July 31, 2012 - The Posey County News

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NP 30th Class Reunion North Posey Class of 1982 will hold a 30th Reunion on Sat., Aug. 11 from 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. at RiRa’s on Evansville’s Riverfront one block west of Casino Aztar. Cost is $27.50 per person. RSVP and questions please contact Robb Webb at rob_webb@floridalift. com, Jerri (Hill) Hatfield at j.hatfield@insightbb.com MVHS Orientation Mount Vernon High School Freshman Orientation will be held July 31, 2012. The orientation will be held in the MVHS Performing Arts Center from 6:30 - 8 p.m. Iincoming MVHS freshmen are invited to attend. Adsisory board to meet The Posey County Community Corrections Advisory Board meets on Monday, September 10 and Monday, November 19 (due to Veteran’s Day). The PCCCAB normally meets on the second Monday of every odd month at noon at 208 Main Street, Second Floor, in Mount Vernon, Ind. For more information, please call (812) 838-1327. NP Class of ‘97 Reunion North Posey class of “97” will hold their 15 year class reunion on Sat., Aug. 25 at the Red Wagon in Poseyville, Ind. at 6 p.m. Buffet is $18/person, please RSVP to Emily Maier-Stevens at emilystevens9@ gmail.com or Stephanie ThornburgKennedy at sskennedy@insightbb. com. Back to School Blitz set Mount Vernon Nursing and Rehab, 1415 Country Club Road, will host its “Back to School Blitz” on Friday, August 3, from 2-4 p.m. Refreshments will be served while basic school supplies--pencil pouch, pencils, pens, glue, scissors, highlighters, erasers, rulers, markers, colored pencils, crayons, paper, & folders--are given away. Drawings will also be held for one Mom’s Day Spa Basket and two backpacks filled with supplies. Relay to update survivor list The Mount Vernon Relay for Life committee is updating its survivor mailing list. If you are a cancer survivor and live in Posey County or know of a Posey County resident who is a cancer survivor, please send name and address to: Relay for Life, P.O. Box 633, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 or mvrelayforlife@yahoo.com River Days Parade to honor This year, the Mount Vernon River Days committee wants to honor all Posey County teachers. If students want to honor a specific teacher in the parade, or a classroom or the entire school wants to be in the parade, they are welcome. Please see the page entry form on this week’s Business Page. Back-to-school help is here For many families, back-toschool is a mixed blessing— but it’s expensive however you look at it. If you or someone you know needs help, backpacks with gradeappropriate supplies will be given away on Monday, August 6, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Tuesday, August 7, from 1—6 p.m. at Hedges Central Building, Entrance #11 (Black Township Parks & Rec Community Center) in Mount Vernon. Appointments are needed. Students must accompany parents. Picture ID and proof of address are required. Call 812-838-6875 or toll-free at 1-877838-6868. Relay mums available Relay for Life teams from St. Francis and St. Paul’s are selling locally-grown 9 inch mums for $8 each, to benefit Relay for Life. They are taking orders now through September 1 with delivery on September 8. Like us on Facebook and check out our page for color information.

Tuesday July 31, 2012

Volume 132 Edition 31

Local woman is charged in Gibson County hit-and-run Arrest finally made in April 25 mishap According to Indiana State bound dragging the bicycle unPolice information officer Todd til she allegedly stopped near Ringle, Indiana State Police have Coalmine Road to remove it from made an arrest in connection to the underneath the vehicle. April 25 hit and run crash that seriBauman continued north on U.S. ously injured then41 to Princeton and 23-year-old Aaron failed to contact poHenry, of Princeton. lice as required by Friday afternoon law. Indiana State PoHenry was airlice indicated that lifted to St. Mary’s 24-year-old BritHospital where he tany Bauman, of was treated for seriMount Vernon ous injuries. turned herself in to Later that mornthe Gibson County ing, Bauman alJail. legedly drove her Shortly after middamaged vehicle night on April 25, to an Evansville Bauman was travelbody shop to have Brittany Bauman ing northbound on it repaired. She also U.S. 41 south of Coalmine Road. reported to the Posey County SherAaron Henry, 23, of Princeton, and iff’s Department that she had struck his 19-year-old friend, were said a deer the night before. Nearly 21 to have been riding their bicycles hours later, Bauman contacted Innorthbound on the shoulder of U.S. diana State Police regarding her 41. involvement in the incident. For unknown reasons, Bauman’s After reviewing the investigation vehicle left the road on the right conducted by Indiana State Police, side and struck Henry’s bicycle. the Gibson County Prosecutor’s He was immediately thrown from Office issued a felony warrant tohis bicycle and collided into the ve- day for Bauman’s arrest. She was hicle’s windshield. released after posting a $750 cash Bauman’s car continued north- bond.

Mount Vernon Mayor John Tucker knows how to dress for a good cause. Here he is pictured Saturday afternoon with McKim’s IGA store clerk Mindy McGuire, who alone raised $398 of over $2,000, for toys that Santa will distribute to children at this year’s Christmas on Main Street in Mount Vernon. Tucker had promised to dress like a woman to draw attention to the fundraiser. Photo by Pam Robinson

Posey County welcomes Quality Magnetite LLC By Pam Robinson The Mount Vernon Board of Public Works and Safety first welcomed new industry, Quality Magnetite LLC, with a vote Thursday approving a sewer tap-in where its new $3.5 million coal preparation facility will be built at 6401 Leonard Road N. The same evening, the Mount Vernon City Council, when meeting as the Water Utility Board, approved a water tapin for the building site. Officials agreed to work out the details regarding documentation, costs and procedures. Steven Kopsolias, CEO for the Kenova, West Virginia-based company, appeared at both meetings to request the tap-ins and to introduce Quality Magnetite to officials. Accompanying

him was John Taylor, Executive Director of the Posey County Economic Development Partnership. The gentlemen said they had worked together for the past two years to forge the Posey County connection. Kopsolias said Quality Magnetite will need eight employees at start-up with a potential of hiring up to 22 employees as the company secures more contracts for its services. He said all permits are in place now except the building permit, expected in just a couple of weeks. He hopes to start laying the foundation in three weeks and projects a realistic start date of midto late November although a late October or early November start-up is possible. As the company website (www.qualitymag-

netite.com) states, “Quality Magnetite, LLC has a long and proven history as the industry leader in the sourcing, processing, and distribution of magnetite – a naturally occurring mineral used in heavy media separation as well as a multitude of other industrial applications.” The website explains further, “Magnetite is used in the coal industry as heavy media for coal preparation plants. Heavy media is used to help separate the valuable coal from all unwanted material also known as refuse or GOB (Garbage of Bituminous). Separation is achieved by the density and gravity composition of the heavy media. The heavy media must have a more dense composition than coal and be less dense than the refuse.”

New director Frye ready for Susanna Wesley open house By Pam Robinson For Lisa Frye, the new director of Susanna Wesley Nursery School, her reason for working with preschool children is elementary. Although she enjoyed teaching West third graders and Marrs sixth graders in a former life, she admits, “I really like pre-kindergarten kids.” She emphasizes, too, that Susanna Wesley supports her Christian faith and provides her with a second family. “I can teach about Jesus, God and religion here,” she says. “We all know each other here and get along well.” A lead teacher at Susanna Wesley for 21 years, Julie Cotner welcomed Frye as a lead teacher 18 years ago. Both women possess degrees in elementary education. Supporting them as assistant teachers are Stephanie Erbacher and Melinda Robinson, who herself holds a degree in psychology. Frye looks forward to continuing as a lead teacher even as she assumes administrative duties as director. She believes in Susanna Wesley and the quality of education it provides children, ages 2-5, in a variety of classes. Children turning 4 years old by August 1 attend pre-kindergarten classes, either on a three- or fiveSusanna Wesley director Lisa Frye has retuned to her preschool roots. Photo by Pam Robinson day-a-week program. Classes for 3 and 4 year olds meet twice a week; children must turn 3 years old School. This year, Frye will also bring a number of special visitors to the by August 1. Point Township resident Cathy Burnett leads a playgroup for 2 classroom to share their special talents in, for example, painting, sewing and and 3 year olds one day a week; children must turn 2 years old by August 1. pottery. All classes meet from 9 to 11:30 a.m. In all these ways, Susanna Wesley strives to meet its holistic objectives: A new option allows students in pre-kindergarten classes to enjoy extend- for students to grow emotionally, intellectually, socially, physically and spiried hours until 1 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday. tually. For those with children too young to attend regular nursery school classes, The costs remain reasonable for Susanna Wesley’s priceless instruction. Susanna Wesley offers “Mother’s Day Out,” a program available on Friday Pre-kindergarten classes run $80 per month regular hours and $114 per mornings, again from 9 to 11:30 a.m., for parents who need just a few hours month extended hours for the three-day program. The five-day pre-kinderof child care without the commitment of regular daycare. Parents may drop garten program costs $125 per month regular hours or $158 per month exoff and pick up their children as needed and pay by the hour. tended hours. Tuition is $65 per month for 3 and 4 year old classes. PlayEnrollment remains limited to 16 children in each classroom with a lead group tuition is $40 per month. In addition, a non-refundable $10 registration teacher and a teacher’s assistant. In this way, the teacher-student ratio stays fee is assessed for each student. Limited scholarships are available through fixed at 1:8. The individualized attention allows teachers to work with stu- the Rev. Ed Miller Scholarship Fund. dents to identify and meet their learning needs and to prepare students adSusanna Wesley Nursery School will host its open house this coming equately for kindergarten. Monday, August 6, from 6-7 p.m. Frye welcomes both families already en“We offer lots of science and enrichment activities,” Frye comments. “We rolled in classes and families newly signing up for classes. The open house also work on letter recognition, sounds and numbers.” will provide information, a tour of classrooms and refreshments. In addition, students enjoy such annual field trips as attending the PhilSusanna Wesley Nursery School is located on the First United Methodharmonic Lollipops Concert, flying kites on Hedges hill and visiting Jerry ist Church campus at 601 Main Street in Mount Vernon. “Susanna Wesley and Marsha King’s Solitude pioneer village. Frye laughs at the mention of appreciates the continued support of First United Methodist Church with another special field trip, the bus ride with ‘Mr. Lisa,’ the students’ name for monetary donations and scholarship funds,” Frye comments. For more inforFrye’s husband David aka a long-time school district employee, now direc- mation regarding the nursery school, parents may call 812-838-2835 or may tor of buildings and grounds as well as principal of Farmersville Elementary email new director Lisa Frye at susannafumc@gmail.com.

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