges should be met head on. All it takes is the right attitude and a healthy dose of Heart. Two things that my Grandmother had in great abundance. All of this, and much more, is why I would like to nominate my Grandma, Sue Wassmer, for the Annual Courage award.

Southern Indiana new area code info

Starting September 6, callers to parts of southern Indiana will have to use a new area code – 930, in addition to 812. Due to an increase in demand for telephone numbers, the addition of a new area code is necessary for the same geographical area as the 812 area code, bringing mandatory 10 digit (area code + 7 digit phone number) dialing for local calls to the 812 area. Here is a brief rundown of how this change will affect customers in the current 812 area code: What will remain the same for now? Custom-

aled as area code plus 7-digit telephone number. If you do not use the new dialing procedure, your call will not be completed and a recording will instruct you to hang up and dial again. 1 + 10-digit dialing still applies for toll calls. Beginning Oct. 6, 2014: New telephone numbers may be assigned with the new 930 area code as 812 numbers are at capacity in individual wire centers. For more information call Larry Robb Director Posey County EMA 812-838-1333

‘Needs’ continued from Page B1 can work in the garden when it is wet or when it is dry. “The neat thing about it is I am doing this at my house, too,” Nall said. “A couple of years ago when we had the bad drought, I looked around Cynthiana and I think I was the only person who had tomatoes in August.” Douglas took over as pastor of Fair Haven in 1998. “We have been converting an old gymnasium into a church house,” Nall explained regarding the church building. “We’re just kind of a ‘hands on’ people and we are doing it as the money becomes available.” “The idea is that when we are done with this, people can come over here once a day without asking and get tomatoes or green

beans or whatever we have,” Nall said. Next year, plans call for the garden to nearly double in size as woodchips now are over the place where the old burned-out house stood. “That will be composting over the year,” Nall said. “We’re hoping it will be really nice when we are done.” “We will never till or plow this,” Douglas said, summing up the project. “I am 63 years old, will soon be 64. I am doing this because I feel like this is what the Lord has put in my heart to do. I gave my life to Christ back in 1983. I was 33 years old. I told God that up until that point, I had lived my life the way I wanted to live it. From that point on, I want to live according to his plan and purpose. So whatever he wants me to do, I’m going to do it as he gives me the strength to do it.”

TO PLACE AN AD: CALL 1-812-682-3950 OR EMAIL: ads@poseycountynews.com


er’s existing telephone number, including area code, will remain the same. The price of a call and coverage area will not change. Local calls will remain local regardless of number of digits dialed. Customers will continue to dial 3 digits to reach services such as 911, 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711, and 811. When will the change take place? Beginning Sept. 6, 2014, it will be mandatory to use the new 10- digit dialing procedure for all local calls. Calls will not complete unless di-

Home Improvement/Maintenance/Construction

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PAGE B10 • JUNE 10, 2014


RED LANTERN SUMMER STROLL ART FESTIVAL At right, Armand Motz tends to his wife, Peggy’s booth during the Red Lantern’s art festival. Photos by Theresa Bratcher Red Wagon Manager Brent Tharp shows off his ice carving skills during Saturday’s art festival.

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Chainsaw artist Jim Tharp, right, and assistant Eric Potter pause for a photo during the inaugural event.

The AARP Automobile & Homeowners Insurance Program from The Hartford is underwritten by Hartford Fire Insurance Company and its affiliates, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford CT 06155. CA license number 5152. In Washington, the Auto Program is underwritten by Trumbull Insurance Company. The Home Program is underwritten by Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company. AARP does not employ or endorse agents or brokers. AARP and its affiliates are not insurers. Paid endorsement. The Hartford pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP membership is required for Program eligibility in most states. Applicants are individually underwritten and some may not qualify. Specific features, credits, and discounts may vary and may not be available in all states in accordance with state filings and applicable law. You have the option of purchasing a policy directly from The Hartford. Your price, however, could vary, and you will not have the advice, counsel or services of your independent agent. 1 In Texas, the Auto Program is underwritten by Southern County Mutual Insurance Company, through Hartford of Texas General Agency, Inc. Hartford Fire Insurance Company and its affiliates are not financially responsible for insurance products underwritten and issued by Southern County Mutual Insurance Company. The Home Program is underwritten by Twin City Fire Insurance Company.



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